Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1967, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februcry 28, 1967 9A BOARD'S PROGRAM SUMMARIZED | E Regional Planning Has New Look Here By tne six area Councils the Minis-,and the Ontario Department of # Wm. F. H. McADAMS(MTPIC)/ter of Municipal Affairs, in Municipal Affairs . k inetd of mcg and i May, 1965, defined the same six] 44, any VEAP operation All i retary-Treasurer, Central, On-}municipaliti C nicipalities as the Central -oliminary research has been ( tario Joint Planning Board.|Ontario Joint Planni 8 | nt Planning Area. |completed' and schematic con- The British North America|NAME MEMBERS ' cept plans will be developed Act of 1867 delegated to the! Local councils appointed their)" the resolution of certain Seger the powers to make/members to the newly formed/?S!¢ servicing problems, The lg relating to property and|board and by February, 1966 an|®tario Water Resources Com- ie Ba in the province. loffice had been acquired and mission is now undertaking @ & legislation {s general-lexperienced planning staff en-|¥@te" supply and pollution con- Eg pose to fall under this | gaged. A planning program was es nS the region and the gory and as one mayjadopted, a budget approved and|tario Department of High- expect, we have a myriad of|work started on the task of|"4¥S has recently completed a Planning laws and processes, |studying the region and prepar- Traffic Planning Study of a varying from province to prov-|ing a long range master plan large area extending easterly te ik a ; lfor its development. re ee ee Toronto, and in 5 cludi reg enacted The Paaine hal ae Although > great deal of} del eegan: mitting municipalities, to plan| ae ee ae sate "aig f " tely 23 jmeans; or in other words, what and laying down a procedure|{°Me im the past years, no agen-/0 | approximately spite Nias sash abated ehiee ? Aviad miles we have a 1967 population |kind of future environment. will for this activity. It is interest- of about 120,000 vant: cl ! ing to note that this legislation| : about 120, _Persons It|they want; what kind of region; jand co-ordinating local efforts looks as though we will havelwhat way of life. It appears WILLIAM McADAMS social and cultural facilities; [how will they move about the F: pete rivat . whit. In the regional planning area |27e@ by private or publie cy had examining the responsibility of the entire region, Sart iva)? | TF 9 oggaaeg rather than|anq proposals. The: establish-\twice that number of residents} that if any area of any country FAsnine ehuens |ment of the Central Ontario in another 20 or 25 years. Thejin the world has an opportunity NID s Joint Planning Board remedied|questions we have to ask our-|to make its own choice -- we _ During the 10 years follow-|the situation -- the new region-|selves are: where will that/do. We can have bes or ing the passage of The Plan-|al planning board has the statu-|quarter-million people work andjugliness, convenience or incon- ning Act all six municipalities tory duty of preparing a plan|Where will they live; how long{venience,. safet: r danger -- in the Oshawa area set up local|for the entire area. will be their, we veek andjthere would appear ea jhow will they wish to spend/choice available for eve ele- planning boards, and in 1956 the City of Oshawa, with the Towns| SUMMARY GIVEN of Whitby and Bowmanville and) The regional planning board's the _ Townships of Darlington,/program can be summarized|aa [art Whitby and Whitby estab-|as follows: jlished the Oshawa Regional) 1. establish a working liaison Planning Association. This As-|with all area local governments | sociation was a volunteer andjand agencies, and provincial | era of relative world peace. The|was constructed for the produc- Co-operative agency, financed|and federal department oper-| by grants from each of the six|ating in the region. | . Oshawa Sho in t following year saw the «aio |tion of 40 mm anti-aircraft, 75 Sowiete i } en Te of World War I and for four/mm and 4.5 cartridge cases on municipalities, having no legis-| 2. undertake a comprehensive) - long years the British Empirc|a three-shift basis. Radar cab-|!ative basis and possessing only|research program to provide an| and her allies battled to ulti-jinets, army huts, munitions|@4visory powers. Throughoutlinventory of existing human} ~ ft. ' mate victory. It was during this|shelters end a wide range of Pe nine years of operation, the|and physical resources. @ Custom Cabinet Work a enants In 1956 war period, in 1916, that thc|other war materials were also|"SS0ciation did pioneer work in} 3. determine possible growth| founder's son-in-law, Walter R.|manufactured eq grirlghhds econ planning injand the future needs and de-| & Store Fixtures sep f el , fos an aware-| <j | coe succeeded him as presi |PEACE-TIME EFFORT g sires of the area. On the cessation of hostilities |Social their leisure time; what kind ofjment that together makes up housing will they need and what our total environment. Perhaps a z THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE IS ONE OF THE FINEST SHO PPING MALLS IN NORTH AMERICA The Centre Is Patronized By Thousands Of Families In Osh awa and District TODAY SINCE 1946 I 4, prepare a general plan for] inter-|the long-term development of ness and understanding of the| then mayor, and economic | Norman Down, turned the first sod for the Osh- awa Shopping Centre in the 1955 ceremony, along with Mr. G. A. Wandless, Alderman Walter Branch, Mr. Roy Barrand, Al- derman Christine Thomas, and Alderman Orville Eagle, as well as the Shopping Centre Owners, with many key people in the Shoping Centre Industry, in at- tendance, It required an enormous amount of faith and imagina- tion on the part of the owners and the original tenants of the Oshawa Shopping Centre to join forces in what was then the lar- gest open mall shopping centre in Canada. For the T. Eaton Company -- {t was their first venture into a suburban shopping centre - for the other 28 tenants it was a gamble with a new concept in shopping. The layout, the en- trances at either end of each store, the landscaped centre mall, the underground trucking and in many ways a little frigh-)stand still and the owners have| the area. tening. But their faith and their|in recent years been negotiat- imagination had paid dividends} ing to add additional facilities as shown by the fact, that to-jto the Shopping Centre, and day there are some 80 business|they expect shortly to enlarge operations in the Oshawa Shop-|the Centre by adding a second ping Centre and that, in many|department store, an 800-seat Pedlar People could look back| at a job well done and line their sights on peace-time objectives. fabricated from sheet steel] At the end of the conflict, the | ne company quickly converted dependence of the six. municl- to peace-time products and to-|palities. Although the Associa- day major product groups in- bt yg g? staff and a minimal : cea clude expanded metals of alljbudget, it managed to have a A vast variety of productsi;ings: steel shelving, bins and|number of ockers; infinite access floorsjundertaken As a continuing task, the re-| gional board also has the re- sponsibility of commenting on all subdivision applications in} technical studies the area and all local official | by consultants. ways, it is not only the largest but the best of, the chain of shopping centres operated by Canadian International Proper- ties Ltd. FULLY LEASED The entire Shopping Centre is now fully leased -- stores as well as the office area and the variety of merchants and the range of merchandise, make it one of the most at- tractive places to shop in On- tario. Although the bulk of our customers come from the. City of Oshawa, on any single day, a check of the cars in the parking lot will find people from as far away as Peter- borough, as far north as Oril- lia,.as well as many Toronto residents. concourse and the seemingly vast parking lot were all new, However, a successful shop- ping centre cannot afford to were put on the market. The metal roofing, sidings, ceiling tiles, shingles, culverts, prefab- ricated metal garages, barn ac- cessories, refrigerator stamp- ings, car bodies, fenders, muff- lers, gas tanks} radiator shells and other stampings of many kinds were now being produced in a new plant built in 1920. movie theatre, an automotive centre, a post office, and pos- sibly a second supermarket. At the time bf these additions to the Oshawa Shopping Centre, a decision 'will be made as: to the economic feasibility of en- closing the mall. At present it is located on 53 for use'in computer and data/These studies confirmed the processing areas; metal culvertjneed for a formal regional \pipe; eavestroughing; metal|planning organization and sub- jroofing and siding for farm and|sequent to the petitioning by strictly plan changes. Its powers are} advisory recommending courses of ac- tion to the six local councils however, 341 French St. Phone 723-7589 .@ Modernfold Doors dealer HARLEIGH Manufacturing \industrial buildings; metal lath and plastering © accessories; barn and stable equipment; ven- tilating pipe and shaft liners for the mining industry; and a var- iety of other metal products for acres and are proud to have 55 stores doing business here and there is parking for approxi- mately 3,500 cars. In the final analysis, the most important element in the success of any shopping centre is the quality of its merchants. Over the years, not only has each mer- chant proven his individual worth, but they have joined to- gether to form one of the This plant, which has been en- larged and improved since that time, houses the present manu- facturing facilities of the com- pany. ; ' Under the capable leadership of W. R. Geikie, the company prospered in the 20's; survived the great depression of the 30's; and at the outbreak of hostil- ities in 1939 geared up for war production. An entire new wing construction, road mainte- nance, farm and industry. John G. Geikie became pres- ident in 1950 on the retirement of his father due to ill health. He has been associated with the company since 1931 in various positions and under his leader- ship the Pedlar organization continues to forge ahead. strongest and most effective ORWICH merchants' associations in Can- ada. | Pedlars Here Since 1861 "Keeping everlastingly at. it brings success' is the slogan which has appeared for a great many years on the letterhead of the Pedlar People Limited who are presently in their 106th year in Oshawa. By keeping "everlastingly at it" this 100 per cent Canadian owned company has grown from a humble tinsmith's bench in 1861 to one of Canada's largest fabricators of metal products occupying more than 250,000 equare feet of manufacturing epace in the City of Oshawa. In addition to the Oshawa fac- tory the company has branch premises in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver. Manu- facturing is also carried out at some of these branches. 'The history of the Pedlar Peo- ple is a story of growth and change, reflecting graphically tion that has taken place In Can- ada since Confederation. It is a story too, of the part the Pedlar People have played through peace and war in aid- ing Canada's progress and de- fence. But primarily it is a story of success ... a success made possible by the ttemendous esprit de corps of its employees both past and present. GUIDING GENIUS From 1861 until his death in 1913, every stage in the com- pany's growth was marked by the guiding genius of George Henry Pedlar. With little cap- ital, but under the guidance of a master mind, he forged with- in his lifetime an industry of nation-wide importance. A man of driving energy, he was equal to the demands placed on himself, and from others he expected _a like effort. His attitude held no outward show of paternalism, yet he was the social and economic evolu- mindful of employee welfare! and his helping hand was ever extended in time of need. In 1892 a small stamping plant was built to manufacture metal roofing, siding and ceil- ings. By the turn of the century, the Company had become estab- lished as the Pedlar Metal Roof- ing Company and business in- creased so substantially that yearly additions to the building had to be made. During the period prior to World War I, several members of George Henry Pedlar's im- mediate family were included among those on the office staff and visiting salesmen were quick to note the number of; /f "Pedlars'" associated with the business. So the term '"'Pedlar People" became used with such} | frequency in reference to the \j firm that the founder did not overlook its possibilities. "We | are known as the Pedlar People so the Pedlar People we shall be," he remarked and in 1911 the company was incorporated i as "The Pedlar People| | Limited', He also reasoned that, 'After all, our customers are people, and people would rather deal with. people than with a 'Company' or 'Corpora- tion'."" The passing of the company's | coincident with the end of an founder in the year 1913, was | F TO EVERY PRESCRIPTION WE ADD... » EXPERIENCE SERVICE . Infinite care and precision, plus Since 1909 Horwich Jewellers have offered a tradition of. service to the people of Oshawa and District. Credit ) errmsg | 58 YEARS MR, MAX PALTER Manager of the Popular Oshawa Shopping Centre Store re si) ees Two Modern Stores To Serve Yous» » es MR. SAM HORWICH JEWELLERS Serving an ever growing Community for over Son of the founder of Horwich Credit Jewellers Thad JEWELLERS | 20 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH years of specialized training go into | the filling of every single prescrip- HE} tion at our pharmacy... Our . E DING d : rT}. knowledge, experience and skill [7] Sam Horwich (son of the founder of W L an : Gre your assurance that your pre- Horwich Jewellers) who manages r ABRIC ATORS LID { scription will always be compound- the doyntown store at 20 Simcoe : £ ; ed with the same painstaking ac- St. South, and Max Palter, manager curacy, | of the Oshawa Shopping Centre DESIGNERS ® FABRICATORS Store, sincerely hope they may con- @ STEEL @ STAINLESS STEEL Rete | tinue to earn the outstanding pat- @ ALUMINUM @ SHEET METAL | ' GUARD YOUR HEALTH | ronage they have enjoyed in the Consult your Doctor in cose of Iliness end | st. @ GAS @e ARC @ TIG @ CATERING TRUCKS Bring your Prescription to Us. Pers @ TRUCK BODIES @ FACTORY EQUIPMENT \ FREE CITY - WIDE DELIVERY @ SHEARING @ FORMING %4" x 10° , e@ MIG WELDING '@ STEEL SUPPLY MITCHELL'S 4 \ s s PK Welding and Fabricators Ltd. DRUGS °*"" | HORWICH Ltd. | | 747 BLOOR ST. W. OSHAWA oh baie vine 725-8031 j mcoe Nort 23-3431 : | = a | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- i ! : ! 4¢ea4444 6 6:2 4 a4 ea enae ses eatag

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