Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1967, p. 14

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ne aR ERIS 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Februery 27, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' - Individual Championship Play) South dealer, Neither side vulnerable. THERE'S A TICKING SOUND, MAYBE: & BOMB'S CONCEALED SOMEWHERE, DONALD DUCK I KNOW, BUT r--( ONCE IT STARTS ee*L OOK OUT! ITS ONE OP THE DRAG RIDERS COMIN' ON REAL STRONG, "VE USES IT GVERY DAY FOR FIFTEEN YEARS 'The bidding: South West North East INT Pass S3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead--six of spades. There are some plays that go clearly against the grain, but which, if you stop to think about them, are obviously right. Here is such a play. It oc- curred in the match between Argentina and the United f States in 1958. At both tables the contract was three no trump, and at both tables the opening lead was the six of spades. At the first table, the Argen- tine declarer played low from dummy and East made the highly unusual play of the ten. South won with the queen and Ted a club. East took it with the ace and returned the king of spades to the ace, thus establishing three spade tricks for West. When a heart was later led from dummy, East rose with the ace, returned a spade, and South went down one. At the other table, the Argen- tine East won the openin spade lead with the king an returned the ten to the ace, JANE ARDEN S/GH!-| MUST MOVE.TO LESS ELABORATE. QUARTERS pe FIRED!) ON S010 MAINTAIN BACHELOR PART YOU ASKED FOR IT, FEDS! 'TAKE YOU DOWNTOWN, sh RIGHT INTO THE SWING OF THINGS! YOUR LAST MOVE, FOSDICK? BLOWING UP ALLTHE, : j os RADIO STATIONS IN } TOWN WAS MERELY > VR, Se) zee =e ty edie A \ ERE MY FIRST MOVE." ee LI'L ABNER Ontario George ( nomics BUSI Gr St. SECRET AGENT X9 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ARE FEATURING wae they cast BRAND NEW w When he got in with the ace of clubs, he led another spade, thus establishing West's sult CHICAG( but this time, since West ha ened St. L no entry to cash the spades, the just starte : ' contract was made. great expe The ten of spades {s clearly Now, lo = sanceeeeaemnianianieie the right play at trick one, ninth year since West cannot have the greater ex coe TE L E V I S I O N 1, © G queen. With 12 points in his own big probler EVERYBODY'S hand and 11 in dummy, East {s The carg AGAINST NE AN! 2! 2 ONLY GOT ONE Channel 12~Peterdorough) 4--Ford and Hines ' 11:08 A.M. in a position to know that only risen to t BROKE BESIDES FRIEND IN THE WORLD. Channel 1i--Hamiiten | 10:00 P.M. | \2-Romper Room 17 points are left to account predictions : Channel Toronto =| 7--Ivan_ivanovich | Sr. and Mrs, for South's notrump bid. (Both But tolls , Ps. Channei 6--Rochester 3-4-12--Front Page | 1l--Mike Douglas ' . Channel J-Settale _Shallenae, Hare Z=Supermarket Sweep North - South pairs were play- An Asso & Chane) ¢--Buttele 24-Run For Your tite | 3é--Mr. Dressup. ing 16 to 18 point notramps.) shows tha' a Channel &--Barrie 10:30 P.M. 2--Matches and Mates West therefore can have at economic tf Channes 3--Butfate W-THE, Cat | go tts AM most one point in his hand dreds of n Ss MONDAY EVENING she Land Is Peopie 11:38 AM. and, applying the Rule of Facilities = 12--Three Stooges S--Probe Profile Sorina Come ioe ho it has to be the jack of dollars ha i--Family Theatre | 11:00 PM, 2-8-Hollywood Squares jspades. the waters t--Superman 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show South can actually counter Atlantic u te kine ese aaa 12:00 NOON East's play of the ten by ree Valley an Passport t-Viewpoint pe earicon Fay fusing to win the first trick, but Lakes to ¢ te 7 de Poth -2--Jeoparay s would be an extraordinary je sea Eats top | Saket teeaiter. Sorts | one, Mee play to make. It 1s difficult for larger ves 2--Of rile ae Seas paige Be ae 4--News and Weather him to deliberately limit him- Lawrence Pr valle Soak $-4--Johnny Carson 3-Popeye and Pale self to one spade trick when ened to 27 --Movie 7--Movie 12--Movle he has two in plain sight. so betwee $4-Giliigan's Island 4--Movie ll--it's A Match s Montreal. | 44-12--Weather, Sports 11.95 PAM. +News, Weather, I DIDN'T ae 4 PM. $---Profile ae Sports KNOW you'D NHL OLDTIMERS WIN constructet facconber 9--Court Martial sEye Guess ij ® FREDERICTON (CP) -- The i 6-4--Search tor Tomorrow ALL ORDER . TONNAGE he wee | ee Somer "Gein | NHL Oldtimers defeated Fred- The first News Clr! From U.N.C.LE. |'ge-ouminn tiem ericton Junior Red Wings 87 in the seaway naviptoge eWyntere neste 1:00 P. an exhibition hockey game be 000 tons, 5 N--Gllligen's Island TUESDAY Netheare fore 1,300 fans Sunday. It was pected. Ye Family Affair 6:00 A.M. Dialing for Doliers the second victory in two days nage incr ta True Adventure 'Captain, Kangarop Girl Talk for the Oldtimers, who trounced --_-- 3--Rat Patro! 'Albert Steed a eee, Saint John 14-6 Saturday. The 6--Luncheon Date . ren Nerrice $--Romper Room 4--Meet the Millers Oldtimers' lineup included ex- "1 PA. %--Dialing For Dollars, | > ve oy, Toronto Maple Leafs Ed Litzen- 1 N--Daktar! Girl Talk &4--As The World Turns berger and Brian and Barry g--Lucilie Ball 9:00 A.M, 2-8--Let's Make a Deal Cullen. bee 7--Iron vere ona 11--Little People 2:00 P.M. ey : - 3-612--Don 'Messer (Seems 'prudden Te Nanywes oan rT Ail £ KNOW IS THAT MR. )| | WE'RE FRESH OUT OF NUTS, AND ONLY OPEN-AR OFFICE WEST O' THE 74--Monkoes s<Uncle Bobby $2Password SALLY'S SALLIES R.C. KLONDIKE. PHONED AND, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO EVEN PECOS, FRIENDS: SIT YOURSELVES $--Bewitched S--Crossfire. 24--Days of Our Lives EAD TO MEET HIM AT HIS LOOKED INTERESTED IN FINANCING, DOWN AND HELP ME REDUCE ~ 8--I Dream of Jeannie Ee ee ima OFFICE... THIRD BENCH FROM OUR NEW RESTAURANT, . STARVATION AMONGST OUR, 3412--The Saint Gloria 9--People In Conflict TORON1 THE WATER FOUNTAIN! 4+--Mr. Territic 4--Love of Life &--Coronation Street YOUR HEALTH in 16 Car MeN a0 PM, a Pet a dada aie Coie tric plants wv Viepeceaianal Site Jack LeLenve 28--Doclors munities v ly Griffith 10:00 A.M. 12--Calendar today afl Ee Rat Patrol 'cu dst Pinyin a Martlage eontidential Good G 1 Is Good company t=) 'Lucille Balt BrcResch forthe Stere | %--Words and Music rooming membersh _ a 9:00 P.M, 4--Candid Camera 8--Pat Boone Petticoat Junction 3612--Canadian schools | 8-2--Another World The 8,50 5 Tis autres ee ee Leh ls ials F of fhe Un FROM WEIROSVILLE, Z 4--Andy Griffiths VoMacured Phrases | 612 Take 30. mmercials unny and Machi i Pre tar s Squad 8-2--Concentration 3:28 P. ; ica, voted 790 ° n iy lope tinbitee™ | 3.00 wm 0 MOLNER, MD é of accepti N--Merv Gritfin : $¢-12--Frlenay 'Giant N--Farmer's Daughter By JOSEPH G. ? ' contract v JoPeyion Place 34-12--Chez Helene 7--Superman show Dear Dr. Molner: As students|important. It makes the differ- peinad pba at a beauty school, we study ajence, eventually, between hav- rat cent 0 bik course in good grooming. Weling teeth and not having them. "7 ae _ rj aaa CROSSWORD have found an article saying} Drainages from infections of pertinent What bart oe The cal 7 smsrercrs |mouthwash is useless. The girls|sinuses or. nose are important rooklyn is that? oo 'THE WEATHER FOR AOROSS 41. Garden 12. English BEALAB Ai iviat] |would like to know your views|sources of bad breath. Mouth-\5>9 probably not as common parte" ai wi spots in lo} jon this.--v. S. wash obviously can't affectinut it is there. Raw pork can beer atelk BS the I won't go so far as to say|them--and once again the odor| couse trichinosis, from a tiny walked of! = Sahara that it is useless, but I have to|is On aa that treatment 48)qrganism which can be killed Feb. 6 laugh at some of these TV com- |nceded. ; : 1 . a neeciats, In the first 15 seconds| Exudates from disease tonsils ae ce St ta tare an acl p= --_-- i \the boys won't kiss her, and injor adenoids, or from some ail- Again, cooking kills them. iil analy peel OlelTEICITMMAISILIA], |the last 15 seconds she's walk-|ment of the intestinal tract, or! ear Dr, Molner: What {s aan peal 8 DIRIAINIKMBORIAILIS! jing down the aisle in her wed-|the lungs (bronchiectasis is @)nypertension?--A. V. 'Minimun ee mane SSR HIRT |ding gown because now shejrelatively common source of| "jy, just another term for cath Aer saan ners Satarday's Anewef J -ioshes the right kind of mouth-|bad breath) fall in the same endiat the 3. Extra- 21, Poet 30. Moon wash. § class. * ordinary 22, Seasoned valley It's about as sensible as ex- Mouthwash _ may he tempo- es person: el. soldiers, $1, Accumu- pecting a squirt or two ofjrarily refreshing, and I don't . & Queer ' for short late cologne to make up for never|intend to pan it. But when some- alr H-M/ NOTHING BUT 8, French 28, Foolish 83. Cuckoos taking a bath. Some folks try|body's breath bowls you over ' LEFTOVERS IN THE article fancy #4. Exclamar it, but if they are dirty enough |It's time to tell her to find out 6. Closes 24, Former tion of to smell, it takes more than|what's wrong, not just refer her tate provinceof «sorrow cologne. to the mouthwash commercials. 0 %. Spanish Prussia $6. Seif The girl who stays clean does "ee 25. Ave 87. Greek not really need cologne, but it} Dear Dr. Molner: Can fre- 8. Epoch 27. Exchange "letter adds an esthetic touch, and you|quent urination and straining to VANCOL , Bogy pasa hy 89. Negative can say about the same thing|urinate in a 10-year-old boy be Affairs M % * menthe ¥ ly for mouthwash. If you really|a nervous condition? It started Indians S 10. Green gem igs have bad breath, you needlafter a serious eo infection their hed ' something more. two. years ago. A urologist ex- can e TRpeEPpPwePrepire Mie genus will cover u s-jamined him and found nothing tual equali r Kee guise mild food odors, but\I|wrong. I've thought of taking ans. " wouldn't advise a beauty oper-|him to a neurologist.--Mrs. F.J. He told 3 hia ator to eat a lot of onions and| Since the urologist found no hood conv' U. expect mouthwash to make her|bladder problem, this frequency it is n 1S V7 4'6 Gu breath smell like roses, Smok-/could be due to diabetes in- dians to a WE BAP TO TELL YOU 28, Hoosier z /. Vs ing doesn't help either. eoarge It i gt wise e gy Ba : ' Y V7/429 ave him examined by an in- l ea HE'S BRINGING HIS bg a ve U, oo .. he im,|{ernlst or neurologist. GARY NESBITT partment's Ss V//\2\ GAR rushing teeth can be im-) (Note that diabetes insipidus community a 9, Malay UA, U, Y portant, but some people havelis not the common '"'sugar dia- Representative opment. fe 80. gl 23 (24 Y 25 gaps and crevices in which bits|petes" or diabetes mellitus. It Commu! 32. Show M ZL of food collect and decay, andjjs a considerably different dis- said, seek wa " State: , 26 Gia WG can't easily. be loosened with alease, but is. featured by ab- - munity'so te me eo -L4 pode tooth brush. But a few inches|normal intake of water and half. It we 33 = wh 28 29 On 31 of dental floss .can clean be-|frequent urination.) Assurance Company local gove . aan y a tween the teeth where neither of Canada 2,267 Indie "ee 32 WY 35 G brush nor moutitwash help. Dear Dr. Molner: I wish you - The | re ow 35. Leveled 35 36 Yi Diseases of the gums can/would again make the point that Oshawa Shopping program i 4 37. Girl's : " smell very bad and nothing will|eating raw beef can be as harm- Centre way, the r name 38 39 help except having the diseases|ful as raw pork. I have a son pose is to E $8. Miltary treated (pyorrhea, Vincent's|who does not think this is. pos- Phone 725-4563 eenomic. b dreas 40 | Ue disease, etc.) From the: health| sible ----Mrs. deB. : eben red | to help ba 48. Came ue tandnaint. auch treatment ds es a different kind of danger, bese has t

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