Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1967, p. 1

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IKE" STARR PLANS TRANS-CANA OTTAWA (Special) -- A cam- paign based on major speech- es_in each of Canada's 10 pro- vinces is being planned by Mi- chael Starr, MP for Ontario, and candidate for the leader- ship of the Conservative Party. Mr. Stgtr-satd Pxiday in an interview that he Was trouble convincing the news media that he is, in fact a serious can- didate. "T am definitely in the race but 1 do J not plan an o fficia kick - off to my campaign for some weeks yet. I think that those who have already started full scale campaigning are star- ting too soon," Mr. Starr said. His difficulty in being accen- ted as a candidate in press and radio reports is based on the fact that he has said he will only run if the present party leader, John Diefenbaker, does not. But at a speech in Tim- mins this past week, Mr. Starr said quite plainly that he does not expect Mr. Diefenbaker will try to succeed himself at the September convention in Toro- onto. He told the Ottawa bureau of The Times that he has not discussed Mr. Diefenbaker's po- sition with him but is quite convinced that at the approp- riate time Mr. Diefenbaker will let it be known he does not plan to run. This will signal' the official start of Mr. Starr's drive At the same time, the Oshawa MP said, he could not wait in- definitely. If Mr. Diefenbaker did not make an announcement by mid-June, he would not be able to wait any longer but would have to make his own plans and conduct his own cam- paign regardless of the present leader's final intentions. Mr. Starr said that his cam- paign will be concentrated in the last two to three months before the convention and will feature one major appearance and speech in each province, Starr supporters in major cit- ies across 'the country will be making plans for large public meetings at- which Mr. Starr hopes to attain maximum news exposure and impact. He is thinking in terms of attracting one, two and three thousand people at each of these meet- ings. But he has no intention of neglecting the individual app- roach to convention delegates, As soon as delegates are ap- pointed in each riding, they will A LEAD recieve a letter from Mr. Starr. Later at the convention, he will make 'a personal approach to each one. In the meantime, Mr. Starr is speeding up the number of appearances he makes at small- er meetings and club speaking engagements across the count- ry. He is not seeking these but all invitations that he recieves are being accepted within limi- tations of time and .place. Observers here believe that the main reason why Mr. Dief- enbaker is withholding any for- mal announcement of his in- tentions is for fear of hurting his own effectiveness .in the House of Commons. At his best during the Com- mons daily question period and in wide ranging debate in the house, Mr. Diefenbaker recog- nizes that an announcement that he was not running and was a mere caretaker leader would lower his influence and pres- tige in the Commons, MICHAEL 8TARR Weather Report Little change anticipated to- day. Windy and cold. Tonights low, 5, high Sunday 22 Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Ghe Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY .25, 1967 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department 10¢ Single Copy tawa and for payment of Postage in Cash S5sc Per Week Home Delivered VOL. 96 -- NO. 47 TWENTY-TWO PAGES | Sweeping Change New Rates Would Affect Wider Field Of Income OTTAWA (CP)--A sweeping] Finance Minister Sharp prom |Canadian ownership of Cana- program of tax reform, whichlised careful study, without!dian busines would take 10 years to imple-jhaste, and plenty of time for af Sales -- The present 12-per- ment even if the government!fected groups to air their views |cent federal sales tax,) now hid- adopted it now, is proposed by! RR eee jden at the manufacturer's Fs the Carter royal commission on REJECT SUGGESTIONS would be moved Gu te ak taxation Some pet opposition projects.) 4+ the retail level at seven per : It calls for drastic cuts in in-/Such as allowing deductions| cent. Ultimately, the commis way Thursday. | & 2Z come taxes in the upper brack-|{"0m federal income taxes for|cion jioped, the tax could be re- A Toronto General Hospital) ¢ Boe J ets and lower rates generally | Payment of municipal property| qyced and the field turned over |spokesman reported today that| | the \Mrs, Lucille Borrego, 24, of| ; \Drew Street, died at 9.30 p.m. Friday as a result of multiple} head injuries. Mrs. Borrego is the second victim of the accident which has already claimed the life of Mrs, Maria Sousa, 37, of Glid- don Avenue. The accident occurred about thalf a mile east of Ajax. | station wagon in which Second City | Woman Dies After Crash TORONTO (Staff) A sec- ond Oshawa woman has died} as a result of an accident on! the Macdonald - Cartier Free for the medium- and low-income|taxes, were rejected by entirely to the provinces. groups, But the new rates would) ©CO™MMission, Co - operatives --.They and be based on a wider field of in-|) The multitude of individ-| credit unions would be taxed in come, including capital gains,jual commission recommenda-|the same way as other busi- gifts and windfall receipts. \tions were interwoven to form|ness enterprises, with neither All businesses, large anda single package, making it dif-| advantages nor disadvantages small, would be taxed at a flat| ficult for any government to im-|in relation to corporations. rate of half their incomes after|plement part of it without ad-| Gifts--Other than gifts within expenses. Special privileges for|opting the whole, in the opinion|a family or bequests to a widow the mining and petroleum in-\of tax-law authorities. leak dependent children, all dustries and for life insurance} As was predicted in advance gifts would be taxed as income companies and banks would bejof its tabling in the Commons|to the recipient: No deduction wiped out. ei \Friday night, the report recom-| would be made by the donor. The commission based its;mended taxing capital gains--)There would be no estate or gift plan on a. basic principle of/ the increase in value of a per-jtax as such. . equal treatment for all taxpay-|son's investment in property or, Houyses--In applying the pro- ers, corporate and family, as-/the stock market. posed capital gains tax there sessing all kinds of income whe-; But the commission proposed! ould be a $25,000 lifetime ex- ther wages and salaries or em-|a formula which would soften emption for Hanoine resulting ployee benefits such as free use|the blow by giving full tax cred-|from the sale of an owner-oce of company automobiles. jits for corporation taxes paid on cupied House or farm eet | There was little immediate/dividends distributed to share-/ j3xpenses -- Employees would political reaction to the plan of holders. ba pilowed to charge as a de the six - member commission; The 842,000 + word report) qiction f i : c des "eg rom gross income the headed by Kenneth Carter, Tor- filled six volumes and 2,600) aypenses necessary in holding jonto accountant and tax expert./pages. It weighed 17 pounds,|;poj, jobs three ounces. : High Living -- Drastic limits Among the recommendations, would .be put on expense-ac- i ax Plan novel pool or ta exper-!count living for travel and for i aiillica t eel and women °rtertainment of clients | and fee 4 | prospects, OTTAWA (CP) -- Main re- jand their dependent children| 'Sharing--The federal govern- commendations of the Carter junder age 21--or 25 if still in) mont was asked to stop aking have been estimated to con- royal commission on taxa- , : ' {school -- would be taxed as al f, aia A ; A urther income-tax concessions tain 840,000 words. The re- tion family unit on their aggregate Aina port. wal tabled Weldey tn my 8g jto thé provinces, and to move - A new comprehensive tax : ' |imeome, rather than as individ-/r)1y into the field of corpora- the Commons by Finance | hase to make several addi- : uals. ss tion taxes. Minister Sharp. tional forms of income subject | Marriage -- Withdrawal of @ Administration -- Tax collec- eld Wirephoto _| to tax, including capital gains, |Person from a family unit, say.|tion should be divorced from windfalls, employee fringe |bY a youngster getting married) the government and put in the benefits, family allowances or coming of age, would neces-| hands of an independent, non- and unemployment insurance. OSHAWA MAYOR ENJOYS BREAKFAST IN PARK of the Central Zone of the with the chairman of the Oshawa Boy Scouts Asso- city centennial co-ordinating ciation who braved five be- committee, Hayward Mur- low zero weather to sleep doch. Milk and orange juice in the park overnight. Out- were served 'n their solid door equipment through the state, frozen. eae years was displayed at the --Oshawa Times Photo |Mrs. Sousa and Mrs. Borrego! . were passengers, collided with a gasoline tanker and crashed to the bottom of a 30 foot bank|- off the eastbound lane. The driver of the station wagon, Mrs. Beatriz Subotich, 26, also of Drew Street, was re- ported "semi conscious" and in jonly fair condition at the To- jronto General Hospital this morning. Driver of the tanker, Robert! Platt of Scarborough is still in! Ajax and Pickering General| Hospital and was reported in condition this camp including old axes and snowshoes to snowmo- biles. District Scout Mast- er Kevin MciInnis is serv- ing bacon and egers to the Mayor and Boy Scout Pres- ident William Murray along In zero temperatures this morning Oshawa Mayor Er- nest Marks ate breakfast out in the cozy open air setting-of Memorial Park. The occasion was a Centen- nial project by the leaders "Strangler" Ontario Bound "Strangler" ~ Best Police Lead Says May Seek BRIDGEWATER, Mass. (AP)} St tae conditions Face Surgeon Police said today that theirj/but said he thought DeSalvo "best single lead to date" on|might be travelling with an-| They surrendered to Martin| Albert H. DeSalvo, self -.pro-jother person in a car. |Fay, chief counsel for the com-| r , claimed Boston Strangler who| Earlier the FBI joined in the|mission, at a bar in Weilliam,lnoeder pethe aae toe escaped Friday, is that he|widening search for DeSalvo. {10 miles west of Boston and | tices were on alert can (oA: i satisfactor: headed toward Ontario. GHTIN WARRANT jabout 35 miles from the hos-|ro- escaped mental patient id monte y ik tt ts raga ~ The FBI got a warrant charg. |? |bert DeSalvo, believed to be| After the tanker collided with Pp : armed and heading for nines Station wagon it apparently ital. }|ing DeSalvo with unlawful flight Sheer ie mien Nad Called. 8 Assi Attorney - General|!ng Desalvo w ' ght) i investigator ! t i Assistant Attorney 5 committee investigator and told from Bridgewater, Mass. jack-knifed on the highway and Donald Conn, co y ; fl ; sliced into the side of a panel - ordinator of|to avoid imprisonment for rape| him where they were. i : the search for DeSalvo, 25, who|and suggested that $100,000 bail! fay said Fred E. Erickson,|. Provincial police said they ; | escaped with two others from a|be asked on his capture 140, of Brockton, and George W.|have been informed DeSalvo, truck driven by Joseph Surette mental hospital said: | Two other men who escaped|Harrison, 33, of Westford, told 35-year-old self-proclaimed Bos- : ES eagle ing was uninjured | i i pins Conn would not give details KENNETH CARTER, 60, a tax expert from Toronto, holds one volume of the six- volume report of the royal commission on taxation he headed. The six volumes, plus an index, weigh 15 pounds and one ounce and a ecAce | sitate assessment of the fam-|nolitical board of revenue com- ily's unrealized assets, and a micsioners. sve4ernee Taxation of families as |i rear hy ym Tu | units, with provisions for cathe". NEWS HIGHLIGHTS come fluctuations over five eae Storm Wreaks Havoc On Ontario Hwy. BARRIE (cP) -- High winds and drifting snow have closed parts of highways 400, 11 and 27 to northbound traffic in this area. U.S. Troops Contact Viet Cong SAIGON (AP) -- U.S. infantrymen flushed a comp any of Viet Cong guerrillas in War Zone C today for the first sizable contact with the enemy since the start of Operation Junction City, biggest offensive of the war, Changing the 12 - per --cent federal sales tax, now applied at the manufacturer's level, to a seven-per-cent tax ap- plied at the retail level, 3,161 of a total 3,560 Application of a flat 59-per- cent tax on all corporation in- come and replacement of in- vestment incentives with rapid - depreciation privileges for new and small businesses. Removal of tax advantages | now enjoyed by co-operatives |= and credit unions. | Abolition of three-year in- come tax exemption for new "For the first time we are| from the Bridgewater State|him they drove to Boston where|!0n Strangler who escaped Fri-|1" We _ tigur ESan not throwing darts at a dart|/Hospital with DeSalvo surren-|they parted with DeSalvo early|¢@Y, May be seeking out a} ' . . tion." ofa state legislative commis-|two as saying they had not seen) RCMP have been advised he GM S Big Auto Factories lay ; ce Capital gains tax to apply. jlifetime exemption of $5,000; Benefits -- Welfare benefits Battered Congress Party driver James Johnson, 39, re-\Starting with the word William, | " " taken into the formation of ported to police Friday night he,and early reports said the town t with a $25,000 lifetime exemp- |'@Xen Into the formation of a@lemployment- insurance, work- | l emain nh OW @ar tion on gains realized on sale |"€W family unit. 'men's compensation and the a . e jtween York, Pa., and Harris-| west of Cornwall mack | a F Teles | Rallies Sli hil In India st of Cornwall, the nearest}, DETROIT (AP)--The big auto{ The 8,200 employees at the De-| cupied homes and farms. he law, for a.plan to dovetail | azement negotiated fringe bene- |Baltimore. Johnson' said -- the| Corp. remained in low gear to-|body Fleetwood plants were or. it di hich | ; es vee | ; } s | ia ; F . |taxes, under which no one! come |man resembled a picture of De-| But provincial police in the|day in the aftermath of an Ohio|dered to return to work Mon-| Meine ceauchons 10 Per | onld pay a higher rate than 50)°° BuO rane Anaule tered Congress party rallied|other parties a few each. |paper when he got home. |tor in Williamsburg and he is strike ended Thursday. ISUPPLIES PARTS joyed primarily by wage and lon wal d Wwould: engirane TURN TO PAGE 2 tinued coming in from India's|gress had a 133-seat margin| Fy ie | full ti 5 i i § ) sr 33-8 i : production force of 415,000,man said two more plants general 'election. But the pag | with 361 of the 494 seats. Eight Persons Die Iphoo IN U.S. in the. U.S. were idle in a|would have to close Moaday be- | . ey said New York state po- ; \ more seats than ever in the 20/SIX STATES DEFEAT In Maryland Fire company on a car parts short-!shortage. He did not name the ; | (AP) --/that DeSalvo had yet crossed pendent. win state assembly majorities|fJames swept through a two-|the border. New York authori-; 'The total idle rose to 196,000.90 per cent of its 'ar parts on: It was not yet certain whether}in seven of the country's 17|story brick house in suburban ties suspected he was travelling|men in 85 of GM's 127 plants, the Mansfield lactory. the majority it has held for two/had ever lost before was Ker-|ing a 29-year-old woman and/Watned border officials that De-|car assembly factories. 000 in 32 Michigan plants. As reports of her party's re-/strong and won easily this| hers or two male companions | i i its pr "gat m Ns J 6. f : Ss. ufacturer, began preparing ajtimate its production loss but verses confronted her, Prime/ time. A hospital spokesman identi-| 'We don't know why he's|worker callback program but in-|the total has run into thousands | dians ' have proved to the) state assembly seat races de-|Schrader, her children--Paula/a provincial police officer said, before GM resumes top produc- Only six General Motors car fair a gp. OF won 1,610--more than half but}/Cissie, about 8--and three chil-\nose bobbed. Anyway, there is/ The strike--by 2,600 workers been on normal production since having a democracy Is 7 below the 60-per-cent average|dren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert/no plastic surgeon in Williams-|at the Mansfield, Ohio, parts/the Mansfield strike began 'o af- the 520 seats in Parliament, aid Se Congress candidates had won FOR FK KILLERS 37, the Hindu Communal Jan J DA MAKES STATEMENT tion on corporate profits | a through integration of corpor- | .. In THE TIMES Today .. for Canadian shareholders. Four Elected As Liberal Candidates--P, 9 NEW ORLEANS (AP)--Dis- trict Attorney Jim Garrison board. Now we have a direc-|dered Friday night to officials|in the morning. Fay quoted the plastic surgeon in Ontario. panes Descnats ----~!DeSalvo since then. fo eons % In Baltimore, Md., truck is heading for an Ontario town | | to income and property, but |Would be allowed on any assets! such as family allowances, un- had picked up a 'hitchhiker be-|{could be Williamsburg, 30 miles) i i | ; or disposition of owner - oc- |. Integration--A new word in/qdollar - value of labor - man- jburg, Pa., 1 let him off in} : : ; : : sa hd : jburg Ba BOS oe ey n border-crossing point. jfactories of Genera! Motors|troit Cadillac division and Fisher | corporate and personal income! it; aj} would be counted as in- mT mT AP)-- at-|S- ; Salvo which he saw i 1S sai oar ; ; 4 : al ine 2 ' 5 NEW DELHI (AP)--The bat |Sangh 30, independents 35 and Salvo which he saw in a news-/area said there is only one doc. lparts plant wildcat strike. The |day. sonal income tax rates, en per cent and which the commis- 7 js : | | ; --CARTER slightly today as returns con-| Jn the last Parliament, Con- not a plastic. surgeon. | Nearly half of General Motors'! . However, a company spokes-| S@/ary, earners. bined opposition already ' spreading layoff blamed by the cause of a continuing parts - |lice did not believe at 7 a.m. years since India became inde-| The Congress party did not} paLTIMORE, Md. age due to the strike. plants. GM said it depends for the Congress party would retain' states, The only state the party] Rastpoint late Friday night; kill-|0n foot, although RCMP have|including 17 of its 23 passenger! The 196,000 idle included 93,-| decades. ala, where Communists are/seyen youngsters, four of them|Salvo may be in a car. with one} GM, world's largest auto man-| General Motors declined to es- Minister Indira Gandhi said In-) with, fied the dead as Mrs. Phyllis looking for a plastic surgeyn,"|dicated another week may pass of cars. world we do have a free and' cided, Congress candidates 'had|§; Pamela, 4; Donald, 9, and "but it's probably to get his/tion. assembly plants in the U.S. have With returns in from 411 of in previous elections, \Carey. |burg." |plant--lasted two weeks. lfect the GM system. 224, the right - wing Swatantra, Elimination of double taxa- | vgn aM i! at A © 5 O ] e& e S S e ry | ate and personal income taxes | Alberta Rink Keeps Schoolboy Crown--P, 6 says death is the only escape have hampered his investiga- tion Now Garrison's staff is armed with a private bankroll dis- Dr. Nicholas Chetta, who said the chemical analysis of Fer- rie's body showed "no evidence arrests were imminent, that he merely used a different word to state what he had said earlier: Ajax News--5 Ann Landers--10 Church News--12, 13 features. this week Special include: Whitby Race-Car Driver Seeks Big Prizes. Oshawa _ Barbershoppers Concert. Also find: On The Town Garden Guide Showtime At The Movies Teen Scene Television Highlights Plan in the Showcase. you'll for those he believes plotted to assassinate President John F, Kennedy. ?The only way they are going "to get away from us," Garri- son says Friday, "is to kill them: Pu Garrison's statement to re- porters apparently was a ref- erence to the death of David W. Ferrie, a man Garrison tagged as.a prime witness in his contro- versial investigation. He seemed undaunted by evi: dence reported by the coroner, whatsoever of suicide or: mur- der." Moreover, Garrison claimed his staff. solved the assassina- tion case weeks ago. "IT wouldn't say this if we didn't have evidence beyond. the shadow of a doubt," he added, "We know the key individuals, the cities involved and how it was done." That was the first time the word "solved" had been used by Garrison. But he said this did not mean Arrests will be made and con- victions obtained. Arrests might be months away, said Garrison, adding in the exaggerated style he has adopted in daily exchanges with reporters, "it might be 30 years." The investigation was made public when a New Orleans newspaper obtained--from pub- lic records--a list of agents, trips they made, and the money spent in seeking clues, Garrison has said the published reports closed Friday at a luncheon to which 50 New Orleans business- men had_ been _ invited. The group, taking the name Truth and Consequences, promised the district attorney funds which could amount to $50,000 a month or more The private fund will enable Garrison to dispatch investiga- tors to any place he desires without resorting to public mon- jes, thereby disclosing the mo- mentum of the investigation, mines and of depletion allow- ances for mining and petro- Jeum industries. Elimination of tax advant- | ages to life insurance compa- nies, which would. be treated | like other businesses. Taxing of gifts other than those between members of a family unit, but with substan tial lifetime exemptions on their amount. City News--9 Glossified--14. 15, 16 Comics--17 Editorial--4 Obituaries--16 Pickering News--5 Sports--6, 7 Television----17 Theatres--20 Weather--2 Whitby News--5 Women's--10, 11 CENTENNIAL FEATURE -- A Whitby G Received A For Christmas -- In See Page 9. Scrapb 1883 UU)

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