Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Feb 1967, p. 13

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jly in looking after the needs jof a village during a flash flood - Raisi | : : Flag Raising . ' Canadian Relief Agency tin the spring and again in the le na ale en invit | Centennial Project, fall" Mr. Keil reported. | anual Reunion |tocatena. tt-cotonet Kemene Many Parables Based (:i::::: 1 Cites Year's Activities rs. gf Regiment asst THE OSHAWA TIMES, Geturdey, February 25, 1967 13 nt BIBLE LESSON ntion |was named, is also expected to oe | ; . ; A hich be present ters -- flag-raising ceremony on Feb.! WINNIPEG (LCIC) -- Cana-|were also helped through the ieee Lone od gag As a centennial project, the ow located 21. ___, {dian Lutherans experienced an-javailability. of loan funds, ati"Te Used Dy vi sagt yon The annual reunion of the club is' co 1g donations | the West Sister Mary Beatrice,. princi-|other 'fruitful and _ satisfying|reasonable interest rates to froqocuct 2 a for tate nild ane\Hasting and Prince Edward\{fom former members of the 3 Calhes, a pal, opened the program and year in 1966 in providing mate-|vide second mortgages on|? agin for t "e els Ae Regiment will be held in the|tesiment for a memorial to the Be, jintroduced grade six pupil John|rja) aid and relief to various|home purchases {40 OMNGE ea bi abate Oshawa armories over | White Battalion to be erected in | more re- : jSciuk, who acted as master Oflareas of need throughout the! The bulk of material relief (tecultural seed and meatlinn snkssiving weekend. Oct. 7.1! of the Belleville armories, a the na- By R. H. RAMSEY It doesn't even belong to us. It)charges all believers with the/ceremonies for the occasion. |yworjd, Canadian Lutheranlefforts consisted of providing Proaucts were provided to refu- sponsored by the Ack Ack Ken. objective of $5,000 is to ome Mis- Evidence of our Lord's inter-|i8 a loan or trust which may bejobligation to forgive over and; City Centennial Committee|worjq Relief officials were toldlused clothing to Arab selaneen(e ee Tanzania. nedy Club. -- }be raised by April 1 and the eges. est in the everyday happenings|Withdrawn at any moment.jover those who sin against usichairman Hayward Murdoch/pere today. in Jordan under the care of| 2% Co-Operation with the Men-| 'The club has invited Lora|tentative date of the unveiling ted to his of men's lives and the import-|Heavenly riches, on the otherjand re; it, He reminds us/gaye the students a preview of ' antes Keil. executive sec: (ihe United Natinns Relief and |nonite Central Committee,|pweedsmuir, who served as a\ceremony is Sunday, June 1, of genera! ance he attached to what men|hand, are immense, real and/to have faith, vital, living, holy|the centennial plans in store for eit ot CLWR. in his report|Works poate be well aa fond foodstuffs were sent to India. |r+ colonel with the regiment.|1987 2 and was do with their material posses-|¢ternally secure. faith, however small, even as a/Oshawa during the year, citing eee y | TAnGaHnin: aald that Rte Jor of ld-feedi as 1000-| In New Guinea, churches,|to be present, Lord Tweadémuir we at the two sions is shown by the fact that] Jesus said no man can serye|Stain of mustard seed, and it/the importance of our centennial Pent ait oad aie eon Malt dine ie Jordan aaa" Hong {Schools and houses are re-|wili be in Toronto for that week) CHERISH HONORS | Confer. more of His parables are based|two masters, God and money,|Will produce results. And, if we|by raising the centennial flag. [@8°°Té Soke ndeikoe "jquired for some 50,000 Chris-lin connection with 'British like : 66. In this upon the uses of property and|When the Pharisees scoffed at|are to be true servants of God,| The flag. was raised by Sea ofa | Pane ye |Kong |tians there. While timber is|week' and says he will do hicl e Canadians, citizens of lappy com money than any other aspect of|this, Jesus rebuked them. In|We are to live lives of service to|Cadet Jean - Paul Gauvin as- 249,000 Ibs" of clothing and food. yore, OF the relief areas, /pientiful, cut lumber is verylutmost to attend " {Australia still are eligible for ig ability, man's daily life. general, they were outwardly jim through our fellowmen. Wejsisted by A. Sirrizzotti with an stuff ay ba : some $960, 000( no Keil said, "'The situation injexpensive. CLWR provided) Farley Mowat. Canadian au-(British knighthoods and similar cholarship, Today's lesson begins with the|"i8hteous; inwardly were greedy |2re to repay evil with good, giv-|honor guard composed of cubs, nets " novided a . geaeasaltie , none Sone ueE pe [80-000 for the purchase of ajlthor, who also served with the honors , winning ble f reithtud stew-|and covetous, doing almost any-|!ng gladly more than we receive/scouts, sea cadets and brownies. ee Cary cen hound | urgent', . . . assistance will be]nortable sawmill as a self-help | ------=------------ Aili dite oe eee yunded en- Lat The steward 'apparently|thing to acquire wealth andj°r hope to receive, without/Two minutes silence were ob-|°St Of 40 cents per pound. --_ required for many years project that will provide em-| ae cessed Some flair for busi(esteen. This, He said, was an|'houghts of incurring another's|served in memory of our fore-| The 1966 shipments made alt is reported that there islployment for the natives and ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST the United pata it nd t have|@bomination in the sight of God, thanks or gratitude. Thus, the/fathers and Father Gignac|total of 11,430,000 pounds ofjneed for nursery schools to look/supply the needed lumber. . ninistering ness, bec e brksear ged ition |And those who live solely and first 10 verses of the chapterjclosed the ceremony with | material aid and relef, valued|after some 350,000 pre-scheol! Canadian Lutheran Wor! d| ae ae : rs in the Led hi , end ce were|selfishly for wealth will come|%fer the sum and substance of |praver {at over $5,000,000, that had been/children Relief is the representative. of| Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) a stone's watias "serait of lenerance ot to a tragic end in the life here-|4 Christian's duty Pic notes REM ERA CCT ON RIS shipped by CLWR since its! CLWR, in addition to pro-|the Lutheran churches in Can-; Minister -- Rev. C. M, Bright 725-3872 am valace incapability; rather they re-|after, as illustrated by the| The story of Christ's miracu-|, HE WANTED PRISON = |°'anization in ge at CLWR|Viaing baby food, made a grant/ada in the field of international : Sih he mother P nt 1 q|parable of' the rich man andjlous healing of the 10 lepers) SUDBURY. Ont GP)--Lorrie| ca tinica reported that CLWR}of 3.590 toward the nurserylrelief, In view of the present] -- ee, RODE anther th sulted from carelessness an aan: differs 'graphic illustration of curk. , Ont. ( Lorrie continued {ts original program| <opo9} program lworld situation, Mr. Keil does : : rld's lare- unfaithfulness to his master's ILord s conception of doing one's|¥meau, a 20-year-old Newjof assisting immigrants by Pro-| tn Jordan, foodstuffs were|not see any slackening of effort Junior Church Up To 11 Years Provided stone will ges re, LIVES TRUTHS ; lduty without expecting thanks, |Brunswicker, pleaded guilty to|Viding 56 immigrant loans jused in hospitals, clinics, andjon the part of Canadian Luth- 10:00 A.M FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOO! |, Bourne- Nowhere does it say the stew-) In the opening of the 17thion His way to Jerusalem Jesus|stealing a car and was sen-/IMMIGRANTS AIDED jschools. 'Twice during the yearjerans in providing needed re-} : ee . ard stole anything. Perhaps he|chapter Jesus lays down fourlencoyntered as hal : sank tints ot ete s assisted great:'lief 11,00 A.M.---Rey. Donald _M,-doy,- Executive Editor of Sunddy. Cardift , countered 10 lepers wholtenced to one vear-on_an in-| Recent immigrants to Canada'tinned foodstuffs assisted great-'lief ath, Ken- spent more than he should, was|basic truths which true believ-|hegged Him to heal them He : me | OER am Sehite Ihr ker else sina calorie inaend dase aneamcciceasins | Sehicol Literatuie, ond Author. Clapham careless about gathering in thejers must never forget. Heldid and, according to Levitical |ustrial farm. He asked Magi-| April 3. crops pa rg anid than bs en Haw, sent them to the priests to ge wb ; ny igen Ms eta 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR : sary for the estate's mainten- . Ibe: officially a nite nim instead to a federal peni-| e ¢ Rpgilsh tibsilen"* ad jbe officially prc n > ' e Gospel typified by tt t ibile ance and improvement, for by| Marine Remembers} tiey se ott, ss. divested, 'nai te0tiary, where the minimum ie ee ellie aes eae eee JRCH the end of the year he could . lone--a Samaritan--turned back|te™™ is two years. Calling it) Tuesday 7:30°P.M.--Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ' -- ACK hice aay al." Mr iffe rghit hy ast ceca Fo Armless Girl, 5 ji He Saline of a gratefull eed Mr. Woodliffe Thursday 7;30 P.M.--Sunday School Board Meeting ae el jheart to give glory 7 master told him to balance his} TORONTO (CP) -- The little| thanks he tie Ren pod and | So ee Friday 7:43 P.M.--F.M.Y, Rally ot Kingsview with Special Speoker-- books, straighten out his affairs!cir] with no arms chattered | marked on 'the font that only | Rev. Wes, Arru ene ase happily Thursday at the crip-|one out of the 10 turned back to| 'A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" In so doing, the steward|pled children's centre here 4S|thank Him and: rewarded him | called in all of his master's|she opened a parcel from Viet- debters and made the best pos-|nam. A Religion jby pronouncing him spiritually | sible settlements with each of them. Though his master com- mends him for doing wisely, he does not attribute moral integ- rity or uprightness of character to him. The day of reckoning had come for the steward, He had a secure, responsible job, and because he wasted his master's goods, he lost it SCHOLARS AGREE jing accident last summer. | 11:00 A.M | The truths Jesus tried to| | D p Allab In the language of our time ; illustrate in this parable have) THEY'RE STILL ASKING | veer |} To the people of our time had various interpretations.| NOTTINGHAM, Englan d| PREACHING | However, most scholars agree|(cP) -- Elvis Presley turned |! 7:00 P.M--Youth Meeting Concerning problems of our time that the wunrighteousness of which He spoke is not wicked- ness, for money is not immoral. Money is entirely non-moral. There is no evil in it, there is no said five-year-old Myrna Blair) jer's Ottawa - area farm when |she lost both her arms in a hay-|} 9:45 A M--Bible School ; |whole and renewed, in addition | Oh. It's a Japanese doll," |t9 his physical restoration. | : ea hal for sonra || T's Wt 226 Harmony Rd. S. Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis as she showed the present ta} Nancy McKeown, a therapist at' the centre. | The doll was from a United States marine who said he. had| seen Myrna's picture and read | about the accident at her fath-| down the. third annual invita- | Wed., 7:30 p.m } tion to his own birthday party | Bible Study and Prayer j from European fans. It was|} D!SCOVER THE DIFFERENCE held here by the International | === Elvis Presley. Appreciation So- | To Unitarians, ali doctrine and belief | must stand the test of enlightened | B reason, While not discarding the good in it. Only the use of it is |ojety Jan. 11. Elvis said he was | tested truths of tradition, It keeps - fond ar bad any as Session busy 0 ated. | UNITED SPIRITUALIST |} Sesame mows a genase -- ws true riches CHURCH OF ONTARIO | Pushing aside the veils of creed and en. And when men are | i i RCH pose when entrusted with REORGANIZED CHURCH Orange Temple, a earthly riches, how can they be | ' , 5 -- bs those ieeveny OF JESUS CHRIST | sag ga may better understand and riches of far greater value? | ee , cooperate with his fellow man. M. Earthly wealth is trivial, unreal. OF LATTER DAY SAINTS _-- C.M, {World Headquorters, independence, | SUNDAY, FEB. 26th | Sunday, February 26th Missour!) id if | \ 11:00 A.M, ' HEAR. cease crews i ins || ae } | : The SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA Ne "A compare of the Cultures : f ° india, U.S.S.R., Switzerlan Back to the Bible DIVINE SERVICE sat cold at irtments Broadcast SUNDAY SERVICES i . UNITARIAN NTED ; | uest Mediums FELLOWSHI! weno tan. oe ee SEC, 723-6786 North Oshawa . '. 9:30 - 10:00 a.m, for children ond adults i All Wel Centre. --- Nonquon Rd. 2560 Square feet by 13 feet high Heated Ware- 11:00 AM st house on Bond Street and Gibbons Street. For fur- MORNING WORSHIP H | | FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ther information .,. . Cs 1350 RADIO i oe HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Zion Christian MR. JOHN BELKO Rey, N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A. GRACE --_||Reformed Church Rowland L. McCord --- Mus. Bac, -- Musical Director PA PH ON & 72 5.8062 11:00 A.M. PEA OO neat | 409 Adelaide Ave. E. LUTHERAN | Miser Lutheran Church -- Canade } Rev. D, N. Habermehi, (Mo. Synod) HURCH The World Speaks To The Cross (3) THE WORD OF RESPONSIBILITY 7:00 P.M. The Cross Speaks to the World (3) THE WORD OF CONSOLATION Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL Uhm a CALVARY BAPTIST Corner Evangeline & Pastor -- REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rey. Phillp Fless, Minister Phillip Heinze, Vicar 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP_-- Nursery Care Provided 11:15 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL | 7:00 P.M. Ph SUNDAY SERVICES - SUNDAY *tHioo: EVENING SERVICE Nursery and Jr, Church at 11 .m I hoo! \ 11:00 A.M. H Radio eMibistry Geel, Chur l Bible Schoo! 9:30 tt 9s MM. A MORNING To Ged ccd, every. other Sunday I \} ot 11:00 A.M, CKLB (churches in WORSHIP are SCH _. SIMCOE STREET 9:45 A.M, 9:45 fy.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES | é | BIBLE SCHOOL The Bible Is Our Textbook ae rim | t PENTECOSTAL CHURCH rere 1 Add 49 bie oe *"STEPHEN--GOD'S MAN" 7:00 P.M. ial Youth Sunda "MEMBERS OF CHRIST" Spec al 9 y WED, 7:45--BIBLE. STUDY EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER C.K.L.B, RADIO WEDNESDAY. 7:45 P.M, STUDY THE SCRIPTURES IN DEPTH ¢ 245: SIMCOE 'ST. 'S. Wesleyan Methodist Church Hillsdale Public School Oshawa Bivd. N., Minister Rev, Walter Jewell 305 Rossland Rood Eost Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor "GREAT EVENTS" --PASTOR GEORGE SMITH SPEAKS-- Ie LutherafeChurch ed (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor == 725-2755 SUNDAY 7 P.M, and PRAYER In the 7 P.M. Service, there will be Gospel Music presented by the Choir and Church Musicians. Pastor Smith will speak on the subject, "Great Events.' Sunday night is always a MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. King Street Pentecostal Church 611 KING ST. W. one Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre They Don't Want Your Sympathy 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School i | i Cl for all | | "Big Night" at the Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church. Y 91 Canta rahe etal sori slenr boaonpreniatedg it REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor But They Do Need Your Help! 948 AM. | : M. Phones: Church 728-5371 Parsonage 728-6662 SUNDAY SCHOOL || } | ot 7 pm. 1AM Morning Worship Ht G { V E " |] "REVEALED RESOLUTION" | 19.9 THE 7:00 p.m.--Evening Chepel 0 Se, | in the parsonage | CH SERVICE |} uncewr'nirersession" || [Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 115 GKLB-1950 | REE REAL SL EEE A RED RET TRE COME WORSHIP WITH USI j WELCOME 0 A.M.--Sunday School end Adult Bible Classes 11:00 A.M.--Worship Service--The Pastor speaks. GREAT GOSPEL RALLY TONIGHT (25th) 330 P.M. FEATURING: * THE POTTER SISTERS (Trio) * Film -- "THIS WAY TO HEAVEN" GENEROUSLY Return Your Pink Envelope Today Business Rerry Envecora | | ao reece sree monennan w meee os some | THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA -- ' : a * Speaker -- REV. G. F. POTTER * KNOX | ST. LUKE'S | ST. PAUL'S | UKRAINIAN a pee Mantis aie x COE ST. NORTH lil ' Simcoe St. South e Potter Sisters - tear ide tom Keine) Rossland Rd. W. at Nip ~ Wilson Rd. N. ot King St. Minletet kav. | Jecenty 9:45 Sunday Schoo! with Adult Classes MR. JAMES McCANSH, ™N oS ee REV, THOMAS GEMMELL | i on Pear orniee 11:00 A.M. -- Wayne Werner, recently returned from Newfoundland. 'isesiver Mewar tenl Gamaviin aN isl sg Voto pa ord! cae sees Mr. Frank Walter Rae PA RET e eds bye i 0 Bank of Montreal, AN re r H M--Ukrain if ° ' . wenn, Borkwen j ne er 41) AMiccEnalish Service . ] '0 haiage se of the 8 Sepcne See tooth wz 9:45 AM. cue : P.M. ew Birth. ae i t Rotory Club of Oshawa sailchts a paces 11:00 A.M | CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN ee met Se ad?" 11:00 A.M | PLUS -- % THE ORCHESTRA Ontario Society for Crippled Children 'ach ' : ' i 11:00 A.M. eare" ei ee - THE CHOIR ach. . eo | t Kno ae, Un teenie PUBLIC MORNING Simcoe St. North %* THE BEST IN EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN SPONSORED BY ae WORSHIP eat cn CONGREGATIONAL SINGING OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB vice "HOW TO TURN TO GOD" as | 3:30 P.M.--' le :. ried wie PREPARATORY SERVICE WORSHIP j TiN | 2nd and 4th Oshawa's Friendly Family Full Gospel Church ONTARIO ehadey oo8 CRIPPLED" CHILDREN COME AND WORSHIP WITH US 4 SENIOR HIGH | SUNDAYS

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