Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Feb 1967, p. 3

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rAR of the oldest s known, be- i before 1000 00 different re sold. io Trust oration ENT PLAN ox end t Income ved or charges efore Feb- re deduct- come Tax ) TRUST ORATION North IVE" tion Scout patrol Leader Greg- ory Campin, far left, cranes to see district scout master, Ted Newman, explain scout "WHAT'S GOING ON BACK THERE? pack equipment to two guests at a party for White Cross Centre members held at Camp Samac Jast night. Consumer Price Talks Bank System Continue In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) -- "Whojfood," was the way one Quebec|dent of the Consumers' Assocl- needs two livers and an extra gizzard?" This was the kind of question that faced members of Canada's Parliament Wednesday as the Senate - Commons subcommit- tee on consumer prices held hearings here. There was no report of a sen- ator or an MP ruling on the extra-gizzard question. The travelling consumers eomplaint office also heard angry demands for a lowering of milk prices and the aboli- tion of trading stamps and "bonus" gifts. "T don't want any pink stamps er free Batman rings with my , onstrate points about- mislead- bought a chicken in the Sher- extra heart, liver and gizzard which added more than six! ounces to its weight," said Ger-| trude Brandon, Quebec presi-| Don MacLean, second from right and Jim Fusco, right, look on with interest at part of the more than two hour program. Both the housewife put it to the Senate-jation of Canada. Commons subcommittee on con- sumer prices, 'We're being in-|extra gizzard?" the government's formula ladiastion the interest ceiling on| bank loans will not work as well as he would like, but he can't think of a better one. } He described the situation as| ja dilemma, but not a serious Jone. t the close of a Commons} finance committee hearing, he} promised to consider overnight| Conservative MP's suggestion) vaded by garbage." The committee table was piled QUEBEC SAID WORST | high with toothpaste tubes,! canned tomatoes and corn flake|Cent years, Quebec more than) packages hauled out of wit-|any other province has been) nesses' shopping bags to dem- subject toa high-pressure cam-} paign from trading stamp com- ing packaging and inconsistent|Panies. It was now almost im-| pricing. possible to shop in a Montreal store that did not give stamps. "A woman member recently brooke area and found it had an William Stewart Had Day Ontario Legislature, Wed. TORONTO (CP) -- Agricul- tural Minister William Stewart had a hay day in the Ontario legislature Wednesday. Mr. Stewart, a 52-year-old London farmer who has been egricultural minister for six years, spoke on several matters including the allocation of grants to Lake Ontario-area farmers, the policies of the New Democratic Party and the cost of educating foreign students in Ontario. He was speaking during a| session in which the legislature considered the agriculture de- partment spending estimates for 1967-68, In other legislature business: --Labor Minister Dalton Bales said his department will study whether discrimi- nation by landlords against would-be tenants with chil- dren could be deterred by an amendment to the Human Rights Code. --Leslie Rowntree, commer- cial affairs minister, said all Ontario-incorporated loan and trust companies will be re- quired to register under fed- eral deposit insurance legisla-|already begun discussions with tion, Ottawa, and he hoped the exter- nal affairs. department will Wishart said he knows of nojeventually take over aid pro- grams for the students. - --Attorney - General Arthur practical method of ensuring that stores pass on to the con- sumer savings that result|901 Ontario farmers have _ ob- from the abolition of trading|tained loans totalling $11,136,528 gestion by Syl Apps (PC--King- ston) that a program of capital grants to farmers be broadened to apply to pipeline projects un- dertaken by farmers along Lake Ontario. provincial grants of up to $500 toward the cost of drilling wells cannot be expected to cover pipeline projects from Lake On- tario to farms. heated debate on the agricul- ture estimates that there is no difference between Marxism|the trading stamp. and socialism as advocated by the New Democratic Party in Ontario. policy--to discredit steps by the government to improve the lot of farmers. NDP Leader Donald MacDonald had criticized the government's handling of some farm marketing boards. jing of the Retail Merchants As-|sion on new Mr. Stewart, however, agreed |sociation of Canada, said asso-jerning nursing homes in On- ciation studies show about 40jtario was short-circuited Wed-| tion that the federal govern-|per cent of trading stamps are|nesday when no copies were! never redeemed. |made available to delegates | with Mr. MacDonald's sugges- ment should foot the cost of ed- ucation of foreign students in Ontario universities. stamps. under a program to compensate Mr. Stewart welcomed a sug-'them for crop losses. the committee's lively hearing here before it moved | on to Quebec City today en route for Toronto and London, Ont. | grievances." | rector of the Montreal Diet Dis pensary, said 20 per cent of} Montrealers exist on deprived! diets. | They cannot afford to live," she said. ment to supply milk free to| pregnant mothers and school Mrs. Brandon said that in re- She was an early witness at Chairman of the hearings 1s Senator David Croll who de-|"" scribed the members as "'om-! budsmen to listen to and make recommendations on consumer jig the Commons and Senate for approval before the March 10 [a Agnes Higgins, executive di-| "They are slowing starving. She asked the federal govern-| calculation. ATTACK DISPARITIES If present trends in the money Other witnesses attack ed|market costly fancy packaging, extrava-|would fall, perhaps gant advertising costs, mislead-|of one per cent. Mr. Stewart sald during a|ing prices and weights, the large sette, head of the Montreal Infla- He said the NDP has only one|tion Fighters, said. 'They think the housewife wants to spend her time on childish activities like pasting books." Another witness, D. W. Roll-| "The trading stamps compan- ies want three books in the Nursing Home Care. The minister said Ontario has|house--the Bible, the cheque-| A panel and floor discussion| book and the trading - stamp on the Nursing Homes Act was book," he said. jscheduled for the final session The 300,000-member Federa-|of tion des consommatrices du Que-|tended by nursing home oper- bec presented a brief attacking|ators and staff. The regulations, He told the legislature that 2,-|"feeble government measures" |were read to delegates after! in face of the rising cost of con-|angry protests that they could sumer goods and increasing in-|not ask questions about them | debtedness of provincial citi--when they did not know what zens. | |tirement age. ; |, Gen. Fleury also told a hushed|and more for military officers to|ings about the direction and j\Commons defence commit-|skate pretty close to the politi-|speed of the program. He had} jtee Wednesday. that "security|cal line." : ; of Information was practically! The former chief of Quebec|Hellyer in defence council and scouting association and the Community Chest --Oshawa Times Photo Not Best, 'Says Sharp | "Who needs two livers and an Minister Sharp said Wednesday | one-day |, The committee sits again to- day in an attempt to clean up its study of this and other diffi- ult sections in the Bank. Act. The act is undergoing revi- jsion by Parliament and the |committee wants to get it back| anks now are restricted to a six-per-cent ceiling on loans, alé though they have used various |service charges to place the ef-|_! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 23, 1967. 3 gw Disloyalty In Defence Office' -- Sudbury) who asked whether the minister agreed that such a Discrimination Made Me Sick, Says Fleury Stcied By Bales "2 Sec mt By DAVE McINTOSH | OTTAWA (CP)--Lt. Gen.|Mr. Hellyer was dealing:directly|twice or three times a week things got to the point where;to the point literally where once, day | TORONTO (CP)--Qabor Min- 'ution to such discrimination lister Dal n "rapid expansion of our ng supply of housing at s that the families of this ednes-|!! study I/whether discrimination by land- Pri¢ |Frank Fleury says disloyalty|with subordinate officers in-|felt like vomiting." lords against would-be tenants Province can afford." and near disloyalty in defence |stead of with the five members| He said he could no longer |W th children could be deterred) But the question as to epg Seca last year made of the defence staff. serve conscientiously in such an|by an amendment to Ontario's whether an amendment to the him feel like vomiting. y i atmosphere and asked to be re- Human Rights Code code would assist the situation He said we! came to the end SAID BET TER INFORMED tired. Mr. Balesigas replying in the 'deserves, and will receive full of my rope" and quit last July! "Officers workin g for me legislature to Elmer Sopha (L-- consideration." jas comptroller-general, one of|knew more or said they knew|{CHANGED VIEW |the five top posts on the de-|more or thought they knew more| He had been an enthusiastic \fence staff. He was then 52 and|about what was in the mind of|Supporter of command integra- |three years ahead of normal re-|the minister than I did." expressed his doubts to Mr non-existent" to the point where|Command said a standard joke |to his superiors. "the whole headquarters re-|around headquarters concerns|: Gen. Fleury said that a few minded me of a giant sieve."" |the officer who leaves his office |Weeks before his retirement he He was not asked to elaborate|and instructs his secretary: "If|Was told by Air Chief Marshal jon this or on the point concern-|my boss calls up while I'm|Frank Miller, chief of defence jing disloyalty, but questions are|away, be sure to-get his name." expected when he resumes his| Gen. Fleury said at the start|See him at a certain time and testimony today. Defence Minis-|of his testimony in a reply to/Place. It was to be his first pri jter Hellyer is scheduled to fol-|Harold Winch (NDP--Vancou-|Vate meeting with the minister since arriving in Ottawa about Gen. Fleury did say at an-| "There was evidence of dis-|2 year earlier to become comp- low him iver East): other potnt Wednesday thatiloyalty and near-disloyalty . , .|troller-general. fs --------} Air Chief Marshal Miller had |i fold him he didn't know what PARLIAMENT | Se scin To : caus the meeting would be about. AT-A-GLANCE For Caribbean WEDNESDAY, Feb. 22, 1967 Lt.-Gen. Frank Fleury said he quit the armed forces be- |ister Pearson Jeaves Friday for fidence in Air Chief. Marshal cause there was disloyalty |a 12-day Caribbean vacation| Miller. inot telling the truth," Gen OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min-/Fleury said. and near-disloyalty at head- jand probably will visit Wash-| Gen. Fleury said at another that unification will be 'going from one organizational forma ton: war peachealy |nston for an informal meeting Pei non-existent, " |with President Johnson March The former comptroller-gen- |8 on his way home. eral told the Commons de-| Mr. Pearson announced We fence committee he asked for | | premature retirement last |nesday that he and Mrs. Pear- summer because he could not conscientiously serve in such an atmosphere. The Commons finance com- mittee voted to allow First |mess to a worse one. q.|SEES LONG STRUGGLE years to sort out integration following a speaking engage-jgration had not even been un jto Barbados and Antigua. |found for them. sell to Canadians three-quar- |formal visit with the president juniforms heard a flip remark ters of its interest in Mercan- jon the return trip but arrange-|from American or British sail- tile Bank of Canada. ments are not complete. lors. Prime Minister Pearson an- |-- = nounced plans for a 12-day PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IN CONJUNCTION vacation in Barbados and was vanitiah tf bs eleae | WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA talks with President Johnson | AND MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA in Washington on the way | nn | REQUIRES TEACHERS The Canadian Federation of Agriculture, in a brief to the | cabinet, called for higher re- | turns for wheat and dairy For Retraining | products, of the Unemployed The Commons made several ee amendments to legislation set- | Full-time teachers with good training and experience, with or ting up an immigration appeal | without professional qualifications, ore required for the train- board. ing program for the unemployed immediately. The Senate heard a com- jf 4. ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE: Grode 7 and below plaint from Senator Donald Cameron that the civil service | establishment often resists f 2. TYPING, BOOKKEEPING, OFFICE PRACTICE. change and delays govern: | si ment action. 3, ENGLISH for NEW CANADIANS. | Apply in writing or telephone between the hours of 9:00 °4.m. end 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. W. G. Fawcett, B.A., Co-Ordinator, Retraining Program Adult Education Centre, 26 Albert Street, Oshawa, Ontario TEL: 576-1550 (including remedial reading), Grodes 9 - 11. THURSDAY, Feb, 23 The Commons meets at 2:30 to resume debate in amend- tion, begun in 1964, but later en- There was a tendency "more|tertained considerable misgiv- staff, that Mr. Hellyer wanted to "Either he was not privy to the minister's plans or he was He added that he had full con- It would take 10, 15 or 20 son will leave from Toronto, |Some of the problems of inte- jment there today, for the visit)covered, let alone solutions tl | There would be a "donny- National City Bank of New | It was learned that he may go |brook on the dock" the first time. York an extra five years to |to Washington for a short in-|Canadian sailors in their new ments to the Imyuleration | Act. The Senate meets at 3 | FACTORY CLEARANCE FURS! Many at Half Price and Less 15 King St. E. eae Hotel) \ OUR 20th YEAR IN OSHAWA | HOW TO TAME YOUR % 7 j TAKE IT TO BLOCK! Theyre ponprere Ge experts at whipping wp @ RETURNS : fost, eccyrate tox retura : that saves you time, worry, end often money, tool Drop by your nearest BLOCK office today, up GUARANTEE We g prep of every tox return, we moke any errors thot ¢ we will poy ol ony penalty or Interest, TE wVOCK?é Canada's Lorgest Tax Service with Over 1500 Offices in North Amesten | 22 ONTARIO ST. Weekdays 9 o.m., - 9 p.m.--Sat. 9-5. Ph. 723-7071 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY wie < |fective rate as high as 11 per 'cent. The new formula proposed for the act would tie the ceiling to the yield on short-term gov- He said he saw no reason why | children. jernment bonds by a complex | This would work against the disparity in prices of similar|principle quality goods, and, of course,|which is to permit the banks |a range of interest rates better "Store owners think we are a suited to the variet bunch of fools,"" Veronica Moris-|their lending. Nursing Homes stamps in anne New Regulations (CP) -- Discus- TORONTO tending the,«A967 Institute on \they were. OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8: With ber facilities. Make your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641. Sorry Sold Out This SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 00 P.M: INDO EMBOSSED AUBUSSON Four Popular Sizes Enrich your home and the rest of your life with the incom- parable beauty of an oriental!--So exquisite they seem almost too lovely to walk on and yet they'll outwear al- most any other floor covering made. Come see thengp Each thick woolly tuft of machine spun 100% virgin wool is hand-tied on a cotton warp and weft... hand woven -- knot by knot in the age-old oriental rug tradition. Several patterns available in subdued colourings. APP, SIZE a ie a '219 '299 '3e89)|, APP, SIZE 8' x 10' APP. SIZE 9' x 12' APP. SIZE 10' x 14' INSTANT MAGIC! ... If wishing won't... CHERNEY'S WILL! PHONE 742-4201 ... arrange to see a luxurious hand woven India rug in your own home. Watch it work instant magic with wall colors and decorative fabrics in daylight . . . lamplight. They ore rich... thick... luxuriant, The first thing you will want to do is walk on it in your stocking feet --the lost thing you will want to do is send it bock to Cherney's, Call today, sell yourself on a hand-woven India rug. HAND WOVEN OWN ONE OF THESE MAGNIFICENT RUGS FOR VERY LITTLE MORE THAN A MACHINE-MADE RUG C"herney's BEST BUYS IN BROADLOOM You nome it! We have it! Luxurious 9 ft. ...12 ft, .. wool... nylon... acrilan etc. in the pret- tiest shades ever!

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