cit' princi- ling on $ new id for dinary 1€ bale ; been 'S cOn- harles "'defi- oming iggest e said press ewing in this opted, of the ry. roach i, the rela- eficits pros- - day ig ex- proj- lucted t has have f the e in- would ctive total a bil- more beeg totay pro- ut of hase cause of a treas- | this nuing e has k ar iS uc: there pop jolls. ged ested n in mat, ould orth. ea last 'was hate | for pas- ould s a the ring cap- tem. d to DO WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY | Toronto Alumnae Hosts To District Members WHITBY (Staff) -- The Castle Chapter of the Ontario Ladies' College Alumnae Association, was the guest of the Toronto Chapters of the alumnae. The members went to the Granite Club for a dessert supper and a variety night for their Febru- ary meeting. The January meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Os- borne, Whitby, gave the mem- bers ideas on.-how to brighten up the dull winter routine by a change of hair style. Mrs. Jean Hughes demonstrated what could be done with wigs and demi-wigs. The demonstration on facials showed what a facial can do to lift up droopy spirits after the hectic Yuletide season. The conveners for the evening were Mrs. V. Vickery, Whitby; Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Leo Gray, Oshawa, Mrs. Gray and the president, Mrs. J. W. Richardson of Whitby Town- ship, presided at the tea table for the social hour. During the Christmas activ- ities the Castle Chapter mem- bers were guests at a Christ- mas pot luck supper held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Roblin, Whitby. The conveners for the evening were Mrs. Harry Tay- lor and Mrs. John Fox, Osh- of Christmas gifts following the supper. Prior to the dinner meetin; there was a _ demonstratior given by Mrs. Joan McLeod, of Scarborough Township, at the Whitby. Mrs. McLeod _illus- trated what could be done with candles in glass as Christmas decorations. She also used pieces of styrofoam and bits of bright colored material turning it into cheery decorations for the Yuletide season. She also showed the group, polished stones which are. used! to make items of jewellery.! Among her collection of polish- ed stones were some semi-} precious gems such as ame-; thyst. There were pieces of pol-| ished petrified wood, over 5,000! years <ld, which can be made| into unusual items of jewelry. | The blue and gold candle bearing the centennial emblem! was the star decoration of the evening. Mrs. V. Vickery, Whit-} by, thanked Mrs. McLeod for an interesting evening. The conveners were Mrs. Robert Brown, Oshawa; Mrs. Stanley Osborne and Mrs, Wil- kins, Whitby. Mrs. Wilkins pre-, sided at the tea table during the social hour. The March meeting will be! held the third Wednesday at the! awa. There was an exchange Ontario Ladies' College. Guides Own Service Largely Attended' The 'Guides Own" service, held Sunday at Henry Street High School, was attended by 600 Brownies, Guides, Rangers and Leaders. The presentation of colors was made to Mrs. H. T. Cook, area commissioner' and Mrs. Rex Merritt, division commissioner. "Thinking Day" is the birth- day of the first Lord Baden- Powell and his wife the World Chief Guide. The purpose of the service was to worship together, to give thanks for fellowship in Guiding and to pray for Guides Christian Education Conference Held The director of Five Oaks Christian Workers' Centre, Rev. George Young, was the guest speaker at St. Mark's United Church last Sunday morning. In the afternoon and evening, he gave leadership in a Oshawa Presbytery sponsored confer- ence on. Christian Education stressing the themes 'Building 'A Worship Service' and "Strengthening Family Life." The service next Sunday orning will include the instal- tion of stewards and the _ WHITBY P Mrs. R. C. Taylor, Fairview Drive, gave a bridal shower #4: honor of Miss Anne Kenney, a bride of March 4. Thirty-five ghiests were received by Mrs. z. A. Griffith. The gifts were qaesented to the bride-to-be by Miss Susan Mary Taylor, and tlie cards were read by Miss Kintthy Kenney, sister of the figture bride. Miss Susan Bry- aimt poured tea at the beau- tifully arranged buffet. The 4beme of pink and white was zaacented by a dainty basket of white chrysanthemums and pink sweetheart roses. The bride-to-be suitably thanked all thise in attendance: for their bea:utiful gifts. roe Royal Canadian Legion w@lies' Auxiliary is holding its social this evening with Mrs. Vi Parkinson in charge assist- ed by Mrs. Esther Murray, Mus. Doreen Weir, Mrs. Thel- ma. Koeghan, Mrs. Phyllis Lepiion, Mrs. Adeline Vallee, Mrs. Esther Ross and Mrs. Deanna Segriff. Mrs. Elizabeth Metheral was the ihonored guest at a surprise birthday party held at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Metheral, Elizabeth Crescent, on jthe occasion of her 95th birtihiay. Mrs. Metheral was born in Hastings, Ont., Feb. 21, _4873, A lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. M. E. Sandison, Mrs. G. Ross and JArs. W. Metheral which included a three-tiered birthday cake made and decorated by Mrs, .P. Metheral. Bes. wishes were received trom 'her relatives and friends. Also tis Michael Starr, MP, and lij[rs. Starr, Governor-Gen- eral \Janier and Madame Vanier, Prime Minister L. B. Pearsgyn and Leader of the Pro- gressive Conservative party, John @ . Diefenbaker. Guesjts were: Mrs. Robert Crozie?, Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. \3ernard Rye, Keswick; stitute Band under the leader- and Brownies throughout the world. The collection receivec was for the World Friendship Fund, Mrs. Cook addressed the| group. Here theme was Shige) Purpose of Thinking Day." Guides and Brownies renmees | their promise. Nancy Pollard was presented with her "Gold Cord" by Mrs. Cook assisted by Nancy's mother. Division Commissioner Mrs. Rex Merrit presented first class badges to Judy Forsyth and Wendy Harper. sacrament: of infant - baptism. Focus on Youth will be the theme next Sunday evening when youth groups of the con- gregation will assemble for wor- ship. Mayor Desmond Newman will address the congregation and music will be provided by the O'Neill Collegiate Vocational In- ship of R. McCord, and by the St. Mark's Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. D. Wil- liams. ERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betts, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs, Don- ald Metheral, Delbert, Gerald and Lynda, Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metheral, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morning, Mr. and Mrs. John Merrick, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley, Ux- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Merrick and Norma, Willow- dale and Mrs. Trombley, from Holland, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Merrick; Mrs. Ila Richmond and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smyth and fam- ily, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. Metheral, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sandison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ross and fam- ily, all of Whitby. The Women's Whitby Gen- eral Hospital Auxiliary execu- tive met at the home of Mrs. Glen Sawyer with 10 members present. Plans were discussed for the project to be brought to the Feb. 27 general meeting at Kathleen Rowe school. Final arrangements were made for the teen-age "Coffee House and Discotheque" to be held at Henry Street High School, March 38. Whitby Kinettes' executive members are meeting this eve- ning at the home of Mrs. James Gartshore, Brock Street North. A birthday dinner party was WHITBY -- AJAX home of Mrs. Stanley Osborne,) %& WHILE ENJOYING THE atmosphere of a 'Coffee House and Discotheque", you can support your Whit- WHITBY (Staff) --Soon resi- dents of the area will have a chance to enjoy a cup of coffee while assisting Whitby General Hospital Fund. A "Coffee House and Disco- theque"' and teen dance is be- ing held March 3, at Henry Street High School with. co- conveners, Mrs. Frank Sevcik and Mrs. T. S. Brandon making arrangements. The event is sponsored by Whitby General Hospital Women's Auxiliary. The social convener, Mrs. John Davies and her commit- tee will be in charge of refresh- ments, Students of Henry Street High School Drama Society are be provided. Performers. will include Miss Doryce Miss Janis Shaw, Dennis Scott and Miss Penny Sadour. Remnants," Maschge, and Miss Peggy Quesnell, will also contribute tainment, at council are: Henry Street, An- by General Hospital which is sponsoring this event, March 3, at Henry Street High School. Seen making final arrangements for the Fund - Raising Project Planned By Auxiliary Acton, "The including Miss Pat Miss Sonia Jarosz to the inter- Tickets are available from members of student council and the door. idents of | PICKERING (Staff) 1967 budget approved by {Board, Monday, means cost of education to the \payers will decrease by mills from the 1966 level. mill rate for the village 18.32 while this year the will be 17.01 Eastern Star tennial Celebrations Fund Chapter, Eastern Star. Centennial Tea being Legion Hall. Proceeds of jevent will help |ladies' | Building. had been assisted Night, held | family |the Games |Brooklin, A Penny 'the next meeting. {Canada Chapter at West |March 27; Pickering Board Cuts | - Budget By 1.31 Mills The the |Pickering Village Public Schooi the tax- 1.31 Last year the public school was rate | The rate is divided between operation and debenture with l10.5 mills going to school oper- jation while 6.51 will go to pay school debentures. | _ The total _budget, including hool students will receiv 'Aids Centenary jincr'sonit'tce neste 2 WHITBY (Staff) -- Members |the cost of their school books |were brought up to date on cen-|--- . ' |tennial events planned in Whit- | |by and a donation to the Cen-| was voted at the meeting of W hitby | No. 248, Order of the! | One of the events will be the held | }March 7 in the Whitby Royal, this to furnish a lounge in the Centennial It was reportcd that a needy and at had been successful. Sale will be held at The chapter has accepted in- vitations to attend meetings of Hill, Fairbanks Chapter) sale of tickets are Mrs. | April 18 and West Hill Chapter Frank Sevcik, left, and April 12. Mrs. T. S. Brandon, co-con- Refreshment conveners w |Mrs. Helen Breen and Mrs. wina Smith. veners. --Oshawa a a Times Photo ere: | Ed-| RETURNS TO FARM NEW YORK (AP) -- New |York Rangers of the National | |Hockey League returned de- | |fenceman Bob Plager to their| |Baltimore affiliate of the Amer- | lican League Tuesday. Plager| was with Rangers two games, filling in for injured defence-| man Jim Neilson. Neilson is ex- | pected to be ready for tonight's game against Detroit. SERVICES TAKE OVER Nearly half Sweden's gross national product nowadays is provided by services rather than producing commodities. i | One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murals @ Custom Vraperies @ Broadloom @ Benjamin Moore Paints DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 @ C.I.L. Paints end Varnishes DODD & SOUTER 107 Byron St. $., Whitby ~|$100, ide OSHAWA TIMES, Webnessey, pevceary 22, 1967 5 The winners of the contest will advance to the Ontario County finals being held March 2 in | Competitions Set | |Oshawa. The winners of this WHITBY (Staff) --The pupils|latter contest will enter the zone | Public Sunallnn $19,140 for debenture repay-ig¢ the Whitby Public Schools|finals to be held at the E. A. vee -- set at $122,199 for! ste looking forward with no|Fairman School at 1:30 p.m., i esa nea png e little anticipation to the finals|March 21. je rev side, 1€/of the public speaking competi-| Contestants from the counties board tallied $5,977 as a 1966) jtion being held in E. A. Fair-jof Halton, York, Peel and On- surplus, an estimated grant. of/man Public School at 7:30 p.m.|tario will take part in the zone $65,000, a lévy of $30,872 from this Thursday, ratepayers and outside student -- fees totalling $20,341. 'final, Expenditures for centennial year included instruction costs! at $75,459. supplies at $4,800. administration at $5,000, school operation at $11,000, mainte- 409 BROCK ST. S. -- WHITBY -- 668-2721 nance at $3,000, auxiliary agen- cies at $200, capital outlay at $2,000, extraneous expenses at tax write-off at $150 and transportation at $1350. Ajax --- Whitby with Good Food @ TAKE HOME SPECIALS @ -- DELICIOUS BATTER DIPPED CHICKEN -- Supplying Oshawa --- This will also be the first - COOKED TO GOLDEN PERFECTION -- year that the village public CHICKEN IN a BOAT 8 pieces. ' Serves BRON uae ces os aaah aaa heeA veins 2.25 ICKEN IN * BOAT 12 cere - 3,35 jvyear students paid about half CHICKEN IN A BOAT 16 pieces. Serves 5 to 6 FAMILY BOAT -- 20 PCS. of CHICKEN. Serves 8 people -- NEED MORE HYDRO Power demands in Ontario Buttered Buns -- Honey -- Chips reached 8,565,500 kilowatts in All For Only 6 December, 1966, nearly 10 per jcent higher ihan in 1965. @ SEAFOOD SPECIALS e 21 SHRIMP IN A-BASKET ...3.. 60050555 $1.25 /€IR\ Creoted To |] SCALLOP DINNER ..... An a Individual SHRIMP DINNER ....... ity a oe ee oe 99 AGES) essrenern OYSTER DINNER ...:.... oe 99 CLAM CHOWDER ea awe he Kb S60 8d -40 FAMILY STRIP CLAMS INA BASKET . ie eeseviees Uae MONUMENTS HASET DUNNER 4s Serine ee STAFFORD B Dinners' include --- Chips--Cole Slaw--Tartar Souce--Bun uv LTD ROS. Delivery 25¢ Extra (668-6772) 2 LIVE LOBSTERS -- OYSTER -- CLAMS MONUME Joh FRESH LOBSTER DINNERS ...... 5.95 668-3552 One Large Whole Lobster and All The Trimming 318 DUNDAS EAST Open 10 A.M. to Midnight -- Sundey te 7 P.M. JUST SOUTH OF SHORTY'S j 115 BROCK N, CIGAR STORE WHITBY OPEN DAILY TILL 6 P.M.-- FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. pee FRESH YOUNG GRADE "A" READ | 1urkeys 39: BREAD | UE 2.5. 35° LOAVES SUNBRITE MARGARINE 2 »-: 49° FRESH POULTRY FARM GRADE "A" MEDIUM rr s Whitby High Schools' student drew Hiscox; Anderson, Robert Pollard; Denis O'Connor, Greg Steffler. "Be With It' and plan to at- tend this special event. EGGS going all out to decorate the auditorium. John Jensen is in charge of the psychedelic light- ing which will be most effec- tive when directed on individ- ual tables and performers. The Apollo Group will pro- vide music for dancing. They are: Larry Sandford, Michael Rogers, Cecil Griffin, E. Nes- bit and Paul Sawales. There will be a door prize and spot dance prizes. The master of ceremonies and_ co-ordinator, Nick Sadour, will keep things moving at a fast beat. During the coffee hour vari- WEBSTER Lumber and wing: 701 Brock St. N. --. Whi Ph. 668-4451 See us today for... ALUMINUM DOORS from STEEL STORAGE SHEDS $ ae For all your home improvement di . ell Webster Lumber today. ous forms of entertainment will WHITBY With Guy Stockwell, Pat Card Begins 7:30 BROCK Now Playing -- Program Each One Complete Eve. Starting at 7:30 Recommended As Adult Entertainment Begins ot 9:15 525,95 | For big or small spending held Saturday in honor of Gor- don McLean, 217 Euclid Street. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rawn and Mrs. Bessie Reid, Meyersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allmon, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Andrew, Pickering and Mrs. Betty Harris, Whitby. Dinner guests on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Halloran and daugh- ters, Loraine and Susan, Mrs. M. O'Halloran, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McLean and daughter Sheila and son Rob- ert and Mrs. Betty Harris and son Donald, Whitby. SAVE $ $ ON AU TO INSURANCE 597 KING ST. DIAL 328-7567 If, you are an Abstainer you save up to $272.00 on your auto insurance. "TOHN RIEGER E., OSHAWA WHITBY MEAT MARKET CHUCK Wieners HOT DOGS Red and Blue Brand Beef BLADE ... ROAST *~ GROUND J0! 99 3.99 2/49° REG. 29¢ _PKG. Whithy Me @ Ali Meats Govern closed mondays We have o special price on home freezer Orders -- Ask about it. Cut and Wrapped Free. Whitby me -- Whitby -- Phone 668- 6941 al Market ment Inspected @ we do big ASSOCIATES and small lending The Associates make personal loans of any size-- and for almost any reason. Some people come in for a $50 loan till next payday, while others need larger amounts up to $6,000 or more. In any case, monthly payment plans are carefully tailored to your income. Interest rates are reasonable, and there are no hidden charges. Whatever your reason for borrowing, see the Associates. After all, money' is our business. ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 111 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone 725-6531 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY LB. 63° BUTTER FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEP | ¥ SIRLOIN OR WING 79: Ib STEAKS mor Ae me PRIME RIB COOKED LB. Nescafe Instant L_~ eee -- POAST BEEF COFFEE SLICED COOKED Fresh Wieners 6-02. 9g Pra 39° sl SMOKED PICNIC HAMS Apple Raspberry or Apple Strawberry JAM 48-0Z. 79° TIN HAM Froth Rembure JAR Pork Hocks 89°! 3. 41 1003 DUNDAS ST. E. -- WHITBY RE-OPENING FRI. FEB. 24th Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitton, owners and opera- tors of the Whitby Dairy Queen, wish to an- nounce 'that Mr, and Mrs. Carl Sloan (formerly managers, Dairy Queen--Simcoe St. S., Oshawa) will be co-operators with them. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan will be looking forward to meeting all their many friends and old customers at their new location with the Mittons. For the best in MILK SHAKES -- ICE CREAM -- BURGERS -- HOT DOGS -- Etc... . Come To The DAIRY QUEEN! "Come Fly With Dairy Queen" DAIRY QUEEN 668-5342 WHITBY 1003 DUNDAS ST. €.