28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Pebrucry 22, 1967 It's Still The Freezin' Season But Hot "Action" Classifieds Will Thaw Things Out! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. REALT 16 Simcc y : 12--Articles Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted |19--Male and Female GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Help Wonted ' SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK & By RJ. SCOTT Fister prt, cal arte: Mach ae B INE ERV| c D | RE | O RY nn ince tenement a pa] ee (dustrial Firm FULL or bh oyeg , In good 1 @ 45' x 22 t : US S5 . fgg Ea Re In East Scarbore PART-TIME HELP he a pudeele : -- Arti r : \ i iness minde praca e hgh ticles for Rent requires the Services of required for: er ks AXD MADE A I i ish- - A his own busier Accounta Building Trad Rug - Upholstery Service _/TV--Redio Repsi cAstins re" a ie | eee cy pe nm uilding Trades ug- s' rvic '--Radio Repairs ' f ' ; 5 i gS a B-C Chart ' -- " é ae ela i Wont ped For i White Steam table and general buf- to 08 Dit pre AM ¢. Lue arter- i, r s, i i Shae Em EPR REPAIRS INTERIORS by WINDOLF | sence CA Quy 25 me wor. rcae | ELECTRICIANS | ieee ce ve es _Athcnecnciasndlesinrear : ast T.V. Service ; ¥ BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. ALTERATIONS @ Custom Upholstery SARGEANT'S RENTALS Cleaners: in general. Il @ Five roor Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- ADDITIONS @ Re-Covering y Standard wages. Uniforms, coe Street North, 725-0397. Res, 729-76. iB Antigues Restored DOMINION 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 | Qualified licensed mainten- | meals provided. ope oeot th JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Atcoun-| to WHEEL CHAIRS, ' ks 'ave trou tant, Licensed Trustee. 17 Bond Street) --HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES 39 Simcoe N. TELEVISION reducing machines, sick reom' yuppiies;| ance electricians with indust- | Apply in person or telephone home at this 5 23 latin dt ies oe Rec Rooms and Kitchens 728-5154 9 a.m, to % p.m. Ald Rentals, 105 Bestrice, 725-1644. i i ; Oshawa. Larg HOPKINS, BEADLE AND 5d Aa og © Specialty. 728-3651 age , : ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred haar a ie lo Flying Dutchman modern kitche &, Nar King. Street East, Oshawa, On- _|4HOUR TV SERVICE, towers, anten- Weis pariian wretngs gre "Sitchen, $2.00. per Dour. | Sormpiate Motor Inn with vanity. PI CE ggg el gael James Allen & Sons gay och Tioe ee coLoR AE a er 7 Cn, Ee ee '| employee benefits paid for 623-7242 spect at your ¢ jeadie. i €. 1 CA. & . and Radio Service. - See ee eee a rarieas in __ 725-6126 RUG CLEANING dt Tae w nu GUATEMALA WEAR 14--Business Opportunit by the company. Reply to or ane « ccountants. i 2ONtY. 1S BONG We, 976-1670, Peli AR catscistiaiiicerte Ban st stave hve calioits Mac uy 5 Bankruptcy, 5234 Simcoe Street North, 2 ; . Pd Nerd goby " aD WW TOWER ae a ain | GROTESQUE MASKS fo BUSINESS FOR SALE. For Information|' phone Mr. McFall, 282-1131. i MODERN 1 Ble CES TEI sh [A CORN ree Pick-Up ond Delivery [aii work guaranteed. Telephone 728-6879. Chi aed telephone 728-0433 after 6 o'clock. BOOKKEEPER 11h ee Bolle iy GORDON R. DAY, Certified General|REMODELLING, trim work, rds, 5 os HOW Muc . Iders, Gone gine Mien Canawe. SOP | roceMOR neritic ond: Saw Prom eat Angus-Graydon Well Drilling--Diggirg COFFEE Mus? | SPIRIT OF FUN. an 15--Employment Wanted Canadian Required by fast growing tt ee ton ping Centre, 725-9953. mates. Telephone 725-7046. 728-6254 WEL DIGGING by macfire special- You DRINK 40 L. NEED A JANITOR? or |anifor's sup- construction ¢ompany in Osh- wood kitchen, are CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, block izing In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- KEEP AWAKE, ¢MM deLare plies, com. and res. window and floor * awa, Ajax, Whitby are Z Blueprinting and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680 2 FOR 1 RUG CLEANING nad West, Whitby, 668-2563 er 668- 2 AFRENCH cleaning, free estimates, low rates. 725- Johns-Manville Highest wages paid te ull: hapatgdly stur AFTING id reproductions : a e g i ad uge recreatior Pe sie thncee Stree! North, 723-4661. Dentistry PECIAL 2--Personal ONE CUP EVERY bends Shenes i MOVING BY INSURED PERSON. Also fied person. basement. Yo is lela date Ic copies. _|CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN. M, Dental Sabie ad he ares. 10, : ORE BR 70s HUSBANDS j i peinge Sd creas or will; seat true Co. Ltd. 723-0701 invited, Price " , n w ick up and delivery at same 3 . with driver. 728-2882. ; Building Trades Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshewe.| cedress, ee Met de © ee tts St Ah ~ LADY WILLING TO BO hovseceaning West Hill P.O. le til . ; 668-2474, id D P. nt Drapery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Oshawa, Mar.' 6th, 7th and wie nie Lesa care ta 1") Ww, Hill, O Pelred"iemerewist se hi heey. TRIP No Down Payme: pery. 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. oi. tote Genosha Hotel or baby, 6 day weekly. Monday through est Hill, Ont. Gerders Hairstyling, 72 Church St., 723+ IV @ The wise ill 4 4 ; : vs, 3 ath i Monthly Instalments Oshawa's Only 725-9961 seth ere Cates Toe See ot 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale Sein veka walters sreaya. 91 Willen A NEW PROFESSION TUTOR WANTED to fesse Grade 7 AT igests dane ; CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and | bites ive op. {atts dally. Telephone 668-6765. palbideg sesame Remoaelling | ue epee revatyled, Eree estima feign le be wae REBUILT Stretch your food dollar. 17--Femele Help Wanted rie pa gt cel gs U VES with car working ten seh coi N | to order. Daiton Upholstering, 75 'Cheries 2 TRANSMISSIONS SAVE 15-20% ON YOUR r men to be the exclusive ey hours, "Buller Neriena Ge Mah Sibert . tom MODERN aoe eee 5--Trailers mauned Hey lea FOOD BILL. Vin-L-WeldD licensed appli- |Pridge, "Oshawa, Bowmanvile," Whitby, $35,000 with @ Recreation Rooms | DRY CLEANERS lished 20 vend wecumonene. ane - ee Stock your freezer ready for Need Extra cators in Oshawa Valley. Our RETIRED COUPLE or jenio- a EEE down payment: G 728-4614 feed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-| RAMBLER TRAILERS Oshawa. Transmission lay-off present licensees ore present- |, for janitor of small e pleesie tresses re-built, rniture re-finished. ervice a oy M ? ly earning easily $30 per sess buliding In Whitby. Telephone * hawa | ing, ; _ : 3 A new department of Osh- Dressmaking ns a1, ar AY Deen Avenue, SALE RENT 1175 Nelson Street if you olready oe freezer oney hour with all the work they |TORONTO STAR require men or women $1,300 BUII ewo's Quality Builder, Open Sundays 2-4 P.M you con still join our famous want. This long-sought-for in- |canvassers to work with their carriers. V @ if lik coats, oressen, Baautiony. ialionss sip sales and Service food club and get all 15 | Selling Avon Products i. your | vention is @ miraculous pro- | inteed. quani"S work. 6.30 fo 9 p.m. Guar- this is the ideal KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | evers, drapes. Mrs. Tons, rr & BUDDY TRAILERS GENTLY USED valuable privileges. Savings own community will solve cedure that chemically welds Cor nelphae St he, Serer a ee ponds pr Call today for Free Estimotes Gardening and Supplies PORT HOPE BRIDAL GOWNS end quali gid et th yal apatite eh ter- tears and burns in Naugahyde porasrer. ae be. arranged. Call Me. Fry Lot size 100 x = . ritories available in Oshawa, and Vinyl! plastic furniture. {|------ eelhesrencilt sin lRHd ok 728-7583. APPLIANCE one eal Geer ses tac "-- $10 - $15 Freezer ond shopping Port Hope, Cobourg and rural Up to now the lounges, bus- |}7,,¥OU CAN work from 6:30 - 9:30 eve. prot gc Rae necro Tate ere ont, ff . " REPAIRS trailers and cabin trailers. Reserve now SARGEANT'S privileges for os little as areas in Durham, and North- es, cafes, homes, etc, have {will guarantee $200 @ 'month song ov now. mates. K. Horner, 668-8377; 728-6869. now ime pt Pa lg Service and Sales, Whitby 463 Ritson Rd. S. $198. For more information umberland Counties. Don't had to either use tape or ex- Lethe id helpful' but not necessary. You ROOFING hot ter and gravel, shingles, Expert repairs to all makes Sates 725-3338 aire Bh O delay, call or write to pensively reupholster. Long |Earnings" ore Recut f representative, e repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. : 653) A Eauj . * er appointment phone Oper- range profitable repeat busi- | quired. Writ Immediately. Car ree Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. ICE SALT of washers, dryers, ranges, 'Marine Equip ator B, 723-1163 MRS. J. 'HILL ee en . a : . Write Box 48042, Oshawa Times. WHITBY pels itl yy Te te : ; ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- WATER SOFT SALT bh TV TOWERS 140 NONQUON ROAD f 20--Real Estate for S VI @ Here isa el : troughing, fire- , lew brochures each week. We 'or Sale t pisces, masonry, Gord May, Whitby os. CALCIUM CHLORIDE oT Pre-Season Sale SPECIAL Chambers Food Ltd. OSHAWA, ONT. -- 725-9696 have contracts now for you. al mu. WILD BIRD FEED 104 1 933 Ritson South No Rises : We furnish factory training the eost end of QUALITY carpentry and general re- SUNFLOWER SEED -foot tower structure, all- perience Required. and all initial help necessary GORDON h ra be pairs. Serving Oshawa district for many N L B channel antenna _ installed, TREMENDOUS SAVINGS We Train You. to beco ful immedi bright oiry yrs. Honest, dependable service. 7258876) BIRD FEEDING STATIONS [eipnutupe and APPLIANC gal ima in Ae ih te $50. Oshawa TV Supply on MATTRESSES gig eel bd a kitchen, impres: POTTING SOIL sig NGE tg without grass.catch- Limited, Taunton Road East, ' otely....lovemiment; from. $3,= room, earport. CLASSIFIED RATES 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa er was 95.00. just gait Gf Ritson Road ' Spring filled mottresses 500. cash. Call anytime. As ments ore $1] ache Abe PEAT POTS Telephone 723-0011. Now $72 ab I. Licol west shes 7 Hed PHYSIO THERAPY : "s very. vane license. S O an e inibieat ond: te Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; PEAT STRIPS 10) de oll was ole RUTHERFORD'S een 2S een ane ene night for on op additional words, S¢ each; 3 consecu- PLANT BOXES 8 3-room groups, Living Room ssitpa s, complete 69.95 AIDE Oshawa. ; REAL ESTATE this one. tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; odd GARDEN SEEDS naw, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re. $109.50. , Bedroom: Dining Room. $399, Continental beds .... 48.88 ional c¢ each; to all_ makes. New ses. D 0 ' . tive Iserions of Bt Words, 876; od epee ert ack Loess 728-0988 pias Mow SOE | 4499, $699, $678. Ray | peeemh ait place) (Full Time) SALES 218 DUNDAS 3ST. £. en ee tone! words 24¢ each. GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer 1" i terms. Immediate delivery or Ret Sores i : r vil @ ced Cherge--10 per cent edditione! charge ROOTING COMPOUND washers and ranges. Free dattnates. San . siazee gross tatcher layaway, ry WILSON'S FURNITURE Grode 10 or equivalent. Busy POSITION WHITBY hove just liste pdisodh goehentes alga PURITY DOG MEAL [=~ Now $76 RUTHERFORD'S 20 Ghurch St. department. Work involves In Oshawa Ne 2 tieiiey are © Method of Counting -- Less than 24 PET SUPPLIES * : Pie ; : : : } Heth large living roo words counts as 24 words; each word Septic Service 21" with grass catcher was Le in oI Croce und exisions, radios, | | - considerable physical ectivity. and District Di tostefully decor We orkt phone number. counts two ¢ . SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service! $116.50. ~ TYPEWRITER, electric, $781 stendard,| Gert oven 7 days a week, Experience preferred. Apply. A well established local firm |. - ial 668-8826 bosement with wore ooper- mit West, Whitey 'ab-ases, | resinut Street Now $86 td Electric' multiolien mianene Also. T.V fark color and : G 1 Offi : Saige ee sph olbtvon foneed lot, pov IRTHS -- DEATHS -- Oy ee aye oaepeamanertmarsrard 5 to. enera ice id- ing, - i todoy. SOcIAL NOTICES co. Surveyors ait Automewer: wee. [Rimarenlc, meirewm only vem.) Diack and white TLV. Anten- | , i soledihien, fp rage He, pot d "LAND" $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addl- $156.00. Barons' Home' Porniahyegs as siemtl| nas, rotors. installed, Sales MEMORIAL "HOSPITAL , . A oppo In town of Whitby for. th e tional charge if not paid within 8 days. 1 ' H. PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land - Now $115. [st 8 : wi coe) and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. tunity offering a good future. Guilder 6 f ie ' IN MEMORIAMS 6 Celina St. Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone a - |1967 SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar-| 248 Quebec St. Coll 725- ( Bowmanville We will give training to the |. 000 r or speculator at $5,- IF COMFOR $2.25 for the first 38 words and Sc 72seeey, | 21" Commercial was |dier, world's largest producer of soft) 0500. All. work guaranteed. - successful applicant. Position Per ere. -- VII @ then th eoch thereattet, plus 12 per ling of 723-2312 723-1139 BONS VAN, au FLEISCHMAN, or $147.50. soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, offers good salary, incentive CAR WASH you ore looking i itional ehar, not pai fario irveyor, ercial ue paca now on display, ited Rent-All Marine, ; - within 8 dovs., " DELIVERY SERVICE prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. Now $107 Othewa's only" authorized Ski-Doo dealer, FOR SALE -- USED BEELINE eda sie igebeegtic cae De you want te own your own pe ag 4 $58 o the nist 33 words and 6c ernie vr TV--Radio Repairs Several used reconditioned FiBERGLAS FENDI SENDERS TD ea em TV SETS Personal interview will be ar- business? A drive thru ear tbl sdend bv eoch thereafter with 25c¢ additional mowers. up. New and used auto parts. Rebullt A-1 Condition FASHIONS ranged after receipt of writ- wash on @ main highway. the basement. E charge if not pald within 8 days. Money to Loan From $29 sarters and generators, 1175 Nelson St. ten application. Ideal for the young man with Uving room, fir OMING EVENTS {Wit Goan va ie we Si 11nd Roo EBSD TRIO TELEVISION ' ae All replies will be treated with | ambition te build for the room. Price $1) ¢ ; you up to $5,000 sf a CONTINENTAL BEDS, jete ti Now looking for part-time or i i f $2.24 r inch (display); $1.78 for the| reasonable rate of interest to consolidate $39.95; mattresses from $19.95 all types, 728-5143 full tim resentatives in strict confidence, Please give uture, irst 20 words end 6c each thereofter|your bills or for any other worthwhile OSHAWA panabobide, onasthird oft 73 aaa types 35 Divi sed <sevig si full background and porticu- ba Dlaved and have goed. credit Taiagat< FREEI Furnace closed" sdloi ween St your orae,: Apacs 7 OW | tom in fist letter, CABINS $1,500 | TION SALES Dloy: ave er . . Urnace cleaned, adjusted tree.icHROME SET $20., electri I es ours, NO experience neces- if } Up aus BER INCH PER INSERTION. Mort: SERVICE logy Alda hed OM Cone cl | fan heater $15. 14 H B. motor'ss, mavie | sary. We will train, samples Box 47827 Four eabins for only $1,750. 1X @ will buy ortgages COLOR arity ¥:|camera $30, mantel radio $15. dining-| supplied. Use of cor neces- T : Fully equipped. To be moved frame bungalow DEADLINES or SKATES! A large selection of new and ag ag oa beds Gh ranuuile Sik, sary. he Oshawa Times from property. North plont ar WORD ADS used. Also hockey equi t, bargain |double wardrobe $29., TV ib "4 kitchen, 2 bedr B p.m. DAY PREVIOUS MORTG AGE BLACK seh WHITE LTD priced hockey. slicks, Circle Centre, 20 cabinet $30, bookcase S19, firesions| For. personal interview. call A TEXAS OIL CO. OSHAWA -- obly carry for LosT AND FOUND . sete dba LATIN Lae foe B19. ecrrigeater, $49. heavy duty) MRS. _CHRISTOFFERSEN, | WANTS MAN OVER 40 NORTHWEST ce coe 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION THE BEST CALL GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |¢\ Yop. spi, "err seretor $125. Call before) 949.5347 to-d, , You call Of Harbor R television, refri » has ePilhasesodt ceca Ecco} For On F : ont: VOU cary BIRTHS AND DEATHS LOANS " a up. Alcon Furniture ahd abollences 100 DRAPES = White antique satin, four 2 er ae ronne phat bs bags - owner. 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION 723 8186 Simcoe South. 723-0011. pairs, approximately 42" by 82'. each, DENTAL Wa Wiel 6 eeod mien evar Plus recreation room. IN MEMORIAMS. and Moneys available for first vi [VACUUM REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, |COUld b& loined together. Call 725-9131. 40 who can make short auto Landscaped to give that plea- , CARD OF THANKS and second mortgages. Open brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942.0213,|COFFEE TABLE and end table, good ASSISTANT trips for about a week ot a wraggster iad LOOKING _ S p.m, DAY PREVIOUS mortgages. No bonus. First ® Rae ee CHRIS CRAFT ARE Vacuum Service, Main Street,|Condition. Telephone. 668-4289. Must have a certificate time, We are willing to pay we know you will enjoy. BES CLASSIFIED DISPLAY mortgages, second mortgages SALES and SERVICE ed 1965 POLARIS snowmobile. A-1 condi- or practical A sip 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 €ol-) ond agreements for sale pur- TELEVISION McVay fibreglas sail boats, MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat-|tion. United Rent-all 'and. Marine, $55 Send full poritclers te: ea caa FIVE ROOM BRICK X @ then you umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. chosed. FOR Créstliner: - Pataiiio h and howe a reduced. Smooth-top mat- King East at Wilson. 728-5565. PR 2 WORTH $12 000 Bungalow Close to Oshowa miss this charn a oat ee tabled CLEANER, SHARPER Northeraft runabouts, Evin | esses tor bunk beds, $1688) roll-away| CARGE:SIZED CRIB. and matiress; also Seg fd § Shopping Centre. Only one house, Angel st Scam: DAY OF PUBLICATION M. F. SWARTZ TV RECEPTION rude outboard motors. fie Oh te Niel scalp tage cece times _| Our top men in other parts ef | year old. Vendor wants this on raving lot wi mM. '; Ns re, rel ¥ fees SA TE NRE OO JUSEKEE ij ' r Any advertisement cancelled before 262 King St. East YOUR OWN OSHAWA _YACHTHAVEN -- - |ingving-sace---- LOYD ENGLISHSTYLE baby pram --n|children welcome forests fos'twerschen| country draw | exceptional house sold tonite. $18,900. Walk-out bosets pond tesa WL Oe SCORE One. ev Oshawa, Ontario 723-8186 frig., like chef ee Foe ot very gcod condition, $50. Telephone 668-|age children. Small village near Port} earnings up to $12,000 in a window, Hollyw soe Nu 723 4697 "STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller boat ination, new; °39" . conti bed | 2078: anes Perry. Telephone 728-4224. year, This Opening in the $22,800 -- WHITBY . complete with b BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 - 'Bvinrude nutore Open Seven te wiles with headboard; end tables; writing desk|TOP QUALITY electric guitars; six] RELIABLE WOMAN fo mind three girls) Oshawa area is worth just as At : ' oven. Roomy ba! While every endeavor will be made to - week. Marine Stora: 'and Suppl Met and chair; phone table and chair; two|string bass, make offer. Guaranteed.ilive In. Telephone Port Perry 985-7971 h hi hi Ai wo storey home with four ored fixtures forward replies to box numbers to the Brookline 6553601, ply Ltd. /rugs; bookcase headboard, blond; util-|Slightly used tremulux piggy-back am-|atter 4 p.m. muen to me right mon. Alr bedrooms, two fireplaces and : advertisers as soon as possible, we ac-| Ist and 2nd Brookiin, 6553641, ___+_+_____--_iity table, lamps, dishes, power lawn|plifier. Tralier furnace. Telephoné 668-|=o55 mail R. B. Dickerson, Pres., ibilities for f Call now and se cept_no liability in respect of loss orl AAOQRTGAGES FINAL CLEARANCE. 1966 Chrysler out-| mower, umbrella clothes line, new: two| 5306. TUPPERWARE -- Earn $20.-$40. week-| Couthwestern Petro! Possibilities for future expan- damaged alleged to arise through either boards. Only a few left. Full 2 year|hotplates: girl's clothing, 8-12. Various] eURNITURE AND APPLIANCES all hemes eee etait. Tupperware | on roleum sion. Call us now, e failure or delay in forwarding such re- @ RESIDENTIAL warranty. 5 snow-moblles, new and used.|other articles. Phone 726-2061. uh RE AND APPLIANCES at home party plan. Car necessary. will] Corp., 534 N. Main St., Ft. ; plies, however caused whether@by negli- COMMERCI Wilde Rental Serivce and Sales, Whitby,|a-cm TAPE RECORDER? ane Gare | Coneay aig My, balance offtrain. Telephone 668-6806, 723-0377. Worth, Texas. 76101. Vv HANDYMAN gence or otherwise. The Times will not @ CIAL 668-3226, BS.R: TAPE RECORDER, one Gar-|Honest Cal's stock. Open Saturday only. |WoMEN WANTED to clip newspaper IEW OF LAKE XI @ 1% store be responsible for replies uncalled for @ INDUSTRIAL FIBREGLASS BOAT, and ine engine. Teleprone *n6030. ag items. Full time, part-time. Send stamp- Three bedroom home in sight board hou in 20 days. Immediate service and even- steering controls. List price $795. Selling] FURNITURE < three rooms oF new GOOD HEINTZMAN PIANO, priced fojed self-addressed envelope for detalls to: REAL ESTATE ef Pickering Hydro plant with le ily be REGULATIONS ing appointments. Complete 728-5143 $475. Also Chrysler motor. Six miles east |niture PR ny Re OTR abe al eer rans wer Bae ant REL BUDII ation ty PON: 207, Stoney b: lovely ia BF dake: On: could easily bec details call Doug Terwillegar.: Corner Bond and Division | °%_shawa_st Selina Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. |Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 8. MOTOROLA TELEVISION, 17" screen, ---- i _t E periented sal 'A tario. L fivi able home unde THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE Dee eure ar See Seine oe $40, good condition. Telephone 576-1955|SECRETARY, preferably with legal] xPerienced salesmen wante: 'ario. Large living room, full of @ man hand: RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| BRANCH REALTY 7--Swap and. Barter TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-|after 6.30 p.m training for Alax law office. Telephone] for our Pickering and Brook- basement, family room, Situ- d paint | TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE INVESTMENTS LTD . ice, all makes. Free estimates. Call your |FELEVISION, Re 1 Inch portable, | 242-5151. . . +" 4 ated on a large lot, 79' sow and paint THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE) | . ; 7 V &% AND '64 GMC half-ton pick-up; '57|l0cal Roya! dealer, 728-3664 anytime. 196 THe and tebe See Tee eOles SART.TIME WAITRESS and counter| [in Offices. Direct Forento A arg , x $10,500 (almo THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY Ap. 51 King E. A ae Vv. faldee Pinnbite enllesr ieee tayn.| BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|723-3903, | : pnone |airl wanted for South Side Sea Foods.| fine, full time secretarial 200'. Make an offer, for quick sale. | so aa ee mS Pe A dry tubs, three-piece bath set, $60, H.|pllances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, . 263-2695. | ---__-____________________ |Call_ Whitby 668-2721 between 5 p.m. and ' ; : SEiSion IN WHICH. ERROR OCCURS.|FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale BUILT IN OSHAWA" Chinn, corner. of Hillside. and' Park $. |USED TIRES, most ail sizes, B, F.|9A--Eggs & Poultry sab pinen Lennie cree ep « SeLVeee | BXSCUNNG: | OFfICE MITCHELL AVE. ® agreements purchased and sold. Hennick AT OUR OWN PLANT aaa HELP e GUT? Pl Heip | Codrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543, | ---------- ------ WAITRESS, full or part-time, no eve-| Surroundings, PSI, loss of in- OSHAWA MORE FOI! The Oshawa Times reserves the right to| and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street Wanted ad now by dieling 7233492, |PIANO -- apartment size; new, $175.00/E OCS _ "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --!nings or weekends. Apply In person to) come and benefi classify advertising according to its/East, 723-7232, We give you a better tower Liles Bibs ke off reguiar price! Barone' Home Furcich: |White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Silver Grill, 1628 Brock Street, Whitby. Penson Dever ts, $13,995. Clean and cozy with MON Pipe cen iention: FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avall-| for less mone' 8--Articles for Sale j'R9S, 424 Simcoe St. S. Perec Ge seree St Stereo home. Call ROBERT SHEA, 294 an eee one, snsiian Kil @ A poce In the cases of display advertisements| able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock ve |TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end| 10--F, * Col 18--Male Help Wanted . , storms and screens, forced d The Times will deity bale cesporalbie Street North, Whitby, 668-3338, tables,-one coffee table, two table peel ----Farmers 1372 or 297-1270, Thomas ale sil heat cond parse Call a oe ve than that whic! ela Li arricatidaas agen All « ition. By bo peopns equreeyiing poy re mR eralE TREC sac id a Ss See ane i omen wena ee ewe! OSHAWA T.V au Tins oNsTo™ BOR STE OM DEAD AND CRIPPLED tar, sock, pce SGA, Limited Abalies, | aa Tea this 4 bedroom RO re bar oasis aavablity gages. Need good credit. 725-1423. Be: BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture Tyrone Freephone Collect Hampton hey Members of Oshawa and family sized livi of advertisement : any. ieee in Nursery Schools SUPPLY LTD; dB all leg Soe oearen OY. cay 2721. Licence 4-C-66, District Real Estate Board. sg Hind Mend vd vot ad -- and kitche any form are containe: rein. ure » 444 Si ' th, 723-3271. - dutomaliva' parte, wenutie: 'ive room brick with partially lew furnace. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ine TAUNTON RD. E. SIX SERVICE BAYS TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft structure, 11--Pets and Livestock fuirhe tn Scbrbbro: recuils 6 REAL ESTATE finished recreation room. Give us a call, TIMES ACTION WANT AD ODDLERS PARADISE (Just East of Ritson) FOR FASTER SERVICE 728-5143, oe "|COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep-| young energetic assembly line SALESMAN Gites. fe seheel. with) t tiva e Sal Crates Dieoet FROBEL -- MONTESSORI | 723-8131 723-8132 | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |SUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,|norce' "pony: ""Piate"Cwnctonn '?tusrter| foreman. Must have experi- | Opening for aggressive man | mortgage. Not many like this 723-3492 Day Nursery School Chay." Deding: Ferd "Ply. Ue Area Pet wifell gh 1§2450 and jequipment, clothes. A 655-4662. | ence in light meta! fabrica- interested in a real estate baled ' BUNGA . ' ' TELEVISION -- PF ADIO 2 ge, e Ply 1up Alcan Furniture and: ApPIANES, Aee chipping. work at} tions, be mechanically inclin- career. Must have good car, XI] @ We have et your child enjoy this won- mouth, Pontiac. We correct | Simcoe South, 723-0011. i ; i i $14,500 i 24 HOUR SERVICE i ELOSED FOR HOLI ra lowest prices, Call and compare. 728-| ed and able to communicate good education, desire for ' 3 bedroom horr INDEX TO bis method sr teaching. wheel alignment, ees ae March 15." Bill Hemiven> Fre ad al with personell. Replies treated high earnings. NORTHWEST OSHAWA St. S. with cera egister now. For appoint- correct castor and camber, |-- : " . BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, : J isti CLASSIFICATIONS ment call 723.0734, Ly. RENTALS Glign toe-in ond toe-out to |ROV 12CU. FY. thin wall retrigerator,|for training, talking strain. "Apply | in strictest confidence. Please APPLY __ 1% storey home consisting of bathroom, mat a: correct onndition ; $6.88. ite Digi dcg Telephone 725-7223, 6 P.m.|Broad, 114 Elgin East. write: LLOYD METCALF three bedrooms, kitchen, din- trim, | portitio a Painting and Decorating HOLMES @ Parts extra if required DRESSES;aiae 37, peopl gig gl aw MEAs BOX M48142 wo he tee 6 eh gg Mites igh oe by Wen, Rati Ce 3--Sportsman's Columa PAIN @ Torsion bar adjustment Also one winter coat. Apply 644 Ritson | 2 ~~ Oc S80 and up. 655-388). _ ing Street East garage. You wanted a home MAb s-Motoreycies sonable rales. "Work guarantee. Free] ELECTRONICS extra. : Road Souths MORGAN AND. QUARTER 'horse siai-| = OSHAWA TIMES 728-4678 on the Northwest -- well here iereant for 808 5--Trailers estimates, Telephone 725-2938. GREEN BED - CHESTERFIELD, mod-\ppre sre-tier atten) NOY quiet. Tele it is. Spect. é-Merine Equipment iNTERION" Secoraiiess pairtl PHONE e ern styling, Good condition. Telephone Prone 576-1504 after 9_p.m. TOOL ' i ) painting, : Tel : A PU Bonin, cares, we, ace hanglege wees feist, Piet Sinai BRAKE SPECIAL [7257388 sr appiv a2! Front Stree" /GHIMUAHUA PUP, male. two monits| ~PRODUCE MANAGER ROOM 9--Market Basket Upton's Painting, 723-2977. 668-5679 'i " VIKING. CHEST TYPS treeir, cu. [OcL eo eens Tate MACHINIST Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 EASTD 'ce armeis 'Column ~ - ost popular cors. First /ft., nearly new, $250. Telephone 668-3996, |CHIHUAHUA FOR SALE, nine months OR Top W Marlow Hancock 723-0288 XIV @ Wi it co ee Plumbing and Heating TV j Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. FOUR BURNER GAs stove, like new, Saran vey hone eeralieny wip ae pce George Sullivan 668-6226 ten fe ne . 4 - k x .. 1 nm 13--Articles for Rent ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- ean entals $14.88 i AHOGLNY Dinine Suri satleiree | PRO ge EXPERIENCED CLERK INDUSTRIAL. TOOLS N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 home in the ch {e-Business Oppertunttion ling, new and used materials. Reasonable New Sets Plus $2.00 per: wheel en cen Ga tineninan tae REGISTERED BLUE TICK coon hound, Blog se W Clare Shank 723-5145 crea of Oshawa 3 5 }- en yi : ' ; of 4 male, nine moni i 5 \° : . ae Ly geese 8 Ne Wartee ALL PLUMBING AND aeATINe ae ALCAN (labor cost) Tatene ernL table, $200. complete. sonable, 175 Site Ave Pare Ras. Fred f oo and company OSHAWA Partly finished 18--Male Help Wanted plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark y/FURNITURE ond e lb sa a ROR EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Lavoe wall to wall b 19--Male or Female Help Wellted Lid, Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, / --ADPLIANCE: dresser, floor model region svicresisds|G00D HOME NEEDED for five-month company has opening for 8 local resident FIRST TIME OFFERED place, attached Sieritee Pianos. pes lhensn nash a 452.5 : s WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |2r radio, spare tre and jack. Telephone Sit neeufos, tae ar Apply Store Manager with business or sale background. In re- FOR RE-SALE to sell at $20,5 2i--Farms for Sale 733.001 ee Including weights per wheel: [Zeer ene See ee train oeeiat titiee | JASMINE CRES. BEAU VALLEY the ad again anc BoResl Estate Wanted : - @och woes eee eee $1.95 [Rim rubter Gomme RETELD 4.uit:/chihuahua puppies, purebred, registeres,| SUNNYBROOK __[esucation and experience to Box 48756,| Lovely 6 year old brick ranch tures; then 'phe 24--Stores Offices and Storage FOR SPECIAL SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, old. Excellent buy. Call after 6 p.m., hecith Cattticnte, I46 Ok Cooker eee FOOD MARKETS Oshawa Times. style bungalow with attached pointment. SECAGATTANT: tr Raat PO ' FRONT-END WORK AT |i ___|ice avaliable all breeds, Canadien Comper ge Ss', 28, eacty] OBTEOE,: 2 bathrooms, finish. ® 27--Ri for Rent lop allowance for your aerial COMPARABLE PRICE NER, ironing table, iron,| FREE MALE PUPPY, L ) pre- plus commissions and latest traini ed recreation room and extra : BRoom and Beare RESULTS or tower on CABLE T.V. ' _ va rer easily ek Ga Pa aie, art sumed Labrador, Telephone encene pre WHITBY fechnaues Box wasn Stew 4, fauee| room ~-- Sane pe used fo XV Pap chip fan' 4 id sag * | DROFESSIC aa yee =o ion. Write Box , Oshawa Times. i 7 tl LIMITED TIM lumber, sprayer, table and chairs, wine|PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICES -- ue fourth bedroom with fire. o aya TIMES os wv. UNIROYAL -- = [test ite daa" "(Cin cmt spate, are| CLASS A MECHANIC |remien, foe lam cetea| plo roughed tn, fenced in fr the fol 32--Trucks for Sale ACTION CLASSIFIED HAWA CABLE TV Ltd. VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses:| ing and treme? and, delivery; board- Or Fourth or Fifth In RMRICHEAS A Tonle. Rnauire ae large lot, well located, ask« close to schools, 33--Automobies Wanted brushes, etc. Pick-up, deli 1, ,foses:|Ing and. training. Doberman Pinschers Yi ; n. Minimum two months. Enquire after] , as inn cad 34--Automobile Repair PHONE 723-5287 CENTRES Fleming Vacuom Seevicg ery: 942.0213.1 and German Shepherd pupples for sale. eor Apprentice 5 p.m., 723-4987. ng $23,900 on terms with ping and transpo Sap ep pe ADS marcia ah rae acuum Service, Main Street,| Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. pert Maprgarhetin flat rote balance on N.H.A. mortgage. Street aha all i f we BUY SEL AN E | SIAMESE KITTENS, adorabi s company benefits. . To i t call F ments. seven fr | nao 733-3 492 CUT AWAY 0 tay sum by rating ht! DOMINION TIRE STORES |e eUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE eee gameae ao pureorea slams. Call between 8 arm. and § | RESULTS? Use Times| Appleby 723-3398 --~ eon brick home, oil h : . ; -3493 and placa an far' ey ; ave. ersian ai mese stud service. i ; i , hed Extra kitchen. L 29--Netias apt. fer rent P Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street'Grand and Triple éfampion. Teleph p.m. for oppointment. E. A. Action Want Ads. ings. Bolahood Brothers Limit. xtra kitchen. rent ad in The Timea. P Phone 725-6511 South, 723-1671. 725-2729. Se ee | Ney 62S ROG: { a j iad with reosons