Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1967, p. 1

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* 2) %y 'Home Newspaper' Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. Weather Report Sunny skies and warmer wea- ther forecast for today. Pos- sibility of some snow later to- day. Low tonight, 18; high She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1967 Thursday, 25. VOL. 96 -- NO. 44 10e Single Copy SSe Per Week Home Delivered Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottewa and for payment of Postage in Cash Johnson Asks Change Canada Constitution RC Knights, | FOURTY-SIX PAGES Wants Quebec To Remain 'Integral' Part Of Canada QUEBEC 90 Million People on Expo's Doorstep | | s | , Masons Join 5657000 afl) Ont. PE| In Project pao a |Daniel Johnson of Quebec said] would "'be able to work together | 6,731,000 | : >>p 3 c 108,000 | Tuesday night he wants changes|in the management of their spe- | \ be rage al consticution but that/cial interests." D jthis only proves that Quebec| It was only F NEW HAVEN, Conn, (AP)-- jhopes "to remain an integral| matters Big ogg se Officials of the Masons and the part of Canada." ests, Quebecers should want to Roman Catholic Knights of Co. | "That is our first choice, as/deal with the government of lumbus have agreed to form a jlong as we don't have to. re-/ Quebec joint civic programs on a broad |nounce our culture," Mr, John-, Mr. Johnson made his re basis. json told the legislative assem-/Marks while proposing estab- In making the announcement |bly, which greeted his remarks|!ishment by the legislature of a Tuesday, officials of the two or- with loud applause. l4-man committee to deal with ganizations said that the "fra Quebec did not: want to im./CoStitutional questions. The jternal"' spirit was an outgrowth pose itself on the rest of Can- committee would carry on work of the Vatican ecumenical coun ada and "'it is not opposed to Performed in the past by an- jcil, which encouraged subse- i quent discussion and co-opera- tion among many Protestant, Ottawa's settling problems other such group. oe all Canadians | PROPOSES 4 TASKS Catholic and Jewish groups, 10,305,000 {i { Conn. 2,875,000 ; | But the premier is out to see |lodges of the predominantly od vm sspemeteent'Y N.J.6,898,000 Asked by a reporter later|that the new group is much about possible changes in the|more vigorous, and he proposed |\protestant Masons have co - ie , W. Va. | : ° NS, 'Del, 512,000 Joperated on the local level % ig sa oe : : vel in "./1,794,000¢°7 ¥ province's own constitution, the|/that it have four main tasks. Union Nationale premier said: It should: [operated on: the: doeal. level in . % We could come close to a| 1. Set out Quebec's constitu- |blood drives and fund . raising * x! campaigns for civic projects. \. 4,307 000 Md. 2 ieha 00 602 o ' Ca A presidential system." tional objectives and those of But the pledge of co-opera- af (CP) -- Premier) These communities Mich. | 8,374,000 . 4 ' N.Y. ee 10 LEFT HOMELESS IN FIRE NEAR CITY 18,258,000 / Wlass.5,383,000 their granddaughter was completely gutted and the upstairs apartment kitchen burned out. The fire was believed to have started in the furnace room. The other apartments in the building suffered extensive smoke and water damage. The Oshawa fire depart- ment arrived first and arrival of the Bowmanville fire department. The fire trucks ran out of water, drained a well dry and had to resort to hauling water to the location in tankers. Another apartment suite was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cornish and their three children. Ten persons, including four children, were left homeless today as _ fire swept through a three-unit apartment building on Townline Road, one mile north of Highway 2 just outside the eastern bound- ary of the city. An apart- ment occupied by Mr. and 4 vj Ohio yea R.1.893,000 |the "French-Canadian nation.' FAVORS A PRESIDENT? | 2. Study the possibility of re He did not elaborate on this|placing the Quebec legislative --Oshawa Times Photo < Mrs. Joseph Jackson and fought the blaze until the tion to form widespread pro- |grams in the "moral, civic and social action fields,' was de- scribed by the two organi- Sukarno Hands Over Power jzations in a statement as '"'the DC. 808,000 'MEET ME AT THE FAIR' but there have been reports re-| cently that the Union Nationale is thinking in terms of a possible abolition of the post of lieuten- dent for Quebec. ant-governor in favor of a presi-| council, or upper house, with a new chamber representing ime portant non - governmental groups In Quebee society and the province's ethnic minorities The area includes 16 states and five provinces and is home to more than 90,000,- 000 people. \first time that the highest offi- cials met to explore avenues of | co-operation." The statement said it was agreed "that the ideal of a belief in the brotherhood of remain|man under the fatherhood of About 75 per cent of them now live within 600 miles of Montreal in the densely pop- ulated northeastern United States and eastern Canada. ¢ jand organized in the light of Also high on Mr. Johnson's | contemporary needs. jlist of constitutional desirables| 3, Advise the assembly on To Army General Suharto « JAKARTA (AP) -- President|the father of Indonesia's inde-jto independence will pears of Ind ia tonight| pend president in name only. pete which both fraternities anded over his presidential; A signed statement by Su- jembrace and support, could powers to army strongman Gen.|karno said he gave all power to|"WO WEEKS OF PRESSURE \serve as a social and moral Suharto, ; Suharto "for the sake of the peo-|, His decision came following|therapy for the ills of modern The decision dramatically|ple of the country." two weeks of intensive pressure society." ended Sukarno's 21 years of one-| Sukarno's stepdown was not'a|{"om Suharto and his military man rule of Indonesia. full resignation but was a sur-| followers Sukarno has surrendered most |render uf executive powers. Sukarno has been warned that| of his powers to Suharto last} The 65-year-old president, who|if he did not hand over powers| March, but he remained a sym-/led this huge Southeast Asian|he would be investigated by Con- bol to millions of Indonesians as'nation from Dutch colonial rule akc and possibly brought to al. (CP Photo) community where The 400-ton Cape Bonnie was| bound for her home port of Halifax with 70,000 pounds of fish when she ran aground in a 'mtorr sm mee NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Truck Driver Gets Four - Month Term WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Marcel Lefrancois, the truck driver involved in the Dec, 21 Oldcastle bus-truck collision which killed eight school children, was sentenced today to four months in an Ontario reformatory on a conviction of dangerous driving. Assistant Crown Attorney Gerald Tuck said "'in this case, I think a jail term is warranted in the hope that it will have some effect on others in the community." Lefrancois was also prohibited from driving in Canada for one year. Two AWOL From U.S. Army Remanded PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Two American teen-agers, absent without leave from their U.S. Army unit, today were remanded one week without bail and plea on charges of break and enter, theft and possession of stolen goods. Roger Raymond, 18, of Waterbury, Conn., and James Crawford, 19, of Crewe, Va., appeared today in magis- trate's court here. Both were dressed in civilian clothes. Higher Wheat Prices Foreseen OTTAWA (CP) -- Negotiators have reached '"' a great deal of agreement" for higher international wheat prices, James Bentley, president. of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, said today. .. In THE TIMES Today .. Whitby Lascos Lead 2-0--P. 10 Toronto Alumni Host To District Members--P. 5 Estimates of the number of people who wil lvisit Expo nial Year range between is the study of a new provincial|how best to organize and con- 10,000,000 and 20,000,000 upper house that would repre-|voke a Ouebac constituent ase sent leading social groups. sembly to deal with the provin- EFFECTIVE THURSDAY tions in Canada as a wholeitiation of a new constitutional must be based on "a plan which|order."' respects as much as possible the| 4. Spark the proposal of future each of our two cultural com-|tion and the strengthening of mounities,"" said the premier, re-|guarantees for minority rights ferring to English- and French-|in this predominantly French- Hope Fades To Be Lai For Survi Oo ve CLE ©LC (cla Sought To End Financi RCMP S ht Pp vd t D t bekae ccuaeenions ne cane LOWER PROSPECT, Ng,| About 9,000 Oshawa autojas the current work week was|in 22 GM plants in the ntl g g | sae i CP)--A s me to.| workers will be indefinitely laid]a scheduled one. States. N h D k S Ch oug riva e a a Sp opines og! iris ate off Thursday night as General] Laid-off employees will be| The issue is centred on the ort a ota enator arges harto agreed to ensure that Su-|among the 18 crew members of A ' kK i y |ger car production, the corpora-|employment insurance benefits;where more than 2,600 hourly- i fal. oo bd v4 --_-- a vor oe tion ceseiseed today. . (a union-company plan) or un-jrated workers staged a wildcat ag Milton Young, ' -- ve ee security coune | ' But hope faded Tuesday as| Truck and parts production|employment insurance from the|last Wednesday disputing al-|ber of the Clk feaocine pain ig ped het nae tne OTT. as r i i .|karno would remain in Indo-|@tkness closed in over her ; Bc AR: ; operations, says that the Central|stances CIA financial support li Pon ae hee li "7 fai of ihe ROMP toe nesia or leave the country. wreckage, one mile from this with about 3,000 hourly-rated| A small contingent of main he ebensaiatuees Intelligence Agency sought to/originally was promoted by the Ceast the iat 10 ye bg b tie om nos fa spici mn that Suk: 's stat t id § [Hay ahelemployees unaffected by | the) tenance gp lel on STRIKE CONDEMNED end its financing of private or-|state department at least the las years to ob-|ties because of a suspicion that}; Sukarno's statement said Su-| as oe | \s ONDE y s § . i i in- izations injharto would have to report to} er i , G in Ste. ese, Que., ) f s ! I eT ae mete oe eae hen se him senitacly. ss how a was gare tragedy. beget gh < a workers ea Tas nore hmarty-tated [oflers, is being caused by the|into objections from other arms |the Senate ee that from executives of Canada's|volved with RCMP security. jusing the presidential powers. |b ood-spattered The ee a 'Another 3,300 salaried work-|workers are to be out of work|Shortage of door pillars, body/of the U.S. government. jacts as so-called watchdog over j : | .|strikebound Mansfield plant. |said every investment the CIA;agency was trying to get some ee Wed eo iar olaicemmed «about the RCMP Sodan Se dacdomibeh another was reported sighted in| OSh@wa rig . os Ea prea Rag ed Both GM and international of-|made in an organization outside|of its instructions changed prior eat , the surf off Woody Island, near| The Oshawa workers will get) Friday night % . ficers of the United Auto Work-|the government was undertaken|to the public storm that broke full-time president of the Can-|attempts to get information, the remains of the v th § e vessel. : ' -- but if shows no signs of a fast|ently from the policy-making na-|CIA had been subsidizing the pet oN wy teow Pon br chi defensive agency like the ts recovery. j(on an gerne ge gre hog Rena Fg mt gee end. tional security council. National Student Association, "IRCMP 'can subvert some of 2 ho they will not wor! ' union|work _ situa ; ' : Sr : : | He said the U.S. spy agency's|the biggest U.S. student body in jected. The RCMP men were (ie qualities of lite ix a. demo: Disparity Ills official explains the company is] 0,00, and possibly as high as| Even if it was over today, the ; of public reports only. SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-- Peg bg ee ee or four The disparity between wages \sockannan antl y more, a GM ; abandon her in two lifeboats mously Tuesday night to con- ___|Senate-Commons committee on|abandon_ her in two lifeboats : a RU ee Me om consumer prices was told Tues-| 'glean a ss tf H C lt e 4 Apartment Landlords Complain that she vas beating tn | MUMLETS HeAVY Casualties --irsier tover' ua ait' : A brief from the Saint John]; ' ; IN' CP) -- House-; Jules Hanson, president of ifax, the vessel's owners, said| ; .. |ment is reached would be un- wa teed es on the|Meridian freee Manage-|Consumers Protest Committee /tne ship was 16 miles off course| SAIGON (AP)--A U.S. com-jother's turrets with machine-|thinkable. =~, | said: and the loss was a mystery. |Pany of infantry suffered heavy|gun fire to clear the Commu-| gp the ather hand, GM will iscriminati Is h instead on their local : ; a | ; ; sid pooper. gree Me ih culares ouniats, agen hig in the Maritimes ee ' C diti Seale ane ne the miei Whe eT eile lett aanione tol ennanne of the strike before i s a whole, are paying more for| Q jas it was selling up a base/alties 8 |settlement negotiations can are on the wrong track, some} Mrs. Jacqueline Shephard, afigie tobd than in aiiy part of | ueen S om 1 100 oe mp in the central highlands|three tanks. hte Nae Housewives' Union, said Mon-|*#! les ; acu hata day her group will march on|Saint John has the lowest aver-| Much Improved |U.S. military headquarters an-|with the U.S. Command report-|subcontracting charge, reports Queen's Park Feb. 27 to de-|@8@ wage rate of any compar-} [OQNDON (Reuters) -- The nounced today. ing 160.Communists killed in|explain the strike materialized tario Human Rights Code to] It said the average weekly|is much better, her doctors said|pany of 178 men of the US. marines in the northern prov-|GM officials told two men to forbid the discrimination|wage rates for last February | today. 4th Infantry Division was hitjinces accounted for more than|move dies for 1968 model cars against families with children. | 01. for example, Saint John| A bulletin issued today said:|by heavy mortar shelling 41/half of the toll, reporting 388)to a shipping dock. The dies chairman of the apartment de. |$77-83, Montreal $94.30 and Ot-|ing its normal course and her|City. The term heavy casual-|scattered fighting. jother of GM's Fisher body velopers' committee of the|tawa $97.40. condition today is considerably] ties usually means a unit is nO) > Vcuorn RAIDED plants at Pontiac, Mich. Urban Development Institute,| Lola G. Mitton, committee|improved." longer an effective fighting * bats The two workers refused to discourage three- and four-bed-|tatoes were selling for $1.79 in}a Buckingham Palace investi-| Four 4th Division tanks in the|the War Zone C in four raids |pended them. : room apartment suites. Saint John in contrast to 99|ture Tuesday. Her cousin, the|same area beat off a close-jagainst the major Viet | Cong} GM says testing work nor- As a result, the developers|cents in Montreal. Saint John|Duke of Kent, replaced her in/quarter attack by Communist} jungle stronghold where its na-|mally is done at the Mansfield rent only to childless couples,|wick sardines also were cheaper|to 170 persons named on the aboard the armored vehicles.|located close to the Cambodian/|voked the strike was unavoid- he said. in Montreal. |New Year's honors list. IThe tank crews raked each!border. jable because. equipment in this panne |""Be was unavailable. 'MANLEY FORCES CRUSHED jsaid from Detroit, the firm has shifted such tests within the company previously. i e e e action amounted to subcontract- |= (@ | or 1ns : an Ss l e i i ] ing within the corporation. Then} d 17 other members of the UAW} For Sangster, 55, the election outcome means his emergence "67 at Montreal this Centen- Future constitutional innova-|cial constitution and "'the nego-- "> 000 G M W Ik right of self + determination of|changes in the Quebec constitu: \ tay yal. OrkKets speaking Canadians. speaking province, wi 4 i tet and military sources said Su-/4a8y for poss le survivors Fe ; ' 7 - | Fis y Mansfiel a Motors shuts down all passen-/eligible for supplementary un-|Fisher body plant at Mansfield WASHINGTON (CP - AP)-jtiny in the bureau of the budget, On Students, Wards Say fesaeehe There was no indication if Su-| |divisions will continue to work! government. leged GM subcontracting with |that oversees |crashed into a rocky ledge in a layoff -- caused by a week-old/the job at GM's nigga The Oshawa standstill, 11k e/ganizations in the past but ran| Young, senior Republican on : | ' : : main student organization, its | Asked why he was so con-|But this was probably a face-|joy Atlantic before dusk whilg|é?S Will not be involved in thelby Friday. jand instrument panels from the} The North Dakota Republican |the CIA, said the intelligence ; 7 either 50 to 75 per cent of alplant will feel the effect when), 1.1. condemned the strike/on written instructions, appar-|last week with disclosure the adian Union of Students, told a}Mr. Ward replied that even al Brief Reveals Mountainous waves prevented|normal day's pay for Friday|about 900 men join the pedir . | | 7 4 heques were subject to -'the United States, told they could be given coples cratic. society." obliged 'to make the payment|100,000, assembly line workers|recall of workers, in Oshawa at cheques were subjec scru ;.;snowstorm at the western ap- The Wrong Track 27s ix ean f moacns of he nao" er! J, Company Of Infantry "sere 2% renters ot ne ousewives n e rong rac ; crew apparently attempted to ans istriking Local 549 voted unani- day. National Sea Products of Hal- return to work before a settle- Ontario legislature to protest/ment Ltd., said they should). oo. umers in Saint - --_|easualties in two Communist|nists off. U.S. headquarters said inot budde/off its demand for Toronto apartment developers|chairman of the Consumer : : lract : ; . : Canada while at the same time| |facing the Cambodian border,| Ground action continued brisk} In connection with the Local's mand an addition to the On-|able city in all of Canada." = /Queen, in bed with indigestion,| A spokesman said the com-|clashes across the country. U.S.|following an incident in which However, Herbert Stricker, "The Queen's illness is follow-|miles southwest of Kontum/Communist troops killed in|were- bound for testing at an- explained that local councils|secretary, said 50 pounds of po-| The Queen, 40, had to miss force. U.S. B-52 bombers pounded|move the dies and GM _ sus- find it is more economical to|harbor salmon and New Bruns-|handing out medals and awards|suicide troops who climbed'tional headquarters is believed/plant but the incident that pro- HOUSE MAJORITY DOUBLED id from Detroit the firm has The union balked, saying the| Local, including union officers, os SUSPECT HELD The two men forged Jamaica's larged House of Representatives bid for independence from KINGSTON, Jamaica (CP)-- compared with 20 seats for the were suspended for what the | Martin P. Kane, 44, of Miami, Fla., sits in a police car after his arrest last night when officers of the Dade County state attor- ney's office broke into his home and found what they termed a nationwide multi- million - dollar bookmaking operation, Assisting in the raid was Nassau. County, N.Y., District Attorney Wil- liam Cahn and 3 of his men. 4AP Wirephoto) Jamaica's ruling Labor party swept to a landslide victory in Tuesday's general election, emerging with its parliamentary majority nearly doubled. In the first general . election since Jamaica's independence in 1962, Labor crushed an attempt by the rival People's National party, headed by Norman Man- ey, to'regain power after five years in opposition. Acting Prime Minister Donald Sangster"s Labor party won 33 of the 53 seats in the new en- ' People's party. It now has a majority of 13 compared with seven in the old 45-seat House where Labor held 26 seats and the People's party 19 The results brought the cur- tain down on a_ sometimes bloody and violent political pe- riod dominated by two men--La- bor Prime Minister Sir William Alexander Bustamante, 84 and ailing, and his first cousin, Man- ley, who will be 74 next July 4, Britain. Bustamante's announce- ment last January that he would retire precipitated the election, The election had appeared to offer Manley a good chance-- perhaps his last--at the premier ship he held from 1955 to 1962, But the defeat was one of the most lopsided his party had suf- fered in five ballot tests with La- bor since 1944, the year univer sal adult suffrage was insti- tuted. as Prime Minister in name as well as fact after two years dur- ing which he bore the main bur- dens of office for Bustamante. Sangster said no_ startling changes: were contemplated in the government's conservative policy, The People's party had campaigned on charges that the island's economy was dominated by the large landholders and business interests and promised to end this, company called contract viola- tions. The walkout came next In Oshawa, a union official adds to the GM layoff. state- ment by saying that manu- facturing departments (cutting, sewing, stamping, wiring har- ness, and the likes) will shut down tomorrow night, too. Aj= GM official said work to con-|= tinue in the city plant will be]= some fabrication, maintenance|z and truck and parts production. Z mn $10,500,000 Hospital Wing Proposed -- P. 17 Obituaries--31 Pickering News--7 Sports--10, 11, 12, 15 Theatres--21 Weather---2 Whitby News--5, 7 Women's--18, 19, 20 Ann Landers--18 Ajax News--7 City News--17 Classified--28 to 31 Comits--32 Editorial--4 Financial--22 AS LLU00 ARM

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