Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Feb 1967, p. 12

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similar projects to be under- steamed up." branch About 400 persons attended) ----------- ou " the first meeting of the Par- TROOPS MUST SL the ice is a very. vali pot ents' Guild of the Oshawa Cath-| IM March 38 is the date set by "But you! olic high school. COLOGNE (AP)--Many sol-|teachers and school boards for ae Dr. Thomas A. Francoeur, a /diers in the West German army |the hiring of teachers to begin Sven for the 1967-68 school year. A ing," said Mr. Smith. e th spots i may not see these spo's Ini ontreal psychologist andiare too fat, says Dr. 967 e s safe : ' f Fis} oe THE snelamaes TB, Jecedey, Febroery 21, 1 F M U S. A M k H h ] taken.in Nova Scotia and later c : <giee | n ario eac ers appy our ajor uit uto akels aemo 1 la in other parts of Canada. a ® | Under the direction of Dr. he Should Regard Grade 13 rs, Told Engine Can Be Cleaned Test Survey ss ote mena = ver ac age 6 4 shine ihe ogy department of the Hospital cou DETROIT (AP) -- The four|standards prescribing max- "| -,.{for Sick Children, Toronto, a ron 8. auto-makers were|imum amounts of pollutants); HALIFAX (CP) -- The Ca- ' ' ' End Secondary Education. |.22% sac.cua|as # cao roel oan he a oan en ea, alan imei ct omme tei 1. } bustion engine can be cleaned| Testifying before Muskie's ba y ~ medical student, S0- ning NTO 3 d by th inister' mental examinations be re-as sic We dletae tae santeltarie tae venting aoe eae up a great deal." They replied/subcommtites were the berg isaac! iva in teaalt worker and volunteers will a a » 13)par @ minister's com- -A8- : f : j : y nocd be cere ons a mittee a Grade 13. signed for this work. a serious wage offer for nextja national disaster, he said. Fro -- png has been oe i Poni od en Ontario counties this summer, |Work with local health authori- ope ' dary hool education} Among other recommenda-| 4, The federation envisages|yeat's school term, Charles J.|More than 4,000 additional high 2 Chrysler, Ford and American| Mrs. Joe Rosenthal, national|ties and physicians to visit each F plone Pissarily r a prepara-|tions, the brief said: consultative committees of|McCaffray, president of the On-|school teachers will be required! Testifying before a U.S. Sen- deters Cate director of the society, told ajknown haemophiliac in Vic- ra ta oF for university, repre-| 1. 'secondary schools should|classroom teachers serving on|tario School Teachers' Federa-|to fill vacancies and new class-| ate subcommittee on air and M ident of MeWS conference the pilot sur-|toria, Peterborough and Hast- Osh of | esponsible for adminis- % sis within|tion, said in an interview Mon-|rooms this fall. However, only|Water Pollution, the auto-| Thomas Mann, president of)... ia» organization's centen-|ings. The survey will be taken ie of Ontario's. 77,000|not be resp a two-year rotation basis within ry: Rac rons is-/tering university admission|the framework of the recom-| day |2,000 will be produced by|makers said they have donejthe Automobile Manufacturers! jin; project--is a forerunner of|in June and July. Ord fencer ee sea teeta si \ seeded cammaierion. Mr McCaffray, an Ottawa | teacher training courses much work to comply with|Association, i oage gl yar a <r seh Tr am Dav y. . . ' ? . e - y The Ontario Teachers' Feder-) 2. The timing of the release] 'The brief says the federation|vice-principal, said that a 14. Asked about the possibility of ecg or prone Poche Mee ataeet pandanie' tet ebbed: ete ation in a brief presented t0/of results of Grade 13 subjective approves in principle the|per-cent increase offered by the|*, 'etohers) strike Pig aee Senator Edmund §. Muskie,|"There is still much informa- ($5, the minister listed 20 recom-jand objective tests should be/pianned abolition of the present|Windsor school board is the) ©T. a bet hee P pera Senator fi . 'ltion needed on the most feasible| pan mendations on Grade 13, They|such that "premature and false|system of external examina-|Only serious proposal. He said) 4Pprove "id str 'rik eri ld be| (Dem: Me.), chairman of the! solutions" to the problem of air : pose were drafted after n federation|assessment of students would/tions for Grade 13. proposals of 3, 4 and 7 per cent, | ewat' tn ini ¢ would be subcommittee, said the purpose|Poiiution by. autos, ate inar Friday and Saturday ot To de 1d fab secon anes Seat ie pec. puaiiay 64 30 boos AGEs | Mr. McCaffray was_ inter- of the Renrings 1 0 Seyermine | i that studied three briefs pre- hess a ae ondary gp aod graduation ar at ces Ge is not a|Viewed following a news confer-|Whether the auto-makers would) MUST PAY FOR COLOR e : ete aoaesra cea "f to provide elena sheuls be yee salary breakthrough of at least/ jence held to release results of|meet the standards for 1968-- LONDON (CP) -- Britain's! : l Clul centered commission to p its and the recommendation of{a 25-per-cent increase some- ia survey of working conditions|model cars prescribed by the first color television sets go on : : : oe Thin Ice Danger :e«~" to. teachers And on the school principal. where in the province by March lin Ontario high schools, secretary of health, education'sale in March, ready for trans- ; bonus : : Hou the present budget for setting 3, some teachers might become! The 45-page survey said that|and welfare. |missions beginning in the fall. ; ata jand marking Grade a depart:| | The bret sled sald scogul: | militant. at least one in every three} Under the Clean Air Act pas-|They cost £285 ($855) and up f In Pond Skating \seemunesennetions at cig | 'phe threat ef mase realgna- -|classes in the province's sec-|sed in 1963 and amended in 1965| and viewers will have to pay ttt A ld | lprincipal be continued and 'that|tons would be a final resort," | ondary school system is too'and 1966, the secretary wasitwice the normal licence fee of 4 bis. : Chie Skaters should be an 2 aren S Ul [subjective essay-type tests and|he ssid, crowded for good teaching. 'given the authority to issue £5. : : to | thin, ice-covered ponds, say e sar "sana tomate m2 NU a ESC SS A ONE RS ER FE SRS OEE AEEOE HTM ei S two William Smith, chairman of ie A S ene i crevace came "We would not support civil) sin que: Water Safety committee of the uccess Hees of practising teachers, |disobedience. . . . But some off te a Canadian Red Cross, Oshawa! pr fa rs. our members are getting f oer esti! : app cont ian Clean, White Pretty Snow! of tanc The Kids love; motorists cuss it; photo bugs de- tre, time.' A thickness of ice four inches |chairman of the department of |Guenther. He says the average cite po nas rT agro re - in depth is a thorough test of| Theology at St. Joseph's Teach-| |. i ges a salary settlement may s tionable ice before ventur-|¢'s' College spoke on "The | SaIGIer gale ca'ories & its recruitment advertisements | ee at said Mr. Smith. He| Adolescent and the Word.' day--too much for instructors,'that its proposed salary scale ; ae '; 1 hi bral ao rivers are especially dan-| 4. Guild dance will be held officers and clerks. Young men is under negotiation. 5 . light in it; skiers pray for it. But even clean, white, mig fis : : : ; com sud fans h oe an bait Se ioe lin training might need 4,000 PRAR LOW SALARIES n ac in on ainer 0 pretty fluffy snow contains dirt particles. That's assi ' If eh gong o pelaag og 2g. |tennial thems. The next. Parl lcalories, Dr. Guenther said, but) Mr. McCaffray said the fed- h ' : tae aan eat "orale help sed' 'not to try to climb out." ents' Guild meeting will be|they would "probably be grate- leration fears that teachers why your carpets, even in w ; 9 p y reat bc se ahianid "adand both} held March 22 at the school. _/ful for an improvement in qual-|hired before settlements will be dirty". That's when people in-the "'know" still call ket arms along the surface of the| _ -lity and a reduction in the/inferior because the salaries' i 4 spor ice and kick vigorously. This, | Col a jquantity of food." ieee offered will be too low. He said! ROSS MILLS (local agent) for efficent BAKER'S '. says Mr. Smith, will lift your ring Bo ks : f body onto solid ice. "Then et 0 | cleaning. Have you? ee to safety.' The chairman said po Hinder Creating should take recreation in su vised areas, if possible, ig. Miss Beverlee Marks, assis- ferably a shallow pond or lake|tant art supervisor of public in which "the water is no schools, says coloring books for more than waist-deep."" Mr.|children may pattern them as Smith said skaters should avoid |followers rather than as leaders. large groupings on ice. Miss Marks, in speaking to a "Another safety tip to re-|Woodcrest Home and School member is to be sure to build|Association meeting, said a your fires on the bank, not on|child will be afraid to be crea- Purchased This Week | "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" ue --"JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- fart REG. 89c C "Over 80 Years Experience" the stud for "BAKER SERVICK" -- call your local as On Sale for VKER| di For all your drapery needs see Betty Haydl the ice," said the chairman tive if he follows lines drawn When using waterways dur-|by someone else. INTERIOR DECORATOR j unde ing the winter-and spring, re-| "It is considered harmful to ; on t member: use coloring books to keep chil- 15 King Street East as --thin ice wa often appear|dren busy, as it is to ask a CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Hurry to the Nearest Store Cisanine Co. merely as a dark spot in the|child to stay within the lines overall scene; |someone else has created," Phone 725-2686 Where IDEAL ICE CREAM is Sold and get ia --currents will wear awayjsaid Miss Marks, | agent stree and make ice thin where you| She said art is not a frill but least expect it; has something in it for every- --ice near the shore melts /one. yours while they Last.SALE ENDS | : Friday, February 24th | ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. Bh ge gg Fel The home and school group cente -- e@ body of water is|voted to spend $200 for refer- ' open in the centre, stay welllence books in the school IDEAL ICE CREAM LTD. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 ree away from the edges, regard-/library. Open House for parents 3,000 less of the time of year." is March 7. distr $85 OPEN DAILY T TO 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1° 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE ; Fr Burk ae We Carry a GLAZED MOSAIC eee FEBRUARY CASH and CARRY SPECIALS FIR Wide Range-ot | WALL TILE rn PLYWOOD GIVES YOU LIFE ELECTRIC wan LASTING BEAUTY . CEILING TILE QUARTER ff wasrsee Socal veoungy | ae fg GOOD ON ONE SIDE ye a AND fs the ¢ Wife 495 | ceoseer as | ACCESSORIES i i) buwees end patterns, ae . Random Acoustic Plain White BOARD apeomeeue 6.75 | 2 een ae ™ BAPE: ing 12" x 12" Butt Joint 64 12" x 24" Tongue and PLASTIC Factory reject. 4% x 4 x 8 Mx 4x8 .,..... 2 x 8 Sheet ...... 10.90 : nit ks. wor carton Groove. 32 pcs. per carton. sheets. Regular 3.70 8.40 4x 8 Shoat ....., 16:68 SS 'D P sal i . PER $0. FT. 1 ¢ LAMINATE ; SPECIAL ee Lee rien Self 'Edging j : ti 1 Sone Olas Bowr can l l 1p ONLY 10 ip Voriaty of five colors, ideal. for 9.75 mit. 4 utter 249 ft: aun 4x8 GOOD TWO SIDES 6,50 8,20 Eee Paes 9,85 Wea728-2 -- 20 ft. 'aia ie ' 11,20 rel -2 -- 32 ft. sind 5 64.00. 48,00 11,20 12,75 u Want Hongers. Reguler 95 1.25 pr. NOW s ALUMINUM LADDERS CASM AND CARRY No. 3716-2 -- 16 ft, extension. Reg. 28.00. 1" x 1" Clear Glaze. @ash and Carry Carton Lets Only bors, kitchens, counter tops, ete, 64 aq. Regular 1.05 sq. ft. ...... Cash and Cerry Carton Lots Only eq. ft. per earton, 4 x 8 Sheets Regular 15.68 Now 12.80 HARDBOARD SPECIALS PEGBOARD (Painted Ivory) V4 x 4x 8 Sheets Regular 5.90 MAHOGANY 60 BIFOLD DOORS Bulinose Cops, r) 2'0" x 6'6" : 10.80 Lin, Ft. 20 ft. extension. Reg. Sea Now me i 27.00 2'6" x 6'6" la No, 3724-2 -- 24 ft. extension. Reg. 2 Panel 43.20, 2'8" x 6'6" 2 Ponel ... 3'0" x 6'6" 2 Panel 40" x 6'6" 4 Panel MAHOGANY PLYWOOD SPECIAL 11/16 x 4 x 8 Coe ties, kitehen eupbo ote. NOW No. 3720-2 x4x8... 36.00, PANELING BY... (auer Rae' crea DISTRIBUTOR IN Rae' crea xm4x8 ..... %"" x V%" Micro Jumble. 9 pet- terns to choose from. Reg. 1.25 sq. ft. NOW .... # on Undertoor suitable for veni- 'ds, chine cabinets, n4x8.., 10.95 Bess STANDARD SHEATHING 9,60 Mmx4x8 ese, 4,80 "Yyx4x8 sevces Oe Regular 11.90. SPECIAL HARDBOARD CEILING PANELS Scored in 12" squares 4 x 4 sheets. Only HARDWARE INCLUDED Leuvred pine and mahogany bifold doors also in stock at POPULAR PRICES. HALLREIN TELESCOPE TYPE STEEL BASEMENT JACK POST S/16x4x8.., SPECIAL Ve x 4 x 8 sheets Planning a rec, room. Buy now and save on these beautiful panels by Cavalier. Sale starts January 25 till Feb. 28. Sample panels on display in our showroom. CASH AND CARRY CAVALIER MOUNTAIN ASH No. A5 with Walnut Inley 3/16 x 4x 7 Reg, 11.20 Now 8.95 3/16 x 4x 8 Reg. 1299 9 95 CAVALIER ELM 3/16 x 4x 7 Reg. 7.75 now OTS 3/16 x 4x 8 Reg. 8.90 Now " 7.65 CAVALIER CHERRY No, BW80 (with Welnut Inlay) Vx 4x 8 Reg, 15. ie x = 568 12.45 CAVALIER ASH No. SW10 -- 15.68 NOW .. 13,45 CAVALIER ELM No, SW30 (with Walnut Inley) " NO CAVALIER RUSTIC OAK No. OW30 (with Walnut inlay) ae as Reg. 15.68 13.45 CAVALIER OAK No. OW32 (with Walnut Inley) Ux 4x 8 Reg. 15.68 now tA Y%" x 4 x 8 SHEETS HAWAIIAN KOA Reguler 16.00 FEBRUARY 12.95 SPECIAL Enamelled Tile Board Variety of colors, 4 x 8 sheets. Regu- ler 12.80 SPECIAL i) PING PONG TABLES tens, seca." 17,95 Regular 2.90 SPECIAL Southern Pecan Panelling V4 x 4x 8 sheets Regular 3.99 SPECIAL ENAMELLED PEG BOARDS 1,89 2' x 4 handy panels. Cash and Carry ... VINYL STAIR NOSING Brown ond black 3 ft. didaahe ONLY 59° RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES Ideal for ree room. 9" x 9", Regular 7.50. SPECIAL . 2.99 _2 Colors: Golden Glint and Silver Glint. UTILITY BOARD Ve x 4 x 8 Sheets Reg. 1.90 Only 1.35 PANELLING SPECIALS V4 x 4x 8 sheets. Rustic Walnut. Reguler 16.00, FEB. SPECIAL 1.20 ex 4x8 see, Mx4x8 SELECT SHEATHING '\ MAHOGANY LOUVERED INDOOR SHUTTERS Available in 24 sizes from $/l6x 4x8 Mn 4xB ..reees, cons 8,00 99 to 5.75 each Sas pa Groove .. 8.60 FACTORY GRADE AG r4x8... PLYWOOD FILIGREE PANELS Off Car Special 16" x Oa i 2.65 lo. x 43° 4.95 ben 16x 72"., 7a. mu 4x8 ...005.. 74° = AB" 6.75 %x4x8 2a x 72" 12.60 Mxr4xn8 ....... Be a Do-it-Yourself Brick Layer with over any well surfece. 7 colors to choose from. Certon covers B sq. ft. All adhesives included. BRIK KIT & 75 @ Sagging Roofs @ Cracking plos- ter @ Sticking doors and windows @ Squeoking, uneven floors @ corrected by this inexpensive post. ONLY 4" enly per lin. ft, i a ft. . aheks 14'/2 per m4 ft, 23 Economy Grade Pine 1 x 4 Economy Pine - 061, 2 La 8 Economy Pine Lin, Ft Lin. Ft. cee 1 x 7 Economy Pine 11° slanting furniture @ All easily Ya" CLEAR PINE 6" only ----_ Lin. Ft. koe Economy Pine 10° Lin, Ft. 1 x 8 Economy Pie ti Lin Ft. ie 13 1 x 10 Economy Pine ¢ Lin. . Ft AM, 1 x 12 Economy Pine ic LSS Te: et 23 \FLORTILE FLOORING SPECIALS Vinyl! Asbestos, 1/16 gouge, 9 x 9% 1 color (carton lots only) Regular 11¥9c, NOW each .... @ Viny! Asbestos, 080 geuge, 9 x 9%. Reguler 14¢ each NOW each . . ee | Viny! Asbestos, .080 gouge, 12 x 12. Travertine, Reg. 25¢ each. NOW each Vinyl Asbestos, .080 epouer 9x % Agatine. Reg. 18¢ ea NOW each Viny! Asbestos, 1/16 geuge. 12 x 12, Heritage. Reg. 20¢ each. NOW each Oe.

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