Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, February 17, 1967 Make The Most Of Your Advertising--Use An Action Want Ad For Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 14--Business Opportunities 18--Male Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT FOR LEASE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY og Eprom acorn tein: | INDUSTRIAL. - | Sales Position f a7 gallon active Service storion, | ENGINEERING for 2 Men Saag et on sil : ¢ uitanad fi e pie ul If selected: Accountants Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service I dadaem seme Repairs S| iz / Bakes : snot ae Write giving. ful MANAGEMENT ES eRe ae WILLIAM ©. HALL, B-Comm., Charter- HOUR TV SERVICE, towers, anten- BEASTARS)HOMHERIUM, BOX 47599 office at company expense. ed Accountant, 36% King Street East. BUILDING INTERIORS by WINDOLF ace. repairs. City TV. 725-0500. +i MASE PRCA ELV PTAA BUREN AMFINOL okeMIRE ae OSHAWA TIMES | OPPORTUNITY 2-----We guorantee $100. per Telephone Oshawa 725-6537. JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service. 115 BONES WERE FOUND NEAR < a GORDON R. DAY, Certified General! @ Custom Upholstery [Fast repairs. European radios. a spe- omy ME RUINS . % Soe" aa ee er re week for the first 4 weeks in gy erie aie ow, Oshawa = Shop- REMODELLING 9 e eae 4 jcialty, 13 Bond W., $76-1670. Was pt (COMMERCIAL SITE One ot the world's principal the field BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. @ Antiques Restore Well Drilling--Diggirg _ -- MORRISON : 100' frontage Simcoe St. S., producers of specialty steels +e beatin ond pee Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim-| Call Us Fi 39 Simcoe N. eR NY Hit 6,188 \ north of 401 in Oshawa, 2- requires a Chief Industrial * teak as up coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. a s First : WELL DIGGING by pee lig hy a ea GOLF BALLS OFF way traffic, terrific location Engineer who will be respon- sion plan, JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-| For Complete Renovations 728-3651 rut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 er 668: HUMAN HEADS for any business, May con- sible for the direction of the tent, Ciconsed Frubies, 17 Gone. Street iaamuRRm EDR WRRMaRE NTE | tee rEN Without ONE sider lease. Contact Clare company's industrial --_en- Call for appointment East. Telephone 723-4833. Rec: rooms and bars custom | | -- rr U MISS, | M h FE i North HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter-| built. For oll details ond at PROFESSIONAL |2--Personal DOES 1TaKE Q VARIETY OF cCulloug ne rank Real gineering activities in Nor MR. Z. BRKICH ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- tations call RUG CLEANING | MORE ENERGY 40 CALAYO GROWS Estate 723- 784 America including: i ing, 167 King Street East, Omewe,, On-} quo! | Removal of superfluous hoir CARRY SO POUNDS $0 BIG ONE FRUW' a BODY AND PAINT SHOP In Pickering, tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. 5 Gay Sonics duff. will ; OF EXCESS BODY =| - CAN FURKISH 3,500 square feet, three-year-old building, 723-4641 Beadle. CA; E. Lukow, CA. GENERAL FRAMING ES inti ad Delivery Marie Murdu will be in WEIGHT THAN 40 SALAD FOR SHIRAY fully equipped, Well established business, Cost reduction programs YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- CONTRACTORS re "VP. Oshawa, February 20, 21, and CARRY 50 Pounds PERSONS. % Paved yard, 40-car parking, owner's (Labour efficiencies) TUESDAY ONLY tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in) f 2. Pho Genosha_ Hotel § x Be office, customers' waiting room, wash- Bankruptcy. 52% Simcoe Street North, 723-8714 Ocbowe lied Graydon | 2 nm : OF LEAD. 2 -- 4 rt en Klicken, Call ounir, § Ee 6 Methods studies a ae Oshawa, 728-7371. on these dates for appoint- p.m., 942-1401, Standards and incentive ------ "728-6254 poe see . ' : jueprinti as : SEE a ~ ' SMALL VARIETY STORE. Pickeri programs. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Blueprinting | REPAIRS 2 FOR 1 BUG CLEANING ELECTROLYSIS ee 8 es Re a PE ons ; Se : reba : i |wagon. Seven-day operation. Long lease (CWS). SEL, DRARTING ad proce _ ALTERATIONS SN 723-4641 ----_.-x | | available, $2,500. 942-2730, Biuveprinting and photostatic copies. For Oshawa and surrounding Aiea Tae Lot trace . Area introducing our unique, ----------- ~ -- obour contract negotia- ' REDIT CARD PRO- oe ADDITIONS | Charge on ie lorgest rug. |5--Trailers ts |15--Employment | Wanted tions (experience desir- Guar to Retail Merchants Building Trades oe sec cae pies up and delivery at same | RAAiaL: LILES |NEED DA JANITOR? or 'janitor'ssup- able but not essential). and Service Businesses Hi -O) - | plies, com. and res. window and floor Must own car, be bondable, No Down Payment Rec Rooms and Kitchens OSHAWA CLEANERS SALE -- RENT Tee te ee, Cmimatedy ley Cale | THE MAN presentable, able to meet and © Specialty. 1700 SIMCOE-ST. N Arti 7: ie BT | ntelligently discuss a Sales 8--Articles for Sal pe, EXPERIENCED LADY desires _house-| i qa CUS 5 J m Allen & Sons |__ 725-9961 Open Sundays 2-4 P.M. sis rricies orS Lae i Articles for Sale jwork by ie polls Telephone 723-7257,1 Will have ten to fifteen years Assistance Program with Busi- ----$__________ -- | FREEZER, chest type, 18 cu. feet, $150., (evenings 5.30 to i in th ess Executives, Store Owners, Remodelling ener RE-UPHOLSTERY by expests. _Estab-| BUDDY TRAILERS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS like new. Telephone 728-3 3855, |MOVING BY INSURED PERSON, "Kisa| rr cae os hy ass Frc i : 725-61 lished 20 years. Workman iD guaran- PORT HOPE on MATTRESSES SNOW CRUISER, 1967, 1 1570, Tele-|Haulage and cartage or will rent truck it feed. Free estimates, Credit terms. Mat ; 01 'or Spring 'Hiled mattresses oe Geen 6 reve 0. Tele- with driver. 728-2882 ence as supervisor or manag- Excellent initiol and nemnee hy tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. ot at 4 on MEE . Rate - - | of P of indus- Commissions, which will ¢n- an boll |Carpentry Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, from 17.88 |GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,|TYPING. Any kind. Fast, accurate, Rea-| © en ae ees ble lified man to build Aisin j 725-0311. 1 GLENDETTE trajler for sale. Sleeps) Smooth top mattresses 29.95 |television, refrigerator, etc. s34s0 and |Sonable rates, Telephone 728-4379. trial engineering function in able a qua j Recreation Rooms | REMCORLLING, trim work, beng he CHESTERFIELDS re-upholsiered a na\°\*: fully equipped. New July '66. Tele- Banik: beds con) fete 69.95 up. Ajcan Furniture 'and Appliances, 452 WILL KEEP PRE-SCHOOLER or infant} © large company or the total a Secure Future Garages recreation rooms, and stairs. Free estl- 576-3824 Pp : Simcoe South, 723-0011. in my home, five-day week. Harmony. | responsibility in a medium- WRITE OR TELEPHONE: |p |mates. Telephone 725-7044. re-styled, Free estimate. See our mate-| i Bs. ERE OAS F e | rlei for re-covering. Slip covers made Continental bed - 48.88 | CLoseD FOR HOLIDAYS -- Feb. 15 10/8 Olive area, 723-1343. size company. University edu- Mr, Steve Vankeulen, A new department of Osh- |carpeNntry -- New ano repairs, block|to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 in| Marine | Equipment Bedroom suites (3 piece) March 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. LADY WISHES JOB as companion i ewa's Quolity Builder, and cement work. Free estimates, 728-7680 Street, 723-7212. l"STARCRAFT;" Grew Traveller boats.| from qo : $129 |six TRUCK TIRES, tubes and rims. "Site housekeeper to elderly person or couple. pal ai desirable but not CANA-CARD CORPORATION Z 0! 700 x 20. Also 14" Chevrolet ri References, Telephone 673 5489. ul LIMITED. ; Evinrud tors. O e olet_rims. ds vieesiedl adi | : KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION [Dentistry Sales and Service ene etry conan saver aye WILSON'S FURNITURE day. beds large tarpaulin, bed-chesier-| LADY WILLING" ¥0 D0" hosedeaning £08 Evone Avenue, 20 _Chureh | St field, glass-lined hot water tank withlin Whitby only. Teleph \d, glas jone 668-2474, : Brooklin, 655-3641, ---------- - -- | controls, 175' of 14" nylon rope with! oe " THE SALARY Suite 3, CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M. So Gal gal aia | Surgeon, 172 King Sireet ast, Oshawa. APPLIANCE '7--Swap and Barter FOR SALE -- USED __|double reeved 'locks. 725-507." Hg Maggs BON ciel TORONTO 14, Ontorio ~ : HBL REPAIRS ciabil 8 Sa eeeeet TV SETS yeaa) tft ee aeyae, five engine, - Will be of interest to qualified Phone Number -- 255-7222 PAINTING, Gecoratin: furniture 1 i 20 rolling stock, many buildings, 4' x 8' Be tell te BR ec a finishing. Reasonable wats. Free, ast. Dressmaking 100 AND 64 bh =H sul aay ah |landscaped layout. Hardly used. Cost 17--Female_ "Help " Wanted! persons presently earning in mates. K. Horner, 668-8377; 728-6869. reine < Way Hd GL Expert repairs to all makes |trailers. Plumbing supplies, pumps, laun. A-1 Condition are! $150. or best offer " excess of $11,000.00. per PRODUCTION AKING -- Expertly fitted sults, ned h dryers, ranges, dry tubs, three-piece bath set, $60. H. 3-9074 after 6.30 p.m. annum, ROOFING hot fer and gravel, shingles, | . washers, ye! 'ang Y piece ba » $i | rere fre snl os "an aah [cats dresses. Beautifully. "setin |Chinn, corner of Hillside and Park S. TRIO TELEVISION BUYING: oR "En a | MEDICAL aes pa fhe acent . @ "ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |-- Taemaaorea ase 728-514 Gadi FS colts : LY '8--Articles forSole Pe ili! TYPEWRITERS, new used, soles, ser | THE LOCATION MAILING HOUSE A PES BUILDING b REPAIRS -- = jee ad 'i [Gardening and Supplies | 2 : ice, all makes. Free estimates, Call your Duties include work planning, A Lc A N GENTLY UEES local Royal dealer, 728-3664 eae s This opportunity exists ot our scheduling, supervision of re- au Ti FURNITURE and APPLIANCES USED TIRES, most all sizes, F. | Southern Ontario operations cords. Minimum education enya | Snow ime' 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawo BRIDAL GOWNS sealAl edt Seth west. as 450. Hospital experience necessary located in Welland, Ontario, grade 13 or equivalent. Direct es masonry. Gord May, Whitby 'Cos. me torent oe ee ad perp fol! $10 a $ ] 5 SH bola price Barons Hore Furi | preferably sdb X-ray work, a city of 38,000 people. The mail or data processing ex- Cee eS Apply in writing to: | RVI BAYS Dat Seo neon» | cost of relocation will be perience desirable. Apply by CLASSIFIED RATES WATER SOFT SALT GET CASH FAST... SIX SERVICE SARGEANT'S bed _ FEL, AND SXCANE ane com eens: Art ait awd baa WORD ADS CALCIUM CHLORIDE SELL WITH TIMES FOR FASTER SERVICE 463 Ritson Rd. S. Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street B. HOLDEN she Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; i H Fy ° edarional, ward be each 3 cored WILD BIRD FEED ACTION CLASSIFIED | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | --_--* 725-3338 _|SWOPIRGE-EWESTERFIGLE, Teoma] ADMINISTRATOR ned al degiaits General Printers HB eroded Md pl ed Bea SUNFLOWER SEED ADS Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- tables, one coffee table, two table lamps. D. R. NIGHTINGALE, 57 Simcoe St. S., tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- BIRD FEEDING STATIONS mouth, Pontiac. We correct TV TOWERS. All in good condition. Box 57293, | MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Supervisor, Personnel Service Oshawa, Ontario tional words 24¢ each. oat Pes gtr par Cy poles. | wheel alignment, inspect and jel A _BOWMANVILLE | Attention D. A. Houlden Charge--10 per cent additional eherge POTTING SOIL Jack Lees, 728-6956. i correct castor and camber, SPECIAL BUY AND SELL -- good used ; furniture | --_-- --_-----| Atlast Steels Company, OO and appliances. One location only. Pretty if not paid within 8 days. PEAT POTS GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer; lign toe-in and toe-out to 40-foot tower structure, all- |Purniture, 44d' Simmeos South, | 723-3271. BEELINE A Hiiion ot Ris Aloo Mins Machinists Centre Street, Method ef Countin ng -- Less than 24) PEAT STRIPS washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call correct condition . ... $6.88. channel antenna installed, MATERNITY CLOTHES, including party ords counts as 24 words; each word 728-1742 or 723-0011. i 50. hawa TV uppl inttial, figure or abbreviation counts as PLANT BOXES @ Parts extra if required $ Os Supply {dress worn once, all in new condition. ° ; ts tw ; @ Torsion bar adjustment Limited, Taunton Road East, | Sizes 14-16. Nylon rug, new, 5' x 6', blue, i ao ere pen FANT eoniite, to GARDEN SEEDS Septic Service cane __just east of Ritson Road." _|6, Deminin rote Iron wih stand. 72% FASHIONS __Welland, Ontario. athe Operators VERNICOLITE SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service @ SRE OTR ee = . BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- . RUTHERFORD'S RCA VICTOR 21" television, $125.7 Ham-| Tool & Die Mak sot! 00' on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street rl ' 1e akers $255 per insertion with 28 cents eddl- ROOTING COMPOUND West, Whitby 668-2563. BRAKE SPECIAL S-room groups, Living Room, Sun | NOW looking for part-time or fi i Hf 4 PURITY DOG MEAL wae REESE SSRN full. time representatives in Aes Soe cheree tek Pete Witton 6 eave PET SUPPLIES Surveyors Most popular cars, - First Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, zy TOWER SPECIAL -- a ft siruclure, Your Giea, Choose vaur 'own DU PONT Assure your future, join the IN _MEMORIAMS Pca * i FLiM AND TROLLOPECOaiaris L Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. $499, $599, $699. Easy $i} cheanel antenne, $50. TRIO Television,| Po oo gicsablenca. Hibeds most progressive shop in the $2.55 for the first 35 wor: ic IM A 7 Ontarlo Land terms. Immediate delivery or 514, ' e x thereafter plus 12c per line of v1 ors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone $14 88 sary. We will train, samples OF area. Benefits, top woges, . Sui crfe; 25¢ additional eharge if not paid 4 § h 725-6881 . layaway. 9--Market Basket lied. U f ces- \° within 8 days. ooper mit DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- Plus $2.00 per wheel RUTHERFORD'S sical kn ss en Py uke (ete! cate bases steady employment, Tele CARD OF THANKS tarlo Land Surveyor, Commercial blue (labor. cost) ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, free delivery. 2 phone 623-5232. or apply: $2.25 for the first 38 words and 6c co. prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. | 156 | Simcoe St. South Telephone (723-7409, For personal interview call eoch Hereer te ith ate Pred 2 TV--Redio Repairs e |TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, 9A--E s & Poult: MRS CHRISTOFFERSEN L & L TOOL LIMITED charge if not paid within y 16 Celina St. ane io Rep WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL $0) piding machine, $20: cash 1 repister; 99: ry 942-2347, to-day Simpson Avenue South COMING EVENTS EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- " $226, per Wh (cinolay): 3).78 fet St) 723-2312 723-1139 7 \V enh dy weights per bac SERTAPEDIC mattresses, only $49.50. |White Feather Farms, Oshawa 655-4782. Bowmanville Monthly Instalments first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter Imited time offer! 'Save $40.00 @ unit! Picked up, delivered at store or home. 2 | AJAX ONTARIO K (Word Ads). DELIVERY SERVICE HOCKS, MUFFLERS talig Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Kitchen He! ' AUCTION SALES ESTABLISHED 1909 FRONTEND WORK: AT 10--Farmers' Column P i BOOKSTORE $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, . 1967 $KI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar-|----- ---- required desided dier, world's | it 'od! if scp COMPARABLE PRICES hon "verneras gna Meco hae a STRAW FOP Sale. ant straw, 50¢ FURNITURE FINISHES MANAGER DEADLINES TREES (REMOVED, Will cut any ize SERVICE now on Gissliye Untied Reiat ASE WORD ADS SroeTS Tre. Toure: TN SOI a COLOR UNIROYAL Oshawa's only 'authorized Ski.Doo dealer, DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick: 4 P.M. 9 P.M. TECHNICIAN Required immediately, mon- i} A if 5 St. E. at . e ni Promptly. jargw' 'ur arm, 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ing at Wilson, 728-5565. Tiohe 7 Collect. Hampton 263. Six day week. for it ager for large downtown or a : FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $19.95 and ah "Oh or PUsLicAriON Instruction BLACK and WHITE CENTRES up. New and used "auto parts. Rebullt |2 2 Licence aCe Apply MR. CAMPBELL bookstore, experience in book tart . SADDLE "HORSE for sale, chestnut geld- ; BIRTHS AND DEATH Money to Loan The New Name of en ee en eae ren: es baa e GENOSHA HOTEL DEVELOPMENT and magazine trade helpful 9am. DAY OF PUBLICATION i a PURI AAiE TWICE LOAN you up to | $5,000 af a THE BEST CALL DOMINION TIRE STORES CONTINENTAL BEDS. a omplete from | orone_125-230 Se + LABORATORY but not essentiol. Six doy IN Ml a reasonal 'at interest a + mattresses from $ phon t i - CARD OF THANKS your bills or for any other. worthwhile | R | as 17 Park Rd. S. headboards, onethird oft, 2233089, 17 lo telephone _colls please _ : week. Outstanding opport ; i mH . tently Gin: Phone e 725- -6511 ee |SALESLADY - BOOKKEEPER required' This position carries o solar unity for rson_ wit! les p.m. DAY PREVIOUS played aR NiWE wose erat: TER Ont: 22". |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree.| (OA--Butchers for full-time employment. Good work-| . he sd with sole scale consistent with quolifi- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you Ing conditions and employee benefits. | 1 colummn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-| nA, umns or larger -- 10 a.m. doy previous, |Mortgages 25-121 es eee Telephone 725-S4 sell TELEVISION SKATES! A large selection of new and Quolity Meat Market ewer Seon | benef ae BOX 47519 CANCELLATIONS AND FOR Used. Allo" hockey "equipment, "bargain| _ BRING YOUR PORK OR |RELIABLE WOMAN fo mind two chil OSHAWA TIMES Scant DAY OF PUBLICATION os MORTGAGE CLEANER, SHARPER . priced hockey" sticks, Circe Centre, 204) BEEF TO US--QUICK FROZE old, Must live in only. 576-2824, Oshawa. | WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR it led 'ore U st, 4 ' poked sald iar Pigcke| She cay's TV RECEPTION re [ATTENTION 1 Ice FISHERMEN -- live Sistem ene oo igi Be tn bs Skilled Turret INNOWS, xcelient ass fi a , 1 A Mag blioll LOANS YOUR OWN GUITARS |cial baits and riggins. Emm's Snack Bar| 47 King St. E., Bowmanville lerANHCatOs Re kee asset hae EXPERIENCED Site ete eceice willie as jnd_ Sports Shop, 103 Queen St., Lindsay. 623- 3-508) | Times. Lathe Operators BUTCHER WANTED i Stewart Arch Top $34.95 | GUARANTEED, USED wri n te ge Tee oe forward replies to box numbers to the Moneys available for first : y wringer washers, aUALIVY MEATS cu at te Gun Gok Seveltinere of wee0. 4 ee rule a and second mortgages. Open Kent 12 String Electric, ate Fuiere tha Neonneees, ae freshly killed beef. Duffy's Super Market, 18-- Male Help \ ie anted nah and Machinists Semaged alleged to arise through either| ™Ortgages. No bonus. First Thin Body .. $79.95 |Simcoe South. 723-0011. 946 Simcoe N. 723-9371. failure or delay in forwarding such re-| mortgages, second mortgages Koy Flot TYPEWRITER -- Royal, electric. Good T plies, however caused whether@by negli- and agreements for sale pur- ey et Top » $24.95 working order, $125. Mackle's Van and 1 Pets and Livestock MANAGER - AN DR Goud ee plus. benatits, gence or otherwise, The Times will not] choced. QO W | R Zen-On Solid Body Storage. Ltd. Ha Ce GET RETO 300 working conditions. xperience and ability. Excel- purchase from Western Oil C i i ; y J Wilson & Lee = am pall FIRTH BROTHERS eee cance, ae Till. Comey | tent' atoning: saan. Write f a DACHSUND "PUPPY also toy terrier, $35 : Be ree ot OELOE neane IF Electric . $24.95 \vacuum REPAIRS, all "makes, i hases, to $100 delivered, 985-2645. : Apply store manager: M. F. SWARTZ aon | Yo 0 urbe Pet Toe $7098 TS Pouca rte in te oe Eee | SALESMAN ANTENNA THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT _ Oshawa A Ontate 8- 5143 "Eastern Ontario's Largest pct chan eee T 83 SUNNYBROOK RESPONSIBIE FOR | ERRORS IN ADV! z c Bend and 0 Music Centre" appliances pousit and' sold Ber ocinge SERA SHEPHG ES -- for sale. co. LTD. FOOD MARKET su i Mis 723-4697 'orner Bond and Division 16 Bond Street W., 25 Bond Street E., |Nine weeks old. Telephone 7254962. CANADA'S. LARGEST os ees WILSON & LEE. 70 COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep. 606 BEECH STREET 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby | HALF. PRICE SALES Mev' "Unclaimed! herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter GE INGLE Ist and 2nd T V TOWERS LTD: Suits and sport coats, Tat a ip Tet, horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, HOME FURNISHERS WHITBY SERTION in WHICH seec" po MORTGAGES . . | 7 Sicsene et N, 725-4706 ke reg. $69, ene price $35.00; jack- equipment, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. _ ' ime - r i H as F i The Oshawa Times reserves the right to| @ RESIDENTIAL "BUILT IN OSHAWA" suits Miia! sport coats pe fis eke ioe piteeer cal Superior, work a} By Require A Interesting work and good SALES CAREER classify advertising according to its} @ COMMERCIAL AT OUR OWN PLANT Open Thursday and Friday Stock, 20 per cent off. Final week. Mer- | 9499, rates of pay. Apply by If you are between 22 and proper classification. @ INDUSTRIAL Till 9 P.M Sale Deets Store: iby UNSER > | ecoven ROSRIRE fie white, also Manager-Salesman 50, and 'fed up" with is In the cases of Siapiey Sovenusenert Immediate service and even- We give sibs opener | aoe ee ne ey cage aioe pba AREA alla Telephone 655.3071. | TELEPHONE 666-3948 present poner, we oy | | oe a er + also other . The irae IU IR Be Aids 'when the| ing appointments. Complete tower for less money. Stretch your food dollar, |nousehoid he Toteohane 723-0734, |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, sfeaey For Their MR. J. C. CAIGER have an excellent permanent actual error occupies, ik cgllietd| details call Doug Terwillegar. SAVE 15-20% ON YOUR | MATTRESS RGAINS. Ail types of mat- for training. talking | strain. Apply T. PORT HOPE STORE ise So eee Position for you. Excellent ideavor to reproduce all adverising ti 5 cee Rcd! Lec eS ee ean matter correctly, cout ossume fo liability} BRANCH REALTY OSHAWA i V FOOD BILL. imine $17 Geqaiienee aa ae GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale, Heda al) full employee of advertisement it any inaccuracies in} jNVESTMENTS LTD Stock your freezer ready for | tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away| eight weeks old, $50. and up, 655-3881. THE enefits, thorough training. any form are contained therein. | GT King = 723-1157 SUPPLY LTD Pi uf cots complete, $19.88, Wilson's Furni-1BROWN MINIATURE poodie, three No travelling. No door to IT'S EASY TO PLACE A 9 R 725.6210 . loy-off ete ture, 20 Church Street. di a years, house trained, good tempera- IF YOU: door canvassing. All replies TIMES ACTION WANT AD ee mined. TAUNTON RD. E. If you already own a freezer [TWIN BROS, complete. wiih. white leath-(tmen!. Nery Adaptable, S65, Tonting Ken: ROYAL held strictly confidential. i e id t % * 5 Call Clossified Direct |FIRST AND SECOND, mortgages ere Gust East of Ritson) you con' still join our famous [id Ot Doeras. Telephone 723-10 e 1--Would like to manage a CANADIAN Phone 723-2447 Monday be- 723-3492 Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. 723- 8131 - 723 723-8132 food cl | SET OF RACKS for jong box truck,|SIAMESE KITTEN, seaipoint. House- t tween 6-9 p.m. or write 3-3 cae mena ood club and get oll 15 %-inch pO ond 18 ex Lt Broxeny nine months old, Telephone 668- nhtiike x 48852, Oshawa Times. WANTED -- Private second mort for $6,500, Will pay 12 per cane TELEVISION --I ae PADIO _ valuable privileges. Savings | phone 723-5439. 8756, ce 9--Have selling obility. MOUNTED POLICE BUNS MAN 3 on aaa 2 phone Port Perry 985-7704 and = quality --_ guaranteed HEAVY DUTY STOVE, refrigerator, | 4 . Ww Claims Adjustor for -- insura: SS \ di id ' --, ince Com- INDEX TO FIRST AND SECOND morgage, sale 24 HOUR SERVICE Preaaes end shea table and buffet. All in good condition. 12--Articles anted 3--Are hard working. pany in local area, 9 elephone 723-36: GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. E Nlent CLASSIFICATIONS agreements purchased and sold. Hennick Sistine Hos vacancies for single men benefits and automobile supplied. High and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street ay: RENTALS privileges for as little as PRIVATE, two with better quality| Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNell's} 4 Would like to grow with between 18 and 30 years, of Sct! graduate preferred; also must be mattresses, in new condition. Reason-|Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. age who are at least 5/8" in icensed driver. interview by appoint- 2--Personal WANTED -- First mortgage, $7500. Will 5 +8170. See a leading furniture organ- height, have -- successfull pay 8-8 per cent interest. Gocd secur- HOLMES ©r appointment phone Oper- |CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, oreen, 13--Articles for Rent role [EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. 1 Carge after 6 p.m. ' * * . - -- - ~---- Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Contact the nearest Royal | 9vesting a personal interview, please sub- PHONE 933 Ritson South holstery material and supplies. Car used Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal fice or write to the Commis- | Oshawa Times frig., like new; TV stereo and radio Some store experience preferred. Must 16--Agents Wanted Ottawa I; Ontario IMMEDIATE "OPENING -- - We "need two e ' East, 723-7232 1--Women's Column $198. For more information able price! Whitby 668-0170 ment only. 723-1103, ty, Phi 11158; 4210. é ization, completed Grade Eleven or | company h. ity, Phone 723-1158; home 725-6210 ELECTRONICS ator B, 723-1163. modern, reasonable. Telephone 723-4216 better and are physically fit. [with business yaa) igre Nursery Schools NEW D rome RAPES, chairs, colonial t F ; Chambers Food Ltd. NEW. DRAPES: chrome: pals Sojonial! es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Apply Immediately Canadian Mounted Police of- |eusccrige ume Saperienee tne ane Jo--Farmer's Column TODDLERS PARADISE 668-5679 __|for racing, $80. 723-0813, Wear, Men's Formals, White In Person To Manager | soner, YOUTH for position in hardware st tain Warned lo FROBEL -- MONTESSORI tite & S| REBUILT MOVING SALE -- Kelvinator stove and Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Clerking, stockkeeping and general done. 13--Articles for Rent Day Nursery School combination, new; 39" continental bed 1 Royal Canadian Mounted |ha: i" ; 'hauff 14--Business Opportuniien geal T.V. Rentals =| __- TRANSMISSIONS --_|sombination," new: 9" "continental bed] S ARGEANT'S RENTALS ee nave chautiur's, cence, "Apply in ere ploy! i Pel oy _ New Sets GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP |and chal, phone table pnd chairs Swo __ 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 orice, S. Whitby, No phone calls, i 17--Female Help Wanted SritH MINES Ot Ceeoning. 576-2610 iy latin GREE, Gios eapee lan a a 18--Male Help Wanted Register now. For appoint- ALCAN Tye lable, lamps, dishes; power lawn ke seci jower, umbrella clothes line, new; two . . ae y men with farm or sales background Male or gremale Help. Wontes ment call 723-0734. FURNITURE 'and Oshawa_ Transmission hotplates; girl's clothing, 8-12. Various Polish National FURNITURE CO. LTD. ER OPPORTUNITY ie wee MEA Eh ye a ie Summey Properin, Painting and Decorating APPLIANCES HWE eee 6 ick te ee oe oc! Mall for Rent mesenger BEneEE lus bonus. Write, Box Marta doResl 'Catate PAINTING AND DECORATING. Rea- 452 Simcoe South elson street rard turntable, one Bogen amplifier, one 23 KING ST, WEST pec Han: Des Cosa fer 9 YOUNG aa i | vf . - i Py le le Recta Otfies and Storage sonable rates. Work guaranteed. Free 723-0011 | CITY TV televisions, radios, Sous eee eerete Zam For more informatior' call BA sateyaHg Men. Age 22:2. ng machinery eo eee mal 25--Houses estimates. Telephone 725-2938. sevice) BRA" rapaltcc Seniee TWO BABY CRIBS, one large, one Mr. -J. Dlugosz 728-3718 or OSHAWA, ONTARIO no previous experience neces- | have mechanical aptitude and grade 12 26--Apartments srl Rent INTERIOR decorating, painting, paper SERVICE CALL ONLY. 2.50 dept. open 7 days a week Aoply, 2 Carlton Courke olf Cedar Mr. P. Soltys 723-4332 : sory, Starting salary $350) to. |eucaen minimum, "Apply in pation. te 27--Rooms for Rent hanging, wood finishing. Free. estimates. f = . aa SRGRS SSUES T VRE SRNR ea General Printers, 57 Simcoe Street South. 28--Room and Board Upton's Painting, 723-2977. Fast T.V. Service Also T.V. towers, color and |SHIRTS -- expertly laundered in my PAU ae Energetic man desirous of acid Reagaipods ngs gd Attention, Mr. D. A. Houlden. Se AUreiobties eer Sale Pi bi id Heat black and waite Tey. iter ie cee medals esr beltletals ane heaplial Dede a walkers BOING GeO Sly Bhd onthe "Write i own har. s umbing an | nos, rotors installed, Sales Ie ne Ji SR ___| reducing machines, sick room suppl H er, Ex- ie . af 3i--Compact Cars for Sale EE] ng DOMINION ond Senvice 8 nina © ay THREE-QUARTER CONTINENTAL bed,|'9 Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. be abeclall howellee seal ae writing, stating experience, IF IT'S FOR SALE se AUtenwhien Werhes ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- TELEVISION 'Call? 795, |MeWs $50.2 squirrel Jacket, $50.; cocktail] LODGE ROOM for rent, Orange Temple,| Perience in 9 marital status etc. to Box 34--Automobile_ Repair ling, new and used materials. Reasonable 248 Quebec St. Call' 725- and day dresses, size 15. Telephone 668- ae Street. Telephone 723-3890 or 725- tate not necessarily essen- £7699 Oshawa Times AN ACTION 35--Lost and Found rates. Estimates fr aly J. FOU. | 728:5154 9.0m. to 9 p.m. 0500. All work guaranteed. aaa Books tiol. Replies --_ confidential. : CLASSIFIED AD 36---Legal ALL PLUMBIN ihewag sb: BROWN ACRILAN rug and runner, with antaaraniner "Fifty to one hundred Call J. J, Wilkinson, R. Mar- - sag rar gaENESgrr 37--Auctions plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Star! FURNITURE -- three rooms of new ftur-|rubber pads, lined damask drapes, 20" people? Oshawa Tennic Club. te tin Real Estate, 100 King St, [CUT AWAY ¢ tidy. sum by canting that WILL SELL IT! peepee ld Events Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Enoinerne: 1 |NEED HELP in a nurry? "Place 'S Help nitore. Pay only $15 monthly. Baron's|felevision, also new 20' picture tube.'quets, parties, weddings. Bar, niichon, In Kea ate, ig ot. apartment. Phone 723-3492 and place an i W--Netion= Simcoe Street South, Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe &, 723-2700, marking 3027704 G&. Qehawe Tal &76.1200. apt. for rent ad in The Times

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