Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1967, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 17, 1967 3 Queen's First Act In Visit |- CROOKS NEED HAIRCUT identify criminals by measur- re LONDON (AP)--There may|ing the tiny amount of radio- . Pl W th be bad news in store for long-jactivity in stray hairs left at ace réa n emorila haired British criminals. Home|the scene of a crime. The Secretary Roy Jenkins says sci-| method may prove as useful as entists are developing a way to/fingerprinting Leue value at Government state dinner. OTTAWA (CP) --The first /official act of the Queen's week- long visit to Canada this sum-| Further details of the Queen's mer will be the placing of Alitinerary were released Thurs- wreath at the national war me-/day, morial June 30, the day after) « she and Prince Philip arrive in} ithe capital by plane from Lon-} don. | After the wreath-placing the Royal couple will watch the cen- House, and a They include an expected 5:30 p.m. arrival at Uplands Airport June 29 and a reception for the |press at noon the next day. The Queen and her husband} | jwill take part in the day-long} fa tennial commission's folk - arts celebration : of Canada's 100th Corb 'S program on Parliament Hill, at-|birthday July 1. This includes. |tend a reception for diplomats|a" address by Her Majesty to | senators and MPs assembled on jthe Parliament Hill lawn, and a ; jpresentation of the sound-and | Harbor Board jlight' program and fireworks e from Nepean Point, a_ little | Doubles Grant more than a_ stone's throw! northeast of the Parliament | : i : Buildings. OTTAWA (CP)--The national epee | harbors board will double Se are tentative plans for} {grants to municipalities by 1989, |' ne Queen and Philip to attend iTransport Minister Pickersgill|2 S¢'vice at Christ Church, the | Anglican cathedral here, July 2.! j ' announced in the Commons |Thursday. before they drive to Cornwall to | | : ; . board the Royal yacht Britan. | eg He said the board's grants in yjg which will take. the ' lieu of municipal taxes will rise] jz '¢ ean m to NMENT ixpo at Montrea 9 |to 6214 per cent of tax bills for rf eyesinae real that evening Mi ; 966 from 50 per cent in 1965. lr a ng July 3 at - 725-5562 7 "xpo, the Royal party ORE As AS The grants will jump to 75 per) Kin : party sails tos gston then drives to Ottawa cent of tax bills this year, to |8744 per cent in 1968 and to 100 per cent in 1969. OF VETERANS EXECUTIVE TAKES OFFICE IN CITY UNITED COUNCIL Mr. Pickersgill said the new The newly elected execu- sociation's annual meeting. Rey. Father Anthony Bag- United Council's standard, member organizations, |'@X agreement has just been tive of the United Council of | From left - right, Michael sik (padre of Polish Vets); The council was formed in After the inaugral a social |Sisted by the board and cities we Craftsmanship where the board has port facili- Veterans Association Osh- Grycek, treasurer; William Col. W. C.. Paynter, hon- 1961 to co-ordinate veteran soap let eA nae ties. He gave the information in awa and District was in- Stacey; vice - president; orary president and' Harold activities in the city with wives ; reply to Thomas Bell (PC-- ° ducted into office at the as- Jan Drygala, president; Woods, secretary, hold the the executive chosen from --Oshawa Times Photo | 5aint John-Albert). Since 1877 Gibso The decision affects eight cit- ies with national harbors, plus Prescott, Ont., and Port Col- borne, Ont., where the board ps operates grain elevators. iF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT 'Mini-Election' Report Five- Year - Old Lost Arms Now Can Pick Things Up In Spring, Spread Fast *W van fick thin 30" AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE Engineering : : } Blair, a bouncy five-year-old, | Ins ; i i OTTAWA (CP) -- Reportsjposts in the public service. jada succeeding -Gordon Mc-| lost both Fell Rare th he an8 Haag LIFE INSURANCE Big Range Features { about a "mini-election" in the|Many Liberals are betting on a/Gregor, who reached the re-|a hay mower accident on her children with : 'ah Theat oe spring are spreading rapidly in)major cabinet shuffle during|tirement age of 65 last Septem-|father's farm near Ottawa vice at ribed . ie nok = Liberal circles. the Easter parliamentary re-jber and stayed on at govern- : : : PaO Nua ig iad a @ AUTOMATIC : | 4 Now she is able to feed her-|pendable one Party sources predict that)cess, opening many new vacan- ment request. lis ice er i , e q self a dish of icé cream, play The two groups jointly re- several byelections -- at least|cies in the Commons and mak-| Solicitor-General Pennell, 51 Ww j : : 5 + 4, with plast gs , ni ' ' two and perhaps as many as 10-|ing room in the cabinet for and Registrar - General Fav,|a plate ere _ ceived the Readers Digest will be called late next month|fresh, young faces. lreau, 49, would be named to Award for distinguished service OVEN TIMER @ CONVENIENT Myrna was all smiles Thurs- nner CI i by Prime Minister Pearson. | |the high courts of Ontario and day. and so was , [8 rehabilitation CLOCK ba | 7 t | c ¥; was a shy invent : " : " ae Voting would take place Ure pr aphtshoghnnnr a er Quebec. Northern Development) whose doodies in a basement of. Another invention is. a device late May or early June, in the 6 h aba acty rent oA au he Minister Laing, 62, and Fish- fice in Toronto are helping thou- that allows children with severe @ LIFT-OFF middle of the Conservative ti Bye eee SOIRHGA ran ime 'eries Minister Robichaud, 55,! sands of crippled children. body problems to walk for the) VEN DOOR leadership race and while New|retirement speculation. Inform-| would go to the Senate. j 0 ; aa. Colin McLaurin, a 44-year-old | ¢j le os ries ants stress that several minis-| Justice Minister Cardia, wholseronautical, engineer. Hes |first time. It is called a swivel Democrats concentrate their ef-| : we forts on the forthcoming On. ters may put off their depart-| ¥i1) be 48 March 1, would get alhabit of. inventing artificial walker, for children whose tario election. eon : diplomatic post, likely the limbs that are called so reyo-\lower limbs are either incom- Two ridings -- Sudbury and| 'Labor Minister Nicholson, 65, Canadian chairmanship of the lutionary they may outclass plete or totally inadequate for| Hull -- have been without rep-jis being tabbed as the succes- |International Joint Commission, anything in the world today sonventional artificial le | resentation for six weeks andjsor to Lt.-Gov. George Pearkes|succeeding Arnold Heeney, who He ewan trviio: hie lit 4 imOn tela pies six months, respectively. Mr.|of British Columbia, whose five-|will be 65 April 5. vantié oF a in-\such as some. severe thalido- Pearson is required by law tolyear term was extended indef-| State .Secretary .Judy .La- witeh Hit' Baigent the Pci mide cases. | call byelections or a general/jinitely in 1965. |Marsh, 42, has been dropping |society for Crippled Pouidren, hwnd Minister Prery, 54, hints that she may succeed A jay th eae" beanie" ol as been mentioned as a suc-|phonse Oui s CBC is \Stohiae : ' cessor to former justice oilnlelaeee met as CBC presi lighter than any of its kind in @ LARGE OVEN WINDOW Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON Mr. McLaurin has also in- vented a new type of elec- trically-powered artificial arm for youngsters with no stump at election by July 12--six months after the two seats were offi- cially declared vacant. AUTOMATIC There is growing speculation|ter Lionel Chevrier as high| If all these reports prove well oe NOM |the shoulder. The child exerts SUN LIFE ae E here that several 's of|commissioner in London. Rev- |founded, the result would be STRAPS NOT NEEDED pressure from his shoulder on Assurance Com an | 30 RANG | the Pearson cabinet plan to re-jenue Minister Benson, 43, would /three byelections in Ontario) The device activates motor-|two switches that activate his pany tire or move to less onerous|be named president of Air Can-|apart from Sudbury, three injized artificial arms and elimi-)arm and hand. Of Canada Quebec apart from Hull, two in|nates the need for confining] The society says Susie White, $ e s ® . |British Columbia and one in straps between the child's body 4, of Ottawa was the first to be RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: "ie Oe, Compulsory Social Legislation |New Brunswick. and artificial limbs -- long a/fitted with the arms, and now|} 668-4371 725-4563 | cumbersome necesesity. LIKELY CANDIDATES jean scratch her bac Likely Quebec candidates for, It also means a breakthrough |g Aiea cabinet appointments include i" the problem inventors in the| Pierre Elliot Trudeau, parlia-|S°viet Union and United States, "Ultimately a lot will leave mentary secretary to Mr. Pear-|2"4 A Montreal and Winnipeg, if this legislation is followed|son, Bryce Mackasey, parlia-|8"@ battling: How to perfect an sai . Shantz, |mentary secretary to Mr. Nich-|8tificial limb that doesn't through," said Mr. Shantz | y ry to Mr. Nic lwelgh go muth>a enild: can't! with them. | And Mennonite Life, Clash KITCHENER (CP)--A colli- sion between the Mennonite way of life and new compulsory BRAND NAME EXACTLY AS SHOWN FEATURE YA This is an outstanding buy! Automatic oven timer. Convenient clock. ° 0992808 O02 He SY S22F SSS SSH*CHHSHRHETALSSSSSSSE eccrreeere social legislation may force i olson; Jean Chretien, parlia-| ; : i , J 4 COLOR families of this faith to leave since one Pryy ea ys mentary seeretary to Fi-/rry it, or is so complicated v Timed appliance plug-in outlet. Oven signal light. Lift-up surface ele- -Abshasiged after more than 165 years in|/Honduras, where the constitu-/n@nce Minister Sharp and for-| ta aan er ends up with too/ en § ments (for easy cleaning). Lift-off oven door, "Peek-a-boo" oven window. MMER this area, says Elven Shantz. |tion protects the beliefs of the Mer state secretary Maurice|™ve" equipment on his body, Oven lamp. Broiler pan and cover. Full width storage drawer. Chip and ER ' Mr. Shantz, a -- Kitche-| order, eter ot hela nes ee ee a baa se-| scratch resistant porcelain finish. --=- ner businessman, has been act-| « ister without portfolio, is ex-| 1 ye th w, has been tHe RE A BOOKE IAN" 16" Winter ier on than pected to get a senior port- Wearing artificial arms since 5 k ond B | Rens Mennonites in the dispute with|"' i : : folio. the accident, a type that re-|O'9¢% and brown, | 'LEHMAN the Ontario government. CLAIM NO EMPLOYEES | Ontario prospects include quires straps between them and Blucher, Balmoral, agdakes Difficulties were brought to a| They argue that as they have\John Munro, parliamentary |her body to activate the motors'ci;. _ Gn Moccassin | ES 2:00 P.M. head by the extension of the|no workers other than those|Secretary to Immigration Min-|that power the arms, p ; ' Hy BIG 2-DOOR GIBSON FROST-FREE 78 Workmen's Compensation Act|from their own family or from|ister Marchand; Herb Gray, fi-. The new McLaurin device, a Wamp and Straight . 2.00 to farmers in January of 1966.|the order, and as they pay no|nance committee chairman; weight, about two inches long, last style. woe 1.28 About 100 of 250 Old Order|salaries, they should be ex. James Walker, parliamentary|makes the confining straps un- g REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER . 1,50 Mennonite families have ap-jempted. |Secretary to Mr. Benson, and/necessary. SIZES 7 to 12 plied for exemption from the act. duty to care for their own and mentary secretary to Mr. Pear- Thursday the weight, balanced| they don't want anything to do aye Walter Gordon, minister in a little box taped to her arm, piety thal = with the government. without portfolio, is in line for tipped to one side, activating Ms re : i vigi promotion to a major portfolio./the motor switch FREEZER e 1S. a ure There is a clear division be-| Other MPs mentioned as po-| deed |tween the powers of church and tential ministers include Jean-\, 2° New device is the woe ON ee ee en: ren. | zudes. Dube (Restigouche-Mad-|imorovements., Mr. -MeLaurin COMPLETELY ed S 1 S He had suggested the Men-awaska), chairman of the ex-|; ; ak ante A R TH - ; ; ales a : jhas created as project director FROST-FREE a nonites could be exempted if anjternal affairs committee; Ron|o¢ the society's prosthetic re- REFRIGERATOR 5 TORONTO (CP) -- The legi- undertaking were signed by a|Basford (Vancouver Burrard),| . he Stee ve i' i the employer and|co-chai ; '}search and training unit, slature gave second reading--|!0c@! bishop, th ploy co-chairman of the prices in-| approval in principle -- Thurs-|¢™Ployee, making the order re-|quiry, and Jack Davis, parlia-/ DEVELOP HOOK day to nine bills, including one sponsible for its own workers.'mentary secretary to Energy; Last year, working jointly that would allow the College of the Dominican or Friar Preach- ers of Ottawa to grant degrees in philosophy and theology. In introducing the bill early in February, Horace Racine They say it is their Christian Outside help would still be hired by contract. The proposal was turned down because the act makes no provision for exemptions. Keith Butler, Progressive (L--Ottawa East) said the col-| lege offers courses in those sub-| jects to graduates of Canadian) universities or other universi-| ties whose degrees are recog-| nized in Canada, | Another bill given second} reading would allow Empire} Life Insurance Co., Kingston, to| seek federal incorporation nec-| essary to expand into Nova Sco-; tia, New Brunswick and New-/ | foundland. H Ask d M T | The other bills would: e e e 0 1, Allow the Society of Indust-) rial and Cost Accountants of Marcelle Morrisseau, 22, test.) & We@KS in Lisbon and Madeira Total Ca acit Al t 14 Cubic Foot : pana to bg id words "and| fied Thursday that she fired the, only $445 with CPA SAVE 18 9 p y -- mos U it 00 sost'"" from its title. shot that killed John Luke| 5 eo > secti f - " | : oe Ps as tie ye Onakanakis, 26, "because he Enjoy a week in Lisbon, one of Europe's most Just Imagine! NOT A THIMBLEFUL OF FROST . . . ANYWHERE in this completely ondary Schools Act, 1955. | 3. Allow the public school) board of section No. 1 of the township of Moose in the Dist- rict of Cochrane to. borrow up to $50,000 without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. 4. Allow Provincial Butchers and Machinery Co. Ltd., Tor- onto, to revive its rights of in- corporation, lost through a tech-| nicality in April, 1965, 5. Change some sections of the City-of Sault Ste. Marie Act, 1957, pertaining to a commis- sion to operate a bus service.|television with Onakanakis. Book Now With | 5 ag enone 6. Make a technical change in] 'John asked me what we Open Fridoys ye +d nil the Waterloo Lutheran Univers-|were going to do about our bills FOU Kk SEASONS TRAVE L 9 Fridere ae ity Act, 1959. jand I said things would work | 7. Establish a community ser-|t vices board for the Town of Cal- edonia. I trusted wouldn't go off," she told an Ontario Supreme Court She is charged with non-capital murder. Sept. 7 in the home he shared with Mrs. aldton, 200 miles north of here. on the night of the shooting she had bingo game and was watching was dead I'd have no bills,' and he was laughing." Conservative member of the legislature for Waterloo North, who has been acting as a medi- ator for the last six months, said the only way to change the situation is through amending the legislation. I Fired Shot, PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Marie 'asked me to." "T never intended to kill him. him. He said it jury. Onakinakis was found dead Morrisseau in Ger- Mrs. Morrisseau testified that home returned from a John Matheson, also a_ parlia- 'Minister Pepin. When Myrna moved her arm iwith the University of New| fascinating capitals. Then another week on tropical Madeira Island all (IT/ST/182). Low price includes economy excursion return fare from Toronto, hotels, sightseeing, some meals. $45 down, balance in 24 monthly installments of $17.71. See your Travel Agent or Canadia ety Canadian Cacific arpunes $7 « 15 sun-filled days in n Pacific...and oy hemselves out. John said, 'If I f 57 King St. E +» 576-3131 , First Pair .... 14,95 Extra Pair .... SAVE First Pair .... 19,95 Extra Pair .... ONE Plus *100 13.95 2 LOCATIONS BOTH STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT 1 P.M. 122.5 Lb. system), EXACTLY AS SHOWN Frost-Clear Zero Zone Freezer frost-free refrigerator - freezer ! erator the old fashioned way, this is for you. Big full-width frost-free freezer.3 full- wdith shelves including a glide-out shelf, two porcelain crispers, with big 30-quart cap- acity. Deep door storage with three door shelves, double layer egg shelves, specially designed butter and cheese compartment. (Full five year guarantee on sealed refrigerator PRICED WITH TRADE-TRADE-IN, TRADE-UP TODAY! Refrigerator FREEZER 7 ar WITH TRADE If you are scraping, chipping, defrosting your refrig- €herney's CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD-OPEN TONIGHT "til 9

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