Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Feb 1967, p. 27

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sults Help Wanted YOUR ONS ARE R THAN R JOB minute break to 1 measure up for coreer in Sales ment. 9 reasons why } the most im- ak you'll ever earn $8,000 or irst yeor. coreer_ starter advancement to positions for the } On earnings -- ONS. cation -- you own local area. ra! training at rtising support. > field training. security, guor- non-contributory nd, which builds each sale you 'areer opportun- ime -- opportunity that ou of the extra sary to provide ith + batter things * @ Spacious r cor, a college * your children iow and in the eral compensa- 1 «steadily ine income year nd as your in- so do your op- r advancement of management We look to our ssmen of to-day igement people e financial se- you @ substane for disability, deoth without ribution out of itified with an sales organiza. r 55 yeors of N. efforts will be national multi- radio, T.V., | magazine ad- am. married pre- lust own late be bondable. | Interview call trie, Regional es --- Monday sday from 1 jotor Hotel 5271 ar Tire ber Co. da Ltd. ngineer Products Divi- nville, has on irement for a r in the De- artment. Exe weyor Belting ffers a chal- ressive young initiative and a! laison as contact. y and com- its. letter stating d experience. ANAGER, E & RUBBER . LTD, ancy in our or a man to emble bread 2s, »plicant must | in appear ling to work ely 10 p.m. ely 6 a.m. ood security its. to: BREAD 'BISCO LTD. )N ST. vA February 15 09 p.m S TATIVE ny requires supply sales Experience ssential, for 2terborough, Age 25-35, penses, sale ons. For aps Mr. Camp- osha Hotel, 1 p.m. on . 1S and i. 8--Mole Help Wanted we HAVE OPENINGS FOR Skilled Turret l.athe Operators and Machinists ANDREW ANTENNA CO; LTD: 606 BEECH STREET WHITBY Interesting work and good rates of poy. Apply by TELEPHONE 668-3348 MR. J. C. CAIGER .|18--Male | Help Wanted EXPERIERCED salesman "required Ap ply Canadian Tire Corp., North, Whitby adian Company, Aoril salary plus commissions an niques, minimum Grace !? Write Box 47257, Oshawa Times. 19--Male and Female _ Help Wanted Ladies or men. -_ 728-4922. IF YOU CAN WORK from 6.30 - evenings and meet our we will guarantee $200. a month experience helpful but not tive. Earnings begin immediately. faite '20--Real E Estate ¢ for | Sale | GRIFFIN OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Requires an experienced cooch operator. 40 hour week, good wages and benefits, which include: Nine paid stotutory holidays, 1% days a month accumu- lative sick leave credits, pen- sion, hospitalization, P.S.I., life insurance, complete uni- form supplied. All replies held confidential. Apply by letter only, giving pertinent information to: MR, L. ALGAR 100 Simcoe St. South Oshawa, Ontario Sales Position for 2 Men If selected: 1--2 weeks training in head office at company expense. 2--We guarantee $100. per week for the first 4 weeks in the field. 3--Group benefits and pen- sion plan. Call for appointment MR. Z, BRKICH 723-4641 TUESDAY ONLY Written applications are in- vited for permanent employ- ment es e Plumber on the Maintenance Staff of the Peterborough Board of Educa- tion. Applicants should hold Jour- nmeymen Plumber's popers. Applicetions should include full detoils of age, education and experience and should be addressed to: Mr. E. Park, General Manager --- Plant, Board of Education, Box 719, Peterborough, Ontario. Salary will be negotiated and liberal fringe benetits are of- fered. Closing date for appli- cations is § p.m., February 24, 1967. Machinists Lathe Operators Tool & Die Makers Assure your future, join the most progressive shop in the area, Benefits, top wages, steady employment, Tele- phone 623-5232. or apply: -L & L TOOL LIMITED Simpson Avenue South Bowmanville BOOKSTORE MANAGER Required immediately, man- ager for large downtown bookstore, experience in book and magazine trade helpful but not essential. Six day week, Outstanding opport- unity for person with sales experience and ability, Excel- lent starting salary. Write BOX 47519 OSHAWA TIMES REAL ESTATE Experienced salesmen wanted for our Pickering and Brook- lin offices, Direct Toronto line, full time secretarial services, executive office surroundings, PSI, loss of in- come ond pension benefits. Cell ROBERT SHEA, 294- 1372 or 297-1270, Thomas N. SHEA Limited Realtor. Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. EXPERIENCED BUTCHER WANYED Top wages plus benefits. Good working conditions. Apply store manoger: SUNNYBROOK FOOD MARKET 114 Dundas St. E., Whitby PLATERS Required immediately experi- enced dmium __pilaters. Knowledge of other plating processes an asset. Apply in person ot 257 Fairall Ave., Ajox, Ont NT THAT VACANCY through Rent Cali 728-3492 teday fer actien! REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 Simcoe St. S. 723-8144 $89.33 MONTHLY Carries this 4 bedroom 114 storey brick home in north- west area, Dining room, fire- place, 2 boths are o few fea- tures of this clean home. Price $18,900. Good down poyment required. $4,500. DOWN Will 'buy this 3 bedroom back-split only 1 year old. Carries like rent. Featuring L- shaped living room and din- ing room, Large lot. Corport ond paved drive. Priced at $19,200. Phone now! CARRIES $94, P.I. & T. Vendor moving. Must sell. 3 bedreom brick bungalow. Fea- | turing rec room with bar, 4th bedroom in basement plus extras. Try your down pay- ment today. $3,000. DOWN Income home. Full $18,500. $107. P.LT. North-east orea. 3 bedroom bungalow. Full price $18,900. $129. PIT. 5 bedrooms, dining rcom and fireplace. North-west area, $3,000. DOWN 6 room brick, hospital area. $112. PT. Spotless 3 bedroom brick bungclow. Recreation room, attached garage. Full price $19,900. MONTHLY -- $107. Choice north-east location. Loaded with extras. $3,000. DOWN Live rent free in two storey home in south Oshawa. $80. MONTHLY Full price $13,500. Close to schools and buses. Good lo- cation. $1,700. DOWN 5 room bungalow with gar- age. Deep lot. Immediate pos- session. $1,500. DOWN 5 rooms, east end neor Wil- son Plazo, Clean, MUST BE SOLD $23,600. Immaculate 8 room split-level, Stone front, ot- tached gorage, electric heat. North-east end. $1,500. DOWN 2% storey brick home, pri- vate drive with garage. Car- ries $120 monthly. INCOME PROPERTY Double house, one side con- tains 2 apartments, other side con be converted or live there yourself. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, price JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR BROOKLIN 7 yeor old, 5 room brick bungalow, spotless condition, paved drive, finished rec room, Inspect this one soon. Early possession. CHOICE NORTH AREA Large 5 room bungalow, close to schools ond shopping, deep fenced lot. Owner anxious. Inspect tonight, and try an offer. Good terms. NEWCASTLE Spacious, 2 years ald, ranch bungalow, 3 bedrooms, kit- chen, living and dining room, large lot. Close to shopping and schools. Good mortgage. CLOSE TO J. F. KENNEDY SCHOOL Spotless 3 bedroom bunga- low, rec room, built in stove and oven, Many, mony ex- tras, Ideal for young family. $11,500 FULL PRICE 2 storey, 6 room home, gor- age, modernized downstairs. Act fast on this one, Early possession. EAST END 5% room brick bungalow, carport and patio, large rec room. All the fine features of a modern home. Has to be seen to be appreciated. NORTHEAST Spacious 6 room bungalow, large hollywood kitchen and dining room, rec room with bor, 2 washrooms, patio, poved drive. One of the finest homes in the area, FOR DETAILS CALL: Joe Crawford 723-1021 Sally Wallace 725-6297 Murray Boyle 723-4270 Bessie Crysler 723-2925 728-7377 * (We list and sel! M.L.S.) 833 Simcoe St. S. what you get with Classified Ads. Phen 723-3498 new fer an ad-writer, SALESMAN opening with a chew aed latest ree eoucation. | Members of ( O.D.R.E.B. CITY-WIDE COVERAGE a! low cost is e 311 Brock Street FULLER has territory now open in Osh- | awa south, and country, Bowmanville. | Can make $4 hourly, Part or full time. 930! qualifications, Sales necessary. You will train under factory representa-| Car} required. Write Box 47682, Oshawa Times | RETIRED COUPLE for |anitor of smeil| apartment buliding In Whitby, Telephone! } | } | | 120--Reel Estate for Sale FUTURE DEVELOPMENT e } CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN GUIDE | REALTY 11D; 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 e SLICK AS A WHISTLE | @ is this beoutiful 2 bedroom brick bungalow on Grierson St with 4 pce. bath, large kitchen, living room, dining room and recreation room, Bus stops just ocross the street. An excellent retirement home in a much de- sired north-east oreo. Full price $15,200. e IF YOU ARE BUDGET MINDED 11 @ then this 5 room, 1% storey house may be the one you are looking for, Spacious rooms, | nice size lot. Owner anxious to! sell. Priced ot $12,500. For| further a coll today. | DREAM NO MORE Ill @ This ranch styled bungo low with attached gorage is o homemoker's dream of smart-| ness and efficiency. L-shapeg living and. dining room, kitchen designed for conven ience, 3 larger than average bedrooms, recreation room, potio. A substantial down poy- ment required. Price $27,950. e APPLE HILL DISTRICT IV @ Close to schools, transpor tation, in excellent condition, we invite you to see this 3 bed-| room ranch bungalow on nicely| landscaped lot. Stone front, par- tially completed recreation room. We will be pleased to show you this house at any time so give us a call. Price $19,500.) @ COME SEE N' SAVE | V @ on this duplex on Gliddon Ave. Upstairs is complete with living room, bedroom, kitchen ond bathroom. Downstairs offers the same. Completed rec room| in bosement. Give us a call! Monthly payment $55, principal! ond interest. | ° | FOUR BEDROOMS | VI @ to accomodote o large} family are among the ottrac-| tions offered in this side- split| on Keewatin St. South. Bow) window, stippled ceiling, groces the living-dining room areo,| built-in stove and oven in the large kitchen, colored fixtures) and sliding glass doors in show- er area. A once in a lifetime buy at $21,900. e Vil @ Strategically located par- cel of lond, north east area, large enough for 2. lots, offers many possibilities. Good tip for emort developer. See it today. e OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING VIIl @ at your door. If you are planning on operating your own business, here is one already for you. Gas station, Smock bar large and living quorters. Good loca- tion on 7A Highway, west of Nestleton, Call for more infor-| mation, | IX @ Six room frame, 114 storey house on Ontario St. within walking distonce of four corners, 3 bedrooms, eluminum door. Can be bought with low down payment. Lot is zoned commercial, house could be de- molished. Price $8,900. Act} fast. e BRAND NEW X @ Its still early enough to choose your own color for point in this spanking new 3 bedroom, glazed brick home, in south east} Oshawa. Living room has stip- pled ceiling, built-in vanity in bathroom, Hollywood kitchen, lots of cupboard and closet spoce. Down poyment $4,000. Let us show you this tonight. e 211 Switzer Drive commencing THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 2-5 p.m. Hollywood kitchen 3 Bedrooms plus den Laundry room Electric heat X! @ We invite your close in-| spection of this 3 bedroom) bungalow near G.M, south plont with large Hollywood kitchen, oil heated, attractive corner lot Divided basement. Only $17,- 600 with about $3,000 down. Economical to carry, Call 723-5281 for full particulars. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Judi Knocker 723-877) Kathryn Armstrong. 723-1884 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Vernon Corson 723-9785 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Steve. Englert 728-5581 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Allon Bertrand 985-7251 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Wolter Mittler 576-2345 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Jack Grahom 728-2634 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Cecil Elliott 725-9442 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 John K. Shephard 725-6113 George Nymeyer 728-424] Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas' Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. §, '20--Real Estote for Sale REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District For Over 31 Yeors 723-2265 FOR A LARGE FAMILY Close to all schools, shop- ping and bus, this three bed- recom bungalow with living room, dining room and kit- chen has two bathrooms and possibility of extra two bed- rooms with minor expense, Asking $18,500. OWNER TRANSFERRED ond must sell this immaculate 3 bedroom brick home on Beaupre St. Large family size kitchen and living room. Tostefully decorated bed- rooms allow plenty of room for growing fomily. Rec room for added enjoyment. Noth- ing for you to do but move in os possession is immedi- ote. Owner will take*reasoh- able down payment and hold mortgage for the balance. OLDER HOME $10,500 Low down payment of only $1,000. Good insul brick 4 bedroom home. Immediate possession. UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE On a quiet court where people love to live is situated this terrific 2 storey home with double attached gorage. The kitchen is a housewife's dream and opens into a large family room with fireplace and sliding glass doors to patio. Extras too numerous to mention, so have a look and see for yourself, PLAN NOW For next summer and let us show you this spacious ranch bungalow with double attoch- ed garage, private back yard with your own swimming pool. Beautiful finished recreation room with fireplace, 3 bed- rooms, many extras included. Exclusive Brookside Acres orea LUXURY HOME For the discriminating buyer. Living room, dining room, kit- chen, breakfast nook, family room, laundry room and washroom ai! on main floor plus 3 large bedrooms and both upstoirs. Marvelous 'rec room area in basement. Give us a call for an appointment to inspect. For full particulors call 723-2265. George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Mel Dole 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST ond. SELL M.L.S. | MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshowe CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR Reduced to $16,300 1% year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow in East Oshawa near King St. Extra large, modern kitchen, spacious bedrooms and 19 x 12' living room. The price is right -- so act quick- ly. Northwest Ranch Style $4,000. down. .Custom built 3 bedroom home of excellent quolity, 4 large finished rooms in basement, attached garage, deep lot, corlon flooring, beautiful cut stone fireplace. This home hos to be inspec- ted to.appreciate the quality. For complete information call at once. WHO EVER "HEARD OF COSTS DROPPING? We can hardly believe it but it is true, that JOHANSEN HOMES have created new, larger and even more fabulous de- signs, now building in lovely BALMORAL COURT at costs greatly reduced from the excellent values offered in 1966. Come in, ask us to show you the plans and specifications, Maybe, now, YOU can afford a Johansen built home. 10 Acres Owner needs cash and will consider reasonable offer on this excellent parce! of land. Good bush and small stream on property and only %4 mile trom publi¢ school and easy commuting from Oshawa or Bowmanville. Hurry for this bargain. Lovely and Low Cost This is o bungalow with much charm to offer -- It's mod- ern, with 3 bedrooms ond yanity in bath. You'll like the VERY large living room and the low, low taxes. Just 3 miles east of Oshawa, in Zion. See this at once. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE |MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Houston 668-4416 Rolph Schofield 725-5067 723-5221 Oftice Phone _|20--Real Estote for Sale |SCHOFIELD-AKER | GORDON Osborne REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY No. 2 Highwoy Dial 668-8826 INVESTMENT Brock Street store in Whitby only $14,500. Call tonight. AJAX SEMI Must be sold this week. Five room home with a portiol rec- reation room, cement block gorage, storms and screens.' Moke aon offer. » LUPIN DR. WHITBY We have a home for our friends who have been on the waiting list 90 don't woit or you wilt miss another chance. Call today. INCOME PROPERTY OSHAWA $18,000. for o ten room house including _ furniture. Showing good return on in- vestment. Investigate now. NEW HOMES IN WHITBY $18,500 Three bedrooms with one C.H.M.C. mortgage at 634% interest and carries for $113. per month. Buy now so you can pick your color scheme. HOME & ACRE An acre of land plus a six room house, garage ond trees of various kinds. Moke us on offer under $19,900. CAMP SAMAC joins onto your back yord here. A clean, well kept five room home with attached gar- ege, fireplace all for the low price of $17,500, KENDALWOOD RD. HOME $18,500. A beauty it is. Having. six large rooms with attached garage. Fireplace, oi] heated, 100' by 200' (ot. 668-6226 George Sulliven Marlow Hancock 723-0288 N. Vanden Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Barbora Reynolds 723-1887 ae OS Dougan Realtors 1363 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ontario 725-1109 INCOME HOME 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage. Large 74' x 146' lot. One block west of Brock Road S. Included with house, complete finished basement apartment seporate entrance. Separate double garage insulated with heavy duty wiring and heated. Ask- ing $21,800. Coll Lloyd Le- foy 725-1109 or 725-0343, $98 P.I. and TAXES 3 bedroom brick bungalow, south Oshawa. Family com- fort here. Down payment? Try any amout. Open to on offer. Home in neat, well kept condition. Full basement. SPLIT LEVELS 2 to pick from. Both excep- tional homes. Finished Rec rooms, attached garage. Look them over. They will match onything you have seen. One in Kingsway College orea. The other one Adelaide East. 1330 SQ. FEET BUNGALOW One year old. Separate dining room, 2 bathrooms, Large V.L.A. lot. Located in' subur- ban N.W. Oshawa. Call on this one $22,500 asking. 10 ACRE PARCEL Spring fed creek in back. 336' frontage. Located Ash- burn area, $8,500 asking price, Call after 9 p.m. Lloyd Lafoy 725-0343 Gord Schofield 725-2214 Bill Dougan 725-1109 JOSEPH BOSCO FROM $800 DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY N.H.A. MORTGAGES Wks FULL PRICE 3 ond 4 BEDROOMS 2 BATHROOMS DINING ROOM $134.00 MONTHLY INCLUDES TAXES FOR DETAILS CALL: Sally Wallace 725-6297 Bessie Crysler 723-2925 Joe Crawford 723-1021 Murray Boyle 723-4270 REALTOR 120--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWith Real Estate Ltd. 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville 623-3950 OSHAWA, EASTWOOD AVE. 3 bedroom home, oi! heated, 4 pc. bath. Nicely decorated. Finished rec. room, Low taxes. Asking $16,400. Terms. HARMONY ROAD S. Beautiful brick bungalow with walk-in basement, 2. bath- rooms, laundry room, finished | rec. room, with stone fire- place. Garage. Hos to be sold. ONLY $3500. down for almost new brick bungalow with Hollywood kit- ing. Nicely landscoped, Large lot. Low taxes. BOWMANVILLE Bradshow. 7 roomed home with beoutiful family room. Oil heated. 4 pc. bath. At- tached garage. Coll George VanDyk 623-7437. FAMILY HOME with 4 bedroom, al! modern conveniences. _Smail barn, Priced at $13,- double lot. 500 COUNTRY LIVING 3 bedroom, brick with garage. Oil heated bath. Almost new home. 20 minutes drive to Oshawa, Call George VanDyk 623-7437, bungalow 9 ROOMED BRICK HOME i}. on 1% acre lot. Nicely de corated, 2 bathrooms. Small barn. Asking $17,900. Terms. $3000 DOWN for new brick bungalow. Oil heoted. 4 pc. bath. Nice lo- cation. Asking $16,750, We List Photo M.L.S. and Exelusive. Metca REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King Street East 6 PLEX LOT North Simcoe location, ideal for apartments, plans includ- ed, lot size 70 x 113, $3,000 down, terms orranged. 2 YEARS OLD 5% room bungalow, Wilson Rd. N., close to all schools $5, 800 down, has finished rec room, also work shop all landscaped and fenced lot. TRI PLEX 3 four room apartments, 3 stoves, and fridges, proper- ty in good shope, has poved drive ond garage, heating costs $172 a year. Good in- vestment home for older cou- ple. 10 ACRES Ideal for building lots, This is a choice property, call to- nite, this won't last, good terms available BRAND NEW HOMES Take your choice of new homes on Holcan and Orange Crescent. Prices from $2,971 down to $7,000 down, Choice of electric heat or oil heat. We have the keys. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Fronk Frankfurter 728-5416 John O'Driscoll 7-25-8585 MEMBER O-D.R.E.B. We list exclusive & M.L.S. ~ KASSINGER ~ CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom Build Your Home Anywhere... FEATURING: Experience in Building, planning, financing. Always on time -- follow schedule closely, Strict Inspection and con- trol, Use your plon or ours. Hundreds of award win- ning designs. Very competitive pricing. We can arrange complete financing. N.H.A, or conventional Mortgages available. @ All building performance completely guaranteed, Phone Today 728-7583 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION NOW IS THE TIME to get ready for Spring to build your choice home. Lots, mortgages and plans available anywhere in Oshowa or within 15 mile radius, Ne obligation, Call MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS 128-7377 723-0575 chen. Wall to wall floor cover-. |20--Real Estate for Sale J; B. McMullan & Co. | Realtors 323 King St., West 725-3557 "TRIPLEX" Landsdowne Dr. -- $7,000 down --- 3 opartments com- plete with 2 stoves, 3 fridges, washer and dryer. Monthly income $330. Call now for full details. "DUPLEX LOT" Only $4,000 cosh -- 55' x 147' lot in Oshawa, "$11,900 CEDAR ST." Only $1,029 down for this 2 bedroom bungalow, Immedi- ate possession TRAFALGAR AVE. New homes $17,990. with as low as. $2,000 down if you quolify under N:H.A, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows. Phone now for appointment to in- spect, TRADE Your present home con be traded on any of our new homes or duplexes through- out the city. Call now for full details. l20---Reat ae for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 | Member Oshowa end District Real Estate Board | 21 i | V2 Acre building lots in | Hampton. $4,900. | ORONO, 2 year old 1,500 sq, | ft. bungalow. Car port. Elec | tric heat. $17,900, Terms. } ORONO Beautiful finished | brick homes by OCHONSKI CONSTRUCTION. Lots 75' x 200'. $16,900, Terms. Call for appointment at once to inspect NEWCASTLE. New 3-Bed room brick bungalow. Large lot. Many extras. Electri¢ heat, $26,000. Terms. CALL 623-3393 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AFTER 9 P.M After Hours Coll Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Dick Barrioge 725-6243 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Glen MacKinnon ~728-6750 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Sol Hyman 725-8854 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Harold Seaal 725-1772 Andy Keys 728-0196 Les Hall 728-5513 Pot Yeo 623-3077 Frank Smith 723-3533. | Ken Hockin 623-5055 Ken Honn 723-7963 | Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 | Howard Forder, et Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton vaeaeied peewee Bet Perry 985-2987 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. $1,500. DOWN located in the coun- try, ona well trovel- from public school The terms ore right, so-call now for an ap pointment to view Call 728-1656. $915. DOWN Waverly St. south of King and just west of 3 bedroom bungal low] ona 2 acre of land led rood 5 minutes Brand new homes on the Oshawa Shopping Centre These ore lovely 3 bedroom health, sree! Te pletely decorated Prices stort at for further tion? 728-1656. RESALE N.H.A. 2 year old, 3 bedroom brick bungalow com- built-In Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Priced to sell ot $17,995. Coll 728- 1678. t plete = with oven and stove, OWNER TRANSFERRED N.H.A_ resale, inter est rote 614%, back- split bungelow with wolk-out basement, only 3 years old. Own- er forced to sell ao to job transfer, Oshowa's most con- venient neighborhood, Braemor Gardens, Call 728- lore. KEITH. PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Realtor LOOK HERE! $1,000 DOWN -- Just listed, 2 apartments, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens -- only $12,500, $90 per month for principal and interest ond balance on one open mort- gage. Only a stone's throw from King street west.. RUSH, call 728-7328, i NORTHWEST ~---- Newly de- corated, modern and only $11,900. TOWNLINE RD. -- $11,900 2 rooms finished in the base- ment, % acre $92.34 PIT. HIBBERT ST, -- $11,900 4 bedroom home, economical living. $13,900 -- 3 bedroom brick, about 11 years old, $118.55 PIT. $15,500 -- West end, spot- less modern and an income from the separate 2 room apartment. Yes it hos a large recreation room, RESTAURANT and spacious living quarters and ideal cen- tral location. A low down pay- ment will handle due to ill WOULD YOU BELIEVE ? $2,971. DOWN to one 634% N.H.A. mort- gage, 3 bedroom, brick bun- galows, with attached garage, with electric radiant heating in' beoutiful DOWNSVIEW PARK, built by Jackson & Walter construction for only $19,995.00. Most homes nearing completion. Call for on appointment to inspect, exclusive agent LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-4678 2% storey -- 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom brick, house, 2 car garage, paved drive, excel- lent neighbourhood. $20,500. Only seriously interested re- plies invited. No agents. | BOX 47393 Oshawe Times homes which ore com- $14,- 995. Why not call one of our representatives informa- __|go0d rec room. facilities, -H. KEITH LTD. on Oshawa, Toronto M.L.S. Realtor $11,900 -- CENTRAL | ideal retirement home, just a cute little 5 room bungalow, new oil burner, venetian blinds, deep basement, olu- minum windows. Imagine $1,000 down buys! Call Franco Mionanelli 725-4841. STORE AND HOUSE Hove your cake and eat it too, in this terrific buy, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Variety store, shoe repair, etc. | This is o chance of a lifetime | to be independent the sofe | way. Call Idso Wiersma 728- 5683. $85 MONTHLY Neatest, sweetest one and half storey brick on a beaouti- ful landscaped lot with birch trees. Paved driveway with curbs, three large bedrooms, fruit cellar, divided basement. Terrifically huge kitchen, Central location, Owner trans- ferred and will sacrifice this week for $15,700 and your low down payment, Call Doug Carmichael immediotely 723- 7463. TWO FAMILY HOME A real investment where you are sure of better than 12% | return on your money. Locat- | ed on Park Rood North. This | two separate apartment brick is priced fantastically low | with ao down poyment you can | afford, Call Ernie Gilroy 723- _ 8429. | SIBBY'S. Real Estate Ltd. 728-7576 GRIERSON ST. $1,000 down to responsible buyer, a five room bungalow in this popular area, Carries like rent, Call now to inspect. RANCH BUNGALOW Only asking $18,500 for this four year old home with 6 rooms. Large kitchen and se- parate dining room. Well landscaped large lot. Inspect this good buy now TWO FAMILY HOME Only $3,000 down will give you this opportunity of own- ing o home plus receiving an income from the upstairs. This will be worth your time to call on this good buy, . Inspect these properties by calling Charlie Rankine at 728- 7576. COTTAGE OR HOUSE TRAILER WANTED AS DOWN PAYMENT on modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow with full stone front, oil heat, paved drive, brand new condition, Fully landscaped lot. Close to schools, buses and shopping. Immediate possession. - ea SUTH ERLAND AVE. $18,900. Outstanding Value --- four bedroom 112 storey brick home with finished recreation room and extra 2 piece bath; wall to wall broadioom in liv- ing room, hallway and bed- room; Bermuda Room 12' x 16'. Professionally landscaped and fenced lot. Excellent fi nancing available, To inspect call Irwin Cruikshonks now at 728-5205 Schofield-Aker Ltd. PRIVATE -- $1,500 down. fer balance, three-bedroom brick bunga low, immaculate throughout, oi! paved drive landscaped back |way, completely schools. 723-6541. BROOKLIN -- Commercial lot, for small pieza. Steady three apartment house. | Realtor. 723-4651 |$1,000 DOWN, room storey and a half home in north east location. Vendor meved to other] home and anxious to sell. Cal! Bob: Johns fen 725-9345. Mateai! Real Estate Ltd One mortgage} heat, and front, Close to separate, public and high ~suitable| Income from Don Stradeski,| immediate possession, six ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednestay Febresry 15, 1967 O7 |20--Reol Estate for Sele MAPLE GROVE-- neat five-room pune |galow, fireplace, attached garage, half. acre land, $13,900, suitable VLA. Don St radesk Realtor, 723- 4651. | $1,400 DOWN, five. room jbungatow, west of semi-detached Oshawa Shopping Centre, Full price $13,500. For more de- |tails contact Joe Barber Shop, 40] King Street West OWNER transferred will sell five-room brick home, garage, central. $1,500 down, $80 monthly, PI. Don Stradeski, Realtor, 723-4651 PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Two-bedroom bungalow, oil heated. Very clean home. Only $90, pri ine pal, Interest and taxes jper month rice $9,900. Any down Call Ernie Wilsons 725-9750. J. B lan and Co laa BUYS this country home In Re Rag- Jian, with new oil furnace.. Large, newly raviniened livingreom, family kitchen. ve minute walk to school. Asking only $1,500 down. Call Ernie Wilson, 725-9750, J, B. McMullan and Co $10,900. FULL PRICE for this cozy little |three-bedropm older tyne bungalow. {Close to Shopping Centre. Very low taxes. Require about $2,900. down and |$75.. per month, Call Willard Johnston, 1728-1066 Schofield-Aker Limited $1,000 DOWN for this two-storey home with five rooms complete with broad- loomed floors and staircase. Why pay |rent when you could pay one payment as trent and the same time time reduce your mortgage. Cal! 728-7574 for inspection, Sibby's Real Estate Lid MUST SELL. Vacant. Move In tomorrow. | Two - bedroom brick bungalow, Harman near new vocational school, fire e, recreation room, garage. Phone | 0062 RE-SALE, one-year-old, |bedroom bungalow in attractive area, electric heat, extra two-piece washroom, jduilt-in garage, full list price $22,900, i! S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810 | BARGAIN -- City limits, bungalow, fin- jished basement, one acre, garage, low Zz spacious fhrea- Keith Peters, Realty, |$1,000 DOWN, immediate possession, cute [little five-room bungalow. Central. Crazy lpayments ere only $95, monthly! Call Doug Carmichael for immediate inspec: tion, 723-7463. H. Keith Ltd., Realtor. FOUR-BEDROOM side-split brick and st th attached garage, built-in stave and oven. Lovely rec. room with bar and television set built-in. This well |landscaped lot is situated In a quiet Je close to all schools. Owner trans- | ed and must sell. Full price with many other extras, only $26,900. Call | Ernie Wilson, 725-9750, J.. B. McMullan and Co THREE-BEDROOM two-year-old modern | bungalow. Built-in stove and oven. Close to schools and transportation, Call R, Martin Real Estate, 100 King Street E, Telephone Oshawa 576-1200. $14,500, COMPLETE PRICE buys 1% storey brick home, nicely furnished, many extras. Owner moving. Call R. Martin Real Estate, 100 King Stree? East. Telephone Oshawa 576-1200 COURTICE AREA -- Well bulit. three jbedroom frame bungalow with extra Stoo! and shower In walk-out basement? on 'a-acre lot, Sultable for VLA. Asking price $15,600. Phone Geo. Blyleven, Realtor, 623-5300. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Full deg $1,995. for this beautiful lot in Bowman- ville, 100' x 150', just @ few minutes trom Oshawa. Could be the answer to your new home. Cail Shirley Moskal for more Information, 723-6144, Griffin Real Sstate L WHITBY -- $14,700.--four-bedroam spot- less bungalow. NHA financing et 64 os cent, carries for $104, monthly. last! Call Tina DelGobbe at Griffin seth Estate Ltd, 723-8144 NORTH-WEST -- fireplace, dining room, four bedrooms, two baths -- {ust some of the features that could be ep oe aut price $18,900. Substantial down needed. Call Tine DelGebbo, Gri Estate Ltd., 723-6144. 52 ACRES -- 33' x 48', all steel and con- crete barn, located ten minutes north of city Ilmits. Open to offer, with asking price $20,000, L. 8. Sneigrove Co, Ltd» 723-9810 In YRent EAST SIDE, spacious fMree-bedroom bungalow, one year old, Extra larg¢ family kitchen, extra two-piece washe room, electric heat, bullt-In garage, Ex- clusive area. List $22,900. L. §. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810, NORTH-EAST, clean ai cory two-be: room brick bungalow, modern fn Sd livingroom with fireplace, new oll fur- nace, garage. Try $3,000. down, &. &, Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent |COTTAGE FOR SALE |Sunset Bay, two miles from Telephone 725-8437, ice Lake on Roseneath 21--Farms for Sale 50 ACRE 'COMMUTER FARM Located about 25 miles north of Oshawa on good paved road, 7 room brick home with oll _ modern conveniences, Large barn with water bowls in. This is on excellent 50 acres, all workable, Asking price $22,000, half down, Call LORNE SLOAN, Lindsay 324-6145 or write c/o BOWES and COCKS LTD., 129 Kent St. W., Lindsay 70 acre farm on Hwy No. 12 with attractive and mod- ern 2 storey 8 room brick home, Excellent barn and storage buildings. Two cor garage. ' Attractive property throughout. Only « few miles from Oshawa. Owners retirs ing due to health, For ine spection coll J. Wilkinson. R. Martin Real Estate. Oshawa 576-1200. Memebr of To- ronto Real Estate Board 22--Lots for Sale - COUNTRY | LIVING Ideal commuter or retirement location close to Lindsay. Your choice of lots -- well wooded --- on a stream or fertile flat land. Lots vary in sizes from 2% to 10 acres, Vary in price from $1,900 ta $4,900. and mav be pure chased with as little as $400 down. We will build vour dream house on chosen prop- erty if desired. For further de- tails please contact: WIB HARTWICK | Lindsay Office 324-6145, or | direct Toronto line 364-7474] or by writing ¢/o Bowes and Cocks Ltd., 129 Kent St. W Lindsay TREED LOT 385' frontage, situated on Pebble Stone Road off Town Line Rd. N. Asking price $6,500. Contact Bill Millar, 725-1186 of 725-2557. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. [ARRANGE NOW to. build your house, four lots from which to choase. Telephone 1725-2159, SELL! SELL! SELL! That's the job | of Times Want Ads 723-3492

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