6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, Februcry 14, 1967 SPORTS BEAT} By Eric Wesslby Times Sports Editor IF YOU were to take a poll today among members of the Oshawa Generals for the most unpopular referee in the On- tario Hockey Association, it would probably be a nip and tuck affair between John McAuley and Brian Lewis, Both gentlemen distinguished themselves over the weekend in games involving Generals. McAuley by what he refused to call and Lewis for what he did call. ' LEWIS CERTAINLY blew 'the duke on Sunday when he 'disallowed an Oshawa goal in rence meee REFEREES AT this point in the season should be in peak form but it doesn't ap- pear this way. Is it because they are working too many games? The OHA doesn't ex- pect hockey teams to play three games every week but referees are working four and five times in a week, and they do much more skating than the players. GENERALS ARE idle until Saturday, when Toronto Marl- boros play here. Over the weekend, Generals routed a pair of fellows who had been As | Scugog Cleaners five - pin |club won a hard - earned vic- tory over the classy Ginn's Cartage entry in the Willow- dale Men's Major loop league play at Willow Bowl. | Usually, when the two clubs jmeet it produces the best in competitive bowling and this jencounter was no exception }when Scugogs took the first jgame, Ginn's the second and |Oshawa crew finished strong to take the rubber game. Once again it was Ozzie Keeler who sparked the Scu- gog entry in the first game with a brilliant 358 score foll- owed by Sel Himes 257, Jim Cassells 250, Larry Piper 248 and Dave Wilmot 241 for a team score of 1,354 which was just enough to offset the 1,301 count by Ginn's Scugog Cleaners Eke Crucial Tilt pins. Wilmot's 266 and Keeler's 248 were best for the losers, their total 1,163. The big game by Ginn's Car- tage failed to dishearten the Oshawa crew and 'with a good team effort in the third and deciding game, it was Scugogs 1,309 to Ginn's 1,156. * Wilmot was the pace setter in the third game with 301, Ron Bragg 281, Piper 276 and Keel- er 250, all coming through at the right time. The Scugogs club has added considerable power to the line- up with the inclusion of Keeler, who again was top man with 866 (358) to boost his average to 275. Wilmot, with 808 (301), also had a good night and is now on the move. Piper's 708 276) was hard-earned, as the Bowmanville trundler was con- sistently down the middle. Ron DEREK SANDERSON . . shares lead BILL WHITE 2 « » tops Generals Redmond Tied For Lead race, running head-on into one equal to the occasion when they last night at Brooklin Arena. The two-point vanced the Local 2784 team's than both Duplate and Local 1500 -- and with only one more outing remaining in the sched- ule, last night's win clinched first place in the final standing, for Local 2784. Steve Hercia scored the or- phan tally of the exciting game and teammate goalie O'Hallaron performed brilliantly to hold Duplate at bay. HELD TO TIE Local 2784, league-leaders of the Oshawa Minor Hockey As- sociation's Bantam League of their two top rivals, proved won a 1-0 thriller over Duplate, triumph ad- point total to 17 --three better 3-2 win over Canadian Tire. Ralph Mills, Ken Ovenden and George Goulding shared the scoring for the winners while Larry Patton and Eric Roberts each scored one for the Tire- men. Rangers stalled Bathe and Mclellan with a 4-2 reverse, Ross MacDonneld scoring twice while 'Rick'? Woodcock and Randy Statchomb each got one, for Rangers. Stan Ball and Roger Blouin accounted for the losers scoring. Hawks thumped Keith Peters Realty 7-0, with Don Gibson, Rick Siblock and Fred Sadow- ski each scoring twice and Walter Harrison getting the win- ners' other tally. MAJOR-BANTAM LEAGUE In a lone Major - Bantam Local 2784 Bantams Clinch Lead Position ciation 2-1, on goals by Bob Bell and Mike Harper. Garry Armstrong scored for Police Assoc. NOVICES WIN EASILY OMHA Novice All-Stars had it all their own way, in their exhibition game with Rundle Park, of the Neighborhood As- final score being 16-0. Goalie Gary Aldred got the shutout and the splurge of goals was divided up among seven teammates. Jim Duignan scored four and Dave Goguen scored three, while Ken Morden, Jerry Nemish, John Hoefs and Gary Wiltshire each potted a pair. Bob Small's singleton completed the All-Stars' total. JUVENILE LEAGUE Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso- 'the third period. He must nothing but trouble for them Sponsor Jim Ginn paced his|pr . i ' i rr be ' S/Bragg who has been struggling Local 1500 missed their chance ; Os ) er aie he sang Lia d Rito Pov ae wie a -- = = for the past few weeks, finally In Junior Scorin R ace to take over second place all 0 od agg el ga ie ge Nr rt od Javea Lengo had : : Sheehan : j s ; I ' 3 ween goals against Kitchener's |p, Sib sie ¥|began to topple the pins and g ting Mx gers sag nosed out Oshawa Police Asso-|Youpleheade at the Civie pen didn't see Toronto defence- man Brad Park shove Bill Robbie Irons and then rattled Ray Sawchuk but it was just not enough to take the win. jshould be heard from before llong. Mickey Redmond of Peter- weeks, has 30 goals and 45 held to a tie, 2-2, by Houdaille torium, with Oshawa Dairy and White into the goal-crease and four past him in six minutes. The second ; ' : d 5 Lars Credit Unt . A game saw a de-| Ross Duggan was best for|borough Petes, top goal scorer|assists. Industries. A win would have Auto Workers Credit Union each Mike Pelyk grab the Oshawa Last previous Oshawa goal |termined effort by the Toronto|Ginn's with 863 (373); Ray Saw-|in the Ontario Hockey Associa-| Jim Lorentz of Niagara|given Local 1500 15 points, two Demille Scores TWO lscering & vin. forward. Two weeks ago, this against Irons was scored in |cjuh Jed by Sawchuk with 383,|chuk 842 (383); Barry Mitchell/tion Junior "A" series, has|Falls Flyers and Peter-|behind Local 2784 but the split . | Oshawa Dairy whipped Hay- For NHL Atom Win might have been enough for the Generals to call it quits but to their credit they kept 'digging and finally came through with the tying goal. the third period in Kitchener, Nov. 20. And prior to Sunday, they'd managed only one goal in two games against Marlies' Bob Whidden. Russ Duggan 373, Barry Mit- chell 330, Arnold Vesik 285 and Ginn 258 for a team score of 1,630 which believe it or not, is still short of the high for {ded Rusty Stars club. For Scu- }929 (330); Jim Ginn 748 (301) jand Bert Sheehan 729 (293), Scugogs face a tough oppon- ent this week in the star-stud- his credit, point in 27 of the Petes' last forged into a tie with Niagara Falls' Derek Sanderson as the top point man. Redmond, with 40 goals to has picked up a borough's Gary Monahan share third place, each with 73 points and they share the league lead in assists with 47. Goaltender Peter McDuffe of St. Catharines Black Hawks left them with 14, tied with Duplate. West Schell and Raymond Al- ward were the goal scorers for Houdaille Industries while Bar- ton and O'Neil each notched one Boswells Canadiens defeated Cycle Center Leafs 3-2 on goals by Jim Demille, two, and Hugh Hicks. Goals for Cycle Center den Macdonald 5-2, with Ted Goodchild scoring goals while Dan Logeman and Daryl Hud- gin each scored one. Steve Jar- rell and Dave Mosier scored for the losers. sociations Pee Wee League, the j the season. Needless to say,/gogs it will be Ozzie Keeler, vg serge vor wines THERE WAS nothing wrong Scugogs lost this game but the/Ron Bragg, Larry Piper, Dave|28 games and now has 75|has given up 65 goals in 21 2-3|for Local 1500. Ware pcaed ty Monty Hactian| In the sacond games, Auto ed t at ite an ilkins with Generals play on the | Oshawa boys could not be fault-|Wilmot, Jim Cassells and Ron|points. Sanderson, who has|games for a 3.00 goals-against 'COND WIN and Shane Tyson Workers Credit Union edged weren't penalized for their weekend. Sure they gave up |ed as they picked out 15 head!Jay. been in first place for 13/average. LAST-SE! Bruins defeated Red Wings|Tony's Refresh 3-2, with comments following the dis- |. Osh: G Is' t In other Bantam League . efeater eC ings|Tony's Refreshments 3-2, wi allowed goal. Joe Robert. goals Sunday, but they Bill White enidete4 Pgh in schedule action, four other|%-0 in the other game of the|Bill Morrison scoring twice for Montrea son, though, picked up a mis- didn't wilt in that third per- & ae lack reac a8 Generaus Pod games were played at the Chil-|doubleheader as John Pattman,|the winners and Jim Preston ward Joh conduct and his manner was iod, as many thought they pat as Rae ee a eee' she dren's Arena and all but one,|Brian Drumm and Kevin Duig-/getting their other counter. John deflects a more subdued than that of might. They were just as fir- ™ points and moved back into|Proved exciting. == Miheae ed ur eect Wek is a ee ee winger Cl White, Wilkins and coach Ted ¢ z ; Most thrilling win of all was as : ut. [share sers . open New contention for a playoff spot. Local 1817 over Ernie Cay, a 3-2 net during O'Connor. I still think Lewis is one of the more capable referees in the league but Sun- ed up for that period as they were for the second and third here Saturday night. If they Wins Playoff Opener White has 17 goals and 29 assists to increase his lead over Ron Dussiaume to nine points. George Babcock is still triumph with Robin Glecoff scoring the winning goal as the timekeeper recahed for the buz National H day just wasn't his day. For can maintain this attitude i i > a while in the second period they: a a tops in goals, with 18, but White|2e"» in the final second of the it they'll be in the playoffs. And A i game. appeared as if he could only : , 2 e ' ; and Dussiaume each have 17. 7 ; d 1 see one team breaking the Would you look at what clubis { Quality Fuels upset the|game, Quality Fuels picked up|mark, in the final period, when} Generals are idle until the Richard Harrison and Serge rules. And did you notice how suddenly within hailing dis- |Hawks 9-4, in the opening game|four of the five penalties handed | John Chasczewski potted one. |weekend, when they face To- Dubrevil were the other goal he made that minor penalty tance. Not only Peterborough |of the semi-finals of the Osh-jout by referee Waddell. George Vail then scored two|ronto Marlboros here Saturday|SCoe?s for Local 1817 while sheet come out just. about.and Montreal, but London _|awa - Senior . Hockey. League ¥UELMEN LEAD EARLY quick ones, before Powless/and travel to St. Catharines Victor Nozdryn and Gary 0'Con- : even? He tagged Park with a Nationals have eight games |playoffs. : Quality Fuels jumped into' a cashed in the final Hawk goal. Sunday. nell _ potted one for Cay | minor and major following remaining, two against Kitch. | This was the first game of aj, "U2 .Y, Sons jeealh 20 OiChasczewski then duplicated GENERALS' SCORING Tamer; his set-to with Fred O'Donnell ener, two against Montreal |two-out-of-three series, with the seals by Vail and Ghescectaki Vail's trick by scoring two quick G A Pts PIMIOTHER ACTION sanintiniieh in the third period. Lewis and two against St. Catha- [winners advancing into the/PO™ OY oe ofa. two periods | x : White 17 29 46 98 | Banks Flooring moved up into Siack Hawk didn't see the start of the fight ines. And Nats also face finals against Bad Boys. leading 4-to-2. Vail and Chas-|, The second game of this ser-|Dussiaume 17 20 37 87 |a tie for fourth place, with their senwhek: aunidl which occurred behind the Peterborough once and Nia- |pwo BIG GUNS czewski counted for the Fuel-|/@s,Will be played at the Civic/Babcock 18 16 34 36 their history play. gara Falls once. John Chasczewski scored five|men's goals, while Wayne Brad- "echt Fra og : with aad 4 19 25 57 REMEMBER WHEN . ..? pull away fr goals, while George Vail counted|ley and Gaylord Powless|® spend Reverie ; i 2 "4 ; eee National Hoc a 2 the other four for the winning|counted for the Hawks. QUALITY FUELS: Doug Fin-| over 311 oS Ross Robinson set the and move { Brookside Storie Park Fuelman. Hawks fought back and were|ney, goal; Al Glaspell, Alex| nits coe 6 | ee ee league title. ' Besides the five-goal effort,jright in the game when Bob|Alexander, Archie Courtice, de-}.(°t"® ing record for three miles Sut wile John Chasczewski picked up an|Watt scored, but the game was|fence; Al Dick, John Chas- Wali 4 10 13° 8 | 87 years ago today--in 1930 BB Best s ® assist for a six-point night. Al|decided at the nine - minute|czewski, Bob Bishop, Barry oD sh 1 6 11 9 | --on Lake Placid, N.Y., in | ings, there : 1e n ite oc e 00 Glaspell assisted on two of the Furey, Ted Napiorkowski, and) a7mne ' a " eight minutes 19.6 seconds. " senacatinn goals. George Vail, forwards and x The majority of distance ifth- ra = Sandford 6 3 9 52 | skating records, with the fifth-place elt é aylord Powless scored two Wh tb Ou t Ralph Cook, coach. Roberts ig » Wi Brookside and Storie Parks|Jobb gave Connaught an early|goals for the Hawks and I ly StS HAWKS: Dennis Gib : r' 36 9 67 | exception of the five-mile Statistics | battled to a 3-3 tie in Oshawal/1-0 lead, while Steve Brooks|assisted on another, while line- Bob. Delve xe s rd "aie goal; | Black 2 6 8 18 | event, still are held by ath- headquarters Neighborhood Association Mite|knotted the score at 1-1 for/mate Bob Watt sank one and| ffs . Sek die de alone 1 5 6 73 | letes of Robinson's genera- New York R Hockey League competition. | Storie. garnered two assists for three Jax uveniles McAvo: ee Bradia Gene | Edmunds 12 3 23 | tion. with 54 point Mike Poulter, Jeff Boyce and| Eastview handed Kingside alpoints too. Wayne Bradley Tatton uf Ga vided Post ey, ont diens third w Vince Ball scored for Brook-|6-0 defeat, with Paul Woodward|scored the other Hawk goal and| © By CLIFF GORDON _| watt forwards and coach' Coli WAS aM ETL) ae ce ye - bb gs bg ver bende ginko Arg erator to\he also Lc rp assist, mnie pg WHITBY Weitid Denton cana » Colin N ¢ ° : Yy i vot : : a eil, oefs and\earn the shutout for Eastview.|Lutton picked up two assists in i . s Wayne Reid. Ray Carroll led the attack forlthe game. Gold Seals proved they had just a ala S TRANSMISSIONS | Uy While Chic: Kingside earned a 8-1 vic-| Eastview with three goals, while| In what was a fast, clean|® little too much finish and) 4. quality Fuels: George Vall ' eeyeeass p continue to ¢ tory over a stubborn Lake Vista|single goals were -notched by hustle for Ajax Drew Fords in €. Guay Hones lon Crestsa Thy Sv" e SERVICED ) sae Z j oppositin, the team. Kingside goals were coun-|Brad Keeler, Russell Wilson is juvenile hockey playoffs at) (Bishop) 7:04 NN WG) \E GZ , effrt, led by ted by Jimmy Jackson, Ron|and Ray Staeger. Second For Whitby Whitby Arena, downing the) Penaities: "Archie €ourtice'" hoiaing) SS - @ REPAIRED O)e 33 OW Jordy, bance Robinson and Billy Demone,| Lake Vista defeated Baker, Ajax crew 6-3. P SS AA. DeJordy's § while Peter Robertson replied|5-2. Steve Hambly set the pace In B d Fs Pl The win for coach George SECOND PERIOD S @ REPLACED A St. Hyacinth for Lake Vista. , for Lake Vista with a three- adminton @Y|Ashby, manager Alex Brown| % Hawks: Wayne Bradley ein | BEE" © Cat Hac = Ee peared in 12 Woodview Park took a well-|goal effort. Other Lake Vista a f and the Gold Seals was their| 4 Quality Fuels: George Vail : Sd rd rough tale ors and driving. If your = = 14 games, in earned 8-4 win over Baker Park.|scorers were Ricky Hoy and| Whitby Badminton Club tra-|third straight over the Drew) , TO) ince iscsi Si lt Jorn, e ips and -- your transmission is on = bh; have won 11 Brian McGill scored, six goals|Victor Silgailis. Baker goals Mi yes mg Belleville vy -- fons ds siete te ete iin Lin oveahane spect it aun a a Fetal pore og i HAS GOOD for the winners. The remaining|were scored by Paul Lysyk and|¢nd and came up with a secon bs 44 Penaities: 'Ken' Bradiey" (holding) 9:38 or rebuilt transmission for an awful lot less than DrJordy's P against West Rouge, with the place finisher in the Ladies first game slated for Stouffville doubles at the Central Ontario erage over th Mant 1.75, me and Ted Napiorkowski (holding) 18:43 _ you would expect. Free Towing Within 10 Miles Garry Heidenreicht. Woodview goals were scored by Harman Park displayed fine Mike Ferenc and Greg Cooper. WU HY Tony Turner banged in one, as Carl McCrae SERVICE IS OUR ONLY NAME ab 7] TETAS: | for the mo ney 12, Quality Fuels: J. Chasczewsk! .. Holding advanced to the quarter 13, Quality Fuels; John Chasczewski finals in the mixed doubles but : could go no farther as the/nd Brian Smuck. i { eventual winners were Billie| ick Black banged in two in , a losing cause with John Ph a ee NE of Swailes adding a lone marker. R. Baron, Donnie Steeves and P. Chaput. The shutout was posted by Ricky Moffitt. In the final novice game, Nipigon blanked Woodview by a 5-0 score with Kevin Courtney earning the shutout for East- view. Ray Woodward played an excellent game for Eastview, as he scored five goals, while Joey Vankuik added the rem- did Bob Moore, (Alexander) .........+0..+0+02.- 18:40 Penalties: archie Courtice -- (interfer- eee! and Al Glaspell (high sticking) | at 9:05. John Dyer led the Baker at-|form, as they handed Br Association "B"|Arena on Sunday at 9.30 p.m., : : THIRD PERIOD tack with a three - goal effort,|a 13-0 defeat. Steve Young led|/tournament. with the second game in Whitby Tete ito as OSHAWA game lower while Lindsay Smith added althe attack for Harman with} Doreen Holding and Joyce|on Monday night. © Guality Fusts: John Choscrewskd EB for the 17 ge single goal. five goals, W. Robinson counted|Balsdon finished second in the| Big John Goddard was the) » Quality Fueis: George Vali GZ TRANSMISSION in during the In the final mite league game,|two goals, while single goals|ladies doubles behind Grace|leading sniper for the Gold| | (chascrewski, Courtice) ..... 11:19 GY SERVICE Eastview handed Harman a 7-0|were added by Terry Harper,|Reid and S. Plucz of Trenton.|Seals last night as he triggered)™ (Gi.0.,),0'8' George Vall sii Gy ERVIC ' ss setback, with Garry Demareski|Malcolm Miller, Bobby Hair,|Ralph Jennings and Doreen|@ Pair of well-earned markers. /1), watation Us 1175 Nelson St. 576-2610 Switch to M atin é e Snedc ZL In Se Bad Boys' J aining two goals. Novice league are as follows: earning the shutout, Jim Tower Gold Seals, leading two Harv Burke fi Connaught and Storie Parks|and Johnny Johnson led Nipi- games to none heading into last ne a displayed some fine defensive|gon to their victory with two NHL STANDING night's encounter, played like RED Look for the certificate in every pack of the Oshawa S hockey, as they fought to a 1-1/goals each, while Paul Soban- WLT FAP ig en a a 'cae a BE PREPA Matinée, King Size or regular. If it's ts -- em te tore or. ee ee ee sg +. +30 11 8 182 116 68)and continued to genes ~~" ' a lucky number, and you qualify, you Sneddon ma New York 2318 8 138 124 54/lead as they took a 5-2 lea Hl by firing 23 g S Pp 0 R T S C 0 P E Montreal 21 20-7 125 126 49|after two periods of play. can win $5, $25, $250, even $2500. ona Siete 3 Toronto 18 21 4 120 148 45| 'The third and final period was Cc E NI a R Thousands of winning certificates more than Bu ' etroit 1 25 3 155 156 45|closely played with both teams a Gey H i : : . 21 TODAY get League -- (Round Robin /poston 13 31 7 123 173 33 scoring ate. right here in this region. Switch to Gavird bon ished third wit HOCKEY Oshawa Civil Service League -- Foote's Towing vs Playoffs)--Letter Carriers vs Navy Vets, at 6.00 p.m.; Fire- fighters ys Rose Bowl Rest- The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores Matinée today. assists for 42 Burke of Bad Watt of Hawks City Hall, at 9:00 p.m. and aurant, at 6.55 p.m., Cana- FILING CABINETS . Whitby Dupont vs. Chow's dian Legion vs Ideal Dairy, : a Restaurant, at 10.00 p.m.; at 8.00 p.m. and Local 222 points. both games at Bowmanville vs Uniroyal Centre at 8.55 (With Full Suspension) Bad Boyys } Arena. p.m.; all four games at Osh- : point advantag the final leagu CYO Atom League--(Round awa Children's Arena. ON SALE NOW! Matinée is the mildest cigarette in Canada -- this is a documented fact. Boys had 21 } Quality Fuels 1 Robin Playoffs) -- St. Jos- eph's vs St. Gertrude's, at | ean su po i ' £15 pam.: St. Gregory's vs a ~% We bad tociike @ lalce gure ; We select tobaccos grown mild to Printers three. St. Mary's at 4.55 p.m., Central Ontario Trust chose ck Wik COR fk be FRONT END begin with. Then we add the exclusive and St. Phillip's - St. Hed- wig's vs Holy Cross, at 5.35 p.m.; all three games at Osh- WA Children's Arena. Oshawa Minor Assoc. Ma- jor Bantam League -- Hambly's Beverages vs Scu- gog Cleaners, at 8.00 p.m., and Westmount Kiwanis vs. & Savings Corporation RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Saves Income Tax and ja te] able to offer them at these spec- how long the stock will last. present stocks are sold. Avail- able in grey or beige. | prices. We cannot guarantee ffer will be withdrawn when _ ALIGNMENT Includes you'll stay for the mi Excello filter to deliver a really mild, relaxing smoke. Switch to Matinée; RECENT MATINEE WINNERS LOTS MORE TO COME Idness. Canadian Corps, at 9.00 se eas H p.m.; both games at Civic " f . the following me Auditorium. %& Government Approved 4 DRAWER Letter Size $5 5 ° ; E peosscag 7 be Midget % No loading fees or charges (Reg. SITE) ee oe ad eos Re 6.7 Services: you know 'ague -- ractice session biggest hol at es om ; BS saga Club * roar 26, Rd ores duet A eg a Size 64 75 i conn hg: vs. ry ub, a : eal i Heong: ae eg. AGL 6 he ee kee Na ee A Dyes p.m. and Lions Club vs Kiw- alors Ss 'i ° 7 ae ' : i wih Ai anis is Pb p.m.; all * Investment options ---- Stocks Control locks $7.50 extra (Reg. 10.50 value) 3 z pyres is prices. Mz games at Children's Arena. ia an Seca @ Ca 8 t. Adrian Koenraads Mre. Glenn Yanch BASKETBALL x Official receipt for Tax pur- It is important the customers see what they are Outside oe oe Comber ie of London wins $250 of Orhawa wine $25 fl B, Montre: OONEA Onhawe 'A' Longee buyin. el om "ee we have the best Financing os con Saar reer om IML SOTANG SNOGC Ee oe Suet Fe aver a8 We Invite 'Sad i-"-- Be caine & SAVINGS CORPORATION around anytime without any obligation. We will be Budget PHONE FOR AN Pants Wf E ary_.__- Oshawa Figure Skating Club is bo ae wen . eye ey help ane information you may A I APPOINTMENT NECESSARY : -- at, Civic Auditorium, 6.00 723-5221 quire. ree parking. ccounis TODAY EXTRA more money, more mildness-- L p.m. to 8.00 p.m. 23 King Street West, . . as omg WEDNESDAY 623-2527 GEN EK AL PRI NTERS os mer Matinée gives you more. HOCKEY >a "tasereee ouncammatn GM Body Shop League--at of falas ts zy, |] COMPANY LIMITED KING PARK PLAZA ca to 5.00 a.m. NIGHTS peers ye : : | ee tb ters ta saruRDays (Orica Supply Sivan? King Street West At Park Road Phone 725-6511 MEADO - age 12 Waterloo Street OSHAWA Phone 723-7733 Oshawa Minor Assoc. Mid- | 25 KING ST. ERECTA }