18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Februcry 14, 1967 / Chrome Mynah Cage: Chromium-ploted wire cage, with seed guards, grilled bottom, inside seed and woter cups, and wooden perches. 19%" x 13%" x 15%" high. 14 98 i) Mynch Bird: Greoter Indio Hill Mynah Bird, unusual pet which con learn to say almost anything in any language. Reg. 29.98. SPECIAL, each Chromiam-Plated Budgie Cage: Sturdy budgie home features perches, swing, plastic seed and water cups, and removable tray. 15° x 10" x 13%", Reg. 9.98. SPECIAL, each Chromium-Plated Tripod Stand: Half-loop stand. Reg. 5.98. SPECIAL, each Budgie Book: A guide to of ' judg' guide to care of your 49 Reddon Hall Deluxe 15 Imp. Gol. Aquarium: 18/8 stoinless steel frame, constructed with heavy-duty gloss. 24 x 12" x 15". 24 gy Reg. 27.98. SPECIAL, each e Heddon Hall 24" Canopy: Sturdily made of 18/8 stainless steel, this canopy is CSA- opproved. Fits 10 and 15-imp. gal. aquariums, Reg. 11.98. SPECIAL, eoch ... 9,99 Pump ond Filter Kit: Consists of: CSA-approv- ed vibrator pump, 5-ft. tubing, plastic bottom filter with glass wool and charcoal. Reg. 5.98. SPECIAL, kit Complete Outfit: Includes 15-ga!l. aquarium, 24" canopy, and pump. and filter kit SPECIAL, out 39.49 Heddon Hall Specified Aquarium: Rigidly construc- ted with 18.8 gauge stainless steei frame, with heavy-duty glass. Holds 5 Imp. gallons. 18" x 8" x 10" high. 1 99 Reg. 9.98. SPECIAL, each . Haddon Hall Specified Aquorium: As above, but with 10-Imp. gallon capacity. 24" x 12" x 10', Reg. 14.98. SPECIAL, eoch 11.9 Supreme Special Piston Pump: CSA- approved. Reg. 19.98. SPECIAL, each 14,98 24" Haddon Holl Aquarium Stand: Biack-finished wrought iron with white plastic no-mar cups. 24' x 12" x 28", Fits 10- and 15-imp. gal. aquariums. Reg. 12.91 9 SPECIAL, each . 75-Wett Aquarium Hester: CSA-approved 1 gg Reg. 8.98. SPECIAL, each ] Heddon Hell 24" Reflector: 18.8 gouge stainiess steel; CSA-approved. Fits 10- and 15-lmp_ gol. oquariums, Reg. 8.98. SPECIAL, eoch .. HOUSEWARES, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 (395) EATON'S Mynah Bird Book: Tells you how to take care of your pet! Mynah Bird Food: 1-lb. package. Each Complete Outfit: Consists of above cage, bird, food, and book Reg. 46.43 SPECIAL, outfit Talking-Strain Budgie: Young male budgies in ossorted colours. Reg. 7.98. SPECIAL, WOU 66 ois sh eiiee 6608 Eatonia Budgie Seed: .. .. 14-ox, package. .......000. 2 for 19 Ectonie Budgie Grovel: 28-ox. package Complete Outfit: Includes cage, stand, male budgie, seed, grovel and book. Reg. 25.71. SPECIAL, set Tropical Fish Specials: Male Betto. Reg. 1.99 each 19 SPECIAL, each o aoe Neon Tetras. Reg. .59 each, SORCIANy ccs): ' 5 for 1.00 Black Angel. Reg. 1.99 each. SPECIAL, each ' Bete Assorted Catfish. Reg. .89 each, SPECIAL, each . pd Zebra Danios, Reg. .39 each, SPECIAL, each ...... Spe ey a Velvet Red Swordtolis. Reg. .99 each. SPECIAL, each Algoe Eaters. Reg. .99 each, SPECIAL, each . Fete are Black Lyretail Mollies Reg. .99 each. SPECIAL, each "Lantern Style" Plastic Feeder: Dur- able plastic housing, crystal clear plastic feed chamber. 3-section tu- bular steel pole. 79" overall height. Reg. 10.98 SPECIAL, each Eaton's Wild Bird Seed: 30-Ib. bag Special, bag . .. 2.99 Eaton's Sunflower Seed: 20-Ib. bag Special, bag... . 3.99 PHONE 725-7373 Interesting demonstrations to watch for during Eaton's HOUSEWARES FAIR Melitta Coffee Makers -- Housewares Dept. Trewax Home and Furniture Care -- Housewares Dept. Teco Power Saws and Small Tools -- Hardware Dept. Resilacrete Concrete Fillers and Waterproofing -- Paint Dept. Deep Fryers, Electric Blenders -- Electrical Dept. Teflon Non-stick Frypans -- Houswares Dept. Special Offer ! Wearever Mayfair Alumitone Cookware Set Heavy gauge aluminum, distinctively-styled utensils in Alumi-tone colors with cool black Bakelite finger-grip handles and knobs, hang-up rings. Domed covers for greater cooking capacity. Set con- sists of: I-qt. covered saucepan; 2-qt. covered double boiler, 10" covered fry pon. (391) If bought separately would be 22.57. SPECIAL, OTHER MATCHING PIECES (AT REGULAR PRICES) 2-qt. covered saucepan 8" covered fry pan 3-qt. covered saucepan 7 39 5-qt. covered Dutch oven Each....... ches a BOGR so cece ccs riievases "Eatonia" Aluminum Cookware Gleaming polished aluminum cookware, Eaton's own brand -- economically priced, lightweight yet durable. Designed with heat-resistant plastic handles. (391) 2¥2-pt. open saucepan 1 79 6-cup tea pot (not illustrated) Each a 5-pt. open saucepan 9-pt. covered cook pot Each 3¥2-pt. covered saucepan 2-pt. covered double boiler (not illustrated) Each 5-pt. non-scald tea kettle 6-cup percolator BOON so cpcea ss 45 BOONI secue ess "Haddon Hall" Stainless Steel Cookware Tri-ply stainless steel cookware has high-dome lids to accomodate even the most bulky foods. Easy- to-clean rounded shape. Heat-resistant Bakelite handles. (391) 224-oz. covered Dutch oven 1 3 98 a 8" covered fry pan Each 10" covered fry pan 40-oz. covered saucepan 60-o0z. covered saucepan 120-0z. covered saucepan 80-0z. covered double boiler 160-0z. covered stock pot Boch: css 12.98 BOW iis ih ese iene pecs A Non-Stick Cast Iron Enameled Cookware Exclusive with Eaton's! Imported from Ireland ! Put back the old-time flavour into your cooking, with cast iron. Fluon coating gives no-stick-no-scour clean-up. Hard-to-chip vitreous white enamel outside. Fry pans have 'magic ring' for more even heat spread. Teak handle, no special spatula or spoon needed, (391) 9" open fry. pan 3-pt. covered oval casserole 14 98 Each 2 10" open fry pan 6-pt. covered oval casserole 18 a) Each oo Each bet sah fry sige ae 13.98 9-pt. covered oval casserole 24.58 5-pt. covered round casserole 19 98 E e HOUSEWARES, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 : PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday Through Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. (Thursday and Friday Nights until 9) j 4 i }