Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1967, p. 17

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ficers pping easier," said » issues a cat- the ships and ly officer lists He then visits out what he ne manner a ip the week's permarket. it the .supply his purchases. cut to a bare ie new system siving materi- liminated. ention eyors (CP) -- Dr. pan, head of ering depart- ersity of New is making the w Brunswick or a year, has > which may one surveyor | two. an, an Aus- now complet- arch program a Common- nh scholarship, n instrument finder, a 114- yice made of r can be at- yor's theodo- ent weighing tanding a foot g a telescope 'ious cylindri- h rest on a re the angles ain. r, when at- dolite, meas- ical and hor- d the actual eyor is from S surveying, ig the tradi- y member of L. an says the 1 patented in he is trying ering equip- rs in Canada 'general use. . NIGHT TED PRESS Jerry Pelle- Orleans, out Jim Meilleur, , 10; Melvin n, Tex., Out- Natkins, 161, | Tim Ford, e, Fla., out- gh, 142, New 2 -- George renton, N.J., Dermott, 169, ; Gene Her- aine, stopped 6, New York, Alex Benitez, alif., knocked rito Moreno, , 3; Rodolfo yong Beach, Marcelo Cid, ERNS ponsele. 2 St 'e's DESIGN \DAMS GN -- walk iz thru busy mlined back- ering long kets. 4925: Half 16%, 18%, ize 16% re- nch. Je.) in ner' tar rio residents Print plainly INE ADAMS, 1awa Times, Front St. W., s are a JOY S! See 115 hat patterns, es -in---new Pattern Cata-, for free pat. end 50c, These four serious faces reflect concern for thous- ands of impoverished child- ren and adults aided by the Cup of Milk Fund, a part of the Unitarian Service Com- as AS2fB fk CITY BROWNIES CONTRIBUTE TO CUP MILK tains hospital, mobile medi- cal aid and gives out scho- larships. These girls, who donated money to the fund, mittee. The fund provides milk and food for thous- ands of people in the Far East. In addition it main- . More Parliament Sittings IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S Bring More Country Travel OTTAWA (CP)--With Parlia-| Last year, the Commons jus-| ment nnbeftegscia for eight aie committee toured auto| nine months each year, more F ' and more parliamentary com. |*afety Plants oh Detroit and |mittees are travelling across|Windsor, the northern affairs SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group Canada and even outside the|committee toured the North, country. the finance committee visited| Rome MPs call eed ies val-|Expo 67 site in Montreal, the| uable "'fact - finding tours,"| naati ici But a few others call them | onccasting sdgesaneries visited "junkets" and _ rewards for|CBC and film board facilities | faithful back - benchers. jin Montreal, the Commons-Sen- | The trend to committee trips|ate committee on penitentiaries | has reached record proportions |inspected the Kingston and St. | during the current session of|Vincent, de Paul penitentiaries | Parliament, which has lasted|and the transport committee | more than 200 sitting days but|toured the West for hearings on| |still is well short of the record|CPR passenger service. | | 248 days set in the "'flag" ses-| Most MPs and senators con- jsion of 1964-65. sider the trips essential to put | The 45-member Commons ag-|them in closer touch with pub- |riculture committee is due back /lic opinion and with the national jin Ottawa Saturday after a|problems they study. | week - long western tour to) When sessions of Parliament study operations of the wheat|were shorter, MPs had plenty | board and grain handling at the |of time to travel and meet con- Lakehead and Vancouver. stituents. But the heavy work The Commons - Senate com-|loads in the last few years now |mittee studying the govern-|force them to spend most of j}ment's white paper on immi-|their time in Ottawa. |gration policy will hold hearings |-- "MEMORABLE!" --W.v, times 20th CENTURY-FOX presents Py 2} i ADULT "ENTERTAINMENT Also "SNIPERS RIDGE" Mon. to Fri. Show Starts 7:30 Set. and Sun. Show Starts 6:30 FREE IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRE® ee RS 668-2692 282-3969 with A Shade of 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. EVENING DANC! 9 P.M. to. 3 AM. with E THe "YOUNG" set Y See NV FOLK NIGHT 8:30 P.M. to 1 A.M, Featuring FEB, 14, 15, 16 LUNCHEONS 10 A.M, to 4 P.M. DISCOTHEQUE \ 8:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. 212 KING ST. EAST anne PPP IDI IIIA SIA IIA AIA SAS AA ISA AAA AOD A DE in Toronto Feb. 16-17 and Mont- '/ (10,0040 104 0M RE real Feb. 22-24 to hear from THE "Snr Cegneeet irndins oon] ROYAL HOTEL WHITBY mittee on Indian affairs is mak- | LOUNGE & DINING ing arrangements for an ex- tended tour of Indian reserves starting in about two weeks. The committee will split up into three subcommittees. LOUNGE And the Senate - Commons|--m fecturing . . . jcommittee on living costs will RON CAREY split into two groups to visit 12 {cities across Canada from |Feb. 20 to March 1 to hear briefs on the shortage and high cost of housing. ENJOY SNACKS IN OUR LOUNGES OR BEVERAGE ROOMS FUND | | NEW YORK (AP)--In wobble. La.ren Bacall logically stocks or stop dancing?" sink. * SATURDAY * Couples Only ce | I BOBBY MINNS ond his celebrated SHOW BAND are members of the Osh- I awa 16th Brownie Pack. | Left to right: Patty Higgins, ® Reservations 723-2143 or 9, 592 Carlyle Court; Jane 8 725-1348 Peeling, 8, 586 Carlyle Court; Judy Harper, 10, 274 Clarke Street; and Susan. Jackson, lhawa 44 THIS WEEK THE LOST ECHOES Admission: 75¢ Non-Members . . . 50c Membes 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM SAT., FEB. 11th -- at 8:30 p.m. Dress -- Shirt and Tie -- No Blue Jeans U.A.W. TEEN DANCE Saturday, February 11th 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. The Ragged Edges Members 50¢ @ Non Members 75¢ ~ NO JEANS at the Honky Tonk piano | | | SOS EEF @ FREE DELIVERY e@ On Any Order Over A Dollar And Introducing George's Special Pasta Al Forno © Cabbage Rolls Now Under New Management The Town and Country 15 Bond St. E. 723-1821 NINO, VALENTINE DANCE NEW LEGION HALL 471 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Featuring: -- BILL BLACKWELL and His Orchestra SATURDAY, FEBRUARY I1th Dancing 9 p.m. to 12. $3.00 per couple @ Bar Facilities @ FTI TTT Loa REFRESHMENTS Bar Facilities 21 AND OVER TONIGHT ~DANCE -- DANCE « FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 -- DANCE 9-1 A.M PICCADILLY ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL Admission $2.00 Tickets at the Door 0,9,9.0,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,.0,0,0,0,0,9,9,2,9,9,9,.0.9. 0260 b tere eeannnnnn ne THE ECHOES Return Engagement Country "and Western HOTEL LANCASTER Bataan dia diedin ds die dias i indian a dindindaa snsedinnan nanan ceaeanaaananmnaasasnindaanmaininiamninae 4 Membership $2.00 Dress--Jacket and Tie * FEO OO OO OO I I oe Charleston - Stocks Drop Frug - Stocks Wobble 1929) Today, they were dancing the charles-|what started as the frug has |ton and the New York stock|variations like the watusi, the |market was moving up and up/freddie and the swim. |to the crash. In 1966 they were |dancing the frug and the NeW| proved that. almost any premise |York stock market was going up and up until it: started to in-| musical lecture by Arthur Laur- quired Thursday night in thejents demonstrated in an hour production The Light Fantastic] just about every dance fad from on ABC: "Should [ sell my)the minuet to the jerk, all amus- $ 4 4 Dancing 9 to 12:30 A bit later in the program John Forsythe, playing a social|clothes, participated profession-| [oS historian, undertook to show/ally in dances from the cha cha =). that the early 1900s produced) Gha to the monkey and held her ; » CPs 10B variations like the grizzly bear,/@Wn in exchanges with the ur-| Osh the kangaroo and the kitchen me In the 1930s there was swing, which led to the lindy, = ® 2 r= i < & > > a > re is 2 5 = 5 m Tan | t ee, ae eee. - ; I I I Kesturing thw Toconte Racsiting Adis E l J l | They're after 5 Million in | Japan. FRIDAY % 3 The Big Fun Dance The Sounds of the Big Beat The Place to Meet THE RISING SONS Forsythe pointed out, The Stage 67 confection is acceptable if witty, ingenious ¢ jand -entertaining. The bright\4 | Admission $1.50 ingly. Miss Bacall, in stunning bane Forsythe. Held Over DEAN MARTIN & MATT HELM es KARL MALDEN AIGOLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE FEATURE TIMES 1:20 -- 3:25 5:30 -- 7:40 -- 9:40 PHONE 723-2645 NOW PLAYING | METRO-GOLDWYN- MAYER mesenes A CARLO PONT PRODUCTION ¢. '5.3 DAVID LEAN'S FILIM or ors pasternaxs &% DOCTOR ZHiVAGO (/" I PANAVISION' AND METROCOLOR "x BOX OFFICE OPEN 12-9 P.M. EVES AT 8:30 P.M. i WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! __/ Recommended tonignt: The; |Danny Thomas Show, NBC, |~ 30-9.30 EST, a special, Guys | 'N' Geishas, with Jack Jones} jand Jonathan Winters, made in |o00,000 DAM MEANS MONEY New Brunswick's Mactaquac| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 10, 1967 17 FILLS THE ROADS Britain builds more than 400, Dam will cost more than $110,-/000 trucks and cars a year, ex porting 35 to 40 per cent. Oshawa Chapter Prese Their Eight Harvest of "A Century EASTDALE C February 11, 19 Admission:-- Adults Tickets Available by calling Mrs. The Evening Will Feature: @ The @ The Sportsmen Quartet @ Acou Belies @ Sing-Alongs and Chorus nts ----- d. North 1.50 -- Students 75¢ Lines Sweet Adelines | h Annual Harmony of Song" OLLEGIATE 67, 8:00 P.M, Doreen Gifford ot 728-9598 Oshawa $: Adelines Chorus sti-Cords Quartet. @ Ding-Deng * TEENS THE B THE BLUE ROOM: The Youn RN: THE a blie Nonquon Road Time 8:30 - 1:00 -- 1.25 Single 2.00 Couple * TWENTIES * LUE DOLPHIN A DANCE HALL & A COFFEE HOUSE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT THIS WEEK -- ig Set One North Oshawa | SAT. & SUN. at 2 P.M. & 8:30 P.M. ADWLT ENTERTAINMENT PHONE 725-5833 -- 725-5562 | BE REE NI RY Smuggled Diamonds...with Thrills and Danger for every Gem! JAMES GARNER | Meuina MeRcoURI 4 | SANDRADEE "A Man Coutp Get KILLED' -- TECHNICOLOR®PANAV/S/ON® e ADDED THRILLER @ Presents The M.C, eo Entertainment Saturday Matinee French Buffet Daily 12 - 2: Now Licenced Und Spruce Villa. wore. COUGHLAN starring: @ DANNY COUGHLAN -- @ SWINGING BAND Panther' ---- Exotic Dancer SUNDAY DINNERS 5 to 8:30 P.M. Banquets --- Weddings -- Parties --- For Information Phone Whitby 668-3386 DANNY SHOW Comedian and Vocalist ENISE -- "The Black Nightly 4 to 6 P.M. 30 and 5 - 9 p.m. er t.C.28:0. VAP Ohad 10 pay lOr he e [RA @ PANAVISION® 4 BOB MERCER @ Comedy e Music | @ Laughter Entertainment Nightly --- Saturday Matinees DUNDAS ST WHITBY ale. "2 IF SHE IS 9 OR 90 SHELL LOVE YOU IF YOU BRING HER =' a 2 FO SEE... . = . BOUCERS oc UAMMERSTEINY 5 % b> ROBERT WISE (pROOUCTION COLOR aS sy De Luxe mu ANDREWS *cunstornex PLUMMER pg, "arcimmcusne™|BLEANOR PARKER <= We. sacctats| ROBERT wise | RICHARD RODGERS OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II | ERNEST LEHM ' A SWEETHEART : OFA PICTURE! EVENINGS 8:00 P.M, (Sun, thru Thurs.) EVENINGS. (Fri. and Sat.) MATINEES 2:00 P.M. (Sat. and Sun.) tts teeeeees Matinees (Wednesday) wu Join The THE GOLD RUSH LOUNGE Exciting Sounds of Calypso Rhythms Entertainment Nightly Matinee Saturd Crowd at lay KING ST. OSHAWA

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