Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1967, p. 10

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Will Give ANN LANDERS Personal Names Way To Numbers? | Dear Ann Landers: You askedjmy back. She insists 1 owe it to your readers to let you know|the girl to take her to dinner or how they feel about through life with no name--just along a true story that might amuse you, I was in the army with a man whose name was B. N. Jones, When the sergeant began to fill out his personnel form he stopped Jones and asked, 'Just B. N. No name" "That's right, sergeant,"' the young man replied. The sergeant then wrote on the form "B (only N (only) Jones." The following morning we lined up for roll call, and the non-com in charge barked out loud and clear--'Bonly Nonly Jones." B. N. responded with a crisp * 'Here."" And he remained "Bonly Nonly" until the day he was discharged.--A. E. H. Dear A. E. H.: The 'old song This is the Army, Mr. Jones must have been writen for "Bonly Nonly."" Thanks for sharing this goody. It was a real| knee-slapper! Dear Ann Landers: I am a 22-year-old law student and my mother has been bugging me to write to good, old, level-headed you. Settle an argument, please. A few months ago I was one of 80 young men invited to a lavish party given by the par- ents of a girl who had moved back to this city. The idea was to acquaint the chick with eli- gible fellows who might take her out. At first I was anti and didn't want to go. When I learned several of my buddies were going I decided to accept the invitation. I had a good time but my interest ended when I said good night. going|to a movie. I feel under no obli- |gation to do so, Am I wrong or) lright~A Humble Student | Dear Hum: Sorry, If the girl was a dog, a thank too much time has elapsed for and bered you as a creep and said no.) Dear Ann Landers: How far ist go to be nice to the patients I am easy to get along with and I love my work, but some of the brassy requests from pa- tients really burn me up. Am I wrong to resent it when patients come in, knowing that they put only one nickel in the parking meter, and then wait until they are in the treatment room with all their clothes off time is running out Twice asked me to go downstairs and put money in parking meters. One of the cars was parked a block away and a heavy snow storm was in progress. I had to put on my coat and boots and hood and then I wasn't sure which car was hers. I'd like your ideas on how to deal with such requests in the future.-- No Meter Maid Dear Maid: The receptionist in _a_physician's office should not leave her post, One of the most vital aspects of her job is to answer the telephone. Pa- tients who don't understand this Now, my mother won't get off should be told. CHILD GUIDANCE Child Earning Should Use It By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Occasionally a child, 12 to 14, siderable money. What does the child do with the money thus|to save and how much 'pocket money' he should be allowed to Obviously it is desirable for|Carry? Diet - wise his weight earned? him to find ways to use it well. What kind of guidance does he have or should he have from his parents? The effectiveness of any guidance will strongly de- pend on his experience with the How can we best help guide finds opportunity to earn con-|him on learning how much to Money Well making about $30.00 a month. spend and on what? How much but I'm| with ma. When you accepted the invitation, you obligated) yourself. you note the next day would) have taken you off the hook, but | that now, So pick up the phone! invite her to something.) (I'd die laughing if. she remem- | should a physician's reception-| to remember that their meter} | last week patients | | SHORT AND FITTED By MARGARET NESS NEW YORK (CP)--Narrower shoulders and shorter sleeves mark the spring coats for 1967. Most of them are shaped. Practically any silhouette from the extremely slim to the modified tent is in fashion. The tip-off to the new look is in shoulders and sleeves. Shoulders are narrower for a taut high bustline effect that) almost looks strained at times. Sleeves in some cases are half way up to the elbow. The buttoned look is equally divided between the newer sin- gle row of buttons and the double - breasted look that is most popular in the militaire. Coats are less addicted to belts this spring than are dresses. But most coats do pro-|Capes were popular also. vide some effect either through bustline, seaming or stra- tegically placed slanting en- velope pockets. Coty Geoffrey Beene uses the snug,!| almost restricted shoulder: line} and the pockets to train the eye| on a suggested shaping in his crisp coat of red, black and white graphic plaid. The nar- row shoulders gradually ease of shaping down to a controlled flare at the) YELLO'W IS IN hemline. These, then, are startlingly different. house, New York Designers Bring Shape Back To Spring Clothes 'si/'os "over pink arevs | the narrowed) 3/. spring's|It appegirs in everything from) subtle changes. There's nothing|Monte-Sjino and Purzan's yel-| were still popular. In 1960 the shi tovepipe | introduesion of the collarless one ep MAUREEN ot ee ; |look led' to the new skinny coat fashion-award winner which wwas the hit of spring, coats became a fashion must. They've: continued to be a favor- ite right down to this spring, althougt: not now a top color. low kabjiki-styled linen coat to} Originala, a top trend-setting! Originalé:'s daffodil gabardine, not curl up if cuts through the} leans a shade more to|double-ba-easted the slim silhouette with set-in! tons and, white piped all around.jall round the edges. Originala was also partial to coffee color in coats, as in a slightly fitted silhouette with a Pastels are popular this sleevey than to the modified|Spring too. Even pale pink was tent, Gne slim coat in pimento|featured. Navy is usually a big shetlanid wool has double flaps|SPring choice and is even more flanking the single row of but-|to the fore this season due to tons marching down from the|the interest in the militaire. rolling collar. A controlled tent|Cuddiecoat uses it in ottoman uses diuble-faced apple green|in a fitted coat with two rows wool in a double inverted-V row | °f 12 gold buttons and in a navy of buttions. sig sgiieed 8 pe ge ag oes But Both slim and the sleeves and on the bac aie represented ge ig ~ aut halt -belt. Many of these mili- lections. jtary styles sport epaulettes, " F Bill Blass, whose designs for te Me a ihe was| Maurice Rentner are also pro- scveneTns Wie losses costs, duced by Lew Shedlack in prey 0 yg dr 2 pti 4 look Montreal, has even included a 1956, Cty 9 or the spring Of| Mountie coat in his spring col- h ) rid ' ne LORIE Were DATE lection. This is in red wool with Shapes 0 saber inward. OF tut black accents and is completed oe ee ee by a jaunty campaign cap. sounds | like today but since ni 2k a. wn skirts ¢hen were ankle-length, he military pop this ; Il-e even in denim. Gussie and vy aceon aay | Becky designed a doughboy out- ifit in navy denim in a long mili- tary jacket with epaulettes, stand-up collar and brass but- > By 19157 came an interest in| and, %-length coats. Capes pants. HOUSEHOLD HINT After you've been out in the cold winter air, a cup of hot soup is a quick warmer-upper. Combine and heat 1 can con- densed chicken noodle and 1 can vegetarian vegetable soup. For crunch, add a sprinkling of crushed pretzels before serving. SHUN TECHNOLOGY Women make up only about five per cent of industrial and technological students in Cana- EARN UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY or EVEN:NGS. For free brochure, write or vist MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years, Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W. dian institutes. _TORON TO 576- With Your Telephone Pastor -- Rey. Fred pring LINE. 2111 @ Daily M and Prayer @ Be Sure To Call Today Necklines are mostly either |stand-up or neat small collars. | \This gives. some protection against blustery spring days and the higher look is necessary with the short hemlines. It's logical also that with small collars the sleeves should be shorter. It all ties: in with a Yellow is the present leader.; more casual feeling. STOPS MBAT CURLING Fried steaks and chops will! | 1963. The following year white! | in 'white but-/fat and into the lean are made) ZELLER'S Door Busters Pick Up Several At This Low Price | ! SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT } Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke, Osh- | awa, wish to announce) the engagement of their daugh- | ter, Caro! Beatrice, to Douglas John Allan Harvie, son of Mrs. Clifford Harvie, Haliburton, and the late Mr. Harvey. The wed- ding is to take place, Saturday, | March 4, 1967 at 3:00 p.m. in! Simcoe Street United Church, | Oshawa. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall wish to announce the - forthcoming marriage of their only daughter, Jo-Ann Darlene, to David George Jarvis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jarvis, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is a take place, Friday, April 1, | 1967 at 7:00 p.m. in pore Street United Church. KEEPS LANGUAGE ALIVE NTREAL (CP) -- Muriel Dail- leboust, a Caughnawaga teacher on the Indian reserve near won't allow him to spend much on candy, etc. "He .is very good about not doing this but he does enjoy| being able to stop at the store to buy a little something daily use of money in his earlier/a8 most of his friends do," -- RESPECT FOR PARENTS Very few children under high school age can find regular nor- mal ways to earn money. When they can they may derive some values from this earning. Someir: is rather rmarkable that he curbs his intake of sweets in respect for his weight. Between parents suppose the school-aged child should be paid for regular chores at home, instead of hav- usual boy, My reply in part: Yours must be a rather un-| being able to earn so much and to use it frugally. Montreal, has introduced 15- minute lessons in the Mohawk language to her Grade 1 class. Afraid that the Mohak tongue may die, she explained that religious music is rich in songs translated by the Jesuit fathers centuries ago. LOTS OF LETTUCE There's an exceptionally good | supply of western iceberg let- tuce this winter. €herney's | | INVENTORY SALE ENDS SATURDAY, 6 P.M. Admiral 19" PORTABLE TELEVISION There are many reasons why you may wont this set! It's good- . It's portable--you can move it around easily. for better . and It's priced right! Perhaps you wont It for the bed- . the workshop--all good reasons. Come in tonight, we will turn It on! Sell yourself on this set tonight . enjoy it at home on the weekend! Equipped with-114° aluminized picture tube, dipole telescopic antenna, earphone with 12' eord for looking . . viewing . . private listening. the recreation room . . Regular $229.00 'iawS> the lines of your letter I read that the highly respects the ad- vice of his parents. You don't indicate that he has attempted to budget his regular needs, his spending for pleasure or for saving with a purpose. It's my guess that he would gladly work out with you such a plan. In this plan, perhaps, he would be willing to allow ing an allowance. As a rule, however, this plan doesn't work well. Before long the child may fail to earn enough for his needs, when he usually is given more money and his motive for doing the chores wanes or van- ishes. Besides, when the child is paid for helping at home, he can hardly feel himself @ Te-\himself a limited but reason- aged member of the fam-| she amount of pocket money. ws He seems to have the stuff in EXTRA MONEY him to abide by such a pro- However, when a child faith-| ram. fully does regular assigned; You certainly would not want chores he may profit from being} your son to carry much money paid for some special jobs, es-|around just to feel superior to pecially when he is striving to}most other boys he mingles earn enough for a desirable with. I assume that his job does cherished purchase. not conflict with his needed Some other parents believe/time for school work and whole- that anything a child of any age|Some recreation. earns should be his to use as} Does he hope to go to col- he pleases. A few parents hav-|lege? If so, he might be induced ing given a child an allowance|to set aside regularly a sub-| for some years continue to give stantial definite amount toward him a similar allowance, even|this goal. Or if he longs to when he is earning as much as|Make a_ substantial purchase he needs or more. You may|Wwhich seems to you parents to, know some parents who not/have merit, he might choose to} only feed and clothe the youth|save regularly for this. | who is employed, but give him| @. If we have been able to extra money for cigarettes, gas|teach the child from his early for the car and for other lux- years to respect the little words uries. "no" and "don't," are we likely! Here is a letter from ajto feel a need to shout a mother in California: screech at him? REAL ESTATE APPOINTMENT JACK OSBORNE R. MARTIN Reol Estate Announce the appointment of Mr. Admiral 21" PORTABLE TELEVISION Here's a deluxe portable with a console size screen. You will have no trouble hearing this set -- it has 2 side-mounted speakers! The 21" steelbond picture tube ives you 23% greater viewing area than a 19" TV. quipped with Dipole antenna. This is an ideal Ded set' for the family room and it can be yours on the easiest terms. COMPLETE WITH ROLL-ABOUT STAND '_15D Regular $279.00 Dress Up Your H Enhance your home decor with these beautifully designed occasional tables, worm walnut CHARGE-IT -- NO stoining, non-marring satin finish top. Approx. size 16" x 28'. THIS WEEKEND ONLY 7.97 eoch Reguler 12.99 ome For Spring finish, tapered legs and non- DOWN PAYMENT ond completely immersible. 101%" SQUARE FRY PAN Complete with control master and cover, plastic knob, plastic handle with temperature guide, oir Vent, one yeor guarantee, SAVE 2.02 TRANSISTOR 9 VOLT BATTERIES ° Save 40c-.:55> EVEREADY /_ BATTERI ES 2 for 1.38 J-CLOTH All Purpose TOWELS For 1001 Uses They work like a duster, polish like a Chamois and soak up and clean like @ sponge. 2 pack 1.00 Osborne to act as repi ive in the Oshawa Office, 100 King St. East. Jack was formerly associated with Metcalfe Real Estate and has many years experience in the real estate field. He will capably look after your requirements by tele- phoning Oshawa 576-1200 "Our son, 12, is working,| A. No. CUPID'S KISS (Makes 3 or 4 Servings) | ¥Y% cup red maraschino cherry juice 2 cups hot milk 8 large marshmallows Y% teaspoon almond extract sweetened whipped cream 1 tablespoon finely-chopped maraschino cherries Combine maraschino cherry | juice, milk, marshmallows and} almond extract in saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stir- ring occasionally until mixture is smooth and hot. Pour into | Fine Dress and Drapery the latest designs, colors, ials, 725-4551 For your new Spring Outfit EASTER fabrics -4 HOUSE of FABRIC 11% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-4551 = Fabrics in 6 2 and mater- 4 mugs and top with whipped » eream and sprinkle with cher- ries. Pavron a Michael Cordi or @& PRINCESS COIFFEURS 39 SIMCOE STREET NORTH y INDIVIDUAL H. BY for Perfect Hair Care. Admiral 23" CONSOLE TELEVISION If the picture on your television set appears to be fading away then trade it in! Enjoy sharp clear black and white pictures on a new 23" big screen Admiral. See this set tonight. Precision crafted horizontal chassis. Wide angle picture tube for slimmer cabinet styling. "Pull-push" on-off volume control. "Super span" turret tuner. 2 full fidelity front mounted speakers. '219 WITH TRADE AIR STYLING Lorenzo leraci on Perms -- Bleaches, or Brush or Hair Spray. WIFE PRESERVER | SPECIAL OFFER... Hair Coloring. FREE! Hair ADMIRAL COLOR TELEVISION - Payments As Low As $25 Monthly ! See.. You'll see Color TV as it was meant to be seen . white receivers. A light hammer-tap on the tip of a snap fastener that won't stay fastened will make) it snug again. | OPEN: Tues., Thur. for Appointment PHONE 723-0301 . Compare Admiral! Pre-set fine tuning and simplified cotor controls make tuning as easy as with your black and white set. Exclusive Admiral color fidelity leits you choose just the color you want. on a rectanguilar faced, shallow-depth picture tube which enables Admiral to assemble color sets in the same high | styles, slim cabinets, as black and & Fri. Evenings CHERNEY'S - DOWNTOWN OSHAWA - OPI!N TONITE TIL 9 P.M. : Remember Valentine's Day FEBRUARY 14th Cc Visit Our Candy Counter One Pound LANE" Assorted For That Special Someone for first quality Boxed Chocolate "QUALITY hocolates 88 12-0z. Boxed 2Y2 pound Boxed "Minuet" Chocolates by 1 97 ee he eee ee a SMILES 'N' CHUCKLES . 2% Pound ""WILLARD'S" icious assortment of cream, caramels, nougats, jellies and brittles FOR THAT SPECIAL GIRL IN YOUR LIFE WE HAVE A GIGANTIC 5 Pound Box of Delicious WILLARD'S assortment at ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE eee ~~ MARASCHINO CHERRIES Attractively "Quality Lane" CHOCOLATES. A del- etree 1.97 291 A f The ! of Unio designed ada bro ers from Gave Resid A life-lon awa, Mrs. ] was honore when friends late her on | The forme daughter of Annie Gall from Scotla Oshawa ani Albert street ter was born to Centre st In 1903 Ali bride of Lat Solina, a bu her father, house, the opened stree named Hoga first resident today. Mrs. Hog: widow for si: fond memor with her hu wedding ann garth likes t

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