WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY | sa Whitby Harbor Study ' May Mean Development us WHITBY (Staff) -- The inter-jsuggestions made to correct! } est which the government is|the "surge." The model simu-| dj weg | Pupils Hold Rehearsal | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 9, 1967 § ' jreceived won't gorrespond ex- a,8 | Satie Births jactly with the actual birth and For Speech Competition pown In 1966 iiscinus a i |receiving registrations. WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs. Peter|speaking contest at Denis . é sett Soe STiEe a core A : x oi : TORONTO (CP)--The num- Ottenbrite, education convener,/O'Connor High School. : aes : jwas in charge of the program) Lunch was served by social ber of birth registrations re-; RED SKIRTS GO SHORT | ceived by Ontario's registrar-- WARSAW (AP) -- Poland's jat St. John the Evangelist CWL convener, Mrs. F. Kapuscinski ; | meeting. 8 ana sa ot her eciceenrzeer general during 1966 was down/|state-owned clothing stores have 11,413 from the 1965 total. gone over to the mini-skirt for NET BROOKLIN, Ontario. coffee table, using artificial ma-|2ing at the home of Mrs. Morley 2, Ar.|Smith, 203 Chestnut Street. ber will receive a gold Legion house dart league also plays Whitby 668-2091 showing in the "surge" which|lates wave formations, etc. Eleven students of Grades 7; The general meeting was - sneer A RN creates berthing difficulties at} Mayor Desmond | Newman| jand 8 delivered five-minute| chaired by the president, Mrs.) Figures released Wednesday ar on _ 1967. F rae Whitby Harbor could possibly|said of the project: "I do not jspeeches on selected subjects.|H. C. Munro. A request was|Showed the number of births/SKit!s have been conside Mi P y. proj ; Stylish f y ths but the ation re- herald 5 Is for ex-|think thi like thi done This acted as a rehearsal before;made for canvassers for the registered during the year down | 5% or many months bu 4 rts' Cet eee hes mes bea ae ; > F > t 9 565 fr Vi 5|State stores were limited to old 2 Boned tension or redevelopment. in a vacuum. They all fit into! |taking part in the Feb, 14 public/Heart Fund. Report forms were|!0 132.565 from 143,978 in 1965 | emlines stil in: Rtock ie he As previously reported, the|the ~attern of development." | . caterer. seeG --|distributed to conveners to be The office received 55,155 mar- : 2 ou Lg di National Research Council has} He did not, however, have |returned as quickly as possible riage registrations in 1966, com- ° mal tt built a model of the harbor.|any information as to any 'U W Plans The education convener re- pared with 52,509 the previous Al, % Rober This is part of a theoretical|particular developments which | ported that arrangements are year. ° oar in ] study financed by the federal/could be in mind. Any work | . eat the hog Tecan The number of deaths rose to| Department of Public Works,|which was done as a result of | jing contest. Lorraine Bibeau, a)53,629 from 53,231. The number | Rob bon and aimed at demonstrating|the study would be paid for by | @alr S vent Guide, was chosen to attend the lof stillbirths registered in 1966) SPECIAL SSearan the practical effect of various!the Government, he said. | nage ( vic ag She will!dropped to 1,928 from 2.086. | DEPOSIT | : Se e@ sponsored by " The office said heart disease ed didn't P | WHITBY (Staff) -- Members| Mrs. J. Moreau, convener of continues to b | ( ' i | Mrs. J. 1 ; ms p th umb | se. St. Mark's Club Holds Stew Supper of St. Mark's United Church|the telephone committee, said|cause at dean keqnemeet one) «= ACCOUNTS to be ex- : ; Women at their general meet-| members had been advised of months of 1966. 5.139 of doubted The 10th annual "Stew Sup-|ticles picked up call Mr. or jing, chaired by Mrs. Richard/the Feb. 13 night of cards at/394 death dealt er 13,-| MINIMUM ACCOUNTS $1,000 the wis per" sponsored by St. Mark's|Mrs. Gordon Mifflin at 668-2678. |MacCarl, were reminded of St.|Denis O'Connor High School. heart ane Tegistrations listed | Withdrawals by presenting pass- ' ' i Plans were outlined for the IMark's United Church "Family| po. ¢ iiss leart disease as cause of death. | book premier ; ; Mark's United Church 'Family| Prizes will be awarded to win- ee ee py United Church 4 W's Couples be 29 tederel- ed : c Pies | celebration of the 10th anniver- INight" of skating and gammeel See LAnbh Ri He weived Cancer caused 2,265 deaths, And that Club will be held March 15 in|sary Sept. 30, of the club, when | held Feb. 11. at the Whitby| Nie ranies Spellen oe dks vascular lesions of the central Interest is calculated ablished the assembly hall, announced|a banquet and reunion will be) ;Community Arena. All parish-| social. welfare feoert ba visits AGhta a aie ot et i Aik Se residents of the Club, Mr. and|held. | lioners tnyi articibate| aaa a hg ald . dents and violence 1,108. y balance -- Mrs, Gordon Mifflin. An extra event planned for jin the lea _ re aera ae ce a ia rd the Ngures i cabo : | ; ; Vv ca ; mA ores aiiat aii weakest The kitchen convener for sad pega members Lact ange i: Wed ORONO ARTIST'S PAINTING GOES TO MONTREAL During the business session,| Mrs. H. C. Munro thanked the|*1% (ne figures on registrations VICTORIA and og re Par acces Gi tek Gaye Cle mar ry ak jmembers submitted several/ladies who assisted her with | i oy rom aby bi an in ie ale . s A a. Nieto : x : ae : Hie Das ' coat e | satering at 3 g. er 627 (221, 206 itchie "-- liam Irwin. The following club members A --. honor has been nite pt gg Ni cai pe Bees bicce Gok wae. og pag i erro had eee en a py Rone Chics ee Seg | GREY TRUST F i , -| wi ssisting with St. Mack's| conferred on an Orono artist, ) . 4 5 : : 3 : 24 'on. Pascoe 255); Sam : pression The regular ba ae al Ba goa ei wae ber of the American Water es and boats in the fore- [Of a ladies' lounge at the new B BO LING Bye tant Rey Chics GO te eee concrete coed By. POwinE. " 7 gin A A. A. Drummond, who has Color Society, Mr. Drum- ground. Lovely green grass | centennial building. WHIT Y W Holter 600 (235, .202) ; to just couple, Mr. and Mrs. Frank|Party, Feb. 11, at Whitby Com- been requested to display A a ith th Ft : a ae ee Projects for the year were ss oun THE RUANObLiEy ht d Milligan, were: welcomed. |munity Arena: Mr. and Mrs. : mond is seen wi e paint- and wi owers complet : Pree He oY. av cd 3 i. cages Among the projects discussed|James White, Mr. and Mrs.| 4 large, beautiful water ing which depicts the parlia- the scene. The exhibition cut ge Spring ei ay ' Te tenths dad bed euaa / SCUSS vaDICE , . BATS» ' ' ; 5 *y - ; inti malay with co-conveners Mrs. Cyri Th jerke Oo tikedping & ah' opments was the auction sale to be held|Harold Grylls, Mr. and Mrs.|. Color at the centennial ex- = ment buildings at Ottawa will be composed entirely of ret ean eee oiler (eehyi2, 2erks fe Headpins &, oad Balls & NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the henetits June 3. Already articles have|Everett Quantrill and Mr. and hibition being held by the in muted colors as_ seen the work of award winning huflee junehe early in Mav|* Bombers 2 } ger ; r iffli : | Muse f Fine Arts, dur- from Hull. > side is s. : cheon early in May)" wen, 380 and over jass . ee ns in an been collected. If you need ar-'Mrs. Gordon Mifflin. Cee eee ee eee ron ue Pe me BG 8 oe with conveners; Mrs. Richard (2°25 220; °C Sarmunskt ee (282, Ontario Municipal Board by the Cor- et i 8 ille Rector St. Mark's Speaker | { 7'$ . MacCarl, Mrs. Garnet Juby and 3120); "My Kaiere, O, 272) ion of the Township of Whitb Sone : Mrs. Ray Marshall. 253, 227); A. Samanski 643 (236, 223) oration of the Township o It e lett owmanville Rector ark's Speaker | Vict rian r r N TSE ie ieirser ary ic st tor Suey eg ih Sy ada] PO p y nod idea "Adventure In Understand-| 'This Man Jesus" is the June 21 in charge of Mrs. 1. sy Seei2s); N. cormer 3407. | for the approval of a by-law to regu- thought ing' continued at St. Mark's/theme of a series of sermons F. Richardson and Mrs. Fred sLadies, $00 and over --S, Taylor. 64s ' ous United Church last Sunday ae Olien .- Bittle.. 'The Anniver-| (7. 20; F. Senauamann. a Ay ate land use passed pursuant to Sec- nducted ; hea Rev. John Franp- started last Sunday morning at) e \saiw Dinner will held Nov. (Brooks, 591 (217): A. Gaudet $48 (236); Pp Pp | cover. ton, teeter oF St. John's Angli- St. Mark's. The topic was "This| 1ves nnud e ort 7 Co apie ee iss in. G. Rieger 821: Mh, MeGriskin. sit (211); tion 30 of The Planning Act d this can Church, Bowmanville, ad-|Man Jesus -- Obscure Gali- Thomas Farndale, Mrs. John " excite 210 rp ie Pg ad g ° premier dressed a joint meeting of local|jean," | Bowes, Mrs. M. Ireland and e stuck Anglican _ United wore The choir, under the direc-| WHITBY (Staff) -- It was re-jreport that of the 1,249 visits| "It is the members of the " Psa he : , Meath image Recs Br Be Five TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation people on the subject 'What Is . ; : ee | : f aking part in the meeting) 26, Candies 25, Blowers 22, County Bow! jatincti ican |tion of Gordon Harle, sang the|ported at the monthly meeting|made by the branch in 1966,|board of management who de- ~ Lies ; Headpins22, H. D. Pontiac 16, Wood : : pen About The Anglican) yt oe out Of The Depths." the----Vietorian-- onder om 1,075 or 86 per cent were to give|serve credit for making the ah Foil go alg Fi Beckers ta Pin Heads v6 Whitby Clean of the Township of Whitby intends to apply to the t ei . aarti i«|Mrs. G ' St. MYrs.jers 15, Slick Six 14, Lucky Thirteens 14, ei ce Next Sunday evening the ser-| The St. Mark's Annual Winter | Nurses, Whitby Branch, that 10 wee Gat wad dich hvrvod sath iy ce seen oe Edward McKim and Mrs. Dave | Pipers 14 Night Hawks 13, K.P.D.'s % | Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions all, the jes of meetings will conclude|Party will be held at the Whitby|..,ectant mothers are attend-|Three series of prenatal Fema the Whitby. ne Gehaws boards |Robb showed colored slides on| "igh triples over 400 -- Earl Smith 783 . : a e when Provost D. R. G. Owen of|Arena Saturday evening when|;\P°® fount Glaus etattca tala ath : secant leneuld LD ded - their| Missionary work done among (212, 310. 261); John Visser 712° (254, of Section 30 of The Planning Act For approval pnd he Trinity. College, Toronto, will|the families' of the congregation aed il. P class starte saeti e' Bhi 1 expectant' shoul " comes : pith ee the Indians in Northern Mani-|34)}, "Brice Arnstono" 699, (20S. 228. -track- speak on the subject "The Com-|will meet for skating, games|7@"- 11: : : ers attending. -- proposed_amalgamation with ex-|/ 5 |246); Clare Rowden 72 (297); Johnny|| Of By-law No. 2072 passed on the 29th day of ite Great Church." land broom ball New cases in January in-| In most cases of sickness and|tension to Ajax, Pickering Vil- T : : THUrtIbese 672-271. -238)7--Marty--Jordan as an- RE SICRt VOUreN, : cluded five adults who werejaccident, the intensive nursing|lage and Pickering Township. . |,.Te@ hostesses were: Mrs. |¢47" (205, 224, 238); Keith King' 668 (242, December, 1966. A copy of the by-law Is furnished given nursing care, one case of d treatment ired is| «rm; Thomas Farndale, Mrs. Borg} 252); V. Jordan 665 (297); Verna Roberts ' 'om the Gi 1 G id A d Pp t d : : ng , care and treatment required is This plan was brought about Jorgenson, Mrs. Ray Marshall | 652 (273, 221); Jean King 645 (262, 222); : ae ne the 1F. ulae wards resente post-natal instruction and one|best provided in the hospital, the|tg help meet the requests for|ong urs. Ken S MN Jerry Hamer 638 (266, 230); Cyril Gar- herewith. A note giving an explanation of the d ._ |case in which new-born instruc-|nurse said. However, during the i i ; . and Mrs. Ken Soble. [ratt 631 (298); Jim Sleep 631 (255, 219); a An award encampment spe-|Miss Yvonne Keoghan for bring: |;; ; eis Se inursing care in these areas.| -- } g Mis n8*|tion was given. convalescent period nursing| Financial assistance was made|Bs purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the eleased \ cial meeting was held at Faith|ing eg bins a of visi! One hundred and fourteen|care may be provided by the available from the Ontario VON | : he pub- Baptist Church with each guide| 2) 'HS mecunt. 'anak boa bined hog ef ee nurse.|VON or a part - time basis.|branch for this extension and| lands affected thereby, is also furnished herewith. ee leader presenting the awards to|speaker, spoke to the girls and bcos feces Hebenoel paraee ie ie ce ger service is now available by con-| . " Tan : her respective group. mothers. To the girls she said|care' four post-natal instruc-|cupboard, Cancer Society and tacting either the Whitby or} Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days tended ' Leaders were: Mrs. Shirley|among other things "A job that| tigi,' seven new-born instruction|others have made it possible for ewe ances Me after the dote of this notice, send by registered mall or deliver 'Ives, Wilde, Pilgrim Group; Mrs.lis worth doing is worth doing/anq'two on behalf of a patient.|many families to remain to- Jl Ree ede re (F ly PI ' : z rhe is | Sharon Jolley, sg Re vel To ---- e mee It.was stated in the nurse'slgether during convalescence. ormerly Plumbing Mart) to the clerk of the Township of Whitby notice of his objection grim Group; Mrs. Shirley Mac-|"Nothing can take the place o : ; a con : Donnld Jiutor Colonist Croup: the eits. homeliie." To: the " WINTER Same Address -- 149 Brock St. N. -- Whitby to the approval of the said by-law together with @ statement % Mrs. Bertha Chupa, Colonist/leaders "She stressed the need 2 ae anal Group. of strong foundation for the it e 10n ranc CLEARING 668-6601 WHITBY 668-6601 of the grounds of such objection, A special award was given to' Youths." coeunemacrecennnetaee : cob } oe 8 a wenn Gunes f The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the sald by-law ni } ng the q WHITBY PERSONALS | H but before doing 80 It may appoint 4 time and place when obey ans en enary ven 20% OFF Direct To You sles Plumbing Supplies any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any if -- The Whitby Garden Club will} Members of All Saints' Angli- @ COATS -- JACKETS --~ 5' COLOR TUBS , ° ov aad 4 meet Thursday in King Street}can Church Evening Guild tak-| WHITBY (Staff) -- To mark|of Commissionaires Club in Tor- PARKAS Green-Turquoise -- Special........ s neering thet mey be held will' Be given only: te 'parsons who confer- peg voll easagmeccnd ole aps ing an active part in the|Canada's centennial year, the me for an en ecitainas 25% OFF NET Rove Hind eh Sbiscion, ne sec- r Hambers are invited to bring| Women's World Day of Prayer/Whitby Branch of the Royall 3." og the host Pg nas Special Prices on TOILETS -- White -- ir pre- ' a friend and enjoy a_ social|service, Feb. 10, at Whitby Bap-| Canadian Legion plans a greater! The members and their wives Odd Articles Reverse Trap With Seat...... ee 31.50 The last date for filing objections will be February 23rd, _ | time. jer will teh mcg tist Church are: Mrs. C. Ry-|number of activities for the/will take part in a mixed bowl- ae ee NET 1967 bibikol to lucky winners and lunch wi ft, Mrs. H. Pryce-Jones and|benefit of the community andjing tournament, Feb. 25, at ih al ; be served. pia ud Newmarket. The same day the uss BASINS DATED ot the Township of Whitby this 9th day of February, ign. Mrs. H. Hiscox. its members. J F 2 ; ; zone euchre tournament will be FOM. «52. . eee eee Ras . 1967.. For the enjoyment of those Every effort will be made to} )iyeq j Osh EEVE'S NET ' The Whitby Brass Band Played in Oshawa. attending, two classes on the St. Tedies' ""Atilin executive|imcrease the branch member-| Another Legion activity is the 1 TOILET SEATS Wm. H. Wallace, AM.C.T., Valentine's theme have been meeting 1s beingSteld this eve-|Ship. With this in view, a mem-|mixed dart league which plays MEN'S SHOP 4 15 Township Clerk, 1 @) arranged. 1, Arrangement for ber who brings in a new mem-levery other Monday night. A 129 Brock St. S. ee ee s Box 160, terial with accessories; Centennial Pin. | regularly. w. ; : : rangement for coffee table} wr. and Mrs. Wayne Ross,| Hugh Miller of the house com-| e stock a complete lie of plumbing supplies inister using horticultural material/19} Craydon Road, are cele- ictitee has his fellow. members -- both sets -- vanities -- stainless steel sinks SUMMARY OF THE PURPOSE AND EEFECT h, an ae toe brating ey! fifth wedding anni-| working on -- for = sn -- laundry tubs -- faucets -- pumps -- cop- OF BY-LAW NO. 2072 OF THE TOWNSHIP tan drew's Presbyterian|V@Tsary ay. vation of the clubroom. Tenders : 2 Re United dees Crane 3 and 5, are! Gesadian Union Public Em-| vu. 0e called when plans are per pipe and fittings -- ete. OF WHITBY. Ee sponsoring a Valentine tea and) cies a « POE, Colt eee To Qualit Merchandise at homebake sale. Feb. 11. Re-|P Overh 0 ae S On6 ia|, Thirty-three members of the P y 1. Pur d Eff ceiving at the door will be: |€4 Bs re a = web I Pe branch visited the Corps . Purpose an ect ove Mrs. W. J. S. McClure and Mrs. te hae' Gaur Ee trom DISCOUNT PRICES G. C. Dalgleish. Co - conveners 4 7 KEEP TOPS ON Th d eff fete oaea a 1 years are Mrs. David Kernohan and eight till ---- oe will isin. ¥ (AP)--Ann RED WING HOURS: purpose and effect of this by-law Is to allow a nursery ay. George Stott and pourin be spot dances and door prizes. eee in an agricultural zone to become a sales outlet for a ai" Gectes peas Lunch will be served. Mrs. Bar-|Kilgore, mayor of Hampton, has Daily -- 12 to 9 P.M., Sat.--9 to 5 P.M Biss, Warren Mowat, drs. Joka|nere, Moline is general so.jardered, the, ety attoroey Sp ORCHARDS Closed Wednesd Co anibinearitad emneennnty eee hly at --_ and Mrs. 'Thomas| i be donated to the nursing|would ban topless go-go girls or '4 one nescoy | Is associated with en operating nursery on the some n fire 3 staff association of Ajax-Pick-|waitresses. Emergency action | sea. Th Zoning By-l it Shop, One of the most successfuljering Hospital to help purchase|was ordered after the topless COLD STORAGE premises. 11a. present; Loning ey iow permite a. nursery Wear, euchre evenings, sponsored by|a movie projector for the in-jcrowd invaded neighboring : to operate but allows only for the sale of its produce. | the Whitby Women's Institute, was|service education unit. Tickets baal and city --, Mec OPEN DAILY | ck St. held at the home of Mrs. Gor-|are available from members|there was no such prohibition } . don McLean, Euclid Street,|and at the door. among city ordinances. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. MISS CENTENNIAL 2. Location with the following winners: sie tha hy A aginst ap BROCK Now Playing -- One Complete peeet feeder | This application applies to all land within an agricultural howe, caries, --_ Pgs @ ; Berta datas Program Each Evening At 7:30 Located 2% Miles West of Whitby ong inthe Toanshin 6k Whitty: Metal lunch was served by the com- On No. 2 Highway at the | to be mittee in charge. Proceeds to "BIG RED APPLES" é ov go to the a orig ened of PHONE 668-3311 | : lounge inthe new centennia TOWN OF WHITBY sn lounge in the new centennial | THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF -- | WHITBY BY-LAW NO, 2072 TL Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Whitby e BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW Rules: NO. 1784 AS AMENDED. @ Must be a resident of the Town of Whitby i Whitby Duplicate s . Bridge Winners Whitby -- The winners and high scores in the games played SOUTHSIDE SEAFOODS WHEREAS it is desirable to amend said By-law No. 1784 to Whitby Duplicate Bridge e@ Age: 17 to 21 es of January Ist, 1967 provide for sales outlets for nursery and gardening supplies; pe Ogtchgeg | 409 BROCK ST. S.-- WHITBY -- 668-2721 |} | and South -- Mr. and I} @ Judging based on Poise-Personality and ' : ' North NOW THEREFORE be it enocted as a By-law by the Municipal Mrs. H. Baker, 78; Mrs. H. hlak Ww Appearance. Council of the C f the Township. of Whitb sh and Mrs. C. Stiner, 70; Mrs. ® e council of the Corporation o e@ Township. o itby as pF ag = Bagh . ees Starts at 7:55 EEKEND SPECIALS @ Must be single. follows: 62; Mr. and Mrs. M. Hutc ! SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 P.M. CHICKEN IN A BOAT. 4 PCS. ie 1.1 ; Miss G. Forsyth Ds Miss B. CHICKEN IN A BOAT. 8 PCS "satua 2 to Ae bs e SOU i ap to be available for future Cen- f/} 1. THAT Section 11 (A)(II) be ammended by adding the Macliride (a tie) 52. d 2 . } tennial Functions. | \ ; East and West -- Mrs, P. <ovUHNO0U0 000000 000AUAETAGTA ALATA HTATTHAAATNN, SCHICKEN IN A BOAT. 12 PCS, Serves 3 to 43.35 | | eee ee Spee, Sh ere De ie . . =] CHICKEN IN A BOAT. 16 PCS. Serves 5 to 6 4.20 (No Bathing Suits) | i s, (al= = : : 2 | "Sal let f r d d 7 Mr and Mrs >, Hom sae Whitby Centennial Centre Board = 2) cyicken iN A BOAT. 20 PCS, Serves 7 to 8 4.95 ee ee ee ie oe ee oe ee ee and Mrs. D. Wilson 66; Mrs. = = TAKE OUT SERVICE ONL Mad Ascicca supplies excepting the sale of barbeques, power tools and E. Bowman and Mrs, P. Irwin, = Inaugural = ONLY ee equipment, lawn chairs and household fencing materials, 61. = = DELIVERY 25¢ EXTRA Kinsmen Club of Whitby, : , = DINNER & DANCE = provided that such sales outlet is permitted only when = = c/o J. J. Ottenbrite | = =) i soci i r he some = =| e EAFO e | } associated with an operating nursery on t! = Saturday, February 18th, 1967 = s OD SPECIALS ae | i = =a 2) shrimp in o Basket ............5... $1.25 | AcE abla so Una ales ipaameoe sed tl te ; INDIVIDUALS On GROUPS i At The Centennial Building = Scallop Dinner: : 3.30: it ee : 2. This By-law shall come inta effect on the day it is approved Barve penne = 416 Centre St. S., -- Whitby ee eg aes Hid | J Aides cette terse te eeneiees . as crue Mumia aed DOWNTOWN MONTREAL = 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.--Sundown Hour =] Pe oer ene PIA * | ' | HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS | Veter INDE. 5 osc veinib ose sek ek. csi ee : Seana = 7:00 P.M.--Banquet -- Dance =i Clam Chowder 40 ] Proniee iss ss caie gS Mas vo wos aoe BAGG READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME THIS 29th DAY nt = $10.00 Per Couple eee Dress Optional =|] Strip Clams in a Boat .............. ,o ee oe l OF DECEMBER, A.D., 1966. = Tickets may be spies re ee OE fake Big < sucnie Pach Diener 75 | | Pee CE ON es ae = - FN. Mel , secretary = a= gumbo Frercn VINNer ........ . | : TRAVEL SERVICE ig 405 wae tt higeua = | : | W. H. Down We. i. Welece WHITBY 668-8867 fi : ; z| Open Friday and Saturday to 11 p.m. -- Sunday to 7 p.m. | oo. pe ae oe eeve er ig -- TS ees FT re TTT TD