Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Feb 1967, p. 21

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Pobruery 9, 1967 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Make The Most Of Your Advertising--Use An Action Want Ad For Fast Results to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants \Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service |TV--Radio Repairs WILLIAM C, HALL, B.Comm., ed Accountant, Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. Cha: 36¥2 King Street het el | REPAIRS GORDON R. DAY, Accountant, Suite 205W, ping Centre, 725-9953. Certified General Oshawa = Shop- ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. i 2 FOR 1 RUG CLEANING SPECIAL Charge on the largest rug. Pick up and delivery at same address. OSHAWA CLEANERS Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim-| coe Street North, 725-0397. Res, 723- -7 605. | JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-| HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens 1700_SIMCOE ST. N. 725-9961 tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street | East. Telephone 723-4833. a Specialty. ed Accountants, Hopkins, CA; H. Lukow, CA. tario, 725-3509 Beadle. C. Bankruptcy, 52V2 Oshawa, 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter: Financial Trade ild- ing, 167 King ied rently Oshawa "or: YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- finishing tered 'accountants. Licensed Trustees in|mates. K. Horner, 668-8377; 728-6869. Simcoe Street North, BRR Ar sane ereeneae. Blueprinting 725-6126 PAINTING, decorating, furniture re- Reasonable rates. Free esti- ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- roofing, chemneys, eavestroughing, fire- |places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 668- | 2774, BELL DRAFTING and reproductions Utd. 52' Simcoe Street North, 723-4661. Blue-| printing and photostatic copies, Building Trades No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling Bathrooms Kitchens Recreation Rooms | ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. | Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. |PAINTING, clean [ob, Reasonable. Free jestimates. Telephone 723-1385 or 668-8605 | anytime. |CUSTOM CARPENTRY, hertmodelting, |rec rooms, vanities, kitchens. For the) |artist's touch call 725-9103. |Carpentry VA |REMODELLING, trim work, cupboords, recreation rooms, and stairs. Free estl- mates. Telephone 725-7044. CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, biock and cement work. Free estimates, 728-7680 @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-365) a | PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery | Angus-Graydon 728-6254 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-| lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- feed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat-| tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve,| 725-0311. | CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered EE re-styled. Free estimate. See our mi A new department of Osh- awa's Quality Builder, Gorages Dentistry |CAREFOOT, DI | Surgeon, 172 King hk East, Oshawa. |For appointment, 728-517 DR. 4 JOHN M,C Dental iy! for re-covering. Slip fet 723-7212, TV. Rentals lew Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 linmes Allen A Sonal INTERIORS by WINDOLF [Well Drilling--Diggirg |WELL DIGGING by machine special- izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- jut Street West, Whitby, 668-2568 or 668- |2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, February 20721, and 22. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 By R. J. SCOTT -- ; hie UNLfED CASUALTIES YN NAVAL, | Sune WARFARE ARE THE FISH. Kus! EVERY MINE TORPEDO OR DEPTH= 3 BOMB "HAT EXPLODED At SEA KIS a xs" ENOUGH Fist fo FEED AYILLAGE. NE FOR MONTHS, Fi i Famous 4 yur au ) = ry; Ati ARE MORE MEX noe HAM WOMEN INSERT EXERCISE; : SAU CAR? ADM ITED 4 WEIGHTS : MENTAL Hospitals AND Pots COMEDY MOTIVE. OF VAM IK "HEIR EARL i LOBES 6 GREK THEM TT Wer sah rer, 11--Pets and Livestock |17--Female Help Wented|18--Male Help Wanted YELLOW LABRADOR PUPS for sale,| 8 weeks old. For information telephone | 723-3575, BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, Maha de 'giles Apply 14 Elgi CLERK WANTED Previous banking experience Broad, 12--Articles oo ae WANTED --. bed-chesterfield, fair condi- tion, Reasonable. Also dog house. Tele- Phone Hampton 263-8860. GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have you? Valley Creek '6 Bond Street West, 728-4401. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.| Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's ~ Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. 13--Articles for Rent Apply: TORINTO-DOMINION BANK Whitby EMPLOYMENT Two girls to do pleasant tele- preferred but not essential. "FOR IMMEDIATE OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION requires a LICENSED MECHANIC Must have cor and experience, knowledge of buses would be an asset. 40 hour week (day and evening shift); shift premium 5%. truck Good wages ond_ benefits which include 9 stotuatory holidays. One and a_ half days a month occumelative Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- phone contact work. No ex- perience necessary. Grade 11 sick leave credits, pension, hospitalization, PSI, life ine surance. Coveralls supplied. es, | Cutlery, pene, we education. Salary and bonus. Urns, Punch Bowls, Brida . Wear, Men's Formals, White CALL 576-3320 MR. PURSER Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. : HOUSEKEEPER | live | Inf five days SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Re: § 725-9008 lune or tario, Colborne, for ing WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. full-time conditions employment. week. Children 18, 13 and 5. Good home. On- SALESLADY - BOOKKEEPER required Good work and employee benefits. Vacations ---- two weeks ofter one yeor, three weeks ofter 10 years, four weeks after 20 years. a All replies held confidential. Apply by letter only, giving pertinent information to Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. Telephone 725-5443, Singer Sewing. Centre, MR. L. ALGAR, ENTERTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred|'r 4PPointment. oa 100 Simcoe Street South, people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|HOSTESS FOR DINING ROOM, with or Oshawa, Ontario | quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen.|without experienc Reply in writing, . parking. 723-7726 Oshawa Times. '14--Business Opportunities |HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED for family ive in, jof three children, all at school, LADY WISHES RIDE to Toronto, vicin- ity of Queen and Spadina. Coaving Osh- |8--Articles for Sale awa 6.45, Telephone _Sfter 6, 725-3382. RIDE WANTED to Bay and Adelaide, arriving | 8.30 a.m. _Telephone_ 728- 6354. |GIRL wishes 1 ride to Toronto, 8.30. Telephone 723-9841, ate. covers made! | RIDE WANTED by young lady | from Osh- 0 order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charies| awa to vicinity of Thorneilffe perks ar-| jriving 8.30 a.m. Telephone 668-2: vicinity | |King and Yonge, arriving no later than | MacDONALD FORD SALES (Oshawa) Limited King St. W. at Stevenson Rd. Complete Mechanical Service | All Make Cars -- Licensed Mechanic -- Shell Products and Service Sales and Service 3--Sportsman's Column 723-5241 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION ' Call today for Free Estimates : _.728-7583. iD coats, covers, drapes. ressmaking dresses. | .APPLIANCE DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults, | Beautifully tailored slip- Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. REPAIRS Compass Building RENOVATION Gardening and Supplies Expert repairs to all makes a washers, dryers, ranges, Commercial and Private Offices - rec-rooms - home improvement. Free estimates. Quality workmanship -- low rates, Call collect 839-7957, 839-7935, RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! | CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; additional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 13¥gc each; 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 8.76; addi- tional words 24¢ each. Chorge--10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as { one word; phone number counts two i words, BIRTHS ---- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.25 per insertion with 25 cents addi- tional charge if not paid within 8 days 'N _MEMORIAMS charge if not paid within 8 days. COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display); $1.75 for the "Snow Time' ICE SALT WATER. SOFT SALT CALCIUM CHLORIDE WILD BIRD FEED SUNFLOWER SEED BIRD FEEDING STATIONS POTTING SOIL PEAT POTS PEAT STRIPS PLANT BOXES GARDEN SEEDS VERNICOLITE ROOTING COMPOUND PURITY DOG MEAL PET SUPPLIES Cooper-Smith DELIVERY SERVICE ESTABLISHED 1909 $2.25 for the first 35 words and 8c co. each theroatier plus [2s pe on vas verse; ic additional charge if not paid! . within 8 days. 16 Celina St. Pt ' CARD OF THANKS : $2.25 for the first 38 words and 6c 723-2312 723-1139 | each thereafter with 25¢ additional |SKATE EXCHANGE, bought 4--Motor! |HONDA ¢ 200, 90 « ee. $300 or r best of offer. | | Telephone 725-5688. e "Kiso PARTS AVAILABLE @ 5 Trailers and sold. | sharpening. Best prices. 16 Bond Street West. | new and used,| Hockey equipment, Valley Creek,| ~ RUTHERFORD'S © 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate delivery or loyaway. RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. South ALCAN _| FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 |NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-| jealls fo all_makes. New hoses. Phone| Jack Lees, 728-6956, GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call) 728-1742 or 723-0011, Septic Service down for travel. RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2-4 P.M, BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service |24 Safe. 725-4920. HI-LO TRAVEL camper up for living, | All aluminum. Elimina- tes wind resistance. Makes towing simple CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week: Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nos, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. GENTLY USED BRIDAL GOWNS jon calls. Walter Ward, |West, Whitby 668-2563. 204 Chestnut Street |6---Marine Equipment $10 - $15 Surveyors |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- jtario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue |" |prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. East. Phone | Evinrude motors. |week. Marine Storage and Supply 'ae H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) |Brooklin, 655-3641, lhe FIBREGLAS run-about vosts by Cadorette, including windshield, steering, Controls, etc. Very reasonable. 725-4920. "STARCRAFT," Open seven days Grew Traveller boats. SARGEANT'S 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street 725-6881. TV--Radio Repairs TV |7--Swap and Barter rT) AND '64 GMC hait-t hai fale Palate Buick mumes taun| TRIO. TELEVISION H. dry tubs, three-piece bath set, Chinn, corner of Hillside and Park $. 8--Articles for Sale pick-up; boa! end Til $60. -------- A-1 Condition 7 a '| FOR SALE --- USED | TV SETS 728-5143 35 Division St. 8727. KENMORE WRINGER washer, In A- eee Telephone after § p.m. 668-60 INVIGUEE and for sale. Open weekends. Antique Shop, Ashburn, 1 mile west of Myrtle, off No. 12 Highway. or best offer, Also 30 gallon hot water tank, 728-4288. ONE antenna, complete with rotor and masting, $25. Telephone 723- Wiad a.m, ONE BENDIX Super Deluxe from 8-10 a.m. ingroom suite, gold brocade, beautiful new condition. Telephone 725-2998. LARGE, OLDER TYPE electric stove, $35.; also kitchen sink unit with taps, small _ refrigerator. 263-8860. ice, all makes. Free estimates. Call your | local, Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. DININGROOM SUITE, seven pieces. one condition, Must sell. Telephone 725- 038. WASHER, $25.; crib, $15.; coffee table,| two end tables, $22.; swivel rocker, $18.; IMPORTED DRESSES and suits from many style-setting countries, excellent condition. Also lovely winter coats, all in size 10. Telephone 723-: -4402, BOX TRAILER, 4 x_ x 8 tires. T 723-7196 TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end SERVICE COLOR first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter (Word Ads). Instruction BLACK ond WHITE AUCTION SALES $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, WILL TUTOR PUBLIC and high schoo! students. Telephone 728-2075. FOR THE BEST CALL DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Money to Loan 1 WILL LOAN you up to reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. 723-4631. $5,000 at a 1, Bl ae TELEVISION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Mortgages FOR IN _MEMORIAMS akg CARD OF THANK: 5 p.m, DAY Previous CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day Previous, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before} publication will be eharged one day's insertion BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to damaged alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re- plies, however caused whether@by negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. tne REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE TISEMENTS cater Mie d OTHERWISE) coat IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE! The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Moneys mortgages. MORTGAGE LOANS available for and second mortgages. Open No bonus. mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- first First forward replies to box numbers to the chased advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no liability in respect of loss or M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 NEED MONEY? PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? AN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-| Payment with VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND THE) mortgage loan PRICE CHARGE FOR A | oF fat SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. ,7 comp Cle oa details DOUG TERWILLEGAR RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| Why not consolidate all your debts with one low monthly low cost coll BRANCH REALTY 51 King St. E Oshawa Bus. 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 INVESTMENTS LIMITED The publishers FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail- endeavor to reproduce all adverising| able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock! matter correctly, but assume no liability|Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. of advertisement it any inaccuracies in |FIRST A AND SECOND mortgages, sale sale | |agreements purchased and sold. Hennick | {and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street) East, 723-7232. Coll Classified Direct Nursery Schools 723-3492 CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column INDEX TO | | R TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Doy Nursery School egister now. For Let your child enjoy this won- derful method of teaching. appoint- ment call 723-0734, 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestoc® 12--mrticles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment wanted 16--Agents Wanted 17--Femaie Help Wanted 18--Malv Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties 2i--Farms for. Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent rates, plies. painting, | |Painting | and Decorating _ RELIABLE PAINTER will p rior of average house, $200.; and clean and wax all floors when paint Inte Inte- lob completed. | Telephone 723- 0749 anytime. INTERIOR decorating, hanging, wood finishing. Free estimates. Upton's Painting, 723- 297. Paper Plum ing and 'Heating ALL TYPES OF | REPAIRS and remodel- ling, new and used materials. Reasonable Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL fF PLUMBING AND HEATING Sup- Telephone 725-3521, Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, |255 Simcoe Street South. Harold H. Stark 33--Automobies Wanted 26--Apartments for Rent ee 27--Rooms for Re [Printing 28--Room and Board 29--Wanted to Rent ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Poco oe LP eM Letterheads, envelopes, in- 22--Trucks for Sale voices, statements, business cards. Expert advice on lay- ba Cece outs. Dance tickets, wedding 36--Legal invitations. 668-3830 CARLYLE PRESS 151 Brock St. N., Whitby CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION YOUR OWN Ty TOWER 728-5143 | Corner Bond and Division | T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better | tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD: NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct 'condition . . . $6.88, @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bor adjustment extra. e BRAKE: SPECIAL Most popular cars. First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including went: per wheel each cere: eee SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES ° UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 TAUNTON RD. E. Gust East of Ritson) 723-8131 - 723-8132 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 TV. SERVICE Call Anytime Day or Night. TOWN Stretch your food ~ dollar, SAVE 15-20% ON YOUR FOOD BILL. Stock your freezer ready for lay-off etc If you already own a freezer you can still join our famous food club and get all 15 valuable privileges. Savings and quality guoranteed. Freezer and shopping privileges for os little os $198. For more information or appointment phone Oper- ator B, 723-1163. 'Chambers Food Ltd. 933 Ritson South COUNTRY _T.V. 623-2151 | 90 day guarantee on all work. SERVICE CALL' ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. 24-HOUR TV CRERVICE towers, ¢ anten-| repairs. City, JOE'S COLOR TV ah 'ad Fast repairs. European radios a cialty. 13 Bond W., 576-1670. CABLE TV -- For full details call Rep- resentative Roy Yeo, 723-5278, evenings 725-2217. | HOW 10 GET IT: 'if you do not tind the | fem you want in the Want Ads, place a spe- "Wanted" @d and get iti Dial 723-3492, TREMENDOUS SAVINGS on MATTRESSES Spring filled mattresses POM Gace ses 17.88 Smooth top mattresses 29.95 Bunk beds, complete 69.95 Continental beds 48.88 Bedroom suites (3 piece) from . WILSON' 'S FURNITURE 20 Church St. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS GUARANTEED .WORKMANSHIP Oshawa Transmission Service 1175 Nelson Street -|VALLEY CREEK -- used furniture and tables, one coffee table, two table lamps. All good condition. Box 57293, Osh- awa Times. t FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- Baron's niture, Pay only $15 monthly. Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe TV TOWERS SPECIAL - 40-foot tower structure, all-channel antenna $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29.3 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. MOTOR 327, Chevrolet V8, balanced four-speed transmission. Telephone 723- 2229. TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, $30; adding machine, $20; cash register, $35. Electric multiplier. 723-4434, TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, | all channel antenna; $50. TRIO Television, | 728-5143. 8 SERTAPEDIC mattresses, only $49.50. Limited time offer! Save $40.00 a@ unit! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe St. S. | TYPEWRITERS $49. No money down, |$2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, jused, rentals, service, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. RECREATION BAR, glass, bottle rack, |$35; sewing machine, $5; sectional ches- |terfield, $10; rifle, .22 automatic, $45. {Other articles, 725-3043. | 1967 $KI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar- |dier, world's largest producer of soft soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, now on display, United Rent-All Marine, Oshawa's only authorized Ski-Dco dealer, 535 King St. E. at Wilson, 728- 5565. PIANO -- apartment size, new, $175.00 off regular price! Barons' Home Furnish- ings, 424 Simcoe St. S. RGLAS FENDERS from $19.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Rebuilt starters and generators, 1175 Nelson St. 725-2162. CONTINENTAL BEDS, complete from $39.95; mattresses from $19.95.; all types headboards, one-third off. 723-3889. |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. |Guaranteed trouble-free winter |purchase from Western Oil Company.! 725-1212, : | SKATES! A large selection of new and jused. Also hockey equipment, bargain | priced' hockey sticks. Circle Centre, 204 | Bond Street East, 725-6344. | ATTENTION! "ICE FISHERMEN -- jlive| BRING | your pork to Bowmanville Frozen | jminnows, excellent assortment of artifi-|F00d Service, | cial baits and riggins. Emm's Snack Bar| Hickory Smoke. 623-5578. DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock F ed up promptly. Tyrone. 2721, BALED HAY FOR SALE, cut Timothy. Excellent horse feed per bale, delivered in Oshawa, Telephone Port Perry, 985-2440. 10A--Butchers and Sports Shop, 103 Queen St., Lindsay. GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, Resgh 4 refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Simeoe South. 723-0011. 289 AND 39 FORD motors, 283 and 327 Chevrolet motors. Any other auto- moobile parts, call Chaskavich Auto Wrecker, East Oshawa. GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, installed, | 9 Whitby, 668-847. Telephone 723-9439. it you | 9A--Eggs & Poultry White Feather "Farms, D articles In- see heavy duty range, refrigerator, ft.; freezer, dryer, Soeraten TV- redio stereo, fireplace, three complete; Tappan range hood. Apply mi] Windsor Ave. or 723-5018. ONE-HALF PRICE SALE -- men's | lish wool suits and sport coats. These were made up for customers but were Not picked up. Suit sizes 36, 37 and 40. Reg. $69.50. Sale price $35. Sport Brel sizes 36,.37, 38, 39 and 44, Reg, $35. Sal price $17.50 each. Mercantile Dept. lors, Whitby Plaza, 321 Brock St. S. 668-3468. USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. | Goodrich, 88 King Street est. 5- 4543. SINGER ZIG-ZAG a atic sewing machine, eight 1I9- -zag fashion discs free; 7¥a-hour sewing lessons free. Brand new with carrying case included. Only $1.25 per week. Telephone 725-5443. Sing-| er Sewing Centre. "ih POSSESSED SINGER Zig-Zag aa orivate room, Telephone 725-6705. ating ace and references to: Box 48400, -- WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR cal OKilled Turret "second hand furniture Hidden Corner erate a business that only u a return of $150 to $4 monthly. quires 6 hours weekly. Offers Excellent possibilities for ex- PART TIME POSITIONS for single and marr 8 : women trained through SPEEDHAND, Articles for Sale the Canadian ABC System, endorsed by| Lathe Operators Dept. of Educaticn, enables you to quali- LARGE TABLE-SAW and a_Westing- ABSOLUTELY fy Ii toes ly in ten weeks at home. No salesmen. house deep fgeezer. Telephone 725-1608 NO SELLING Open evenings. Free lesson. Wrife or and Machinists BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- phone 668-4607, Cassan Systems, 805 pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. INVOLVED Beech St., Whitby, Ont oe THREE-QUARTER CONTINENTAL bed,| OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED! for Tup. new, $50.; squirrel jacket, $50.; cocktail | Opportunity to own and op- perware dealers, part-time or full time. | AN DREW and day dresses, size 15. Telephone 668-/| Will train, car necessary. Telephone 668- re- | 6806, 723-0377. |START "NOW--tull or part-time, earn BEAVER TABLE SAW large model, $125 18-ELEMENT golden "ultra "fringe aio dryer, priced for quick sale, Telephone 723-8084 | SOLID WALNUT French Provincial liv- Telephone Hampton TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- f pansion. Choracter references. Invest- ment of $2,900 required. 18--Male Help Wanted _ 00 while you learn with Beauty Counselors. ANTENNA Telephone Mrs. Grose, 725-5235. | RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit, Bayview! CO. LTD area, bifid ae Lara sore 2 : nursery school. Shift work involv ele- phone 668-8524 after 4 p.m. 606 eel tial Write and tell little obout yourself. OSHAWA TIMES BOX 47183 Out of town applications invited '|ARE YOU QUALIFIED to run a busi-| ness ef your own? Write or call for a »|free list of approved franchise opportun- :\ities and information on p.s. Profile. PARTAKE, Dept. 0-4, 300 Yorkdale,' To- ronto 19. (787-1742) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Owner re- tiring and wishes to sell a profitable res- ftaurant business. Audited financial state- us a INTERESTED IN-A SELLING CAREER [ment available to interested parties Phone for details. Douglas J. M. Bullied | Realtor, 723-1168, YOU CAN MAKE MONEY raising chin chillas in spare room, garage, or base- ment. Good markets, Stonehouse Chin Giningrogm hutch, $38.3 heavy duty) Cis' Ranch, RR 1, Uxbridge. District Stove, $20.; kitchen set, $40.; dresser, Representatives, Clarence Pearsall, 723- $10.; refrigerator, $30.; kitchen buffet, P WON 91 $20.; oil burner, $40.; movie camera,| 2498, Port Perry, Alf Newnham, 985-7598. $29.; electric guitar, $31.; diningroom RESTAURANT, "fully" "equipped, 19. ft. suite, $40.; double wardrobe, $19.; elec-| frontage, 1,220 sq. ft. floor area. Apart te waite, $3.; electric heater, $10.;|ments above. Downtown locale. Don't radio, + space saver, $19.; barber's hesitate to capitalize on a terrific in. * chair, $20; | Sunbeam Mix-Master, $10.i/vestment! Low down payment with ven- A young man required by | D + Shotgun, $19. Before 6 p.m.,'dor taking back mortgage. Call Jack . 728-4401. Graham, Guide Really Limited, 16 Sim-| DUSiness equipment man- coe Street South, 723-5281. ufacturer as a sales trainee. No selling ex- perience necessary. The successful applicant will attend a four week train- ing program at the com- pany training centre. |15--Employment | Wanted | } BY INSURED PERSON. Also| ind cartage or will rent truck | with driver, 728-2882. | RELIABLE LADY will do housework or| | Ironing. Telephone 723-7237, |EXPERIENCED F PAINTER wishes part- time painting or delivery with his own station wagon. _Telephone 728-1258. | ELECTRICIAN maintenance | apprentice | pale' English, seeks position in or ound Oshawa, Telephone 723-6089 after | REQUIREMENTS DAY CARE for one or two children in| my home. Brooklin 655-4837. ILL DO BABY SITTING In own home| Age 21 to 30 north end of Oshawa. Telephone 263-2126. |WILL GIVE responsible and kind care to| High School education jchild in my own home. Vicinity of Ra- |vine Road. References supplied. Please preferred *|felephone 725- 6213 | | HOUSEWORK WANTED by the day, 9 to 4. Telephone 723-6219. Wty 8 WOMAN requires A car is necessary "position In | ng machine, take over monthly, new machine warranty. Tele. Phone 725-5443. FOUR-BURNER electric stove, Frigid- aire refrigerator, kitchen set, venetian blinds, two pairs drapes. Bargain prices on all. Telephone 723-6203 after 5 p.m. KENMORE WRINGER washer, in A-1 Condition, $50. Telephone after § p.m. 668-6055. ANTIQUE PINE cupboard, several chairs, Telephone 668-6624. TAPE RECORDER, record ¢ player, 2 am- plifler, two speakers. Also a gasoline en- gine. Reasonable. Telephone 723-6030. | - j ANTIQUE SETTEE, about 1850. High) back, rolled arms, blue damask. Tele-| phone 649-5910, Claremont. | TWO ACCORDIONS -- one three-quarter | size, 120 bass, Camerano; one full size, 120 bass, $250. 668-3596 after 6 pm. PORTABLE Celleni, el aga two years "old. 9--Market Basket ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, free delivery. "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- Oshawa 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. EGGS 10--Farmers' Column curing, smoking. Genuine Margwill Fur Farm,} Telephone Collect Hampton 263- Licence 4-C-66. Choice June 1, S50. television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 coe South. 723-0011 | TYPEWRITER -- - Ras | working order, $125. Mack | Storage i |VACUUM REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering. appliances bought and sold. Best prices. 16 Bond Street W., 25 Bond: Street E., |¢, 728-4401. 9 WESTINGHOUSE 39" range, 4.5 cu. ft. Leib rde gl kitchen table with chairs, each; pore tape recorder, com- ple: $70. 723- and appliances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. ci NEW ELECTRIC guitar, hollow body, |" single pick-up. Refrigerator, apartment size, $35. Telephone 728-1556. COMPACT combination vacuum cleaner d a floor polisher. Also a carpet sweeper. . Good condition. Telephone 728- 5779. piste also Wooden playpen. Telephone 725- QUALITY MEATS cut to order, 11--Pets and Livestock NEWFOUNDLAND -- a | and Dachshunds. BUY AND | ai -- good used furniture | $75. delivered. 985-2645 equipment, clothes. ALL TYPES "of horses CLIPPING SERVICE, all breeds, poodles ol cave BABY CARRIAGE, good condi-| pr ey: le" ges 3881 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale, FIRTH BROTHERS Quality Meat Market BRING YOUR PORK OR BEEF TO US--QUICK FROZE Custom Cutting and Wrapping 5c PER LB. 47 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-5081 Gr. A reshly killed beef. Duffy's Super Market, 46 Simcoe N. 723-9371. also Toy Terriers House trained, $35. to OZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- erds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, Ashburn, 655-4662. for sale. horse. $25 lown. 942-1101. ur specialty. Free Rese and delivery. AM-FM STEREO "Multiplex receiver, 12-|© unit speakers, 723-9075. tube, nine diodes, input and outputs for {DOG CLIPPING -- Superior | phonograph, tape recorder, external ia bg prices, ight | weeks old, $50. and up. 655-3881. work _ at Call and compare. 728- Alax. Six years' key punch, some typ ie A ideal office and cash experience. Above average salary Paes nale | Help "Wanted | while training: Guaran- case GIS a aa) caste Sa teed territory. Earnings of over $6,000.00 for LADIES ! J Earn Extra Money! first year minimum re- quirements. 5 day week. Company benefits _ in- "| North American Fashion clude, group and medi- | Frocks, Canada's largest dir- cal insurance, pension ect selling company in wo- plan, etc. requires wo- interested in men's apporel men who are Evening or Saturday Oppoint- earing money in their spare ments Can Be Arranged. time with our "Party Plan". We are also looking for Managers. new For Appointment Call MRS. POWERS If you have leadership ability and are interested in a new exciting and profitable me- thod of selling, please call Mr. Bob Boret, who will be in Oshawa, THURSDAY, FEB- RUARY 9, at the GENOSHA HOTEL, telephone 723-464] ~~ OLIVETTI for_ more ipfermation | | UNDERWOOD BEELINE FASHIONS LIMITED Now looking for part-time or full representatives in your. area. Choose your own hours, no experience neces- sory. We will train, samples {| supplied. Use of car neces- 723-1105 time REAL ESTATE SALESMAN SONY Wanted immediately two real For 'personal interview call pally peta! to fill re- : cent created vacancies. Mrs. Christoffersen, 942- y Must be capable and desirous of earning high commissions. Only people interested in real estate as a career with a progressive established office will be considered. The num- ber or personnel on our sales staff are limited, ensuring excellent working conditions and opportunities. One sales- 2347, to-day. REQUIRED Electrical Maintenance Man for plant in Ajax. Write to Box M47884, Oshawa Times. sO IN NTE ___}| man with farm listing ex- perience an advantage. Ap- SHIRT PRESSER fe Experienced Good wages. Apply ONE HOUR MARTINIZING LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40:King St. E 728-4678 You'll Find Whatever Whitby, 668-6491 You Want--In the limes Interesting work and good rates of pay. Apply by TELEPHONE 668-3348 __MR. J. C. CAIGER NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE OSHAWA _REPRESENTATIVE Generous Commissions, Employee Benefits Apply NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE P. O. Box 2845 _London, Ont. 'MEAT MANAGER. EXPERIENCED Required to take eomplete charge, in large independent food market. Good working conditions. Write. Box M 47767 OSHAWA _TIMES POLICE CONSTABLE British 8", Appliconts must be subjects, minimum 5' medicolly fit, ot least two years high school, of good character and habits, Apply in person to the CHIEF OF POLICE Pickering Twp. Police Dept. Dunbarton, Ont. ~ SALESMAN With accounting experience to act as Soles Manager with Long Distance Moving Com- pany. Excellent opportunity for right man. All inquiries confidential. Apply in' writ- ing to Box 48296, Oshawa Times TOOL MAKERS © Harmac Industries Whitby Limited 1606 Charles Street 668-4981 | SALESMAN. Excellent opportunity with |an international company. Our Oshawa | office showed 145 per cent increase in 1966, Maybe this is the chance you have been waiting for. Age 23 to 35 with desire is succeed. Write box 54962 Oshawa | Times, WANTED -- Young men to plan ca- reers on rallway, as agent - telegraphers. First pay around $475. month, five-day week. Pension and commission on Ex- press. Code machine and self-teaching books enable you qualify at home on easy terms. No salesmen. Open eve- nings. Free folder. Write or phone 668- 4607. Cassan Systems, 805 Beech St» Whitby, Ont, YOUNG MAN to learn the supply busi- ness. Apply fully in own handwriting, |Nryers Products (Oshawa) Limited, PO Box 235 YOUR NEXT JOB! Will it pay up to $12,000 in a year? We have a fine offer for man over 40 who can make short auto trips around Oshawa. Write Presi- dent, Dept. AS, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto 17, Ontario. WAITER WANTED. Apply Queen's Hotel, North, Fulltime work, 67 Simcoe Street DRIVER WITH CAR, | part-time daily, no evening work. Apply Box 47927, Osh- awa Times. JANITOR REQUIRED -- six-day week, 6 p.m. to 2 a.m, Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. No phone calls, please. EXPERIENCED salesman required. Ap- ply Canadian Tire Corp., 311 Brock Street North, Whitby. VIOLIN PLAYER for country and west- ern group, single and willing to travel. Telephone 725-8908. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET 19-- M Port part This home Schox has vatec $16, recre olso listed One « north price. built- Towe tence down been for se! For Willar Irwin Irene Marg Ed Dri Maible George Mike Mel C Reg A Bill M OPE! Mem WE | MORT( 360. Gu Centra! new o lot. As North alow o frontag 900. North store w acre Ic 000. V in Osh 100 ac new ba 96° acr trade « awa, 2 Acre frontag Full pri After Inger J

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