Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Feb 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, YOU POOR BOVs.0. THE VIET CONG SPOILED OUR LAST GET-TOGETHER, Tuesday, February 7, 1967 C/MON, LET'S GO Buz, LET'S NOT LET 'EM THIS TIME, ; TO SOME GAYER ( pe PLACE. YOU NEED HANG 'THE VIET CONG! CHEERING UR, HOW ABOUT DATING ME UP EVERY NIGHT 4 i=) 3 A WEEK? By B. JAY BECKER a a . (Top Record-Holder in Masters' a n Individual Championship Play) f 4 B South dealer. ' z fa North-South vulnerable. ™ a NORTH Tor $K1085 Pg 93106 fiohte, 26 rom Gwooo:- LEAVE A LITTLE OPENING, } $KQ72 I HEAR A VERY IN CASE I COME BACK 4 EAST SUSPICIOUS NOISE THRU HER IN A HURRY 473 OQI794 COWNSTAIRS 9Q958 @K8i2 | ee 7 @K87320 0 GAB Aire 85 $963 am e SOUTH Am A632 Ana. GAT Ansil i) 31094 aioee = &AI104 Arcadi = The bidding: Alles South West North Fast reps 1m@ Pass 1 Pass Bethin 2@ Pass 3 Pass Brelor Camfle coeets lead -- three of dia- cane e antre Here is a fine example of the ala art of card reading. Let's say Seated you have the East hand and Ehime IT MADE MEA partner leads a diamond. Dum- Chrom L MILLION// o my plays the queen, which you Sle b<¢ win with the ace, and the ques- Con-Ke Eo tion is what to do next. You ei > | ME TO DECIDE! should not automatically return Cc Mo: tal oF CONTINUE SUR- partner's suit, especially since rag Ne ao "ES VEILLANCE! declarer, by playing the queen, € Red 1 appears to be trying to get you Conwe: ee to do so. hd fay Note that in the actual hand, pasted oS N ' if you lead back a diamond, Daerg -- 'FRAID YOU'RE South makes nine tricks--two ed na ely svaies, a = two diamonds Discov: : and four clubs. Donela However, the proper return led : of a low heart defeats the con- Frobex Z coo Arye 9 oe Sica THERES BEEN ENTIRELY TOO MUCH HEY, ED, CAN I tract, and the question is BuRe WICK SHOOTING BOYS, THEYRE BA EXPENSE-ACCOUNT PADDING ON LUNCHES: BORROW YOUR whether you can tell this from Goldra TURNING TAIL/ BY A GUILTY FEW, AND. ITS the information at hand. pti & P c T TO The first thing to do before Granisi eS | making the next play is attempt Gunner | to get a count on declarer's Hard | . distribution, and the best way reer ep es of accomplishing this by ana- High-B 7) lyzing the suits one by one. ig in S > Thus, you can conclude that Iron B S t=} South started with precisely ea four diamonds. This is easily Jowsey bey arrived at when you consider gh : = that West led the three, pre- Kirk 7 sumably his fourth best card. fap He is bound to have a jwer tou diamond, the deuce, because if Leitch p South had the deuce he would ee. (8 DEMAND A NOW HOLD ON TELEVISION LOG FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE have five diamonds, which is ic NEW ROOF FOR A MINUTE, H nis mnpeeias on idding. Maclec THE HENHOLSE/ EGONES on HUNTING TIPS BS geal gg dll gy Me Matigm THE OLD ONE il Chanel 12--Peterborough 10:00 P.M, 1 11:25 A.M, : lading tha ou has_ three eae LEAKS! ; cus! beteme. | Tle | 34-St. Lawrence North | DUCKS WILL FLY IN AGAINST | CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING ISA |spades, neither more nor less. piety z Channei 8--Rochester | 4--OBS Reports 9--Magistrate's Court THE WIND. TRY TO KEEP THE | FACTOR wren on ARE OUT (He would have raised spades Min-Ore i Channel 7--Buttale 3-6-12--News Magazine 7--Dating Game WIND AT YOUR BACK. HUNTING VARMINTS. again with four of them.) That petty eG { Channel 4--Buttale 3-6-12 _Pablle eve Sar thliywied sauatie : : -jaccounts for seven. of his thir- New C ma i Channel 2--Barrie '--Mayor Reports 12:00 NOON teen cards. Noonex é Channes 2--Buttalo 00 PM. 12--Cartoon Party There is also a strong pre- ipses 8 | a 12-7:428-3-6119-- News | gomeney Movie sumption that South has exact- N_ Kel . ' vey ae Weather end Sports s Luncheon 'Date ly four clubs, not only be- Ny . MM, 8 - 4 " , i e I2--Cartoons Vues a Pepeve Fa cause S bid hs hy i hel ener |--Family Theatre 11.25P.M. }-8--Jeopardy Cause he wou m probably a ye ald al N--Plerre Berton aaa je P.M. have rebid a notrump over the Neriée, eros Skiing with Stein' | Tisit's @ Match spade response with 3-3-4-3 dis- Herman ury anal 3--News;, Weathers tribution. He cannot have five perees 5:30 P.M, -ihwle . 'aye Goon clubs because that would give Northea Pasty lnyand ny oe lek Chcsan $-4-- Search tor Tomorrow him a singleton heart--also im- peabody x a, rv. riffin : . "i 6--Mustc Hop possible on the bidding. Opem 3}--Lared 2A 12:4 P.M. Orch cee | SES rn | eel sai cma gatos th sa 0:00 FM. NaN Miceab N--Theatre IF YOU ARE STALKING GAME. | TO REMOVE DENTS INYOUR {co at trick two you shift to a per 7--Movie 1145. P.M, ovie TRY TO MAKE YOURSELF IN~ | GUNSTOCK PLACEAWETCLOTH [70 81 Ek Om). SOu ntl Salted &--Reach for the Top | 6--Movie ae ee Pores CONSPICUOUS. OVER DENTS, AND PRESS A part, est wing Pick C 4-8-12--News, Sports witt| aye aa AM. 5 een Galey HOT IRON ON THE CLOTH. with the queen. He leads back pine P #:20 P.M, il hlebeaalte é--Luncheon Date DON'T DO ye his fourth best heart, to which all 12--Girl from UNCLE WEDNESDAY 4--Meet The Millers THIS 2. you follow low, and South must Probe. | N--Pierre Berton 8:00 A.M. bSueiere er m now go down one Que LI 3-69--News; 4--Captain Kangaroo 64--As The World Turns ma os Que M escauniny, SAnkley N<albert 3. "Stes geste pee Deal WIN SPORTS CAR RALLY 3, sue 4--News 9--Romper Room : icttog Radiore 7:00 P.M. ae Ps Se ee ane TORONTO (CP)--Battling ice ne oa N--Captain Nice irl Talk #-2--Days ot Our Lives and drifting snow, Lutz Ecker Roman =F Troop 9:00 A.M. 2:30 P.M. and David Shipperfield of Tor- Ryanor en | 11--Litle 'People Hail onto Sunday won the 300-mile io TT SAYS "CLOSED UNTIL WELL, THE LAWYER saYS] [ WHaT's THAT ODD \-- SHHHH... IT 1S Pam ih add il 9--Uncie Bobby #-8-- The Doctors Sports Car Club night drive Sherritt FURTHER NOTICE." WAIT EITHER 1 FIGHT THE |] NOISE COMING FROM 2--News; Weathers &--Smile Time ie Daan Gin rally. They had two penalty Sina \ UNTIL GET MY HANDS } | CREDITORS' CLAIMS IN Jj CRYING!! Sports Pr gg ica '-Linklettar's Party points in théir Fiat 850 sedan. Siscoe COURT OR-- HEY... 3| LIKE SOMEBODY. 7.20 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Second in a Datsun 1300 sedan Stanrck THE DOOR'S OPEN! J |#\_ cRYING! Fen PEP Lag ot Ue | M--Marriage Confidential were Klaus Ross of Montreal ser wn ; Fe Pee ey aaa ie ae Cacarother Word and Paul Manson of Toronto. Territor 3 4 ester, Trek | 2--Topper ° Fi hole tal They had four penalty points. Best 3 Pas dein | 10:00 A.M. 3-612---Take 30 Third place overall in a Volvo Tribag i=} } cae MEd Allen, Time hed. YOUR HEALTH Do Ged kee tn pier] a i 3-Gilligan's Is! 9--Fractured Phrases News U. Mini 4 RA at ah clg Sz Mete Schools 10 eM Don Ross, both of St. Cathari- U As zi aie | | eeedeae | Re ee nes with M penalty points tate hy "M. -12--Canadiar hoo! $55 4 ve aye sent Sin say eealet toe | ENTS, | SOMetimes A Word in, 8:30 P.M. | Ne gh eld 3-4-6-12--Edge of 'Night SALLY 5 SALLIES Willrey "see |ecorcetcain | spat nt To Calm Peopl aia "TRed 'Skelton (Beverly Hillbillies har! wn, ey 0 a m eop e -8--Occasional Wite 3412 Friendly Glant 3e12--Communicate, :00' P.M. 11:00 A.M. 4--Secret_ Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, 3.6:12---Quentin Durgens hor le Be rg 2--Mike Doulas, d > aD mines 2-8--Movie baad % .M. is Ars. i : ey Bantt amen | eu | Sey weeshaer | 7 spend a good deal of timejted interval for another x-ray oo BUT WHAT'S A N--Merv Griffin | 7--Supermarket Sweep 8&--Woody Woodpecker in this column explaining when/which would be a wise precau- id Bl KEY GOT "To Rea B Roeitee one ee seit ong John sliver |Vatious symptoms should send|tion. If the marks on the lungs e Non eB j DO WITH IT F 7--Peyton Place | Matches and Mates 7--Dream Girl folks. to the doctor. have not changed, then there Ses o "| But sometimes a word is war-| would be good reason to assume Cent Di = ACROSS 2.Colleague 21. French [AFITONENPIOCOM® [ranted to calm people down a that something happened to you C east 1, Boy -- 3. Metallic river CicIAIRIAMgIRIA(DIe} | bit. Here's a letter: jin the past, and is no longer Dynamic b 6. Man from rocks 23, Cry ees eee Dear Dr. Molner: I am 29 and) @¢tive. be ie i Basel 4. Employ ofa R the mother of three children. 1} Int Hel Me 11, Like an 5. Norse cow had a chest x-ray at a mobile| Dear Dr. Molner: This ques- > ae o equine god 24. Prof- unit and was notified that there|tion is so often raised: Does a| = guar irs N Cont = 12. Piebald 6. Freshet its was something on my lungs, |rowing machine firm up the| Brace yourself. It's your NC Oils pony 7.Longingly 25. Greek : Gelcaaian muscles or does it, as some say,| ™0ther AND my mother." Numsc 13. Scoff 8. Prep- moun- I went to a specialist who had overdevelop the upper body?--|--- Siaty 14. Flower osition tain large x-rays taken. They # pope cn REaaa roams Petrol EMPTUEIEINIS| |showed that 1 Mrs. H. C. reer i ri 15. Famous 9. Branch 27. Used IANS showe nal my lungs were : hair piece, but worrying about Abed \ singer's 10. Disgrunt- for Yesterday's Answer | marked, so I went to the hospital} For practical purposes, lit is a waste of energy and may Prairie. AT SIGN 16 JUST 70 KEEP US FROM COMING V7 monogram. led frying for a week of tests, including)don't think any of the standard] ayen hasten the hair loss. Ranger KIDS / INDOORS AND MESSING UP)7 16.In:2wds. 16, Light 29. Witness 36, S-shaped scrapings from the lungs, skin/€xercising machines will over- Seu HER HOUSE ./ pe 17. Hesitation breeze 31, Little molding tests, urine test and Pap test.|develop you anywhere. The) Note to E. M.: Low thyroid Tried C 1 : sound 1T. Biblical islands 38, Tattered The doctor told me he could work of rowing, whether in a can prevent conception, and thy- U Cans | ~~ 18, Headman country 33. Jargon cloth tell me what I haven't got but|00at or a machine, involves al;oid medication taken by mouth ate j 20. More 18, Attendants 34,Sandarac 39. Wrath could not tell me'what I do|!0t more than arms and shoul-|often helps. Having only one I = 3 Hy] par on winpew. J costly in Las tree 40.Balmoral have, The pathologist's report|ers: It's good exercise for the! ovary Jessens the chance of : ms 22. Boss on Vegas 35, Isin- Castle's siccha. Saeaa tee POT! hack hips and legs af Abitibl H shield 19. Cackler glass viver was "unidentified. ata ied Kailoaee pregnancy but does not make 'Alta Ga i 28. Constella- Doctor, is this possible? Or is| The main point to remember|it impossible. Alta Ga { tion [' Ie STF He Tt Je poy ithere a possibility that the doc-|is that exercise is exercise. Sep- Agari 27. Floating tor is keeping something from|Cial exercises can be helfpul in Alcan p oO YY} ice masses it Y me? I never cough up blood or|Certain types of deformities, but JOIN rll J 28. Bill of fare run a fever and I feel fine.--|for the average person, the A Argus C _ 29. Drawing mS WG Feo choice of an exercise machine FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL Asbestos rooms in faa "Lp That's a puzzler, but it has|depends on what you find agree- an en Paris " GY 1e happened to others. Sometimes|able. Or just do calisthenics. : : veo 30. Devout- "4 Y, <4 WY all we can say is that some|The physical effort is what|| on their SUNTOURS om ; WE SPEND ALL THIS 1 AND THEN Do Pit OI: Vee Por calcification or scarring has oc-| Counts. Bathrst ILL BET FLIES MONEY PUTTING IN ALL OUR WALKING su 82, Busis FX Ge aa tes curred, and leaves a mark, but TOUR to ee SURE THINK PEOPLE CEILINGS... ss a Z the disease which caused it is|, Dear Dr. Molner: I am a ' Bramale | ARE CRAZY! >aegioity 3 Wig all over, and it is no longer|boy, 17. I fear that I am going EXPO 67 Brazilian as : 1, possible to prove what the origi-|f0 lose my hair. Every older BA Oil wv] 37. Gazelle i y male relative is bald. Can bald BC Free 38. Firm ag . nal ailment was. Bm tt oe aig Every Friday (7:00 p.m.), Bus BE Pach "a 41, Mother-of- Z, The tests you have had ob-|ness be hereditary? What can I/f jeqving for 3 days. Every Mon- BC Pho { pearl YYUALE "sg viously rule out : tuberculosis,|d0 medically or through drugs|f day for 5 days (including Upper Br Intl | 42, Mountain Lae ZL, {cancer (the Pap test) and to prevent it?--Scared. Canada Village and Ottawa). Onin crest 9 . % 7A | others. Yes, baldness is a hereditary|f All accommodation, transporta- Calgy 5 | 43, Volcanic 7 ZL _ No, I don't think your doctor| matter, and I think it is fruit-|f tion, posses, return included. oe wn : tuff he a is concealing anything from/less to worry about it. There is Cen Cer 44, Web-footed you, and I suspect that you are|no reliable method of prevent- U Can tro SS birds " )** worrying too much. It's naturaljing this "male pattern bald- FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL ca ite = DOWN a5 V7Aaa for mothers of small youngsters/~ess "' and you achieve the least 57 King St. E Can Bre 5 1, Silent in- Y to worry, though. wear and tear on your nerves ee © Soh terjections ~s No doubt the doctor advised|by accepting this fact. Either Phone 576-3131 ¢ Imp § you to return after some speci-|let the dome shine, or get a : Ind ¢

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