6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, February 4, 1967 L G & S t | O t By Eric Wesslby As Crushmen Boost Lead i i PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Osh- Dowell at the Peterborough)pared to blow another three- Times Sports Editor awa Crushmen played one ex- blueline or het in ye aga se ek Pe ae ws ceptional period of hockey while Randie Reid to score after an| We i It's nice to know that clubs but O'Connor: wouldn't cary overs Haraee 1 lee a ply gr Benes paperless lg Ps 8 rina eer Pca 'Ge tas h mt h at ae d brilliant periods of goaltending Only one goal was scored in scored a goal within ; fog n ag 4 other than t wa wen: too unhappy le srarte; here Friday. the second period, but Giguere|of each other to make the score specialist, erals are having their troubles. to find the range the remaind- Crushmen handed Peterbor- provided more than enough ex-|5-1, with a minute and 45 sec- cottontail, prsignd ce Bape nndl ay er of the schedule. ough Don Byes their third citement as he soreety stop- one it Aa ise iver pe ituati i straight loss as they downed the ped what seemed to sure} Laframboise' second goal wi current situation as they face PP ogg ollie pity By or second place club 31 in Eastern 9 Peterborough goals. : similar to Knowles' opening many h Eddie Bush's high-flying Ham- onto Maple Leafs, rapidly. fal- Ontario Junior "B" Hockey Oshawa appeared to retain its|goal, as he took a quick pass hunting. ilton Red Wings at Civic Aud- ling eear oF fifth' place 'A the League action. advantage over Peterborough in|from Bradley from behind the With itorium. A win for coach Ted the: National 'Hockey. Lensue. Giguere kicked out 35 shots the second period, but Don Byes Peterborough net and put it in. more tim a Connors Crow 15 JUS BINA ee have lost eight atraigtt until Jim Grady finally put finally came to life and were; Webb's goal came on a break- tails than a necessity if it is going to games 'and manager-coach Peterborough on the scoreboard skating and passing well by the|away that resulted in a fast is not s gain gg ed on Montreal Punch Imlach is: pulling all with less than four minutes left midway point to take the initia-|skate for the puck, struggle for beagle |: Junior Canadians, who have aitings in wi attempt to. yet in the game. The Oshawa goalie tive. possession and a quick fake be- choice f another pair of home games tack on the winting Gack faced everything from booming In the second half of the per-|fore the eventual goal. When yo this weekend. Punch is going through play- shots from the point to several iod, they' were applying pres-| Crushmen's next game will beagles 1 This will mark only the sec- ers in grand style but nothing breakaways, and managed to % sure but could not get past|/be Friday when they are at a hot tra ond visit this season to Osh- seems to work. come out on top every time, Giguere. The Oshawa netmind-jhome to Trenton Apple Kings. ens in | awa for the Wings, but they with Bn exception of a j er ha grin ges fg ele + Oshawa: TiRST, PERIOD piel of already own four wins over Had a short talk with Dick scramble type of goal that saw a skate save on Rick McLeis shawa: Knowles : quick, cz Generals, having posted three Gamble Tuesday night. Gam- two Peterborough players bang- pars Picea omg and several difficult stops| » Oshawa: 'Latrambolse 7" sts tail wage straight triumphs at home. A ble, top goal - scorer with ing at the puck from five feet +++ Oshawa Star against Jim Glynn. plClaton) sci ais sgcig, OR cross the 'regular thorn in the Generals' Rochester Americans, was cal- out. Gtarke put Oshawa in front) sackness (P) 1:58 : music of side has been Hamilton cap- led up for Wednesday's game Peter Laframboise boosted (4...49 skated well and|3-0 late in the period, as Gary SECOND PERIOD ing, is e1 tain Freddie Speck, who has in Montreal, but the veteran ; ' his goal total to 20 as he led hacked hard to keep Peterbor- Bradley set up the goal on aj 3. Oshawa: Clarke man who counted five goals in the four a o gfe' the answer to . . peng bb pe me aa ore "oft balance and carried|pass play while going over the Penaitien' Re chitich (P) Oeste ing dog 3 games. If goalkeeper Rocky Imlach's problems, He was oger Knowles, Bob Clarke and}, © attack to the opposition. lueline. Bradley (0) 0:57, McLeish (P) 5:48, THIS I Iasi pna God" ie foe Sg. bate conde wre HEAVYWEIGHTS TALE OF THE TAPE Nppedigmmanindiaglaal PE II ge gg gm | alan by far wards i i the puzzle that is call later. Dick, by the way, Cassius Clay and Ernie ~ Clay, the unofficial champ- over cable television or on Crushmen coach Bob Dionne|202! pid ge ih Pika pede poh Saat lene te tate' ane Tiled PERIOD Fi gy goalkeeper Gerry Gray for the will operate his hockey clinic | Terrell complete their train- ion, is rated the favorite the wide screen at Maple |described his team's play in the the oat nlapned it into thelto the Oshawa defence and goal- é. Peterboro: Grady ae pe sti . Wings, Generals could move again next summer and has | ing sessions today for Mon- over Eee Mud ee Leaf Gardens in Toronto. |first period as 'the best all sea- et tae of he me tending , Osha Catrambeise Pan br en ; already lined w oalkeeper | day's world heavyweight Association champion. e ' son"'. : Q : : (Bradley, ' We - We cc ae sete rei Gary 'vethe Reaeing Giant" poring chinaioarhip bout bout may be seen locally (AP Wirephoto) Laframboise followed suit less} Grady scored at the igh 6. Oshawa: "Webb (Solomon) a ene po Red Wings gave Generals a Smith and defenceman Darryl than four minutes later when he|mark and, for a while, it AD-|\9/() 15:04, Welsh (0) (major) 18:51, extremely helping hand Thursday when Sly. e Osh awa Te ams stole the puck from Brian Mc-'peared as if Oshawa was pre-|Grady (P) (major) 18:51. bog Papi they trimmed Junior Canadians i in Hamilton, but you can bet That Imlach is desperate, is Vote Of Ol ifider ice 2 s ' During they won't be in a give-away evident when he can bench Register Wins pa aM mood tonight. Generals once Eddie Shack, the people's changing again are coming off a scoreless choice. He doesn't have Frank ] * Oshawa teams posted a pair a after man binge, having been blanked in Mahovlich available, Red Kel- of victories this week in exhibi- IT S HE deer with Kitchener last Sunday. They ly is not up to par, and Shack end or ave S lI i tion hockey. Oshawa novices ticks and picked up four goals in Boston is a threat to score. Maybe downed Peterborough 4-0 in one ONE DRIVE 1S -WORTH They have Wednesday against Niagara the benching will have the de- game and Oshawa pee wees A THOUSAND WORDS 4 dog « Falls Flyers, and 'Connor sired effect. Leafs, by the way, By BRUCE LEVETT veloped where a change would|trimmed Cannington 13-3 in an- bs) be, enaaaG Ms. poo must have been smiling be- face the on-rushing Detroit Red e in the interest of the league," : i "new 1200" ily cause the line of Bill 'Scott, Wings in Toronto Sent Wednes- ------ ee fares said. Hi Gary Aldred turned in the Bera Wie cra styled. Ace often thar Joe Robertson and Jerry. Di- day in what could be the big- | TORONTO (CP) -- Senator Among criticisms levelled at|Shutout effort for the novices, with big car characteristics -- drives en onne managed a pair of goals. gest game of the year for |Keith Davey, commissioner _of the senator were these: with goals going to Ken Mor- rape ager mgr eg ae to shoot It..wasRobertson's™ first "this both teams. the Canadian Football League, 1. That he told a--directors'|den, Gary Wiltshire, Robert performance, dependable economy becomes | said Friday he will not back meeting in Toronto that he was|Small and Jim Duignan. with up to 40 mpg. Standard equip: spoiled. down on any stand he has taken, against allowing a distillery to|, John Thaler fired three goals Sete ee aritewall' tes, IF You but that he will seek a vote of present major CFL player for the pee wees, with Terry heater and turn signals. buying a ee ers ee angers |confidence at the CFL annual awarfs: McKee, Jeff Rorabeck and hunting, n | meeting in Montreal later this 2. That he told Berger before|#tank Schram each connecting a dog a li | month. witnesses at a cocktail party he|f°F @ Pair. Single counters went usual = rur S d Ni ht | The senator, under fire from thought it was imperative to|t0 Harold Jukig, Dave McKee, should. ha un ay 1g a i y some league quarters seeking get new ownership for Montreal|Ctaig McLeod and Joe Green- ! good nose his dismissal after only five Alouettes and Toronto Argo-|'ree- : 160 Simcoe St. $ Z li & Nick S 728-0051 trailer. He By CLIFF GORDON -- a job, issued a press nauts, the tail-end: clubs in the Sayedcg Peony oo syns iota! 0 an 1 moving bu -- Whitby Lasco ie statement: Eastern Conference; son and ftom McLeish score ace than Potro ceogar Syren pees ee "In the last 24 hours there has 3. That he failed to show up|fr Cannington. tlear_volc Sunday to improve their play- © been considerable press specula- at 14 meetings he had agreed to you the ; off position as they play host tion about my future as com- attend; deer. to Woodbridge Rangers at Whit- Logs of the Canadian Foot- 4. That he criticized the Argo- A deer's ho Arena, Game tie is 7.30 all League. naut club as a stumbling block to lead tl y I would like to put this spec- to league unity. his living ulation into proper perspective. SENATOR DAVEY pi eas. Senator Davey declined to an- swer or discuss specific allega- tions, but said he hoped inter- retirement of G. Sydney Halter|"@! league matters would be p.m. Rangers have won one and lost one so far at the local arena, and they have high hopes SAY MISTER! What is at stake here is not my contract, but rather the honor and dignity of the Canadian «+. will do job Can of making it two wins here to- morrow evening. They have a Football League. Money is not an issue. of Winnipeg. He declined aired under less public circum- stances in future. mew coach in George Durbano, oi % it on spe- s 'Who has really fired this young ein te Goa Wee andl tutes ol charges but did elaborate to : How would You Phil Seep Up. t on with that job. We are go-| °2Y His son, Steve, is a rugged ge Db. we on any stand he had taken and @ 1¢cS rim ' defenceman and has the penal- vo dg dear, $0 live wilh: each at ay fire me for it, then I'm Like to SAVE DOLLARS ! MONTRI ties to show it. At last report aioe : Pe! oh ley, one © he had amassed a total of 225 Our collective responsibility; 1. there resentment of him in Galt Hornets : e teur golfe minutes in the sin bin is to the football fans of Can-| ome football front offices? Y ll AT lect: 5 ; : ; ? | ou WI was elect Coach Jim Cherry of the ged be sale pray te "Where there is all that Lf or ee = Royal Car L "ig . 00 oodstoc etics pera od bag -- yori ada with satisfied customers. on ke a oil must Be tome seven minutes to take the sting } ig " of late, has still got that old We must bring to them the best Most: outspoken critic of the out of Galt Hornets Friday Farley, | fire that they can take the top production we can devise. hie Hen. & night. rung. He whipped his charges DON O0'DONOGHUE Bow internal issue will be re- ney ot ie ces Gok The Athletics scored three " ere : : solved at the annual meeting in| PY ' 'oals in those seven minutes to 5 adel tey pe PD gece gg . +» heavy hitter Montreal, Feb. 22-23-24. I expect| Riders, who said Thursday the bout a 24 te eet wee was electe night, that looked like a camp to receive a vote of confidence ped hs sige wie e te a 7-2 victory in Ontario Hockey Ray Getilif! opening, trying to get the fel-|ing forward, who wears num-/@t that time." areas better." uh Our FS' Association senior action. ign lows in shape. oa is a rege ietiviiol, HAS THREE-YEAR JOB "A great many statements Pe Syd --. ig Rese 5 PP ig | One player was heard to say ny opposing players have| Senator Davey is on a three-|have been made by Senator Da- acing. Feptaada Ay tadag thet 2) 'as he came off the ice last|found out. * North York Varsity Grads ficial. He \ § a > year, $25,000-a-year contract. He|vey that should not have been a d: Gusiph: 'Heaals 5 tion chairn pci ay! Noein pmo _ a eggnog scorer |took office Jan. 1 following the|made and a situation has. de- Belleville SM aets gis - dian Open ; i ve uslevery game, he can come up : : doing push ups along with stops|with the big one when you need ' e over Orillia. ae 'A a and starts". lit. He still has four years of Playing - coach Ted Power, The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores sa ial One young fellow on the Whit-|junior and has his eye set on e es a. eeper hjure Tom Walker and Bobby Robin- ° pamey: by team who is really starting|cracking an 'A' team in the son each scored two goals for During Our RCGA's | 9 og bo pig ot --, -- ry A me Saat. He will bear bib gated while Ron Ryan pt erg cially for a forward, is Donja lot of watching in tomorrow) added one. John Beechey and O'Donaghue. This smooth skat-'night's game. Th Loss To Niagara Falls Joe Hogan scored for the Hor- ant and : nets. ing amat It's been a rough season on|got goals from John Schella and|_ North York took advantage of | KA ! E boa tine goalkeepers in the Reiss ie Gass. a Say te Ant ee Paps twice. In| Hockey Association Junior "A"| Jack Egers, Don Luce, John : Ontario O TODAY Peters Realty, at 12.45 p.m.;_|series. Barber and Jim Krulicki count-|L@"TyY Babcock scoring twice AND rcricat Hoe forge po bee games at Bowmanville | Peterborough TPT Petes andjed for Kitchener with Cam _ ee Thee ie ice tas tires amilton Re ings vs Osh- rena. Oshawa Generals both lost regu-|Crosby, Frank. Hamill and y --_-- awa Generals, at Civic Audi- GM North Plant League |lar netminders with eye injuries|Ritchie Bayes the Toronto|89al apiece. ; toriam, 7.15 Be m. Oshawa BP vs Tony's Re- |earlier this season and Friday,|marksmen. 2 ie 3 ee John eon ge N§ 1 Tour t sh its, at 1.00 p.m. and |Petes' newest regular, Dunc] Generals get. an opportunity|4" aiph Kosawan scor or at Civic Auditorium, starting McKeen' s Furniture vs Hotel |Wilson, suffered a broken nose|to climb closer to Petes tonight | Guelph. at 8.00 p.m., with champion- Benson, at 2.35 p.m.; both |when a puck struck his face|when they face Hamilton Red| Ralph Pane scored twice for High Ti ship final game at 3.00 p.m. eemes at Fort Perry Arena. _|mask. Wings at Civic Auditorium. ee eae pp erm Saywall 697, OHA Intermediate League 'own and Country League Petes also lost a chance to] Hamilton is two points behind|JOhn Baker and Bol cAlpine WW US vg --Keswick at Sunderland, 8.15 gre eoage vs Al's B-A, | pick up _-- on "ie oe eee eda place aeere Falls in the eae one For ye tg NE SHIPMENT J T ARRIVED wren p.m. at 6.00 p.m.; Mister TV Tow- jerals and Montreal Canadiens|league standings and has four|Ford scored twice for Orillia, ell 250, Haze ers vs Robson Leather, at [as they dropped a 5-2 decision|games in hand. Dunc Brodie and George Vail Zz -- ALL PRI iems 248, Ms a SUNDAY ag oa! and Quality Fuels |to Niagara Falls Flyers. Petes| Generals have not had any|adding one each. - SKATES, ALL si ES CES oS vs Port Perry Flyers, at 9.00 jare still three points in front|league competition since last Helen Gourl Presets hgh Se # Bd were p.m.; all three games at {of Montreal and four ahead of|Sunday in Kitchener, although Betty compbe ague -- Woodbridge Rang- Port Perry Arena. Generals but have played six|they did play Niagara Falls iT & ; 2 ers vs Whitby Lasco Steel-. I¢kE SKATING games more than Canadiens|Wednesday in Boston in an ex- A rs HOCKEY STICKS ALL SKATES Meir cn ers, at Whitby Arena, 7.30 Family Skating -- at Ciyic|and one more than Oshawa. [hibition game, which Flyers ccommodation located MISSES' -- GIRLS' Cons 2 Ne p.m. Auditorium, 1.15 p.m. to 3.15| In another game Friday, Kit-|won 5-4. Ys Mile from ENT PLAIN -- ROCKER BOYS' Yours' 22, Horne's | Oshawa UAW League -- p.m. jchener Rangers resin a| Rocky Farr will continue in EXPO si EQUIPM and SLAPSHOT MEN'S and WOMEN'S wes and ii Starr Furniture vs Cable TV, \share of first place by toppling} goal for Generals, as a replace- | City won tl at 10.00 a.m. and A. and W. MONDAY |the front-running Toronto Marl-|ment for the injured Ian Young. | site re) re) Drive-In vs Versafood, at HOCKEY boros 4-3. Generals' will also be without} Priced for economy 40% OFF 30 % OF F LESS 30 % joan biota 11.35 am.: both games at , Oshawa Minor Assoc. Ban-| At Niagara Falls, Derek San-|left winger Chris Hayes, side-|] _ ' Unit sleeps 4 -- $24.00 ° 0 °o Irene Rogers Divi: Audilorunk: tam League -- Novice All- |derson, the league's individual|lined for the rest of the season| pcaceea tea' chee) \ wo); Betty F Duplate Teague -- Art's Se5" pm, pam Local 2701 [for Flyers and others went tol, Following -tovight FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Bevel 8 Vending vs Canada Outdoor vs Keith Peters Realt t Clem Tremblay, Ji Lorents Generals ' "ee to aoa : have an allotment ef 850 Units id 9.9 NOW 6.95 "Tigh Single Supply, at 4.00 p.m. and 5.55 ; Bank: icceins | d D M. te. Mick : i ve hy ers during EXPO. Groups or Individuals BOYS - Hee aed Regular i 5 - era ae Saniy Seating 46 oo. (0 55 p.m.; Banks Flooring |an' on Marcotte ickey|again Tuesday, with St. Cath- 9 Se st ' : NO OUTSIDE eres at ae on. . vs Local 1500, at 7.00 p.m. [Redmond fired his 37th goal of|arines Black Hawks supplying |] ¢#!! Immediately 576-3131. BOYS «cs Regular 7.95 NOW 5.60 sizes 1- 5 Boson ee siOttama Minor Assoc. Ex. Rangers, at "7.35. pins) ail jee ee MISSES' .. Regular 8.95 NOW 6.30 sizes 11-3 FINANCING bition Game -- Oshawa these gam wa Chile idee Alcan, a Cie drevsarens... OM | Have Your Custom Built a ee eS me ie uditorium, 7.30 a.m. to 8.50 Bantam League -- Duplate || ' : am. va Wea Cer Lamtor att Home, built by the Best BOYS' .... Regular 9.95 NOW 6.95 | sizes 1-5 i shawa Senior League -- p.m.; Local 1817 vs Bathe and ' 3 OF i e BUDGET Pea Pickers 4 Dodsworth Printing vs Bad McLelland, at 7.00 pm. and : Y MEN'S... Regular 12.95 NOW 6.95 sizes 6-12 gph oys, at 7.00 p.m. and Qual- Canadian Tire vs Hawks, at . i a : ity Fuels vs Hawks, at 8.30 8.00 p.m.; these three games | MEN'S ... Regular 8.95 NOW 6.30 sizes 6-12 7, Powys pm; both games at Civie at Brooklin Community | WOMEN'S ._ Regular 9.95 NOW 6.95 __ sizes 4-10 ACCOUNTS Sie Triple uditorium. - rena. : 219); Helen G CYO Pee Wee and Bantam QMHA Major - Bantam | MEN'S .. Regular 15.95 NOW 11.20 : sizes 6-12 Audrey Parker Leagues -- St. Gregory's v8 League -- Seid Cleaners Construction : , chy 207 Holy Cross (PW) at 5.30 p.m. ys Westmount Kiwanis, 9.00 alee, and (B) at 7.40 p.m.; St. p.m., at Children's Arena. Kassinger Construction can offer you the vost Carolyn Gilber Gertrude's vs St. Mary's OMHA Juvenile League -- || &xPerience and craftsmanship which has made the "Toren Las (PW) at 6.10 p.m. and (B) Hayden Macdonald vs Auto || "ome Kassinger, synomous with '/Lovely Places to b d Brown 87, Jea at 8.20 p.m.; St. Hedwig's-- Workers Credit Union, at 6:00 || Live"' Mortgoges con be atrenge Hughes. 84. St. Phillip's vs St. Joseph's ae : | : LAE a tech (PW) at 6.50 p.m. and (B) at p.m. and Tony's. Refresh- K I buil Look to Kassinger. €ANADI. i" 9.00 p.m.; re ames at Osh- ments vs Oshawa Dairy, at | Senet uild to your own design or you Hove your own lot developed te a ni etiteea'e" Arum GM Office League -- at | can choose your home from one of the many by Kassinger Construction. " i a Oibawa imiasiial "Eeague Civic Auditorium. || ward winning designs of Kassingers. ae a -- Gus Brown Motors vs GM "Chevelle" League -- H KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION 150 ROSSLAND ROAD King Street West at Park Road Phone 725-6511 : oleh ainoles pe Ee ee Ne maar 3 Bree . 00 p. Smith 214 and Te if if i