paces THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17 3 ri os HERE'S WHERE I re D AND JAMMED, HE TRIES A SIDE- q Saturday, February 4, 1967 i RR WALK RESTAURANT DOWN THE AVENUE, Hy eae Geo) : RIGHT ANDI TOLD) ~AND HES BEEN LAYING -- each ed cE j |- SATS GET YOUR HATON, HU = <A THE YOU ALWAYS FOR ME EVER SINCE! A TERRORIST GRENADE : he | L WANT YOU TO RUN! : : i mk FIVE YEARS AGO, ; THE STORE FOR ME! J : ELLIOTT = : E) t--] 5 Fy e for Mrs. a 3 By B. JAY BECKER who died me A. (Top Record-Holder in Masters' a General | br] i - year, was rnd ' Individual Championship Play) ' [of 4 "Smeie pa 5 . * North dealer. eb. 3. . Oo | a ~ | Both sides vulnerabl a a gover, Bz 608s 9] ! ' a Rie ond THE CARAVELLE. ie y wa Union 1 pre Percy age, Rich- : 3 : 4 I WA NT ] [giR--T NO LONGER STARTING TODAY, Ow wi diet a MY REGUS AR! b 6ivE HAIRCUTS - (MA GENTLEMEN'S lumang eur we <ora PEELING night an HA! TONSORIAL STYLIST AND HIS PRICE HAS GONE UP = Pea ' DESIGNER OF COIFFURES . WE WBERT | e for Mrs. died Feb. 1eral Hos- , was held eral Home ducted by s of St. Anglican was in Open lead -- queen of dis- y. monds. ere Alex . , There are many ways to play milt, Ted j q ' / this hand at four spades. How- r, Ernest ever, there is only. one right Kirkbride. o way, and you could miss it if hawa Po- Be you are accustomed to playing rmed a ; jhands quickly. e funeral Ee | Thus, if you won the opening ty. ' Fa lead with the ace of diamonds Bs and then started to look for. the - < best line of play, you would ODD eventually discover that the rvice for E jcontract was already irretrieve who died oat jably lost. : a General [s) | You could return a diamond year, was | bad at trick two in an effort to ruff ty Rees "na ' one in dummy, but the defense aaie ' ' c V7 would counter this by cashing ducted by tan mnt otter diamond. sad ta 2 of ww, minis- TTT a . E c r' United ot a a 9 4 41M, WE KNOW /F WE DON'T DONT WH we SOMEBODY NEED THE clubs to defeat the contract one wi 16 ' aur ° ' THOSE TRAPPERS H : GET THOSE HOSTILES THEY LL F SWEET LIGHT OF REASON | | trick. % : \ GET OUR AROUND HERE ? Or you might try to cash ere Paul se three rounds of hearts after tak- obert Mil- ing the ace of diamonds, but iney Cure " once again you would run into a a a dead end when West ruffed a the third round. You would lose : four tricks this way also, even bs = though you discarded a dia- m d as West ruffed. o mon ( 3 However if you elected te duck the queen of diamonds -- ba S hich is not a hard pl te fea which is n ard play make if you have trained your g e : ae 7 S&S ¥ iiself to think first and play later t : i . 4 SS | " -- you would make the contract. | PRESS , So : : . pugparncae Regardless of what the de- olt scored / BR reopen igual } 1 -- did next, they would be t against fy RLY PROTECTED, \|,|\ HAS STRI LATIONS , unable to stop you from scoring Jay night ARTHA } DON'T THEY ? ( \ ACROSS 8. Open: poet, 28, Snare SLED mOsm jten tricks. If they led another points of 'YOU CH N'T I DON'T KNOW j ' Channel 12--Peterborough | 4--Look up and Live | 10:30 P.M, 1 Agen 4, Letter- 25. Bject- ALL! diamond at trick two, you could zoe if amen enone he |"S--Whats "My Line B. Eyeglasses writer's ing a easily arrange to ruff your eague in- Hy Ghannel S--Rochestor |11--r, Hockey 1:00 PM. 10, Sitids addendum: 26. Indefi- [& a third diamond in dummy, while 3 9--Meta 2-3-4-6-7-8-9-1]-12--News, 11, Greeting abbr. nite PIR if they led back a trutip in- red more 7 FopuniKis stew Wen aos 12, Domesti- 5. Partict- article stead, you would of course con- layer in i 4--Church Service eae Wace: < cate pating 27.Moved [5 tinue -with trumps and assure play: d 7--News, thers Sport NHL, has { 2--Buttale le Sie eee | 11.5 PAM. | 18. Smoothed 6. Enclosure effort- ten tricks that way. this sea- a) Pca Today 4-Skling' Tips 14. Warp-yarn --_. Senior . in| It does no good in bridge to + | SATURDAY BvV8. 1:30 AM. 11:30 P.M, 15. Through 8.Boy'sname 28, ponder the possibilities of a ago leads fe 5.00 P.M, 9--Wish You were Here |)--Specirum 16.Oneofthe --_9. Soft drinks * Yesterday's Anewer |0and after the damage is J --Littie. : Lae saite 8 eteer | Gabors 10, Remained esterday's ! : . He has ] l--Littie People @--Social Security | 4--Movie F $1. Misers: $9. French already done by a thoughtless is and @ . A | S--Wwide World of Sports | 3--Spectrum Sotven | "ee ee gee "river early play. You cannot play the * w& ; 4--Beat the Ch 2--Youth Searches iti etter men game mechanically and stil re : r eaneneae ' Se12--Frankenstein, Jr. Mapbasoagh te (simone 18. Opera 15.Jumbled 82. Pert. toarea 41. Biblical expect to get the best results. larram is 2--Buffalo Jamboree 12--God is tne Answer heroine t! 83. City in well f owed 'by 090 P.M. 9--Italian Album +--Movie ' pashan 'ie ae " Waorida 42. Vein You must think each time you it with 47, N--Flipper Se Aaveniores YM | oa ain none ae 21, Poasessive 85.Wordof 44. Burmese _[ act, and continue to think every i sag ecbeut Gaadie aie ani Galiere ab Gilaaaeé geeomeon disgust language step of the way until the last Pts, Pim 2-Go to the Races © Sole Ge avenie | MONGEY 22. Inside: trick is played. 6710 J--Littlest Hobo" 2 jesse Ketchum | gcuctan Kenanres "abbr. Na (3 4 iA | IS jd It pays to plan the play. s 3 'Sthunderbirds alibad 8.30 A.M. 24, Moratorium a3 . | 12:18 P.M, ll--Albert J. Steed : 77h 2s ITN Land ot Ours | 4-Let's Look at Congress | Romper Room bh vga W) HUNT FOR TOURISTS 45 25 q 4--News; weather sports | 3--Living Word | 9.00 AM, $6. Biaon tied: eS MANSFIELD, England (CP) 42-38 eas Zope Valley bays 12: P.M. Hiaile rape gies : Midlands pub customers will be 4 a & ie BM. (Uk sine: seenen é--Smile. Time 30. Wild ox able to ane into ge' local for paps : 12--Love on a Rooftop 6--Extension | 4--Bennle Prudden 31. a pint of beer and a summer 36027 V--Hockey | G--Face the Nation ere Allen Tame phe holiday this year. More than 200 6 9--Flintstones 3--This Land of Ours 2--Pick A SI 34, Wafer 34 &Movie | 2--Movie | 9.90 A.M, 36. Like taverns owned by a Nottingham- 3450 ' ' &--Gloria 37. Constel- shire brewery are acting as trae | 1:00 P.M. 4--Love of Life 1 its for holid in Spai . 2-4--News, Weather, |12--Calvary Calls" 3-6-11-12--Ontario lation vel agents for holidays pain, Sports oe Usa Pee Minla- : sano 38. Playing q 7:00 P.M, = ie ¥ ' . 9-- t mar ce Y--Jackie Gleason Meet 'the toe lye Ae 39. Baking SALLY'S SALLIES e SL WY fy 3-4-12--Beverly Hill- Hara) Al ied 9--Cartoon Playhouse chamber 7 WHY WOULD | t eet ee a. Amateur Hour vere etre piers 40. Post again ANYBODY WANT dy } ag lal 2-Herald of Truth bide tr gt 42, Ceremony . TO GIVE ME i - 7:38 PM. 1:30 PM. \1--Morning Time 43. Rabbit fur e annual SUMMONSPI Dd N'T \ ge . Y 12-1 Spy '11--This Space Ae g Fractured Phrases 44. More | car race x ( OWN ANYTHING ov». SS 4 r ¢ $-Terzan i yy ang spare Hah Nell sagacious originally n I DON'T OWE 3 ys y : 4--Jackie Gleason - | ca 1 Poona ger he 45, Avot will not fal ANYBODY oer : : | 4--Bishop Visits de-12-Frendly Glant 46. Resting Canadian = R | 36-12--Country Calendar 11.00 A.M. DOWN Slub an: o 'Scie Bartle ali 1. Cotton State 8:30 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 9--Mr. and Mrs. 2. Branch uid it has Ee 1--Little Theatre 4--Gadabout Gaddis 7--Supermarket Sweep --| 7--Lawrence Welk 34-12--Chorus Gentle- 4--Andy_ Griffith track, le =| 5 Ream ce \ Pesta bg he 3-6--Butternut Square t St. Jo- wl Fe ST } Brine . ( : 4--Mission: Impossible | 2--Film $hort | 8--Pat Boone ' ptm eo anctioned a P 5 -- ' TS, faccLin : $412-Hockey 2:30 °.M. | raat ei gs ; ; } meh 9:00 P.M, | 225 A.M, there in a { Y . Uereet Mule Seer Spectacular pled le North YOUR HEALTH Nn ere i i me' after 5 ) i . \) 9:30 P.M. 2--Meet te Pre 9--Magistrate's Court SPatecet =. ed down Soe s : ; , ie 7--Stars of Tomorrow 3:00 P.M. Soke van OyKe : 4 "My New Year's resotution a. cASC _ ar pact | wont eat FBtte Sane Extreme Fatigue _| Broke ee thes going te i S YOUTOO 1--Let's Sing Out hi--Horst'Koehier i290 NOON 8 ot oh aie TM LUCKY BAGG y i ee. | & Bowling 'Toronto Today . . n-Ameri- t . 7 3-6-12--In Person | He ley 7M ual Thy d A t Lo gy Dace bs 10:90 P.M, | topenaae eictcad Lincheon Date TOl c 10n Ww 'he other --Movie Sportsman | ews, Weather, and Prix 4 7--Movie | 4cGhiaren' Films es tab By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD si }-6-12--1 rite bout 40 = $43 Cuncsioin | 2-Film Feature 12.90 P.M, : to. 11:00 PM. | 4:0 PM. LE menieg ere Dear Dr. Molner: I get ex-)is intimately tied up with the iso been > pean ind yotey ieee OP | Seve Guen hausted by late afternoon. Our] utilization of what we eat. Cer- km series by 3-6-12--News Jeln eyes of | $-News: weather, spor's!doctor says it is my metabol-|tain blood tests can be used to g British mG 1:15 P.M. Tomorrow | 2merv Griffin" ism. Could you explain? I am|gain similar data from other Toronto | >) 2--News, Weather, Sports| 2-8-- jope Tourna- | 6 RM | 64.--F.E. \chemical facts which are in- -- &--News, Weather, Sports ment on : ' + | = 11.25 P.M 5.00 PLM, +6-GUiding: Light | Metabolism is the sum _ of| volved. pears : 4-Skiing with' Stein = Tarzan ict many body processes working) Your symptoms of extreme ian race Se), Maer ; 11:30 PAM, ap lla) 9--Movie in concert to keep us going. | fatigue can suggest that thyroid 'ies. The Ss Weil Ris Rene : 5 Re weather: | 2-8--Dragnet | Sepiallng tor. Bellare It involves the process of|activity is low--that your me- he Cana- Sports | Se12--Naure of Things | | een Casey transforming food and salnbeals ad is not up to normal Associa- | ZED OFF... I wie 6--Luncheon Date into the tissues which make up! levels. Sept. 23, ROCKED ee . Ww | 12--Hymn_ Sing somone!" "rs Jour bodies, this being called) At the age of 64 (sometimes lled the : : ae esl ae 1,30 P.M. anabolism. Another part of me-jearlier, sometimes later) low | 1140 P.M |s-Flipper . | 28--Let's Make a Deal 'tabolism is breaking these sub-/thyroid activity is a common 4 peahiderina service 4:00 PM. | "6-As the World Turns! stances down again (catabol-|disorder and often overlooked FS i 145 PM, l1--Lost in Space (2.00 P.M. lism) after which new cells re-| because it can be so subtle. The (AP) -- Fl 4--Movie sre Backer Raat orto edad |place the old. symptoms often are passed off d i SUNDAY 4--2\st Century 28--Days of Our Lives Still another aspect is the/as "'just age," or "'the change of Pligg i 7:0 A.M. | Solis been cae utilization of "energy foods" as] life." : e coach of { I eecererete ae Pars 6.30 P.M, scPaene in Cénflict distinguished from "'building} Tests of thyroid activity and s in the 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, | 2#--Pablo Picasso | 7--Dream Girl foods."' This is the process of|then appropriate dosage of thy- L | $:00 A.M. aia ulgls DP lll dd | Cumbitters Ponty using nourishment to keep us|roid extract to speed up the ive a J * atti ot | i | |11--Sacred Heart TWwalonnere 2.8--Doctors warm and active. metabolism many times can a ad : - 3: op r .. : d eA &--SHHH! Children 9--Monkees 3.00 P.M. This immensely complicated| make a world of difference. 0 n oung sosgiperaeg : Filion 2-4 CHAS. ! ife pashetlag --Marsiage Confidential /human chemistry provides dif-] Since you mention that your 'ah ee 3 es mah fe - Tee re Ue 3-6-12--Hey, Landlord! | 7--General Hospital ferent methods for using the|doctor says your trouble is with saa an Neb, j ] I--orai Roberts' pare 4710 Tell The Truth |main categories of foods, such}your metabolism, I presume NED ' 7Linvs Pas rine | 28--Another World as protein, carbohydrate, fats.| that hres this coming ; Ever cer X YES~ READY' BE SOME WAY WE COULD ttle Messe 3-6-12--Flashback | PM. Still other chemical processes} or is about to. You- mustn't ex- @) M S Dp | L BID THE ibs EVER GET, FINALLY! HOOK UP THE TOASTER, | ro ee 2-4--Walt Disney reg dae are involved in distributing cal-]pect instantaneous results, but e ° we -- Kip- Et | SWAT LAST CALL You GAVE 7 THINK! ; é THE ALARM CLOCK AND 4! 11--Cathedral Chimes 4:0 P.M, ios OM cium, phosphorus, iodine, iron] with proper treatment it doesn't H police. ba THEM? é, HEIR ELECTRIC BOANKET...] 7 9--Cartoons jl iMovie ll--Farmer's Daughter /and other minerals and ele-|take long for results to begin to 140 BOND W. | medals iw ; Rs "i s-Porky Pig. 3-4-6-12--Ed Sullivan Tc supecnen ehow ments that we require. show. : 1 ames in n fe 9:99 A.M. Show 3-4-6-12---Edge of Night To a large extent these proc-|. Dear Dr. Molner: Would like 725-650 nll come : 11--Halian, Journal Sd eR ee Le l}eeseeere governed by our en-|your opinion on using cream in iiabor a Wi 7--Beany' and Cecit -- | $1 ream so, Jes hese |docrine gland system, and the|coffee. Have heard from non- for NEW . Tt will a i 2--chureh invitation. 9:00 P.M. | 9-1 Love Lucy |thyroid, being. one of these| medical sources that this is very | j in Cane a: 10:00 A.M. Pasi yie ld dated | 26)27 Communicate | glands, provides a convenient] unhealthy. If so, why?--Mrs. oe " won the ; } 9--Stingray | 4-Smothers Brothers 8--Match Game index of such activity. F.F, : or O.K. | at Ja- me i See ttt My Feet |-2:3-68-12---Bonanze 4--Secret Storm MEASURE OXYGEN USE I don't know of anything un- > oe 3 B. FoRocketship 7 'pat tune Ea dati One test is the basal metabolic |healthful about cream in your ED CAR ere, but 5 A 2--The Answer Ap est ie cage cays rate (BMR) which in essense is} coffee unless you are over- S > made q = - 10:30 A.M. | 4--Candid Camera eo a measurement of. how rapidly | weight and should skip the cal 130.6. ; \ HAN : shin Sota te theta [xa tanay Wiitiams | 3412 King's ovtiew 'the body uses oxygen, since that | ories. 339.6. 4 : - ies