Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Feb 1967, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Februery 4, 1967 ion ' 12 ---- Cc ll O f F Milk Production ae hallenge uture | swi Christian Ed ti peep a ucat1on : TORONTO (CP) -- Research e that has produced a more rapid e e no e ee 1n and effective treatment for a irector Wri mns asec a milk P ehge e bk) i. ; i to the Ontario Veter- i : ' The challenge of the future|ducted by the official board. Thomas Moorcroft expressed|S°"2 Th hig Pos Hokd eight hymns for the young people's was the keynote of the ninth} The executive members of|thanks to Mr. Porter, on be- wenn 'i Association convention KE. } Ae " vi 2 ea re an conference newspaper. annual meeting of Westminster|the board were elected as fol-|hulf of the congregation, for P ige As * Ohik auniclide the cinated by hymns. She Her programming work for United Church. Reports show-|lows: Mrs. L. Majoros, secre-\his ministry and guidance. Mr.|, Ui. J. ¥. Cole, ass shed need is not content 1 i f in the department of clin gag age ata AB 1967 includes putting together ed that during the last five|tary. Committee chairmen are:|Porter was given a standing) (Cstor in bie Cepartmell' Oy Ce ann m -- but likes to delve into slides on "Coast to Coast in years membership and givings|Thomas D. Moorcroft, outreach; ovation. Mrs. George Lofthouse|'©%! Studes at the Ontario vet Mer their origins and find out about , Canada", "The Church at Work have doubled. Douglas S. Kerr, property; Ken-|presented Mrs. Porter with a erinary College, University of outli the lives of the people who : 4 in Canada", and she hopes, a The minister, Rev. Johnineth Brown, membership; Mrs.|floral arrangement in acknowl- Guelph, reported on ketosis, a dari wrote them. series on Canadian artists, to p ' , : Donald Wood, christian educa-|edgment of her important role condition resulting from inade- Th Researching into hymns is one show to groups. ogpial A est ig i" ho gp bold tion and. Ross Lofthouse,land the way in which she car-| 'Wate nutrition which lowers the i Jeti of the main interests of Miss | She has discovered local in- Bal bat not autemptic te hee finance. ried out her many responsibili-|C°¥'S blood sugar and causes { ery. McLean, who is director of | terest behind some hymns. : ' ties her to consume too.much of her Christian Education at Simcoe | "what A Friend We Have involved a great deal of work) Seven special services were ' own body fat. com] Street United Church, Oshawa. { in Jesus" was written by a Port on the part of many members.|held during the year and a Dr. Cote said if there is no way She has built up a wealth of Hope man, Joseph Scriven, and Mr. Porter stressed the neces-|highly successful youth confer-) PINCHED A MINISTER infection or other reason for the a knowledge about them, afd has is known all over the world. sity for the congregation. to bejence was held in the spring.| LUXEMBOURG (AP) --|cow's loss of appetite, ketosis is tds even written a few herself. Dr. Stanley L. Osborne, of the ready to meet the needs of the|Plans are under way for @ cOn-!When police raided a movie|preventable by. strict attention ait Since November, 1965, she has Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- new families which have moved |gregational conference 1at@Tlentitled Sexual Obsession and|to the quantity and quality of rr been writing a column on the by, who was born in Clarke into the area. this year. Caresses they found Jean Du-|the diet. The cows should be pes subject for weekly newspapers. § Township, composed a tune He challenged the members 269 MEMBERS pong, the new minister of jus-|fed high-energy foods. Men As 1967 is Centennial year, she called "Florence". 'in 1939. to to accept the obligation of the tice, in the audience. He was| Treatments for ketosis include rh is going to devote her columns BEATRICE .McLEAN which words were put by Rev. church to the community to ex-| It was reported the church/there on administration orders|the use of insulin in conjunction visite to Canadian hymns. Frederick Passmore, a United pand facilities to meet the in-|membership has increased to|to judge whether the film was|with an enriched ration and faked If you thought there were not Governor - General of Canada. Chureh-- minister in Western creased needs of the commu-|269, representing 131 families./obscene but state prosecutor|steroids that stimulate the cow Stan! pray pe you es bgp ye Mc- He held this post until 1883. cage Mia Eder is Ngo Me nity. os pigs migra aon piney Le gd age eee Alphonse Huss had already ban-|to produce high levels of blood prest n has a list several pages. A well - known figure in our Son of Man Who Lovest Much".| : : gregation on its past achieve-)were $9,941.97. ned it. . sugar. long. She was able to plan her history is the courageous Jesuit Le in ments and encouraged the|budget for 1967 of $14,760 was dow 52 columns and still have many|priest, Jean de Brebeut, who og Ba poy eauine at Women of many denomina- | the author of the 1967 serv- |members to retain confidence|presented by Mr. Lofthouse. , hymns left over. Her December|was martyred in 1649. He wrote|a book 'Greenwood Through the| 'ions will take part next | ice using the theme "'Of His |in their ability to meet the de-| The Sunday School has an ALBERT STREET UNITED CHU RCH - articles featured Canadianja Christmas hymn for the|Years'. This is the community| Friday in the World Day of Kingdom There Shall Be No |mands which will arise in the|enrolment of 231 with 14 teach- ' Christmas carols. Huron Indians, phrased in lan-|where she lives, 16 miles from| Prayer Services in the Osh- | End." Queen Salote ruled /future. He emphasized the/jers. Receipts for the year (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) ' aig evan guage they would understand,|Oshawa awa area. In Whitby the | her independent kingdom |foundation of the church had|totalled $678.04. MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. ava VOLUMINOUS FILE |with braves instead of wise men.| She lived and went to school] Service will be held at 3 | for 47 years. The first ob- |been well and truly laid, but] The sum of $1,257.85 was ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLIS pa She has probably read every! The title was 'Twas in thelin Oshawa and at that time be-| P-m. in Whitby Baptist servance of the World Day j|must not stop there. raised by the United Church! : bi book on hymns in Oshawa Li-|Moon at Winter-time" and the| longed to the King Street United] Church; while in Oshawa | of Prayer each year is held | yan oF pROGRESS Women of which $1,000 was __ SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 1 i brary's general section, and/English translation was made|Church. services will be held at 2.30 in Tonga and the Queen al- s turned over to the official board || 9:45 A.M--Junior, Intermediates and Seniors 21 bu friends have given her other|by J. E. Middleton in 1926, and 7.30 p.m, in Knox Pres- | ways led her people in this | The reports of the various|for church expenses. Lac SN aNemeoia eal la lkiral bland alba a Books as presents. She has hun-| Healey Willan, an English or- NOTED RESIDENTS byterian Church, Seen here | observance. committees and organizations| During the year the balcony YOUTH SUNDAY cua reds of hymns on her files at|ganist who settled in Canada| she had hoped to write a book| iS the late Queen Salote of of the church showed 1966 had/was finished to provide more :00 A.M.--KAIROS AND HI- ; home. and has written many hymns,| for Contemntal sear aniet ed the Tonga Islands who was Wide World Photo |peen a year of progress andjroom for members. The choir 11:00 A.M. on sable Bie ks. Her research has unearthed|wrote "O Lord All Our Gover-|Canadians from this area, but ingful activity. An experi-|loft was seg yt and sid. Youth Speaks Out -- Larry Scott & George Muzik Ret many interesting facts. Did you|nour" which was sung at Queen|infortunately does not have the double garage is attached to|mental method of conducting) struction pind ee tientie 8 . Siireus fee: interns end Tosdars era --, for instance, Bye O|Elizabeth's coronation. time to do this. She is very New M anse the house, which is of brick and/COsresational affairs was ing oe a ne ing in x Gonpial WELCOME TO ALL pn anada"" has about 20 English wepren AT EIGHT happy in her job at Simcoe aluminum' siding. adopted. Believing there is nojthe Sunday Sc : ed hi Sora ae a toe * seteath Miss McLean has been gather-|Street_ United Church, which . Members of the building safial een tr attates a that me : I i tennial rc! rs and tha Thy Bending Skies"? The words ing material about hymas for|celebrates its own centennial) Viewed B committee were: Stanley Ogle, |all work of the church is WESTMOUNT | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH peng of this were written by a To-|years. When only eight she was ; | chairman; Mrs. R. Bishop,|sacred, all business was con- roma ronto doctor, Albert D. Watson, |inspired by the story of Fanny tee yuan Mies Metene Lond Mrs. Robert Dale, Harold : UNITED CHURCH | Cini ids and Cate to th af hE ESE seat. blind. Methodist writien tee, oe soeimenical Members Werry, Ron Robinson, Clair HARMONY |] Bond Street West ot Rosehill Bivd, | REV. ARTHUR W, MAGEE--MINISTER i birthday. year ia. the fact that| While on the national execu- per ge oe Be One! elgg A or the annie ; | iat cost ea | os, arin oat lid on ' dart ' y eae ristmas carol, | : | jaters ( the hymn "Unto the Hills|tive of the Young People's|in Thee. a Christmas cattl'| KEDRON (TC) -- More thanjcommittee were: Mrs. J. Star. UNITED CHURCH | Miniter: | o | Church tehedl: 9:48 are, -- Around" was written by John/Union of the United Church of P' koski, chairman; Mrs. Bruce I] Rev. G. J. Minielly, B.A., 0.0, | Classes for pupils 4 to 16 years of age. n y Canada from 1954-56, Miss Mc-|to the Holy Land in 1965. |100 members of the congrega- , ; : Rev. N. T. Holmes, BA., 8.0, |] Organist--Choir Director remai Campbell, Duke of Argyle, in pes a oe Prose sore Stice Mietcauai °1 bicals tion and their friends attended|MacDonald, Albert Wood, Mar- Minister IH Mr. D. Thompson AR.C.T., LTC | 11:00 A.M. 1877 -- # year before he became|Lean wrote ae Mist the more you Know|tte open house last Sunday vin Hannah and Murray Jack-|| rm. Morle Taylor, ARGT. a i Beet ; about a hymn, its author and|#fternoon at the recently com-|80n. Groans "end Cholemacter aUNDAY SeMooL This Race for Which P é Simcoe Street Hi-C Group the maning attached. 0 thelPon "united" Chatehe, Vienes 11:00, AM We Are Entered" dg va ae ae tape rt) were shown through the house H E A R 9:43 @.m.--Sunday School || "The Things Core for smail children provided during the Service ef Worship Is . poids y e *_| by s of the building 11:00 a.m.--Kindergarten -- || That Endure' ! The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. To Sponsor Youth Service and manse committees. Re- Tiny Tots it ot -- OTT S d S Hib ln bg ip og the The 11:00 @.m.--Morning Worship |i] PRIMARY, KINDERGARTEN end |= = of gri 3 ohn, t wer hall of the churc! f ois wail be held at Sisnooe Chapter 10, yf eaaree un ay por Eric Branton, of Whitby, was wage ny ible A Hearty Welcome to All A WARM WELCOME TO ALL | ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH nad Street United Church, beginning|This theme will be divided in- the general contractor for the | e by the ' i ; i . s project. Members of the con- SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS 1 Ee nee ee ae Rotee ac tan 's F B t gregation gave voluntarily of M aya Pade, Minister: THE REV. J. F. G. MORRIS, B.A. S.T.M. fold 1 © pony Sta Sy alone Seema aad tn tang|e OK QOTMLALMS [icine a ers Yount] g 40a oat (inion, an || oun ng Cores Hh A ati vi , e walls, varnish the wood- 330 -.10:00 a.m. : Alci message, "The Lord is Our|will be our Shepherd, presented} ;onpoN (Reuters)--A new|work and finish th 'Sie Alliance | Shepherd," taken from the|by Sue Murdoch, Pat Gulen-|rartiamentary move to give the\room. 'The furnishings for the Missionary wee a te ll chyn, and Lennis Trotter, res-|people of Britain brighter Sun-|study were purchased by the re-co Grode 9 oy . Pectively. days is being headed by Lord|choir which gave a series of 499 Born) Street, Fest: Osiawe | : i -- -- ph Instructions After this will be a period] Willis, author and playwright. | concerts last year. Rev, Richard J. Barker, Minister Senior Discussion Group -- Teens age he ay) song ag a Claiming government support, i tri-level house contains | 11.00 AM.-- Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments tonite; y the hymn, The s My/he believes Parliament will ap-|four bedrooms, a family room, | 'i peel Do For Sermon Shepherd, to the tune of the|prove the necessary bill incor-|kitchen, dining and living 1350 RADIO SUNDAY | 11:00 A.M. OAS THE practi Happy poop cil kt porating his ideas. Should he be|rooms and a large study. A 1 chi : fit > pardo: At 11 am. this Sunday, St.| Two Folk-hymns: Blowin' in/successful, Britons may soon --_--_--__SSSSSS==, i --BIBLE SCHOOL | Which comes first, forgiveness or repentance' George's Memorial lican|the Wind, and He's Got the|have almost complete freedom to 9:45 AM--BI | Reconciliation Is not 4 ae, Church, worship and Pe oor Whole World in His Hands, willjenjoy Sunday sport, theatres i 11:00 A.M d 7:00 P.M | posh will = hand in hand. Thres|be aay A rinvies and Ghar: entertainment. & H R I S 7 I A N S C I E N C E '* ° .- an ° ' ° Babes ond toddlers ere cared for during service. pooh short instructions, instead of a| Ted Arnold, Ruth Young, Ri-| Later still, complex regula- | YOUTH SERVICES | -- ---- pardo sermon, will be given during|chard Hamley, Archer Guy,/tions on Sunday store opening SIRS: CHURCH == 04 COLEONINE 8): BAST. | with REV. CECIL SMITH Gover the: course of the service to as-|and Peter Hamley will assist|may be swept away to give|] ®fonch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chelst Sclentist |/ es <a sist the congregation to come to|in the service. Britain a continental Sunday. In Boston, Mossochusetts, a Ecuador and Mu merica, a deeper understanding of the Holy Communion and Euchar- ist. The service will also be part of the preparation of the members of the confirmation The evening will be highlight- ed by two selections sung by "The Tilbury Trio," Nancy Will- son, Mike Astrop, and John Switzer, three O'Neill students Most of the country's Sunday observance laws are based on the principle that church atten- dance should be encouraged by barring other public activities. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "SPIRIT" A Nursery Is Available For All Services WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. -- PRAYER SERVICE "Where You Are Always Welcome' CHURCH SCHOOL end | KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH | et SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 1164 KING ST. E. MORNING WORSHIP ogo te gai being confirm- --. prize me Folk} Another principle is that on ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH ) The first' service of Lent at| Singing at the recent Rotary/sunday people should not do Wed. Service (Inctudes testimonies) 8 P.M. ST GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. L, WESLEY HERBERT, B.A. Minister St. George's Church will be 8] 'After the closing benediction anything viewed by the law as READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. | . Mr. Rhyddld Williams, Choir Director end Organist rok i pe a a at by the Rev. J. K. Moffat, a so- ssortanie" Sey Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. R . esday, Zen. 8, a i ith re d (Excepting Holida . G. Ongley, M.A. -- Rector -- a.m: followed ty BreAkiasy Bt Rubies served by HIG Ob Stay, Fevers canst 9 Listen to: The Bibi cant ay es 9 AM, Every Sund | piracy ghy ogy! nie 11:00 A.M. 9 a.m. there will be a second] o bers yah precen Say buy : packet of Rela Pi ick ucactegdinl eal oe pe every Suny oF The Reverend R. G. Brooks $. Th. -- Assistant : service of Holy Communion. : ea, play professional games, go " ' Permission to be late for school| All teenagers and adults are/to live theatre where a charge ee | POSSESSIONS slips will be provided for all|Welcome to attend the service,|is made for admission, or tran- | SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th -- QUINQUAGESIMA Ge lailibn' ak Sewers mt! school children. this Sunday, marking Christian|sact any business, without risk- CHRIST MEMORI AL CHURCH : The two special Lenten series Youth Week. ing a fine or imprisonment. 9:00 A.M.--Holy Communion ae Me heart Yo the Lord" Roberts commence Wednesday evening. (Anglican) ' oa ion -- with explanation Or ee oe al G O S p F L H A [ | Mary end Tirol Sieetis poe Ay : " i ng ag hd boa 9:45, A.M.--Adult Bible Study ond Jr, Confirmation Class Radio en Devotions wi ie study of) . VA ' ean eac! the bishop's book on renewal) : : are 11:00 A.M.--Church School Baby Core To Ge " i " | Nursery Facilities evoilable ot the 11:00 o.m. Service ei: age gy Mission ey re 40 NASSAU STREET | 8:30 AM--HOLY COMMUNION _-- -- ---- the a1 aad recta a daca | ASH WEDNESDAY, .FEBRUARY 8th SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. --- Remembering The Lord 11:00 a.m, -- Family Bible Hour and Sunday Schoo! 7:00 P.M. ---- GOSPEL SERVICE SPEAKERS: -- MR. H. FICE, of Bowmanville MR. R. FOREMAN of Oshawa Wednesday,. 7:45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting ALL HEARTILY INVITED FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rey, N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A. Rowland L. McCord --- Mus, Bac, -- Musical Director Series, built around films pro- duced by the National Film Board, will be held in the upper auditorium. Next week the film is "David and Hazel', depict- ing the kinds of communication that go on in two different families and the impact upon| both husband and wife and/ their children at a time of crisis. HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 226 Harmony Rd. S. t Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 AM.--CHURCH SCHOOLS 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Nursery Care at 11 a.m. Service Ash Wednesday 7:00 and 10:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 P.M.--DEVOTIONS SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH | SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET The Church In the heart end the city with the World on tts heort. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, HOLY COMMUNION -- 7:00 and 9:00 A.M. LENTEN DEVOTIONS -- 7:30 P.M. FAMILY LIFE SERIES -- 8:15 P.M. Thursdoy, February 9th -- 10:00 o.m. -- Holy Communion THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South Major end Mrs, John Wood : NATIONAL YOUTH SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. : : "Take A Dare" Scripture reod by Stuart Guy of "Hi-C"' Prayer led by Notalie Salmers of C.G.1.T. 12:10 P.M, -- Church Membership Class 7:00 P.M, -- "HI-C" FOLK SERVICE ~ ERIE STREET Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) Minister -- Rev. C. M. Bright 725-3872 DIST 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School London Citadel Band Junior Church Up To 11 Years Provided aaa es yo WORLD BAPTIST ALLIANCE SUNDAY 70:00 of Ted Amold, Richard Hemley, Suen Murd lench |, 11:00AM. :00 A.M, -- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL Lt. Col. Olof Lundgren beaks Tate oer i Se | 11:00 A.M.--Communion of the Lord's Supper 11:00 A.M.--Family Worship Service age gal Everybody Welcome -- Fellowship Hour Following mparens 7:00 P.M.--Living Christ's Way for '67 "STEPS IN SEEKING HOLINESS" Saturday 8:00 P.M.--Music Festival SUNDAY SCHOOL Youth Meeting "Risen With Christ' 7:00 P.M--femily Gospel Hour SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M 9:48 Aree nen cee amaas Hanes Bible "Shady ond' Braver Nursery and Jr. Church et 11 a.m. DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE | Bible School 9:30 "THE MAN WHO STOOD & TAUGHT" Tuesday 7:30 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting ond Bible Study 3:00 P.M.--Musical Moments 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department, Baby Core. Tues. 2:30 P.M»--Ladies' Home League {| on, : Thursdey 7:30 p.m. -- E.MY. Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeti : ae Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada , " Canes AWAITS YOU" A Welcome Awalts ou At cae | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Z (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTERS: REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. REV, W. C. SMITH, B.A., B.D., B.Paed, y Organist--Mr, Ronald Kellington a EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Phillip Murray Pastor REV. ERNEST WINTER KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. P AUL'S UKRAINIAN | CHURCH SCHOOL SESSION: -- ! 9:15 @.m.--PRIMARY GRADE: yi (LIMGBE, ST, NORTH Rosslond Rd. W. at Nipigon | Wilson Rd. N. at King St. E. Petey yee | "mT RUNIOR GRADES 4,6 cna' ae Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, PNG team hy Rev. Walter Jackson ans H SENIOR GRADES 10 ond fas : Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.LCM. WAS BD. MTN 7: a 9:30 A.M.--Chureh School 10:48 @.m--NURSERY, AGES 3 settles 10:00 A.M.--Ukrainion Service Noort ond 8 wre, Barkowatt Musical Director 11:15 A.M--English Service ee See tS ee 9:45 AM Se : 11:00 A.M. 5 a : - CHURCH SCHOOL : ' } : & ee ee 11:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN | Dr. MELLOW will preach 9:45 A.M. 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M. lw \peee BIBLE SCHOOL The Bible Is Our Textbook | ic ines 11:00 A.M. Minister Rev. £. Sere | MAY YOU LIVE ALL YOUR LIFE 11:00 AM. 11:00 A.M. ond 7:00 P.M. | PUBLIC "SHALL HE Since ke Nath | Socrament ef Boptism ond Installation yg ren REV. R. LYTLE H "A CALL FIND FAITH" of Stewards ond admission of Elders. "STEWARDSHIP" come, heor what the Bible teacher! FROM GOD" WORSHIP An nee tae Babysitter Service By The Come-Double Club 'abs Sedna Ere EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER C.K.L.B. RADIO 5:45 p.m. 2nd and 4th 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. -- and PRAYER WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES IN DEPTH | COME AND WORSHIP' WITH US SENIOR HIGH SUNDAYS »Chureh Membership Closs in the Sunday Scheel Hall ' j I ' toe 5 : j : j

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