Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jan 1967, p. 13

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Winner of the Production Les Chatham walked off with,GT/SP class was Cooper, with the high point award for fall season in the Devil's Glen} third ; saa ks the main race held over 50 laps. Second in the fall competition ' Fi was Ralph Robinson with 151) i uae a a teed points, while Bob Cooper was award and John Switzer fifth. |Hobby Centre and were present- Cooper, with a--Lang-Cooper'ed by Bob Cooper. > _|F ora sporrecar, won me Con- s at am course event at the Fall Grand Prix, with Ronid Harnden sec- the/Robinson second and Harnden | tion into the manner in which Concourse trophy were sponsor-| announced expansion plans. A ' ed by Osh | Aiea third, Ron Milne fourth and) Mi awa Raceway and) gain, in so far as the federal |tem is a gross exercise of mono-| |polistic privilege. He suggested a full investiga- the NHL recruits and controls the matter was considered sev- eral months ago when the NHL However, he would look at it government had any authority lin this regard. Diefenbaker Asks! Coach Teaches ' skating championships which|figure in the domination of open Wednesday, chalk it up to/the Canadian championships by television. |Toronto skaters during the last Their coach, Sheldon Gal-|!5 years. His skaters have won Slot Car Club, picking up 34 - |braith of Toronto, has been| World and Olympic titles and in- points in the final competition,, Feature events were held fol-| Players, We ae using closed . circuit television|Clude Barbara Wagner and Bob | @ Selted Minnows the Fall Grand Prix. He finish- lowing qualifying rounds, with we Mas ences ih ©anaca- lio sharpen the performances of|Paul in pairs, Norris Bowden Ail Minnows. 314 80 4" ed with 177 points. Prime Minister Pearson said|both. The instant playback,/4nd Frances Dafoe in pairs and 65¢ Doz. used in television sports events|Donald Jackson and Donald for public consumption, is Gal-|MacPherson in men's. singles. braith's big weapon. Galbraith also coached Bar- He televises his skaters while,bara Ann Scott when the Ot- they practise, then shows them|tawa skater won the 1948 Olim- their performances on instant!pic singles championship. playback. Galbmith is an old hand at THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jonuary 25, 1967 13 . . a sie ' ond. The latter had a finely-| F k Knight, a Torontonian goingjusing new techniques. He was To Winner detailed Lola T 70. NHL Investigation igure S$ aters ae oul hi Sm pyro eng d as eerie of his skaters to p |. Ronald Harnden won the. OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition . . jean " 6 Clown, thinks ele e him in coaching long be- f by ae ) as helped. And Miss] fore football | Modified GT/SP. class, with| Leader Diefenbaker said in the Via Television Jones 1%: aes oF A cats. a ih Had all coaches thought of fs si Commons Monday that "some"' | aha In Fall Prix 'escara second and Chatham! poopie believe the present Na- er or ea Donald| ter, made a big difference to) ene ird. tional Hockey League draft sys-|Knight and Valerie Jones take) l : no-|titles at the Canadian figure| Galbraith, 43, has been a key ATTENTION ICE-FISHERMEN SEASON NOW OPEN @ Lorge Live Minnows Creek Shinners) @ Chopped Minnows @ Dew Worms OSHAWA LIVE BAIT CO, 859 NELSON ST. et corner Wolfe St. &. 728-3222 or 723-7112 1 Open 'til 6 P.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, -- 6:00 P.M. .. . ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIAL S ... WE RESERVE THE ngs <4 RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. the lead partment ear with 2am and | for his ; It would 1 Cherry : » "'know- " great po- TROPHY WINNERS -- Devil's Glen Slot Car Club's son (left) and Ron Harnden, Les Chatham (lower right) Fall Grand Prix. Other prize along with Bob Cooper al sharp tries to grasp the four tro- winners, shown here were (lower left). t. They phies he won during the (standing) --Ralph Robin- --Oshawa Times Photo | of the so » end of e utscored H arn AaQg iW eo cin g r an ° ayed in and the the sen- ® e st r illion the Las- Inge. ; 'R? vag OTTAWA (CP)--The harness] 'The day's handle totalled|with 1965 totals in brackets: odbridge racing boom accelerated in|$915,747, the exacta pool $99,-| Newfoundland $112,234 ($92,- : nip-and- 1966, with Canadians betting|404, the quinella pool $81,310/846); Prince Edward Island $1,- more than $250,000,000 on thejand the daily double pool $78,-|177,908 ($1,088,636); Nova Sco- ow until trotters and pacers. 380. All figures were new highs. tia $5,693,766 ($4,785,566); New - 8 5 or prac- The agriculture department| Betting increased in all prov-|Brunswick $2,467,048 ($2,445,- ul t 4 ous host the reported today that bettors injinces except Saskatchewan,|935); Alberta $4,326,489 ($4,320,- 2s, who all provinces except Quebec|where the total dropped to/096) and British Columbia $1,- in-a-row shelled out $143,393,761 at har-|$550,072 in 1966 from $616,779} Federal supervision of har- ow trail ness tracks with federal super-|the previous year. 106,176 ($958,702). 4 vision, a whopping jump of $51,-| The 124 harness racing asso-|ness races comprises saliva Desls Anywh Ledies' Cosy Flannelette 2-pe. Boys' Lene Si ' : , Heel 000,000 from 1965. ciations under federal supervi-|and urine tests, RCMP polic- pr the Pan Deals AMINE F Fill d Y -- joys Long Sleeve Boys' 3 te 6X Pure Linen | The Quebec figures will not|sion ran 13,294 races, compared|ing, filming and photo finishes, oam e 4 FLEECY FLANNELETTE 2-PC. 5 be announced until next week|with 10,816 in 1965. The number A ress Ir lic en ~ Latest by the ie ae revenue de-jof racing days rose to 1,483 t e ee ar e i 0 S | Tommy partment, but they are re-jfrom 1,221. I T ed Doubles, Singles, Continentals, Met- W jedern turtle neck dickey free w ng the ported to have risen, too. In| Provincial governments out- Nnvestors 11 ee eee iettieuet FOR Sizes up to 40. ihcw wate, cotton 'orese anit Tea Towels d 44 as- 1965, the Quebec total was $94,-|side Quebec collected $11,140,- " PRICES SAKE Complete 5 yeer guar] 11 cilergic. Will not mat. te 18. ) better 462,537. 679 in parimutuel taxes and the For First S t eee. oe" bet, iormeten Dee © Complataty wonbthle, mot Compare 3.98 Compare 2.00 wou apton of Quebec harness racing tracks|tracks retained $16,281,854, of po if proof, ete. FOR PRICE FOR PRICE FOR PRIC Pa x 49. Ford of other than Blue Bonnets Race-|which owners of winning horses BuY ¢ ompore 49c¢ EID of way in Montreal do not qual-|collected $7,936,813 in prizes. Investors Syndicate won four 49 ae FOR PRICE ¢ SAKE e SAKE é SAKE pr. FOR PRICE SAKE with 54 ify for federal supervision. ONTARIO HAS JUMP dpe Fb omg ed oe Now e SAKE ee. 4 99° P , ' A ea co BETTING SOARS . Betting at Ontario tracks) first-place thee in the Toronto LOWER LEVEL MAIN: FLOOR MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR FOR en ee er che rar sna oare: s ,714, 146. BABYS' SPECIAL FOR THE HANDYMAN i , KNAP- from $15,066,976 in 1965. The|jumped to $1,670,966 from $48,-|__ Albion Bowl took the first Pitch N' Chip Chrome Nortex V-ROOM vals last ", game 1105-1071, paced by John a ri ie track set four Canadian wager-|009. Wills, with 261, Hal Ballem's 4 a { Wi & JOHNNY a enlines . to. hit ing records last Oct. 16. Figures for other provinces} | oq' relief fos at 140) (or dic o1S Inc Golf OOSTER as 31 to frames, was just a little short of oe s . D mae BAGS [=eamas , POL Valentines arg en S in Investors won handily in the Giahes 'ate., hoisting. meters, sé. Practice Sel N INE hog cee --, go Fully Insulated te keep bottles Medel 1000, Compere 12.95 Whi Kev: le asa au Ready made or do-it- IES . hop's 987 and Ballem"s 24,theao POR PRICE 9 99 improves yout golf geme et home. § MOP Sis af ter ed hain, Wom tie | Youreelt cxt_out monet, s , " re @ real engine. Ins rmstrong rop y oy oaeindged the ibaa | Compare 2.98 SAKE ® bem Coumsen 335, mae Compare 6.95 Compare 6.95 ALL je tilted Same Was 11050: Model 2000. Compare 17.95 : 4 z FOR PRICE | } Members of the Ladies' Curl-|Armstrong, vice-skip and Hilda| 1083 and Ballem headed the In- FOR PRICE FOR PRIS FOR PRICE GREATLY i vestors with his 345 and Bishop FOR PRICE SAKE SAKE ing section of the Oshawa Golf! Black, skip. ith 285. whil il SAKE e e e SAKE RE Club recently concluded their| The play-off for second prize| Was next with 285, while Wills, | SAKE ® e DUCED keen competition for the popu-|saw Madge Ruddy defeat Betty| With 266, was best for Albion. MAIN FLOOR LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL ITO lar club event, The Marjorie|Tipney in an exciting "'extra Gathering momentum, Inves- Armstrong Trophy, with Margjend'" game. Their rinks in-|tors rolled to two more wins in McCarten's rink emerging as|cluded Marion Burr, Ruth Mc- the fourth and fifth 'games, winners for the 1966-67 season. |Lauren, Marie Libby and/1159-959 and 1225-1114 respec- | AM PM uke The competition was a five-|Madge Ruddy, skip; Marion|tively. Ballem had 294 and 265 ' a a u ach game affair, embracing both|Malcolm, Ginny Clifford, Joy/and Bishop, with 246 and 258 . ch the Monday-Thursday and Tues-|Johnston and Betty Tip- ik pic a: in pacing ' day-Friday groups, with play-|ney, skip. ese two wins. Wills was again lers offs for the three high winners| Third prize winners were Phil|tops for the Albion squad, with! R BOOTS Gendr B b S j PHILIPS ALL TRANSISTOR es of each group. Marg McCarten's| Hamilton, Phil Wallace, Pay his 328 score. ons a y Ga, . rink topped the Tuesday-Friday|Johnston and Jean Bradley,/ Totals for the five-game Portabl R ------ players and played off for the|skip, who defeated Sandra ion were Investors with 5943 i A Ee aq .. trophy against the Monday. Rldaeraagl Jena "pon "tog and Albion with 5277. Canadian made for top quality agg Se a around safety ber. 10 ursday group winners, a rink| Peterson and Kay Currie, skip. | Ballem's 1293 for 46 frames ' ' . Sissi ith : F skipped by Hilda Black. | Fourth prize winners on the! was tops for the day, followed Boys 10 to 6 Men's 7 to 12 thoes he ne carrying handle, Guaranteed to bring im . Marg Armstrong made the Monday - Thursday draw were by Bishop with 1236 for 50 COMPARE 9.95 4 presentation to the winning/Mary Horn, Betty MacDonald, frames; Sobil 762 for 31 COMPARE 34.95 rink, Joy Perry, Mary Metcalf,/Nesta Rundle and Babs Henry,| frames: Steele 946 for 39 FOR PRICE SAKE : ] Laura Robson and Marg Mc-|skip; and on the Tuesday - Fri-| frames: Taylor 674 for 32, with . a | FOR PRICE SAKE = Carten, skip. The runners-upj|day draw, Shirley Campbell, ad. G h Lead,|Phil Corrin, Sue Kessler and oc. Brows ane Cae Oe | doing well in relief. LOWER LEVEL Jackson, LOWER LEVEL Williams Lectric Shave were Thelma LOWER LEVEL Gwen Smith, second, Sylva| Marg Storie, skip. _| Willis, with io78 for Nis 80 Soa frames, was easily Albion's best. SPECIAL Next week, Investors tangle with McGuiness, at Aprile Lanes. "Wally" Heeney captured the Aprile Lanes singles tourna- ment, over the weekend, with DEEP FRYER BY ROTOR ELECTRIC Ideal for doughnuts, french fries, Friendly 'Spiel At occ Proves Popular Event Centennial Year Gifts Ash-trays, 6" plates, 8" Special From Muniz The New Model M-30 Ivory Soap Twin cake size bors, two in Sereda and Stan Sereda, skip, 3.) package, equel te 4 bars. Something new, the first an- e nual "Friendly Mixed Bonspiel"| Lois Smyth, Bob Smyth, Joan Harold Ballem in runner-up plates, beer mugs. meat stew, pot roast, complete with A 530c Value was held at the Oshawa Golf|McDougali and Al McDougall,|spot, with 1415, including three deep fry besket. Muniz Auto fereo Pa lu Club on Saturday, when 12 rinks| skip, 10; Mary Howe, Bill Howe,| of his five games over the 300- SEE OUR Compare 16.95 Makes electrie shaving easy. participated in a sports-and-|Jean Mercer and Bob Mercer,! mark Other Oshawa bowlers FOR PRICE FOR PRICE Compare 1.50 social event that proved ex-|skip, 7. Sin akiwed wall cers 'Dave DISPLAY y wy : SAKE 39° FOR PRICE gm tremely popular. June Moore, John Howson, |michop 1950 and Al Perry, with SAKE « A new cartridge stereo player for car, truck, boat, ¢ The rinks were comprised Of and "Bud" Moore, skip, 11;| 1991 ae ' v ore ett MEV LOWER LEVEL etc. Solid state reproduction provides sup- MAIN FLOOR SAKE S Oshawa Golf * ' i MAIN FLOOR a couple from Audrey Knox, Alex Knox, Ann/ erior stereo music over any other system, and puts 20-Piece Sets of "Avon" Battery Operated Club, with another pair from a) Murphy and Bill Murphy, skip,| . neighboring club, as their part-|g. East York Ar 0 " Decorator the world's largest music library at your fingertips. Top Brass Push Button ners. Two. games ahi ios ae Mary Metcalf, Lloyd Metcalf, gos China To pay more would be sheer extravagance, nothing Elasto last = inthe afternoon ani voit Vivian Kerr and Eldon Kerr.| Fire Genera! Mar W ll Cl k finer at any price. At Oshawa Discount House § ra us with all sitting down tog skip, 15; Mary Horn, Gord gr. a OC. : a fe = ' ; ; y ome o e Car ofereos. Bandages, dressing stripes, cut by at dinner, between games. Fol- lowing the second games, prizes were awarded to the top four) Honeycombe, Joe Horn and Ella Currie, skip, 3. TORONTO (CP) -- Sam Hooker has been fired as gen- the bandages to fit the wound. 1%" x 1 yerd elastic adhesive. Quiet long life movement, grained walnut diol with raised markers, Dinnerware Deodorant izes : .| Dee Williams, Elgin Munday, | era) f East York s, but rizes were sec Y;|eral manager o mas or' 2 _ adaw to the fun and fellow-| Dorothy Munday and Al Wil-| argonauts football team, club By Georgien Chine FOR Se Revlon bl Man & ter ship liams, skip, 8(W); Hilda Rich-| president Harry Feldstein said Compare 10.95 Regular 29.95 Compare She y ok Men. 4-08, The party concluded with ards, Gord Richards, Norma) Monday. P PRICE . aerosol, dancing. to the music of the Butts and Perry Lawrence,! He said Bob Sherwood, secre- FOR PRICE FOR PRICE Py FOR PRICE ompare 1.00 ' Dick Millar Quartet. skip, 8(L). tary - treasurer, will assume SAKE 5 97 SAKE 14 97 GARG eins is SAKE 77° FOR PRICE ¢ Following are the results: Second Games __ | Hooker's responsibilities until a e e MAIN FLOOR SAKE' Jetta McClure, Alan McClure,|. P. Lawrence, 11; A. Currie,| replacement is found. LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR 3. Hooker was fired for issuing S. Sereda, 5(W); W. Murphy,| what have been called irre- Don Avery, Mary Avery and 5(L). sponsible statements to the press, ick Avery, skip, 10. C. McCarten, 10; E. Kerr, 7. i es Davis, Jack Aggett, Phyl) R. Avery, 9; B. Mercer, 7 East York is defending Ca- Aggett and Ray Davis, skip, 19;| B. Smyth, 11; A. Williams, 1.)nadian senior football champ- Lori Foster, Jack Foster, Kay| B. Moore, 7; R. Davis, 6. ions, Marg McCarten and Cliff Mc- Carten, skip, 11; Joan Avery, OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE -- 1038 KING at GARRARD

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