be -- a a °o 2. @ --_ @ (7) J So onl Smeal zw We've all heard of the fel- low who could do or make anything, even the impossible -- the impossible just took a little longer. But this week we learned of something that's even tougher than the impos- sible! Would you believe that * a guy couldn't make a place * on a sports team even ttiough he was perfect? Even » top stars, in almost any sport, "still only touch the fringe of » perfection on rare occasions but for somebody to attain "the ultimate and still not be "one of the chosen -- that has «to be one that even the late "Mr. Ripley would have fea- 'tured in his Believe It, Or Not ® panels. ** OSHAWA SKEET CLUB members get credit for one of *the most unusual situations «swe can recall in several dec- "ades of sports coverage. The local club has a team com- peting in the Lower Lakes 'Skeet League, a group of neighboring cities represented by their respective skeet clubs, in a league that oper- --ates throughout the winter "months, on a schedule that ~alls for bi-monthly shoots. "The Oshawa "'skeeters" have yawon the Lower Lakes League *honors the last couple of sea- sons. Two weeks ago, the Osh- "gwa Skeet Club team shot a -aantastic 250 - straight birds, *to break the former 249 rec- ord, which had existed for 16 years. This means that five ~Mmembers of the Oshawa team 'each shattered a perfect 50- out-of-50 "birds." >, IN SCORING a team's score "--more than five club mem- "Bers usually participate but 'they take the five best scores, to comprise a team's official total. Two weeks ago, five of =the Oshawa shooters éach fshot a perfect possible 50-- #0 they set a new record, of @ perfect 250. Last Sunday, one of the boys didn't make the team -- even though he «didn't miss a single shot in his '30 tries. That's right -- you wguessed it -- or did you? ere, six Oshawa Skeet Club members each scored a per- "Yect "possible" -- so again, they not only equalled their own record of 250 -- but they had one player left over -- also with a perfect score. The six Oshawa gunners to display this amazing skill and create this fantastic situation were Allen Wood, Bill Rudyk, at least, doff his hat, anytime Doug Branton and Nelson Starr, CONGRATULATIONS to these six members seems hardly adequate. As one who knows something at least about which end of a gun or rifle to point at the target, we think that every other so- called gun enthusiast in Osh- awa should do a deep bow, or at least doffhis hat, anytime he meets one of these SSS group -- the Sensational Skeet Shooters of Oshawa. They weren't all alone on Sunday either -- Rick Sheridan broke 49 targets while Fred Chase, Erie Cornish and Paul Bran- ton each broke 48 with Her- man Sweetman and Stan Starr both getting 47; George Brown and Wilburt Newlands broke 46 and a relative new- comer to the game, Mark Brown, had 46; brother Ted Brown 44; Laurie Luffman and Louis Sirizzetti, 43 and 36 respectively. TODAY'S PAPER carries another story of interest to this particular division of the sports fraternity. Darryl Sei- fried of this city, has recently qualified for the Silver Ex- pert Shield, second - highest possible award in the '"hand- gun" sport -- which means, target shooting, with a hand- gun, i.e. pistol or revolver. SPORT FANS are reminded that tonight's the night of the big special attraction, for Minor Hockey Week in Can- ada -- at our own Civic Audi- torium. Besides a lively minor game, there's the fun-and- frolic of a broomball game, while Toronto's finest and our own Oshawa City Police Department members will go at it in serious fashion, in their exhibition hockey game. These two teams always put on an interesting bit of enter- tainment. Scugog Cleaners Finally -End Lucky Strikes Jinx 'The Scugog Cleaners five-pin ¢lub came out on top, in a 'thrilling three . game ser- edes against Lucky Strikes, in the 'Willowdale Major League play, ~at Willow Bowl. "With Ozzie Keeler in leadoff position and Ron Jay in anchor, 'the Scugog entry look good @nough to tackle any opposition. 'Keeler set the pace in the dirst B cmsed with 269 followed by "Jim Cassells 273, Jay 263, Dave 'Wilmot 271 and Alex Donaldson -242 for a team score of 1,318, to "Offset the 1,261 by Lucky Strikes, =, The Toronto club evened gs up by taking the second sBame, 1,323-1,240, despite some eneat trundling by Jay 280, Ron "Bragg 274 and 258 from Keeler. aldson and Cassells were 'both below par in this one. «« Eddie Pitch, who was the key 'trundler for Lucky Strikes in the second game with 313, con- "tinued his fine bowling in the rd game with another good 'one, a 300. R. Abrey added a 301 for Lucky Strikes in the rubber "game but the Scugog boys were -@qual to the task and emerged eas winners, 1,312-1,243. | Two Teams Win Duraclean and Art's Vending found three the magic number | this week in Duplate Hockey | League action. Duraclean edged Sports and Social 3-2 while Art's downed Canada Outdoor Supply | 3-1. Gallant, Dick and Wodnisky | scored for Duraclean with Doug Layton and Roger Plancke re- plying for Sports and Social. In the second half of the twin bill, Lyons scored twice for Art's and Gilmour' once. Ros- DURACLEAN 3, SPORTS + SOCIAL 2 First Period 1, Sports: " Plancke (Seymour, Layton) Penalties -- None. Second P. 2. Duraciean: Gallant 3. Duraciean: Dick (Wodnisky) . Penalties -- Gillard (2), Murphy. Third Period 4, Duraciean: Wodnisky (Dick, Laughlin) 5. Sports: Layton (Seymour, Melnichuk) ' tin. ART'S VENDING 3, OUTDOOR SUPPLY 1 4. Art's: Lyons (Leaming) .. Penalties -- None, 13:03 Teams Show Hoop Strength Central and Donevan High Schools have only played three games each in Oshawa high school regular season basket- ball, but already they . have shown that they intend to make it a two team league. Central seniors have six points on three wins and no losses while Donevan has four on two wins and a loss. Mc- Laughlin has not won a game in three starts and O'Neill dropped their only game played this season. Central Collegiate scored 39 points in the second half to over- come a 26-21 deficit. and defeat McLaughlin Collegiate 60-44. Central was led by Charlie Marlow. John Rajkovic and Bill Langley with 18, 16 and 15 points respectively. Other scor- ers for . Central were Joe Krasnay with six points and Wayne Casselman with five. Mays was high man for Mc- Laughlin as he put in 12 points while Konoracki got 11, Plancke nine, Rudak seven and Mc- On Three Goals) pond tallied for Outdoor Supply.) * 7:36) & 33) 7: 10:36 6:45) Penalties -- Plancke, Duncan, Laugh-| F First Period 1, Art's: Lyons (O'Neill) ......... 14:33 Penalties -- None. Period B, Area QUE ais ss nccdennns "a7 3. Outdoor Supply: Rospond ! (Pilon, Yanch) F 12:06 Penalties -- Leaming (2), Yanch. Third Period le While this is 'Minor Hockey Week in Canada' -- it's minor hockey week EVERY WEEK IS MINOR HOCKEY WEEK every week for this group of juveniles, concentrating on the action taking place in their Oshawa Juvenile Hockey Club directors an- nounced today they were in complete agreement that gen- eral manager - coach Ted O'Connor be given a vote of confidence. Recen trumors were to the effect that O'Connor had sub- mitted his resignation and others were that his resigna- tion had been asked by club Officials denied this vigor- ously today. "We feel Ted has done a good job," a club spokesman said. "It's unfortunate that we lost players of the calibre of Bobby Orr, Wayne Cashman and Danny O'Shea from last year's Oshawa Generals Junior)g defenceman, Barry Wilkins. which he was struck on the left the full extent of the injury. recovers from a recent appen- skating this weekend. Meanwhile, Generals into an active session, club travels to Hamilton Thurs- day night, meets London here Saturday and tackles Kitchener pions repeat?" O'Connor's big problem at the moment is getting the club into n P but how. often do junior cham- in Kitch on Sunday after- oon, Following Sunday's game, more road games, with six re- a playoff berth, without his ace maining at Civic Auditorium. Young is still in the Oshawa General Hospital, as a result of an accident last Saturday in © eye, by a shot from Peter- { borough's Mickey Redmond. It + will be three or four days more © before doctors can determine © dectomy. He expects to start © head © during © which they will play two road © games and one at home. The Generals will have only four Club Directors Back Coach Ted O'Connor Ikeeper, Ian Young, and top E Wilkins is sidelined until he -- TED O'CONNOR . « Club behind him Finight had their bid for a share J \of first place in the Metro Jun- 'lior 'B' League thwarted, they were dumped 5-2 by the Etobicoke Indians, in a game + |played at the Central Arena in 4 |Etobicoke. time this week that have failed to gain any ground on Dodgers. Sunday night at home, was a By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Lasco Steelers last The loss marked the second Lascos the front-running Weston The best Whitby could do on 4-all standoff with the 6th-place York Steelers. The loss last night leaves the Lascos trailing the Dodgers by two points, with Weston now having two games in hand. Don Thompson, a good-look- ing kid, paced the winners with a pair of goals with single counters going to John Saville, Dale Powers and Bill Cosburn. KNAPTON TAKES LEAD For the losing Lascos, it was the league's leading goal- scorer who did the lamp light- ing. h > Hockey League game at Civic Auditorium. --Oshawa Times Photo Master five. The league standings to date are: was a great effort and coupled with Keeler's 286 and Dave Wil- mot's 304, it was a well-earned victory for the Oshawans. Wil- mot made a tremendous come- back in the third game, after a bad second game. It was a five-point pickup for Scugogs with Jay being the top shooter with 835 (292); Keeler racked up his second succes- sive 800 three - game total with 813 (286); Wilmot 681 (304); Bragg 679 (274) and Donaldson 641. For the Lucky Strikes it was Eddie Pitch 790 (313, 300); R. Abrey 776 (301); F. Tonkin 758 (268); G. Ward 658. The team totals for the three game set were, Scugog Clean- ers 3,870; Lucky Strikes 3,827. This marks the first time that any Oshawa entry has won a series over the Lucky Strikes club, in five years of competi- tion. This week's opposition will be the Glen Valley club, who over- powered the flashy Aimco Auto- -- club in. their latest ser- es. Available this week will be Keeler, Bragg, Wilmot, Donald- ~ Jay's 292 in the third game son, Cassells and Jay. TODAY'S SPORTSCOPE : TODAY 'HOCKEY * OHA Intermediate League -- Sunderland at Little Britain, @:15 p.m. » Oshawa Minor Assoc. Bantam League--Local 1500 vs Duplate, at 6:00 p.m.; Bathe and Mc- 'Lelland vs Banks Flooring, at 6:55 p.m.; Local 2784 vs Hawks, at 8:00 p.m. and Houdaille In- dustries vs Local 1817, at 8:55 p.m.; all games at Oshawa Children's Arena. =.Minor Hockey Benefit Night-- 'at Civic Auditorium --Oshawa 'Pee Wee All-Stars vs Toronto Ted Reeve Pee Wees, at 7:00 P.m.; Oshawa Police 'Meter Maids" vs Oshawa Police Ath- Tetic Assoc. (Broom Ball) at 8:00 p.m. and Exhibition Hock- -- Toronto Metro Police Assoc. vs Oshawa Police Assoc. 'at 8:30 p.m. .. CYO Hockey League -- at Civic. Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. GM Body Shop League -- 'doubleheader at Civic Auditor- dum, 4:30 a.m. BASKETBALL COSSA Lakeshore-'A' League = Ajax at Dunbarton; Courtice f@t Pickering and Bowmanville '@t Whitby Anderson; all games at 4:00 p.m. ig THURSDAY | HOCKEY |* OHA Junior 'A' League -- Oshawa Generals vs Hamilton ed Wings, at Hamilton Forum, 9:45 p.m. " GM Body Shop League -- doubleheader at Civic Auditor- ' Gum, 3:30 a.m. Johnson, 185%, Miami, stopped Phoenix, Ariz., 2. Oshawa Minor Assoc. Exhibi- tion Games -- Oshawa Bantam All-Stars vs Toronto Wexford, at 7:00 p.m. and Oshawa Mid- get All-Stars vs Toronto Rider's Rangers, at 8:30 p.m.; both games at Oshawa Children's Arena, ICE SKATING Oshawa Figure Skating Club --at Civic Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. N.F. Flyers Blank London Nationals LONDON, Ont. (CP)--London Nationals suffered their fourth straight defeat Tuesday night in a 2-0 decision to Niagara Falls Flyers in an Ontario Hockey As- sociation Junior A series game. It was the fourth victory for Niagara Falls in five meetings with the Nationals this season. Rick Ley and Clem Tremblay scored for the Flyers, Referee Bob Nadin assessed seven penalties. YESTERDAY'S FIGHTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wolverhampton, England --Jack Bodell, 1981, England, outpointed Ray Patterson, New York, 194, 10. | Miami Beach, Fla. -- Willie| Fred Sullivan, 185%, Savanah, Ga., 3. Seattle, Wash--Boone Kirk- man, 199, Renton, Wash, stopped Bowie Adams, 232, Cassells 726 (273); |? |Prince Edward After the first day's play, in the South-Eastern Zone play- offs, for the OLCA women's Silver 'D' playdowns held here at the Oshawa Golf Club yesterday, all four divisional representatives were still tied. Yesterday's results, with one win and one defeat apiece, for each of the four Division. rep- resentatives, set the stage for today's crucial play. Mrs. B. A. Bell of Fenelon Falls, nosed out Mrs. G. Miller of Barrie, in their first game and Mrs. J. C. Lord of Trenton Canada Forces Base, beat out Mrs. Murray Roberts of Union- ville. Fenelon Falls rallied from a 9-3 deficit to score three in the eighth end, two in the ninth and then won the game, with- out benefit of last stone, when they "'stole' two more in the final 10th end. Unionville picked up a single- SENIOR WLE A Pts Central 3 0211 157 6 Donevan 2 °1150135 4 ane © 3111 18 0 4 071 JUNIOR iad WL F APts Central 3 0172 100 6 Donevan 31156116 6 Eastdale 12 NW 2 O'Neill 1111 @ 2 McLaughlin 0 4 95 183 0 BANT. WL F A Pts Donevan 4 0126 90 8 'Neill 20 88 54 4 Eastdale 1 2 67113 2 Central 0246.0 McLaughlin Oo 3 58 88 0 FG FTA FTM Pts Larry Lloyd 7) 9 2 Charlie Marlowe a8 oe Bill Langley 3 8@sf fs Andy Kit oN 2 ae Dave Mason ny 2 Greg Medinski a) ieee aie ees | Dave Tutton 9 32 5 2B Ron Kitchen 72 ee UNIOR FO FTA FTM Pts Mcinroy 1% 14 W 4 Messent NB 4 % Dave Calder Ros 8. Brian White 0: 2 6 3 Ken Cunningham TBE ee SE Dave Peacock ee | Tee ere Kevin Dancey sn 9 8 Bob Kennedy ae AE Sie: | ANTAM FG FTA FTM Pts Joe Caruana 224 8 8 Tom Horruzey | Fees | MI we | Peter Hamiey 1! ea Fate, eke 2 Dave Marlowe 1S ee Coe Scores Five For Holy Cross Win Bill Coe led Holy Cross to a 6-0 victory over St. Gregory's as he scored five goals in Osh- awa Catholic Hockey Atom play. John Hoefes scored the other Holy Cross goal. Jim Duignan picked up three goals to give St. Mary's a 3-3 tie with St. Gertrude's as Terry Thompson scored twice for St. Gertrude's and Jim Armstrong once. St. Philip's - Hedwig's bat- tled St. Joseph's to a 2-2 tie on goals by David Goguen and Industrial Hockey Play In their weekly doubleheader, Whitby Commercial Hockey League produced wins for Gib- son and Willoughby Real Estate and Houdaille Industries. The Realtors defeated Mar- tinizing 3-1, with B. McBride, B. Cooke and W. Davidson doing the scoring for the winners and M. McStravick, on a pass from D. Tran, scored for the losers. J. Mulligan, with three goals, was the big scorer for Hou- daille, with S. Thompson, W. Wills ,P. Trudelle, A. Griffin and J. Devitt each notched one. Don Glover, with help from Allan Emard. For St. Joseph's it was Mike Brill and Marty Gallas doing the scoring. Wayne St. John, scored for Whitby Hotel, to avoid the shut- out. Sitver D" Playdowns Still In Doubt Here ton in the 9th end, to make it' 8-7 but Trenton cashed in on the 10th end, with one more, to make that one. In the second round, Union- ville picked up four in the seventh end, to go ahead 8-7 and then stole one in the ninth. In the final end, Fenelon Falls gave it a good try but ran out of rocks. Trenton also ran out of rocks, in their game with Barrie, but in this one, Barrie was much the best, enjoying a 7-2 lead at the end of eight ends. Trenton scored a couple in the 9th but in the final end, Barrie's knock- out tactics clinched the win. This morning, Unionville meets Barrie and Fenelon Falls take on Trenton and the win- ners clash head-on this after- noon, for the right to represent the South-Eastern Zone, in sub- Bantings, Maples Win Biddy Games Bantings trimmed Avenues 18-9 and Maples topped Hurons 21-15. in Simcoe Hall Settlement House Westmount Kiwanis Biddy Basketball League ac- tion. Teddy Reczulski set the pace for Bantings with nine points while Bruce Levey added seven and Garry Shortt two. Alan Boivin notched five points for Avenues while John Szcze- panski and John Stauffer added two each. Michael Boivin picked up nine points for Maples while Randy Jordan picked up eight and Tony Mercieca four. Don Stauffer romped for six points for Hurons, with Bill Bell adding five and Wayne Trigg four. sequent playdowns, at Sudbury. Following are yesterday's re- sults: First Round FENELON FALLS -- Ars. J. R. Allen, MONTREAL --Darryl Sei- fried of 1,013 Denis Drive, Oshawa, Ont., has qualified for the Silver Expert Shield, one of the most difficult tests in handgun shooting. Dominion Marksmen: offi- cials announced today the 28- year - old_ electrician had achieved a score of 5,530 points out of 6,000 to qualify. For the Silver Expert Shield (Handgun) the shooter must fire 20 sets of three targets, each set consisting of one slow, one timed and one rapid fire target, and each OSHAWA MARKSMAN RATES SILVER EXPERT SHIELD set scoring 265 out of 300 or better. Mr. Seifried, a member of the Oshawa Marksmen Re- volver Club, has been shoot- ing for a year and a half. Before winning the silver shield, he had to work 'his way through a series of Dominion Marksmen awards beginning with the bronze pin which required 10 targets scoring 60 or better out of 100 in slow fire. Pistols and revolvers of any calibre may be used in the Dominion Marksmen handgun competition. Miss T. Phillips, Mrs, M, F. Sergeant and Mrs. B. A. Bell, skip, 10; BARRIE-- Mrs. F. Campbell, Mrs. E. Webb, Mrs. F, Green and Mrs. G. Miller, skip, 9. TRENTON CFB -- Mrs. D. Osborn, Mrs, E, R. Hughes, Mrs. D. Plercy and! Mrs. J.C. Lord, skip, 9; UNIONVILLE-- Mrs, Robt. Hood, Mrs. Robt. Watson, Mrs. W. Ollver and Mrs. Murray Rob- erts, skip, 7. Second Round Mrs. M. Roberts, 8; Mrs. B. A. Bell, 6, Mrs, G. Miller, 7; Mrs, J. C. Lord, 4, Minor League Basketball Set Sparked by Bill Rudak, CKLB defeated Firefighters 76-63 in Simcoe Hall Settlement House Minor Basketball League action this week. In the second game of the doubleheader, Parts and Serv- ice topped Kinloch's 53-41. Rudak scored 26 points, with Ed Gorny adding 17, Wayne Casselman 15, John Cuthbert eight, Walter Karas and Ken Jordan five each. Bill Rajkovic led Firefighters with 24 points while Bob Gould- ing and Bill Melnychuk hooped 12 each. Ron Parfitt scored nine while Nick Melnychuk added six. The league's leading scorer, Dennis Hercia, ran his total to 239 points as he dropped in 18 points for Parts and Service. Ted Boivin picked up 15, Steve Ball 10, Dave Cuttler six, John Boivin three and Bill Cobel one. Tom Eldridge led Kinloch's with 14 points, followed by Serge Skoblikowsky nine, Dave Alexander seven, Ron Mcllroy, WHITBY--Ottenbrite's Men's Wear clinched first place in the Whitby Commercial Hockey League, as they downed Dennis Arseneau Fuels by a score of 8-4. With each team having two more games to play in the regular schedule, the battle shapes up for the remaining positions. Royal Hotel has climbed from last to second place in the past two weeks, and could be the dark horse in the coming play- offs. Royal's defeated Duff's Esso 8-4. Ottenbrite's had the game won, before the losers got on the score sheet. Art Rennick opened the scoring at 3.25 of the first period, and. they in- creased their lead on goals by Jack Townson and a pair by Lloyd Seymour, to end the Ottenbrite's Clinch First Whitby Commercial Loop and Ron Slack a single for Den- nis Arseneau Fuels. ROYALS TAKE OVER Duff's Esso took a 2-1 lead in the first period of the second game. From then on, Royals were in command. Gord Luke counted for Duff's at 13.19. Pete Bedard tied it up with his first of two goals t 18.21. Rick Switzer netted his first of a pair at 19.39 for Duff's. Second period scoring was all Royal's, with Pete Bedard's second, to tie the count, Dave Harrison and Bill Townson scored singles. Bill Lundmark scored the winning and insurance goals to add to his four assists for a six-point game. George Mitchell and Harvey Roberts completed Royal's score. Rick Switzer's second mark- er and John Woodward's single were recorded for Duff's. Etobicoke Indians Top Whitby Steelers 5-2 Ken Knapton, who racked up his 30th and 31st goals of the campaign, took over the lead in the goal-scoring department with his fine showing. Knapton played last year with the same Etobicoke team and was cut by the squad for his lack of scoring' ability. It would appear that coach Jim Cherry of the Steelers has the "know- how" to bring out the great po- tential this fellow has. Steelers were not real sharp in last night's contest. They trailed 2-0 at the end of the first period, 3-1 at the end of the second and were outscored 2-1 in the final stanza. Don McWilliams played in goal for the Indians and the big fellow bordered on the sen- sational, on numerous occasions as he literally robbed the Las- cos from point-blank range. In other Metro Junior 'B' league action last night, York Steelers downed the Woodbridge Rangers 5-4 in a real nip-and- tuck battle. The Lascos are idle now until Sunday night (except for prac- tice) when they will host the fired-up Dixie Beehives, who have gone 10 games in-a-row, without a loss and now trail the third-place Markham Seal- O0-Waxes team by only three points. JUST TALKING -- Latest scoring data shows Tommy Lavender still leading the league with 28 goals and 44 as- sists for 72 points, 10 better than runners-up Ken Knapton of the Steelers and Gary Ford of Weston ... PAUL REID of Whitby is tied for third with 54 points while Al Quintillian, also of Whitby, holds down fourth slot with 25 goals and 23 as- sists for 48 points'... KNAP- TON, with his pair of goals last night, is the first player in the Metro League this year to hit the 30 mark. He now has 31 to his credit. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures first period with a four - goal margin. The second period was score- less. Bob Moffat netted the win- ning goal at 5.35 of the final period, followed by Art Ren- nick's second. John Vesters and Don Waltham completed the scoring for the winners. Andy Cherkas four and Dave QUEBEC BONSPIEL ... QUARTER - FINALS QUEBEC (CP) -- The first round of the Lieutenant - Gov- ernor's Trophy play gets under way today as the annual Que- bec international bonspiel moves into its third day. Fifteen rinks will compete in the first round, drawn from the top performers in play to date for the Chateau Frontenac and Francois Jobin Gold Cup awards. Another eight rinks from the Dow Bowl section C play enter their quarter-finals today. | Only eight of the 128 rinks competing for 15 awards in the week - long bonspiel remained undefeated after two days and four rounds of play. Four Ontario groups, three from Quebec and one from Island have perfect 4-0 records entering to- day's competition. Ontario competitors keeping their record intact in the quar- ter-final rounds of the Chateau and Jobin competitions Tuesday night were the Ubald Rouleau rink from Cornwall, Roy Hew- an upset by beating Neil Spei- cher of the Toronto Royal Cana- dian Club 8-6. eran Bert White of Oshawa and escaped defeat by an 8-7 mar- gin. tion itt's Orillia group, Burlington's Allan Thorpe and Nels Findlay from Toronto's Royal Canadian Curling Club. KEEP HOPES ALIVE Quebec City's skips Joe O'Brien of the Victoria Curling Club and Guy Germain joined Port Alfred's Gilles Marquis to keep his province's hopes alive. Charlottetown's Wen McLaine was the only Maritimer with a perfect record. In Tuesday's quarter - finals, Oshawa Rinks Beaten Quebec's Charlie Emond of the Jacques Cartier Club 11-2, Mc- Laine defeated fellow Maritimer Foster Cox of Truro, N.S., 10-4, Rouleau downed Toronto's Su- lio Venchiarutti 12-8 and Ger- main edged Dr. Peter Lyons of Moncton's Beausejour Curling Club 8-7. LOSES THIRD ROUND Oscar Parker's Oshawa a suffered defeat in the third) round of the main event, Cha-| teau Frontenac Trophy play,| O'Brien's rink defeated fellow|/beaten 9-3 by Jacques Giard's Quebecer Jacques Girard and|strong Quebec rink. crew from the Jacques Cartier "Bert" White's Oshawa rink Club 10-7. Hewitt needed an| eliminated Don Dixon of Mont- extra end to get by Hamilton's|/rea}, 9-4, in their third round Ron Kemp 9-7. while Marquis' Port Alfred aggregation pulled 1 Findlay took on Ontario vet- ame but in turn, were nosed out 8-7, in the quarter-finals of | the main event, by Nels Find-| ay's Toronto Royal Canadi two. Al McDonald netted three, Sales & Service @ Repairs te rink, the issue being in doubt | until the last rock, of the final end. The two Oshawa rinks now In play leading to the B sec-;move into different secondary semis, Thorpe trounceditrophy events. \ 39 PRINCE ST. TRADE-IN ACCEPTED Electra Shaver Service & Supplies To All Makes all Makes @ 728-4284 @ Bolahood Sportshaven Downtown Oshawa @ Jim Bishop's Sporting Goods Downtown Oshawa @ Auditorium Box Office Junior "A" All-Star Game MONDAY, January 30 8:00 P.M. OSHAWA m,n" ALL-STARS SEE FUTURE PLAYERS OF THE NHL. Season Ticket Holders must pick up their tickets by Jan. 25th. BUS SERVICE Leave Downtown 7:00 -- 7:30 -- 8:00. Return after the game. TROPHY Les Chatham tries to gras] phies he we Ha: Wa OTTAWA (CI racing boom 1966, with Ca more than $251 trotters and pa The agricultt reported today all provinces shelled out $14: ness tracks wit! vision, a whoppi 000,000 from 19 The Quebec | be announced | by the provinc partment, but ported to have 1965, the Quebe: 462,537. Quebec harne: other than Blue way in Montre: ify for federal s BETTING SOAI Betting at BI soared last yea from $15,066,976 track set four ¢ ing records last Marg Wins | Members of t ing section of t' Club recently keen competitio lar club event, Armstrong Troy McCarten's rin' winners for the The competiti game affair, § the Monday-Thu day-Friday gro offs for the thr of each group. rink topped the players and pla trophy against Thursday group skipped by Hild: Marg Armstr presentation te rink, Joy Perry Laura Robson Carten, skip. were Thelma Gwen Smith, Friend Prove: Something ne' nual 'Friendly | was held at th Club on Saturda participated in social event th tremely popula The rinks we! a couple from Club, with anot! neighboring clut ners. Two gam in the afternoc with all sitting at dinner, betwe lowing the secor were awarded | rinks, but pr ondary to the ship. The party | dancing, to the Dick Millar Qu: Following are Jetta McClure Marg McCarten Carten, skip, 11 Don Avery, M: Dick Avery, ski Joan Davis, Ji Aggett and Ray Lori Foster, Ja