- BA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucedey, Jonwory 24, 1967 » nN FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA he ACTS WITH WIFE ' Peter Sellers and Britt Ek- TAKING IT SERIOUSLY There were 64 casualties lund, his wife, appear together |}among 300 Sudanese warriors for the first time in the movie! |during filming of the battle | after the Fox. attention. When you order your WEDDING CAKE ot WOOL- WORTH'S BAKERY, you con be assured of QUALITY ond VALUE. No matter how small or large your WED- DING CAKE moy be, it will receive the some expert Mrs. Sutherlond will help you design your own cake, ond give you odvice on your exact needs, Your Beautiful "WEDDING CAKE" will be mode from aged, high quolity delicious Fruit Cake, Almond Paste, and Royal Icing .. . your choice, in ofl white or postel shades. PHONE 725-3421 | scenes in the movie Khartoum. a ee Iced with in the design of To work or not to work? That is the question facing many young brides today. More and more women are joining the labor force in every field, but the decision as to whether to take a job after marriage still is one that must be made by each individual bride. In some cases, a working wife is almost a_ necessity. If a young man is going to school. for example, it may be neces- sary for his bride to work to | help support the family. In most cases, however, the | extra money necessities, but for the little | luxuries a newlywed couple | might not be able to afford without a second salary. Another factor to be consider- ed is the wife's desire to work. Many women teday have gradu- ated from college and are pre- pared for a career, They want to use their education before settling down and devoting their full time to raising a family. One solution to the working wife dilemma --is --a--part-time job. Pat Duricka, a bride of just over a year, worked before her marriage on a full-time basis, then got a part-time job after the wedding. "Part-time work is_ ideal," Pat says. "There is enough time to get the housework done $5,000 education." Another solution to the prob- lem of whether or not to take a job after marriage lies in the idea of working at home. The many advantages of such a set-up are obvious: the wife is at home to supervise and take care of the household, there are no travel expenses, Necessity Of Luxuries Reason For Today's Working Wives does not go for) and still go to work to use that | 'to spend on business clothes? What will be the cost of travel- ing to and from work? What about incidental expenditures-- 'office gifts for example? And the price of lunches away from frustrations and headaches of a | home? job and is likely to be more| Before taking a job, the young sympathetic when he comes! wife should sit down with pencil 'home tired and is not in the! | and paper and figure out exact- | mood for an evening of dancing. | ly how much of her salary will A husband also is more ap- | be left after taxes and similar | preciative of his wife's efforts | deductions, how much will have around the house when she/to go for expenses incurred by | works, Pat says. "John always | her working, and just how much | notices if I've aned or made | of a profit she will be Making. | something especially tricky for dinner." There are drawbacks, how- | even. Pat, who does copywriting | and promotion work, says "most of the time the pace is }rough and work is demanding. A woman's work is always judged on the same standards | |as a man's, and the boss| |couldn't care less if the little | PLAN CABLE FACTORY Aluminium Co. of Canada will build a $3,000,000 factory ia |Newfoundland to manufacture | high-tension cables for use at }the projected Churchill Falls | power project, company Presix /dent Claude-P. Beaubien an jnounced Thursday. Mr. Beaw | wife is worrying about what she | }bien said in an interview in | will fix for dinner." Quebec that the site of the new The working wife also must] factory will be chosen after fur- weigh the cost of her job. Will |ther talks with officials of Hy- she need extra household help|dro-Quebec and British New- because she can't be at home? | foundiand Corp., developers of How much more will she have | the falls. FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the wee Shades fabrics . Mé&C "ry Goods & | Droperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 ond 74 CELINA STREET "Free Customer Porking while shopping et our store" her 'hours aré more fiexrnic; #3: There are many fields in which a woman can work at home. If she has a talent for writing, she can do free iance work for magazines or Jocal publications. An ability to sew can be turned into a profitable dressmaker's business. Many large firms also are willing to have women tabulate the results of various surveys at home. A check of the want 'ads in the local paper often can turn up unsuspected opportunities. No matter what course she decided on, however, the young bride will be wise to remember that her first job is always to make her husband happy. Pat, 23, also points out that by working herself, a wife gains more understanding of her hus- g) WORTH S band's life. She knows what it 'is to be faced with the small WEDDING CAKE SERVICE MRS. SUTHERLAND Wedding Cake Consultant WHATEVER THE OCCASION ! Married Couples Of All Ages Turn To... VADIANT CLEANERS To Look Their FREE at PICK-UP and DELIVERY UW, Call 725-1023 or 728-2361 | VADIANT CLEANERS 2 LOCATIONS 1120 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA SHOPPING AT NORTHWAY PLAZA -- 728-2361 725-1023