20A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, Jenvery 24, 1967 bon lace. The bride's pill- box hat is a proud profusion of illusion tulle and ribbon lace that holds the new 6- A new look for spring @reated from the star spun whiteness of Ligoda and the Renaissance richness of rib- ALLERGIES HURT | BROUGHT FROM AFAR Asthma, hay fever and other! Bees fly about 35,600 miles, allergies account for 32 per|more than the distance round cent of all chronic illnesses af-|the world, for each pound of fecting children under 17, \ tones. BURNS SHOE sforES | FOR YOUR BIG DAY And Going Away. . 7x Let us help THE BRIDE select the right shoes for this occasion . . « That all-important going-away cost- ume is not complete without the proper matching shoes and hendbag. For the perfect match . . . we wal TINT your shoes to the fashion color of your choice. Travel with the Luxury of " 1 LUGGAGE FY, 1 by McBRINE SS ee BURNS 1 King West \ % 'SHOE STORE Downtown Oshawa THE WEDDING COAT - DRESS Customs today are getting more and more informal. But let the word "'wedding" be men- tioned and even the most in- formal girl runs for her eti- quette book. Here are some pointers for the bride-to-be who is in a quan- dary about wedding invitations. Invitations, and announce- ~ |ments, are sent to the family, friends and acquaintances -- in- cluding business acquaintances -- of both the bride and bride- groom and their families. The invitations are always issued by the bride-elect's parents, if they are living, even if they cannot attend the wedding. If her parents are not living, the invitations may be issued by her nearest relatives or a close friend or guardian. Engraved invitations still: are the most formal, but modern printing methods have made simulated engraving almost as popular. It is wise to remember, how- ever, that engraving takes time and should be ordered weil in advance. Paper should be white, light ivory or a very pale tint. Usu- ally, invitations and announce- ments have two envelopes. The outer one is for mailing and the inner one protects 'the actual in- vitation. Once the bride-elect has de- cided on the type of invitations, it must be decided exactly who gets invited. This job falls to the mothers of the bride-to-be and bridgeroom. Among those who should get invitations, for the sake of for- mality rather than practicality, are the clergyman and his wife, the members of the wedding ag FURNITUR YOUNG MODERNS e {interiors Windoalf 39 SIMCOE NORTH TELEPHONE 726-3651 foot length veil of fashion. --By Tracy Adrian Invitation Etiquette Gives Rules For Bride-To-Be party and their husbands or wives if they are married, grandparents of both the bride and groom and even brothers and sisters who are living at home. In some cases, more people will be invited to the wedding ceremony than to the reception. When this occurs, a separate reception card is engraved and enclosed in the invitations of those also invited to the recep- tion. This card usually is a little smaller than half the size of the invitation, and is of the same color, type and quality of paper. Any form used to invite guests to a reception should have, in the lower left hand corner, the letters R.S.V.P., which stand for the French words "Repon- dez s'il vous plait", meaning a reply is requested. Informal wedding invitations may be issued in the form of handwritten notes, telephone calls or even telegrams. Bear in mind, however, that formal invitations may be sent even if the wedding is small and in- formal. PLANNING A.+, © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 Hora 7 by Penrose For The Perfect Wedding @ FOR THE BRIDAL PARTY @ FOR THE RECEPTION @ FOR THE CHURCH Whether it's a simple ceremony or an elaborate formal wedding we will take the complete respon- sibility for all your decorations while carrying out each detail to perfection. FLOWERS OE Steeece Seoatiie PHONE 576-1760 FLOWERS Gebowwn