1@A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, Jonuary 24, 1967 MR. AND MRS. C. Bride, Formerly Of Oshawa Wears Sari For Wedding In India The wedding took place re- cently in Mendha,+M.P., India, of Catherine Ann, only daugh- ter of Mrs. Donald M. Polson and the late Mr. Polson, to Clarence Osmond, elder son of Clarence Osmond, McMullen elder son ofy Mrs. McMullen of Lansdowne, U.P., India. Re- latives and friends were present nfrom many parts of India. Among them were the bride- groom's mother from Punjab, his sister, Mrs, Udia Sherring from Delhi, his uncle, Mr. Justin Singly from Landour, U.P., and Mrs. Mildred Gehman, formerly of Oshawa, from The School of Nursing in Vellore. The bride wore a_ white Benares silk sari embroidered in gold, and carried a mother- of-pearl covered Bible and a - spray. of white champur. The bridesmaid, Miss Violet Mc- Mullen, sister of the bride- groom, wore a pink silk sari trimmed with silver and car- ried a nosegay of pink wisteria. Mr. Archie McMullen was best man for his brother, The bride entered the church to the music of "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven," played by Misss Bea Scott. The double-ring ceremony was conducted b ythe Reverend ee eK O. McMULLEN read by Rev. Desmond Howard, Master of Ceremonies. The bride's going-away sari was of blue Benares silk em- broidered in silver. The bride and bridegroom left for their new home in Ranchi, Bihar, where Mr. McMullen is teach- ing Hindi to missionaries, and is also doing translation work. On their way they visited Jhansi, The Taj Mahal, Agra and Delhi. Prior to the marriage show- ers were given by Landour students and friends, by all the missionaries in the five Bhil Field Missions, and the nurses and Women's Mission- ary Group of Mendha Presby- terian Church. SPUD NOT TO BE FOUND Scotsmen refused to eat po- Wedding Guests Like Plain Menu When a bride is planning a wedding feast, she should for- get about exotic recipes and set- tle for a menu that will appealf to all the guests, says expert Lore Moser, who has been hel-| ping brides plan wedding re- ceptions for 15 years. Broiled and roased meat or poultry is the best bet for a main course. "You can have something dif- ferent with vegetables or des- sert,"" she adds, "Then if a guest can't eat it, he won't# start. He'll haye the main course to comfort him," she} says. Lore suggests carrots with dull, zucchini with walnuts,| string beans with almonds or with mushrooms, stuffed toma-| toes. Weddings haven't changed§ too much since Lore has been in the business of planning wed- ding receptions but menus} have been upgraded. People} seem to have more money to spend and they have a better appreciation of food. There is more interest now than formerly 'in buffet din- ners even though it is more ex- pensive for a large crowd. Such a dinner looks luscious with its array of chafing dishes roasts, seasonal salads, imp- orted cheeses, sea foods and§ other embellishments, 'People don't understand why a buffet meal is more expen- sive, but it is much easier for a kitchen to roast chickens or beef than to prepare a variety of dishes served buffet style." 'SMACK BRITISH LIPS British families ate 7,500 tons tatoes 283 voara aco because they are not mentioned in the | Bible. of piccalilli, 12,000 tons of swee pickles and 18,000 tons Of bect= root and Ted cabbage in 1965. Fred Knox, a missionary in In- dia for twenty-eight years. The | wedding message was pre-| sented*in Hindi (language) by | the Reverend Angus MacKay, a/ misionary in. India for thirty- | five years. Prayer was offered | by the Reverend Rhima Dittia, | minister of the Mendha Presby- | terian Churh. | During the signing of the register, a duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Copp, friends | of the bride and bridegroom | from Language School. The| congregation sang "He Leadeth | Me." The bride and bridegroom | left the church to the | of a_ Bhili Wedding Hymn. | They received their guests on | the church verandah. The re- ception was held under a beau-| tifully decorated canopy, erect- | ed for the occasion. All the; missionaries of the Presbyter- | ian Bhil Field area, where the | bride had been occupied in} Public Health Nursing for the| past three years, assisted in| serving. A three-tiered wedding | cake was cut. and served by the | bride and bridegroom. Many telegrams received from Canada and India were FURNITURE FOR YOUNG MODERNS e Interiors Windolt 39 SIMCOE NORTH TELEPHONE 728-3651 IT'S Let Birks guide you in choice--our reputation The beauty and meaning of a Birks diamond are ageless; its value, too, remains unchanged. 77 ¥ft - FROM BIRKS kK making this important and experience is your guarantee of quality and excellence of crafts- manship. This assurance costs no more...if is a part of owning a Birks diamond. Convenient payments may be arranged OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FREE Bridal Giff FOR 1967 BRIDES This exciting gift for all brides-to-be in 1966 is exclusive with Walker's. It's packed with regular-size (not samples) national brand products to start every new bride's housekeeping life. Over 30 products in all plue many colorful recipe booklets ... and an informative booklet on the care of linens. The retail value is over $10. We're sure every new bride will be thrilled with this free "Bridal Shower' gift pack. 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Siiihicin: siete Pk wiaie's wes ares Name of Bridegroom ........eseeeeeeee WOO TOS os ik is se wees Name of Church or Synagogue Where Wedding Is To Be Performed ..... eeeeccccee 1f coupon is being sent in by a friend or relative, please fill m the following information: Telephone eeencce Tie offer eppiion only te brides-to-be whe wit be residing te Only one Madilad Seescey" ot gilt wack tas cash inka Note: This free offer is subject to withdrawal at any time, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626