Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1967, p. 18

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6 staan Ww, , Saturday, J 21, 1967 from 1:00 p.m. and Sunday! Shown Thursday and Friday|7:20, 9:30 p.m. Last complete|- . i aw ah ti ee lao continuous from 2:00/continuous from 7:00 p.m. Sat-|show at 9:05 p.m. pee ee he optcngtesgge charted Ahdedebade ddl AT I itaiodidadhid fled g «| DRIVE-IN pm. urday continuous from 1:00 and! Starting next Priday,, after|# SEATS NOW @@y ON SALE AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL!: Starting next Thursday, one Sunday continucus from 2:00/the Fox, with Peter Sellers, : 20. 5 THEATRE ; - .m. i d Britt Ekland <=> RODGERS « HAMMERSTEINS : of Alfred Hitchcock's best mo-|? + song sy ~ . _ se Peed ye ; NEW ODEON -- Held over|in technicolor. On the samelvies, Psycho, with Anthon Per-| pyaza -- A great come dy |fitey A "sessunne suns "-- en, : ALL COLOR SHOW Os for a third great week, The|program Missouri Traveller, kins and Janet Leigh. On the! or picture, Georgy Girl, with bist: 'y 4 4 pase Blue Max, the story of Bruno|with Lee Marviin also in color.jsame program, Hold An, with |Tynn Redgrave, James Mason| Shown daily at 1:30, 3:30 i a ? ry Lane! 7 Centenn' Stachel the pilot who won the|Both of these movies are coun-|Herman's Hermits and Shelly/and Alan Bates. Restricted. |5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Last & RODGERS & HAMMERSTEINS aS underway coveted award of the Blue Max.|try and western musicals. |Fabaris. A rock and roll mus-| Show daily at 1:40, 3:25, 5:15,\complete show at 9:10 pm. , : AND : has sen The story Ba Bg -- be Shown Saturday continuous'icalin color, __ EE alld eh aameat '| " KE saieg | the sky and the love affairs aes re ry , be A '1 ' 'i the ground. One of the finest)§' ' Set. sng DEBORAH KERR UL BRYNNER coy is aviation picture ever filmed. Ce senting 11 Ursula eeog = James DA AT THE 2ND BIG HIT ae Mason are the co-stars. ' Shown Saturday continuous -- tare will visit from 1:00 p.m. and Sunday con- NEW LEGION HALL | ; a aia P ge § tinuous from 2:00. Weekdays 471 Simese Seuth --:-- TEENAGERS ----:-- a hbase Jan. 29. shown at 7:00 and 9:35 p.m. ; | : q > 5 5 a REGENT -- Now playing for|? Feeturing Th Bl D ] hi gos Lh . P holder to an rggeocersa rye tong biggest -- TED Koss ey CAVALIERS e ue 0 Pp in . 7 i > ' dil a5 IC VOVage game. best musica! at was e ag a) duced in Hollywood. Rogers 4 produced in Hollywood: Roe' = S@turday, January 2st 'wane | sic, vith Christopher ot UM, ad julle Andrews,|¢ Dencing ....9 pm. to 12 $3.00 per couple FRIDAY, JAN. 27th Box Office Opens at 7:00 p.m. B ping enoa in beautiful technicolor and noe e 7: 'a, HEATERS AT val and cinemascope. atnesday, | with the Fantastic Orfans pr ss a "a ; =o with ¢ auners Soy 4 ren Under ree about 7 1 Saturday and Sunday st 21 THE OSHAWA rer -- -- ac ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON tentative .m, Evening show | | . sos Oe eel 8:00 p.m. All seats reserved. | Last Times Tonight -- 2 Features Freniised MARKS -- Saturday and Sun- LI i T LE THEATRE | SoRISRITERESE Counel day only. Nashville ong with | Saaety € Tex Ritter and Sharon Young, | te ae ee OS serge South Or Al Capp Has Invites You to Attend | LIVE THE LIFE A MODEL LEADS "the | ua Gem Of Id CASTING MEETINGS |» or look like you do. quale m ea FOR | The Vicki ig ora percitb Agency ~ you ees to bea . ] tier you. Learn exciting secrets of famous lels from . " HARRISON, Ark. (AP)--Sadie i" M " | hi Toronto instructors righ Osho: ' ight here in wa -- Walking, " Hawkins Day races and true Tea House of the August oon |] Posture, Make-up, Speech and Diction, Fashion TV commer- All Ex Atdliicds Pai d oaitied fs end yy pebonigg res by John Patrick | cials, ond Philosophy. ' me $ y elt Ozark jpn ole "a | Whether yeu wont to ty glarnorous pee 2 leak ~ 7 @) Council 4 with cartoonist see one, you'll gain poise, self assurance and confidence. Get the f meeting oar fine Tues., Jan. 24th 8:00 P.M. | look -- and the looks -- that a Vicki Jenkinson course gives ECVI's Sources here say negotiations yeu prosiesyes are Lage y gem omy oo Py Thur., Jan. 26th apes 8:00 P.M. | Prat ale atetsi and modellina closees ore néw forming - ! and af chase 0 acres an = = ; fr afternoons, evenings and Saturday. Rates sonable so Gevelopment of "Dogpateh,| Ait The Library Auditorium || don' deloy. Coll us todey. oe j tem at U.6.A. ANYONE INTERESTED IN ACTING OR ASSISTING TO | 723-0311 mea The land includes a cave, a iake, a trout farm, a creek with MOUNT THIS PRODUCTION IS MOST WELCOME a waterfall and 2% miles of te 7, & OG tone an ry been Finel Performance Tonight of ribed of the 10 t scenic highways in the Us ' "ROOTS", 8:30 P.M. EASTDALE CVI "TI Abe | oat eile sano, te sees. ths Tickets $1.50 at the Door major shareholders in Recrea- tional Enterprises, Inc., devel- oper of the recreation and tour- A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR ' 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 Vicki Jenkinson Modelling Agency 739 Station Plaza, Oshawa ist attraction. ©. J. Snow, the firm's board gt AVE YOUR vnfesen MIPS 'n GRAVY oti Take A Step Into chairman and president said the ~ he AGrtaAg) || MODERN LIVING Pi Bo figeay oi a restaurant, DRY CLEANED F™; FISH 'n CHIPS and ~ ove IN aa craft shops, stores, a doctor's WATCH YOUR GIRL! GUARD YOUR GOLD! | | HOLD YOUR JEWELS! pe eethigy vy CLAM CHOWDER ol a office, a fire station, a chapel, a on i 9 N " rei p INTERIO ' lig yp toon a statue ne gg et Sa \ X i am Se) im ape McMURRAY S [ peat we ion T. Co' e; as well as ; 2. ! Ki eal . cabins made of rough pine tim- i \ Wis b 'Ae WHITBY CLEANERS 3 Lenore BY ¥ se Rey hy DE | RIAN CLEANERS" || Simons tee or Tevoree ta WINDOLF hey 'ea j 2 imeoe St. N. et Taunton 5 ct of : " t RS 728.2291 IZZA . ™ . «| ts Hardwood £. 942-0310 the Big "M" Drivectn" 39 Simcoe St. N. bavi fe ' NR Be Phone 723-0241 A ar, | or 728-0192 . MERCER "4 2. are MITTON'S oO 1 bee ANV, RUG BLYLEVEN U % _ _ ie) EPI'S Ps. Ae -- MUSIC -- Ae a. 4! SUPERTEST REAL ESTATE & es || ACTION-- PETER 7 SERVICE LLEANERS \\__ surance Entertainment Nigh?ly ot 9 P.M. Matinee Saturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. Es Lt i Pisin Se: een home, = @ Bri -- ion. SATURDAY a " y _ rece aa a= "Baty $13,500 -- Hur NIGHT KING SI AFIER THE>FOX 5 viene ve if # \ pornaisens eee | m1 aE Yeu. =e ' ing 523-5300 oe TW SY .R. 1 Oshawa 725-4211 Ie Bape y BW eee DANCE UBS : bby as HAVE YOUR RUGS & UPHOLSTERY ase a PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED NOW! UPHOLSTERING BLACK HARBOUR N. B.'s bo-storrig Me Schlacht Electric For Pick-Up and Delivery Call SPECIALISTS J LARRY THOMPSON and ELECTRIC MOTOR mics wees AND THE BRITT FKL. AND Written by Produced by Directed cae on 725-0961 WI ANCHORMEN NEIL SIMON JOHN BRYAN VITTORIO DE SICA Fas 1700 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA | FEATURING KARL MURPHY Music BURT BACHARACH: Produced by Delogate Productions A.6. and Nancy Enterprise, Ine, "6 pid nd ip Oldtime and Modern PANAVISION" (COLOR by DeLuxa} NOW PLAYING " pagel RULES ing b 'orkshop Tools ents RED BAR . Your Favourite -- 1 L Each week there will appeor the on this Darlington Uphoistery om DANCING Admission Col si RR No. 2 Bowmanville feature the letters making up the name of one of the participating businesses. pid ol Ne R foie t orn 70.13 $1.50 - + ie calypso Singer TIMES 623-7490 -- Le pag Pal cy bagi ary Pell carefully, find these ~-- 623-7341 ' out st s & an jenti bu 5 ju Ww fe RICKY 1:30 - 3:25 to the EXPO CONTEST EDITOR a/o. The romnee tue by os tater toon we * : PHONE 723-2843 :30 - 7:30 -9: 4 p.m. each Fridey. SIX FRANGIS 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Gerda"s » . ey . s JACKIE'S were AUTOMATIC Lai ne | sae) HAIR STYLING) | | smpertnnt CLEANERS , Sep TRANSMISSION MATINEE SATURDAY 4 PM. TO 6 PM * FE MONEE $1 CHHAWA | © Sone, sam Sto ot hall of Posies Gem eon 00 ten portnating "65 Souawat * in Ca PA, PA, ae ee usinesses. FULLY LICENSED ------ VISIT U S 2. Each entry must be submitted on the OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM, 723-7975 Da CENTRE BUND: : ONLY TO'SS 17 EQUIP ED CINERAMA 3. All contestants must be 18 years of age or over. e think : DAS S TORON PECIAL| P| s With Every $3.00 Order cours 1038 Simcoe St N. 728-7339 WHITBY THEATRE CAN MAKE YOU PART OF THE PICTURE! T0-D AY nee ooeanoa ee | ds Ot on te Teen ta 5 Sean Bi 1, Alr Conade flight for two, Toronto to Montreal and: return, Cleaned. good Of oll Transmission + ions at La M Motor Inn, all ex s pold for 3 da really re] Repairs Could've Been gor Appointment 723-4212 pee ebad oad tts ae sala . scpanis humdi LA "EREE" can't 75 % Avoided by Preven- 4. $50.00 peg money: boys pier bb tee ae Maintenance muita seoniean nae AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP i ' enc Reconditioned @ Helmets @ Gloves @ Goggles Marian's Variety & Lunch pan H e@ e Transmissions Det es SA gg ae @ SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Te fr Chev., Pontiacs in.) Ex hota tied r woul $198, Pics iratelltion a oe. dogfights in 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 922 Simcoe N. AM--11 P.M. 725-0943 drive All Work Gueranteed pty ne = dj % 2 Machanics % Guaranteed Used Cars pate roe Gye nd Prix te Lowest Prices % Top Quality Service '. * SATURDAY * / hok ee bin Couples Only METROCOLOR Peleshok Motors Lid. 942.6300 BOBBY WINNS GARNER SANT HONTAND HIFUNE aun and his celebroted 10 4 oe i SHOW BAND BEDFORD WALTER Siik\ro .....:HARby zY. Fae, Official Entry Form RIVERIA COIFFURE Hi AY on VS martes Caimi a |. Lapeer mi ay Urirar Grir ioe wuryean feud OMe year is wre Bir AND : SCREUME OF Pues PeRroMMRCES : F. CRISILANO'S FORGE PEPPARN -JAMES WASONHRSIILA ANDRESS rr ties OE Ee he ie : BARBER SHOP WAY ste REMY REME- KARL ICHAEL VOGLER: ANTON DIFFRING | evens ¢ bot al ua ; | (@ov'r. APPROVED SCHOOL) « Penis ee anes or cereal maa H bene |] Private, ond Commerce es | Address 6.1... secs cece ee ese ee este eeteeeeeees ik Ae palslyehanepinlieingy "rent OA | RESERVE SEATS NOW BY MAIL ag i © MANICURES GREE RUE RRR HMEDINRERETTERNOT ST r ane 4 4 | OSHAWA TOMO os ee s8 ses at ee eae nies aaa ihe pars toatel "HOW TO STEAL ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | Loins Rreng bea | | MUNICIPAL AIRPORT i Woth's Winner: 20% OFF Weekdays ot 7 & 9:35 -- Sot. from 1:00, Sun. from 1:30 ff) First cholce (dey end date)__ Alternate ts pivaeg a . BETTY A MILLION" ae " | -- 167 Ritson Road $., Oshawa 600 King E. (est Meld pron STRGUT or Gauee 'THE q EW | | Address ' : City. Province. | T | Mail Self Addressed, Envelopa--Make cheques peyeble ODEON THEA RE i Seca Tee - "DOCTOR IN CLOVER" Leslie Philips -- Color ; HUNGRY ? DOCTOR ZHIVAGO STARTS ° CANADIAN PREMIERE | Try A New Taste Treat Today ITS EXCLUSIVE OSHAWA ESDAY JANUARY 25th "IT'S DELICIOUS!" GET A PLANTATION COMPLETE ENGAGEMENT FEB. 1- FEB. 28 i inden FOR RESERVATIONS CALL - -GLENDALE (VERY) THEATRE BOX OR A SARREL FRIED CHICKEN TAKE OUT SERVICE | 725-5833 725-5562 1661 AVENUE ROAD N., TORONTO ~ FREE Theatre Parkin or | -- mene |677 KING E , THE CHICKEN HOUSE « 7284771. | | / wate : | | Lac aninn Mon. to Fri. Show Storts 7:30 Set ond Sun. Show Storts 6:30 FREE IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRES 8 EE EGE BE oH ee 668-2692 _-- 282-3969

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