uredey, ed Pe Slagel, of 20| David Thomas, 21, of 7 York 16 aoa se acta eed St Morningside Avenue, West Hill,|Street, Ajex, was sentenced to a from driving anywhere in Can-|two months; while his com- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE ada for two years when he|panions, Samuel Bradica, 20, of pleaded guilty to failing to re-|589 Howard Street, Oshawa main at the scene of an acci-|and Barry Couture, 20, of 275): dent and failing to notify the|Wentworth Street, Oshawa, Three Youths On Spree -- of a change of ad-|were exch fined $100 or 30 days , A fine of $200 and costs with} DRANK UNDER AGE S T Homes the option of 30 days was im-| When the waiter in a Whitby amage umme posed in the first charge and|beverage room asked two teen- a fine of $50 with the option|®&ers for proof of age they left the beverage room. When a yy -- A break, enterjer, Spencer Avenue, Toronto,|windows. Cottages in the Scu-|of 10 days on the second Whitby callte officer saw Mor- WHITB and theft spree last December/pleaded guilty to a total of 25|/gog area were damaged by|charge. ris Carl Dixon, 16, of 108 Morse brought three youths into Mag-|charges. They were remanded|guns being fired at lamps and Stmmet, Toronto, he was stag- istrate's Court Tuesday. in custody to Feb. 7 for pre-| pictures. Damage and _ the/$59 OR 10 DAYS gering in front of the entrance Jesse Franklin Scharbrodt,| sentence report. value of stolen goods totalled) 4 routine check of a car in|to the beverage room. | was remanded in custody to; Police said the accused en-| more than $1,000. Goods valued the beach area, near the On-| Dixon, whose parents live in Jan. 24. Bail was set at $5,000.|tered summer cottages and/at $250 were recovered. |tario Hospital, Whitby, result-| 5 -ockyill fined $50 or 10 Joseph Beaudrow, Georginajhomes in Scugog and Geor-| A total of $2,398, of whichied in a fine of $50 or 10 days| rockville, was fined $50 or Township and Michael A. Walk-'gina Townships by breaking/approximately $800 Was fe-|in jail being imposed on David|{@¥S.0n &@ charge of drinking - covered, was involved in the/Donnelly, :19, of Toronto, on alwhile under the age of 21 e 8 s . Georgina Township charges. In|charge of drinking while under] years. Driving Count Dismissed |: ctermis, 2s i se Dizon and hs companion and other property, valued at nr Daniel Mervyn Carl Cripps, 16, $309, were taken. AD AUTO THEFT had consumed a "quantity of |_ Three district youths pleaded/draught beer before they left ACCUSED REMANDED ug! eer before they le: guilt theft an " Second Charge Held Over The use of foul language in| fron, = ofl Whitey pthete: the beverage room," the court i FISK Air-borNe DELUXE : learned, Cripps, of 709 King - a public place b t 4! station lot, The missing ve-| Street, Whitby, Was fined $50 A BOWMANVILLE -- Admit-|charge, laid at the same time,|charge for Joseph Beaudrow.|hicle was found parked nearlor 10 days on a charge of a ting his ignornce of the vaga-|was adjourned to next week. |He wae convicted on the chargeithe Oshawa Police Station, drinking while under age sth ries of motorcycles, Magis-| Jules Charles Thompson, 270|0f causing a' disturbance in a -- oer trate R. B. Baxter dismissed|Baldwin Street, appeared on|Public place by Magistrate 9 a- case of dangerous driving|crutches, Nov. 15 and pleaded|G. W. Jermyn and remanded 2 os against an Oshawa man here|not guilty. for sentence. LIVING EXPENSES GROW : bors Tuesday. A careless driving ADMITS POSSESSION ADMIT THEFT tho A Bowmanville youth, Blain) A tenant on the farm owned % wh * Adams, 106 Church Street,/by Philip Druz in East Whitby jae . : ton ries pleaded not guilty to impaired|Township, Charles Nichol and by driving and guilty to a charge| Lorne Munro Thomas, Oshawa, ind of illegal possession of liquor| pleaded guilty to theft of farm sau found in his car. Both charges| machinery, They were remand- Racan Man TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario Supreme Court jury was told were adjourned to April 18. SERIOUS MATTER Two youths learned that try- ing to mislead police by re- ed to February 21, 1967, for sentence. Farm machinery, the prop- erty of Mr. Druz, was dam- v 750x114 anc offe cas ser s twe Wednesday that Racan Photo-| Pe ; aged to the extent of $200. It A ba {porting an offence which had ° -- poo San wee lord not been committed is a serious | #5 -- by persons _un- Y X Drink Bustheas . matter. Richard Douglas prot be) edhe the Druz Corp. of Chicago at a time|P&tTy, 20, of Kirby, pleaded property g the New Year's weekend. Parts from four hay- MO TRADE -1# when invoidee showed the geitty ae oo ag mowers were broken and taken WECESSARY ! transactions amyunted to $171,-|""' oes to a scrapyard in Oshawa j '2 : X y Parry reported to the OPP! where the metal was sold for . § Grown counts \Cay Powel that four tres nd whens sep | SME TUBELESS BLACKWALL 0 WHITEWALLS ONLY 18.02 A *s case that|Tesenting a total value of $236, the invoices in q 'tion were|lad been stolen from his car 'are accused obtained §8 for fictitious in the sen'e that the|during the night. The officer|the scrap metal. now - defunct Racan never peat Sr ui Parry later) REMANDED FOR SENTENCE bought the goods set oi in the /@@mitted the hoax and gave a| rpis ig a matter that is a invoices. Sw gitatement. sort of theft by the back door. 'This fact is "brought home nm more The jury is trying Kenné "Fhe matter was adjourned to clearly when the new beby comes. The VA The danger is to the system more expence hi the ffai George Lennie of Toronto,|Jan. $1 for a pre-sentence re- ' eee Raprgiareae deem sad were Alfa former president of Racan, on|port. The charge against vat i bagged Tne Po nec e View charges of ei A a Brockman will be heard then. away and destruction of the @nd where you ere one of the owners, the] ap ag mt eod ei 5, Rab : confidence of people in busi-|l All. eligible toans ere life-insured ot missi uno of To ate founder at SURFACE AT LAST ness," said Magistrate H. W.|| no extra cost. met Bil ose patches Bil ag MALAGA (AP) -- Two bro-|Jermyn as he r ded John bring Racan who is charged jointly Arthur Worden, 35 f Fai with Lennie, had a personal|thers who fought for the losing pga Src SP 0! a r- LIMITED OFFER Mr bank account in Toronto. Republican side in the Spanish ship, to Mar. 7 ao dentate Bring this ed with you when you view He sald a Crown witness will |cjyi} War 'have ape » . . join our Credit Union and receive o tiona say later that Lennie instructed], ... come out of/ Worden pleaded guilty to a me ek ee about her to alter entries in account|!ding after 30 years. Juan|charge of defrauding the bank : the ° books for Rabbiah's personal |Hidalgo Espana, 62, and Man- . Pe ge Bageonet Whitby, "y benefit. uel, 57, surrendered to poli Tt a eee regal PE ae he sn ot tet cnr rea aaa 'n Sane aased] YOUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION a rown that the $248,000 in ques- cotla. ar tion went to Lennie, Mr. Goa agern and were turned over ir is $962.65 owing to the OSHAWA CENTRAL STUDY GROUP hha ell said. But.the Crown's case|t0 judicial authorities. Release | >ank. . is that Rabbiah beet able to fa-|was expected under an am- TWO-YEAR BAN SUITE pono po sgpted wage "wend fh cilitate the transaction through -- sides Lennie, and that Lensle i pela Magistrate Jermyn prohibit- Qu equally responsible for acts Mart that took place. Norti Burton Tilden, vice-president Icc. of Speed-0-Print, said the firm "It began selling equipment and nol ¢ photo-copy paper to Racan in tion 1960. Mart In all, he said his company pay #old $860,000 worth of merchan- Mr dise to Racan, which owed it for 3 $10,000 when it went into bank- Simo rupt 6. and | The trial continues. Boar id Parents : 4 | To Study ae 7.77 7 Rav-0-vac a eLEARA' 3 kK SPORTSMAN \iPot winter Drivin : atts the parents, met the chil ' s ot up to Sher n who wi going back to) + : da echool during the next five LANTERN saving bg weeks at the Dr. 8. J. Phillips \ WITH BATTERY oO wma ool. - ; firin The Dr. 8. J. Phillips Home P + Re and School Association is hold- i win No. 304 reste ing a five-week course on the and new PP h to teachi : ; s : Po maths in public school. Headlight ; ; and The course, which starts on SAFETY iy ; ter | Feb. 7, will run every Tuesday : ee . At night until March 7. The course f : : j REFLECTORS & ? ; 2 .: way is restricted to members of the ' ' Rea. 2.59 KH the | Dr. Phillips Home and School. : 8. <: : = vied §s0 on. > = ' Inforined ofthe course Mon- By oy night, orreral Board = f id ' : ; 7 triec lucation trustees express . c: : : an interest in attending. * : PRESTONE fo) e course, explained Home ; : ' X q and School president Mrs. ANTI-FREEZE a bes W. H. McKee, is-being held to " ; make the parents more aware en Lad of the new teaching methods. (doe "It's got to the point," she sent said, "where a lot of us are no Elr jonger able to help our chil- bet dren. We don't understand what El they are doing." driv Teachers at the course will vare be Arthur Winter, principal of piceh Dr. Phillips School, Jack Hutch- inson, vice principal and Miss E Frances MacLeod, primary school consultant for the city board of education. FEARMAN'S | FEARMAN'S SWIFT'S | cnan, finer ae ae : : SSS | BolOGnA | POLSHCON | SIDE BACON | B Zz Pe cy) FOOD CLUB 2 39: 63: 9g eed re ertrmreew o she aa a = Bia B22) & oe ae eneeree! a a mi #22 | 0 Fancy Iced MEAT ROAST BEEF _ CAR SERVICE xx : om -_ | * HOE =2)99 Donuts PIES DINNER A ena THE Science, beh 8.95 : ee Mashed potetoes, buttered veg- eteble, roll and butter Phone 723-1163 : xl .. ee te 0: : 4 gl | lastall 8 1 ij Aaa ALL WORK i ; . _ Enquire about the new K-MART 3 «58 | 2-39 Compect | a APARTMENT So, GUARANTEED lity eaieg ov ot 4 4 "s SIZE ik ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY - ae gal FREEZERS | NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ON THESE ITEMS SIS SEUEE " j } f }