Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jan 1967, p. 13

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RE 1ER hs 8 AUXILIARY PLEDGES $100,000 10 HOSPITAL AS CENTENNIAL PROJECT AND JUBILEE GIFT fi \ RETIRING PRESIDENT, the gavel to her successor, at the 60th annual meeting OFFICERS of the Evening er; Mrs. Colin Ashton, chair- vice - chairman. The slate Mrs. Murray Powell and Mrs. James McCansh hands Mrs. Harry Taylor, follow- of the Women's Auxiliary, Chapter were also elected. man; Mrs. T. Eric Suther- includes Mrs, R. F. Beckett, Mrs. Garth Gillespie, cor- ing the election of officers Oshawa General Hospital. Seen above are Mrs. An- land, past chairman and Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick, 2nd responding and recording drew Chrysomalis, treasur- Mrs. Daniel Shutka, Ist and 3rd vice-chairmen and secretaries, respectively. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, January 19, 1967 13 HOMEMAKER SERVICE The supervisor announced new At a recent mecting of the! homemakers were being em- Red Cross Homemaker Com-| ployed to meet the demand. | mittee, the membets were ; PEG j 4 |pleased to learn the service had! Any person desiring informa- greatly increased during 1966. |tion, was asked to call the) More cases were serviced| supervisor, Mrs. Norman Hinds} 4 | with many more days of service}at 723-7078. Rates would be ad- given. Assistance. given to sen-| justed according to the family's jior citizens was considerably|financial circumstances ia higher than in any previ-|could be arranged in consulta- }ous year. 'tion with her. | WINTER 2 RESI- with the founder and first S @) living president, the late Mrs. R. FA HI N 3 S. McLaughlin. Mrs. Ever- THE ANNUAL Festival of women's organizations, em- ing admired by Mrs. Joseph : son. was the first secretary. CLEA RANCE Dolls not only _ raises bracing auxiliaries of eth- Dominik who has dressed Mrs. T. H. Everson, is seen Oshawa Times Photo funds for the hospital but al- mic groups whose dolls in many dolls herself; Mrs. | 60 serves as a link between national costume are works Alfred Austin and Mrs. E. |secretary, Mrs. W. E. Roth;|tors. With the growth of Osh-| the auxiliary and many other of art. Some of them are be- F. Cuthbertson. corresponding. secretary, Mrs./awa, the auxiliary has steadily) e S. B. Hester; treasurer, Mrs./increased in membership and| Aingue-Jane Dresb0s sis : : ft Bed ® J. H. Lockwood. in its assistance to the hospital. | Auxiliary Multiplies Initial Hospital Pledge The executive for the Eve-| Magazines and daily papers ning Chapter was elected as|have been provided for the] Angie-Jane's Annual Clearance of Winter Fash- . . . follows: past chairman, Mrs. T.|nurses; a travelling library and ions, starts tomorrow. Don't miss any of the great One Hundred Times For Centennial Pro ect E. Sutherland; chairman, Mrs.|gift cart has been established) Z es J Colin Ashton: Ist vice-chair-|for patients; Christmas pres-| buys that are being offered. Ss. iel § ; 2ndients are distributed and many By JO ALDWINCKLE --mously that whichever project) On that historic "enya mma wre "ti "Wrlarticles for the weltare of the | COATS & COSTUMES, IMPORTED FINE WOOLS With its annual meeting, Jan-| Was found to be the will of the;August 13, 1910, the hospital Beckett: 3rd vice - chairman,|babies in the nursery. A lunch- AND MELTONS. PLAIN AND TWEEDS. THE HONORARY P DENT and oldest member of the auxiliary, adhe ry 16, the Women's Auxiliary,|majority, each of those present/was opened to the public. The Tai " '| is given f h -aduati bleh las General Hospital oi would then resolve to abide by|late Mrs. John Bailes sat at ee ear Gi tines ont sane 0 RAO RE Regular $60.00 to $165.00 only completed a_ successfuljthe decision and work whole- small table near the main en- lee corresponding secretary,! The Ryenine Chapter was fy % to 50% OFF year but observed its diamond|heartedly for the successful out-|trance. On this table, as visi- Mrs: Murray Powell; treasur-/formed in 1955 to augment the jubilee. |come of the new venture. When|tors passed on their tour of in- rs. Andrew. Chrys tis: oar se ? In 1907 a group of Oshawa|the scrutineers reported, it was|spection, was laid sums large|°,, Mrs. Tet tia ry cell pled ceggene ss pod a KNITTED WOOL AND SILK TWO AND THREE women banded together to raise|found that by far the largest/and small, bills and coins, even| ,ognie to give to the hospital,|raise funds by. holding a fash.| PIECE SUITS SIZED from 8 to 2212 from 38.98 to $1000 to buy a piece of land,jnumber of votes had been injto the smallest denomination. usually in small amounts, has| ion. show for two consecutive 85.00 i the site of a proposed general|favor of a hospital as the next/No request was made, no ques- been tried over the years. The nights ih the fall anda January| ° me hospital. - At the meeting on|uUnited project." jtions asked and as far as is! nembers sold bricks at $1 per dance, Capricorn Capers. 20% to 30% OFF Monday, the auxiliary pledged| And so the seed was sown.|known no list kept. These were brick: collected a mile of pen- Event Gh ts $100,000, one thousand dollars|Days of working, watchful wait-/freewill offerings to celebrate! jie, in the downtown area; held The vening | Apter also| IMPORTED WOOL SUITS. Plain and Checks |! for each year of Canada's one|ing and ceaseless cultivation of|the great occasion. thaatticat d concerts, dis-|Provides a "Play-Lady" serv- ' Par ce i | FB ini -raisi entricals and concerts; OF tice in the 'children's ward, up to 79.98. hundred years, to. be paid over|the idea lay ahead. | From the initial fund raising | tributed talent dollars; collect-| °° annOGRT Ane eVeHINE é the next four years into the neW|aue REALIZATION the voluntary effort has gone eq fines and fees and catered|MOrmn® all i ant '7 30% OFF building fund. | geet pe forward, without slackening to in a large marquee at the Osh- and is raising funds to _eauip Records show that the aux-| Jhe first objective was the|meet the needs of an ever- awa Fair The St Patdois the play. room, It also arranges | iliary was inaugurated in mid- purchase of a piece of land on|expanding general hospital in a : 4 'la chauffeuring service for pa-}| DRESSES OF FINE WOOLS, JERSEYS, SILK | § gi | i i i : Bridge has been a successfull); pogo January 1907 and since then alwmch @ hospital could be built: thickly-populated area. To the|-ocial and financial project tor 'ents twice weekly. =| CREPE AND BROCADES, 19.98 to 59.98. parade of dedicated women sufficiently large could be teed a Ot ns te auxiliary has\47 years and the Christmas|, . : t tee bong hs M. is 20% t 30% FF have marched and are sstill|' y 8 Pro-lexpended for hospital purposes bazaar and bake sale with its oa of the hospital in May, 4 TO o 7 cured for $1,000, so a house-to-|the impressive total of $146,701. 1962 the auxiliary undertook the marching through the chapters; ; ; eps laces : : of the hospital's 'history. (ROWS canvass to raise this| In this continuing effort the|Strraction, SS SM furnishing of the chapel, sup ALL QUR STOCK OF EVENING GOWNS IN beau- The guiding spirit of the UN: newbies of the 'aiselitare y wel canis, Hote tata Not only has the auxitiary Demented by memorial dona-} tity) silks, chiffons and velvet 39.98 to 110.00. iliary was the late Mrs. R. § Pes ; ie trols on: pce: ', been a financial asset to the in- mene ced ° ° McLaughlin who not only ree ical Vg ae Cowan, Pedlar, Conant, Wil-|ctitution since it was organized ste hs Che 20%to 50% OFF the need of a hospital but also|) oo Not the remotest thought Oe ae en Ever-|in 1907, but a wonderful aid Wl contac sereles "he leenaoe the part that women could play}... given to the importation of | If one Aes ai See be hospital maintenance REE Deni. 6 named: ater Gen DRESSES UP TO $39.95 in making it a reality. She) rofessional organizers, even «i gle pos the paiding spirit(Siven by various committees striped aprons. To date, the brought the auxiliary into be- d jailable. The) weed oul as the guiding spirit) <uch as the Nursery Sewing|"Ped aprons. To date, FOR $10 00 had such been available. yr the hospital auxiliary, it , © Candy-stripers have given thou- 3 . ing and served as president for fifty years. campaign was conducted with|would be the late Mrs. R. §,|committee and the Nurses) a nac of hours of service. The romance of the auxiliary | Utter simplicity, sincerity and McLaughlin, the first president! Training School committee. The auxiliary also gives an BLOUSES plains and printed silks. 3.98 to $.98 i |patience. who completed fifty years'; THE GIFT SHOP jannual, three-year scholarship : ee | Street by street, block by|service in this office. | The greatest source of rev-|of $500 per annum to a physio- : 20% OFF y the late Colonel Frank Chap-| ik end : | : | y pell. Describing the burning of loc and house "ad ae ae When the McLaughlins tookjenue in the past ten years has/therapy student and this fall antl »,/fown was covered during the|to spending their winters in Ber-|been the operation of the Hospi-|the first recipient of the schol- Unites Chach Coa six months of spring and|muda the responsibility of di-|tal Gift Shop. Staffed by volun-jarship, Miss Kathrin LaRush is IMPORTED SWEATERS Orlons and wools up to ¢ summer. Two - by - two thelrecting the auxiliary for the|teer help it meets' the require-|joining the physiotherapy de- 29:95 THE INSPIRATION women walked and canvassed|busiest season of the year de-|ments of staff, patients and visi-|partment -of the hospital. 0, 0 "A tall, dark-haired young|the territory allotted to them. |yolyed on the first vive-presi-| . 20% to 50% OFF matron happened to preside at} Before the summer was over|dent, Th vho § ; the. celebration. She was the/they had the satisfaction of re- Poe Metauguin incudel wre BROKEN SIZES IN BRASSIERES AND GIRDLES all 2 OFF wife of one of Oshawa's up-and-|alizing that out of the multitude|c, p, Russell. the late Mrs. coming industrialists, R. S. Mc-|of small donations so diligently Daisy Mercer, Mrs. W. W. Bald- Laughlin. Before the meeting|sought they had raised one|win| Mrs, F. J. Rundle, Mrs. closed, Mrs. McLaughlin sug-|thousand dollars. H. B. James, Mrs. Hugh Hall gested that a meeting of women| Unfortunately, less than ajMrs R. FE. McMullen, Mrs. Gg. of all organizations and denom-|third of the names are now|p. Conant, Mrs. R. L. Gray. 5 bd inations in the town be called,!available, but among the pion-|Mrs. L, T. Reeves, Mrs. C. A. Co AOS SOS with a view to considering|cers, who continued to serve/Kinnear and Mrs. Edgar Brad- For all your some worthy enterprise upon|through the years were Mrs. R.|jey, which they might test their abil-/S. McLaughlin, Mrs. Robert drapery needs see exclusive not expensive ity and with united effort press| Williams, Mrs. J. O. Henry,|SUCCEEDING PRESIDENTS 3 on toward fulfilment. Mrs. J. D. Storie, Mrs. H. E.| Succeeding Mrs. McLaughlin B: | 77 King St. E. "Such a meeting was soon ar-|Morphy, Mrs. T, H. Everson,|as president have been Mrs. C. 0 G ho | ranged. It was held in the)Mrs. John Bailes, Miss Maud}D. Russell, Mrs. R. W. Bassett, osite Genosha Hote . Methodist Church; on Simcoe|Mothersill, Mrs. J. E. Hawkins,|Mrs. Russell for a second term vier en PP street. There were over sixty|Mrs. David Coull, Mrs. J. E./and Mrs. James McCansh. 15 King Street East Lots of Free Parking At Rear women present and they proved sere Mrs. W. Culling, Mrs. Aad present executive, elect- CUSTOM MADE DRAPES to be an excellent cross-section|Crysdale, Mrs. E. W. Drew,/ed at the annual meeting this : 3 of all the Ladies' Aids, Guilds|Mrs. George Pedlar, Mrs. Web-|week is as follows: Honorary Phone 725-2686 725-1711 and Auxiliaries of all churches|ster, Mrs. A, J. Stalter, Mrs.|president, Mrs. T. H. Everson; then active in town. Bloomer, Mrs. McLean, Mrs.|Honorary vice-president, Mrs. "Three projects were finally;Guinnet, Mrs. Podger, Miss|G. D. Conant; past president,d submitted' to a ballot: ajO'Malley, Mrs. E. J. McDowell,|Mrs. James McCansh; _presi- YWCA, a residential club for|Mrs. F. E. Hare, Mrs. A. Scho-|dent, Mrs. Harry Taylor; 1st business girls or a hospital for/field, Mrs. W. H. Ross, Mrs.|vice-president, Mrs. F. C. Mal- | Over-Fat Babies | | Live Less Long | | TORONTO (CP)--Fat babies and children, who grow into! strenuously active teen-agers, | are more likely to die young! i jthan most other people, Dr. Paul Dudley White, a Boston Plsore 9.27 jheart specialist, told the Cana- VE 'dian Club Monday. WIFE PRESER R He said the major cause of; Cut whisk broom bristles off heart attacks is from high blood | half-way, shape to a sharp V -- caused when arteries for g stiff pointed brush to get come narrowed by the forma-|, , , tion of fatty tissues on their into snd, really. Cran SOrners, linner walls. : Persistent over - eating, Dr. FIGURES TELL hea |White explained, creates the More than a third of the jarterial condition which could babies born at the General Ibe fatal to a strenuously active|Hospital in Denver, Colo., are young adult. illegitimate PANT SUITS Reg. 35.00 All wool pant suits by a famous maker. Fully lined, single or double breasted. Various colours and patterns. Sizes 8-16, Shop early for best selection | Fashions since 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 4 FT ss COATS / Reg. to 50.00 \ 24.99 Many styles to choose from, some with bleached or natural raccoon collars, some with imitation Persian Lamb collars. Smart junior styles also available. CAR COATS ; Reg. 40.00 19.99 10 styles in smart winter car coats, many fully lined with Orlon pile, others with Orlon pile hoods. Snow and rain repellent fabrics: suedella, English mohair, fleece, tweed, cashmere & wool, corduroy. Brown, antelope, jade green, camel, burgundy and colourful plaids. Sizes 10-20. > D> --< 6 Fashions since 1867 the sick of the town and sur-|F. J. Harris, Mrs, D. M. Tod,|loy; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. rounding district. Miss M. Adams and Mrs. V. B.|L. Donald; 3rd vice - president, "First it was decided unani-| Woodruff. Mrs. T. J. Heath; recording OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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