Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1967, p. 32

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32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 18, 1967 26--Apartments For Rent 26--Apartments for Rent SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Swimming pool, opposite south GM. Children welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom. suites. 728-7942 THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, ee vate bath only $85 pent For particulars telephone 728-! FURNISHED fhree-room apa: Sarina To piece bath, suitable for business Souple; no children, Apply 310 Richmond Eest or telephone 728-8792 28--Room and Board 30--Automobiles For Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 38---Coming Events SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. THREE-ROOM apartrints good locatl Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, BAS antenna. Located at 240 Ritson Rd. Apply 214 Arthur Street. 'on. |ROOM AND neva for =A oa Large, clean rooms h. | meals. Seven? lscaioa' Apply 147 Brock| Power brakes and steering. 25-2938, | plates. Excellent condition. $1,650 or best Street East. TWO ROOM, epart- ment, on third floor. Close to Lraaithaly north General Motors, seed Teac All conveniences paid. ual ONE-BEDROOM _ basemei apartment. LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court ond barbeque. Near lake. Telephone sree. "i by K-Mart. ROOM AND BOARD for one ne gentleman | wie to share --. Clos @ to down- town. '|APARTMENT FOR RENT. Arthur Street. PERMANENT TENANTS required Apply 721 NEW BUILDING One, two or three bedrooms now available. Mala Glen apartments, 835 Oxford St. Close to South General Mot- ors. Now open for inspection. Telephone 725-0657, 728- 2226 or 728-6883. for | workers welcome. 668-6330. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen willing to share. Single beds. Shift @ FOR RENT @ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 bedroom suite, adults only. 723-1712 or 728-2911 for appointment. small attractive ground floor apartment. | phone 1963 PONTIAC Parisien ne four new tires, 200M AND Bc r . record | Newly decorated. Couple or business ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman. Per aerisl. revert OUr-SPeed girls. Sasleehag $70, Call Mrs. Haltom, 1 Lunches packed, Central location. Close Sess conditic $1,850. Telephone Este cial desimtsiccatiasaiattitieds Ly stop, Apply 130 Tyler Crescent or cal! THREE = ROOM, downstairs Bre mghitirsing be 13-0355. GRILLS, raslenry, all Sr pats, tae Private bath and entrance. to BUS) ROOM AND BOARD for 2 centiemen | to tre gg * ty Courtio and eiepnone /4i~____| share. Lunches packed 6 days weekly. THREE-BEDROOM upstairs apartment, | Phone 7: Poe oe ee Sheed PAID OFF. We trade. com eter heated In Red Bae er) a ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, Choos® {rom over 60 cars. No down pay : location. Telephone ary 22. Apply 574 Cartier Avenue Tae, -- = ig4 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard: emen' ees saecnanienate - ower steering, automatic Be ray Te on Senne eee iners, home cooked [2.148 Uniroyal master tires, radio, aerlemen or couple, $60 for 'one, 470 for ae ee ey er rear 4 A-l shape, $1,795. Tele 3 " feo Tess LARGE nicely decorated room, in "avi? sim os --. 'ont lan, 2 TWO-ROOM furnished a, La ex: home for young lady soe after 5:30, 723 ok gebhot » pel repel [change for .babysitting while ta lady | 948) - st felts ane works. 728-1075 or apply 238 Drew sree se | CARE single re0m end board for one _ T, two-bedroom apartment, ~~ $894, FULL PRICE for '62 Ford Fair- peg fiygrbedroom ARH riities "in-jaentieman. Apply 38 Brock Street East. 350 1, joveiy condition, Lic. 410309, Easy eh led * t telephone, 725-2090. ----|to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, pcan tds deal Aut biles for Sale dvndss anc Thickson, 668-3331. WHITBY, furnished twobedroom du-|30- or RAMBLER S det BAS. plex, $150 monthly, children permitted. pga cyli byl Peg ut Telephone 725-3109 before noon. ew car warranty. | tained two My "000, wel irnan's Motors. 728-7351. | FURNISHED, , self = contain Be og 3 i ag | Me ree |walls discs. Tinted windshield, 723-2013 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment, stove, refrig- erator, washing machine, private en- trance. Northend. Suitable for couple. Telephone 723-4452. » FOUR-ROOM apartment, second floor in private home. Children welcome. Apply 495 Simcoe Street North, between 11 a.m., 4--o.m, THREE ROOM basement apartment, unfurnished. $75. monthly. Children wel- come. Day care available. poely 375 Avenue, off h ROYALE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. near Adelaide before 8 p.m. 7239110. LARGE basement apartment. Private entrance and bath. Telephone 728-3427. Two | ent East. February 1. Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, main floor, parking. $110. monthly. Adults only. 725-1310, 728-5034. |FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all couple. Cen- | Suitable for |trally located. Apply 141 Church Street. Available February Ist. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Adults only. 723- bibng PE 6944 6 -- 9:3 TWO BEDROOM apartment In new bulld- Ing. Bus service at door. Electric heat, stove, refrigerator supplied. immediate possession. Telephone 728-5282. GENTLEMAN with fully furnished, two bedroom apartment, willing to chars same with Anglo - Saxon with background. Write Box 54018, Oshaws, APARTMENT with a2 view. See this top floor, two-bedroom. apartment by ap- pointment. Call Jeannette Nugent, 723- 4651, Don Stradesk! Realtor. TWO-BEDROOM apartments, possession immediately. Telephone 723-6134 or 723- 9358. LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex- cellent location, wall to wall broadioom, stove, frig, laundry facilities. Please Phone 728-5282. |conveniences. CENTRAL: two bedroom apartment, all conveniences. Vacant February 1. Rea- sonable. Telephone 723-0553. APARTMENT for rent, heat 'and | Tight supplied. Telephone 723-16 THREE 'and two Bical apartments, heated. Fifteen minute drive from Osh- awa. immediate possession. Children welcome. Spacious background. Tele- phorie 623-2488, THREE ROOMS and bath, newly ren- ovated, second "floor spariment. a hydro, water Included. $85. month Immediate possession. Perry Real Eitere 723-8), as ROOM apartment in Daiidine near shopping centre, id ra ted refrigerator, stove, drapes ponelnd Available March Ist. 723-2570. ONE three room apartment, and one two room apartment, both furnished. Parking space. Private entrance. Tele- phone 728-1300. UNLIMITED 1966 GMC D19600 DIESEL TRACTOR -- Tilt cab 6N71 238 HP Engine 5 speed trans. 3 speed 38000 No. bogie 1000 x 20 tires new condition throughout. Full tractor equip- ment. 1964 GMC -- DLW 7010 -- DIESEL TRACTOR tilt cab 16 speed spicer Trans. -- 38000 bb. y. 6V71 engine new 1000's 20 tires -- full tractor equipment. excellent condition throughout. 1964 GMC -- DBL 7000 DIESEL TRACTOR 6V71 En- gine -- 5 speed trans. -- 2 speed, 22000 rear axle -- 1000 x 20 Tires full troctor equipment. 1964 GMC 98203 TRACTOR -- 409-V8 Engine -- 5 speed trans. --- 2 speed rear axle 1000 x 20 Tires, Full tractor equipment very good condition. 1963 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM DUMP -- 345-V8 Engine 5 speed Trans. -- 3 speed Aux. 30000 Ib. Bogey -- 900 x 20 Tires 7 x 14 box with tel ic hoist. TWO ROOM stove, fetrigarator pers ee 725-3756. THREE ROOMS and kitchen, laundry facilities. In private home, with one couple, Suitable for couple, one baby wel- come. Apply 37 Fairbanks Street. ON' SUBLET, two - bedroom apartment, self- |p poe a parking. Telephone Whitby (668-634 Two Room furnished apartment, sult- able for working couple or one. re hydro Included. Blom eed apply 343 Ritson Road North. poten mage rigepiowl apartment, si rator and drapes, newly ieeeis = jamage deposit, sound proof. Avail- Bed immediately. 170 Park Road $. 723- R apartment, Pebrvary 1, Telephone 668-6972 after 5 ENTRAL fiheld dg A Room with wily sed young gentleman. eeping pri or vevk and board. V pakines TV. phone 668-4928. or /AIAX -- Large one- and two-bedroom riments, in 'opertment buliding, close 1. vschool and shopping. Telephone Alax 942-0130, One "BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator | stove. 910 Grierson Street, ed 'or ~ MONTHLY, fhree room self-con tained apartment, electric heat. Private entrance, stove, refrigerator. Abstainers. Northeast area. Telephone 728-0976. 'ebruary Ist. appointment, 725-1551 or 723-7011. ONE or two-bedroom apartments, heat ind hydro Included. Available (aaiatahd 723-5874 after 4 p.m. TWO BEDROOM, $129-119 monthly. Bach- elor apartment, $80. monthly, Heat, hyd- ro, refrigerator, stove, broadioom. 72. 3.|27--Rooms for Rent $325 after 4 p.m. THREE-BEDROOM apartment, private entrance and driveway, references re- wired. One or two children welcome. elephone 668-5413. Fwo-BeDROoM upstairs apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath. Telephone 723- 4712 after 7.30 p.m. FURNISHED three-room upstairs apart- ment. Close to bus and store. Apply 154 Tyler Crescent. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | CENTRAL three - room sel' contained e@partment in duplex, stove mer dash gab large room with all facilities. Supper If desired. Telephone 728-6563. ator, $80 monthly. Ti or 25-8333. SELF - CONTAINED one-bedroom apart- ment, furnished or unfurnished, private bath, 723-5490. SUBLET two - bedroom apartment, wall to wall broadicom, stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, drapes. Electric heat included in rent. Telephone 728-2387 after 5 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, refrigerator, stove, washer included. One child wel- come. Ayalisbie February 1. Telephone 668-2445 Whitby. LARGE 3-bedroom apartment in quiet triplex by shopping centre, refrigerator, stove, drapes, broadioom included. Avail- able immediately. Telephone 723-4932. COM ORTANLS ROOM for one gentle to North Generel Motors. Apoly oe servis Street. FURNISHED bed-sitting room with tele- vision, will board or cooking privileges optional. Suitable for one or two ladies. Telephone 668-3242. CLEAN furnished room, in° quiet and private home. Telephone 723-9058. 14% ATHOL STREET EAST -- Large room, suitable for one or two, in private home. ee space available. Tele- phone 723-3: LARGE a - sitting and housekeeping: room, Close to hospital and downtown. Girl preferred. 723-7100. LARGE housekeeping room with large NEAR Credit Union Building, unfurnished apartment in six suite building. monthly, Suri only. Apply 330 Bucna Vista, Apt. 1, days. FURNISHED two-room apartment, son » King area, $65. monthly, Rit- $110 front window. Storage space. Completely private. Vicon and Crerar area. Tele- phone ane 439 after 3 p.m. ROOMS FOR RENT. Apply 194 Farewell Ave. or telephone 723-4712 ae 7:30 p.m. heat and hydro. Telephone 725-9385. THREE-BEDROOM apartment, $60. month. 728-7642, THREE - apartment, south Genera! Motors. Suitable for work- Joe couple. Available February 6. 725: ROOM { Available Eseroary LW per Thickson Rd. South. Telephone furnished basement with private bath. Close to ROOM for « parking. Telephone 723- ane CLEAN, quiet room, light = if desired, close uD Hy ile bus stop ai door, Telephone 7: BASEMENT ithe ae bedroom and bath, gentleman to share, rae beds. Telephone 723-3388 or apply Lorraine Street. "|LARGE double room for decorated. Also single Dedsitting room, THREE-ROOM apartment with private Telephone bath and private 728-7050 after 4 p.m. TWO-ROOM basement apartment, coun- try setting, one child welcome, will mind child while mother works, off Rossland entrance. Road West, convenient for Oshawa or Whitby. 668-4783, MODERN THREE-ROOM three-piece bath, trance, refrigerator, stove, lights and ee Apply 623 Olive mornings or after FHOREDROON apartment in new building, electric heating, large balcony. Free washer and dryer. Downtown, Wil- liam Street West. Telephone 725-9328. SUBLET. One bedroom apartment. $122 monthly, heat and hydro included. Close Pe sade General Motors. Telephone 723- apartment, including private en- nicely furnished. Close to North and West 1965 GMC M98803 TANDEM CAB & CHASIS -- 409-V6 Engine -- 5 speed Trans. 4 speed oux. 30000 Bogey -- very good condtion. 1964 GMC -- C93603 -- 1 TON SINGLE wheel cab & Chassis -- 4 speed trans. Very clean. 1961 GMC -- C98503 -- CAB & CHASSIS -- 348 en- gine 5 speed trons. -- 2 speed 18500 rear axle -- 900 x 20 tires. Excellent condition throughout. 1961 GMC -- 97303 FUR- NITURE & MOVING VAN -- 348 V8 Engine -- 5 speed Trans. -- 2 speed rear axle 900 x 20 Tires -- 7 x 7 x 20 Van Body. 1960 Chev. 17303 TILT CAB. Furniture & Moving Van 348-V8 Engine -- 5 speed Trans. 825 x 20 Tires -- 7 x 18 VanBody. 1966 GMC C915342 % TON PICK-UP with Long wideside box like new con- dition throughout. 1964 Fargo % TON PICK- UP short stepside box -- New. point job -- excellent con- dition throughout. 1961 GMC % TON PICK- UP with long wideside box excellent condition through- out. ELLIOTT MOTORS: (Belleville) LTD. Phone 962-4584 newly/366 North Front Street |General. Motors, downtown. 128 William BELLEVILLE, Ont. treet East. |ATTRACTIVE furnished | bedroom, (HIGHWAY 14 -- % mile kitchen and laundry privileges, parking spate Shit worker S74 creran| south of 401 Cloverleaf) 23 ELGIN STREET EAST -- Furnished room for gentleman, housekeeping priv- lleges. Close to downtown. Please apply after 4 p.m. LARGE clean furnished room for two to share, private entrance and bath, TV and Sas single beds, $10 each per week. 2520. FURNISHED housekeeping room, CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery and re- storation. BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO ga 409 Brock St. S., Whatb Days 668-8101 Eve. 655- 4375 suit. able for one or two to fag centre. Apply 102 Westmount reet. FURNISHED ae central. Car park- Tr 728-8644, ona: BEDROOM apartment, stove and re- frigerator. Heat and hydro included, $110 monthly. Téleohank 723-8900, FIVE - ROOM apartment, tile kitchen, bullt-In cupboards, stove and refrigera- tor, hardwood floors with broadioom in front room and halls. 725-7577. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- vate bath, entrance. Hydro, heat supplied. Very central. Parking. Television. Rea- Sonable. Telephone 728-6697. THUNDERBIRD TERRACE -- One- and two-bedroom apartments, laundry facil- ities and. lockers on each floor. Large suites with utilities and drapes. Thermo- statically controlled in each room, under- ground parking available. 190 Nonquon Road or telephone 7 728-9726. ONE-BEDROOM basement apariment, stove, réfrigerator, drapes. Electric heat- $100 monthly includes all serv- one February 15. Telephone ADULTS. Lovely five rooms, two bed- rooms, large modern apartment, balcony, in triplex. Stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, and extras. Newly decorated. Im- mediate occupancy, 723-7284, ONE-BEDROOM eigh cdl Stove and refrigerator, balcony. Heat and hydro included in rent. ST cimiton 725-6155 days or 725-4389 evenings. WHITBY -- three-room and bath, fur- nished apartment, $110 .monthly, heat, 'ight, water included. immediate posses- ge Telephone Perry Real Estate, 723 ane sys 7 to share $10, semi- Private $10, Whitby 668-5201. FURNISHED room, sult two gentlemen, close to North GM and down' Brock street east or call 728-6319 from ram, to 2.30 p.m. evenings. After 4, RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New ond used cars. Easy to finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 ROOM -- one gentleman or lady or two friends to share large room with twin beds, kitchen, bath, all furnished, close to |downtown. 728-5026 FURNISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi- leges. Middle-aged woman only. In @ good home. Central. Telephone 725-5191. ROOMS for rent. Gentlemen. Apply 605 Somerville Avenue. 723-1386, ii FURNISHED ROOMS, single and coe for gentlemen. Telephone 723-6542 or DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 Ritson Road South. FURNISHED bs tiga centrally located. Telephone 668-2. LIGHT reekeping room for rent. Tele- phone 723-1832. IF IT'S FOR SALE AN ACTION MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL IT! | Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay! UE [cit pi home poet ge PONTIAC Parisienne, Custom Sport. ot CLEAN ns for gentlemen, parking, Offer home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Garrard Rd., Central Whitby. Tele- WANTED Good clean local cars cash, MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West for '67 Telephone 655-4850. $495 FULL PRICE, * ter than average condition. Whitby 668-3331. 11966 RAMBLER 220, 6 cylinder, stan- |dard. New car warranty, reduced $1,000. uy cence 492619. Wellman's Motors. 7351. power steering, 12,000 miles. One owner. 728-6125 after 6 $1,595, FULL PRICE for '64 Meteor V-8 stick. This car must be seen to be ap- |preciated. Lic. H68510. Easy finance at Nicols Motors, Ltd. Dundas and Thick- son 668-3331. $595, FULL PRICE for '59 Chevy V8 stationwagon. License X8627. Easy to fin- ance at Nicols peolere Ltd., Dundas and Thickson, 668-3331 LIENS PAID OFF. awe trade up, down and even. No payment. ale terms. Gus aren: Ltd., 728: 1964 PONTIAC ¢, four-door. gts tremely good condition. Open to offers. 723-0925. '57 CHEV. two - door hardtop, mec! ically good, body .rough, Must sell, cash. Telephone 728-0840. 1955 FORD, fair_ condition, ideal for parts. Best offer. Telephone 668-4442 after 6.30 p.m, 1964 CHEVY ~ wagon , V8, radio. Like new. Licence X9605, man's 728-7351. 1961 CHEVROLET, one owner, 6 cylin- der, autematic, radio, No downpayment, $25 month, Licence J1718. Wellman's 728- 7351, 1960 MORRIS, radio, new fires, Immacu- late throughout. $10 per month. Licence 220091. Wellman's. 728-7351. 1964 FALCON, one owner. cence 42732E. Weliman's 7 $75 7 automatic, Well- tion, $100 or best offer. 1839. 1963 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, four-door hardtop, power steering and brakes, new tires. Telephone 723-0746. Telephone 723- %5 DODGE sedan, automatic, six cylin- der, radio, oversized tires, excellent con- dition, one owner. Best offer. Telephone 668-8297. 1965 CORVAIR two-door hardtop, perfect condition, 18,000 miles. Turbo charged engine, four-speed, floor shift. Must sell. will aad older car. Private. Whitby 668-5 61 evROLET hardtop, 348 348 orcine three deuces, Muncre four-s| peed traction, best offer. Telephone 658-456. '59 CHEVROLET for sale, two-door hard- top, A-1 condition, six; automatic, best offer. Telephone 728-2004. 1960 HILLMAN, ideal second car. $5 per week, Licence H94296. Wellman's 728-7351. 1963 RAMBLER, one owner, 6 cylinder, radio. Above average. Licence 90179. Wellman's 728-7351, 1965 IMPALA, Executive driven 6 cylin- der, automatic, One year guarantee. LI- cence H94324, Wellman's Motors. 728-7351. 1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne, new fires, radio, A-1_ condition. Reasonable. Tele- phone 723-7869. 1951 PONTIAC, good condition, radio. Best offer. Telephone 15°53 5922. | 1958 PONTIAC, V-8, automatic, white- walls, radio. Excellent second car. $200 or best offer. 728-4060 after 4 p.m. 1958 PONATIC 261, six cylinder, radio, floor shift. Body excellent, reconditioned motor. Many replaced parts. 723-2488. 1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air stationwagon, V-8 motor, radio, power throughout, top condition. Telephone 725-4555 after 4 p.m. FORD TRACTOR model 8N hydraulic; 2 furrow plough and cultivator; $600. Call 728-3030 between 5 - 7 p.m. '65 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- top, four new tires. V-8, automatic, $2,200, Telephone 942-6616. 1967 RAMBLER sedans, hardtops, and stationwagons. Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Lid., Whitby, Dundas and Thick- son, 668-3331. SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 50? Bloor E. $275, FULL PRICE for '61 Vauxhall Envoy. License 29080. Easy fo finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, Dundas and Thickson 668-3331. $795 FULL PRICE for '61 Pontiac con- vertible, V-8 automatic Lic, 319255. Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Dun- das and Whitby, 668-3331. 1951 CHEVROLET, original condition, 60,000 miles. | will guarantee this car. Best offer over $100. 368 Pine Avenue, 723-5522. 1966 MUSTANG, V-8 automatic, 6 months old, hardtop, 9,000 miles. Best offer. Tele- e 788. 1957 PONTIAC : turquoise, body and motor good, very sedan, V-8 automatic, phone 725-0473 after 5 p.m. 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, also 283 motor and rebuilt -- automatic --_ transmission. Everything going for $300. or best offer. Telephone 728-9134. a '56 PONTIAC, two-door hardtop, six cyl- inder standard, black, good condition, best offer. Telephone 723-8632. 956 CHEVROLET; good fires, good bat- tery, 1967 plates, 723-5342 after 5 p.m. MUST SELL -- 1963 Volvo, excellent condition. Telephone 723-4918. 31--Compact Cars for Sale + VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1962 ACADIAN Stationwagon, automatic, six cylinder, radio, whitewalls, 36,000 miles, es. Very good condition. $895, 725-1690. 32--Trucks f for Sale ee __ 723-6322 7723, |Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd., 728- reasonable, excellent transportation. Tele-| | 544 sedan,! CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save"'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5: 5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, bought, parts for sale. tion. Telephone 725-2995 ler Cars tron and metals licence bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. WANTED -- 1963 Chevrotet or Pon: tiac, two door hardtop, V-8, good condi- 6 p.m. SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO WANTED cars for wrecking. No ) charge | TW ARP OTS 34--<Automobile Repair 52 and 57 | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. | FRED STONE | Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft ond Valve Service 35--Lost and Found Brock vary 10. 668-4482. of Taunton Road. Telephone 263-2296. LOST -- Male cat, long grey hair, part| Persian, vicinity St. Lawrence East and South, Whitby. Missing since Jan- FOUND -- Fox Hound, white, biack and tan, one mile east of Hampten and north} 37--Auctions. AUCTION SALE of @ private estate will be held at Stirtevant's Auction Hall 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Sotur- day, Jan. 21 ot | pm. Office desk, swivel chair, bathroom table, chest of drawers, antique buffet, white dresser, chesterfield, chrome suite, end table, kitchen cab- inet, hall table, rocking chair, double bed, lamp, hot plate, radio, trailer hitch, garden tools, Viking refrigerator, G. E. washing machine, Hi-Fi ra- dio and record player, writ- ing desk, trailer, many more articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms cash. MYLES KING Auctioneer, 725-3039. $500. in 52 Nos. or less $200. In announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize, $10 per both games $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME | $40 IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $150. SPECIAL GAMES $50. DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday _ RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. Children under 16 not admitted BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Regulars, share the wealth, specials and jackpots. SOCIAL BINGO, St. Hedwig's Auditor- jum, 411 Olive Avenue, Thursday, Janu- ary 19, 8 p.m. | BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM FARROW -- In loving memory 'dear husband, Martin (Bil) Farrow, yey |passed away January 18, 1966. My heart still aches with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you No one will ever know, When the days are sad and lonely And everything wrong, 1 seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and carry on." Each time | see your picture, You seem fo smile and say, "Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day. 1 miss your smile and your Kindly ways, With you | spent ny happiest days, 1 miss you when | need a friend, On you | always could depen 1 write these words with deep regret, For a husband | loved and never will t. forget. Though absent, you are always near, Still loved, still missed, ever so dear. Lovingly remembered by wife Ella. WARD -- In sad and loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Margaret Mary Ward, who passed away January 18, 1966, The dearest mother, the kindest friend, One of the best whom God could lend, Loving, thougatful, gentle and true, Always willing a kind act to do. --Lovingly remembered by daughter Mar- jorie and son-in-law Jack, WARD -- In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Nes. Margaret Mary Ward, who passed away January 18, 1966. More and more each day we miss her; Friends may think the ound is healed; But they little know the sorrow, Lies within our hearts concealed. ---Sadly missed and ever remembered by Delores, Shirley and Glenn. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. | OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE 24 Hour Phone Service 728-6555 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS | For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS |, WRIGHT -- The family of the late Mrs. Mervyn Wright wish to extend very pan cere thanks to relatives, friends and| neighbors for prayer, floral tributes, da eon Bibles, cards, and assistance in our time of loss. Special thanks to Pastor Lytle for spiritual help. We wish to ex- press appreciation also to Mrs. J. Kellett, Mr. Lloyd Allingham, Mrs. Michael Rud- ka and Mr. Roy Terwillegar for_physical assistance to mom previous fo her sudden 38--Coming Events JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200. In anounced Nos, $25. Consolation Prize $10. per line both games $175. Jackpot $20. per line. $75. ful card 20 Regular $20. games pay double in 17 Nos. or less, Five $30. Gomes Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, EXTRA PRIZES Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M And Returning. ofter Bingo Children under 16 not admitted. LIONS BINGO TO-NIGHT Early Bird Game 7:45 JACKPOT 52 and 58 ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King and Simcoe Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m. Every Wednesday Jubilee Pavilion All proceeds to charity See Tues. Ad 1959 G.M.C. half ton. Good Evenings 5 to 7 p.m., 1056 Ravine Road, Apt. 1.. 728-9374 JEEP, four wheel drive, fully equipped, with plow, station wagon type body, ex- cellent condition, will consider trade car -|or small truck with cash difference, 723- 5387 %60 GMC one-ton pick-up, heavy duty sus- pension, four-speed transmission. $995 or best affer. Can arrange financing. Pri- vate. 668-3834. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, ideal second car, botly and motor in good conditon. Asking $75. Telephone 723-8308 GET 'CASH FAST... SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS ROWE TOURS (escorted) FLORIDA -- Jonuary 8 - 27 -- 20 days $235 CALIFORNIA -- February 6 March 11 34 days $385. MEXICO -- March = 20 April 12 24 days $365. Also tours to Expo 67. No Night Travel For information. phone write: or Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope 885-2527 Li, | TAMBLYN -- Joe and 'iene (nee Beaupre) are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter, on January 17th, 1967, a sister for Jo Ann and Jeffrey. Many thanks to Dr. Anderson, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Beckett and' 4th floor staff. WESTECOTT -- Bob and Bonnie (nee McGee) are happy to announce the birth of their son Randolph John, 7 pounds, 2 ounces on Friday, January 13, 1967 at the pots General Hospital. A brother for Jamie. ape to Dr. Ross and fourth floor staff, DEATHS ~--Wright and Statham families OBITUARIES JAMES ARTHUR SUMMERS The death occurred sudden- ly, Jan. 17, at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, of James Arthur Summers, of 244 Taunton Road West. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Summers, the de- ceased was born Dec. 30, 1907, in Engl. He came to Can- MAGUIRE, Thomas David Suddenly at Toronto on Tuesday, January 17, 1967, Thomas 0. Maguire, loving father of Miss Joan Maguire, a baa England, and brother of Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. G. A. Topping, Motroats and Mrs, H. C. Lapp, Oshawa, Resting at }Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home until sag morning. Service at. Rosedale Funeral Home, 4911 Cote des Neiges, Montreal, on Friday, January 20. Inter- ment Cote des Neiges Cemetery. SIM, William Gillan Entered Into'rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, January 16, 1967, William Gillan Sim, beloved husband of Estelle Audrey Brown, brother of Mrs. F, Alexander (Rosemary), Bowmanville, Frederick, Toronto and Robert, Tyrone; in his. 74th year: Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with fu- neral service In the chapel on Thursday, January 19, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, There will be an IOOF service at the Funeral Home Wednesday at 7 p.m. SUMMERS, James Arthur Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, January 17, 1967. James Arthur Summets, beloved husband of Marjorie Kostiuk, father of Karin and Brenda, Oshawa, in his 60th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel, Friday, January 20 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home, Thursday between 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. (Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Thursday.) TOMS, Arthur At the Lodge Nursing Home, Newcastle on Tuesday, January 17, 1967, Arthur | Toms, aged 83 years, dear brother of | Ethel (Mrs. James Fettes) Chicago and |Charles Toms, Newcastle. Resting at the {Morris Funeral. Chapel, Bowmanville. | Service in the chapel on Thursday at 2 | o'clock. Temporary interment Lang vault, |Orono Cemetery. VAJDA, Alexander Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, January 18, 1967. Alexander Vajda, beloved husband of Grace Slobodnik, father of Mrs. Frank Matas (Mary) Oshawa and Les, Ottawa, in his 64th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem High Mass in St. Philip's Roman Catholic Church, Friday, January 20 at 10 a.m. Interment -- Resurrection Cemetery. Prayers will be held at the funeral home Thursday at 8 p.m. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM FARROW -- In loving memory of a dear Dad and Grandpa, Martin (Bill) Farrow, who passed away January 18, 1966. And many a time we have longed for you And many a time we have cried, Your tired eyes are sleeping, Two willing hands are still, For a Dad and Grandpa who worked so hard for us Is resting in God's will. You never said goqdbye to us, Perhaps it's just as well, We never could have said goodbye, To one we loved so well. But when we look and see you gone, It really breaks our hearts, So you who have 4 Dad and Grandpa, Cherish him with care For yoo will never know the heartache Till you see his vacant chair. --Lovingly remembered an@ never for- gotten by daughter Betty and sons Ken, Linton, "orris, Keith, Dennis, son-in-law Harold, daughters-in-law Violet, Irene, Bev, Evelyn and grandchildren. STURGESS -- In. loving memory of & dear aunt, Dora Sturgess, who passed away January 18, 1958, --Always remembered by nephew Jack | which has three CAHA zones, ada 49 years ago and came to Oshawa from Toronto 19 years ago. He was married Oct. 26, 1947, in Toronto. A carpenter and building con- tractor, Mr. Summers was a member of St. Stephen's United Church. He is survived by his wife, the former Marjorie Kostiuk and two daughters, Karin and Brenda, at home. The memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., Jan, 20, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. In- terment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. S. G. Saywell, lay pastor of St. Stephen's Church, will conduct the service. Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Thursday. ALEXANDER VAJDA The death occurred suddenly, Jan, 18, at the Oshawa General Hospital, following a lengthy sickness, of Alexander Vajda, of 481 Drew Street. He was in his 64th year. Born March 27, 1903, in Czechoslovakia, he was a son of the late John and Annie Vajda. He was married May 24, 1925, in Czechoslovakia and had been a resident of Canada and Oshawa for 41 years. Mr. Vajda was a member of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church and was a founding member of the Slovak League. He is survived by his wife, the former Grace Slobodnik; a daughter, Mrs. Frank Matas! (Mary) of Oshawa; a son, Leo of Ottawa and six grandchil- dren. The deceased is at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for Re- quiem High Mass in St. Philip's Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m, Jan. 20. Interment will be in Resurrection Cemetery. Rev. M. J. Darby, pastor-of Holy Cross Church, will conduct the service. Kingston Hosts Midget Classic TORONTO (CP)--Nearly 250 boys and men will converge on Kingston in Easter' Week in a $45,000 centennial project. The project is the ial are so easy to sew, and they turn a simple sheath into one Show Boats Catch Kings In Jaycees' Hoop League Show Boats won their sixth consecutive game in Jaycee's Minor Basketball at Simcoe Hall Boys' Club at Eastview when they beat Road Kings 55- 30. Leading Show Boats was John Moczulski with 19 points while Ron Kitchen scored 15, Wayling 12, Ted Coulson five and Stacey four. For Road Kings it was league 'scoring leader Andy Kit pick- ing up 18 points with Dane Barnoski four and Kennedy three. Stars remained within two points of first place as they handed Magicians a 27-21 de- feat behind the scoring of Greg Medinski with 17 points. Other scorers for Stars were Jeff Oborne with nine and Horruzey with one. Magicians were led by Gary MacDonald with nine points while Brian White scored six, Cunningham four and Marano two. Blue dumped Purple 15-4 in Westmount Kiwanis Biddy Basketball played at Eastview as John Spasiw led the win- ners with six points, Fuke scored three points for Blue team and Luke, Hoffman and Irwin two each. Bryant and Masters scored a basket each for Purple team. Danny Kewley 2 scored 16 points to lead White team toa 28-5 win over Gold as_ they used a big 24 point second half to win the game. Mario Marano, Tutton and Masters rounded out the scor- ing for White with six; four and two points respectively, while Robby Cooper scored three and Winterink two for Gold. Richard Kennedy scored eight points to give Red team an 8-8 tie with first place Green team. Scoring for Green team were Larry Horruzey and Subs with four points each. WLT Pts, Road Kings 6 4012 Show Boats 6 4 012 Stars 5 5 010 Magicians 3-7-0 6 LEADING SCORERS Pts. Andy Kit 152 Jeff Oborne 135 John Moczulski 117 Greg Medinski 109 Bill Wayling 108 Dane Tutton 95 Dave Mason 94 MONTREAL (CP) -- Gordie |Howe holds five all-star game/ a ei Gordie Howe Could Set 'Two More NHL Records |for Howe. It will mark the 18th all-star appearance for the 38- records and could add at least| year-old right winger with De- two more to that total Wednes-| troit Red Wings. |day night when the National | Howe's 17 all - star games | Montreal Canadiens. The game, the 20th renewal) of the annual battle between) \the defending Stanley Cup| champions and the best players from the rest of the league, is the first being played in mid- season. But it certainly isn't the first U.S. Horsemen Earns Award NEW YORK (AP) -- To the younger horse show riders around the United States, there always has been a Bill Stein- kraus. Even some of the mid- dle-aged riders can't remember when Steinkraus was not the mainstay of the U.S. Equestrian team. "It has been a long, long time,"' said the 41 - year - old Steinkraus today. 'I started riding back in 1934 at a summer camp in Canada and I've been at it ever since." Steinkraus, book publishing firm, was awarded the Horseman of the Year Trophy Thursday follow- ing a nationwide poll by the American Horse Shows Associa- tion. The award was presented by Art Lentz, executive director of the U.S. Olympic Committee. Lentz also presented the Horse- woman of the Year trophy to Mrs. Jimmie (Mousie) Williams of Pasadena, Calif. an editor for a) | Hockey League stars play|stand as a record that may never be matched. Maurice (Rocket) Richard, the retired star with the Canadiens, played in 13 contests, There are six players still active in the NHL with 10 or more appearances, but all are |veterans and none are close to | Howe's total. They are Red Kelly, Toronto Maple Leafs, and Doug Harvey and Alex Del- vecchio, both of Detroit; "ail with 12; Jean Beliveau, Mont- real, and Bernie Geoffrion, New York Rangers, 11 each, and Claude Provost of Montreal with 10. Delvecchio will be in the game as an all-star left winger and Provost also will take part, jbut this time he will be with | Montreal, HAS OTHER RECORDS Howe also holds the records for most total points, 16, most times on winning teams, 10, most penalty minutes, 21, and is the only all-star to draw @ major penalty. Howe will be shooting for two more records Wednesday-- most goals and most assists. He |now is tied with Richard for most goals with nine and is deadlocked with Kelly for most assists with seven. Previous all-star games have been played prior to the opens ing of the NHL season, but offi- cials this year decided to move the game back to mid-season to avoid competing with baseball and football which are at their heaviest in October. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 4922 SIZES * 10-18 SUPERB SHEATH By ANNE ADAMS Isn't it wonderful? Pin tucks 'SINGING COLORS By ALICE BROOKS Brighten an entire room or hallway with true-to-life birds in different colors. Singing colors add spar- kling touch -- embroider feath- fac} midget hockey tournament which will bring in 14 teams, each consisting of 18 boys and two adults. "Only two contestants have been chosen so far," said reg- istrar Jack Christie on Thurs- day. Toronto Butter Beeps will be one of three Ontario representa- tives." The tournament is sponsored by the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association aided by an $18,000 grant from the cen- tennial commission. It will) bring together teams from each province and territory. Ontario, Blanchard. will have three representatives. of this Choose shantung weave rayon,} crepe, wool. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 each pattern. Ontario residents _ Frederica Bet Wines willjadd 3c. sales tax. Print plain- represent New Brunswick andjly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Spring's Fashions are a JOY FOR ALL SIZES! styles, 2 free hat patterns, fab- rics, accessories in new Spring- Summer Pattern Catalog. Coupon for free pattern in Cat- alog. Send 50c. 's gala fashi | Printed Pattern 4922: Misses' takes 234 yards 39-in. | FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for Send order to ANNE ADAMS, See Se ha Gift ; quilts, Two Free Patterns. Send 25c. ers in shaded tones. Easy stitches. Pattern 7295: trans- fer 16x20%4 ins.; color schemes. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, Please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle. craft Dept., 60 Front St. Ws Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario resi- dents add 2c. sales tax. Print Plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 210 MOS'T BEAUTIFUL |NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, embroidery, toys, gifts, today. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt. ing motifs. Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- 16 complete patterns. 60c, nev tior the: intervie The é geared while ( retailin designe group-- doesn't and qu abroad shoes | pany ¢ dian or The r joys de Knee-hi popular "The: ple re short ¢ them." i The | signs a inches. toes re daytime tinguish terial, | suede ¢ shoe, w tige. " sifned "Colo portant now us! the tan onstrui Osts. Norm anitary

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