14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, January 18, 1967 NAMED CHAIRMAN Dr. Claude T. Bissell, president of the University of Toronto, has been elect- ed chairman of the board of trustees, Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advance- ment of Teaching in New York. He is the only Cana- dian on the seven-man ex- ecutive committee. (CP Photo) TB Clinic Sought For City Dr. F. Russell Manuel, Epi- démiology Section, Ontario De- partment of Health was a guest of the Ontario County TB and Health Association at their meeting held in Adelaide House. The president and members expressed disappointment that the Christmas Seal Campaign was lagging, and expressed the hope that friends of the Asso- ciation would still return their Christmas Seal envelopes. Last year, the association sent in-a larger sum of money for research, which was urgent- ly needed to find more effec- tive drugs and a vaccine, and hoped contributions to this year's campaign would help re- place depleted funds. The executive secretary, Mrs. E. A. Collins, reported on the studies made by the association of the costs of purchasing and operating a mobile unit in the county. Dr. C. C. Stewart, MOH, and Mrs. Collins, had met with Dr. C. Rorabeck, Director, TB Pre- vention, to discuss the possibil- ity of obtaining a grant from the federal government for an X-ray unit. It has been strongly advised that, before proceeding with a mobile unit, a "drop-in'" type of clinic be established in Oshawa where one may receive a tuber- tulin test or chest X-ray with- eut waiting for an appointment. It is felt that TB clinics must become chest clinics. The in- creasing frequency of chronic respiratory diseases other than tuberculosis has made it essen- tial for TB clinics to enlarge their scope. The differentiation from tuberculosis of a number f chest diseases -- lung can- cer, bronchitis, emphysema and a of. non-specific in- flammations and fibroses -- all common ailments of older peo- ple -- has in itself made this necessary. A number of such chest clinics have already been set up in different parts of the province. Because tuberculosis is - con- tagious, it still is the major con- cern of the association. Chest clinics adequately perform their important part in the task of helping those with tuberculosis get better, and helping those who do not have it to stay well. Reports were given by Dr. John Chmara, chairman, case finding committee, on the pro- posed multiphasic testing sur- Dr. H. A. Mel- rehabilitation vey, and Rev. low, chairman, and social service. 60,000 Visit 1967 Train VICTORIA (CP) -- Canada's | Confederation train rolled out] of Victoria late Monday night after 60,000 persons had filed through its six cars that span the country's history from ice} age to space age. The train is due to re- open| its doors in Nanaimo today and| remain until Thursday. During the seven days the coaches were open here, there was never an hour when the train wasn't filled, officials re- ported. Up to 600 an hour were squeezed through at peak periods. Train Manager Jean Latre- mouille, 33, of Ottawa, said Monday that more people saw the exhibits than was originally believed possible. SURGERY ON JOHNSON ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)--Base- ball pitcher Ken Johnson of At- lanta Braves underwent an op- eration on his knee Tuesday, and the surgeon who performed the operation said he will re- cover fully. Johnson, who won 14 games and lost eight last season, underwent surgery to remove cartilage from his left knee. Dr. Robert Wells said there were no complications. A Braves spokesman said he is expected to play with Atlanta pledge from the\, SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY CANADA'S FINEST STEAKS ROASTS SIRLOIN WING or ROUND NATURALLY AGED FULL SLICE OR MINCED BONELESS RUMP or WING & ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS BOTTOM CUT r, RED BRAND STEER BEEF SUPER-RIGHT. QUALITY SLICED management of A- What we are about to say is not new. ---- Matter of fact, it's been our policy from the iat QUALITY Ib C A&P IS DEDICATED TO BRINGING MAPLE LEAF THE MOST GOOD FOOD, BY THE Ib C TO THE MOST PEOPLE, voeseas FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY. PORK S$ AUS AGE "Sa" « 6 G That is the basis on which our company TRAY PACK * . has grown and prospered over the years, MAPLE LEAF We think it's important VAC PAC ib 4 during this period of time x to reiterate that pledge. 3 _ We want there to beno doubt in your mind about our policy with respect to food costs. PIZZA PIES ORIGENA We want you to know we are concerned. fe ws We want you to know we're doing our level best. | We want you to know that . i fi F 4 AC 0 Wi RLS : above all, "We Cate... About You." ' VAC PAC CHICKEN LIVERS ---~ - ~89 253. Sec resh Baked Foods! Eaummiieeercad Canned Food! S= BEEF LIVER 45: ALLGOOD SMOKED SLICED RINDLESS SIDE BACON 39 f a) "a PERCH FILLETS meee, OCCTOOd Buys! Baum A&P BRAND FRIED IN BATTER WHITING PORTIONS SEA SEALD OCEAN 11b pkg 49. od 5e mx, frozen Foods faa CHOICE r AsP auaury PEAS . JANE PARKER REG. PRICE EACH 39¢ -- SAVE 28c \ SPANISH BAR CAKE 3-89 | 4249. FEATURE PRICE! \ Vale ' ih j x JANE PARKER REG. PRICE EACH 550 -- SAVE 60 CHOICE QUALITY CREAM 8TYLE PUMPKIN PIE FULL 8-INCH PIE och AY A«P CORN SOUTHERN PRIDE CHOICE QUALITY JANE PARKER ahr will, Ge PEACHES unatves W ie IT © a a E A D YORK FANCY QUALITY FRENCH STYLE 33265: Regular Price loaf 24¢ -- SAVE 7e macy = vings On Fine Groceries! [Ram YORK FANCY QUALITY REGULAR CUT YORK CHOICE QUALITY Monarch FEATURE PRICE! LONG GRAIN TABLE SYRUP 16-fl-oz bi! 3 Ze AzP RICE REG. PRICE PKG, 390 Primo Reg. Price tin $2.09 -- SAVE 100 PIN fe VEGETABLE OIL 128-fl-oz tin 1.99 Heinz Cream of MUSHROOM Soup 2 .10-1-02:ins 39% Soft Rite (White or Coloured) Reg. Price pkg. 570 -- SAVE 8e TOILET TISSUE pkg of Mh rolls Qe (5 Varieties) 4 7-02 pkg? 53¢ MEAT CREAMETTES 7. bt a TOMATO JUICE NOODLES QUICK RICE CURAD "zz CORN CHIPS READY TO SERVE FEATURE PRICE! QUAKER OATS K AM LUNCHEON CANNED REG. PRICE TIN 590 ' SAVE 40 KRAFT (OLD ENGLISH, PIMENTO or PLAIN) FEATURE PRICE! PACK NEW LOW PRICE! A&P "The Real Thing" Frozen ORANGE JUICE 5: i = 89. | 3%=1.00 <= Pe /\/\4 Salutes Canada's vay LANCIA (EXTRA FINE, MEDIUM OR EXTRA BROAD) FEATURE PRICE! UNCLE BEN'S REG. PRICE PKG, 49¢ SAVE 4e ECONOMY. PACK OF 60 100th Birthday! FRITO FEATURE PRICE! ECONOMY AYLMER Fancy Quality 48-FL- REG. easy Bags 390 OZ TINS 12-02 PKGS 1-02 PKG 4 5 ¢ FEATURE PRICE! Avion DICED TURNIPS +33: FEATURE PRICE! Zreimn' Q GREEN BEANS 4::...4% WAX BEANS 42-49% PEAS & CARROTS ein 2-LB PKG 3 5 C 10-02 PKG 3 5 ¢ 12-02 TIN 5 5. 8-OZ PKG 3 9. 1.05 69: 43: 89. ee, 2 Jf REGULAR CUT 2-POUND POLY BAG 7 REG. PRICE BAG 59c¢ -- SAVE 4e A:P GREEN BEANS 55: \ HONEY GOLD CLEARBROOKE RASPBERRIES FROZEN FOOD FEATURE FROZEN FOOD FEATURE 15-0z pkg 3% Seca Fresh Produce! Foam rd FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS, THIN SKINNED, FULL OF JUICE, \ No. 1 GRADE, SIZE 96's GRAPEFRUIT 10-49 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P RHUBARB Florida Sweet, Bell Type, No. 1 Top Quality Assorted Colours Florida, Firm, Red, Ripe, Hand Selected Quality, No. 1 Grade TOMATOES . NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Ontario Grown Hothouse, Large Tender Stalks, No. 1 Grade POUND 29. NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Grade, Large Size GREEN PEPPERS 2-25. NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P CYCLAMEN PLANTS «~-»$1-99 OSHAWA, WHITBY & BOWMANVILLE ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT., JAN, 21, ae 14-OZ CELLO TUBE 19 again this year. N Tra pilot (left) Bill W: ed co the de star a Striking tween the movemen Thailand nam, whi military | But th the two and in « West ag: As in ' in Thaila ported an Vietnam | Thai o! gan tryin munist te years ag ment of ment" an fied its e years. Thai P: ing and n nist terro INSURGE Most U. say the i bere are about 1,01 US Vie VANCO Ronning, diplomat adian pe Hanoi, s lieves U1 Vietnam dated pol Mr. Ro States at the "fall quarters united fo: quest." He saic is splittin "Comm logy no gether," China-bor East. He prior to turned th He sai see the 1 tally diff there ar progress, ity for o common He sai in the wi diately be or China tion. CHINA § Mr. Re gards th war in w is direct! fering fo: Sir Ney TORON Macdonal of Sir Jo ada's fir, a noted at his h Mr. } largely 11 trials of | had seize acquittals members During inal law never los He ser prosecuto a * os peel fc at the ] echool. t