Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Jonuery 16, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE As "Pure WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The, Aid To Auto Workers Seen Funds Urged For Research OTTAWA (CP)--Canada can- |not afford to lag behind other Rube Goldberg" awa (crc Nicholson were "pure Rube| "The TAB regulations still Manpower Minister Marchand com- Burial Rites Today | council of the United Auto Work-| Goldberg." |place the full burdes o said Saturday tin eas TAB now is available to laid-| pensation for a certified auto! * sapere ers Union in Canada, meeting in i | . | Speaking in French and Eng- off workers only when supple-| pact layoff on-the worker's SUB) ich to 250 University of Ot- For James L. BERWICK, N.S. (CP) -- James Lorimer Ilsley, federal finance minister during the Second World War and a leading Canadian jurist, will be buried today in this Annapolis Valley town a few miles from his birthplace. The Nova Scotia chief justice died Saturday in hospital in Halifax of cardiac complica- tions. He was 73. A memorial service, attended by representatives of church and state, was held in Halifax Sunday night. Ilsley Overhaul Asked HALIFAX (CP)--Health Min- urday a parliamentary overhaul slipping prestige. Maritimes student Liberal con- vention here, Mr. MacEachen said revisions in rules, proce- dures and traditions are neces- sary to meet the demands of a fast-changing modern society. "There is, I think, a wide, and |ister MacEachen suggested Sat- as the government's centennial project to salvage Parliament's! Speaking to delegates at the) At least four federal cabinet ministers are expected to attend service, in today's committal this fruit-processing centre just south of Somerset, in which Chief the hamlet Justice Ilsley y| tually works in real life... to the ordinary public, a baf- Ifling gap between the way our} parliamentary system is sup-| | posed to work according to its |procedures, and the way it ac- weekend sessions here, Sunda . F i i ; | | Y\mentary unemployment bene-| credits and still fails to impose} | wa Students, Mr. Marchand jnight expressed dissatisfaction fits (SUB) have been exhausted. | any financial obligation on the ig a action for laid-| "It takes more than one lay- employer." off auto employees. off to exhaust SUB," Mr. Burt | George Burt, Canadian direc-| said. WITHHOLDS SUPPORT _ tor of the UAW, said in a state-| 'When the worker is laid-off The 150-man council, repre- ment changes in transitional as-|enough times so that he has no|Senting the UAW's 105,000 Ca- sistance benefits (TAB) an-|SUB credits left, he will get "@dian members, unanimously 'nounced by Labor Minister| TAB. voted to continue withholding "its full support' for the Can- WEATHER FORECAST ada-United States auto pact un- til the government 'implements a proper program of adjust- ment assistance for adversely send a telegram to Senator Da- vid Croll asking him to recon- sider his decision against inves- tigating car prices as part of the work of the joint Senate- Snow Tonight, Tuesday Cold Weather Spell Due "72.22"5.0. sce vo \said although Canada is sur- passed in wealth by the U.S. and Russia, she must not be \left behind in the field of re- |search. | "If we aren't strong, we must ibe wise,' the minister said. The U.S. spent $20,000,000,000 'a year on research - twice the entire Canadian budget and three times what all European countries combined spend on research in one year. Countries that don't keep up in research will "fall under the tutelage of countries that have the economic monopoly." : The minister said U.S. parti- cipation in Canada had helped TORONTO (CP) at 5:30 a.m, Synopsis: A Prairie blizzard bringing below zero tempera- tures and easterly winds of 30 --Forecasts casional snow today. Snow be- coming heavier and continuous tonight, but tapering off again Tuesday morning, Clearing and turning cold again Tuesday Commons committee inquiring|in the past and must continue into consumer prices where the |t0 help. emphasis has been placed on! food costs. Delegates from Local 222 at was born . Transport Minister Pickers- He picked the practice of} to 50 miles an hour combined|afternoon. Winds light, becom- septa gay ped "@ gill, Finance Minister Sharp, |Commons' sittings in the after- with snow and blowing snow|ing southerly 20 to 30 tonight arta job - retraini r wd m Public Works Minister Mcll- J. L. ILSLEY noon and evening for special will spread snow rapidly across|and shifting to northeast Tues- Say Teidett Ge eral ators f raith and Health Minister Mac- mecil a NS study. He said that procedure; ; 1OGe * ss lakes today. A lighter|day. enade Taduwen. bs ins Eachen arlived in Halifax Sun. | hee seer should be examined now that all of snow will occur late| Northern White Ri 3 aaa day to attend the services. |MPs have a full-time job. PRELUDE TO VISIT |today, tonight and early Tues-|rane, western Gewese bas: Var. ae ee -- the TI LIES IN STATE Diffi lti S The government this week in- ' : " d _ |day in southern Ontario. Coldlable cloudiness with occasional | si vied leat cd S| Poli The body lay in state at the) VUTICUITIES DEEN dicated its intention to set up a i "4 se Meri Australia next week- |weather will spread over the/light snow today and tonight.' The council approved calling of ¢ tist church in Halifax y if , a: - y cl i en Cao Ky. 1S displayed in nd. entire i i i ig ci 1 | First Baptist church in Halifax) varicaN CITY (Reuters) --|Special, all-party committee to; coaiey today. The South (AP Wirephoto by cable bs alist behind .this| Mostly sunny and cold Tuesday.|a special Canadian UAW eco- yr Sunday and throughout the day hundreds of mourners passed|Pope Paul warns that the Ro-|qural reform. the bier. man Catholic Church faces jenormous interna 1 difficul- 'study rule changes and proce-| »" 4 . y B ap Vietnamese premier is to fram Sydney) | | New Bond Issue | Lake St. Clair, southern Lake Huron, western Lake Erie, Windsor, London: Cloudy with snow late today and tonight. A cold today. Increasing cloudi- ness tonight with intermittent snow. Tuesday cloudy with in- termittent snow. or flurries nomic conference in Windsor, | April 23, following the interna- tional UAW's special collective bargaining convenion in Detroit 6 e | Part Returns ties from atheistic materialism ; Oil De t Hit ; Cold. Light winds, becoming] April 20-22 DAR cha as (Reuters)|which threatens to subvert its say rapier ban ection | pl caylr wend eg Mpwgrid SOSOY 16 toniget wont TUNeTay: = ee ' --A nine - member Tanranian-|doctrines and morals. to total about $150,000,000, were | afternoon. Southwest winds 25 Forecast temperatures BELL TRIED FIRE re aga nected ag Receiving representatives of|announced today by Finance ® today, becoming northerly Tues-| Low overnight, high Tuesday | The first Canadian rocket) maniac Saturday afer tive New Year rece. tel Ts ME NGCIDY FICTION (Mist. tae owen, nan temas". BB ible apertmenedh | TAR tet +i : e terms: : , Hali-|St. Tho besivan : rith | day climb which is to become ditional New Year greeting, the} _bioht - year, eight - month| burton, Killaloe, Toronto, Ham-| Londo! ans i ro rockets in 1893. part of every Tanzanian offic- pontiff veo coterie 4 that rell- 51%4-per-cent bonds due Oct. 1, jilton: Sunny, clouding over to- Kitchener. spies rd 2 ----_--_______________ ._______| af ohare imb Catholic, had "o. clan ait 1975, at a -price of 985% per) SAIGON (AP) --U-S. super-jclash_ two miles from where |night. Snow tonight and early|Mount Forest ..... 18 32 ' ' ¢ vee Only od ar yn CON Cato om and humenty| cent to yield about 5.7 per|sonic jets flew past Communist/government forces uncovered a)Tuesday, followed by clearing|Wingham ... 2 ---32,_--«(f Good names to remember #)# ma" ond ie baie : ahh sary plover od speaking --insuperable difficul- cent to maturity; Pm ria : good i or a chin ald pepe ox: 9 Seeks: Be ate ay: [usmiilton .... <2 34 | If h Z oe poy 4 das. _mallitary _aasistance .pro:| rs ceased: by -the-apreag--oF----leveat..sixemonth.S\e-per.(depot 14% miles from Hanol. eon Camp. | ek ing to southwest 25 today, be-|St. Catharines ..... 20 34 | ee ' ( that 5 gram here, failed to reac : ili- te tarialiem cent bonds due Aug. 1, 1980,|It was the closest major strike A--Vietnamese-_military|coming northerly Tuesday after-! Toronto vs... ee 24 |§ Commercial Property manjaro's 19,340 - foot Uhuru shoes at a price of 100% per cent to|to the North Vietnamese capital! spokesman Said the Viet Cong/noon. , Peterborough .... 15 rh a tution peak. a ce ' : yield 5.71 per cent to matur-|Since the controversy over Cl- killed 44 Vietnamese. prisoners,| Northern Lake Huron, south-|Ki 15 34 | To Sell or Lease | away. He was within 2,000 feet of ity: vilian casualties arose last/most-of them civilians, in alern Georgian Bay: Variable 15 34 | of Qui the ip wie lack of oxygen 25 '- year, seven - month 53-|month. camp about 108 miles south-|cloudiness with snowflurries to- 5 28 REG AKER, pres. organ! nig rey per-cent bonds due Sept. 1,| A U.S. spokesman said Amer-|West of Saigon before they/day. Snow tonight and early|) 1 5 | BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres PLAIN Fath . --" s 18-year-old Freda 1992, at a price of 100% perjican bombers attacked the Ha|Pulled out of the area in the/Tuesday, followed by clearing 10 15 p pres. or FILTER TIP 15 oth ally, -- among those who cent to yield about 5.69 per/Gia fuel storage grea 1414|face of advancing South Viet-|and turning cold. Winds increas- 10 15 | SCHOFIELD- been went on to the summit. cent to maturity. miles north-northwest of Hanoi.;"amese troops. ing to -- 25 today, be-|Earlton ........66. 5 10 C 0 D AKER | CIGARETTES pare . | The Bank of Canada has|It has been attacked before on q coming northerly Tuesday. Sault Ste. Marie... 5 0 | Beoaes Story Denied agreed to acquire about $50,-|Dec. 2 and 5. igs eek Fie riiownei. he said, Northern Georgian Bay, Ti-|Kapuskasing ..... -15 0 | 723-2265 ; REGULAR and KINGS . Insp, PARIS (AP)--The French for- 900,000 of the issues, open as to} Jn forays. Sunday American|were killed by gunfire and gre- magami, Algoma, southern|White River -20 0 if Over 33 years in Business Provin eign ministry denied today gglebinang _ |bombers pounded three targets|nades but some showed marks ay erees Sudbury, North|Moosonee . "15 5 dren v having anything to do with a The 5'4-per-cent bonds due in|15 to 40 miles north and north-|of knifing or bayoneting. The ay, Sault Ste. Marie: Occa-|Timmins ......... 5 0 they : reported military understanding arias ne iit -- to $360,-lwest of Hanoi, including the|dead included two women and over t between China and the United Feares pe vores cm Oct.| Viet Tri railway yard. two children, the spokesman US M s . Behil States. i tie : Ground fighting flared deep|said, and added that some of aWe arine ac olce x idl The report, in the magazine Hi D. in the Mekong Delta as South|the prisoners were tied up. about ee _-- and World Report, ' : : onorary egrees Vietnamese rangers reported i of ] siomgyeek ed ci- S e "H ll H A o" CALL oer sai i i i 8 : i killi iet C i ili 0 soldier--sur- ; vite, paked the poo gaorhy office : Poragh eed moe Wi ae oP killing 74 Viet Cong today inp viveh and Ware pecan oy Vist. ays: e 0, OW re You? | a. e But | ive th i > - if Sa t : | > bt soca agate red 4 (the arts received honorary doc- F H ri ag angst ag MO is wean Ag yet (AP) -- A 25-year-)and valves formed from the THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE head o would stay out of the war ina" \torates Saturday from Bishop's rame mouse We | amp, the elite 42nd South Viet- ig grt the unded in aj patient's neck tissue. Apotre Wictnam. ae \University as that institution namese Ranger Battalion|«Hello, tow are year" orig In the second stage,.a tube ~-- The writer of the article, Rene Dabernat, foreign editor of the magazine Paris Match, said: "France transmitted the mes- sage. I verified this in Washing- ton." |held a special convocation to celebrate the opening of a spa- cious and modernistic univers- jity theatre. | The honorary doctorates were |conferred on Robertson Davies, |author, publisher of the Peter- POPE PAUL . +. Gives Warning No French Canada Fatal For Three HUNTSVILLE, Ont. (CP)-- Three children died Sunday morning in a fire which de- stroyed their frame home just north of here. Their mother and clashed with an estimated 500 Viet Cong with support from air strikes and-artillery. U.S. forces ended operation Deckhouse 5, launched Jan. 6, the first major offensive by U.S. forces in the delta. The 10-day es : | came, doctors believe, the first|the. eatic a te. te eae | -- to speak normally with-| the larynx was removed to the! out a voice box. [top of the throat where the| eo ag Massachusetts Eye| valves were buil | and Ear Infirmary fashioned a} Unlike the esophageal method tube and valve from the skin of speech which faves months) by Kassinger The Location The Setting west of at ag Pr | 4 borough Examiner and the three other child ' inc is » {of L-Cpl. Walter Lopata to re-/|o s af Spotlight Shifts RENFREW, Ont. (CP) -- A Master of Massey College, Uni-jjury. er rua pol ~ song seh place a shattered larynx and re- bal A Phong oe a ea j ROME (AP) -- The fashion -- -- so gy of | versity of Toronto; Celia! Wayne Rown, 10, Joanne, 9,|proved unproductive. store his voice. __|patient to talk almost immedi- The advanced method of construction spotlight shifted to Rome's would be ¢ ~ pi «Oi 'see Franca, artistic director of the|and Edwin, 3, children of Mr.| In Operation Cedar Falls,|_ 1€ Second of two operations ately because it is the normal ; TOR couture showings today after tot Obntedes den anada but National Ballet of Canada;/and Mrs. Delmer Rown, were|the biggest ground sweep of the|¥@S performed Friday and Lo-| way of speaking. | The Quality and Democ three days of fun fashions came eration. |Jean Gascon, artistic director|killed in the fire hich followed|war, American troops pushing|P&t@ greeted reporters Saturday council to an end in Florence with a Pec aNd ia Fl pl Diced ageigi gran me an explosion in a space heater|through the jungle and scrub of bisa ' ae a 'a The Beauty of the Homes of volt tribute to that flood-damaged old the Sou enfrew\co-founder of the French-lan-|as Mrs. Rown tried to light it.|the Iron Triangle reported 41 S wounded by Viel SERVICE for chi city. |PC Association's annpel mieet-| guage Ronse ce Nedeens Myrtle Rown, 14, threw his|Viet Cong killed. rs ao yoy Oct. 11. . | PROMPT. Are Unquestionable prived Italy's designers will parade ("8 that millions o' rench- Monde, Montreal; Guy Rob-|brother Barry, 8, out of a sec-| This brought to 648 the num- ie two - stage operation was | | he. their spring-summer high fash-|SPeaking Canadians who went/erge, former chairman of thejond - storey window into the|ber of enemy troops put out of developed by Dr. William Mont- | PRESCRIPT 0 | Wi @ . a Ae fon creations here through Fri-/to the U.S. were "lost in the|National Film Board and now|snow and jumped out after him.|action since the operation| S°™ery of the infirmary, who poy ithout omparison the las day. melting pot. Quebec's agent general in Brit-|A sixth child, John, 3, was next|started Jan. 8 in an area 20 to| termed results of what he said| The Designer Marucelli of Milan He described Canada's bicul- ain; A. - M. Smith, a poet a door at the time of the fire. {30 miles north of Saigon. was the ietecbcoig) attempt "al In Oshawa the cl: showed dresses were in cotton|turalism as the country's most'now visiting pr at Dal- here . f satin with twinkling mirrors. attractive and distinguishing housie University in Halifax, MAY HELP OTHERS | } 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling H dae H There were even mirrors trim-| characteristic. and tenor Jon Vickers. - . } ; H : tio gig tk gg Bick : esignation avreall ey ret inten an i] and Breathtaking Interior are on display now. fe ns | . . h cans have | -- Skis daiavid eotins Union Stand In Orbit Now their voice box removed each tion w ; because of cancer. He with g the prettiest summer dress. In __| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Apel TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING Oe ee meets in| ST, CATHARINES (CP) --iconmunicatons saci care.| POSES PYODLeM F OF Ee Soc waisted style with little sleeves! disputes is usually opposed by|S@!¢ Saturday it had put its new didates for the Dew 'urgery, eG: A : CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY A re = a skirt that went into @ unions because the courts rep- Poe poster eld -- By RONALD LEBEL The issue is being debated in| A patient without a voice box! City-Wide Delivery APPOINTMENT ONLY classes i. t 7 . . Tiziani's safari look had some trying Nig cht pei ed COMSAT said that all systems}, OTTAWA (CP)--A new and cheek caucis and no early pe Md -, Lecigh esophageal MITCHELL'S ee. helmeted big game huntresses said today. jaboard the satellite seemed to| delicate B oactriag problem faces |decision is expected. ridge Naboo gal syaiowed SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD 123-2265 Fe gag hy fe mend» i : me Min rson as a a . 2 pis jg os ying riechets sad' planter' | David Archer president jot the saletite i diced ts result of yd aee -- ag nied ty io obo by "burping" into the ll DRUGS = Al "ee ntario Federation o | ications Nation as Quebec leader of the d r¢| nroat, Dr. Montgomery ex-| i ae pena ei colonial |2° told members of the Cana- tak igi ee ae dis federal Liberal party. fadency' to ihrecion ty ens oa 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 6) cops in white drill shorts and/¢i@M Industrial Management! and the Far East Sources say a large majority|eyery time a major policy din, ;The new surgical Procedure | erly jAssociation. the trade union) yaj¢ the communications|% the 56 Liberal MPs from|pute arises. The resignation of allows the patient to breathe a 0 Tiziani followed with long, gage on Priel oe channels of Lani Bird II have agg ila BF Riga co oper leader over a question ig Mg Racy pong poe ore ee ee ask, times with outright hostility. ee 'is tae Marchand as Mr. Favreau's Sina ra ie pew oe ing the voice a good volume and CORPORATION oF THE CITY OF OSHAWA pho : Others were printed with totem) 4 judge's decision-making is/istration. And the U.S. defence |SUCCessor. Liberal informants say Mr. Biten conerel Neyer RORsING wih ats : dinthe,Zuided by precedent, Mr. ' pated But informants close to the|March ho built hi esophageal speech. Severn pole stripes and down-in-the Fe department will use 30 circuits,| |; inist he heel aes and, who built his reputa-| "the operatio: done in two! increase jungle themes. Archer said. beginning April 1, for communi- ey ier er jr He @S!tion as a rock-hard union nego- t . abe . WAP Coes an ve aids Jai With them, the girls wore| 'Invariably, he will say some-|cations between Hawaii and Ja- Gino 5 vie er hoi re au he tiator before entering politics in|® ne th te, ot the threat eliminat saucer - sized wooden earrings, | where that he is merely here to|pan, The Philippines and Thai- ied' seat And ir Mar 1965, threatened to resign at ee ee eee tions al arm bangles and curly wigs. _ Ce ce et chand's Quebec colleagues -in ag ge vey in- his first year No person shall keep or maintain any dog in the City of Oshawa unless such dog has been and oth ' Alec he; . the cabinet are also cool to the , : ; licensed and registered under By-law No. 3418 of The Corporation of the City of Oshawe, Thou legislature. J t D Each time he and the prime f egies HERE AND THERE Sie Anka fot: colht ol AHA eannere 1es idea. : minister negotiated a comprom- as amended, and subject to the provisions of Section 4 (4) of the Dog Tex and The Cattle, going ai : interpretation ca ee ig t a TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Fran- Ever since Mr. Favreau be- ise in sometimes-bitter confron- Sheep and Poultry Protection Act hos on a collar to which is affixed a dog tag issued for various PUBLIC "HEARING" TERE On Cane ae poe Ha : came embroiled in the Lucien |;54; i gest th fact cois Charles Achille J St tations the current year for the said dog A public "hearing" to Ge Apo oye ee 4 deci- former cheaceline of the Usk. Rivard bail affair and the re- - : nounce how to help the hard-of-hearing a matter over which the judge versity of Toronto, died Sun- sulting Dorion judicial inquiry, 1 000 000 b 1981 The 1967 dog licences are now avoilable and may be purchased at the City Clerk's Office, ang | and the deaf with special in- h let trol," dar ts Wa 7A Mr. Pearson is known to have ] 9 y 3rd fl Nand th ¢ De f Ri Road cover t structional techniques will be as complete control. a Po tocdo iis a formed the view that the ap- rd floor, City Hall, and the Dog Contro! Department, Dean Avenue (east o itson Roa last inc held Jan. 18, at the United odes Oe three-year terms as chancellor Pomement of @ Quebec leuten- in Metro South). One 1 Auto Workers Hall, Bond St. E. im and was succeeded in 1965 ant can be more a political li- crease The Retirees' Club, Local 222 D eee 01068 by /abty than an asset --Parinar wanted to help a 1967 LICENCES MUST BE PURCHASED BY FEBRUARY (st families | TORONTO (CP)-- .\Dr. 0. M. Solandt. He was} There h quire 100 acre fa shi UAW, has called the 2 p.m. cont a8: eave Sis nedey te principal of University College eaneels Fong te rs poviced si : : ne meeting : healthy pair of twinescon: for eight years and administra-|leader will disappear. , in King Township with front- No dog shall run at lerge and no person shall permit « dog owned by him to run at large in eiout at COST OF. CREDIT ceived four months after she tor for #3. ett Informants say most cabinet ege on 400 and Jane Street. the City of Oshawa at any time. are ia | i 'Gordon 3, Newman, Ms Ci. ; gre posecdhaniph eat snes avery Caeadlan' should aihey gr ng Mr. Pearson feel | --Tremendous future growth A dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of the owner and is not on a in will Sarees the 'Boclety taking the pills 18 wontts a lingual, wrote at least 19 text/that it implies French - Cana: . : PLANNING A ren under the control ef a competent person either by means of @ leash not more than 10 feet flies wit » a ee 'books in French. About 1,500,-!dians for troubl "ea foe 'eply in confidence to Box in length or by virtue of being found not more thon 10 feet form the person supervising of Industrial and Cost Account-|believing they took effect al- F m a troublesome m There i ants of Ontario at a fellowship! most immediately. She said shelCanady the United States ana a <7 to be ginceing D1331 } © BANQUET the ices: first chi . 19, onjcouldn't imagi i PF nada, with symbolic gestures. e Leann a sag gairgy LIB ra 19, on Say hecaues the pul cones otal ___ |government's policy is to make OSHAWA TIMES | © CONVENTION Every dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of the by-laws of the Corporation specifies the day each pill is to Pag was ieee paid trib- French - Canadians feel like | shall be taken up by the Dog Control Officer and impounded in the City Dog Pound and vi INCORPOR ATION: be taken: Hiotigd bg c cS fe oe a partners" in Confedera- e MEETING held for a period of not less thon 48 hours and, if not red d at the expi of 48 A Nott The current issue of The On-! She said the manufacturer! ynderstandi d i 3 ; hours, may be sold or destroyed. has 'cal tario Gazette carries the infor-|plamed other pills she was tak- standing and unity be-) Quebec back - benchers reply|| MEAT WITH OIL First Class Facilities : mation that letters patent of|ing for an epileptic condition Bots cuter tonne, ve wale oe | For 20 to 400 Guests The owner of an impounded dog shall be entitled, on proof of ownership, to regain possession ie in ', { , 4 na x" m . Ww y- Pp - e . . e ae incneeeetinn Save oe for the Jatiare of the birth con-. From is to 1941 he was di: iConatian 'with @iom @ucbee DIXON S | Quality Service of the dog on application to the Dog Pound and payment of the following pound fees: peels Jee ' ¢ . jrector of a summer Ontario! voters identify mo pasily | | i i wtice ta ee towestin N F l P] |department of education school] than With & wrtias stale whe! OIL ssslatu ver FIRST DAY OR PART OF DAY ............. 5.00 said a} : for teachers at Quebec City.|speaks little French. | RESERVE YOUR poser MINOR ALARMS © FOU! F1AY |More than 1,000 Ontario teach: | 313 ALBERT ST Paco EACH ADDITIONAL DAY OR PART OF DAY ........:;... 2.00 Oshawa fire department han-| BELLEVILLE (CP)-- Inspec-jers attended the school during ORGANIST | \" NE! Sot stata ore tr Dl ee Catan tose fee a cree. AMONY WOMAN |) HOUR SeaviCE 723-4641 A tessa dag aro rset ond inane ond every sft mde t ntl th even weekend; § iday | : . tiv | : , ; i at 346 Adelaide St. E. where|foul play is not suspected in a|Elmira, Ont., was -ziven an is back again 723-4663 } | immediately after dogs are picked up by the Dog Contro! Department. : a short in electric wiring caus-|fire Friday night that killed| honorary degree from Laval Hole! Lancaster oo ed about $50. damage. The am-|Richard Monaghan, 41, in his|University and made an officer | 29 King St. W. -- 725-9781 SERVING OSHAWA OVER L. R. BARRAND, bulance division had 17 routine |home in Wooler, 22 miles north-|of the Academy by the Repub) 50 YEARS | City Clerk. cails from noon Saturday. lic of France. 6 i é eos : '

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