Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1967, p. 21

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5 - : | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Wh Deer Pda -- RUA You FORGOT SWEET Boy! DAISY SAND DUNES, | THEN B-TEAM WILL] y'] /T'LL 60 AHEAD AND SEE IF January 16, 1967 19 Would Rights Reserved RIS Ss YOuR HAY, CAD, DION"T KNOW YOU THE BOATS ARE THERE... YES, : No: AND-f! CARED SO MUCH! THEY'RE WAITING. r 3 NES IDGE By B. JAY BECKER ft lee - (Top Record-Holder in Masters' offences 'hn Sf . BY a wt NE : | in. this AA . Individual Championship Play) BP FAMOUS HANDS Tread- West dealer. na 12- Both sides vulnerable. ice on a 2S. of work t occur- by the CA rg |p A galhersif Ra) Arba over SL ORB EN ine Ua the ie ( ' . OF go Us SETTLE A MAN BLINDFOLDED MONEY=MAD T, HOPE THERE AREN'T ANY oi] | THE NICE GENTLE KIND YOU ' EAST OULD FIND AT ANY SUNDAY 24 | YET 2 lear _-- SCHOOL PICNIC. . ipa! e s bein pe ee @A532 HATS SOUTH @AKO865 anva's <1 KJ964 he was . g. Fred- had not a Wen North East Soiith Pass 19 Dble , charged Pass Pass 36 licence, 2 reas oo ie Joe en vhile his pension. weitere Opening leal--five of hearts tion for AIM IT HERE, Joe! ITs ; This deal occurred in the ge. 4 THE PERFECT PLACE FORA match between Italy and the i 5 BELIEVABLE "ACCIDENT*/ i ; : is at : United States in 1968. It fea- and at- tures sensational defense by himself, Benito Garozzo, world - famous y from Oo Italian star playing with his own or < favorite partner, Pietro For- quet. The American declarer, Rob- lout St., ert Nail, arrived at four spades ; placed doubled on the sequence shown. ded sen- a Four spades was actually a ailing to good contract, but was doomed to failure when it developed that fa pri- the trumps were divided 4-1. 66 when West led a heart and Garozzo a north- won with the ace and returned e Road, a blog Nail took the return damage with the ace and played a dia- vag ae 10 CHANNELS *PERFECT RECEPTION ° NO ANTENNA mond to the queen, Garozzo : making the first of two fine ENJOY THE BEST IN TV , heaps own of euce. costs on Declarer then led the eight of ving. diamonds, Garozzo following RHA ane F this time with the three. South 2 there Sik naturally assumed that West Street wg oe hep was faced with as ¢ problem eciding whether ? park: : mers 600 KING ST.E. West had etarted with the dou. : ; bleton ace of d Oshawa *OO}EMM3=68% Limited There's. More To See (EAST: MALL), 723-5278 ee oo © Sane WF ito ---- With Cable TV He knew that Forquet had started with four spades and ohwge four aa and that , ere was consequent or weuita, Leat | [erpioe! sos TELEVISION LOG HUBERT aaa SF aay a f : diamonds. Assuming this to be ved for ouT mt : and for ® He 1 Channel 12--Peterborough Challenge | 11:38 A.M EVERYONE i$ true, it followed that East had PLAC j inne! 11--Hamiites 4-To Tell The Truth | ®--Magistrate's Court LEEPY four diamonds to the ten and dehy Satlnteod aaron Fer ea Lie | sJepating Game SOUND ASLEEP! that it would be necessary to St. 'ochester E M. 1 hi situa Pe ie H are e. Cat 23-Georpine Governor THE COAST IS ber ge = to save a trick. 3 t shi 0 Nail finessed the nine, ie has i ile goa eee ree NOON show which lost ts the ten, and For- ' a amera artoon Party quet returned a trump to defeat : ' 7 es ay { Be bd tactile Prabha the contract two tricks --500 MONDAY EVENING Weather snd Sports y--Money Mevie points. rageed | aes 4 tm te P.M. | <iews "and Wether Garozzo knew he could not a son, ! : lewpoint 3--Popeye and Pals lose the ace of diamonds by 11--Family Theatre : .M. i . saiorsa H b--Supermen ciara Becton Fro PM ducking twice, and he also knew ski of fe a Seay Seekers A at that Nail might go wrong if he . Fran- > onie | Tae Pa (one was missing either the jack or Wi 12---Gilligan's 'ales 2-4--Johnny Carson | @--Eye Guess ' ten. Garozzo had everything to iscon- paper atl 7--Movie 64--Search tor Tomerrow gain and nothing to lose by orowski sPantoart. Two 4--Movie 2--Merv Griffin ducking twi Sartre Hired 11.38 P. 12:45 P.M, mening Sw ice. aiavitle % pps tH. 2--Inspecior Malaret $4--Guiding Light ' At Phage table, the Ital- . 7--Movie Pee ted < mM lan North-South pair also got rt Will- S--Gilligan's, Island tice pa to four spades doubled, but went innipeg; 3 maaan ita conn, UNCLE Dishing to =e down only one when East took ry on | ["ighlerre Berton eye (1200 AM, MS Ty Se eeiey the ace - diamonds at the first Com --Myste: 1 Lunch yther, d --" 'Weather, " suGDAY sitet 'the aiiers Wedd i 8:00 A.M. ovie nee {| (one eons cegires | ME gy, SALLY'S SALLIES it 7:00 P.M. ho" rhe World Turi . aes } fcemgers intra) Setter tom | Sets Maka baal cr = 8:55 A.M. bay Su ~ ve Freee | Ppuina eo Cote, | Need Sa a. ©; at Patro! 64--P, - mass, eaner Meee ei Aged A.M. 28--Days of Our Lives -- We : --Little People M. -- coe Prudden Rie, lender n --People in filet i at the PLEASE GET UR OMAR, pa pall patie cine | 6--Coronation Street . Tues: 1--T'M BABARRASSED... AND E-Gilligan's Island HN A pao ee 3-6-12--Don Messer 9:30 A.M. SecBostes. | 2-8--M i , oncee. PAA bone vrecanee 3:00, AM: | "gg! Piarewm at Jeannie | Sais Srtato. Schools) 2a werds and Rye" | ce tor siete, | Bement | YOUR HEALTH Wright, 10:00 A.M. y Slit #:30 P.M. eee sae ie tee | : . --Fra : | East, T--Decasional, Wite B-2-Reach forthe Stars « News SM t : ar, was &--Captain Nice laid Canatinn cehssks 2.30 PM. Heal h Ovaries t 7--Rat Patrol 30 A.M. ools | 11--Fermer's Daughter ', = the ie Lon JsMoming Time Fits Your Move ~~ -- gag reny B ed sett M--Peiticoat Junction #2-Concentration SE 5 12- dee of Night L { t I P . ti you to leave," ran. 4--Beverly Hitibittes | 1-Super Comics e n OSI 10n ---- Lawn 7--Felony Squad | | om Love Lucy ee re We mam | to eecret Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 112-Ye ar-Old Clinton es Mar " jm orn" | fag pr id | $6-12_-Communicate . izheed T = == |blog valley &--Pat Boone amen Dear Dr. Molner: When ajthat they are diseased, then it , »\ | | Distro te tne Pestana Syeda 7--Peyton Place 7--Supermarket Sweep 11--Zorro , i h ld Gas- v f 4--New Christy Minstrels; 4--Andy of Mayberry 9-Movie hysterectomy is performed, is|may be wiser to remove them and STAND BACK, ; disaed 10:00 PM. 2--Matches and Mates | 4-- Movie it advisable to remove the|regardless of the patient's age. FE S us 5 MINNIB! 1-16 Ae' ps if Ne ae aa * | 3-6-12--Mad Movies ovaries, too? Otherwise one has| When they are healthy and LMER | - eee ee eee Ie to go back for another opera-|left in, there may never be any 1 sick- i) tion. reason to bother with them| CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--When Jan.14, i=} ACROSS DOWN 22. Weary, S Please explain what good the|further. Your comment that/a man gets to be 112 years old, ospital, = 1, Fathers: 1, Authority with if ovaries are without a uterus,|'"'otherwise one has to go backjyou'd think he would be well er, 310 collog, 2. Swiftly tedium [iA and what harm can they do,/for another operation" is not|prepared for a glib answer to Whitby. ol 6. Marks of 5, Strange fo Golden. ON too.--Mrs. J. L necessarily true. It will be true|those who ask for the secret of ' S| A eee 4. Land Be . ne Whether to remove ovaries|only if the ovaries become dis-|his longevity. ,. Mr. ! L af ae Chased ; Hem UIMille AS during such an operation re-|eased in some way. Not John Dodge. gh and = | 42. Co-dis- eons bere Se on quires judgment and common "Even I don't know how I am le was = covererof 6 an 24, Shroud- E sense. Dear Dr. Molner: Ever since|still living, he says. 1 King um with Remember that the ovaries)|I was a child I have had a| ye's not*even sure that 112 shawa. 13. Women in liquid have more than one function.|complex because of my long,|is his correct age. He may ve or the uniform. 7. Mongrel Saturday's Answer | They produce'ova, or eggs. With|crooked nose. I have often|ojder than that, or perhaps a ed had 14. Fondle 8. Region the uterus gone, the ova no|thought of cosmetic surgery but/pit younger. But he's not "kville, THAT'S NO SNOW MAN] 15. A shield 9. Laugh- concern 34, Apple longer have any significance. |we.are of moderate mieans.|worried about it. He's too busy unbar- Se BUTCH! THAT'S 16. Salt: chem, able 26. Dis- center But the ovaries also secrete|Could you enlighten me on this/enjoying life. 'trade, 17. River islet 10, Six-line figures 38. Dutch hormones, and they keep on|type of surgery, cost, etc.? Mr. Dodge, a Pottawatomie of St 18. Told stanzas 28, Sorrows painter doing this regardless of whether | Would you advise it at the age|1 ai.) born and reared in west. } 20. Exist 14. French 30. Liberates 39. Girl's the uterus remains. With meno-|of 34?--Mrs. J. B. ok ah 21, Sacred city in 31. Tunisian nickname ause, the ovaries' production ern Ontario's Kent County, has by his ioture Normand Gavttal 41. After DAUREs P There is no reason why you|been in St. Joseph's Hospital P 'ormandy P' i of these hormones dwindles, and ; ; +4 Helen 22. Riveter's 16. Halt 32. Move noon: this ch hh e level is|SROuld not have it done at your/here since Christmas with a rs. R. pin 19. Peak sideways abbr. a OOBn Ee Bere age, and otherwise you may al-|slight chest condition. sons, 24, Marsh lend | OTT ee aes at tlaches amd go Ways wonder and regret not] Room 216, where he spends bert 26. Burrowing 4 GY Bi. P having ig done. ' much of his time sitting up in It will cost some money, be-|bed, is easy to find. Just listen ather; 27. In this V4. RAISES QUESTIONS cause this is specialized sur-|for the laughter of patient and n Bar- raion V7" Therefore when a_ hyster-|gery. The precise amount would/nurses. Or the. strong, clear rs. J. s ous. * ~ page here WY ectomy is performed, the sur-|depend on what has to be done. |voice telling how. he used to io and x KUHN: 1-16 eo = acity ie geon has several questions to|Best way to know exactly where|pick a squirrel out of the top e) of 29. Digraph ask and answer. If the womanjyou stand is to have your regu-jof a tree with an arrow fired i Pane vee f AND TA 30. Woodland is still below the expected agejlar physician refer you to a/from his six-foot bow. . oe Few : of menopause, the ovaries often |qualified plastic surgeon. He} john Dodge, who says he gid fd TAKE TE EASY pyr rise \ . oper eae are left, so as to allow the|can estimate the cost, make evar went to school eathe his How- E ve 47 ~ -- menopause to come gradually|sketches to show what can be|father was always on the go as ill be "4 : ' at its normal time instead of|accomplished, and tell how long/ay itinerant farmhand, lives on : i 7] happening right away--removallit will take. a la wtiall farin with Meo and Mrs: abtinka, He of the ovaries produces what| Since health insurance gener-/Gordon Scott. p.m., we call '"'surgical menopause."jally does not cover this, it will hin Sobe> remembers Mr be in Qa If the woman is just about at|involve some cash outlay. How- Dod Ia aa the inan whe aiued 4 =] menopause age anyway, thejever, I have heard many times ig ae a his four brothers ates S ovaries may be removed with-jof people working things out their father died " aid out making much difference to|nicely just by being frank with : A her. the surgeon as to their financial} In the summer, Mr. Dodge ae S 42, Out Keep in mind, however, that|means. When you know what/still works in his two-acre cai ES ' erent the condition of the ovaries is,the cost will be, it is often pos-|garden where he grows to- uncan Ss 43 eaitard important. If they are healthy,|sible to get a moderate loan|matoes, onions, beans and po- -- " stroke that is an argument for leaving|from a bank and spread the|tatoes although he leaves the planting to someone else. nee in, If there is indication repayment over a gal or 80.

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