14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, January 14, 1967 Former Local Resident | Seeks Discarded Cards Over Discipline Bishops Voice Concern the following baptized persons of other communions: Isolated 'communicants who have no regular opportunity of receiving the sacrament from their own ministers; staff mem- Deviations ilies, some non-Anglican, wl on special occasions wish to re ceive holy communion together. Generally speaking, Anglican clergy do not refuse communion to any baptized persons, but in ; " : : |o9 NTO : : e ._|bers and pupils in hostels,|some cases they inquire into Don't throw out this year'sjen the day. for a child, and TORONTO (CP)--Bishops of church involving an Anglican\noarqing schools and collegesthe communicant status of in- { a Christmas cards. Rev. T. A.|they are pleased with the color-|(%® Ansucan Church of Canadaiwho has given & pre-nuptiall (ere there is a chapel in which dividuals 4 Davis, former Oshawa resident, ful, picturesque cards sent from|"2¥e Voiced concern over devi- undertaking respecting the DUT-|ihe eycharist is "calebrated:; | = 7 and now a Seventh-day Adven- Canada. jations from church discipline|ture of children in the Roman|.+aft and inmates or patients ot | % tist missionary in Poona, India, Mr. Davis came to Oshawa|2"? practice arising out of|Catholic faith, the participation]; <titutions in which there is an It takes a crew of 75 to 100 ig has found the perfect answer in 1939 as a student at Kings-| ccumenical enthusiasm." of an Anglican priest is not Per-|anciican chaplaincy; Christian|Pe°P!e t© film each instalment : for the annual puzzle of what way College Two years later| The church has played an im-jmitted. Such participation, by), an aihared tor ther tot of Bonanza. f out ge to do with all those lovely greet- he joined the Royal Canadi jportant role in bringing about a|the terms of the Rome decree, Ld 8 a hat i ry Council \ ; as seat ; yal Canadian relaxation of tensions that forjis limited to a post-servi {\dialogue and. prayer for the day mort ings that are too pretty to Air Force and served overseas) j 0 a post-service €X-lunity of Christendom; tourist throw away, but of no value in England, returning to Osh centuries kept Christianity di-|hortation and word of goodwill. ope o! ; ris -- ot ein Ls Church. tg in Baelent,Peteeming fe, Get vded, they say. Tete Angican party ro we(end aveters atending Anal] | WESTMOUNT Rober Mrs. Davis and her helpers cation, He recieved his theolo-| But they emphasize that ne-/marriage has made no_pre-| ies bela Wray H need thousands of used Christ- gical degree from Canadian|S%iations with other churches nuptial agreement, the regula- UNITED CHURCH George mas and other occasion greet- College in Lacombe, Alberta|/@¥e union and full communion tion does not apply and each} HARMONY Shee We Rosehill Blvd. tion chi fa adltnr an i a s their objective and until this|case must be dealt with in-| ee ee ee dock, i is Gaal Vai me ee married Margaret Penner' attained Anglican clergy and|dividually (ist penn ot Robert | man of Winni is . | oppin: entre) Publshing House in Poona, was setnreat te Gre ts Gasiere |laity should observe canonical! At the marriage of an Angli- UNITED CHURCH "Minister: ag for years a resident of Oshawa, es in Kingston and peal ne | AWS and regulations. |can and a member of another|| ev. N. T- Holmes, B.A., B.D., I} Rev. 6. J. Minielly, 8.A., 90. H Trustes and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. then bonneeta with the Review! In connection with marriages|Communion in an Anglican Mrs. M Bopha ARCT, i) mr patho ARC, LTC L. i John: John Davis, and brother of Ken- and Herald Publshing Associa-|0f Anglicans and non-Anglicans church, a non-Anglican priest or (Piano and Organ, Rt ; 2 Rover} neth and Edward Davis, all of tion in Washington, D.C., prior|the House of Bishops has re- minister may be invited to as-) Urgenist and Choirmaster | 9:45 AM § Harold Oshawa. He has a sister, Mrs. to leaving for mission service|affirmed that Anglican clergy|Sist, reading from the : glican| } SUNDAY: Sete q John Ci Irene Town of Whitby, and an. in the Philippines and later in May accept invitations to par-|Marriage service such prayers] 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. 4 Kenzie, | other sister in the States, India. ticipate in services in other|as' are generally allowed by|| 11:00 o.m---Kind | THE PERFECT EXAMPLE" Frank } Cans sent ie Mrs. Davis are To send cards for the child-/Communions provided that no diocesan bishops. as "Tiny -- ~~ I] Installation of U.C.W. Executive Sohn Ci used in making up Vacation ren of India, it is suggested|breach of the matrimonial dis-| To meet increasing pressures | Bible School Kits for the thou- that the writing part of the| cipline of the Anglican Church|for inter - comanion and tol] '1:00 a.m.--Morning Worship }j PRIMARY, Neer pean oh sands of children who attend cards be discarded, as it is the|f Canada is involved. lregularize practices that have] A Hearty Welcome to All A WARM WELCOME TO ALL Mrs. G there, and can also be used for pictures that are needed. Cards) The House of Bishops says it | developed in some churches, the are: I ss --. pr ~~ incent- -- be bundled in packs|recognizes that the instruction|Anglican House of Bishops has|- c one 4 MacKen? ives for attendance! - i i i i i ifi i i ia ives ie Aunty OPE, aes: eee eK Wo aaatel etler ta |finkee lett: March regrerents lime almininiesion wf bey ont ALBERT STRE pant there that even something ther than parcel post to Rev.|reat effort by the Roman Cath-|munion to unconfirmed persons. ET UNITED CHURCH a Yo . ree simple like a picture on aand Mrs. T. A. Davis, Post/olic Church to solve some of|The bishops stipulate, however, (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) 3 18S 3 saa . Christmas card helps to bright-i Box 35, Poona, India. ithe problems involved in this|that Anglican clergy are not MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A, A call REV. T. A. DAVIS, for- lippines where he was editor in India. Children, left to | |difficult question, However, the|authorized to issue any open ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLIS specific merly of Oshawa, and his in Ra nag reed eee right vr air Pcie i | Pj perp feel that the instruction invitation to holy com ion. pane rah tl wife and children show the Publishing House prior to year 0 srna, and eryl, t ] R ] |does not really succeed in meet-| 5 9:45 AM-- its progr gay dress worn in the Phi- going to their present post Pe 1¢ ure eo e eso ve jing the Anglican viewpoint. LIST IS LIMITED 10:45 Peps nba eps i appntell ; sagan ne a es ee f | 1: acai | The new ruling, to be used by | RE is J haphtee maeall 4 to serve | To it S ki \ bee: deaugatks ROLE |diocesan bishops at their discre- | EPIPHANY II a two-ye ( ollege ar < urc ul mo Ing n Therefore, in Pied case of aition, would permit holy com-|} 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship ig ti | marriage in a Roman Catholic!munion to be administered to " "u" : ' ' HOLLYWOOD ar) 2 Bee-| Many resolutions are of lofty « = =| Has Anyone Been Saved Here Lately? a poaiady ( |lutions to quit smoking head the or noble intent. Nursery for Inf Toddler: i ; |list of picture peoples' good in-/ Eva Gabor: "'... To pay the J, == 7:00 P.M. A CORDIAL WELCOME. peri pl tt ; S eo ed keh ' * 'boys in Vietnam a visit." Ditto | i frem Zimbalist Jr., Bea Ben- Patricia Harty. Peter Fonda: Tt) ot] _--_--_ ccomnduaumialatidehmeamedanemecnes secre Members of the Executive} corps of 25 elders; Kenneth Han- mary, junior, earliteen, branch, adaret-and Bradford Dillman "It may be a hopeless cause, THE MID-NIGHT HOUR Board of the College Parkjna is chairman of the board and extension divisions. take the = although Dill- but I resolve to do my damned- | IN A DAY OF MODERN THEOLOGY CENTRE STREET UNITED CHU @ Seventh-day Adventist Church of deacons with four assistants Robert Fenton is chairman of Man confesses: I make the est to help end the Vietnam THE PASTOR BRINGS A MESSAGE i met Tuesday evening for their and 37 deacons; Mrs. J. W.! the reception committee, with 15 same resolution every year." war." ; Corner King and Centre St Initial session of the year. Nom- Bothe heads, the board of dea- assistants. Mrs. F. B. Wells is_ Dick Clark quit in 1966 and Joni James: ". . . Everything ON THE SECOND ADVENT REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE---MINISTER inating, House, and Social com-\conesses with four assistants and leader of the Home and School intends "to remain cigaretteless in my power to promote peace MUSIC: Organist Mrs. A. H. Fo i mittees were set up, with the|32 deaconesses. Mrs. Mona Mac- Association; Mrs. P. W. Manuel in 1967." Dale Robertson, who and understanding." Harry Bel- , FORO Ae. A KINGS fast named co-ordinating the|donald is the clerk, with Mrs./the assistant, and Mrs. Cecil has been swearing off annually, afonte: "Continue finding ways| SOLOIST--MR. G. BATEMAN Churen Schoo! 9:45 a.m. Rev. Wi activities of the Nature, Mar- Gladys Banks her assistant; Millner the secretary-treasurer, sounds a note of surrender: "I of linking all people closer to- SINGING THE OLD FAVOURITES Classes for pupils 4 to 16 years of age, this cour ried Couples, and Horizon clubs Peter Lebedoff is the treasurer, with Mrs. Reuben Brown the li- promise not to give up smok-|gether through music." Bob land in as well as other social functions with, Mrs. Lebedoff his assistant. brarian. ing. _-- Goulet plans fo Denver: "I'm going to try and ROS RIAE GS etinibes ee ors betra 11:00 A.M. eet s "Mrs. Oswald Mosher leads the yoy aa quit "at least six times." 'help teen-agers more." eG: ol " 1 ectasgu of the church. pts, Oswald Mosher leads the) YOUTHT ACTIVITIES oe 10:00 AM. -- _ THE GREAT COMMITMENT Church i ghatowing the reports of, Me/ ants; and Mrs. Alex Hoy heads Youth activities of the church CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR Sacrament of The Lord's Supper t Thus f erk and treasurer, Rev. D. L.} : Sod ae = are_led by. Arthur Frood as co- Care for small children provided during the Service of Worshi © Wrights *\the welfare department with two : f Pp le 9 the @ of Worship, « Michael, Pg of the fi-|.<ictants. Mrs. Daniel Skorets poe tad . RBosighin a GOSPEL SERVICES 10:00 A.M. The=Friendly"Family"Church ot theCenitre-of-the-City. Bod istry. Se nance and Budget committee, |/chairlady of the kitchen, with 2"4 his five directors, while Mrs. iy MORNING WORSHIP |) me proposed that the 1966 church! four assistants. A. E. King will lead the Vaca- (Undenominational) This: Sunday Attend th = marriage ip sg or agg y red Dr. A. E. King is chairman of ee SCHOOL WIN WOMEN pe nes Church rata of ike Line G pet ta it : |\the medical department, with "i, : : | . | pee church's fiscal year from April 3y saplainnt: ana Willard Gray a: baroh etminstrative Soned {6 Held In Fernhill Pork Club House | and Meet your Telephone Pastor | SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH poe ge i Ed aie atic wae steed eee ener sere verter ef the churches, wi WET Gundave a 7:80 um. Tusa at O00 | HAVE YOU CALLED Hy" SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET We isces in Weeks suntan ate ment with five assistants. Ward WAGGinian ae VICeOhAth: y' : p.m. ys at 3: p.m. LIFE-LINE 576-2111 | The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. } sons bo voted, office equipment discus- LAY ACTIVITIES man dad Mrs, eon Meee MINISTERS DAILY MESSAGES of Byer of Maia MAL RG. Gone LCM. ag hood. Re iJ Agta 3 5 ny 0! usic: Mr, R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, f bod, and Feb. 19 verified as he| Ciiiford Patterson is director| See Ane © ene A. ABBOTT and S. LOCKE INSPIRATION and HELP 2 date for the Nature Club ban-| of the lay activities department, Sawa mls gaiewd . ee : 11:00 A.M : Church ¢ quet. lwith three 'assistants, and séc-|\ Heike chairman of the building EVERYONE WELCOME hee 1967 PERSONNEL lretary is Mrs, Robert Fenton. anq Biot e ppt ond a | : OST AL CHURCH Sacrament of The Lord's Supper ps N} ee a ; ' mittee. Stewart} | : __\A. B.C. Drieberg is sponsor of Prouty has charge of the public | ; bade later at Pag gneonyy taking office, the literature evangelism de- address systems, with eight as- ? } Rev. FRED C. SPRING Reception of New Members : BECAMI 8 year are: chairman of the) partment. sistants. Church jean | Co Meditation "Christ! " = i board of elders, J. L. Leather-| Ralph Coupland is chairmaan ee - Saige ig toc iL Ps 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST. WN. oe. : sau heal pana ---- . R B.D dale with two assistants and ajof the music department with) prarian is Miss Joyce Salt, with BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, | agonal glee faa tor of ¢ two assistants, and Mrs. F. B. stant sees . ; 8 | SUNDAY SCHOOL walls is ooovdinatoy for the a a The Reverend Canon F. G, Ongley, M.A.--Rector | ad tlt AR ville, Or nine organists and pianists, Gor- |p, ing yack oe of the College The Reverend R. G. Brooks S.Th.--Assistant 9:45 A.M.--Youth Department and they rj uy: }don Swanson chairs the four| church a day Adventist SIMCOE STREET 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department, Boby 'Core. y Peer |choristers, while the orchestra . 2 | H ' ------------ Por age is Jules VonGunten, | SUNDAY, JENUARN 15th PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Gold Medals ™: an_ assistant. EPIPHANY II. | a ' ROS | rs. W. E. Kuester chairs the H EA R ST ANDREW sy UN " | public relations departments, 9:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor i s FRE LONDON (CP) -- For just| With an assistant, and Mrs. Eve- : 10 A.M.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Cl SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Pastor: F $1,650, you can have a pair of 19" Bowles is the bulletin edi- The _ 11:00 a.m.--Morning Prayer ee oe Minister: THE REV, J. F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M noe gold medals commemorating | '7 Back to the Bible L A.M.--Worship Service -- Bob Smith speaks Organist and Choirmaster: MR KELVIN JA AES, A.T.C. Canada's Centennial, 'including SABBATH SCHOOL Broadcast 7:00 p.m.--Evening Prayer 7PM dia ldaal gah geua 943 @ : DAILY Nursery Facilities available at the 11 Servi . i: ; 1800 sued in 1867 at the time of _C0-ordinator of the Sabbath ry e e 6.m. service 9:30 A.M.--Junior and | ; Confederation. School is Fred Thomas, with an Mon. to Sat. Vicia, Jey (hh <> be Comes a "TRUTH WE MUST FACE" ; Unior sc liialt 9p yeenan alata 11:00 A John Pinches (Medallists)| 25sistant. They co-ordinate the 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. ' 4 ee : ig Pre-Contirmation Class -- Grade 9 hoes i Ltd. says the medals will be oT poll ea nee: PASTOR: GEORGE. SMITH. SPEAKS Senior Discussion Group -- Teens Tussdoy gent 25 set I aol een and i our att ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST -- us -- 1:00 AM---Nunay, Kinder and Primary Deseret as silver, with an addi-| Royce-Simcock as secretary and Wed, 8 tional 50 gold copies of the 1967/his six assistants, and the 31 ___ Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) SERMONS FORM SCIENCE FILM ! 11:00 A.M.--"RIGHT LIVING in KOINONIA" ee medal alone and 500 of the leaders and assistants in the Minister -- Rev. C. M. Bright 725-3872 || What is expected of citizens of the Kalnonia In Honesty, Generosity and ge "< ne cradle roll, kindergarten, pri- 1350 RADIO Ea a OES RPE -- FEATURING -- || Helpfulness y, Generosity an " e medal features the rs ' @ EXPO '67 SERMONS FROM SCIENCE PAVILION Babes and q | Seer anol 199 tecctiorioe, Heke GRACE a | @ NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR PAVILION 2 | gles Pee a be a aaa ae i! es, linke 11:00 A.M.--Family Worship Service | | Oa weneee Hears pe "Why Do ws any ce | -- MUSICALLY -- e 0 c ures on the} é ely rt ds hee was) LUTHERAN 7:00 P.M--Family Gospel Hour eh ee ee ee ie } NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH o ade by J, 8.-and A.B. Wyon,| '\iures cunch -- Conca REV. LLOYD WILSON ' He 'o ; } nit wun ertsteolly a ie ey PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 With Jey Bells Ladies: "To: of Eromapan| Biblia: College 9 potent bags Se ney Queen Victoria and delegates Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Kitchener, will be conducting: the Service. | EVANGELISTS EUGENE and JOYCE KRAFT MINISTERS: REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. bd ie coenreore which ratified Phillip Heinze, Vicar Tuesday 7:30 sree Menine end Bible Study | @ FORCEFUL SPEAKING | REV. W. Cc. SMITH, B.A., B.D., B.Paed. onfederation, Tomorrow?! nas fa ee | @ PLAYING AND SINGING GOSPEL MUSIC Stennis ronald Rellington ie CHRIST MEMO ere ety ee Reveols. (tw aicttliia slonk | "-\ WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" @ ONE WEEK ONLY a RIAL 9:45 A.M, ficance behind world news! | ! CHURCH SCHOOL SESSION: -- : SUNDAY SCHOOL . with PROPHECIES next j ' H : par CHURCH nm | | | Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1350 |||" SHAR GRAS 2a # Q tAnaliesn) 11:00 AM. ee . THE SALVATION ARMY | etiam cmmmmmnerme natn maine" | INTERMEDIATE GRADES 7, 8 and 9 Mary and Hillcroft Streets MORNING onday to Saturday : ! Seo tone: tee ever Radio i E : = ! er h WORSHIP 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. 33 Simcoe Street South = | 10.45 am--NURSERY, AGES 3 ae SERVICES H i PRIMARY GRADES 1}, 2 and 3 oe and Sunday Major and Mrs, John Wood King Street Pentecostal Church i the ore) 8:00 A.M. FAITH 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. * 611 KING.ST, W. 11:00 A.M. a 11:00 A.M. 9:4 Mh } One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Cent a" . 1350 RADIO '45 A.M.--Sunday School REV. S, D. FELTMATE -- Pastor On The Upward Trail' 7:00 P.M. 1) ag! IM Phones: Church 728-5371 ° Nursery Care -- 11:00 AM, Lutheran Church 11:00 A.M.--"'Let's Have A Wonderful | : : Parsonage, 728-6662 || Rev. W. C. Smith will preach ednesday ----_ 10:00 A M. | oes Gee pan Time This Year | | Babysitter Service By The Come-Double Club Gikcw The Rev. Henry Fischer : u . --~ SUNDAY .-- 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. -- oe ee 7:00 P.M.--'Automobiles And The ee ¥ ~ | Church Membership Class in the Sunday School Hall HARMONY ROAD ro eee Second Coming of Christ Son eee On Hockey Nights the Tues. 2:30 P.M.--Ladies' Home League 4 Bae are Pe : BAPTIST CHURCH MASONIC World Tomorrow will be | ' Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting Communion Service } heard immediately after | Welcome Awaits You At The Arm The Hand of Fellowship Wil Pd of 226 Harmony Rd. S. the hockey game. | Y ss "0 N he S guleceacatg Kin St t Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis TEMPLE BLDG. bd embers. o t cr } 91 Centre St. I A : 129 KING STREET EAST 9:45 A.M--Bible School i i i | et aey sunpar eat: Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada "The S d : Bey an isu) CHENREs Bas Miniter Popa ale 1 ACM: EMMANUEL 7:00 e@ oecon Coming } Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist and Communion THE BAPTIST CHURCH ' of Christ coonmececea 7:00 pm. -- Youth Meeting ' ALVARY APTIST P.M. ae wit Church School and Morning Worship onl rare SERVICE a a pi & apis qeres and the Antichrist | I | | at Seventh Day Adventist Church, je Study ond Prayer : RE and JOHN STREETS ; } : " DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE COME WORSHIP WITH US! gone derbi Robo g wilt na ae | pane Seas Lange ---- -- ' H Could he be Judas Reincarnated? i 3 | 9:45 am, -- Adult Bible Study (F nee, tional Singi Mini: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . Old rcahisned Preaching 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship -- Infant Baptism aap * Orchestra ond Choir. "uw ney HORTOP AT GLENWOOD * Prayer for the Sick YOU PROMISED" Rey, N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A, -- -- e-- er Ter ee Rowland L, McCord -- Mus, Boe, -- Musical Director You Will Be Made Welcome (Matt. 28: 11-20) ; Ree ae a ee ere He CES: o 8 sam " OSHAWA'S cRIENDLY | Solo -- "Trust in God' Coles Ke R yor ; 9:45 AM 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES : FAMILY CHURCH Anthem _ "Holy Art Thou'? POH 11:00 A.M.--Our Lord Said, "!) AM THE TRUTH" BIBLE SCHOOL The Bible Is Our Textbook 'es 9 + 8 (Mrs, Harold Boller) -- -00 P.M:--Li ! ' 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. -- REV. R. LYTLE IM We any 7:0 M ving Christ's Way for '67 ANCHOR OF THE SOUL!" Oe tae COME with your Burden, LEAVE Happy and Free 11:00 A.M.--All Departments of the Church School at the Seventh Day F (2) The Truth of the Divine Family 7:00 PM y Adventist Church. Please enter by side door. Baby care with mother "G N "PREACHING CHRIST" _EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER C.K.L.B. RADIO January 22nd -- Rev. Robert Argue in mothers' room, entering by front door ' ursery Jr. Church ot 11 am, WED. -74s-pibie study | Wed. - Sun., Jon. 18 - 22 -- Bible Conference, with Rev. William Executive Director of Home Missions P.A.O.C. Cars will leave at 10:40 om, sharp, corner King & Charles St Servic ible School 9:30 'ond PRAYER C. Lincoln, Bible College Dean. : : eee | ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH COME