Mr. Marks said board mem-yin the past but "personalities bers had many disagreements|were kept to a minimum." He said he did not know of a} more dedicated group than his} 2 en a eer Mayor Thanks |» associates and he ex ggg 44 v9 Controversial Collector School Board rem a fea" oe im ear Mayor Ernest Marks in aj Cet an : | e & @e letter to the Oshawa separate} e May Be In Limelight Again jive isi cHamBer oF HoRRORS | sas 2 stowing his thanks to the board COLOR a = for their good wishes, said mat-| i LONDON, Ont, (CP)--- Dor-;were shown to University of|she has been supervising the "s reaching city hall willl MY BLOOD RUNS COLD i THIS WEEK i ul thet! a othy Cameron, controversial Western Ontario students gallery's centennial project, aj" sateetinn _e 2. SUPA EUC| 'Adal Satertaoment eB re | oy G n. ue "u Toronto -art collector, may find/ Thursday. collection of sculpture by 50 Ca-| Alans, vasloded hie 'weat| gz The Spectrums herself in the limelight again The former art dealer was nadian artists, The collection| | the school board this winter| Men. te Fri. Show Sterts 7:30 im M @ this summer after her exhibi- conyicted in November, 1965, on Will be shown in Toronto's City| asi : 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. i Admission: 75¢ Non-Members . . . 50¢ Memb tion of Canadian sculpture is seven charges of displaying Hall in June, July and Avgist, face be rae for mare in the! Sat. & Sun. Show Sterts 6:30 (= a - . . 50¢ Members -- oe re vet collection Mud Pictures in her gallery She showed samples of what's aahaleesteor ia NAS OEE [oper tg ---- F th a 0.C.V.1. AUDITORIUM : Samples hota that "unduly exploited sex." to come to the students. They FREE IN-CAR HEATERS | eaturin e persis She was fined. $50 on each included: | CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE & 9 = SAT., JAN. 14th - at 8:30 p.m. Three Week charge and lost a subsequent --A piece of helium-inflated | -- aur a a Doses <- Shut & Tic = No Bsa Jeans appeal to Ontario Court of Ap- vinyl entitled "madness." | mernay peal last June. --The end view a pierced ee i | ; + NEXT WEEK bite BIG TOWN BOYS . Miss Cameron now is art con-| construction pole in molded hed i | 7 i Extension | sultant for the National Gallery White fibreglass. EPI'S | _omewre- ams BE Members 50c Non-Members 75¢ iE) lin Ottawa, York University,| A twisted, nine - foot - long | 668-2692 282-3969 ot bd Toronto, and the Canada Coun-. form, privately named by Pe tel ee allele ee DEADLY...DANGEROUS...THE GAME. IS... BLINDFOLD... THE PRIZE 1S BREATHLESS if cil. For the past nine months Miss Cameron "Caterpillar." = ee mn or es 1Va Fo -| An eight-foot 'Clump," so named by Miss Cameron. ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- T T A d --Eight-foot-long light tubes, Paxton Whitehead, artistic di- wo 0 tten filled with fluorescent liquid rector of the Shaw Festival of color, set in motion and Niagara + on - the - Lake, an- S h ] Pp | equipped with electronic mu- nouncéd Thursday night that C 00 ar ey | sic and poetry readings. NOW SHOWING the 1967 festival will be ex-) _ : < Miss Cameron said most of tended by three weeks. Frank Shine, business admin-| the pieces on display are SUSPENSE! Mr. Whitehead said the istrator of the Oshawa separate) ayante-garde work in the "ex- : : ok es a season wil] run 12 weeks from|School board and Daniel Rior- perimental advanced periods of may-care Ne . June 21 until Sept. 9. Excellent}4an, assistant administrator, | thinking." dogfights in the skies... attendance last year prompted! Will attend the 24th annual con- the extension, the director said. |ference of the Ontario Associa- Three plays will run for four tion of School Business Offi- NOW UNDER NEW love affairs on weeks each and, for the first|cials, Jan. 15 to 18 in Niagara MANAGEMENT the ground!" +e n ' time, Sunday matinees will be Falls. THE einer \, §: biplanes! Z CLAUDIA presented, increasing the num-| Mr. Shine and Mr. Riordan mY Absorbing! : ber of weekly performances to will attend the conference for ROYAL HOTEL TRUE Magazine HUDSON CARDINALE : eight from seven two days each of the session, | bi : nt The festival's opening produc-|as prescribed by. the 'board| WHITBY a tion is in doubt, Mr. Whitehead| Wednesday night. ' : . u" 9, " said. It will either be Candida; Ontario separate and public LOUNGE & DINING E B. INDIOLD or Arms and the Man, depend- officials will attend the confer-| LOUNGE ' eG i ot ad L ld ing on the outcome of negotia-jence which will include panels : : 5 i j : Gais with actors and directors.|and workshops relating to busi-|} featuring . . . me ' TECHNICOLOR®: PANAVISION® The midle production sched-|ness administration, finance, | RON CAREY AL DERIC Oth CENTURY-FOK f f EPPARD - fs f zi RS l\ ) ESS uiod for July 19 to Aug. 12, wil [porchasing, testing "of mate: gy Rn gC Ate ane Jerre GEORGE PEPPARD JANES ANON URSULA ANDR ¢ ADDED THRILLER ° be Somerset Maugham's The|rials and discussions of all| Nightly end Set. Metinee and His Country and Western Trio | Tht | WAX sag JEREMY KEMP-KARL MICHAEL VOGLER: ANTON DIFFRING Circle, the only play in the fes- |phases of school administra-| | Potet CHITIN FERRY ac rote ELMO WLUANS nace ORK GUILERIN tival not written. by George|tion. i ||) ttc BEN BARZHAN a BASIL FRANCHINA semen DAVID PURSALL aa JACK SEDDON ng GERALD HANLEY od } Bernard Shaw Over 500 persons of the asso- | HOTEL LANCASTER | GNA, SOUNOTINCK ALBUM AvALABLE ON saasracam arconos « CINEMASCOPE Color by DeLUKE é PA The final presentation will be| ciation are employed in the CLUB | : onc Major Barbara, running from School systems. | | - Pig Aug. 16 until Sept. 9. | ----<---..<§ --< oo | ADULT ENTERTAINMENT r ae | ANNERENE WEEKDAYS at 7 & 9:10 -- SAT. and SUN. from 2 ®@, | * FRIDAY 7 | sans 'a "he Seeecovccee F | : Hemmer Fitm Production - A Universal-Intemnational Picture 1 ashion Boost " The Big Fun Dance | On Scugog Island THE NEW ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Tl ODEON THEATRE 39 KING STREET EAST PHONE 725-5833 | Prizes Awarded) ™ sna" || DANCE TORONTO (CP) -- The Gar-| Bere yeoman rece ae Little Caesar ment Salesmen Ontario Market! Bit TODAY! N. | To The Musie of the presented its annual Judy) awards Thursday night to Ca- | -- AND THE -- 7 @edcee eee oc ay nadian stores and firms se-) CONSULS | Royal | + 3 hee gGovinny : | Three lected for the promotion of Ca-| | Ambassadors TONIGHT -- TONIGHT -- TONIGH [: 4 q with as P =, « -- io ie . | one 1.50 ! a Dianne Brooks vill be the - Ppa PEE £4 é charged @ four judges commended) $ | '. IANNE featur entertainer 'o if caren ts eg Joo | This Saturday |B |_Soms [ents Sehr etc ebaansnaitnadlee (L : oe an ce at Tan! ete icant Rated, Sarl CBE spats Tho Sol torcets wit bw on ALL COLOR SHOW ; ; death 0 . | n . Wi dy, ist; ogon, | | Lily's, an Oakville specialty | sh aura Bence 9 te 12 end See eT teat acon a ANTHONY QUINN E ' Kitchene ot nog Bartlet, Macdonald == ns we enn ene eins SHIRT & TIE 40 : ' Terren an ow, a Windsor depart-|aaa RS .% Colbourn ment store, each won an award! pRreRTAINEY uICctNsS. it ALAIN DELON > 4 ; 28, of 23 for consistent retail policies. | 3 UNOER GEORGE SEGAL . ; : Edgar A Debuteen Fair of Ottawa won|$ DANCE AT THE De ie ® 8 in og children's and teen ov 4 MICHELE MORGAN $ : pooper cialty shop category. Harridges r] ly wit of Toronto and Fairweather of|¢ WEW LEGION HALL MAURICE RONET ° $ for one Toronto rei won in ~ single | 471 Simece Seath BURT LANCASTER CADIS CAmnINALE r aia 4 The th event retail promotion cate-'> ' o HAMMERSTEIN'S ° gory. Featuring: -- MARVIN ! ROBERT WISE H sso Trafalgar Sportswear, Tor- 'ORVEL SELLECK end his EVERY FRIDAY AT THE LEE as Aicha >= PRooucrion Py onto, won in the manufacturers' Orchestra 8 to 1 PM CAROUSEL ye be NED a BOA t oe I pi: t tere @ posi Se eee Saturda J 14th FOR FULL INN (OSHAWA) ROBERT RYAN P 3) ° e a Ette of Toronto received a Judy | : Y. COREE GEE Y DETAILS PHONE 723-5271 JACK PALANCE Sr : : in the ss ge ag + teen Dancing . . . 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. $3.00 per couple | : ; C manufacturing field. e Two firms, Imperial Tobacco |S ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee | RALPH BELLAMY ; ee | of Montreal and Robson-Lang)| ; with E POR srDeLixe ¢ Leather Goods, Ottawa, each ' : ': won a Judy for using Canadian es Ce TEENAGERS re 8 eee SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL | CLAUDIA CARDINALE wa : Ae xutANDREWS "cunistorner PLUMMER : Pry: fashions to promote their prod- toe HAN 3 RICHARD HAYDN oman | EL ANOR PARKER=:. pearl mire ts sortie | ROBERT WISE | Rick e board of Sacks of Sarnia, which won The... Production of ig Stee ROBERT Wise | RICHARD RODGERS \ | sr Gace Wak suck. ce sce T HE Presents PROFESSIONALS is TODAY ! OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN It] ERNEST LEHMAN mag? for effective promotion during 05999000000 00000 e0OO Fs 089 000 cree eee COO Gercoel after T1 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FREE LIST SUSPENDED SEATS AVAILABLE AT. BOX OFFIC® iad -- ; . forwar IN-CAR HEATERS AT EVENINGS (Sun. thru Thurs.) $1.78 NO EXTRA COST Always @ Color Cartoon Cal aS) EVENINGS (Fri. end Set.) 2.00 met Box Office Opens at 7:00 p.m. Children Under &Y - me Tinaee wy edeendeye) 148 as the Show Starts at. 7:30 p.m. 12 FREE | MATINEES (Set. end Sun.) 1.50 on anoth Clarke. Mr. Li shairman WEEK! | ss ee NY. Allows Bie Toplessness | o OLPHIN NEW YORK (AP)--A three- A DANCE H. L judge panel ruled Thursday| é&éA co FEE HOUSE there {s nothing in city law to Prevent cabarets from mixing " drinks and bare-breasted wait- For The New Breed of '67 resses, even though they said OPEN FRIDAY, JAN. 13th the court neither 'condoned or| approved" the combination. | WITH THE FABULOUS The judges found four wait-| resses and three of their bosses | not guilty of 19 violations of New York's administrative) PARIS REVUE me Starring...» @ JIMMY. PARIS -- M.C., , Comedian, Personality Man @ Exotie Dancing PAT MAYO @ Vocalist Entertainment Nightly -- Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 P.M. code. The girls -- misleadingly | FRENCH BUFFET -- DAILY called eee gong Baia Nonquon Road - North Oshawa 12 - 2:30 and 5 - 9 p.m. -- SUNDAY 5 to 8 p.m bY Riorous wore pastics--were also free eet Nels t sew >| of charges of indecent expos- ; Banquets -- Weddings -- Perties -- For Information ROLLICKING Oh cent expos $1.25 Single... .$2.00 Couples Phone Whitby 668-3386 FI III III II IIIA IIIA AISA ISI AAAI AI AAAI AISA AAAS SAAS SI SACSACSCA DOK BOBSMITHS Tana le * SATURDAY * The ARE HERE AGAIN Couples Only | oe f | BOBBY MINNS Marie ee Nightly at 9 P.M. : wildest SATURDAY 4 P.M, TO 6 P.M, [| show sane' @ TONIGHT 6 ror eos | thing f Reservations 723-2143 ain alk : to hit the Dance -- Dance -- Dance lgtppaloo + * + bs >a a % * cs : * world ; SATURDAY : the | NIGHT : : 'abi : | . DANCE FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 DANCE 9 e b A.M. TO t Forget All Your Worries shirt! ' on TO a Forget All Your Cares TIMES tee ACK HARBOUR N. B.'s JAMES McE ¥ COLUMBIA LARRY THOMPSON ACHERN 6 HIS ORCHESTRA i COME DOWNTOWN to LAUGH mes pie AND THE ' ' : ANCHORMEN PICCADILLY ROOM GENOSHA 'HOTEL i with Danny Caughlin 5:15 Oldtime and Moder +f at Oshawa's only SHOW BAR | as shins dmissi 2.0 7 +f Entertainment Nigh?ly at 9 P.M. Matinee Saturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, 9:30 RED BARN " ae : sii A, ide Por py A +f sais aianiaeaeeeni _-- DANCING Admission ae oye ie cs . | BD -ninc'st. 8 2 lw & 9 P.M. TO 12 $1.50 : | aia Kio (aang