Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jan 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jenuory 13, 1967 26--Apartments For went nee for Rent bw lake. Telephon OFF HILLEROFT -- Dupl rool bedroom, and bedroom, central. Car park- ing. Gentleman only. Telgphone 728-8644 | oRnrenE. large bedsitting room with =| all facilities. Supper if desired. Telephone rugs, | 728-6563. nhl At NICE clean large room, cooking privi- FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, , pri-| leges. Parking. Private entrance. Lady vate entrance, suitable for family orjor gentleman. Apply 119: -Brock Street nurses. Telephone 725-3773 days, aaa | East. a | COMFORTABLE ROOM for one gentle WHITBY -- fully furnished, three-room|man, close to 'North General Motors. | apartment, private bath entrance. | Apply 278 Jarvis Street. Barking. All conveniences. Telephone | SINGLE ROOMS $12, 10 share $10, semi brim i private $10. Whitby 468-5201. EDROOM apartment, nent, $85 ~ mont? FURNISHED room, ol good location, one child -~well Apply | -i., Cersaoune Placa, Aah. 4; pace! 371 or 78. close, to. North GM and downtown, 615. kitchen stove, Grapes. Parking. Adults only. 725-3026. ate. Refrigerator suit two gentlemen, | 64 | Brock street east or call 728-6319 from js am. to 2.30 p.m, evenings. After 4, Four T ROOM apartment. Private en: | 723-2050 | france, main floor, private bathroom: | FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double, Telephone 725-1608. FOR RENT -- Two = bedroom apart. ment on ground floor, Available now. Quiet adults only. "ni $110. . Telephone 668-8755 00 ». Hfor gentlemen, tlephone 723-6542 or 563 Ritson Rad South. paige aber let room for clean gentle: | in with steady employment, good ais ---- ------__--$_--_-- frit, near hospital, bus stop, nicely fur- ind two-bedroom | nished, refrigerator, hot plate, $10. week- A apartments, in ipartnant building, ir ly 723-0258. a ae y ROOM, centrally i ly located. S420100. ==. | Tephone _ 668-2466. ONE and two bedroom unfurnished apa ment, close to hospital, stove and one erator. Telephone 723-6452 i Ee RO downs Page _ i" wi THREE ROOM, downstairs apartment. [LARGE double fom 5a ney) Privene bein ~ yephone 725-0006 Yo BUS Nicely furnished. Close to North and West | and_ shopping, Telephone _ |General Motors, downtown. 128 'William TWO bedroom apartment in small build-| Street East | ing, refrigerator, stove, TV. outlet, free! nat ajlemen or ledy or.two| washing and park. Available February ROOM 4 one genttern i in ae 1. One child welcome. $110. monthly.' neqs, kitchen, bath, all furnished, clase to lrthasit downtown. 728-5026 ONE and two bedroom apartments in NISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi six-plex building, including refrigerator, ash Andie: we Seeey gli te a aood stove, drapes and broadioom in hg I Tel i 19) reat: Balcony, AWAIlebIA' naw, 7m70ss |Nome. ceural: "Telephone "725-5 and kitchen| TWO ROOM furnished apartment, suit- Newly doce able for working couple or one. Heat, weekly. Suit hydro included. Telephone 723-4817 or : apply 343 Rilson Road North pe nl bad airpet = oe on reer FR LARGE, bright room in clean quiet pri- TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apartment) J), >), Vin room and. tele f ome i phone. | building. Refrigerator, stove, drapes and| ree parking within walking distance to | LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Tele-| phone 723-1832. "| Central, furnisned room jwith refrigerator and stove. rated. Clean house, $11 paved parking. Telephone 725-9161 North GM and downtown, 40 Bucking $55 MONTHLY, two-bedrcom, self-con-|ham Ave., 723-6211. fained apartment, stove, frig. private @n-iCOMPLETELY furnished, housekeeping Call: Brooklin. 655-4659 before eight room, with sink, refrigerator, range. Sul APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 St. East. 725-0803. Wayne Street, Apartment 9 anvtime. taRGE bed-siffing and housekeeping Also one for $80 per month. _lroony. Close 334 ASH ST., Whitby -- Three bedroom Girl preferred to hospital and downtown 723-7100. apartment with fridge, stove in duplex. 4REE-ROOM apartment In apartment Large kitchen, living room. Electrically 'nuitding, All conveniences, adults, $85 heated. Heat hydro supplied. Telephone monthly. Available February 1. Telephone 668-3597 ____ 725-8215 QUIET COUPLE or single person for FURNISHED hy jousekeeping room, near basement apartment, stove, frig, private j-rthwest gate of General Motors. Apply bath, parking, kitchen, bed-sitting room. , Available January 15. 723-8839 before 9/160 Agnes Street p.m. $85. month. ROOM and kitchen, furnished, for two THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, gentlemen. Apply 410 King St. E suitable for working couple, heat and ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, 171 Brock hydro included, parking, private en- Street North, Rooms nightly or by the Available January 15, 747 Hoskin week, $12. Hot and cold water in each room 668-5012. NEAR CREDIT UNION bullding, Two NICELY furnished room with breakfast, bedroom apartment, couple only, $110 \\unches packed if desired, for young lady monthly. 330 Buena Vista, Apt. T, be- Close to bus. Telephone 723-2481 peal Rela FURNISHED | ROOM for rent, s one THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, $75. or two gentlemen, kitchen privileges monthly. 88 Oshawa Blvd. S$. Telephone from $7.50 up. Apply anytime. 428 Park 5761694, Road North CENTRAL WHITBY. Room with hovse- TWO SINGLE furnished rooms for gentle keeping privileges. "Sulit young gentieman.-\ nen: 15 Ritson Road--Seuth... Telephone Or room and board. Parking, TV. Tele. 728-7935 Phone 668-49: a ST ae t, 1 . Apply 605 NEW APARTMENT, four rooms, stove Sommerville an en ey rely and refrigerator, close to North GM and hospital. One child welcome, apply 64; THIRD FLOOR room for rent. Reason Brock Street East or telephone 728-6319 able. Apply 302 Jarvis Street or tele- from 8 a.m. to p.m., evenings after |phone 723-7592. PAL 2 __.___ | WHITBY -- 859 Dundas Street West. Fur- BOWMANVILLE -- two-bedroom heated nished light housekeeping room. Tele apartment, one er two children weicome,| phone 668-6365 b n 4 and & p.m $90. monthly. Immediate possession. Cal! Newtonville, 786-2461. CENTRAL, 'cles = -ROOM furnished apartment, Tv. | Five minutes from downtown. bedroom, kitchenette, shar 3-7257 bath "SFeleohone. 7256483 | FURNISHED room, suit gentleman, Day *\- FWO BEDROOM apartment in new bulld- | worker $12. weekly. Telephone 723-9695 Ing. Bus service at door. Electric heat, |or apply 576 Harmony Road South. stove, refrigerator supplied. Immediate (ight HOUSEKEEPING 4 'oom, furnish possession. Telephone 726-5282. ___led, comfortable. Refrigerator, _IInen, GENTLEMAN with fully furnished, two towels supplied, close to hospital and bedroom apartment, willing to share/north and west plants. Gentleman pre- same with Anglo - Saxon with same ferred. 119 Agnes St. pL al Write Box 54018, Oshawa. | singL@ and double housekeeping rooms, REE ROOM apartment, ground floor,|sink in room, large closets, business Teleahone 723-5618 or apply 503 Albert lady only, very central. Telephone 725- tr FURNISHED bachelor basement apart-, rooms: one to share, one single. Cen- ment, jarge room with kitchennette, | tral, near North and West General Motors! warm, dry, private entrance, two eloth-|and downtown,-on bus line. 128 William es closets, Immediate possession, 723-| Street East ibe! CHURCH STREET, 174 --- Comfortable | room. Suit one working lady Telephone THREE ROOM apartment with 4 pc.|quiet, single room, Private entrance. bath. Sult business couple. No child [Gentleman abstainer preferred. Apply 310 Richmond St. E., telephone 728-8792. | above address. MODERN three-bedroom apartment, in| LIGHT housekeeping room for lady, com- quiet tri-plex, close to Shopping Centre. | pletely furnished, newly decorated, 'roof, tinted windshield, hiss i Refrigerator, stove. drapes and broad: |fridge, sink. Close to hospital and buses SOE ee ee ealit' wea | dam cntarin. a 914 Joffer. 723-9937, 6-8 p.m. 'ce, ae Gentleman | GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late| ONE-BEDROOM apartment, on main floor | preferred, iy 18 Division Street, Osh- | models Wreckers. housekeeping room with cooking LIENS PAID OFF. in modern eight-plex, south end of / awa. Whitby. Heated only, laundry facilities, | LARGE $95. monthly. 668-6980, FOUR-ROOM apartment, 'n private home. Children welcome. Ap-|after 3 p.m. ply 45 Simcoe Street North after $ p.m. |EWRNISHED light housekeeping room APARTMENT with a view. See this top|for one or two gentlemen, in private floor, two-bedroom apartment by ap-|home. Bus at door, close to South Gen- po Asal Call Jeannette Nugent, 723-\eral Motors. 723- 5923, + ae 4651, on: Straseakt Realtor. COMFORTABLE furnished room with ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, In| home privileges, for lady or gentleman, new home. Private bath, stove, refrig-|close. to hospital, schools and bus. Park erator, Heat, hydro included. Use of ing available Telephone 728-6992. washer and dryer, $85. monthly. 723-7096. | WHITBY. Large, newly decorated bed ge ROOM gpariment, ut ies paid, sitting _Toom. Telephone 668-2405 monthly, Private entrance. Sultable ROOM. Centrally located, parking facili- for ,Youns couple. King Street East. 728-|ties Ciose to bus. Telephone 723-9589 0265 suster -- Was bedrest sentiment, C LARGE furnished room, refrigerator and hear South GM, all utlities:except tele, /Stover bedroom suite, private bathroom, phone included. Available February 15,|Parking, for one or two men. Telephone Telephone 723-0218, ct TWO-BEDROOM a TWOBEDROOM apartments, possession |28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: THREE BEDROOM upstairs apartment. Fo) Division ot. modern heated, in new duplex. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, available Jan- ROOM AND ~ BOARD for gentlemen, vary 31, apply 574 Cartier Avenue. Large, clean rcoms and home cooked *MEEM.BARAA imatalte nnerimae eals. Ce lly located, Apply 147 Brock THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, meels, Central vate bath only $85 monthly. For pies See ot particulars telephone 728-5040. CLEAN HOME for gentlemen, parking, ONE BEDROOM "apariment, stove and iby eMart. paler ANS G2 PALATE ee refrigerator, balcony. and hydro included in rent Tyoohone. 725-6155 days ROOM "AND BOARD, or 725-4389 evenings. 'south district, MODERN one bedroom | apartment, stove, 123-6631, refrigerator and drapes, newly decorated | ROOM AND BOARD home privileges, no damage deposit, sound proof. Avail-|lunches packed. Central location to all .|privileges. Central location at LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex cellent location, wall to wall broadioom, stove, frig, jleundry facilities. Please phone 728-5282 ONE-, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apart-| ments in modern building, centrally !o cated, intercom, No children under 12 ephone 725-8876. pri- more furnished, light house-| gentleman only, lunches packed. Telephone tion. TRY A DONALD'S" _. Reconditioned USED CAR 1964 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Lic. No. H81274, V-8. Radio. "Like New." | 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Lic. No. J5276. Radio. "Economical Transportation." 1962 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 --- Two door hard- | Mi top. Lic. No. H88743. Fully equipped. "'One owner--Ori- ginal". 1961 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop. Lic. No. H80896. Fully equipped. "One owner." 1961 COMET 4 door. Lic. No. 344753. Six | cylinder, standard transmis- sion. "A-1 throughout." HARRY DONALD LIMITED CORNER No. 2 HWY, THICKSON ROAD RR. No. 3, OSHAWA | 723- 8321 DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models $ your choice! BILL BENNETT MOTORS ' AB4 King W. 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. | Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 '63 PONTIAC Parisienne. Custom sport, | Power brakes and steering. '67 licence! plates. Excellnt condition. $1,650 or bst offer. Telephone 655-4850. ter than average condition. Lic. 37723, Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd., Whitby 668-3331. |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, four new tires, wer aerial, palate a condition. $1,850. 668-2 62 aENeae reconditioned motor, _ |battery, winter fires. Price reasonable. | Tiphone 728-5839 after 6 p.m. or all day Saturday. '$8 FORD 6, automatic, radio, low mii age, excellent condition. Bargain at eo '64 Chevrolet, only $1,050. Telephone 725- | 1846, PRIVATE -- 1965 Buick "LeSabre, ex- cellent condition, two-door hardtop, vinyl! |$495 FULL PRICE, '58 Chevy sedan. "Bet. | _|30---Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles tor Sale |38---Coming events. | $275, FULE PRICE for '61 Vauxhall Envoy. License 129080. Easy to finance) at Nicols Motors Ltd. and Thickson 668-3331. 1961 CHRYSLER, aii powered, good con- |dition, best offer, Telephone 623-2151. $795 FULL PRICE for '61 Pontiac con-| ee V-# automatic Lic. 319255. Easy ce at Nicols Motors Ltd. Dun- my pire Whitby, 668-3331. 1963 CHEV. SEDAN. Excellent car. Auto- matic, radio, white walis, chrome ey Licence No. K2329. Evenings 6-10. 5692. 1965 PONTIAC two-door hardtop. Fully, \equipped with snow tires. Company sup- plied car, Reasonable offer accepted. | Telephone 725-1808. 1964- CHEVY 11 station wagon. Automati whitewal! tires, green color. A beautiful, | low mileage car. Private. 668-47: FORD TRACTOR model 8N hydraulic: furrow plough and cultivator; $600 ; Call 728-3030 between 5 - 7 p.m. |1955 PONTIAC, four-door. Excellent con-| dition, V-8 standard. New tires. $300 |cash, Telephone 576-1825. | $894, FULL PRICE for '62 Ford Fair- | lane In lovely condition. Lic. J10309. Easy 1962 ACADIAN Stationwagon, automatic, to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, | Dundas and Thickson, 668-3331. '31--Compact Cars for for Sale | % VOLVO and PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 ix cylinder, radio, whitewalls, 36,000 miles. Very good condition. $895. 725-1690. 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu, sedan, six "auto-| 3 800. matic. Radio, etc. miles, $1, Telephone 723-9652. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, $500| or best offer. Telephone 723-6785. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, recentiy. re- built trim, body perfect. and = tansmission, her Reasonable. nase, | motor 32--Trucks for "Sale oN Bade SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, --- brakes, tires, paint. | nights 728-4314, reverb, four-speed record wanTEeD cari - | WANTED New| Condition. Please write In full details 10 bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 1956 FORD Y% ton pick-up, V-8 excellent condition, asking | $550, reasonable offer con- | sidered. Telephone 668-8962 | - or 655-4801 after 5:30 p.m. @ Ask for Carl | VROLET half-ton truck. Body t, use as second car, six cylinder. | Telephone 725-0421 | stick, Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. ive) ENVOY Van, low mileage, new; $320. Days 725-4774, | '$3 CHEVROLET haif-ton pick-up, me-| chanically A-1. Telephone 725-6971. | 1963 CHEVROLET half-ton, long narrow box. V-8, 'automatic transmission, radio. Tel ephone 728-0702. |33--Automebites | Wanted -- y CARS WANTED |~ Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS earn for > wrecking. No charge) Telephone for towing. Telephone 726-4549. -- Cadillac Eldorado, any Mr. Maryn, 237 McNaughton Ave. Osh- jawa. | SHAW "AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars bought, parts for sale. tron and metals 725- 2311. WANTED -- Information regarding | yori: }inal paint color or colors for 1920 Mod: FB-50 Baby Grand Chevrolet D. Warren, Bivciel 72 South Street West, Dun- our specialty Courtice Auto) 723-5238. "We frade up, down. Wilson- Choose from over 60 cars. No down pa) Second floor,| Olive Shopping Plaza, Telephone 728-4439 ment en eer Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. | '64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door eae top, automatic, master tires, shape, $1,795. power steering, Uniroyal AY (82514) rear speaker, phone 723-8846. | MORRIS OXFORD 1,500, A-1 condition outside and inside. For information tele- phone 942-2438. Ask for Paul. Tele- '55 CHEVROLET, A-| mechanical, $100; | '58 Pontiac, six automatic, $275. Tele-| phone 723-8348 after 6 p.m. |1964 PONTIAC, Parisienne, 2-door hard- top, V-8, A-1 condition. $1,600. Telephone | 723-0048 1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V4, automatic, all extras, $1,300 or best +) fer. Telephone 728-9960. \65 CHEVROLET Super Sport hardtop, 327-300 four speed, positraction, naw fir- es. Excellent condition. $2,400. 668-6783. '66 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, power steering, 2-door, windshield washers, ra- dio, tinted windshield, white walls, seat belts, undercoated. Telephone 723-0086 after four j19s8 CHEVROLET, six cylinder, auto- matic, beige, $350. Telephone 839-3512, |Bay Ridges |'66 PONTIAC four door sedan, forced sale of three month old car, V-8, powered radio, white walls, discs, terms. 725-9854 evenings 1987 OLDSMOBILE, 2-door One owner, in running order. body work. $100 cash. 3328 1963 CHEVROLET, Super Sport, 300 HP, 4-speed," radio, oversized tires, top condi- Telephone 728-9562. 1966 BEAUMONT Sport Deluxe, auto- matic, V-8, radio, bucket seats, vinyl top. Private. Telephone 725-7561. automatic. 34--Automobile Repair Needs Telephone 728-'37-----Auctions ae immediately. 170 Park Road S$. 723- south end plants. Telephone 723-4056 for 57 DODGE Royal sedan, body poor, snc ce stab oa GO ee GMC Lhd el Seale mechanically gocd, V-8, automatic, radio, FURNISHED two room apartment,;ROOM AND BOARD or room for two power steering, power brakes, snow 5 Mag floor suitable for working couple girls. Apoly 38 Brock St. East or tele- tires. Must sell. Best offer 725-3936. two men or girls. Private entrance, | phone 728-6075. '58 CHEVROLET hardtop, 283 automatic, and bath, parking. Telephone 725-8352.| 1 ApGge warm room, good meals, lunches four barrel carburetor. Good body, $300. THREE-ROOM apartment with refriger-| packed, parking, close to bus stop, gentle. or best offer, 668-532] after 5 p.m. ator and stove. $75 per month. Near town./men. Telephone 728-4845 or apply 798 1969 RAMBLER four-door sedan, auto- Telephone 723-6006 | Carnegie Avenue matic six-cylinder, new tires, motor and THREE-ROOM apariment, ¢ good | Jocation.| ROOM AND BOARD for one aentieman Dody in excellent condition, Radio. tm Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TVj| willing to share room Close to down maculate interior. Must sell immediate antenna Located at 240 Ritson Rd. South jtown, Telephone 728- 5458. ly. 723-705) BEY ald ALIN Sree a -|63 CORVAIR Monza Coupe, new 102) TWO ROOM, completely furnished apa' '29--Wanted | to Rent lhorsepower motor, standard transmis- ment, on third floor. Close to hospital, -~ sion, new paint, oversize whitewall tires, | north General Motors, and Resell [two ) BEDROOM » apartment with stove Ledlo, positraction, A-1 condition. 623 jand refrigerator. Private entrance and |bath. About $105 monthly. Telephone be- 723 8840. All conveniences paid. 728-7283. SUBLET, two - bedroom a; aeaninh: self contained, parking. Telephone Whitby "ween 9 and 3 p.m Bl 668-6347. |MOTHER -- with four children, three WO. BEDROOM apariment In duplex, school-age, needs sma!! flat or apart WO - BEDROOM spariment In dupiex. {ment in or near Whitby, Ajax or Osh- Quiet area. Apply 444 Centre Street. js. will bate st sic, ONE - BEDROOM apartment in! 294-1570, 9 a.m. - 1] a.m. lern building near shopping centre, | m i refrigerator, stove, drapes supplied.) 0. Available February 20. Telephone 723- 30-- --Automobiles For Sale 2570. in part exchange. | CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery ond re- storation. ADULTS. Lovely five rooms, two bed- rooms, large modern apartment, balcony, in Mage Stove, refrigerator, 1g extras. ee "aided ci Im- THREE - ROOM Recta / apartment, | | unfurnished, heat and hydro included, | near south GM. Immediate possession. | Call before 4 p.m. 725-5769. 409 Brock St. S., Whatby Days 668- 8101 Eve. 655 4575 ONE-BEDROOM, Spe. fom Nicer, Days : bathroom, and garage 2 pen vo SN id February |. Tele- | ee eh ora hae ees as 27--Rooms For Rent ond PAINT ATTRACTIVELY oy cil ac sale, -FURNISHED ROOM Easy to finance at Available in private home. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. WHITBY -- 668-3331 1964 VAUXHALL SEDAN. Clean Inside 82 PARK RD. N. and out. Excellent condition. Must be | sold this weekend. Licence No. 134456. 728-86, 8671 jCall evenings 6 to 10, 942-5693 - SAVE | DOLLARS! 'Several good used IED bachelor 2 $i , '55's and up, Trades accept FURNISHED bec oh, eas near tare arrenged. R. 8, Motor Sales. 509 hespitel, Telephone 723-7460. Bloor &.~ BILL'S CUSTOM AUTOsTRIM qmatic. 740% 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, two - door hardtop. Radio, rear speaker. Winterized. Must sell. Telephone 728-6573 or 728-2722. ayes PONTIAC custom sport, radio, pow: eering, V-8 automatic. Telephone 725. | 5883 $950 OR BEST OFFER, '63 Ford, two- door, standard, V-8, radio, whitewallis, A-1 condition. A real bargain. Telephone | 668-4839 | $1,595, FULL PRICE for '64 Meteor V-8 stick preciated. Lic, H68510, Easy finance at |Nicols Motors, Ltd. Dundas and Thicl son 668-333). | '68 DODGE radio, low mileage. ownem: 668-8297. $595, FULL PRICE for '59 Chevy V-8 stationwagon. License X8627. Easy to fin- ance at Nicols Motors Ltd., Dundas and |Thickson, 668-3331 11965 IMPALA convertible, V-8 automatic, Power steering, power brakes, AM-FM | radio, whitewalls. One owner. Telephone | 655-4886. sedan, six cylinder avto- whitewalls, oversize tires, excellent condition. One \/S8 OLDSMOBILE, excellent Condition, | |A-1 fires, Asking $400. Telephone 725-4024, |1967 RAMBLER sedans, hardtops, and stationwagons. Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd., Whitby Dunday and Thick son, 668-3331 64 FORD XI bucket seats 7008 1964 CHEVY II station wagon, automa- itis, whitewall tires, green color, A beat titul, low mileage ear, Private, 0-47. convertible, Best offer. floor Telephone shift, This car must-be seen to be | | 7B» | | Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving | Automatic 'Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION | CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St, N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business ~-- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed, 35--Lost and Found Lost Man's white gold black stone, vicinity Polaris January 10. Reward. Telephone 725-1885 LOST -- One pair of men's glasses with brownish - gray frames in brown case with name on case, Telephone 723-1632. 36--Legal 1, JULES C. THOMPSON, Street, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone, on or after this date, January 13, 1967, -- (signed) Jules C. Thompson. ring with Whitby, Dundas | restaurant | | Corner Bloor and Simcoe 270 Baldwin) OBITUARIES JAMES F. GROVES The death occurred, Jan. 12, at the Ajax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospital, of James Fred- jerick Groves, 354 Waverley [Road North, Oshawa. The de- ceased, who was in his 39th year, suffered a heart attack at work. A son of Edward and the late Anne Groves, the deceased was born, Aug. 9, 1928, at Acton, Middlesex, England and was married Mar. 6, 1954, at Peri- vale, Middlesex, England, | A resident of Canad dj Si. 'GREGORY'S losnaen lee Ps Berry Mr. Groves was a foreman in the AUDITORIUM shopping and receiving depart- SIMCOE ST. NORTH ment at the Canada Supplies Co. plant in Ajax. During the ADMISSION 50 CENTS Second World War he served with the Royal Air Force. All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket He is survived by his wife, the former Maureen June Skin- ner; his father, who lived in England; a daughter, Susan, at home and two sisters, Mrs. Stanley Bryning (Peggy) Oshawa and Mrs, Ted Arnold Children Under 16 Not Admitted joa at 2 p.m., Jan. 16, at the /Armstrong Funeral Home. In- terment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. John Porter, minister of Westminster United Church, will conduct the sery- ice, MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes 'SAT., JAN. 1th | AT 8_P.M. (Patricia) of Scarboro. The memorial service will be TRADITIONAL UKRAINIAN NEW YEAR'S D A N C E | The death occurred suddenly, Jan, 12, at the Oshawa General DNIPRO HALL | Hospital, of Steve Rigo, of ns Albert Street. He was in h 681 Edith St. | 73rd year. SAT., JAN. 14th A, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ' 8 p.m. STE RIGO Steve Rigo, the deceased was) born Feb. 14, 1894, at Nagy-| tarkany, Hungary and was mar-| ried there Noy. 14, 1918. A resident of Oshawa for 39) jyears, Mr. Rigo was employed {in the maintenance department at Pedlar People Limited for 35 iyears prior to hiS retirement in| December, 1963. He was' a} member of St. George's Ukrain-| : -jian Greek Catholic Church and Th. N l G6 HT jof Holy Cross Roman Catholic! |Church. H Holy Cross Refreshments Buffet Good Orchestra Tickets and Information 725-9921 | During the First World War, |Mr. Rigo served with the Hun- igarian Army. | | He is survived by his wife,| ithe former Elizabeth Kazsmer; | BINGO er | HNO UW a=daughter;-Mrs,---SteveBon ora (Betty) and a son, Steve, 7:45 P.M. both of Oshawa. He Was! ms eh Pier by three children, | = |Margaret, Leslie and Paul. Also) St. Gertrude's Auditorium | surviving are six grandchild-| 600 King St. E. lren, Z Snowball Jackpot $210 in 56 nos. Reg. Jackpot $200 in 57 nos. _ |Funeral Home for Requiem ~|High Mass at 10 a.m., Jan. 16, ADELIADE McLAUGHLIN in St. George's Ukrainian Greek! Home ond School Association |Catholic Church. Interment will| in Resurrection Cemetery. "A NIGHT Rev. J. C. Pereyma will sing OF CARDS" the Mass. Monday, | January 16th, 1967 | at 8 p.m. | School Auditorium DEATHS | Progressive Euchre and Bridge TINK, Hilton S$ Prizes Refreshments -- {suddenly at his home on Thursday, ai Amis 75 (AMIR MAR) ee ates band of Myrtle Vice, dear father of Mrs. nox (Loraine), Mrs. K. Shackelton Convenor -- Mrs. H. Bickle Ticket Convenor --- Mrs. Ashton | (nurie!), Walter and Kenneth. Resting a1] He is sur ved by his wife: 725-8916 the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Hom , pata 2 o'clock Saturday | jtwo sons, Walter and Ken Funeral service at afternoon at Ebenezer Interment Ebenezer Cemetery, BINGO Kindness beyond Price, yet of| § Vice in 1929 United Church} Bowmanville; lina and (Muriel) of Bowmanville: soot oe Exterior work on the con- vtreorials po era uohsein Exterior work on the con- COSTLY DREAM two views. Interior work is expected to start next July. Started in 1959 when costs troversial opera. house in were estimated at $7,000,- Sydney, Australia, moves 000, the opera house was along, as shown in these originally scheduled for completion in 1963. Now completion target is 1970 and costs are expected to $76,000,000. OG P Photo) g0 beyond will be held at the funeral home| Holy Cross | parish prayers will be held at |_ Mr. Rigo is at the Armstrong the faueral home at 7:30 p.m.,| at 8 p.m., Sunday. Sunday. Friends are asked not to call |before Saturday afternoon. HILTON TINK A well-known lhis home at RR 2, Bowmanville, in his 61st year. "He had lived in the area for 32 years. |Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Tink. jmarried Myrtle Mrs. K. Bowmanville area farmer, Hilton Tink, died | St. George's parish prayers |suddenly Thursday, Jan. 12, at LOUGHBOROUGH, England (Reuters) competing in the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City may spend several days sealed in a Mr. Tink was born May 29,|titude of Mexico's capital. | 1906, in Solina, Darlington} The chamber, a 20-foot-long Township, the son of the late|structure believed to be the Hejonly one of its kind in the Lena Louise} world, will shortly become oper-| |ational at the new university of | technology here. of} The university's physical edu-|' two daughters,| cation and industrial fitness unit) __|Mrs, H. Knox (Loraine) of Co-|has acquired the chamber to Shackelton| conduct research into acclima- two tization at altitudes of less than | ORANGE TEMPLE within reach. of all brothers, Clarence and Bruce,| 15,000 feet. Six persons could GERROW and a sister, Mrs. Pp Dewell|live for several days in the, SATURDAY, JAN. 14th FUNERAL CHAPEL! rere): There are 11 grand- \oithe he 4 of th . John : | e head of the uni Mind oboide 390 KING STREET WEST |" Mr. Tink farmed all his life|-- 20 GAMES $8. Telephone 728-6226 |and had been a president and Share. The Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots to go IN MEMORIAM 1--$150 Jackpot to go DOYLE -- In loving memory of a dear | Chlidren Under 16 Not _Admitted mother and grandmother, Eva Adelia Doyle, who passed away January 13, 1958./ DANCE A cherished smile, a heart of gold, Auto Workers Credit Union Hall The dearest mother the world could hold, With loving memory, fond and true, From us who thought the world of you. a ~Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten | Sat. Jan. 14, 9 P.M. a : | sponsored by Lake Vista Park jienitostew | Donald tf Valls wih) | Assoc. | DUNCAN -- In loving memory of a and grandmother, Cat \erine, who went to rest January 13, 1966. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, mother, That we do not think of you. $3 per couple | §T. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M, 728-3996 | --j\dear mother | sons Philip and Gary, daughters-in-law Jackpot 53 -- $130. Dianne and Arthea, and grandchildren. | | _20Games $10 ond $15- | Two extra games at $25.00 | Jackpot and Share the Wealth DUNCAN -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Cath- erine Duncan, who passed away Janu ary 13, 1966. | The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, Auction Sale of the Estate of MR. H. V. BATEMAN, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa will be held at STIR- TEVANTS Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa on SATUR- DAY, JAN. 14 at 1 p.m. Kelvinator refrigerator, Ace washing machine, television, lamps, chesterfield suite, com- bination wordrobe and chest of drawers, vanity, twin beds, library toble, writing desk, record player, 2 chrome suites, 80 piece set of dishes, electric drills, sanders, saws, with motors. Martin 60 out- board motor, garden tools and carpenter tools, many more articles to numerous to men- tion, Terms cash. Myles King -- auctioneer -- 725-3039 Oshawa. Someone Wants Your "Don't Wants" PHONE 723-3492 A Courteous Ad-visor will be happy to help you | DEATH | Her memory we shall always keep. --Always remembered by son Allan and) | - family. | GROVES, James Frederick DUNEAN => 10, laying: ete Entered Into rest in Alax General Hos-\d¢a" mother and grandmother, pital on Thursday, pili 12, 1987, erine who passed away January 13, 1966 James Frederick Groves; beloved hus. What would we give If we could say band of Maureen June Skinner, father of Hello Mum, in the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile, Susan, at home, son of Edward Groves, ; Middlesex, "England, "brother of mrs, To sit with you and chat a while, Stanley Bryning (Peggy), Oshawa, Mrs. 59 You who have a mother, Ted Arnold (Patricia), Scarborough, in Cherish her with care, his 39th year, Resting at the Armstrong FOr: you'll never know the heartache Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral Till you see her vacant chair. service in the chapel, Monday, January --Ever remembered by her six sons, 16, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount tawn daughters- in-law. and grandchildren | Cemetery, Oshawa, ey LOCKE'S FLORIST EARL ie reat I thw Oshawe Geweal | (CUmeL norco we 'fo rest in the Oshawa Genera! |Hospital, on, Thursday, January_12, 19e7,| floral arrangements for all | Steve Rigo, beloved husband of east occasions. Kazsmer, father of Mrs. Steve Bonfordi, OSHAWA SHOPPING | (Betty) and Steve Rigo, Jr.. Oshawa, in| |his 73rd year. Resting at the Armstrong CENTRE is Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem) 24 Hour Phone Service High Mass in St. George's Ukrainian | 728-6555 Greek Catholic Church, Monday, January) 16 at 1 am. interrient.. Resurrection After hours 725-7928 Cemetery. St. George's Parish prayers, |" A LASTING. TRIBUTE Sunday, 8 p.m. Holy Cross Parish prayers joined by Daughters of Isobella, Sunday, For Permanance and dignity 7:30 p.m. (Friends are asked not to call| we suggest ese home before eeeey MOUNT EAWN MEMORIAL PARK WRIGHT, Caroline Alberta BRONZE MEMORIALS Entered into rest in the family resi- | dence, 659 King Street East, Oshawa on | Thursday, January 12, 1967, Caroline| Alberta Dobson, widow of Mervyn James | Wright, mother of Mrs. Alfred Statham (Eileen) and Vernon Wright of Oshawa For courteous advice pleose visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Mount Lawn Cemetery. portunity to thank my relatives, friends, jand neighbors for their many visits, ZAPARYNIUK, Rev. Peter llovely cards, flowers and gifts received production. It is only four years! |STYLE NUMBER. Entered into rest in Toronto General during my recent stay in hospital. Many P Hospital on Tuesday January 10, el | ages to Rev. McGee, also to UCW, jsince the government lifted a| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Rev. Peter Zaparyniuk, beloved: husband | Centre Sireet Church, for flowers ic |b on brandy making andjcare of The Oshawa Times, |of Anna Pazerniuk, father o! rs. M.| Ceiv pecial thanks to Dr, Shires ° Rygus (Mary) of Toronto and brother | Dr Mcliveen and Dr. Kimmerly, nur -- licences for trial npere | pene cig hy 60 Front St. W., of Alex, New Haven, Conn., Nicholas, and staff of SF, tions. 'oronto nt j Windtcr, andre: emonirent aR ible --Mrs. Jessie M. Cook.) Tiasters declare that the initial Spring's Fashions are a JOY year. esting a ary's rainian . on ° _ H | year ee chocch. with service in. the! THOMSON -- 1 wish to thank the many Supplies are maturing ex; FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 Church Monday, January 16 at 8 a.m. friends and neighbors for their kindness' tremely welt and some even de-\stvles, 2 free hat patterns, Atso Panachida Service in the church,, and expressions of sympathy during the } Sanat % | Thursaay, Friday, Saturday and Sunday|loss of my beloved husband. Thanking clare that products comparable} fabrics, accessories -- in New |a 7.30 p.m, Interment St. Mary's Ce Dr. D. Sturgess and Dr. Lowe and Rev.|with those from the Cognac re- Spring- Summer Pattern Cata- metery, Oshawa. (In lieu of flowers do- Jackson and Armstrong's Funeral ion of France should be log Gift Coupon for free at- ti t t. Mary's Church ®ullding| Home for ali assistance. g sans ij a A a p paiens iP e 0d.) | Janet Thomson |evolved within a few years. 'tern in Catalog. Send 50c. Fund will be eppreci And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep | eon of the Durham Farm- ers Co-operative Asso- ciation. He was closely associa- \ted with Ebenezer United Church, Courtice, and had held the jchurch, He was a trustee of SS some County several offices within 'No. 3 Baseline School years ago. Mr. Tink is resting at |Northeutt Smith Funeral Home, jand sadly missed by daughter Donna, |Rowmanville. The funeral will 14, at 2 p.m. at Eben- John .|Romeril will conduct the serv- ice. Interment will be in Eben- jhe Jan, 'ezer United Church. Rev. ezer Cemetery. MRS. MERVIN J. WRIGHT --Sadly missed, always remembered by) The death occurred suddenly, Jan.12, following a heart attack at her home, 659 King Street Mervyn Jans Wright. She was in her 73rd East, of Mrs. year. The former Caroline Alberta the deceased was born at Thornbury, and was married June 6, Dobson, ae il 18, 1894, Ont. 1916, at Collingwood, Ont. cath- resident of Oshawa for 41 years, she was an adherent of Calvary Baptist Church. Mrs. Wright, iter, Mrs. Alfred (Eileen) and a_ son, both of Oshawa. Future Seen and sister of Mrs, Drisilla Lougheed of inoenbury: in her 2a year Rens | CARD OF THANKS | the Arinsirong Funeral Home, Oshawa,| | with funeral service in the Chapel Satur- day, January 14, at 2 p.m. Interment' CooK -- 1 would like to take this op- future for brandy making who was pre- | deceased by her husband, Sept. | 29, 1965, is survived by a daugh- | Statham Vernon, Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. Drisilla Lougheed Thornbury and seven grand- children. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Jan. 14. Inter- ment will be in Mount Lawn 'Bright Brandy | AUCKLAND (CP) -- A bright} the A of Cemetery. Rev. R. B. Lytle, jpas tor of Calvary Bap-} ANNE ADAMS |tist Church, will conduct the! QUICK-SEW, and away you service. lgo in a lean shift with a softly gathered drawstring neckline. Sew it in easy-wash, no-iron fabrics for town, travel. Printed Pattern 4955: Half Sizes 1244, 14%, 16%, 18%, 2014, 22%. Size 16% takes 2% yards 45-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in inicoins (no stamps, please) for New Zealand is confidently pre-|each pattern. Ontario residents dicted by growers who have add 3c. sales tax. Print plainly been working on experimental/SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | Jeffery, British athletes) work time could he | | special climatic chamber to get, them used to the 7,478-foot al-| IN-A-HURRY HIT! British Athletes To Live 'Sealed Climatic Chamber says that part of its used by competitors taking part in the Olympic Games in Mexico. But he stresses that research will have top priority. Computers are being used in technological research at Lough- borough into sports perform. ances in a quest for improve- ment at all levels of activity. The unit has carried out ex. Hage hy examinations on leads ng British athletes, including professional golfers and crick- eters and Olympic runners, as well as groups of students. The most advanced technolo- gical machinery has been used to measure pulses, muscle movements, breathing, fat, bone, | various hody Pressures. OSHAWA nati PATTERNS CROCHET JACKET By ALICE BROOKS Look forward to Spring! \Crochet open shell-stitch jack- let to wear with dresses, slacks, skirts. Use sport yarn. Open shell-stitch is most popular with smart set! Cro- chet jacket quickly. Pattern 7344: sizes 32-46 included. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario resi- dents add 2c. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. 2 Free Patterns. Send 25c. to- day. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts complete patterns in. color in Museum Quilt Book 2, Quilt- ing motifs, Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- 16 compiete patterns. 60c. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL, satan DONALD DUCK BLONDIE oE JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER

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