Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jan 1967, p. 22

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8 ? 22 THE OSHAWA TMB, ) Thuredey, Jonuery 12, 1967 |26--Apartments Tor Rent TWO ROOMS, unfurnished, heat and hy- dro supplied Apply 102 Agnes St. 576- 0737, 26--Apartments For Rent FIVE-ROOM apartment, heat hydro and SUBLET. Ona bedroom apartment. $122 water included. Apply 481 Howard Street. monthly, heat and hydro included. Close Telephone 725-7577. to South General Motors. Telephone 723- ONE-BEDROOM _ basement BA eae N T 7 1 9. ear lake. Telephone 728-116 27- --Rooms For Rent FINEST THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- | vate entrance. Apply 284 Chadburn. "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM APARTMENTS OFF HILLCROFT -- Dupiex 15° in private home. INDOOR ince room, bedroom hilehen Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 26--Apoartments for Rent OSHAWA'S MAKE FRIDAY THE 13TH YOUR LUCKY DAY WHEN YOU BUY AN 0. K. USED CAR ~ apartment. and m6 | Available Refrigerator and stove, HEATED 'erapes. Parking. Adults only. 725-3026. POOL |THREE-ROOM apartment, good location arienna Laie i Rison Ra son) ~=82PARKRD.N. AT --a rthur reet, COMFORT penile ROOM furnished Soertment, pri 728-867 | ROY NICHOLS vate entrance: suuebie for fem) ISHED bedrocm, central. Car park- MOTORS LTD. FURN' om, ce CONDITIONED patie eel die hai AL al ad rah 02k3 ng. Gentleman only. Telephone 728-8644. Double windows for noise! {WHITBY -- fully furnished, three-room FURNISHED, large bedsitting room with) 1o%5 PONTIAC all facilities, Supper if desired. Telephone Serer + | th |apartment, private bath and entrance. and. draft control thermo-| | g 728-6563 sedon, V-8 automatic, . i; | |Parking, All conyeniences. Telephone ne : : stat in eoch suite. | | 668-3242. NICE clean large room, cooking privi- with radio and clock. | | ONE apartment, $85. monthly, '@9®s. Hive Seeeae OP al ya ig Ps A: sharp local trade-in. | poss. location. oe ane welcome, Apely A setae ace sis ey Saddle tan with match- OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY Lansdowne Fara, Apt. 8 sal - - ing trim. Lic. H95587. 5615. COMFORTABLE ROOM for one gentle- 2 SAT. and SUN. 11 @.m. to 7 p.m. | ewe man, close to North General Motors. - Tronet, main toot private, bathroom. |APPIY 278 Jarvis Street, 1965 CHEVELLE MALIBU Oshowo's largest apartment | Telephone 725-1608. _ SINGLE ROOMS $12, to share $10, semi- 2-door hardtop, V-8 building offers the best fea- FOR RENT -- Two - bedroom apart. Private $10. Whitby 668-5201. es automatic, white walls, tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6' x |Guiet ot Ao Hicor,.. Ayaliable few. FURNISHED room, suit two Bentierien, discs, radio, clock etc. 18! Balconies, 20' x 18' com- ale eeulia Ay. ee elephone close to North GM and downtown, A reel age" one. Llc. : g p.m. Brock street east or call 728-6319 from bination Living ond Dining | sya%---Large one. and two-bedroom 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m, evenings. After 4, H90515. Rooms, 4 quick elevators, 2 | apartments, in apartment _building, close 723-2050. neo Olde English Decor Lobbies. [to schools and Telep Aiax F ROOMS, single and double,| 1965 OLDSMOBILE F85 Bus stop at door. Model suite pees "ob a er Sonera fer enn aoee sis deluxe sedan, V-8 V5 THREE and 1o edroom apartments 'f $ Broadloom by ANGUS GRAY heated, Immediate possession, 15 minute HOUSEKEEPING room for clean gentle- automatic, radio, white DON, Furniture by WILSON'S [grive from Oshawa. Children: welcome. man with steady employment, good dis walls and discs. Only m y ploy! 9 FURNITURE. | Spacious playground. Telephone 623-2488. trict, near hospital, bus stop, nicely a 18,000 miles, Immacu- |ONE and two bedrcom unfurnished apart. Heol Saeed hot plate, $10. week- late condition. Lic. |ment, close to hospital, stove and refrig- | PRINCESS erator. Telephone 723-6457. HOUSEKEEPING room, _ suitable for) H91013. ANNE |THREE ROOM, downstairs apartment. gentleman Close to Shopping Centre. Ap- | Private bath and entrance. Close to bus Ply 102 Westmount Street. a and shopping. Telephone 723-0406. FURNISHED ROOM, centrally located. | APARTMENTS TWO bedroom apartment in small build. Tlephone 668-2466. | 1221 Simcoe St. N., 725-9934 | ing, refrigerator, stove, TV outlet, free LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Tele- 1964 CHEVELLE 2-door hardtop, 6 cyl- inder automatic, white walls, discs and radio. washing and park. Available February phone 723-1832. ae ; 1, One child welcome, $110. monthly. ~~ | Lic. H92254. The best value in aportment | 729.4903 ROOM =; on pentlaman or Fedy or Fa i frjends to share large room wi in| living can be seen ot ONE and two bedroom apartments in beds, kitchen, bath, all furnished, close to} 1964 CORVAIR six-plex building, including refrigerator, downtwn. 728-5026. coupe, automatic trans- ® stove, drapes and broadioom in living a 5 REGENCY room, balcony. 'Available now. 728-2256, LARGE double room for two, newly mission, radio an He WW R e e - decorated. Also single bedsitting room, wheel covers, Used only TWO bedroom apartment, two balconies, nicely furnished. Close to North and West Gea cer Lie separate entrance, nice location, newly Genera! Motors, downtown. 128 William os e . * aad pea dae |decorated. Available February 1. Tele- Street East. | 11233. e |phone 725-5377 ~ po : | ELGIN STREET East -- large furnished TWO ROOM furnished: apartment, suit- room with refrigerator. Parking. $12. 9 OLDSMOBILE 88 AND Jable for working couple or one. Heat, weekly. Art Cox OAA 725-1497. _ | 1963 : hydro included, Telephone 723-4817 of FURNISHED ROOM tally 7 ia Holiday sedan, auto » centra joca' | e PREMIER ® japply 343 Ritson Road North Telephone 668-2466. : matic. transmission, 32] MARLAND AVENUE | TWO-BEDROOM apartment In apartment FURNISHED ROOMS, single and doubie, | power ' brakes, power 4 building. Refrigerator, stove, drapes and for gentlemen, telephone 723-6542 or S63 steering, power win- PH. 728-6722 paved parking. Telephone 725-9161. Ritson Road South. dows, radio, white $55 MONTHLY, _two-bedrcom, _ self-con-| LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Tele- walls, discs, Lic. @ MODERN 1 AND 2 \tained apartment, stove, frig, private en- phone 723-1832 | H86368 ltrance, in Port Perry. Available now " - . BEDROOM SUITES Call Brooklin 655-4659 before eight. pon A pt ge a of acl Mall Al cataul ts riends @ NEWLY DECORATED |WHITBY. Two-bedroom apartment, in beds, kitchen, bath, all furnished, close to) 1962 PONTIAC @ STOVE & FRIDGE |six-plex. Very modern with all Conveni- downtown. 728-5026 coach, 6 cylinder, nee. ' ences. Close to Shopping Centre. juits -- 7 . . smission, This @ BALCONIES preferred, 668-5264 FURNISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi- dord transmissi @ CLOTH DRAPES is a local trade with Me APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 leges. Middle-aged woman only. In a cae | @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES Wayne Street, Apartment % anytime, nome. Central. Telephone 725-5191. very low mileage. Own- @ FREE HYDRO Also one for $80 per month. Central, furnished room and kitchen) ers mame on request. @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS - [334 ASH ST., Whitby -- Three bedroom with refrigerator and stove. Newly deco-| Lic. H9993. @ ELEVATOR apartment with fridge, stove in duplex. rated green house, $11. weekly. Suit x i i lectrically lad 46 Division Street. @ LOCKERS healed. "Heat hydro: supplied. 'Tevoghone 1 ~ 1961 OLDSMOBILE F85 @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE ', 668.3597 «* EARGE, bright' room In 'clean {gulet bet: V-8 automatic. Clean 7 - vate home in room an elept e. . . © AMPLE-PARKING i@UHET COUPLE or --single-person--for: ryee-parking 'walking. distance. to. as a whip. Lic. H93784 basement apartment, stove, frig, privaté North GM and downtown. 40° Bucking-| bath, parking, kitchen, bed-sifting' room. ham Ave., 723-6211 CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE | Available denlary 15. 723-8839 before 9 ibd -- a 1959 BUICK |P.m. $85. month. COMPLETELY furnished, housekeeping) 2-door hardtop, auto- 6 a ; » refrigerator, range. Suit- atic. transmission APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE |THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, Toor, with sink, re m ABOVE NUMBERS [rHmee- for working couple, heat and 2v/¢ for 5.0803. Apply 227 pine Power brakes, power |hydro Included, parking, private en: steering, radio, etc. in __ |trance. Available January 15. 747 Hoskin FURNISHED bachelor apartment, $15. Avenve. weekly, gentlemen only,. Simcoe N. near excellent condition. Lic. GET MORE NEAR CREDIT UNION building. Two hospital. Telephone 723-7460. J14550. bedroom apartment, couple only, $110 LARGE "bed-sitting | and housekeeping monthly. 330 Buena Vista, Apt. T, be room. Close to hospital and downtown, 1958 DODGE Girl preferred. 723-7100. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, $75. THREE-ROOM "apartment monthly. 88 Oshawa Blvd. S. Telephone building. All conveniences, | 576-1694. monthly, Avaliable February 1. |CENTRAL WHITBY. Room with house- 725-6215 ' |keeping privileges. Suit young gentleman. FURNISHED ~ housekeeping room, near lor room and board. Parking, TV. Tele- northwest gate of General Motors. Apply Phone 668-4928 160 Agnes Street. |tween 2 and 8 nb V-8 automatic with radio. Mechanically A- 1, Lic, J13400. FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR in a nt adults, $85 Telephone SEE. . . ACE RICHARDS or LOUIS PHILLIPS at COURTICE 728-6206 CAVALIER NEW APARTMENT, four rooms, stove ROOM and kitchen, furnished, for two i and refrigerator, close to North GM and gentlemen. Apply 410 King St. E. OR hospital. One child welcome, apply Seen SEY Brock Street East or telephone 728- fai TWO erat furnishe | Tooms. Private ie HAROLD MICHELSON APARTMENTS _ |reratesim '0 222° eveninos arer rane, cru, tte ates caste | or TED MILLER et lac Avenue South. 723-3541 BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 Th two-bedroom healed panel adi ASE apartment, one er two children welcome, ROVAL HOTEL, WHITBY, 171 Brock| |$90. monthly. Lmmediate possession. CallStreet North. Rooms nightly or by the | Newtonville, 786-2461. week, $12. Hot and cold water In each [wor ROOM "furnished Pimnents vee eee jurnis liv. sures, campariment, shuvg NICELY furnished room with breaktest, | loath. "Falsohions 723-6483. pinores ous. Tel desired, for young lady. sind lose to bus. Telephone 723-2481. TWO BEDROOM apartment in new bulld-|------ - ing. Bus service at door. Electric heat, |FURNISHED ROOM for rent, wit one pasa refrigerator supplied. Immediate or two gentlemen, kitchen privileges, possession, Telephone 728-5282. OPEN 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. HACKNEY MOTORS A lovely place te live. Modern ond convenient, with electrie heating. The features of this beautiful building must be seen te be opprecioted. FREE TAXI SERVICE BY from $7.50 up. Apply anytime. 428 Park APPOINTMENT eel hnedanees PO! E GENTLEMAN with fully furnished, two RO8d North, bedroom a iu lal allipg to share|T' SINGLE furnished rooms for gentle- same wi ngio - Saxon with sameimen, 15 Ritson Road South. Telephone CALL background. Write Box 54018, Oshawa. | 726-7935 TRADE UP OR DOWN SUBLET. One bedroom partment. $127/ROOMS for rent. Gentlemen. Apply 60s| FINANCING AVAILABLE monthly, heat and hydr included. Close Sommerville Av fo. goulh General Motors. Telephone 723-/THIRD FLOOR room for rent. 728-4283 1966 GALAXIE XL, 2 door DOWN--$30 MO. | 59 - 61 models | Telephone 723-9652. | |1960 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, $500 or best 30--Automobiles For 'Sole |30--Automobiles for Sale |31--Compaet Cars for Sale |1965 cH ELLE Malib adan, six an | matic. Radio, etc, 00. 31,000 miles, $1,8 BIRTHS OBITUARIES offer. Telephone 723-6785. Vasko) SKOTNICKI -- Stan and Emily (nee are happy to announce the ar- -|rival ef their second child, Sandra Mary, BILL BENNETT | 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, recently re-/7 Ibs, 14 ozs. on Friday, Jan. your choice! MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 | MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. |__DODD MOTOR SALES | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-94 9421 | CHEVY II |. 1965, four door, automatic. Original mileage 2,500. Ex- | cellent condition. Telephone 668-8705 %3 PONTIAC Parisienne. Custom Sport. | Power, brakes and steering. '67 licence plates, Excelint condition. $1,650 or bst offer. Telephone 655-4850. |s495 FULL PRICE, '58 Chevy sedan, Bet- | Iter than avera condition. Lic. 37723, | Easy to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd., | Whitby 668-3331, |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, ne, four ne new tires, |power aerial, reverb, four-speed record| jplyer. A-1 condition. $1,850. Telephone | | 668-2069, \'62, ENVOY, reconditioned motor, new | _'99 CHEVROLET haif-ton truck. | | Telephone 725-0421. | bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. built motor and tansmission, '32--Trucks for Sole leather | 1967, jtrim, ,_body perfect. Reasonable. 725-8640.! sister for Debbie. at Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to Or. R. C. Ross and nurses on fourth floor. REV. PETER ZAPARYNIUK The service was conducted by %,| In poor health for several| Rev. P. F. Fiess, pastor of the A months, Rev. Peter Zaparyniuk, church. Interment was in Osh- pastor of St. Mary's Ukrainian awa Union Cemetery. Orthodox Church, Bloor Street} The pallbearers were Lloyd 1956 FORD | DEATHS East, died at the Toronto Gen-|Gunderson, Harold Gunderson, eral Hospital, Jan. 10, He was Lorne Gunderson, Theodore Gun in his 68th year. He lived plenty Claude Sorlie and Nich- Ye ton pick-up, V-8 stick, Ask for Carl. | excellent, use as second car, six cylinger: SHAW AUTO WRECKING "00. Cate bought, parts for sale. tron and metals 1951 INTERNATIONAL haif-ton, good. Telephone 723-5370, aa (1951 good. Telephone i 723-5370. 11961 ENVOY Van, low mil 'nights 728-4314. ae 33--Automo CARS WANTED 'iles Wanted Body Alger of Oshawa. |vate) at Armstrong Funeral ; | Entered into new Windsor' ile: brakes, tires, paint. $320. Days 725- 474, | Year. BUNNER, John Grant of London, Ont., Dwight and Mrs. S. R. Funeral serv:ce (pri- on/ried and ordained Noy. 8, 1926, Inter- F ome hursday afternoon, January 1 -- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. ZAPARYNIUK, Rev. Peter rest Anna' Pazerniuk, Alex, New Haven, Conn., Andrew, Resting at St. 'thodox Church with Interment St. Mary's C in. Toronto Generai|ian Orthodox Church for 40) | Hospital on Tuesday January 10, 1967,/years, he had been pastor of St.) tires pea Peter Zaparyniuk, beloved husband 4 a Pi father of Mrs. M. "INTERNATIONAL _ half-ton, , tires Rous (Mary). of. Toronto and brether Nicholas, Montreal, in his 67th Mary's Ukrainian service in the A | Church Monday, January 16 at 8 p.m. jof the city. Also Panachida Service in the church, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunda' jat 7.30 p.m, |metery, Oshawa. nations to St. Fund will be appreciated.) ec {in lieu of flowers do- Mary's Church Building Rygus (Mary) of Weston. |261 Bloor Street East. jolas Muzyka. | excellent condition, asking |entered into rest in. Hillsdale Manor, | Born Noy. 8, 1899, in the Uk-| $50 Tennstedt |S, tna "Sail ae te dacesed was a, 05] yy FUNERAL OF x esS-4801 fter 5:30 eee and _Mrs.J. W. 'Bunner, Bow- of the late Mr. and Mrs, John ee parade ner 4} ah ke after 9:30 p.m. | manville, and brother of Wesley Ewart Zaparyniuk. A resident of Can- The funeral service for Wil- liam Albert .Dewland, who died suddenly ge 9, at his residence POA 300 Mary Street, was held at Keron f the Ukrain-|2.P-m., Jan. 1, at the Mcln- | A clergyman of the Ukrain-\1 oy anderson Funeral Home. The service was conducted by |Rev. John K. Moffat, minister of Simcoe Street United Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn metery. The pallbearers were John The deceased is survived brie tees. Gon © ek his wife, the former Anna Paz- Stanley Gibb . < eral and daughter Mrs. M. 'Cutcheon, ae ae On ee ada for 42 years, he was. mar-, Mary's Church, Oshawa, for 22 years. Beloved by his par- ishoners, he was active in the life of the Ukrainian community} Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save"'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. _ 725-5! 5574 | battery, winter tires. Price r Tiphone 728-5639 after 6 p.m. or all day Saturday. |'58 FORD | age, excellent condition. Bargain at $200.! | Chevrolet, , only $i 050. Telephone 725-1846. | Mr. Maryn, 237 McNaughton Ave. ae awa. WANTED cars for wrecking. No charge | for towing. Telephone 728-4549. %, automatic, radio, low | mile-| WANTED Cadillac Eldorado, any | condition. Please write In full detalls to Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW yet _IFUNERAL CHAPEL Weston. 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 | Also surviving are three |brothers, Alex of New Haven, SPORT 'BRIEFS Conn., Nicholas of Windsor and Andrew of Montreal and one SACRIFICES WEIGHT lgrandson, Peier Rygus, off KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (AP) -- Emile Griffith. world Father Zaparyniuk is resting Middleweight boxing champion, in St. Mary's Ukrainian Ortho-| Wednesday abandoned plans to dox Church for service at 8 Weigh 158 pounds for his title a.m., Jan. 18 Panachida Sery-/bout with Joe Archer in New IN MEMORIAM lices will be held in the church|YOrk. Jan. 23. "I feel too slue- at 7:30 p.m. today, Friday, Sat- gish," Griffith said after a urday and Sunday workout in which he weighed |PRIVATE -- 1965 Buick LeSabre, ex- cellent condition, two-door hardtop, vinyl! SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. "tas root gts windstiels, Ley d aula bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals radio. New 'oversize whitewalls. Best! pouoht. 89. Bloor Street East. 725- 2311. offer. 723-9937, 6-8 p.m. GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. models our specialty Courtice Auto Wreckers. 723-5238. =e SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used | cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 507 | Bloor E LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- ment. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375, "64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard. top, power steering, automatic, V-8, (82514) Uniroyal master tires, ais rear speaker, A-1 shape, $1,795. Tele- |phone 723-8846. |MORRIS OXFORD 1,500, A- condition | joutside and inside. For information tele- | phone 942-2438. Ask for Paul. 1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder 'aiandard, | $595 or best offer. Phone 728-99 64. 1959 CHEVROLET sedan, six cylinder standard transmission, good mechanical | condition. $250 or best cash offer. Tele- phone 725-7913 after 5 p.m 59 CHEVROLET, six. Radio, Good con- \dition; $200. Telephone 655-3792 Cate 34--Automobile Repair ¥ Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Raiesvina Automatic Transmission BARNHART -- In loving memory of larling daughter and sister, vonne, who 1958. Though her smile is gone forever, And her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part, God has her in His keeping, We have her in our hearts. --Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Lilien conducted by 'Archbishop passed away January 1% a The funeral 156, "I plan now to come in at rvic vill be yaa © 153 for the fight." Meantime, Michael assisted by other|Atcher ended a two-day layoff . Interment will be in St. at his camp at Grossingers, 's Cemetery, Oshawa. N.Y., by boxing two rounds, In lieu of flowers donations The challenger weighed 164. to the St. Mary's Church Build- JOINS MISSISSIPPI ing Fund would be appreciated STARKVILLE, Miss. (AP) -- Charles Shira, a former coach FUNERAL OF Crankshaft and Valve by mother, sister Gladys, brother-in-law of Edmonton Eskimos of the Service Bill; niece Jacqueline, nephew Harold. LOUIS GUNDERSON Western Football Conference . ao The memorial service for w sday soach CAMPBELL -- In loving memory of a Wednesday was named coach AUTOMATIC Seer we Maleate Bi Cereenll whe Louis Gunderson who died at and athletic director of Missis- TRANSMISSION The world changes year to yer, the Toronto Western Hospital, sippi State University. The uni- CENTRE And friends from day to day. Jan. 8, in his 58th year, was versity dismissed football coach 1038 Simcoe' St. N. 728-7339 | Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. 'All Work Guaranteed, 35--Lost 'and Found -- |'S5 CHEVROLET, A-1 mechanical, $100; -- \' Pontiac, six automatic, $275. Tele- LOST -- Man's white | gold ring "with phone 723-8348 after 6 p.m. black stone, vicinity Polaris restaurant January 10. Reward. Telephone 725-1885. iene, 2-door hard- Hs As dad lel P, A-} cond $1,400, Telephone LOST -- One pair of men's glasses with brownish --- with name on case. Telephone 723-1632. Oray frames in brown case [1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport, V-8, cadres |automatic, all extras, $1,300 or best of- |fer. Telephone 728-9960 38--Coming - Events d | "65" CHEVROLET Super Sport hardtop, 327-300 four speed, positraction, new tir- jes. Excellent Condition. $2,400. 668-6783. \66 PONTIAC Laurentian, \V-8, power |steering, 2-door, windshield washers, ra- |dio, tinted windshield, white walls, seat |belts, undercoated. Telephone bind | jatter_ four. | 1988 CHEVROLET, six cylinder, tute | jmatic, beige, $350. Telephone 839-3512, |Bay Ridges. |1959 VAUXHALL Velox, radio, good fires, | 900d _ mechanically. Telephone 728-7902. 1955 FORD, good condition, best offer. Telephone 725- 3710 after 4 _P.m. '66 PONTIAC four door sedan, forced sale of three month old car, V-8, powered radio, white walls, discs, terms, 725-9854 evenings. 1957 OLDSWV E, 2door One owner, in running order. body work. $100 cash, Telephone "Fit 3328. |1963 CHEVROLET, Super Sport, 300 HP, 4-speed, radio, oversized tires, top condi- | 28-9562. "Sport Deluxe, auto- matic, V-8, radio, bucket seats, vinyl top. Private. Telephone 725-751 7 DODGE Royal sedan, body poor, ood, V-8, auto » radio; power Hee. power brakes, snow Best offer 725-3936. tires, Must sell. "38 CHEVROLET hardtop, 283 automatic, four barrel carburetor. , 321 Good body, $300. four-d linder, new tires, motor and BINGO = "JAYCEES -- JANUARY _ SPECIAL | - TWO JACKPOTS BOTH MUST GO $500 IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200 IN 51 NOS. or MORE $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES --Lovingly Joh Swimming pool, opposite south GM. Children welcome. « Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 728-7942 }310 Richmond elephone 728-8792. RN room apartment, in quiet tri-plex, close to Shopping Centre. | Refrigerator, stove, drapes and broad- | loom included. tie immediately. | Telephone 723-49: | onE- BEDROOM apartment, on main floor lin modern eight-plex, south end of iwi y. Heated only, laundry facilities, |$95. monthly. 668-6980 : ROYALE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom aport- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only, 723-6455, 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. @ FOR RENT @ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 __ APARTMENT FOR RENT; recently dec. entrance. phone BROOKLIN -- two-bedroom, self-contain- Available February 1. 13-9591. preferred. Phone 655 655-3288. Two - B BEDROOM 1 basement apartment, Jackson Apartments, refrigerator, spuneiare Possession. Drapes supplied in living room and bed- room. Near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Available about Feb. 21. Adults. 723-2570. WILSON - KING area. Bright, three. trance and lawn. Refrigerator and stove, $90. monthly. 725-0394. ONE-BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment, | with stove and refrigerator, in apart- ment building, close to hospital. Rea- Apartment 1. NEWCASTLE -- One-bedroom, decorated apartment, $55. monthly. ~Fif- teen minutes from south General Motors. Telephone 987-4777. HEATED upstairs three-re "room apartment Private bath. Apply 1389 King Street East. Telephone 263-8835. FOUR-ROOM * spariment, private Four miles_ north sean" Suitable! for adults, 'Telephone' 262-4638, ' Jal bath. orated, three rooms and bath Centrally | located in Whitby. $85 monthly. Private | ed apartment, Refrigerator, stove. Adults Tele- Stove included. 5 monthly. Telephone 728-9589 Particulars telephone 728-5040, i. | refrigerator, after 5 p.m. $98, WA WARM ¢ 'and cozy, one-bedroom apa ment in modern building. Kitchen equipped with refrigerator and stove. ropm apartment with private bath, en- (Foun: "ROOM apartment, second floor, in private home. Children welcome, Ap- me 45 Simcoe Street North after 5 p.m. sh ADH SA dara Stee ar fale. body In excellent condition. Radio. Im- for appointment Fane ROOM apartment, ground floor, Phone 723-7592. hardtop. Lie. 549545. 2-way macuiate interior, Must sell Immediate- $175 ae a ee eh ed | a ee) jock Sen ie Hiei see nished lig! sekeaping room. Tele- miles. ny extras. stea * A or see Henry at |Fwo™ ROOM apartment. Private bath, Phone 668-6365 between 4 and & p.m. at $2 995. borane Et aghf BD Login lg jac pot game 340 Marland Ave. private parking. Across from Wilson CENTRAL, clean, furnished, Hight house-| rad poatraction," Al. condition, . @2s- ALSO Apt. 111 | Telephone 728-s440, y keeping room Suit one working lady 1966 CHRYSLER, New York- | 7409 $500 FURNISHED bachelor bi " + maa a TES SONNE | er. 4 door hardtop. Lie. | 1962, CHEVROLET Impala, two - door IN. 50 NOS. OR LESS | le . ment, large room "with kitchennette, FURNISHED room, sult gentl --Say| 54074, automatic, full pow- | hardtop. Radio, rear speaker. Winterized. é SHELDIAN |warm, dry, private entrance, two cloth-|worker. $12, weekly. Telcenone "ria-sers| er including locks, tinted |Must sell. Telephone 728-4873 or 728-2722.| $20 per line plus $75 first MANSIONS $s closets. Immediate possession. 723-/or apply 576 Harmony Road South. gloss, radio, w.w., 3,000 | 1964 AC custom sport, radio, Pow. full cord. ' bon seraeieererisiceisi * 4 a0 ¢ ' r ing, V-8 automatic. Telephone 725- THREW ROOM SON IRC bc WHITBY -- Sleeping room for gentle} miles. Retail $6,800 -- our 1883, | |bath. Suit busines No. chatted man in quiet home. Walking distance to rice $4,395 --; | 20 R 1 $20 1, 2 and 3 bedrdom suites. ane 0 ren. 'downtown. Telephone 668-6039 anytime. Pi , $950 OR BEST OFFER. '63 Ford, two-| egulor gomes poy LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, furnish- ed, comfortable. Refrigerator, towels supplied, «close to hospital and north and west plants. Gentleman pre- ferred. 119 Agnes St. SINGLE and double housekeeping room: sink in room, large closets, busine: ay only, very central. Telephone 725- 559 ROOMS, one to share, one single. Cen- tral, near North and West General Motors | and downtown, on bus line. 128 William Street East APARTMENT with a view. See this top CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Comfortable, |floor, two-bedroom apartment by ap- {poi Call Jeannette Nugent, 723- 4651, Don Stradeski Realtor. | ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, pw home. Private bath, 'ator. Heat, hydro stove, refrig included, | Four. ROOM apartment, utilities paid, $85. monthly. Private entrance. for young couple. King Street East. 728- | 0265. SUBLET -- two-bedroom apartment, |near South GM, ail utilities except tele- |phone included. Available February 15. | Telephone 723-0218. FIVE-ROOM apartment, downtown, tric heating, stove and refrigerator |mediate possession. Telephone 138.3546. | MODERN. two-room apartment complete- lly furnished, kitchen appliances, _ etc. | Ideal for two young ladies. Available im- |mediately. Telephone 725-2549 or 723-1427 two elec-| in LIGHT housekeeping room for lady, com: Use of fridge, sink. Cl t --| Washer and dryer, $85. monthly. 723-7096, Te Bhs nik ioe Pec toeetial She mueks. quiet, single room. Gentleman abstainer above address. Private entrance. Preferred. Apply pletely furnished, newly decorated, Telephone 728- 1914. NICE, clean, | "re. | | 28--Room and Board | SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. apartments, | f | nymediately. Telephone 723-6134 or 723 cane ~"TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex- jcellent location, wall to wall broadioom, stove, Ba, laundry facilities. jPhone 728-5282. ONE, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apari- |ments. in modern building, centrally lo cated, intercom. No children under, 12.~ Telephone 725-8876. THREE BEDROOM upstairs" "apartment modern heated, in new duplex. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, available Jan vary 31, apply 574 Cartier Avenue. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- vate bath only $85 monthly. For more ONE BEDROOM » 'apartment, stove and balcony. Heat and hydro included in rent. Telephone 725-6155 days or 725-4389 evenings. MODERN one bedroom | apartment, stove, refrigerator and drapes, newly decorated no damage deposit, sound proof. Ava: ma immediately. 170 Park Road S. 723- FURNISHED two room apartment, |Sround floor suitable for working couple or two men or: girls, Private entrance, and bath, parking. Telephone 725-1 8352. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- sonable. Apply 498 Simcoe Street North,| vate entrance, _Apply 284 Chadburn. |THREE-ROOM apartment with refri jger- | Telephone 723-6006, THREE-' ROOM apartment, good location. nd retrigerator, TV 0 Ritson Rd. South d Apply 214 Arth -| Two ROOM, completely furnished apart jment, on third floor. Close to hespital, north General Motors,. and downtown. AH eonveniences paid, 728.7283, hee things you don't need ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, | Large, clean rooms and home cooked | meals. Centrally located. Apply 147 Brock Street East, 725-2938 Please ROOM AND BOARD or rooms, single or to share, single beds. Downtown area. Central parking space. Apply 48 euiald| Street." 728-9643, "CLEAN HOME for gentlemen, home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Gar, by K-Mart. ROOM AND BOARD, gentieman only, south district, lunches packed. Telephone 723-6631 ROOM AND BOARD home privileges, lunches packed. Central location to all south end plants. Telephone 723-4056 for more information. ROOM AND BOARD or room for two girls. "Apply 38 Brock St. East or tele- Phone 728-6075 after 5:30. LARGE warm room, good meals, lunches packed, parking, close to bus stop, gentie- men. Telephone 728-4845 or apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. , Parking, 29--Wanted to Rent | THREE-ROOM furnished apartment in| Whitby. Telephone 668-5012 and ask for | Mr. Bill Williams. | TWO BEDROOM apartment with stove! and refrigerator. Private entrance and ny fiewly| ator and stove. $75 per month. Near town, Path. About $105 monthly. Telephon tween 9 and 3 p.m, MOTHER with four children, three school-age, needs small flat or apart ment in or near Whitby, Ajax or Osh- awa. Will baby sit, etc., in part exchange. 94-1570, 9 a'm, = 11 a.m. SIMPLE THINGS TALK: 723 8840, Classified Ads/| for spol cash. Dial 723-3492 fer an Ad-writer now, "nen: V-8, H85578, 4 on the floor, ~ room. _ Gentleman | Suitable preferred. Apply 118 Division Street, Osh- awa. door, standard, V-8, radio, whitewalls, | A-1 condition, A real bargain. Telephone | | 668-4839. | 1965 MUSTANG convertible, double in 17 Noss er tess, 4 Five $30 Games console, buckets, tinted glass, | $1, 595, FULL PRICE 'for '64 Meteor V. radio and other extras. Sharp. | $2,495. |Nicols Motors, Ltd. Dundas and Thiek-| Ison" 660-3331, Eorly Bird Game 7:45 P.M. But never will the one | love From memory pass away. remembered by SIMPSON -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father Wilbert Simpson IN MEMORIAM who passed away January 12, 1959 What we would give if we could say Hello Dad, in the same old way, To hear your voice, see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile, So you who have a father, Cherish him with care, For. you'll never know the heartache, Till. you. see. his vacant . chair. --Ever remembered by his wite Myrtle. SIMPSON -- In foving memory of @ family. Simpson who lear grandfather, Wilbert assed away January 12, 1959. hs were God's greatest gift to Grand- carey missed by Billy, Bobby, Chris, | Ann, Donny, Joe, Stevie, Jo Anne, Cindy, Mike, Bev and Ronnie. 38--Coming Events HOLY CROSS BINGO FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Farewell ~FREE- ADMISSION --FREE- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL--$210. in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line. Regulor Jackpot--$200 In 57 Nos. $20. Con. Shore The Wealth Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children Please: husband Lutheran Church. held at 2 p.m., Jan. 11, in Grace! Paul Davis and athletic director Wade Walker after a season in which the football team won only two games. REPORT TWINS' SIGNING WEST -- In loving memory ot Altres, VANCOUVER | (CP) -- Burl West, who passed away January 12, 1964, and Earl Wood, 22-year-old twin We little knew when we woke that linebackers from West Texas morn, State University, have heen The sorrow the day would bring; For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so di ~Sadly missed by wife Ber' signed by British Columbia Lions of the Western Football Conference, the Vancouver Sun says. Coach Dave Skrien of the Lions declined comment on the report. RETIRE JERSEY NO® 32 CLEVELAND (AP) -- Jersey Lafiltt |No. 32, worn by Jim Brown, ea itn vou ured' by Mother and| Cleveland Browns fullback, for Dad, Olga, Pete, Julius, Shirley, Ricky, nine seasons is being retired and ZILINSKY -- In memory of @ beloved son and brother, Raymond A. Zillnsky, who passed away January 12, 1963, Four long lonely y What we would giv @ could say Hello Ray, in the same old way. To hear your voice, see you smile, bsspleces permanently. Browns' ownet ZILINSKY -- In loving memory ef Ray- Art Modell will present the mond Alexander Zilinsky, who passed jersey to Brown at the Jim away January 12, 1963. And while he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always Lg Always remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Loika and Lillian, LOCKE'SFLORIST Funeral errangements end floral arrangements for. ell occasions. SCHMIDT COACHES LIONS DETROIT (AP) -- Joe OSHAWA SHOPPING Schmidt, who led Detroit Lions to the National Football League championship in his playing days, signed Wednesday as ----~|head coach of a dissension-rid- |dled Lions team that won lonly four games this season. Schmidt captured the Lions for nine seasons and was a stand- out linebacker for 13 years, in- cluding 1957 when Detroit won the NFL crown. Schmidt, 34, replaces Harry Gilmer. Brown Farewell Day activities Jan. 29. The event is sponsored by the Negro Industrial and Economie Union of which Brown is the national chair- man, 24 Hour Phone Service 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Pork Office. 723-2633 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS - radio. A | 7008 2 bain F _| |$275, FULL PRICE for '61 Vauxhall | Envoy. License 29080. Easy to finance Jat Nicols Motors Ltd. Whitby, Dundas jand Thickson 668-3331. | {1961 CHRYSLER, all powered, good con. | |dition, best offer. Telephone 623- 25. | |$795 FULL PRICE for '61 Pontiac con- BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. And Returning after Bingo good car. $350. 1958 FORD 2 door. Lie. J5591. Radio. Cheap trons- portation.- $100. | power, automatic, 1956 CHEVROLET half-ton | vertibie, V-8 automatic Lic, 319255. Easy pick-up with box. Lie. to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd. Dun- Children under 16 not admitted. 51029C, Good condition. [948 and Whitby, 668-3331, ERAN Sane $295. - |1963 CHEV. SEDAN. Excelient car. Auto- See eae re matic, radio, white walls, chrome discs. Pay our ieina Bebducts [Tce No. K2329. Evenings 6-10. 942- SUNNYSIDE and Service 11965 PONTIAC two-door hardtop. Fully lequipped with snow tires. Company sup- B | N G @) . plied car, Reasonable offer accepted. 1180 Simcoe St. North | Telephone 725-1808, 728-0031 | 1964 CHEVY II station wagon. Automatic, TO-NIGHT $2,300. 00 IN PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. whitewall tires, green color. A beautiful, | - |low mileage car, Private. 668-4728. CONVERTIBLE TOPS " Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to_oll makes of cars. Antique upholstery and re- storation, BILL"S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St; S., Whatby 13 1--Compact Cars for Sale % VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BEN General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 1962 FORD Fairlane 500, 4 |és DODGE sedan, six cylinder auto- PLEASE NOTE: x om [matic, radio, whitewalls, oversi: tires, | ee a a fow 'mileage, excellent eonaition; One ADMISSION $1.00 OUR NEW cor, $995 3 FULL PRICE Wo cay al ° De 1901 PONTIAC, 6 cyhnder, | setae, see ee" ean fe $100. LOCATION | 2 door, Lic, H81839 auto. |thicxwn, asmir | «IN DOOR PRIZES | matic, radio. $395. 1965 IMPALA convertible, Va automatic, | | power steering, if 5 -FM P | 1961, AUSTIN 850. ic |radio, » whitewails. One owner. reer Thurs Jan 12th KINSMEN . A gas saver, $250. | s5--o) a ee oy JOIT. . BRING THIS 1960 ENVOY stationwagon. |All tires, Asking $00, Telephone, 725402 at i e Special Half Price Pass Lic. X9688. Economical fom- 1967 RAMBLER. sedans, hardtops, and To the | liy'cor $250. 'entevaty Blte ist FRIDAY, | son, 3331 | 1959 MERCURY, 4 door |%%4 FORD XL convertible, floor it, ' Jubilee Pavilion JAN., 13 1967 : | , hardtop. Lic. H71202. 2 way | bucket seats. Best offer. Telephon if KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,800. in Prizes. including Brand New 1967 AMBASSA- DOR Sedan or $2,000 in Cash $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1,500 Big pages (57 nos.) $1,400 Small Snowball (54 nos.) $600 regular games $450 Special games. ATG Don't forget to buy the econ- Days 668-8101 Eve. 655-4575 Sa -- age 56 and 58 Sry ORR TE Ua lige arid eave itson ou money. RAMBLER | Oshawe 728-0921 at Te Plus 4 Early Bird Games SALES -- SERVICE |1960 VAUXHALL. Good condition. For (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 see iar Cc |pemn information call 668-2452 after 5 N MANY. FREE and VALUABLE ey and used cars. : Ue tena to 7-7:30 P.M BER Easy to finance ot ZOLTAN and NICK'S es ee KINSMEN NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Your Authorized Datsun EXTRA BUSES WHITBY -- 668-3331 | and Fiat Deoler | DANCE 1964 VAUXHALL SEDAN. Clean inside) Specializing in Volkswagen = | -- = : and out. Excellent condition. Must be} Repair and Service | Auto Workers Credit Union ae 'this weekend, Licence No. 134456. 160 Simcoe South | GET CASH FAST... | Hall P all_evenings 6 to 10, 942-5693 | | 14.9 PM i LL" WITH TIMES Sat. Jan. 14, sav, FULL PRICE for '62 Ford Fair 728-0051 SELL H IMES sponsored by Lake Vista Park lane in lovely condition. Lic, 510309. Easy |1962 ACADIAN Stationwagon, automatic, to finance at Nicols Motors Ltd, Whitby, |six cylinder, radio, whitewalls, 36,000 ndes and Thickson, 664-3331, miles, Very good condition, 6695, 725-1670, ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS Assoc $3 per couple 728-3996 By ANNE ADAMS | This is the swiftly seamed shape you love because it {gives your figure a slim, young | |look. Topped by a face- framing | |band neckline. Sizes 1244, 14%, 1614, 1814, 2014, 2214. Size 1614 requires 3 3/8) yards 35-inch fabric. Fifty cents (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pat- tern. Ontario residents add 3c sales tax. Print plainly Size, |Name, Address, Style Number. | Send order to Anne Adams, jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., |Toronto 1, Ont. Spring's Fashions are a Joy For All Sizes! See 115 styles, 2 free hat patterns, fabrics, cessaries, in new Spring- -Sum-| jmer Pattern Catalog. Gift Cou- |pon for free pattern in Catalog. By ALICE BROOKS It's easy, thrifty to crochet ac-| Send slippers, bed socks -- make them for yourself, gifts. Pretty polka - dot slippers -- bed socks in single crochet, rib stisch dots. Crochet sliper soles of rug cotton. Pattern 7275: {sizes S, M, L incl. Printed Pattern 4562: Halt| Thirty - five cents (coins) for jeach pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly Pat- tern Number, Name, Address. 210 Most Beautiful Needlecraft Designs in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions afghans, quilts, embroide toys, gifts. 2 Free Patterns, Send 25c today. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts -- complete patterns 'in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilting motifs. Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 ~-- 16 complete patterns. 60c. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bra Bur For | Comy wore ONL Regul 19.9!

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