Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 34

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-_- 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, January 11, 1967 26--Apartments For Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |/, SUBLET. One bedroom apartment. $12: monthiy, heat and hydr included. Clos to South General Motors. Telephone 723- 9919. FIVE-ROOM apartment, downtown, elec- tric heating, stove and refrigerator. im- mediate possession. Telephone 728-3546. MODERN two-room apartment complete- ly furnished, kitchen appliances, etc. Ideal for two young ladies. Available im- mediately. Telephone 725-2549 or 7: 7. REGENT ARMS _ |tWo-sepRoom apartments, possession immediately. Telephone 723-6134 or 723- Immediate Occupancy jec.ont en Sn a Ose One and two bedroom oport- |LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ex- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- cellent location, wall to wall broadioom, i stove, frig, laundry facilities. Please ping Centre. Adults only. Phone 728-5282. ROYALE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. ONE-, TWO- and THREE-bedroom apart- 723-6455, 723-6944 mehts_ in modern building, centrally lo: Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. | cated, intercom. No children under 12. ssc eaREP IESG --------- | Telephone 725-8876. NEW BUILDING One, two or three bedrooms now available. Mala Glen epartments, 835 Oxford St. SUBLET. Two-bedroom apartment, wail- to-wall broadioom, stove, _ refrigerator, laundry facilities, drapes. Electric heat included in rent. Telephone 728-2387 after 5 p.m " |THREE BEDROOM upstairs apartments, Close to South General Mot modern heated, in new duplex. Close fo ors. Now open for inspection. [Oshawa Shopping Centre, available Jan- Telephone 725-0657, 728- juary 31, apply 574 Cartier Avenue. 2226 or 728-6883. | THREE-ROOM apariment for rent, stove and dryer, $85. 360. Windsor Ave Phone 728-5367. Wilson Plaza South. @ FOR RENT @ THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri vate bath only $85 monthly. For more Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room |i vlars 'telephone. 728-5040. and Board. Office Hours: ' a nd T F 10:30 to THREE RO! and bath heated base- ues. to tee a.m, ment apartment, stove and refrigerator, 7 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. private entrance and parking. Telephone i | 728-9197 LANCAORD'S ASSOCIATION ONE BEDROOM apariment, stove and 55 Br. ee St. 728-1070 |retrigerator, balcony. Heat and hydro ennai ---- ---- ---|included in rent. Telephone 725-6155 days ONE-BEDROOM Cege by apartment. | or 725-4389 evenings Near lake. Tel 728-1169. ~ ~ -------- ear lake. Telephone 726-1167. ______|s4QDERN one bedroom apartment, stove, FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove and frig,/refrigerator and drapes, newly decorated private bathroom, centrally located./no damage deposit, sound proof, Avail- Available ny Apply 131 Celina Street. | able immediately. 170 Park Road S. 723- THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, 8644. aenenee beat Sk ales very cozy and central, heated, private; FURNISHED two room apartment, entrance. Phone 725-2539. ==» ground floor suitable for working coup! ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments in (or two men or girls. Private entrance, | new apartment building. Electric heat. and bath, parking. Telephone 725-8352. Large balcony, stove with built-in oven, THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri- rerueererer and many extras. 95 Taun-| vate entrance. Apply 284 Chadburn. lon THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, pri-| stor and stove. $75 per month. Near town.| vate entrance. Apply 284 Chadburn Telephone 773-4004," OFF HILLCROFT -- Duplex 15' x 20'/THREE-ROOM apartment, good location. and refrigerator. " and Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV |bath. About $105 monthly. 7: Refrigerator and stove, rugs,| antenna. Located at 240 Ritson Rd. South. tween 9 and 3 p.m. 723-8640. MOTHER with four children, three |'58 Pontiac, six living room, bedroom, kitchen dinette, drapes. Parking. Adults only. 725-3026. Apply 214 Arthur Street. THREE-ROOM apartment, good location. TWO ROOM, completely furnished apart-|school-age, needs small flat or apart- Close to hespital, |ment in or near Whitby, Ajax or Osh- and downtown. | awa. Will baby sit, etc., in part exchange. 294 " Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV ment, on third floor. antenna. Located at 240 Ritson Rd. South. jnorth General Motors, Apply 214 Arthur Street. All conveniences paid. 728-7283. -|by K-Mart. ast. 725-9328 or 728-0123. |FHREE-ROOM apartment with refrigers|Whitby. Telephone 668-5012 and ask for |standard transmission, |27--Rooms For Rent |30--Automobiles for Sale 137--Auetions cham ata CHEVY II |FURNISHED ROOM for rent, suit one two gentlemen, kitchen privileges, |from $7.50 up. Apply anytime. 428 Park | Road North | HURCH STREET, 174 -- Comfortable,, 1965, four door, automatic. quiet, single room. Private entrance. | Gentleman 'abstainer preferred. Apply Original mileage 2,500. Ex- ebove address, cellent condition. | (etait AGA IEE ae | LIGHT housekeeping room for lady, - | | pletely furnished, newly decorated, | fridge, sink, Close to hospital and buses. | Telephone 728-1914. | scp ciahtcesia COMFORTABLE, furrished private room! , for gentieman in adult home. Cadillac Bei plea condition, Avenue. Telephone 725-1777. / offer, Telephone 655-4050, | -- === 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, four new tires, | NICE, clean, large room. Gentleman 4 : sited power . aerial, reverb, four-speed record preferred, Apply 118 Division Street, Osh- plyer. A+] copdition. $1,850. Telephone | 668-2069. Telephone 668-8705 463 PONTIAC Parisienne. Custom Sport. | Power brakes and steering, '67 licence! $1,650 or id | awa. =<: icant fa ot : iid lecamtasied 8. '62 ENVOY, reconditioned motor, new \2 Room and Board | battery, Price reasonable. winter tires. | SINGLE ROOMS roof, tinted windshield, power equipped, excellent | Tiphone 728-5839 after 6 p.m. or all day Saturday. PRIVATE -- 1965 Buick LeSabre, ex- RD cellent condition, two-door hardtop, yor | and BOA radio. New oversize whitewalls. Best dot offer, 723-9937, 6-8 p.m. | PPly: "s SObGe ier ak oiliter avle:| Seg Bee | white wails, oversize 25 Division St. condition. matic, radio, tires, low mileage, One owner 668-8297. ROOM AND BOARD for young lady or '66 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard-| gentleman in private home. Lunches top, 396 hydromatic, power brakes and packed. Telephone 728-5242. steering, radio,« Telephone 728-9975. CLEAN HOME for gentlemen, parking, GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late home-cooked medis, TV. 43 Garrard Rd., models our specialty Courtice Auto Wreckers. 723-5238. | 9M AND BOARD, gentleman only, SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used | ROOM south district, lunches packed. Telephone cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted. | | 723-6631. Terms arranged. R, B. Motor Sales, 509 | [LARGE PRIVATE bedroom, with board, 5100" E- |for business girl, in apartment with lady. (LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. | Privileges. Simcoe St. North. Telephone Choose from over 60 cars. No down pay- after 6 p.m, 725-1859. ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. ROOM AND BOARD home privileges, '64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard- lunches packed. Central location to all power steering, automatic, V-8, S south end plants, Telephone 723-4056 for 514) Uniroyal master tires, radio, more information. rear speaker, A-1 shape, $1,795. Tele- ROOM AND BOARD or room for two Prone 723-8846 ae caput girls. Apply 38 Brock St. East or fele- 1966 CHEVROLET, Bei Air, V-8, auto-| phone 728-6075 after 5:30. matic, power steering, radis, whitewalls, LARGE warm room, g7od meals, lunches BrA00. BR. SRRTA, TA0- NAA | packed, parking, close to bus stop, gentle- MORRIS OXFORD 1,500, A-1 condition men. Telephone 728-4845 or apply 708 outside and inside. For information tele- Carnegie Avenue. phone 942-2438. Ask for Poul. | RTT CET STIRS ------ |1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder standard, 29--Wanted to Rent $595 or best offer. Phone 728-9964. THREE:ROOM furnished apartment in 195) CHEVROLET sedan, six. cylinder| good mechanical | Mr. Bill Williams. condition. $250 or best cash offer. Tele-| = ae -- ----~ phone 725-7913 aft TWO BEDROOM apartment. with stove "one 725-7913 after 5 Pim. _ Private entrance and '5? CHEVROLET, six. Radio. Good con-| elephone be- dition, $200. Telephone 655-3792. ¥ '55 CHEVROLET, A-] mechanical, $100; automatic, $275. Tele- phone 723-8348 after 6 p.m. 1964 PONTIAC, Parisienne, 2-door hard- |top, V-8, A-] condition. $1,600, Telephone 70, 9 a.m. = IT a 1723-0048 FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, pri-| THREE ROOM apartment, ground floor, 30--Automobiles For Sale |" CHEVROLET Sinner aoe vate entrance, suitable for family oF) Telephone nurses. Telephone 725-3772 days, 728-0283 Street ide TWO ROOMS, unfurnished, heat and hy-| cli scone > | » unfurnished, . WHITBY -- fully furnished, three-room dro supplied Apply 102 Agnes St. 576- 723-5618 or apply 503 Albert apartment, private bath and entrance. | 9737 Parking. All conveniences. Telephone - morn : phone PARTLY FURNISHED, _ three-room | basement apartment, shared . bath, on| ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $85. monthly,| Dundas Street East, Whitby. Telephone! ood location, one child welcome. Apply | 648.4226. m isis Lansdowne Plaza, Apt. 8, 728-3671 or 728: | ---- tense einen "eg Ausact eal . |TWO or three furnished rooms. Suitable for couple or single girl. Téigphone 728- 6387, oa SUBLET. One bedroom apartment. $122 i kA hth seeaeniaaiaie monthly, heat and hydro included. Close FOR RENT Two - bedroom apart-|to South General Motors. Telephone 723- ment on/ground floor, Available now. | 9919. Quiet adults only. Rent $110. Telephone 668-87 R - ROOM apartment. Private en trance, main floor, private bathroom. Telephone 725-1608. - | 37--Rooms For Rent fA RENT, Apel) st, Abstainers. Adults ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82PARKRD.N. | APARTMENT King Street only. AJAX -- Large one- and two-bedroom apartments, in apartment building, close to schools and shopping. Telephone Ajax | 942-0130. | THREE and two bedroom apartments heated, Immediate possession, 15 minute) drive from Oshawa, children welcome. Spacious playground. Telephone 623-2488 THREE ed rt is 728-8671 heated, 15 minute EEPING room with water, stove drive from Oshawa. Children welcome. |and refrigerator, broadioom. Unfurnished. Spacious playground. Telephone 623-2488. ee Simcoe Street South. Telephone i 725- ONE BEDROOM fiat, Ritson-King area,| een RENN $75. monthly, including heat, hydro, re- FURNISHED BEDROOM suitable for frigerator, and stove. Telephone 725-9385 | middle-aged business woman, or gentle- between 5 and 7 p.m. man, Board optional. Telephone 668-8432 ONE and two bedroom unfurnished apart- | ------___--. ein destimaiplnetnniaahdeoanioe ment, close to hospital, stove and refrig- |SINGLE ROOMS $12, to share $10, semi- erator. Telephone 723-6452. \private $10. Whitby 668-5201. THREE ROOM, downstairs apartment.|FURNISHED room, suit two gentlemen, Private bath and entrance. Close to bus |close to North GM and downtown, and shopping. Telephone 723-0406. Brock street east or call 728-6319 from a.m. t k i: ings. After 4, Tae te et one Dt Ing, refrigerator, stove, TV outlet, free) -- washing and park. February ROOMS, ind dou! 1. 'one child Spelcome. $110. monthly. {for gentlemen, tlephone 723-6542 or 563 728-6803. after 5 p.m. Ritson Rad South. | ONE and two bedroom apartments In| SINGLE housekeeping rooms. Sult lady six-plex building, including - refrigerator, | OF gentieman, furnished or unfurnished. stove, drapes and broadiqom In living From $8. weekly. Apply 418 King St. W. balcony. Available now. 728-2256, |723-2512 or 668-6765. Ss room apartment, two balconies, | 4! KEEPING room for clean gentle ntrance, nice location, newly|man with steady employment, good dis- Tele-| trict, near hospital, bus stop, nicely fur- bed a ted . Available Febri 1 jecorated. Avi le a 5 » " wii nished, refrigerator, hot plate, $10. week- ne 725-5377. | Pho! ly. 723-0258. TWO ROOM furnished apartment, suit-|" ea . Heat, | room with large hydre Included. Telephone 723-4817 or|front window, storage space, complete!' apply 343 Ritson Road North. private. Wilson and Crerar area. T FHREE ROOM basement unfurnished phone Teesee See AP apartment, heat and hydro included, HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for near General Motors South plant. im-|gentieman. Close to Shopping Centre, Ap- mediate possession. Telephone 725-4285. ply 102 Westmount Street. i TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apartment; FURNISHED ROOM, centrally located. building. Refrigerator, stove, drapes and | Tlephone 668-2466. ae ase paved parking. Telephone 725-9161. |LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. T $55 MONTHLY, two-bedroom, _self-con-| Phone 723-1832. tained apartment, stove, frig, private en-/ROOM -- on gentleman or lady or two trance, in Port Perry. Available now. friends to share large room with twin Call Brooklin 6554659 before eight. __| beds, kitchen, bath, all furnished, close to FURNISHED. three - room apartment, |downtwn. 728-5026. large, clean, private. Use of washer and| LARGE double room for two, newly| dryer. Heat and hydro paid. Telephone decorated. Also single bedsitting room, | 7B-1719. i nicely furnished. Close to North and West WHITBY. Twobedroom epartment, In |General Motors, downtown. 128 William six-plex. Very modern with all: conveni-| Street East. a as ences. Close to Shopping Centre. Adults ELGIN STREET East -- large hed preferred. 668-5264, room with refrigerator. Parking. $12. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply 68 Weekly. Art Cox OAA 725-1497. Wayne Street, Apartment 9 anytime. FURNISHED ROOM, centrally located. Also one for $80 per month. Telephone 668-2466 UPPER DUPLEX, heated, unfurnished, FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double, living room, kitchen, bedroom, private |for gentlemen, telephone 723-6542 or 563 bathroom, small room for den. Four large) Ritson Road South Hospital area. Possession Feb. | LIGHT housekeeping room for rent. Tele phone 723-1822. ROOM -- one gentleman or lady or two! friends to share large room with in | beds, kitchen, bath, all furnished, close tot closets. 723-7500. 334 ASH $T., Whitby -- Three bedroom apartment with fridge, stove in duplex. ioe kitchen, living room. Electrically ated. Heat hydro supplied. Telephone downtown. 728-5026 668-3597. 28 ECE eS TWO BEDROOM, $129-119 monthly. Bach- FURNISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi, elor apartment, $80, monthly. Hest, hyd. | leges. Middle-aged woman only. In @ good | Telephone 725-5191. | ro, refrigerator, stove, broadloom. 723- home. Central. 'Tele HiLd At loka ONE 5325 after 4 p.m Central, furnished room and kitchen ae ' -------- i iger stove. ly déco- PRIVATE ENTRANCE .-- A one-bed. With refrigerator and stove, New! | room apartment is available in one of rated, Clean house, $11. weekly. Suit) Oshawa's fine older homes. Stove, re-|!2dy- $146 Division Street. frigerator, TV antenna and hydro are LARGE, bright room in clean quiet pri- included at only $77, monthly in this vate home. TV in room and telephone. | newly decorated suite. Call 725-5666. Free parking within walking distance to QUIET COUPLE or single person for North GM and downtown. 40 Bucking-| basement apartment, stove, frig; private 8m Ave., 723-6211. % | bath, parking, kitchen, bed-sitting room. COMPLETELY furnished, housekeeping Available January 15. 723-8839 befcre 9 room, with sink, refrigerator, range. Suit- p.m, $85. month. able for one gentieman. Apply 237 Athol THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, St East. 725-0803 : fe suitable for working couple, heat and FURNISHED bachelor apartment, $15.| hydro included, parking, private en-| weekly, gentlemen only, Simcoe N. near| eed Available January 15. 747 Hoskin hospital. Telephone 723-7460. | venue ie er oe | =_' LARGE bed-sitting and housekeeping NEAR CREDIT UNION building, Two room. Close to hospital and downtown. | bedroom apartment, couple only, $110 Girl preferred. 723-7100 monthly. 33 Vista, 3 SE ERI Hs A Be Buena Vista, Apt. T, be FHREE-ROOM apartment in apartment si ele 2 building. All conveniences, adults, $85 THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, $75. monthly. Available February 1. Telephone! pea 88 Oshawa Blvd. S. Telephone 725-6215 76-1694. SS eT es SET puns isa ts ios FURNISHED housekeeping room, near) THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, northwest gate of Genera! Motors. Apply newly decorated, parking, private en- 160 Agnes Street | rance, water, at and hydro supplied, - ate ne cre abstainers and adults. Available now, ROOM and kitchen, furnished, for two| Telephone 728-2798. gentiemen. Apply 410 King St. E | | SIMCOE NORTH, one block from four TWO large furnished rooms. Private en- corners, three-room apartment, frig and 'Trance, newly. decorated. Suitable. for Stove, private entrance, self-contained. M@rried Couple or two ladies. 214 Cadil-| Telephone 725-1932 until 6 p.m lac Avenue South. 723-3541 | CENTRAL WHITBY. Room with house. ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, 171 Brock | keeping privileges. Suit young gentleman, Street North. Rooms nightly or by the) Or room and board. Parking, TV. Tele Week, S12. Hot and cold water in each) Phone 668-4928. room 668-5012 2 8 | NEW APARTMENT, four rooms, stove NICELY furnished room with breakfast, | and refrigerator, close to North GM and | unches packed if desired, for young lady. hospital. One child welcome, apply 64 Close: to bus. Telephone' 722481. Brock Street East or telephone 728-6319| CENTRAL, clean, furnished, light | a from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., evenings after |keeping room. Sut, one st ad hin | 4. 723-2050. ___| Five minutes from downtown. Telephone| BOWMANVILLE -- $wo-bedroom heated | 723-7257. GB aie | apartment, one or two children welcome,/ FURNISHED room, suit gentleman. | $90. monthly. Immediate possession'. Call worker. $12 elllebl de liao g weekly. Telephone 723-9695 Newtonville, 786-2461. or apply 576 Harmony Road South x FURNISHED BACHELOR basement WHITBY -- Siceping room for gentle apartment, warm, dry,. large fiving- man in quiet home. 'Walking distance to room with kitchenette, bedrcom, private | downtown. Telephone 668-6039 anytime. bathroom. Stevenson - Rossland area! eur HouseK Na ae peerage | bus service. Possession Feb. 1. 723-7500. | USEKEEPING room, furnish-| led, comfortable. -- Refri sie - ed, + igerator, linen, | -- TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, liv-|towels supplied, close to hospital and) bedroom, share|north and west plants. Gentleman pre- ing room, kitchenette, bath. Telephone 723-6483. TWO BEDROOM apartment in new bulid- ing. Bus service at door. Electric heat, stove, refrigerator supplied. Immediate possession. Telephone 728-5282. | GENTLEMAN with fully furnished, two) ROOMS, one to share, one single. Cen- | bedroom apartment, willing to share tral, near North and West General Motors same with i and downtown, on bus line, 128 William background. ferred. 119 Agnes St. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms, | sink in room, large closets, business ey. only, very central. Telephone 725-| . | Anglo - Saxon with same |. Write Box 54018, Oshawa. | Street East, ort, , |automatic, all extras, $1,300 or best of- fer. Telephone 728-9960. 5 CHEVROLET Super Sport hardtop, | 327-300 four speed, positraction, new tir- es. Excellent condition. $2,400. 668-6783. | '66 PONTIAC Laurentian, V- power | steering, 2-door, windshield washers, ra-| dio, tinted. windshield, white walls, seat) belts, undercoated, Telephone 723-0086 after four. i 1958 CHEVROLET, six cylinder, auto- |matic, beige, $350. Telephone 839-3512, Bay Ridges. 1959 VAUXHALL Velox, radio, good tires, good mechanically. Telephone 728-7902. 1955 FORD, good condition, best offer. TAKE YOUR PICK | '64 Chev. deluxe V-8 sedan, J77130. crore $1,550. '64 FORD, 4 door sedan. Lice number J21401, j Telephone 725-3710. after A PEM eran : : ed FONTIBE Lele rig ee forced H sale of three month old car, , power: 63 Pontiac deluxe 2 | Pdior'wnite walls, discs, Terms. 7259884 | door coach, Lic. 311824. | evenings ae 1957 OL E, 2-door | One owner, in running order. Needs| jbody work. $100 cash, Telephone 728- | 3328. '63 Rambler deluxe 4 door sedan, Lic. H76234. YOUR $] 09 5 = CHEVROLET, Super Sport, 300 HP, speed, radio, oversized tires, top condi- CHOICE ' * Ition. Telephone 728-9562. 1966 BEAUMONT Sport Deluxe, auto- matic, V-8, radio, bucket seats, vinyl top. Private. Telephone 725-7561. | '57 DODGE Royal sedan, body poor,| 61 Pontiac 4 door sedan. Lic. 877591 '62 Ford 4 door sedan, Lic. 103190. '62 Rambler 4 door se- dan, Lic. 448264. '58 CHEVROLET hardtop, 283 automatic, | four barrel carburetor. Good body, $300. or best offer. 668-5321 after 5 p.m. | 1960 RAMBLER four-door sedan, auto-| YOUR matic 'six-cylinder, new tires, motor and CHOICE $750 body in excellent condition. Radio. Im- | * maculate: interior, Must sell immediate. | ly. 723-7051. '61 Pontiac 2 door hard- is CORVAIR Monza Coupe, new 102 ti; jorsepower motor, standard transmis- top, Lic. 320083. sion, new paint, oversize whitewall tires, | ° : og radio, positraction, A-1 condition. 623- 61 Pontiac Parisienne | 74. cae 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, two - door hardtop. Radio, rear speaker. Winterized. Must sell. Telephone 728-6573 or 728-2722, convertible 333470. '61 Bui i 4 i . eT ater Ge 31--Compact Cars for Sale 108727. | YOUR % VOLVO and PEUGOT CHOICE $895. | x MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and '61 Pontiac deluxe 2 Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South _Oihawe co P2E 0921 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, good mechanically, 40,000 original miles. Telephone 728-0777) after seven. | 19% VAUXHALL. Good condition. For | more Information call 668-2452 after 5) p.m, j ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun door coach, Lic. 328795. '61 Rambler 4 door se- dan, Lic. 291882. YOUR $650 CHOICE '60 Chrysler 4 door se- dan, Lic. 350376. '60 Meteor V-8 coach, Lic. H28535. ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen '59 Meteor Montcalm 4 Repair and Service door hardtop, Lic, 160 Simcoe South 103273. 728-0051 YOUR 1960 VOLK P "to , $50 CHOICE $595, [artntane rewtone Saae' | | 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, recently re- OT Cay, gestion waa trim, Body' perfect. Reasonable. 7258640 ig. X7805. 32--tTrucks for Sale '58 Pontiac coach, Lic. AER MRI ee 216456. 1956 FORD '59 Plymouth sedan, Lic. Y_ ton pick-up, V-8 stick, excellent condition, asking 77479. $550, reasonable offer con- YOUR $] 50 sidered. Telephone 668-8962 CHOICE . or 655-4801 after 5:30 p.m. Ask for Carl. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars Iron and metais| WHITTICK bought, parts for sale, bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. 1951 INTERNATIONAL haif-ton, tires MOTORS LTD. good. Telephone 723-5370. 1951 INTERNATIONAL haif-ton, tires! 1250 Dundas East good. Telephone 723-5370. aoe Whitby 19%) ENVOY Van, low mileage, new brakes, tires, paint. $320. Days 725-4774, | 668-5871 nights 728-4314, | 33--Automobiles Wanted _ CARS WANTED DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice! Buying A New Car ? BILL BENNETT Sell your used car to 'Ted' MOTORS Talk: Cash" to the New 484 King W. Cor Dealer and "Save"'. 723 0371. TED CAMPIN MOTORS a 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |WANTED cars for wrecking. No charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549. | | 34--Automobile Repair ~ FRED STONE. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 @ Motor Rebuilding STERNER SUSE @ Cylinder Reboring CONVERTIBLE TOPS @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving Nylon $89.00 up @ Automatic Transmission Repairs to all makes of cars. @ Crankshaft and Valve Antique 'upholstery ond re- s Service pai een mabha huis 35--Lost and Found BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM |Tost "man's white gold ring with| 409 Brock St, S., Whatby black stone, vicinity Polaris restaurant) Days 668-8101 Eve. 655-4575 [January 10. Reward. Telephone 725-1885. RAMBLER $ j, : PER MONTH The cost of this ad daily for one year. Too small t> be: noticed? SALES -- SERVICE Youre reading it! and PAINT New and used cars Easy to finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 Auction Sale of the Estate of MR. H. V. BATEMAN, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa will be held at STIR- TEVANTS Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa on SATUR- ' DAY, JAN. 14 at 1 p.m. Kelvinator refrigerdtor, Ace washing machine, television, lamps, chesterfield suite, com- bination wardrobe and chest of drawers, vanity, twin beds, library table, writing desk, record player, 2 suites, 80 piece set of dishes, electric drills, sanders, saws, with motors. Martin 60 out- board motor, garden tools and carpenter tools, mony more articles to numerous to men- tion. Terms cash, Myles King -- auctioneer -- 725-3039 Oshawa. 38--Coming Events _ chrome | KINSMEN BRING THIS Special Half Price Pass To the _FRIDAY, JAN., 13, 1967 KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO At The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,800. in Prizes including Brand New 1967 AMBASSA- BINGO "JAYCEES JANUARY SPECIAL TWO JACKPOTS BOTH MUST GO $500 IN 50 NOS. or LESS $200 IN 51 NOS. or MORE $10 PER LINE BOTH GAMES $175 jackpot game ALSO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $20 per line plus $75 first full cord 20 Regular $20 gomes pay double in 17 Nos. or less. Five $30 Games Early Bird Game 25~PoMh, ADMISSION $1.00 $100. IN DOOR PRIZES | mechanically good, V-8, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, snow) tires, Must sell. Best offer 725-3936. | UIS., an. T ' at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M. And Returning after Bingo Children under 16 not admitted. DOR Sedan or $2,000 in Cash $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1,500 Big Snowball ( 7 nos.) ' $1,400 Small Snowball (54 nos.) $600 regular games $450 Special games. Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pack for value and save money. Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 MANY FREE and VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES Pista LIONS BINGO TO-NIGHT Early Bird Game 7:45 JACKPOT 52 and 58 ONE MUST GO Bus leaving King and Simcoe Sts. 7 and 7:15 p.m. Every Wednesday Jubilee Pavilion All proceeds to charity See Tues. Ad Jan, 10, at born at Williamsburg, Ont. and Lydia Casselman, she wa educated at Williamsburg and TRIED AA was married Sept. 17, 1907. some years, Mrs. Barclay had' -- -- 41 years. She was a member | IN MEMORIAM | Gamblers Form Society COWLE -- In loving memory dear father and grandfather remem | s meant" | TO Help Break The Habit When we were all together; A shadow o'er our lives has cast, | Our loved one's gone forever. | picid i rs --Sadly missed by son Ray, daughter-| TORONTO (CP)--Herbie is a, meeting, not because he is an Inlew: Betty and granddaughter' Cathy:/ cambling addict. alcoholic but in desperation. READ -- In loving memory of my dear) He has cheated his wife, One AA member told Herbie wie, Minnie, who peeved away s'ewery) joined the army to get_ away she had heard of an organization "1 have only your memory, dear Minnie, from the racetracks, borrowed called Gamblers Anonymous in To remember my whole life through:!9n his son's life insurance, the United States. bought poison to kill himself. GA has members in the U.S. But the sweetness will linger' forever | As | treasure the image of you. 1 i r His days are chained together and Britain but Herbie knew of --Lovingly remembered by your husband formed one--Gamblers Anony-, personal column of a Toronto mous. In the first three months, newspaper and it brought more he attracted six members. than 100 calls but only six mem- One of them is afraid to go bers in the first three months, near a racetrack. He says he As in AA, nobody knows the lost $38,000 last year. Another jdontity of other members. lived off his wife, a third had fyery Sunday, Herbie and his wife leave him. some or all of the six meet in Herbie says he knows of two a room at St. Michael and All men who killed themselves. He Angels Anglican Church. jused to see them rte at They are paying for their GA OBITUARIES Hay gs cen Sone F fate: brochures and donate a few dol- fT) | a fugh eeiege ira fe lars a month to the church, who quit practising and turned -phey also spend $12 a week on MRS. ISAAC BARCLAY |', 8ambling full ime: erbie's N¢WSPaper ads. hee In failing health for five} Ligne hg ied ne id fat 1eS' One of the members wrote years, Mrs. Isaac Barclay died, | Wife to im he should talk to spout his life. Part of his story Hillsdale Manor. Someone who understood gam- j. toiq in these words: in her 79th year. bling. He tried a_ psychiatrist former Lera:. Grace but didn't have the $25 an hour. the decessed was He tried a minister but the min- : , ister didn't understand why late. Reuben Herbie couldn't simply quit 5 sambling. After hours 725-7928 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest , MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIAI-_S For courteous advice j>lease visit the Park Office. 723-2633 "T have not placed a bet since Nov. 11. It's. hard for me. My wife is 33 years old now and she has had it with me. We | fight all the time. I have to stop gambling. | want to stop gam- i bling. It's too early to say there Finally Herbie's wife took! is any difference in my life, but A resident of Coanwall for him to an Acoholics Anonymous! for today I will not gamble." of Grace Lutheran 'Church, TV Personality | Cloutier Helps Mrs. Barclay is survived by| . her husband; two daughters,| Sent To Prison With H t T : k Mrs. R. Fever (Wilda) of Scar-|- MONTREAL (CP)--Guy Pro-} | a rIC boro and Mrs. J.. Sheridan) vencher, 39, a former radio and i : (Vaughan' of Cobourg and ajtelevision personality known on Jean Cloutier registered a hat son, Graham, of Ottawa. She French-language TV as Bill trick to lead St. Gertrude s toa was predeceased by a son, Wel-| Wabo, Tuesday was handed a 5-0 win over St. Joseph's in CYO don, of Cornwall, in 1964. 10-year prison term and was | Pee Wee Hockey League play. Also surviving are fourjsubjected to a ruling of pre-| Al Lacroix and Stan Konarow- brothers, Heber of Muskegon,|ventive detention after pleading |Sk picked up the other goals. Mich.; Claude of Williamsburg, ' guilty to three charges of gross St. Mary's downed Holy Cross George of Inkerman and Alfred indecency. 9-1 in the other pee wee game She was The Casselman, daughter of the been a resident of. Oshawa for) BIRTHS MILLS -- Lloyd and Eunice are proud | jto announce the birth of their daughter, | day, January 6, 1967, at the Oshawa Gen- | eral Hospital. | POTTER -- Ron and Mary are happy | to announce the safe arrival of their! first daughter, Elizabeth Anne, 7 Ibs.,| % o2., on Sunday, January 8, 1967 at the | Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. A little! sister for Ronnie and Robbie. Many thanks to Dr. Nicholas and staff. | SKOTNICKI -- Stan and Emily (nee Vasko) are happy to announce the ar- | rival of their second child, Sandra Mary, | | 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. A sis- ter for Debbie. Many thanks to Dr. R. C. Ross and nurses on fourth floor. i DEATHS BARCLAY, Lera Grace At Hillsdale Manor on Tuesday, Janu- ary 10, 1967, Lera Grace Casselman, be- loved wife of Isaac Barclay, loving moth- er of Mrs. L. Fever (Hilda), Scarbor- ough, Mrs. J. Sheridan (Vaughn), Co- bourg, Graham Barclay of Ottawa. Rest- ing at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service in chapel on Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock, then fo Fairbairn Funeral ii 'g, for service on Fri- | | SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO TWO JACKPOTS 56 and 58 $500. in 52 Nos. or less $200. In announced. Nos. $25 Consolation Prize. $10 per both games $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800. REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $150. SPECIAL GAMES $50. DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. Children under 16 not admitted ~ ROWE TOURS -- (escorted) FLORIDA -- January 8 - 27 -- 20 days - $235. CALIFORNIA -- February 6 March 11 34 days $385. MEXICO -- March 20 April 12 24 days $365. Also tours to Expo 67. No Night Travel For information phone or write: Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope 885-2527 BINGO, Bathe Park, Evlalie Avenu ili logg 2 p.m. Reqguiars, share the wealth, end jeckpota, | day, January 13 at 2 p.m. Interment Dun- dela Cemetery, Brinston. BOLTON, Jean At her home, 404 Byron Street South, Whitby, on Sunday, January 8, 1967, dearly beloved sister of Mrs. W. J. Brum- well (Isobell), Mrs. Chas. Howard (May), and the late Robert Bolton, and dear sister-in-law of Charles Howard. Private service and cremation at Toronto Cre- matorium on Wednesday, January 11, 1967. Funeral arrangements by the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. HOLMES, Wallace At South Peel Hospital, Cooksville, on Tuesday, January 10, 1967, Wallace Holmes, aged 78 years, husband of the late Winnifred Gibson, dear father of John, RR 3, Newcastle, Ruth (Mrs. G. Pollard), Streetsville, and Jean (Mrs. R. Shupak), Toronto. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, service in the chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. (Dona- tions to the Ontario Heart Foundation would be appreciated.) KNOX, Luella $. At Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, on Tyesday, January 10, 1967, Luella S. Knox, beloved wife of Ray Knox, Hamp- ton. Dear mother of Jessie (Mrs. tohn Siemon), Helen (Mrs. Howard Millson) | | and Betty (Mrs. William Murphy). Kest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- | manville. Service in the chapel on Fri-| day, at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville | Cemetery. (Donations to the Canadian) Cancer Society would be appreciated.) RENISON, William Reginald At Smith Falls Sunday, January 8, 1967, William Reginald Renison, aged 43 years, beloved husband of Miriam Pitka and ther of Richard, Karen Glenn and ames, son of Mrs. Fred Britt, Toronto. |At the request of the deceased crema- tion private. A memorial service In St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Smith Fails, Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. with Rev. John Arbuckle officiating. A memorial service In Grace Lutheran Church, Oshawa, Wed- nesday at 7.30 p.m., Rev. Philip Fiess officiating, Flowers gratefully declined. ZAPARYNIUK, Rev. Peter Entered into rest in Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday, January 10, 1967, Rev. Peter Zaparynivk, beloved husband of Anna Pazerniuk, father of Mrs. M. Rygus (Mary) of Toronto and brother of Alex, Nicholas and Andrew; in his 67th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa on Wednesday, January 11, and then on Thursday at St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church with service in the Church Monday, January 16 at 8.30 a.m. Interment St. Mary's Ceme- tery, Oshawa. (In lieu of flowers dona- tions to St. Mary's Church Building Fund will be appreciated.) Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM {McIntosh - Anderson Funeral/tion ruling--which could cost the! rank Marshall of Dunnville and eight grand-! Judge Edouard Archambault,.on goals by Marcel Belenger children. who called Provencher "a total|and Ron Finley as Bert Hoefes The funeral sevice will be and complete sexual deviate," scored the Holy Cross goal. held at 8 p.m. today at the|jmposed the preventive deten-| St. Mary's made it.a double win over Holy Cross as they |Home. Rev. P. L.. Fiess, pastor the accused a lifetime in prison|came out on top in their ban- | Pamela Florence, 9 Ibs., 3 ozs., on Fri-|of Grace Lutheran Church, will --under a provision of the Crim-|tam game by a 6-1 score. Dave conduct the service. A further|jnal Code which defines the role; Tessier scored two goals while service willbe held at 2 p.m.,lof the court toward '"'a danger-/Pat Flontek,' Bernie Hurst, Jan. 13 at the Fairbairn Funer-/oys sexual offender." Chuck Andolsek and Greg Reid al Home, Williamsburg. Inter- Provencher pleaded guilty to scored single goals. John Boivin ment will be in Dundela Ceme- gross indecency after city po-|scored the Holy Cross goal. tery, Brinston, Ont. lice arrested him in what they, Larry Flynn and Leon Curtin : ldescribed as "the biggest andjscored two goals each and Gil MISS catieh At KINSEY most disgusting homosexuality|Lacasse one to give St. Philip- a The aenigtial varvice™ for|racket ever brought to light in| Hedwig. a 5-0 decision over St. 3 : ee 'hp| Montreal." |Gertrude's. ; a Ae) eh? lexhibits produced before fim|Joseph's to a 3-3 tie in the final in her 93rd year, was held at 2)" rae ' aa lisa ant Mri keoe: neared p.m., Jan. 10, at the 'Armstrong Clearly indicated that at least game, as en McAvoy score Funeral nie 200 youngsters .had been de- twice and Gary or onnell once Rev. George 'smith pastor of praved by Provencher. for St. Joseph's while Guy Char- Simcoe Strret Pentecostal| bonneau 'scored two goals and C 4 ste Barry Peever one for St. Church, conducted the service.' Grevery' Titerment wa in Oshawal PASCAGOULA, Miss. (AP)--|- es nion Cemetery. Shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico The pallbearers were D. L.\now are being shocked into} AUTHOR LOSES PLACE Pottle, Ross Barker, Albert/fishermen's nets. The federal] PARIS (AP) -- 'The face of Stinson, Maurice Johnston, government's fishery laboratory|Louis Pasteur appears on and Douglas has developed a device which|France's new five-franc ($1) sends .an electric shock just|banknotes in 1967. The famous ahead of the trawl net, causing |scientist replaces Victor Hugo, shrimp to jump out of the mud |poet and novelist, who was rep- into the place swept by the net.'resented on the old bills. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | SHRIMP GET A: PROD Johns. FUNERAL OF MRS. NATALIE TYCHYS The funeral service for Mrs.| Natalie Tychyj who died, Jan. 8, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital, in her '8lst year, was held at 9.30 a.m., Jan. 11 in St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Church. | The service was conducted) by Rev. D. Sametz of Scar- boro. Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were John) Kuney, Harry Gregory, Wal- ter Pusatshi, Mike Shody, Ed. Donald and Alex Hryhoruk. Another Mark For Shoemaker ARCADKA, Calif. (AP) -- Jockey Bill Shoemaker reached another neilestone Friday in his fabulous xiding career when he booted in his 5,500th winner at Santa Anita. Shoemaiker, who has been rid- ing since 1949, scored on Fair Dell in the second race. Fair Dell, thircl choice in the betting, returned $9.20 and completed a $35.60 'daily double. Shoema.ker, registering his 15th win of the current meeting, won by a head over The Tire King. The victory put Shoemaker 532 victories behind the all-time winning jockey, the now-re- tired Jolinny Longden, a Taber, Alta., hoy who rode his 6,000th winner in Vancouver last year and went on to ride 32 more winners before retiring. 'Neighborhood Dart League Following are the results of | -- side-buttoned top, A-line}Crochet in 3 colors--knit with games played last week in, skirt. Choose ™% sleeves if|2 strands mohair, brush. Pat- the Neighborhood Dart League: |you'd like a suit look for now)tern 7189: sizes S, M, L incl. Points -- Southmead No, 1-3,,and 1967 chin THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Woodview No. 4-2; Rundle 3,| Printed Pattern 4969: Womi-\for each pattern (no stamps, Southmead No. 2-2; Woodview|en's Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45,| please) to Alice Brooks, care No. 1-5, North Oshawa 0; Wood-| 48, 50. Size 36 requires 3! of The. Oshawa Times, Needle- view 'No. 2-5, Woodview No. ld aes fabric. craft Dept., 60 Front Street, 0 CROCHET OR KNIT By ALICE BROOKS Crochet one or knit the other of these well-shaped tur- bins, for daily or dress-up. QUICKIE! 'One straight TO SIZE 50! By ANNE ADAMS SLENDERNESS in two parts) piece. Easy to sew into turban. FIFTY CENTS (50c) coins|Toronto 1, Ont.. Ontario resi- CHANNING -- In loving memory of our daughter and sister of Ernie Wheel- er who passed away Jan. 11, 1966. The depths of sorrow we cannot: tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep. --Ever remembered by mother and fath- er, brother Ernie and family. CLOUGH -- In loving memory of Rich- ard Thomas Clough who passed away January 11, 1955. --Ever remembered by his loving wife and family. COWLE -- In loving memory a dear husband Frank Cowle who passed away January 11, 1966 Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet --Ever remembered by wife, remembrance ouflasts all. | 'Peloyw 134, "Doubles -- B. Conboy 1, J.|(no stamps, please) for|dents add 2c. 'sales tax. Print Houston 3, G. Houston 1, E./each pattern. Ontario residents|plainly PATTERN NUMBER, Ford 1, E. Adair 1, D. Adair'add 3c. sales tax. Print plainly) NAME, ADDRE 11, A. Graves 1, M. Taylor 1, | SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL '--. Mackay 2, D. Young 2, J.|STYLE NUMBER. |NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in P. Andrews 2. R.| Send order to ANNE ADAMS,|new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! M. Muir'care of The Oshawa Times,|Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, 2, D. Conboy 2, G. Bryant 1,/Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street/quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. V. Boss 1, L. Shobbrook 3, P.| West, Toronto 1, Ont. |2 Free Patterns. Send 25c. to- Pelow 1, B. Emm 3, M. Smith) Spring's Fashions are a JOY/day. jl, T. Emm 4, N. Pullen 1,,FOR ALL SIZES! See 115/12 remarkable heirloom quilts |Kaltner 1, Code 1, D. Taylor 2, 'G. Waite 1, D. Donald 2. styles; 2 free hat patterns,|-- complete patterns in color Betseball (one inning): 4J.| fabrics, - accessories in newjin Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt- Kaltner 5. D. Conboy 5, G. Spring - Summer Pattern Cata-|ing motifs: Send bc. Waite 5. High Three Darts: D.|log. Gift Coupon for free Pa Se also for Quilt Book 1 -- |tern in Catalog. Send 50c. 16 complete patterns. 60c, buble ---- by frantic efforts to borrow no chapters in Canada. He went LOCKE'S FLORISIT money to pay gambling debts, to Detroit where the closest Funeral arrangements and _ | then trying to get money to pay Gamblers Anonymous chapter floral arrangements for all off the loans. 'is located. He picked up some occasions. There must be thousands like brochures, heard men get up-- OSHAWA SHOPPINCS Herbie in Canada but until re- as they do in Alcoholics Anony- CENTRE cently there was no organization mous--and tell their tales of 24 Hour Phone Service to help them. So Herbie, fight- financial disaster. , 728-6555 ing to quit gambling himself, Herbie's wife put an ad in the I LO ball with ailins sions cer | a mi It in th sions shoul find © by le ers. The Ccussi week: divide Ma fourt! "Mon ment woulc Ma first Unite ge only big « surpl The have rary three club « loans The benef! might withor high 1 7 WIN! sold b Manito culture ing twe The p about + bees te year al within

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