Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 31

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1 as Ba + a a OP 0 A OR OE Ly OF (SD FS Ae 6 0 ae Oe eA ae a - TODAY'S TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by cP Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, 11 Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- , rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale, MINES High Low a.m. Ch'ge 200 120 935 930 935 » 15¥a 15%a 15% 45 700 665 152-450 150 M42 142 «(142 wo 9 10% 10% y #19 10 10' ' STOCKS | pysiness sPoril 10:40 Net GHT Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch' CBAIAW 100 25 25, 25° 28" CB AI Bw 100 275 275 275 C Chem w 200 470 470 470 C Imp Bnk 263 $58% 58 581% -- C ind Gas 100 $12 12 12 CIL 210 $16'2 164 16% C Marconi 100 490 490 490 CPR 1460 $575 561% 57 CPR 'pr 600 $8%4 84 814 -- 'a| Chat-Gal 725 $9a 9a '9 | Chemcell 420-$12--- 12-12 Chrysler 2100 $36¥2 36%2 3614 Clairtoe 210 $10 1010 Coch-On A 710 $18 18 18 | Cominco 1732 $32% 31% 31% -- Va! C Savings 750 $9 9 9 Compro 220 305 305 305 landmark added to its boomin Con Pap w 700 905 895 905 +5 ' rd . Con Papr p 2100 $24% 24% 2ade business district--Canada's tall- con eat 370 $15¥a 15% 15% -- % est and newest hotel. Corby vt 150 a The official opening today of Coronatn 600 125 125 the 38-storey Chateau Cham- afl ae pay plain in midtown Montreal --% marks the culmination of almost Crush Intl 285 $1134 lila 114 Dist! Seag 1525 $352 35 35 zu Mio y ork 95,- ic sins 2% years of work on the $25, 000,000 hotel. Dome Pete $39 38% OW D Bridge 100 $18\@ Dofasco 785 $20 19% 19% Bom Silas 25312 12 «12 The Chateau Champlain, iom Store 460 $19 Ww wv --\ 7 a e Domtar 1845 $164 16 toe -- 4 Owned and operated by Cana 35'2 35'2-- ve dian Pacific Hotels Inc., and a -5 --%) -- el MONTREAL (CP) -- Mont- Dupont 70 $35¥a Canada's New Hotel Alters Montreal View The office tower complements with office, banking, parking, shopping and theatre facilities. Both buildings are served by new Chateau Lacombe, a 24- real's skyline has had another the many amenities of the hotel'storey structure scheduled for official opening by the CPR in Edmonton Feb. 25. "The hotel was designed to classified musical arrange-/needs of orchestras, Brownridge, Ltd., businessmen to expect tradelbers of Hamilton's Administra- Tax Appeal Board In Harmony tax appeal board Tuesday|meet public preferences and the rapid readjustment of manage- Auto Firm Head Foresees 'More Trade Agreements HAMILTON (CP) -- Earl K.jagreements similar to the Cah. tive ofjada-United States auto (Canada)/agreement in their industries. president American Motors Tuesday told Hamilton As Singer Seeks THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 31 Management - trade|}more arrangements like the auto pact will be made to} mem-jbring Canadian production of [manufactured goods in line jwith Canadian consumption. He said such agreements will be designed to break through some of the artificial barriers i essentially continental mass production industries, | "The degree of success is as- |tonishing,"' he said of the auto Society that Mr.' Brownridge told Reduction OTTAWA (CF) -- The federal|twice. They had to be varied tolnact, but added that it required! five floors of indoor parking and capture the burgeoning spirit of,ments as wholly tax-deductible} a drive-in reception centre with|Montreal," said CPR Chairman)as singer Tommy Ambrose won| 299 for entertaining the visiting|U.S. performers so he could become!Parts suppliers as a challenge. | better acquainted with them in| He direct elevator connections to both hotel and office building. The two buildings and an open plaza -- Place du Canada -- oc- N. R. Crump. We are erin it will mirror Montreal's color- ful past and promising future. "It is our intention to have le|lowed the full $917.60 the enter- part of an appeal of his 1962 in- come tax bill. In the judgment, the board al- jor on the show. cupy almost two acres of land Chateau Champlain stand as a tainer paid for musical arrang-| bounded by Windsor, Lagauche- symbol of Montreal's position ing for his weekly CBC televi-/the government's contention tiere, Cathedral and St. Antoine'as the gateway to Canada in sion show of the period. The|that only $600 ,should be al-|C ment thinking. | Mr. Brownridge described The singer also claimed $1,- competition for Canadian| NEW APPOINTMENT Charles A. Root has been appointed general manager of the Di-Acro Division of Houdaille Industries in Lake City, Minnesota. Mr. Root joined the bumper division of Houdaille in Osh- awa as plant metallurgist in told the managers that! der to work together better the government would probably | consult them. before making! iq any similar proposals in their) industries, NCING NEEDED However, the board uphel streets. the 20th century." government had allowed only 20'jowed as a tax deduction. Mr.) "If you can convince the gov- RISES 480 FEET The hotel is symbolic of Mont- per cent. Ambrose said he actually spent ernment that arrangements like se ss : real's position as the second 'he board found that the ar-|$4,000 on food and drink with|the auto trade agreement are ary of Canadian Pacific and The 600-room hotel rises 480 largest French-speaking city in ;angements cost $30 to $150| visiting - artists. not good for your industry as a Foundation Co. of Canada Ltd:, feet above St. Antoine St. and the world, said Mr. Crump. Pas ead could 'kapely. be used ea aa ds ee wiclk and foe the aathele Econ Inv z Emco 225 7 hi $9%4 |28-storey adjacent office build- ing, owned by Foundation-Scot- + " tish Properties Ltd., a subsidi- 1956. In 1958 he was named supervisor of industrial en- gineering and in 1962 was promoted to shift superin- endent. In 1962 he became Exquisite 100 Falcon Fed Grain Fleet Mig $16 16 1% 142 140) «(140 6565 a 1% 17M 6868 %. % -- 4s 145 8% bie -- 3 2444 Goa + M2 225% 2258 + Ve i y za. Can- rit is oe ve ; comprise the $40,000,000 Place 400 feet above the plaza leaser & lliat SCL Go. eke economy, they are not likely to is il New Safety Mr. Ambrose had claimed 75\ance of payments. Ultimately it. May, 1966. Di-Acro was: ac- 4 Chal rest i st hotel is the TRIBUTE TO CHAMPLAIN nania a ene - ' : du Canada project. ,ada's second tallest h el i h monite exnenses for the veat, proceed. supervisor of quality con s ye yond the boundaries of what 1re core $24% 2412 24% per cent of his total auto costs would also gain through a nar-| quired by Howdaille in 1965. "Champlain was the first® Mr. Brownridge said Cz a! trol, and held the position great Canadian. The hotel will allowing him to deduct half the i." benefitting from the pong of 'sales manager a the bd 4 bear his name as a tribute to total outlay. The government) 1 ont through greater produc-, Oshawa bumper plant until as in on ejec S ove a great explorer--the father of had allowed an unspecified f ane 4 P 4 Of G Id new is Quebec to blaze a trail $25! M4 25% \ 6 " x ': y A , ; Donal Gane Pa a as ae 5 | To Examine rice 0 westward. AKRON, Ohio (AP) -- Ward)were incurred in his work,/rowed price gap between U.S.| It produces hand and power H Bay Co $6 16 16 -- Me The CPR is proud of Place du Keener, president of the B, F.'which included carting a bass|and Canadian - built cars. operated equipment to "This relationship has been|Canada because of its proximity/Goodrich Co., said Tuesday guitar and an amplifier to show! He predicted increased pres- bend, form, shear and roll : n | tion, greater employment, and) being named assistant gen- New France--who first saw be-| East Sul at HB Oil Gas $25% 25% 25% light and medium gauge lower amount. ' : i an improved international bal-| eral manager of Di-Acro in Huron Eri 9% Ime 9% WASHINGTON (AP) -- The| or additional i sponge will over again. nal perform- 34.95, PD carrier, $2240 22% 22% i ae 66% 664 -- % int Bibis T fron Bay T nee Joliet 52 4850 4 272 254 27% ae 4 Me 55 54 375 375 $2 8 | i Dufault 2850 $13% 134 1314 -- * Lakehead 1000-262 264 2612+ 2 La Luz 236 » Liberian 100 95 +35 | ? 350 v7 +2) 1030 105 105 --3 500 29% 29a 29Va x» » Pe | 124 +110) " --4 270 266 267 --1 Sh Sh Sate 470 4S M5 +5 ; ae eee ty 0 0 --% 3 67S = (798 224 214 214--w 435 435 10% 10% W*A--% % 1 WW --1 450 0 WB W --Ih% 3000 (13% 13% 134+ 50% 50 $3) cl] 3 $13% 13% 13% Pyramid 1900 345 335 335 --15 Q Mattgmi 1000 6 6 Radiore 2000 Rio Algom 280 $24 24 24 Rio Alg ¢ W 100 $10% 10% 10% Roman 09 $15% 1S 15 San Antont 2545 28 25 Sherritt +5 7 -1 np @ 25 " 51 125 315 a] a Urban 23 Vespar «0 Wasmac 100 White Star 31 Wilco Willroy 17 122 «123 ~~ Windfall 28a 28% 28%a--1 Yk Bear 700 177 «1%6 «WT + OILS, GA 5840 500 490 6850 24 --10 100 355 355 355 650 $16% 164 16'4-- % 30-226 6 4 1342 52 -- S$ 750 --I1S Husky Oil Husky C pr Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accept Ind Wire Injand Gas Inter-City IMC $53% 53% 53% -- Va $592 594 S9Va-- Va $13% 13% 13% 21a Sa-- a qualification Tuesday any idea of raising the price of gold for any reason. 9%--%' The treasury department, de- $15% 154 15% jclaring such an increase "com- int Nickel $7.3) #,_,,|Pletely unacceptable," was re- Int util $277 27 «7 «6 wy acting to a weekend comment int Util pr $30 30 from Michel Debre, French fi- 30 Hilla a seth 884-14 nance minister who called for inv Grp A 9% 94 Wa-- : ITL Ind $112 114 14+ \4{the question. rrethelage $26 25% 25% -- | Although Debre did not advo- kelly 0 A 460 460 460 jcate an actual rise in the gold Kelvinatr $7 7 7 +%|price, his comments in an inter- ape $20 19% 19% -- %|\view with a French newspaper int Cem "5 --5 * . i ; Lau ¥in 5 $¥a__ touchedoff. gold speculation in Lau F 2.00 18 that-country. hi | In response to inquiries, the ry 4% -- % ai led bea ed said: Loeb mM u-- vw) "The price of! id is deter- Maclarn B 22% P a Maclean H 32-1 MB Ltd 4 wv + U.S. dollar. Magna El te-- ve -- uae Ee M Lf Mills Mass-Fer meee BUSINESS BRIEFS 0! Mentex pr" is a+ y| By THE CANADIAN PRESS ntex w 60 Mont Test 4-144 Wa--% WILL BUY FROM CANADA ia = ul Nt Contain 5' 5% Carl 0. Nickle of Calgary, Neon 6% 6% publisher of the Daily Oil Bul- Norenda sae $2"a-- Miletin, says he believes the 17% United States will turn increas- sd ingly to Canada as a supple- Overind pr 100 V2 mentary source of oil and gas. oa pe 4 ry He told a Canadian oil and gas Pram rch oD Mad ee te seminar in Toronto Monday $124 12% 12%-- %|Canada is the most economical % ao" ao ao (source of petroleum products for the northern U.S., and the 45 41S 425 --10 $25% 25% 25% only outside source that offers oe jboth political stability and over- 310% 10% 10% land supply. 375 «375-375 | STORE SALES JUMP 1 Yee gs 8 Department store sales $10% 10% 10%--%\jumped 24.4 per cent in the week before Christmas from a se St Maurice Salada Sayvette Shell Inv w Shell Can +% 400 400 400 $27% 277 27 --% $14 14% 14a 195 195 195 $29% 29% Bu--% 135 135 135 --S 250 250 250 490 485 485 -- 319% 19% 19% -- White -Pas 300 $10 «610. 10 Slater A wt 340 Steel Can $214 21% 21% -- TT Tgitors 200 $21 21 300 Traders A 515 |wan resulted from the longer Transair 500 $6 6 6 + %} . j 475 $25% 2594 25% -- %4|Shopping week in Tr Can Pw 250 The percentage. increases in Vascan 70 #70 70 AUTO SHIPMENTS UP vember rose fractionally to 92,- per cent in the 11-month cumu- Sales to 11 a.m.: 839,000. tics reported in Ottawa Tues- 200 137 (137 3 | 7 7 Sei Hori <n eo +3 Investors Overseas Services fax to serv spisistniliad as Veebiely sibs '0 e as headquarters for Shop Save Si $ Slater Sti 345 M4545 Southam 3.CUC«<Ca " L8 Stafford 100 340 Texaco se " n ot jeau of Statistics reported Tues- Tt Talkers ;: n | day in Ottawa. Increases rang- ee oe a2 2 N* x wling as high as 31.4 per cent in 7% 9% %%--Ye'Quebec and 29.2 in Saskatche- Trader 65 w 900 145 140 140 Trader 66 w 100 240 240 240 Tr can PL r k 1966 with Tr Can Pl p 295 $46% 46% 42+ 'a/Christmas falling on Sunday. Trane Mt" 265. S177 17%. 17% -- Ve is , . Un Ges 5 $11 1 hieguciee was 21.6. Versatd versatile Factory shipments of made- j|in-Canada motor vehicles in No- 022 units from 91,397 in Novem- },|ber, 1965, but were ahead 6,8 lative totals, 815,582 to 763,263, the Dominion Bureau of Statis- FOREIGN TRADING oo us mus. ag --s | TAY. 7 OPEN NEW BRANCH 205 205 +25 Siscoe 100 84 84 --25 |jof Canada Ltd. Tuesday an- Upp Can = 100-165 165 --0 /nounced opening offices in Hali- The Toronto Stock Exchange has\the Maritime provinces. The been advised that the following com-|company, which has its Cana- $124 12% 12'a-- '%|/United States rejected without) an international examination of t y year earlier, the Dominion Bur-) Cdn_ Tricnt Cent Del Charter O 34 5 330 «330 ~--20 Chieftan D 200 $10%% 10% 102+ Ve 40 235 «240 2 290 French Pt 475 Gr Plains 500 $12 Gt COilsds 311% Int Helium 325 Mill City 255 Numac 227 60 $12% 12% i2% 290 475 2 WW 320 252 225 257 --3 31%4-- % 360 | panies have entered Into underwriting and option agreements which may re- sult in treasury shares of these com- panies being under distribution cur- rently through the facilities of the Ex- change: American Leduc Petroleum, Anglo American Molybdenite, Candore: Ex- plorations, Canada Southern Petroleum, Copper-Man Mines Ltd., Deer Horn Mines, Gradore Mines, trish Copper Mines, Jonsmith Mines, Lake - Osu Mines, Min-Ore Mines, Norpax Nickel dian head office in Montreal, also announced plans to begin operations in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island later in the year. 'STOCK MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- " ' 185 (181 570 560 165 165 45 Distribution of Treasury Shares The Toronto Stock Exchange has been advi7ed that the following companies have entered into underwriting and op- tion agreements which may result in treasury shares of these companies be- ing under distribution currently through the facilities of the Exchange: Aerican Leduc Petroleum, Anglo American Molybdenite, Candore Expl- erations, Canada Southern Mines, Northern Exploration Ltd., Sil- vermaque Mining Ltd., Texmont Minesionto stock market rally pushed i td., United Mace} 00 oe | : Lid, Texore Mines sits Mines, win-|into its fifth consecutive session Eldrich Mines Ltd. Tuesday. Trading was active. The industrial index, the key Bl k Whit indicator vs a aes per- |formance, climbed .59 to 152.24. ac ' 1 e Cochrane-Dunlop jumped 4 to PMs Confer 30 on only 700 shares. Montreal Trust added 1% at 1434, Falcon- bridge 1% at 89% and Versatile j1 at 27%. CAPE TOWN (Reuters)--The; Noranda moved up 2% to 53% prime ministers of Lesotho,/in base metals. The company formerly Basutoland, and South|js planning a $12,000,000 take- Copper-Man Mines Ltd.. Deer Horn Mine Gradore Mines, trish Copper Mines, Jonsmith Mines, Lake-Osu Mines, Min-) INDUSTRIALS 10:40 Net "Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge Africa had a two-hour meeting| over of Essex Wire Corp. of the here Tuesday -- the first id United States. held on South African soil be- p : ; 5 ; i: yramid slid 40 cents to 3.50 paige Ay Reso ee cat orl flowing news that the depart- and the head ot gove ment of national revenue pro- Abitibi Alta Gasp . Alta Gas w 100 Algoma St 1929 Al 38 $10% We 10% Alta Gas T 250 $32 32% 32% 50 $6 88 8B 710 23a 30% 710 --10 23a-- % uo an independent black African country. After the talks, Chief Leabua Jonathan and John Vorster of poses to tax the gain on the sale of assets it made to Pine {Point Mines Ltd. Western oils advanced 1.14 on |1934, and will remain there. ;NO REASON VALID "Any suggestion that the price of gold be raised--either ness community, retailing, cial facilities. The centre core layout of ele- fixed at $35 per ounce since|to major transportation facili-\tires changed to conform with rehearsals in Toronto and to the|sure for wage parity between jities, Montreal's midtown busi-/proposed U.S. safety standards |show itself. Costumes were also|Canadian and U.S. workers, but so-' would not be as safe or durable carried. and entertainmentas those now available to the motoring public. Keener said in a letter to to meet needs for additional in-|vator services and other facili-/tg Alan §. Boyd, undersecretary ties is designed so that unim-|o¢ commerce for transportation, | to ternational liquidity or for any jother reason--is completely un- acceptable to the United States. ; "Future international mone- ary arrangements based on this fact. {been made clear to French fi- |nancial authorities." France is reported to have proposed a study of the gold jprice at a closed-door meeting jlast month of the International |Monetary Fund executive di- | jrectors with the deputy finance | | called the group of 10. The group includes Canada. | But officials said the price of gold was not on the agenda for that meeting nor is it on the agenda for the next meeting scheduled later this month in London. Ottawa Begins | Bonds Change OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance Minister Sharp said Tuesday bond certificates to replace the government's 1936 issue of per- petual bonds are going out. 'I have been checking with jmy department to find out ex- jactly where the process )Stands,"' he told the Commons. peded views from every side Of|anq Dr. William Haddon Jr., 7 : ladministrator of ; The entire plaza level will be traffic safety agen This has Occupied by a major banking) produced under the proposed| iy S.n@siconcern and featured on the' standards would have less tread) |promenade level will be bou-\wear and less resistance to f busts and punctures than pres- An- 850-seat! ont tires. P P the building are available. tiques and a variety fashionable stores. movie theatre also is located on this level. The hotel has five rants, including a combinatio theatre and supper club and a) restau- mined by its relationship to the| ministers of the free world's 10) penthouse dining and entertain- largest industrial countries --|ment area, plus five cocktail/were issued by the department _.of commerce early in Decem- jber, and manufacturers were Ms . jasked to suggest changes be- 1eves 1 fore the standards are officially | lounges and bar Sheet Nickel THOROLD, Ont. (CP) -- Po- lice are looking for $17,500 worth of nickel stolen Monday from a Falconbridge' Nickel Mines Litd., distribution centre in this community near Niag- ara Falls. A company spokesman said at least five thieves cut through a chain fence and loaded 10 n| ran Thus 'the company rds. The proposed tire standards| stabilization board carlots: buying 39 score 58: TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale : |weighted prices quoted by the! the national! department of agriculture as of cy, that tires|Tuesday: A large 54; A med- {country } quoted by the Toronto Board of | |Trade from wholesale egg deal- n would ers: Extra large 45-46; large 42- | need to re-examine our 'war-| 44; medium 33-35; ties-especially those for road'3g. © 33. sheet metal. Mr. Root, mar- ried with two children, is an honor graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute . in Toronto, said Canada is not yet ready for such parity, since workers pro- ductivity is 30 per cent less than! in the U.S. CITY OF OSHAWA REQUIRES FIELD CLERK Permanent Position) SALARY RANGE -- $5,261.00 to $5,980.00 (40 Hour Week) Work consists of totalling material weight tickets and summarizing same, summarizing inspectors' daily reports, preparing payment cer- tificates for contractors and in general, keeping records for quantity control on contracts, Minimum grade 12 education, including specialized course municipal experience is desirable. - lification: will bet PRODUCE retail carton eggs average! m 49; A small 44.9. Eggs: Wholesale price to, stations fibre cases! Previous small 39; B jorliest date d._ not -later. Butter prices: Agricultural) The Personne! Officer, buying 40 City Hell, OSHAWA, Ontario. selling 61. published Jan. 31. Quebec's Cash Need Stressed TORONTO (CP) -- Finance Minister Sharp's Quebec lieu- jtenant said Tuesday that a re- luctance to invest in the prov-/| ince could drive it into separat- | ism. tons of refined sheet nickel on to a truck. Security guards were re- moved when the chain fence was installed about a month "I know that I have authorized the issue of replacements some! time ago." | The government has refused to redeem the three-per-cent bonds on the grounds that there is no fair way of recompensing owners, who have purchased them at various prices. | Mr. Sharp said he was sure} the banks are well aware of an announcement he made last fall that the government would re- place the 30-year-old issue "by bonds with suitable coupons" on them. The minister said he would in- quire as to when the replace- ment bonds would be in the hands of the banks, Sudbury Fire Damage High SUDBURY (CP) -- Damage estimates could range as high as $500,000 following an early- morning fire here Tuesday that engulfed. one-half a city block on downtown Elm Street. The fire, which resulted in |heavy water and smoke dam- age to a department store) building, was confined to the top of the three-storey struc- ture. A fire department spokesman \said Tuesday that the provin- {cial fire marshal's office has 'been called in to investigate. George Nobel, fire |chief, said a building adjacent ito the department store was so |badly damaged that it may jnever be rebuilt. | | deputy TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market was un- changed in moderate trading | Tuesday. Short - term Government of Canada bonds closed unchanged with the 4%-per-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue closing at 99.30 bid and 99.35 asked. Long-term Canada and pro- vincial bonds ended the day off unchanged with the 444-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at 8644 bid and 86% asked. Day-to-day money traded at) 5 per cent. | ago. | Powers Differ On Trade Law OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal and provincial governments are a "long way" from unanimous agreement on joint regulations to cover securities trading, John Turner, acting registrar- general, said Tuesday. Replying to a question by George Hees (PC -- Northum- berland) in the Commons, Mr. Turner did not say where differ- ences still exist in negotiations. But he said the intention is to formulate legislation to affect the Corporations Act and secur- ities trading. The result would be uniform securities regulations, better co- ordination of information from companies and more adequate policing of securities violations. Mr. Turner added that co-or- dinating with Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia is most important because stock ex- changes operate in Montreal, |for its citizens would most cer- |tainly break Confederation." of the Quebec economy in re- private industry was declining. "One should not take this pos- sibility lightly," Jean Chretien, parliamentary secretary to Mr. Sharp, told the Armour Heights) Rotary Club here. | "The failure of Quebec's cur- rent efforts to seek a better life He said progressive: French- Canadians could fail in their ef-| forts to bring about this pro-! gress unless they have the ac- tive co-operation of English! Canada. | Mr. Chretien said "significant | improvement" in the structure cent years should attract in-! vestors. Yet the opposite was happening. The proportion of total new in- vestment in manufacturing and Auto Parts Firm Workers Strike STRATFORD (CP)--Seventy-| five workers went on strike! for your G iti y NEW. Licsxer SAVINGS FLOORS at Now is the time to have that new broadioom you've been dreaming about installed and save money too. Angus Graydon, the carpet experts, are now offering quality broadloom at reduced prices. Canadian PRINCESS Nylon PLUSH Acrilan TWIST Karastan BOLEREAU f ¥ so. vo. 6.49 so. vo. 9.49 so. vo, 12.49 so. vo, 14.95 If your rug is valuable te you .. . it deserves the best RUG CLEANING SERVICE Our rug cleaning experts offer free pick-up and de- livery, top notch cleaning on broadioom or loose rugs for only 10¢ sq. ft. SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Let us bring the materials and Ancus-(5RAYDON CARPET COMPANY LTD. advice to you... just give us @ call for prompt, efficient ser- vice and free estimates, 282 KING ST. W. 728-6254 Tuesday against Sealed Power Corp. of Canada Ltd., manu- facturers of automotive parts. The men, members of Local 569, United Auto Workers of |America, are asking for a 30-| \cent-an-hour increase in -wages in a two year contract, plus a/ cost-of-living bonus. The basic} rate changes from $1.65 te $2.44 | an hour. | The company has offered a three - year package contract| which would amount to 37 cents | Toronto and Vancouver. London Police Dispute Ends LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The protracted dispute over 1966 wages for London's 225 police- men has ended with a ruling that all ranks receive a $668 across-the-board increase. James Hanrahan, of Bramp- ton, appointed umpire after the London Police Association and the police commission failed to agree on how the salary boost recommended by an arbitra- tion board should be applied, handed down his decision Tues- | day. | The ruling is binding on both) parties. : | First class constables re- ceived $5,732 under the 1965 contract. The $668 increase for 1966 is retroactive to Jan. 1 of last year. , 7,000,000 by 1981 in Metro --Partner wanted te help ac- quire 100 acre farm --in King Township with front- age on 400 and Jane Street. more an hour. | 4 ae --Tremendous future growth potential, --Reply in confidence to Box D1331 OSHAWA TIMES CITY OF OSHAWA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS No person shall keep or maintain any dog in the City of Oshawa unless such dog hes been licensed and registered under By-law No. 3418 of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, as amended, and subject to the provisions of Section 4 (4) of the Dog Tax and The Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection-Act has on @ collar to which is affixed a dog tag issued for the current year for the said dog. The 1967 dog licences are now avoilable and may be purchased at the City Clerk's Office, 'Brd Hoor, City Hall, and the Dog Control Department, Dean Avenue (east off Ritson Road South). 1967 LICENCES MUST BE PURCHASED BY FEBRUARY Ist No dog shall run at large and no person shall permit @ dog owned by him to run at large in the City of Oshawa et any time. A dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of the owner and is not under the control of @ competent person either by means of a leash not more than 10 feet in length or by virtue of being found not more than 10 feet form the person supervising the dog. Every dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of the by-lows of the Corporation shall be taken up by the Dog Control Officer and impounded in the City Dog Pound and held for @ period of not less than 48 hours and, if not redeemed at the expiration of 48 hours, may be sold or destroyed. The owner of an impounded dog shall be entitled, on proof of ownership, to regain possession of the dog on application to the Dog Pound and payment of the following pound fees: 37% 37a -- "a South Africa said in a joint Tae da pended the day ASSISTANT PRINTING CLERK (MALE) index to a high of 136.23. Home j with the 91-day bills at 4.92 per 'Plains and Union Oil, each to} cent and 182-day bills at. 5 pet } 5.00 4 +%\|Statement that South Africa promised to give urgent con- SALARY RANGE -- $4,106.00 to $4,595.00 (for a 36% FIRST DAY OR PART OF DAY . cud cREes 40 20% yw 54a 64% 282 Abe 10% ad 7 7 8% fn 21% 21% + Ve Wa Wat \4| 1% 194-- oO 8 + %| ™ ™ «| ber, 119% 51 sideration to a request from|2% and 354. Lesotho for economic and tech- Golds strengthened as Giant nical aid. | Yellowknife increased 40 cents Lesotho, which became inde-|0 8.90 and Kerr Addison % to pendent from Britain last Octo-| 12%- is a small enclave com- On index, golds were, up 1.43 pletely surrounded by South to 155.33 and base metals .52 to Africa and heavily dependent on/89.25. Volume was 3,235,000 it for even the most simple|/shares compared with 3,464,000 needs, | Monday. cent. hour working week). | WEED FUELOIL? | CALL | PERRY | | 723-3443 | DAY OR NIGHT | Offset Duplicator, Camere, Burs' et least partial ience preferred. $i bi. _to Printing Clerk in assisting with operation of and Photo-copy equipment. h School education. Some stebl A full range of is Apply in WRITING ONLY, stating age ,education and ex- perience ,etc. before January 20th, 1967, to: ¥ THE PERSONNEL OFFICER CITY HALL, OSHAWA, EACH ADDITIONAL DAY OR PART OF DAY .........-.-.-. 2.00 All li d dogs are ded end indexed and every effort is made to notify the owners immediately after dogs are picked up by the Dog Control Department. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk.

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