Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1967, p. 19

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MEN --A book 2s of Can- ready for nial Year, man, an- ent Cana- 1 history compiling ok. There racters in niture 271 liams, zone commander and treasurer; Mrs. J. L. Pegg, installing officer and chairman of auxiliaries, On- tario Provincial Command; Mrs. Alyn Elliott, presi- dent; Mrs. Norman Mce- Evers, past president; "Mrs. James Anderson, Ist. vice- president; Mrs. G. V.. Lee, coe street south, are the newly installed officers of the Ladies' Auxiliary, PHOTOGRAPHED in the women's lounge, a smaller room in the new Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Sim- Branch 43. Seated left to right, are Mrs. R. A. Wil- Reed, Mrs. Doris Law, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. Wil- liam Jeffrey, and Mrs. Arthur Hockett. --Oshawa Times Photos ways, chiefly by catering to larger kitchen where for receptions and banquets. the installation dinner, St. The newly installed execu- Peter's WA prepared the is seen in the new, meal for the auxiliary. Left to right are Mrs. William |have a few heirloom treasures, Legion Auxiliary Women Adjust Gracious Hostess and these she keeps in fine con- To Many Changes In Past Year |!s Always Prepared ion vicimn so does a silver By ELEANOR ROSS | howl that she fills with artist- i Patt Winter hospitality is fun, be ically arranged fresh fruit for a Branch 48, Royal Canadian auxiliary providing lunch for; a, eye whan a: few ca Ho acd" colovtil centre: Legion has once again had a the taggers on Poppy day. friends drop in for a little eve-| jiece Flowers, for her, are too very successful year -- though During the year the local aux-)ning visit, or a planned buffet a little hectic -- with the selling iliary entertained all the other, Meal. much of 8 Saxuty, The res oie of our old Legion home; having auxiliaries in the zone and have, One woman we know, a gra-| ae oa py sep to find quarters to hold our visited four. The auxiliary has Clos HOE LESE MIRON alia lives yellows of oranges to make a IN THE FORTY YEARS of its existence, the Legion Auxiliary has raised funds to assist Branch 43 in many tive "The Ladies' Auxiliary,)attended in November with the their new Auxiliary Branch Canadian Legion nual of officers for year. Mrs. J. L. Pegg, chairman of|liam provincial the installing offi- cer. In replying to the toast to;stalled as sergeant at command, pro- j Mrs. James auxiliaries, mand, was the provincial posed by Mrs. son, Mrs. Pegg stated that the |liam Reed, pianist and auxiliaries had raised $1,065,000) reporter. during 1966 which would be de- voted to the care of veterans |jauxiliary's thanks by present-| < and the of theirling gifts to the installing' offi- J.C families in bursaries and schol-|cer and to the zone command- arships. She congratulated the|er who -assisted her; to Oshawa achievement of its and called on every member tojecutive, Mrs. Alfred Lave re-dedicate herself to the high|Mrs. ideals founders. meetings the last three months assisted at Hillsdale Manor and cad pig ta -- -- pretty picture; one that is so of 1966 and finally moving into with the blood clinic every few has welcome acceptances from nice that one could eat it--and our new hall to hold our first weeks; has assisted the Men's those she-invites. She entertains 'es! | meeting in 1967,' stated Mrs.-Branch with the annual picnic simply but well. Her silver table pieces shine| Charles Lamb, secretary, in her and the annual children's' She always has in readiness) brightly, for she washes them) annual report given at the aux-/Christmas tree and the year the items with which to set what| with hot suds and buffs them! iliary's installation dinner last ended with the election of offi-' she calls a "hospitality table." with a lintless cloth. Every once| night. cers and the Christmas party. | When she expects guests in the|in a while, she goes over them} Besides the 26 regular meet- The auxiliary initiated and evening, she starts early in the with a good tarnish-preventive ings, other major events were welcomed 11 new members and day to set the table with pretty silver polish. This does the trick held monthly. Outstanding) jost 10 for non-payment of dues, | linens, cake plates, punch bowl] with proper care in between! events during the year were: and six by death. The total and cups and her silver, all| polishes. the tere se last geo membership is 252 members. _ nicely shined. Our friends examines cloth uary; the 29-year dinner, tn : ae i She goes 'in for pretty color and napkins for stains immedi- spring draw and night of cards; TREASURER'S REPORT --_| combinations and contrasts; | ately efter' the tat weet oes four rummage sales; attending The treasurer's report given neyer does she work out a ARG MA ALY. spots are treated the 40th anniversary Branchjby Mrs. Robert Willams.) monotone scheme. fight away. not left 10 sink in meeting; and the re-laying of showed that the auxiliary had fyerything she uses in ma- Then the "general laundering is the -cornerstone of the new raised and disbursed $11,336.00.' chine - washable and every Jeft for the next day and the building. The members raised $563.00 item, after use, is laundered jgundered and cleaned items The annual Christmas bazaar ee age pha and put away for the next time. put away. . Sen aie sause Was pr e he Branch. ea ; : loan: R 3 i z Mate war no place to hold it, Their outing fund showed aling silver at the last, moment| , Sice ur friend doesn't have Articles made and donated by balance at the end of the year are what frazzles a hostess so. well-equipped kitchen or a . - 7 "9 ' ennai : i Ab tcl 5° °°) bulging bank account, the food the members were sold at one Of $61.30 and the sports fund that she 'cannot enjoy her own >. eared $229.00. In their Christ-| party ' " : is kept simple. of the meetings. cleared $229.00. Ir party. And these last - minute", : mas Savings fund, the members chores leave less time for pre- Good music and good conver- SUMMARY OF YEAR contributed $1,496.00 and spent paring the refreshments sation are the big attractions Last January, members at- almost as much, leaving a bal- re : that just "make" her gather- tended a TV show in Toronto ance of $52.00. Total donations USES HEIRLOOMS j ings. and sponsored a social evening.! made to t he Branch during the Our gracious hostess does} In February the Zone Com- year were $3,079.00. ST aa ee j mander, Mrs. Robert Williams, Other expenditures were to bers competing in dart and. BIRMINGHAM, England paid her official visit. In March, scholarships, bursaries, vet- bowling tournaments. (CP)--Elsie Reader applied for the auxiliary held a_ sports' eran's care, crippled children's} To sum it all up, Mrs. Alyn|a six-month driving licence for night and social evening And 4 \builting fund, civic auditorium, | Elliott in her president's re-jlearners: and was given one theatre party in Toronto to see) CARE, Hospital for Sick Chil-!marks, drew attention to the! valid for 1,000 years. A typing Fog bie Pepi ne a Hie dren and Christmas Seals. fact the members were starting error dated it 2967 instead of le nignt of cards an may i yer i > cater- the New Year with a new home 1967. "I may be a bad drive the auxiliary attended the Zone Monies were raised by cater- the New id ; enckeghey A gt lanl tag: the public; 600 meals served all means to promote the work long as that to pass my test," y ' . 1 20 serv: ization, she said. liams with Comrade Dumou-|'® the Branch and 120,served of the organization _|she said. TIME TO WAIT chelle of Windsor the Provincial', neh heprevced ip tge ed sem Officer in attendance; the sod-| S2e5; Cues; donations irdm te! Branch; card party and 'draws turning ceremony for the new : hall a a get-acquainted_night 474 the fall sale of work. which many of the older mem- s1¢@K VETERANS bers attended. In the report on sick veterans In June, 25-year membership, given by Mrs. James Anderson, pins were presented to Mrs. it was shown that 22 per- George Walsh and Mrs. Howard| manentally disabled veterans Cook at a dinner in pg! age each received a card enclosing | Mrs. Arthur Elliott, un to one dollar every month of the DON C | U U R fy be present, was presented Wit year, with extra at Christmas. to the hairstyling staff Creative Styling by John would like to announce the appointment of hers at her home. On the an- Cards with a dollar enclosed nual trip to Sunnybrook Hos- have also been sent to other pital, 500 bags of treats were|veterans in Oshawa General distributed to the patients. The| Hospital, Hillsdale Manor, month of June was brought to, Sunnybrook, Westminster Hos- a close with a trip to Centre pital and to veterans at home, Island a strawberry social. making a total of 480 cards| In September several mem- with $480.00 At Christmas, 34 bers attended the convention in| cheques were sent out for $5.00 Windsor. In November a num- each and one at $10.00. ber of members attended the The sports program has in- "Sound of Music" in Toronto. cluded euchre, cribbage, darts, Remembrance Day service was! bingo, and bowling, with mem- FOR APPOINTMENT OR CONSULTATION CALL 728-0951 4 ing -- 1,363 meals were served and a re-dedication to strive by but I hope it won't take me as | | | 2nd_ vice-president. them are Mrs, Smith, sergeant - at - arms, Matthew and Mrs. secretary. Mrs. Alyn Legion Auxiliary President 1967 Following a turkey meeting and assistance auxiliary established hall, the 43, Royal|Mrs. R. A. held its an-|commander), treasurer. installation 1967, THE OSHAWA TIME I was commissioned to paint; develop in the years that you five wild animal murals. A mu-) are busy as a housewife can seum is interested in a pastel also pay off in your future. y I did of an old Indian lady, and) And the way this can happen a building contractor is plan-, is to get on your feet with some ning to keep me busy painting determination that you are go- signs for him ing to put to use every moment The effort you decide to ex- of your time and every ounce pend for whatever skill you can' of your strength. S, Wednesday, January 11, 1967 19 "I used to be loaded housewife. "But now, to do something, I just sit and do nothing. |feet to stimulate both the get and my personality be with myself. "But what opportunities for the mother of a three til Friday?" The first opportunity, 'in adopting the intelligent point that she must try something extra to give h outside interest, no matte tied down she feels with | and family routine. Behind Perry Elliott Installed dinner inj vice - presidents respect Ladies'|Mrs. Matthew Bell, secretary; | Williams Members of its 40th/installed were Mrs. Doris Mrs. William Reed, Mrs. Jeffrey, Mrs. Ja com-|Brown and Mrs. Arthur Charles Gibbs wa Ander-jelected chaplain and Mrs Mrs. Elliott expressed on the/Charles Lamb, retiring new halljtary, and | Frank Davey, by the | Chalres Gibbs, Mrs. C. A moen and Mrs. Daniel Guilti-|'ion was received from the Kin-| Escorted by the color party, nan. George V. Lee, Ist and 2nd Mrs. Alyn Elliott was installed| Following dinner some of the|March meeting. | president; Mrs. Norman Mc-|members provided lively, cos- Evers, past president; Mrs.|tumed entertainment and Mrs James Anderson and Mrs.|James Brown sang accompan- Mrs. William Reed. ied by House-Bound Mother Seeks Inspiration For Home Work By ROBERTA ROESCH |Get-Up-and-Go power,' said a/ present, a stimulation for both though I am almost desperate future | "I feel I must get on my at home was a person who de- \I'm so disgruntled and unhappy old, two-year-old and one-year- home and family, I decided to old when she has no money for take an art instruction course baby sitters, no relatives in the by correspondence in my odds town where she lives, and no and ends of time." husband at home from Monday mentioned to this woman, lies'was right The second opportunity lies in posters, {examining her abilities and ap-|paintings and murals. Recently the executive ett. Mrs. Perry Smith was in-| to the retiring ex-| titudes and pinpointing one that with she can develop at home. in the LADIES' WEAR LTD. AND S& Studio Srurn SPORTSWEAR Store-Wide CLEARANCE Never Before ! ! Sale Starts THURSDAY . .9 A.M. January 12th even|the budget and herself in the One woman who did this suc-/ down cessfully while she is tied down | bud- cided her aptitude and ability cause pointed to the art field. "Before I settled down to life as a housewife, I had been in- exist terested in art," she said, 'so -year- while I was caring for my) As a result of her industry, practice and study, this wife as I made a start--in the way that for her toward the view- kind of future that stimulated to do both her budget and her Get- er an Up-and-Go power. r how. 'Today I have a studio in my home home,' she . explained. "My work consists of doing signs, silk--screen lettering, | Westmount Kiwanettes Install Officers The installation of officers (zone |f0r the Westmount Kiwanettes took place at their January) dinner meeting held in the} Law, | Hotel Genosha. : | Wil.| G- A. Powell instailed the mef|new executive as follows: past Hock-|President, Mrs. S. T. Finbow; | president, Mrs. Donald E. arms, | Lhompson; Ist vicé-president, s re-|Mrs. Roy Beckett; secretary, - wil-| Mrs. Earl G. Bailey; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Holland; program convener, Mrs. Blaine Boswell; | the| Ways and means, Mrs. C. J./ |Cunningham; telephone, Mrs. Ethier;. press, Mrs., R. C./ Bowes'; .education, Mrs. C. A.! Mrs. | Powell; reception and member- ship, Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick. It was announced that the) snder,|February meeting would be in| Mrs.|the form of a mother and/ _ Ver-|daughter banquet. An_ invita- ively; | AT REDUCED PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL LADIES' WEAR LTD. press secre= \ettes, to join them for the} 33 King East Oshawa Mrs. Matthew (Bell acted ol master of ceremonies and read| "aoe some amusing bits of verse. | "a Taderet of E Two-Ply Linens. Solid shades wide, reg. 2.49 yd., now 1.99 yd. 'F Bonded Worsted Petitpoint. Linen weave, pure wool, self- lined, 54" wide, special price -- 3.99 yd. NOT ILLUSTRATED --"Silky" Prints, blouse and dress patterns, 45'" . wide, reg. 1.98 yd., now only 1.29 yd. Omger Comenry of Carnie Lintiad,, S| JANUARY WISE BUY SAVE ON SPRING FASHION FABRICS PRICE AT A A Gobi" Prints Hopsack Weave, sporiswear cottons, gay pate terns; 45" wide, special 1.99 yd. B "Go-Go" Wools, Checks and Solids for smart outfits, 54" wide, ord. 4.98 yd., now 3.99 yd. C "Twilette'" Shantung Couturier, European import, 36" wide, now only 9.99 yd. D "Dundune" Linens from New York, sophisticated boutique 'prints, 45"wide, ord. 3.98 yd., now only 2.99 yd. , textured weave for '67, 45" || .) GER DOLLAR SALE! Men's and Boys' Brand Name SWEATERS ~ SPORT SHIRTS The finest of fine knitweor, made of Orlon and Lambswool. Manufacturer SALE forbids us to use his name. These come in White, Ivy, Walnut, Grey, Black and Blue. $-M-L-XL. 'Price Of 1 | Plus *1-°° Buy One Sweoter and get the Second Sweater for only $1.00. Buy One Sport Shirt and get the Second Sport Shirt for only $1.00. 2 Locations SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 SIMCOE N. 36 KING ST. E. Open Fridays till 9 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Thurs. and Fri til & 725-5443

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