Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1967, p. 11

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the vacant job thought I would KEEP IN TRIM - with him.' In ven told me he > promoted with ANN LANDERS: ers had oth 4 ; os é chit : ten Experience Teaches Basis Of Every Meal lener'on tr Cook eggs in non y moved a girl : : Ble : ppartment, who F i By IDA JEAN KAIN jtial amino acids (building LUNCH (425 the firm five be Natural Color Best 1 Do you expect to enjoy eating |blocks are present at the same Vegetable aad 1 a cot job that I ex fe Pt to slim down? Examine that|time, new body proteins are tage cheese, 14 cup on lettuce word, enjoy. It means satisfac-|buill to meet the body's re-|with 1) fresh pear; bread, 1 Dear Ann Landers: I am algates, sterilizes the silverware, teen-ager, who has learned a lot|scrubs, waxes and polishes. | from reading your column. Now| Qn Sunday when we go there I want to repay you by telling for dinner my father is a wreck. of 'my experience in the hope|Mother sprays the house with a that somebody will learn from | sickeningly sweet 'air purifier" me. | because she can't stand the odor Pp The night before Halloween Llof cooking. Dad says he likes s have tried to decided to shock everybody by|the smell of turkey and ham He letdown by showing up at a party with/and sweet potatoes and coffee nonth's salary, black hair. (I am a_ natural and baked bread better than the ood recommen blonde.) I bought a bottle of | smell of disinfectant. ring to help me black rinse at the drugstore and | Mhm'é: Gat and tier Ale ak followed the instructions to the oo Pat y can. letter. My hair turned blue ways sick and I'm sure the n't make a bad 'T called a girl friend who had|St'0n8 stuff she puts on the s0 I would like hod ca 1bl GF exnanciee ow floors and the gook she sprays " perience with tints and she came right over all id aga! has something to do : bt |with it. What do you suggest?-- with a bottle of peroxide light | iy Kor Fao ener. She used a double appli-! reree, Fee cation. My hair turned green. Dear Hooray: Mom has a) The next day I went to the Setanium in her cranium. And) beauty shop and spent three|! don't want anybody to write weeks' allowance and now I look|and tell me I have a nerve de- like a rabbit. My hair is pink fending dirty housekeepers and and my ears are blistered. My implying clean women are nuts. scalp is a mess. Anyone who disinfects, ster- It will be a year before my jilizes, fumigates, waxes, scrubs head will be back to normaljand polishes every day is sick. and I am disgusted with my-|Your mother's campaign self. Please tell all teen-agers against cooking odors is part of t to injury, the sd me told me oing to fill my st at the present ed me into a it a boss. feel triumph prise factor prived or Take the you will do w you will put core of eac hunger, up Sagging ti the body. Wh 7 t09 3 es . trition-scienti ee ELEANOR lyearbook of ORDWAY proteins. ll be taken : : . 2s . I i everywhere to leave their hair her illness. Co D Ch {G ds jingredient of all that shows-- alone.--Dum Bunny nsumer 1V1S10N 1é ual 4 muscles, skin, hair, nails and Dear Bun: You told them and . . eyes. Most of what you do not I hope they listen. Winnipeg Ballet 4 see is protein --blood, lymph, | % Educates adian Oppers heart, Jungs, tendons, ligaments, Dear Ann Landers: I have In Toronto Making é brain and nerves, and all the per along tag at ak once a | By MARILYN ARGUE __{tributed to service groups, wom- Pe bp eee sia it mon or the last years, but OTTAWA (CP)--Eleanor Ord-jen's clubs and schools from! Jhy a complete protein with you will not rcognize ny name| Color TV Feature a ced about the/coast to coast. each meal? When all the essen- n Group or my handwriting. The Royal Winnipeg Ballet toothpaste you use, the orange; The staff also answers about |" uinuee : |the prescription you ordered |sumers complaining about such|Why buy b lems concerning my sisters, my when Johnny had the flu. brother, my teachers and my Toronto to tape Brian Mac- donald's "Rose Latulippe" for friends. I wrote to you when my |Canadian Broadcasting Corp-| Chief of the consumer division |or asking for information, in a polyethy i] father died. I thought I would|oration, The nintey - minute|of the federal health depart: |, PROVES PROTESTS because never get over the heartache. I/feature will be the first ballet/ment's food and drug adminis-\" ys Otaway a seasoned |moist?" have asked you questions about|tg be produced in color on the aia ag gtd "Aap lineechinager aa conference:|: Sue maue.t sex, money, love and even my/cRC i -hour day and travels thou-|* ' diet, CBC network and will be shown | nds of miles a year exchang- |80€?; approves of the rise Of) "uyvou can nationally during March on the r consumers' protest groups al- though her division has no con- ing information with consume: But you can't possibly know |"Music Canada"' series. tion in experiencing. Expect. to You do not go hungry, lose your positive approach. Don't start by listing. the foods Life requires protein. Make complete protein food the har Proteins are the builders of riers, you look in the mirror? You see jvourself, of course, But as nu 2 {ton pointed out in Food, The I've asked for help with prob- |left by air New Year's Day for |juice you drink at breakfast and/|1;700 letters annually from con-/pyt it's worth it in the long run things as bugs in the corn meal! cardboard box when it's cheaper have the right to choose. "'t legislate every- thing. I would like to see the ant. You will not only look better--which is prob-jand other meat ably your reason for reducing--|poultry, milk, cheese, cottage but you will feel better. Get over the notion that food habits are unalterable. The sur- be pleasure.| Protein ' feel de-|Satiety value, which means ap-| petite satisfaction. Also, a cu- rious nutritional fact is on the |stices, %4 inch thick); baked po- side of the dieter. No one is'tato (19)--margarine or butter ithout. Decide what {able to eat enough lean meat t, pat; six asparagus spears; hae tomatoes, stewed or fresh; hot tern of eating, and know why.| The balance of the menu is beverage; fresh pear, (14). a|made up of the other protective q|foods, vegetables, fruits, whole three |grain cereal, bread, butter or meals. By this plan you appease | Margarine and salad oil. normalize your appe-| tite, avoid fatigue, and shore calorie meals around the foods!and whole baked potato which are good nutrient can reduce beauti will | bounce. | into your new pat- oh oof your When ssue. at do you see when fully. any one meal. st Dr. Ruth Lever BREAKFAST (260) agriculture, you| Grapefruit, half; scrambled |'" the basic you Protein Food Should Be organs, cheese and eggs. SATE APPETITE foods have a jalone to gain weight. you build your fish, high low- larger car- Tomorrow: Stop overeating at tees in worth of goods to 45 countries THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, January 10, 1967 11 1 slice--margarine or butter, 4 pat; coffee--black. Note: Use non-nutritive sweet- quirements. The complete pro-| <jice_margarine--or--butter; 1 tein foods are lean meat, liver | nat: skim milk, 1 glass. SNACK (1))( Glass skim milk or hot cocoa jmade with skim milk, non-nu tritive sweetener. DINNER (400) Mushroom meat Use lean ground chuck In meat loaf feed Total calories for day--1,185 have loaf, Overweight serving man may of meat SEND HELPING HAND Red Cross women's commit- $374,500 Canada sent the first nine months lalso see a superb package of |¢g& with second egg white; toast:1966. . ¢ Protein is | a = loaf (1! rown sugar in a lene bag and better the bag keeps it he consumer must Would You Like To Go to Florida This Winter...? 5th Annual Chartered BUS TOUR TO . SUNNY FLORIDA free to individuals and is er | | Every day she disinfects, fumi-'States. q | : | s § the country. * Imanufacturers regulate them- about any of my letters because | "Rose Latulippe" was pre-/> UPS across trol over the prices the women|™ Lege : I never mailed them. Yet, you|miered August ve 1966 at ae 'i A genes Pregl with lare objecting to: eee ote herent: Leaving Sunday, January 29th -- 7:00 A.M. have helped me tremendously. | "dS : 4 ; |brown eyes an ack-rimme' "1 don't rove of boycotti b ul § Course Just rine to you quieted my Sie Gu clean ut aera Oe glasses, she has been with the jas sich it tani have aay aire honest" and ied aon Return Sundoy, February 12th -- 7:00 P.M, fears and relieved my-rusr: Sratford wenson, te ballet was DAT fr- 2) pene ndeet at it tas Grout the ygy gays." [Second Tour to Leave Februery 17 itmcann to know tere some [Pe of Se cate i Sean since I Bogan seven ve9r+[Nut something hay to bettone| ifthe Sat down and. wra ena fo: lek Oh ceommeboay iene. of whom ca ed it a "crea- ago. She is also secretary of the |tor the consumer of , telling them what she didn't Total cost of this deluxe Motor Coach Tour including trans- talk to : jon. ot eens: : food and drug directorate's ad- : : ._ |like it would have a very great portation and 14 nights Motel and Hotel accommodations Club I started to write to you when |,, 2h, Production, financed by|yisory council. Miss Ordway, who describes effect. After all, who are their (175.00 Canadian Funds). In the past years this Travel Bargain 5 the Canadian Centennial Com- ; herself as "a careful shopper," |customers?" , I was 11 years old. I am 2i|, : acer 'The native of Regina had A ": | has completely sold out at an early date, and you would be : peat *,|mission, will be shown in its se advises housewives to read la-| She says the protest groups now and I think it's time I said Mesa planned to study medicine but}),), d veight sbe-| 2 : wise to make your reservations now. stage version in Winnipeg featat els and compare weight sbe-|haye had an obvious effect on thank you, Ann Landers.--S. C.) ' when a serious illness prevented ne | . ji {March 29, April 1 and 2. It is fore buying. \the parliamentary food prices Dear §. C.: Your letter makes' aiso scheduled for perform that, she took a two-year lab] Ingredients are listed in de-|committee which has recom me wonder how many others|*~ - df "|technician's course and further} A : n ° ; 8 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL are writing to me and tearing |*" a gonillvd 2 er ,[etudies at the Hospital for Sick res ge i engin pag ili a. of con- up the letters. | Harry Freedman's original/Children in Toronto. patted citer gente yh ais, No matter what the technique,|Score will be orchestrated to| with her staff of 12 women|,W#te! flavoring, color, fruit) "I'm thrilled to death about] 57 KING ST. E. 728-6201 ' ei the size of the Stratford juice concentrate" there's more |that idea. I've spent my life in| it I can help I'm happy. Thanks |twice . : Prevost, (St@, Prepares pamphlets and/water than anything else in it.|consumer work and I always| very much for mailing this one, |Orchestra and Robert Prevost,|nocters such as a recent kit on| "Discriminati nine: te ltele the erred | OSHAWA, ONT. honey. It brightened my day, |the creator of the original cO8-|the gafe use of drugs. The divi-| sinc te take mere of per aime linto bie own eventuatiy.? | |tumes and decor, has BESR cis, alan dhes autveve to find | 2° ng to take more of her time,|into his own eventually. : - vcore oe Ae Landers: I am a ay Mood CBC to/ out what information consumers married woman and have a| i want. 2 Corel Youre. home of my own, but it is my| The company will return to} It publishes a consumer mother's home I am _ writing) Winnipeg January 17 and leave}memo explaining manufacturing about--for my father's sake. five days later for an exten-|processes azd labelling terms Mother has gone crazy chas-|sive two month and _ 13,000)which may be confusing to buy- | ing dirt and fighting odors.|mile tour of the United|ers. The literature is available 60 KING ST. E. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LADIES' SATIN CUP BRASSIERES SPECIAL ing sheer. Comes in COVER GIRL NYLONS Corina! o ets seamless mesh nylons, retcl pay te iL Colors: Beige - Burnt Umber Mink - Jamaica and Grey. REG. 69% These first quality seamless Ful bust cups "EXQUISITE" Nyi i Ht pares sete tts inte ashi rs covered upper cup needies, Sizes: 8% to 11 R izes: 32 to 36 A eg. 39¢ Sizes: Fe BOP PECIAL White only Reg. $1.00 "DOUBLE MESH" T QUALITY NYLONS sy Guaranteed first quality walk STRETCHY tops. Sizes: 9 to 11 SU EET Tal Shades. Reg. 5% SPECIAL tops to fit in comfort. HURRY AND SAVE. SPECIAL Watch for our FABRIC SALE AD TOMORROW! Here's your opportunity to shop for the SAVE 14¢ BAN y ROLL ON DEODORANT To keep you fresh as a daisy all day long, 1 07z, size, Reg. 97¢ SPECIAL 83° LADY PATRICIA PERMANENT HAIR COLOR Reg. fabric buys that have made Walker's Fabric "A Hair coloring miracle" Hair color and conditioner, Department famous for over 60 years. AAs easy as a shampoo with complete color kit. Reg. 99¢ SPECIAL , , WALKER'S THE HOME OF THE BRANDS CRAFTMASTER /Children's paint by num- ber kits. Selection of scenes, BRAND NEW FACTORY FRESH:* Adu inti Kits. Advanced set pro- viding hours of interest. 2-8" x 10" Panels, with 22 oil colors, 73 6712 45 R.P.M. Rock'n Roll Tremendous Choice. MAJOR LABELS ! REG. VALUE -- 98¢ EACH SPECI a 31° Top Artists. Western -- Popular -- \ e if y ZZ OPOLITA MU, % N Ww" DY yp "ltt mS LP MA @Z all the family. 2-6" 12" matching pictures, with 9 colors in screw " "Reg. $3.00 D4Al LADIES' FIRST QUALITY SEAMLESS MESH | LADIES' CHIFFON NYLON HOS Printed Nylon chiffon headsquares., Hand rolled edges, Assorted colors, JANUARY SPECIAL 17 each 39° LADY PATRICIA 17% ALBERTO-CULVER "COMMAND" AFTER SHAVE LOTION Reg. $1.25 size While they last! SPECIAL HAIR SPRAY Special Bonus Can, -- 20% More, Soft style -- Firm control, Reg. 99¢ SPECIAL Sturdy plastic hondie with temperature POP-UP TOASTER Polished chrome body with stay-tool: bok automatic .. when. perfectly done! ELECTRIC KETTLE Highly-polished chrome body. High-speed automatic reset. 110-120 volts, Complete with ettached cord, Cholee of tea kettle, 6-cup percoletor, value and performance. REG. VALUE YOUR CHOICE, EACH mixing bowl! set, eutlery tray, mony others; el! in verious colours, CHOICE "GOLD BAND" "MELMAC"® 20-pce set 20-pce set Reg. $3.99 Reg. $8.99 997 587 DURABILITY. ZELLER'S SAVINGS SALE 'Of The Tremendous Values... Just Say 10'2" ELECTRIC FRY PAN Complete with control master and cover with cool plastic knob. Completel immersible. One year guorantee, 115 volts. A.C. only; C.5.A approved, just set to any shade desired and the toast will pop-up 1500 watts, ALUMINUM COOKWARE French fryer, 31% and 5% pint saucepans in the group. All tops In UP TO $3.59. HOUSEHOLD PLASTIC ITEMS Durable, unbreakable and in amooth finish. Choose from drain mot, REG, 886 YOUR "CALICO PLAID" PATTERN -- 20-PCE. . STARTER SETS SECONDS. Modern copue shape, with plaid design on white ground, in yellow, blue or pink. Set consists of four each dinner plates, bread and butter plates, cereol bowls and cup 'n"soucers. SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS WILL NOT AFFECT CONTINUED Get Your Share CHARGE IT SPECIAL guide; oir vent elite handles and feet. Fully Immersion-type element with A.C, CSA, approved. 197 pails ond % ]: "RHAPSODY/ CHARMAINE® 20-Pce Set 7 "« 4,47 JUST SAY CHARGE IT NO DOWN PAYMENT colors ond sizes. breakable. Reg. 1.14 set. SET CEREAL DISHES Set of 6 durabel, plastic cereal dishes in assorted Practical because they're un- CHINA TEA Chino tea pot holds 6 cups. Attractive floral de- sign with "gold" trim. Excellent value! EACH POTS 88: Dishwater-safe, chrome-plated mirror ato masher, fork, turner, ladle . KITCHEN TOOL SET tools in box with decorated handles. Set of pot- finished JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS AWAITING YOU at ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE ST. SOUTH

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