Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1967, p. 12

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- ° ep 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, yee OUR REFEREE FOR THE HERE'S THE LANDING RAMP WHERE WE'RE CDR, SAWYER, THE BOATS SAY YY THISISAHECKE | (IT MEANS WE'LL HAVE TO Monday, January 9, 1967 World Rights Reserved HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT- WHERE ARE THEY! 'THEY CAN'T GET THE LCTS OVER | OF A TIME TO RESORT TO PLAN TWO AND : DONALD DUCK! 'THE SANDBARS, TELL US! : a BRIDGE = E By B, JAY BECKER i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' 1 3 n Individual Championship Play) = 8 FAMOUS HANDS 2° =) South dealer. phe a Neither side vulnerable. ee from NORTH @KQ102 9862 : @10 Sto 1 HOME Now--] [VeuT, cEAR--- EAN 4 ' STILL.... HES QM canwoiLe... > Qs985 Acer: YOU CAN TALK YOWRE MY PLE M ANY A TIME { ~ WEST 7 EAST pen > DARLING WEILL RIDE ON EJDIFR sive 7 49643 a I HAVEN'T BEEN HUSBAND OF THE CREEK, N,...UNTIL @KIOTSS #10 Am ABLE TO TALK a WE FIN? THE SPOT WHER oA43 $29752 Am ae zi HE CAME OUT OF THE WATER.| | Sas K64 rel 8 of 12 - _ tums on 8 Oa Sass tee 86 ar = zB 41072 a 6Q ae 8 = The bidding: Hie South West North East cam 2 oS Land Pass ra Pass cD cd Opening lead -- seven of Can. hearts. Se , ae is a yg ieee hand coe ' WAL=THAT played by Stella Rebner, West or MAKES IT NATURALLY Coast expert. It occurred in the Goch f COME AWAY WITH ME, LESS o SEAMAN'S masters pair championship in pls MAN? WE'LL MAKE. /aa\ emer DISGUSTIN D4 PAPERS ALL. San Francisco in 1961, os BEAUTIFUL PROTEST yy ae fs ea The two notrump bid by Mrs. c ¢ > EAT! T Rebner was rather bold, consid- Con & bal ering that she had already C Ri = Oo opened the bidding with a mini- oar re =] mum hand and her partner had Cop-A ie e passed the two heart overcall. bart el But undaunted, Mrs. Rebner bid Cstlai eel eG two notrump, which North sree bar He (Alicia Kempner) raised to Deer three. Oe k wa West led a heart, East played rapt the ten, and Mrs, Rebner per- Dome mitted the ten to win the trick! al As a result of this extraor- East dinary play, Mrs. Rebner made pat the contract. East ry do no Glens co better than return a diamond. j 10 CHANNELS PERFECT RECEPTION e NO ANTENNA Friar caked, ad Wee oon Gort with the ace. West could now Gran make no damaging return and orp Mrs. Rebner easily made nine Guile! tricks after forcing out the A-K ey of clubs. Hasti 7 Now let's suppose that Mrs. Head Rebner had won the ten of Hollir hearts with the queen, which Huds : £09 "MING ST would seem to be the natural pene Oshawa imited There's More To See (EAST MALL), .723-5278 would very. likely have gone ive With Cable TV Bese, ates Stem oe would probably have lost » rips V A-K of clubs, the ace of dia- Kerr w AN'S KNOW YOU GET BUT DON'T YOU THINK i E L E I S I O N L HUBERT monds and four heart tricks. Wet: OTRAIGHT A'S ON YOU YOU'RE BEIN' A LITTLE Mrs. Rebner reasoned that es REPORT CARD! | OVERCONFIDENT ? Channel 12--Peterdorough) 4--To Tell The Truth 7--Dating Game ri West was bound to have two Lorad Peron 8 ea 2-8Run ye ag 3-6-12--Chez Helene THATS FoR entries outside of hearts to jus- reek j Channel G--Rochester | 12-T.H.E. Cat i tonnage MY MOTHER AND tify the two heart bid. She could Mads % I Sonal cotareet 'Sie Ud chee | oe ee ee SHES TAKING also be sure that West had ern ° 4 Channel €--Buttale . | 4--I've Gotva Secret" ti-carmen Party A C.O.D, A BATH--YOULL | |six-card suit for the jump bid, mails & é a ce 3--Candid Camera PyrTeronto Today PACKAGE = HAVE TO WAIT= This, in turn, meant that East's yd hy 7 d wanna 119-8785 fait J SIGN ten of hearts was a singleton. Monk fa wy ( "Meather snd sports. | @-tunchaon "tithe PLEASE : It followed that if West had Mela > stg mM PEE MR 4--News and Weather only two side entries, his heart mine " C 7 | ioeemiy thenr "nes PM. veer rey a0) suit could be immobilized by Monel " . rss 11--Plerre Berton Movie ducking the opening lead. Of we ' 4 Tobaramia Skiing with, Steiner's) TI's A Match course. Mrs. Reoner was lucky Not D ° Movie 1:38 P.M, Sports . to find East with the queen of New. LAD _$.30 P.M, BBs ll dha al | 28--Eye Guess O diamonds as well as one of the Noone = 6--Mrovie 4---Movie ¢4--Search tor Temerrew x three missing key cards, but she N Go bwcrale's 1.35 PM, iss ioe had exactly the kind 'of luck wae B--McHale's Navy 3--Inspecior Maigret 4-4--Gulding Light ORR PE TOL re oF he Wy Ory aNs q jad exactly N Hi 5 ait P. 11:40 PLM. 1:00 P.M, ah ada edie BR ae EES y palatal a oho se Oe te Wingats that is often rewarded when ac- Nin Movie 9--Court Martial 11--Theatre ied by a modicum of Newh 6--Gilligan's Island 12--Cheyenne 9--~Movie y N Qu 'Weather, Sports 1:45 P.M, #Dialing for Dollars ISIGN FoR ) | skill. Noroe Hee Fat 6--Girl From U.N.C.L.E.| Girl Talk YOO-HOO! N In this deal, Mrs. Rebner Norle 12--Combat aig esrit) Then Sassy C? THIS, LADY ? made the most of both Noh N--Mystery Theatre é--Luncheon Date ' * North +62--News, 'Weethers TUESDAY 4--Meet the Millers ; Obasi Pipes 8:00 A.M. Movie AUSSIES SET TO WIN Opem =| Pree jeon eneth Kengares a--Merv Griffin CAPETOWN (Reuters) -- barat Fedele N--Albert Steed 6-As The World 7, L South Africa fought grimly to Patin = Nein Abie | PoRemper, Room ites Makes Deel = try and save the second test re =| alae Aavenire | 7--Dialing For Dollars, an 2:00 P.M. = match Wednesday but barring Pine s--Hero " j Sle See o Nevred Otaié = intervention by the weather, Place 4--Midwestern Hayride | Little People 6-4--Password f ee Australia seemed well placed to Pyrat 2--News, Weather, 3+Ed Al 2-4--Days of Our Lives i W eB win today on the final day. Q Mi N--Daktari t--Uncle Bobby" | 12-Calendar i South Africa, which tad fol- gear See pall | &Smile Time | 9--People in Conflict ! lowed on 189 runs behind, was Rio 1 : 4 Gilligan's, Island geen! (rata | conenene I 288 for seven at the close to Ro so AND EVE IMMEDIATELY HIS CONTEMPORARIES isgcjamce | 11--Whiplash | 4--Linkletter's Party ° lead by 99 runs with three sec- Sherr ASSUMED 1 THOUGHT SHE CALLED SHAKESPEARE 8:00 P. i ge dah | Peers ' ond-innings wickets left. aM WAS AWFUL. WELL, I DID 9--Bewitched : 4--Love of Life Ss oe DENIES BOUT REPORT Silma THINK SO! SHE BECAME AT GALILEO... 3-1 dream of Jeannie 3-6-9-12--Ontario Schools | Ue eereae Confidential MILAN (AP) -- The manager Siscoe Shon! -- AN, THE Et. eax, 'sela--The. Sein ae ae ta cAnainer ori of Charthan Chinoi, world fly: Steep n STANISLAVSKY UTTERED |2--Movie lise Alen Sita 7--General Hospital toh f A iland Sulliv OOTHING WORDS JUDGE, DEAR 10 PLM. 4--To Tell The Truth weight champion, of Thailand, = About HER BENG A re ne Nar N--Oceasional Wife | bat Reach for the stare | 'F12--Take, 20 YOUR HEALTH denied reports Wednesday. that Texs *TRUE ARTIST..." BE ASISTER-- 1 eanay. Grietiih 4--Candid Camera jin the champion will fight Mexi- Tomb 3 IT WILL BE |* Rat Patrol Pele aieian | Senne 3.90 P.M. can Alacran Efren Torres in Ae e "ie WS POSTERITY! | steele Salt | 1<Morning Time Bb ceef epi Meee vs as ¥ R T _|February. Manager Umberto Une ba i ANYTHING, I MADE IT A \i-speticont UURGHon . Or bieeareeteeanan | Zz Superman show - ay reatment , |Branchini, an Italian, said vice td] WORSE, EARL. WHEN EVE | #--Ceuntry Music ne® | 7--Donne Reed ean Torres' camp proposed a bout Wileo | Asker' Me HOW I LIKED HER arnt ee foBeverly Hilbities | sora ed ° s|in Mexico City Feb. 12, but, he willra b= | ACTING, I SIMPLY COULDN'T ¥]| 7--Felony Squad Farmi | 11--Super Comics Dulls Inflammation said, he rejected the proposal Zulap LIE. L MUMBLED SOMETHING, z|| 3-6-12--Show of the Week | 11:00 A.M. 9--1 Love Lucy because the purse was only $20,- I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT-- I hcamers re | ToMike Douglas eMatch Come an fi ii--Merv Griffin . J pis 4 {sai wei | eee ets ewene | Seite, Gengas™ By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ; BOTVINNIK WINS AGAIN am | Law and Mr. Jones | 4Andy of Mayberry | 4:00 PM. . HASTINGS, England (AP)-- cnn gs Ba; 11:25 AM. ee Dear Dr. Molner: What is,mulated, the only means of re-|Mikhail Botvinnik of the Soviet C Ex | 7--Big Vaney +6--Emergency Ward ® | 4 Movie your opinion of x-ray treatment|moval may be surgery. It de-|Union, former world champion, <n Le cheileee o | ocanselieeiee Cadet | 34:12---Mad Movies to remove calcium deposits in|pends on the case. Wednesday defeated Henrique Sed By ------ ea _--|the shoulder? What happens to| X-ray (and the same is true|Mecking of Brazil in an Inter- Cont. n the dissolved calcium? What do|for ultrasound) does not "dis-/Mational Chess Congress match c We 5 CROSSWORD you think of ultrasonic' treat-|solve" the calcium. The pur-|that went 43 moves and lasted Dyna So ent?--Mrs. S. ose is to alt more than five hours. Botvin- Fargo ment? p 0 alter and relieve the|™ ( Frenc = ACROSS DOWN _18.Titleor RLM BPD This obviously refers to bur-|inflammatory state in the joint.|"k, playing the black pieces, Gr P 1, Applaud 1. Bread 'nobility PRSSIPEIEAIITSME |sitis in the shoulder--inflamma-|Suppressing the inflammation|®"4 Mecking each have two St ¢ 5. Rapid particle in nce MCIAINMM TIT {tion of a bursa, or one of the/is, after all, the essential pur-|8@™es remaining. Mill Ma 10. Plexus 2. River em- Ger- TS MATT small fluid-filled sacs which ex-| pose. Pl Hey 11, Whiter bankment many = [UAMBPIOIAMEM ULI) list to provide a smooth pad) Sometimes if the calcium has SALLY'S SALLIES Place 4 12. Grape 3. Sweetsop 21. Chicle | over which the tendons of ajnot solidified but is still in a Prov S 13. Greek 4, Hebrew 23. Bursts A joint ride, and to protect the/sort of "slushy'" form, it can be fits letter letter forth ta joint. aspirated or irrigated out with Spoon 1. 5. Revolved 26. Beast Bursitis, a common ailment,|a needle and syringe. This is ine cess 6. iio a om ™ jis not necessarily an easy onejoften the best recourse when U Ce 16, Pronoun" -«. Frisieed 97. Flavor Saturday's Answer |t0 treat. In many cases, resting |the inflamed bursa is distended. ven 17.Soundofa _8. Criminal 28, Its capital the afflicted joint permits the} Cortisone injections also are w large bell 9. Libyan "is Tallinn 38. Flowers inflammation to subside, and|frequently used, the purpose 19, Goddess of seaport i 41, Pineapple: {healing is pretty much auto-|being to relieve pain and sup- harvests 13. Negative Minor or Sp. matic. (Some medication to re-|press inflammation temporarily Abitit 20, Start prefix Major 44, Perch lieve pain in the interim is often |while the joint is rested and ities 22, Belonging 15. Article 30.Obtained 46. High priest |necessary.) allowed to heal. aie a Ftd Peg: ddl 48. : In other pane prolonged Re c fa evada, 17, Cuplike Point article or repeated inflammation) Dear Dr. Molner: ' on = city - container . 37, Madison 49.Wordof brings on a much more stub-/ble to massage palate vie ist . ae Ph a for liquids Ave. toiler disgust born situation which cannot hairline veins which seem to Alvin | = vier Peed ae a a Oa 2 le 17 Te 19 Y clear up merely by resting the appear on upper thighs and 'Argus + Article: joint--shoulder, knee, elbow are|around the knee after the 40s? Avees Min dteee' TO 7A y, joints often exposed to severe|They are not swollen i -"aryetapereeer arr ee are caoaane || Y 4 WA \or continued pressure and thus |put are unsightlycMre a, "Mr. Nagy, I'm afraid there's Alto: 31, Like 12 Yu CG is | |subject to bursitis, but obvi-! No, you can't massage them been a misunderstanding." ela Sisiaa feat 4 Wal then the 'aflamnmation is ve-|7wae. ut fact You might rupture Bh [NOT FoR ME YOU SEE,I HAD - og YU G vere and extensive, the healing vag ged shih aa unsightly also called pyelonephritis. It Bee Sion qtbaRioncEe Ay Tile 34, Asterisks 20 a az |2 process involves an accumula-| 'These'little veins, or venules often becomes chronic, being 36, Oil of rose L sr Ace tion of calcium, just' as calcium |are common. Contrary to popu-|SU>dued but then flaring up fa petals YH | YA GZ may gather in scar tissue after |jar 'belief, studies show that|*8i": s fal 39, Old weight Secs "$ a wound, or inflammation of they come and go. Avoid any: Identifying the precise type of IM for wool other tissues. ithing constricting about the up germ involved and then making un 40. Sacred bull cm Yael 7, my 7, Y : : lper thigh (garters, tight corset sensitivity tests to determine 42. Perform GY, YW) DON'T ALWAYS CURE a , '441,| Which -antibiotic can best sup- a 43.R ae 4, a : or panty-girdle). There is little ' | ps Ya 37 pa X-ray and ultrasound, oF vW-/aise you can do press it-offer the best prospects a : greg V4 trasonic phi no both have i for permanent cure. racti 77 ie 141 V77\az proved to be effective measure ' Symptoms are chills, fever, n oo o O, GY in such cases of bursitis, but Dear Dr. Molner: What is|frequency and burning on uri- "7 Or Troy as iat Va Gym readers 'must keep in mind that Pyelitis? Is it curable? What|nation; possibly pain in the side 49. Wings 7 Z I do' not say that they are al- are the symptoms, and wha'})- the abdomen i=} 50. Sicilian at 46 Gu ways certain cures. They help, @ffect does it have in advanced} 'The danger in advanced cases ce = volcano: Ly but sometimes the condition is Stages?--M. S. D. is that the infeetion can spread su var. Y 50 GY q too severe to permit total relief. | It is infection of the collecting |through the kidneys and cripple ! Si Tchamnbe ce, cohe I excessive calcium has accu-\chpmber pf the kidney, and!them. \ --

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