Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1967, p. 11

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ENTS from the Depart. nd Food, and eco. cookbook a full. , Add to ed vege. hand te. Serve of crum- ced ham eee *S ae Reesor RVER ood walls d in the A -- with, aste, var- h where you need borrow- by from o decide you need jous Indus- once ex- business "When « th money man with th the ex- y and the ts the ox- the inspir- ts; now it to be on- j@ counsel- es to hug the some } our best "married" ping that ral. LTD. AUNDERING entative | | By CARL MOLLINS leged slighting of Muriel --one of their most Year's honors list. Miss Spark, whose latest is The Mandelbaum hundred public relatively eral and other citizens. By contrast, actress Dc Tutin and Oxford F scholar Enid Starkie were more highly rated Comma of the British Empire, whi ser came a dame of the order. Empire. Novelist Pamela protest publicly in a lett |The Times Tuesday, com jing that the Spark OBE Trish Linen Ta Church, the Reverend Ros- tyslaw Panchenko. The sing- ers included Mrs. Panczen- ko, Mrs. Michael Shirko, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kar- piak, Mrs. Alex Stec, Mrs. Peter Dobroshinsky and Mrs. William Andrey. --Oshawa Times Photo ON SATURDAY NIGHT, According to Ukrainian Christmas Day observanc- es, groups of carollers went from house to house, carry- ing as their banner the Star of Bethleham, ringing small hand bells and sing- ing sacred songs and car- Busy TV Personality, Panelist Takes On Additional Tasks - By ROBERTA ROESCH TV show. I was curious about "Since you already have ac-|the new job given to her by complished so much in so many|Governor Nelson Rockefeller, fields," I recently asked Kitty|in which she is to explore the Carlisle Hart, "what kind of;ways the women in New York force inspired you to take onjstate can utilize their talents singing they collected dona- tions for charities while the host and hostess served light refreshments. The group above collected at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Grigorenko who are seen in the upper picture beside the priest of St. John's : | There is, for example, as ] every TV-viewer knows her | Judy Sco ds busy career as a TV personality ols. The adult, youth and children's groups of St. John's Church and 'several other groups of singers, all members of the Eastern Orthodox rites, made their rounds visiting some 250 homes. After extending the greetings of the season and By JEAN SPRAIN WIL! NEW YORK (AP) -- linen table cloth with its curtains for the matter, |become chic garments in | spring wardrobe, But if you are not handy needle and thread and For the sake of US. and panelist; her career as a writers here for the New i singer and lecturer; her wedica-/ Women S Groups couture group's semi - ar tion to her commitments as a |press week activities, it w her pending debut at N.Y.'s Metropolitan Opera in Die Fled- ermaus on New Year's Eve. LIKES TO BE ACTIVE nization Saturday to "T like to be doing something |peating demands for a royal) ments made not from the the challenging new role of spe-|and energies for volunteer, part-|all the time," Kitty said. "That | commission on women's rights| Wool and cotton yarns, but cial consultant to the governor|time or full-time. paid employ-|is the force that probably guidesjor risk antagonizing the male|!inens, took over eps on women's opportunities?" ment. me. In addition, I became par-| cabinet. |Friday. The costumes The occasion was a brief in-; As I waited» for her answer |ticularly interested in the chal-| Speaking at a news. confer- gamuet, terlude during which I was able|and watched her at her mirror, |jenges women face today when-|ence, Miss LaMarsh said she | (What to talk to Kitty while she took/I thought about the many roles'eyer I lectured to women's was disappointed in the way the | off her makeup after taping a'that already keep her busy. | groups. . |Committee for the Equality of Ven orange. .|_, As I would talk to women|Women was threatening to take| PANTS REACH LOW 'after lectures," she said, "I/action if the government didn't There were nutty launch a royal tary of State Judy LaMarsh, | Pecially the makers of the | stop re-| Thus, a wardrobe of from else?) green |would hear them express a goo! many ideas that gave me food|fore the end of this month. |with malibu feathers at for thought. : "Ixam very much afraid that!neck, a matching helmet "Over and over again, I would if the kind of strident tone that | i |see that many of them who|has been used in the last couple |wanted to use their talents and |qays continues, jenergies didn't know what to do, | pushing too jor how to start doing what they |qoor and will undo all the goo wanted to do. At the same time that has been done," ' { would see many marvellous iwomen who were working to- a the : jesty garments such as it will constitute fitted torso dresses with d low the hemline. said. There were the usual she cabinet are men as other men, | gloriously glamorous f Stay on as special consultant 0|Committee for the Equality of the governor on women's oppor-|Women, said last week that i tunities, I again agreed to do so. }her organization, representing i ly 7 NO PAT ANSWERS 2,000,000 women across Canada, Baars ; A has given the government the Ne net ee ultimatum of either setting up| lis the widow of producer and | T?val commission by: Jatt, $1 | playwright Moss Hart. 'There |seems to be a dislocation of re-| border of lace and shoest shoulder straps. Or take linen crocheted bathrobe facing the consequences. H The women asked for a royal|---" make tem, 'Women Criticize Slight Honor | Bestowed On Author-Colleague LONDON (CP)--Britain's for-|Vera Brittain chimed in Thurs- midable female authors are ris- illustrious | Puny. colleagues--in the Queen's New in a series of critical successes} yy ceived a modest Order of the \c, British Empire--along with sev-| obscure first," she said. "I don't think | ondary tress Margaret Rutherford be-|and female writers in compari-|and Gisele MacKenzie, as well | dame or knight of the British/f one of her novels. Hansford} Johnson, wife of writer-scientist |( C. P. (Lord) Snow, opened the| =~" | Steal Limelignt Its Fashion Place By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON | ily crocheted insert, or the lac home furnishings, you can count on the Irish to see you through. mother; and last but not least, | OAKVILLE (CP) -- Secre-|fashion day for the Irish--es- the only woman in the federal fibres which contribute meas- Week overlaps with the Ameri- cabinet, told a women's orga-|Urely to the textile industry. spare emé@rald a simultaneous leg show pro- dresses to kiddy clothes in, ses, sheaths, audience attention was ent things-- commission be- orange bell-bottomed pansuits |sun glasses. .There were. mod-, somewhat, though, when a bi- semi- kini-clad lass climbed onto the) hard on an open knitted pants reaching far be- she wore a bold-striped, high- un " aa black big brim? he prime minister and the and white combinations and the |ward worthwhile accomplish-| and if you have harpies harping |sweeping things loor-| industry is combining vivid col- jments, |at them, you will just get their} Nevertheless, the winners of\" , sy acid agen BRIDAL SALON When Governor Rockefeller) packs up and they won't do any- the Irish sweepstakes Havked Milliners are also creeping |asked me to be chairman of the thing." = lhaek 3 th ih di a with into the styling territories of lfirst Governor's Conference on fae - hi ti lh a Rik is apparel designer. They are cre- All bridal arrangements |Women held in New York City|GIVEN ULTIMATUM tabie inci Sata l color eum. ating chapeaux that go along, carried out in complete |last year, I accepted the chal-| Mrs. Michael Sabia. of St.lh Bains ce ea sant com: with boleros, scarves, gloves aye lenge. When he asked me to|Catharines, president of the! /7e¢ In the most elegant ways. 414 ymbrellas--all things which P Y: Take the simple column of Irish linen with its knee-to-floor |wrapped around a dréss meant Per jumpsuits. for a very public life indeed. If 1 *\you saw them; you'd take them issuing paper everything now-- Garnet, Birthstone For January Once Reserved For Nobility Written for The Canadian Press| The Royal Ontario Museum By MARGARET NESS in Toronto has several pieces As Canada enters her Centen:|0f ancient jewelry featuring nial Year, she might well take|Sarnets. One bracelet with) as her motto for the next 10/three small garnet beads held, years the virtues attributed to/{ogether with gold spacers | the garnet as the birthstone|comes from Egypt, from for January: constancy, true around the 16th century B.C. friendship and fidelity. Another from the same _ pe- Garnets are usually regardedjriod is a string of graduated) as deep red and these are the|garnet beads with a_ central| most expensive. But actually}gold pendant in the form of a there is an entire family ofjlion-headed goddess. From the garnets in every color except/Greek period of about the 3rd blue. Unlike most gemstones,|century B.C. comes a necklace garnets are found in almost/of silver with garnet centres to| every part of the world. the roseate effect. Garnets were used in ancient pena 5 s - firearms as bullets, The Aztec DUCHESS WORE THEM Garnets came DOUBLE RUFFLE ACCENT So informal has our even- breasted quilted robe of people in Central America gave) (ANUS Came. ate cri re-| ing life at home become, nylon with its double rows garnets as offerings to their uae Than Sanat Dichise at that one cannot have too of permanent pleats on the gods. At one time they were re- : ' : : many '"'relaxing" robes.' hem and set-in sleeves has ity Marlborough, ,and a friend of! : Y for th obility only. |° 0 . z P aN served e nobility Y-Queen Anne's had a ot And, somehow, the quilted two slash pockets and is They have appeared as adorn- sammet ont el pas onriiae robe scores. high in both collarless. It is an ideal ments in strings of uncut stones Aeaigned isp hapsatt He This ae the air-conditioned warmer Christmas or bridal gift sug- by Savage. races and as a dec- the period of flower and ribbon, Climate homes andthe gestion since the sheer ruf: oration by Victorian ladies on designs in necklaces with clus. heated winter homes. Cozy fles make it look so festive. their hatpins. ter or peardrop ear-rings. | and feminine, this single - --By Tracy Adrian Towards the end of the cen- tury the Russian crown jewels included garnets among other! semi precious stones, des- tives of trade associations and Fast - Paced Show organizations under the chair- ' manship of Harold Williams, ignated as suitable for daytime Of Canadian Styles Miss Monahan will seek out the wear. Garnets continued to be F d F E best Canadian fashions in all popular in the 19th century| price ranges. It is her plan to when a prosperous middle cla | eature or Xpo include selections from _ the was emerging which could af-' At the personal request of,men's, women's and children's day and were joined by news- ford to buy them. Mr. H. Leslie Brown, Commis-|fashion houses from garment, paper columnists describing the | Bohemia, now part of Czech-|sioner General, Canadian Gov- fur, shoe and accessory centres Writers Rebecca West and ing in protest against the al-|award to Miss Spark variously joslovakia, was then the great-|ernment Participation 1967 Ex-!across the country. Spark as embarrassing, absurd and!est source of garnet jewelry in|hibition, the entire Canadian It is estimated that approxi- the form of brooches and brace-|fashion industry will join forces| mately 150 fashion items will be ame Rebecca, 74, who re-/lets. The beautiful red variety|to mount an entertaining show-|featured in each fast - paced ceived a CBE in 1949 and was|was found in alluvial deposits|case for its products in the Can- show. Miss Monahan plans to made a dame in 1959, said she near the capital city of Prague.|adian Government Pavilion at'change the 150 items three novel jis "particularly annoyed about) By the end of the 19th cen-|Expo '67. times during the 'run: of the show she gt ape Cinte=-ye: opars 0g 5€ she is}tury, garnets suffered a de-| The showcase, in the form of to illustrate the seasonal span her such | a bright planet in the cline. Reasons included the an extraordinary fashion show, and change 'of the industry. ; fact that dark-colored stones|will be presented weekly on "Nearly all the people whoj|were not so popular. A special stage set is being ants " Also gar-|twenty - six Thursday after-|qosio op "s shite! vantS|get high honors get a | ' ; designed for The Great Cana CBE |nets were relegated toa Sec-|noons in the outdoor bandshell|dian Fashion Caper, _ original place in. the jewelry |of the Canadian Pavilion. To be |music is being composed for it, mimed, modelled and danced by/theatrical lighting will drama- world, yrothy |started so far down the ladder. forty Canad M s. th : fot t : ee oR AS OWN QuALITY = {0TtY Canadian Mannequins, the'tize its presentation. The final rench| The women writers and news-|GRE HAS OWN QUALITY show will be known as "The 'effect will be fashion-in-theatre made}paper columnists said such| Among women who can claim |G). : . | : reat ( Fashio -in-f; nders|awards downgrade the literary|{he garnet as their birthstone| 7 " theo 7 "and theatre-in-fashion. important innovation n ext " ? ; Caper. ! & are Can Ss E rcloug j ag le ac-jart in relation to the theatre adians Ellen Fairclough Monahan is producer pe the absence of show and co-ordinator of the project. | fashion She sees the Capet as a bright, | Models will carry anyone like Muriel Spark has| will spoken commentary, : son to man. as comedienne Carol Channing, i 'kine order.| Miss Spark, 47, has moved throaty-voiced Tallulah Bank- , ; Ped 'visual' aids" ah yo MMi bore' gpnore prominently into the pub-|head and puppeteer Shari aero " rea hy a to-identify the individual group- member of the British Empire|lic eye in the last year with the | Lewis, creator of Lamb Chop | Ai - I ae est oO an- ings and colour co-ordinated --awarded the Beatles in 1965|Sell-out success in London's|and Charley Hors a a oekint hion th he Aiea handbill programs are planned --and beneath a CBE and a|West End of a stage adaptation| If you are interested in gar- rene. ve te Advisory ifor audience distribution jnets and know only the deep|Board composed of representa-| Audience accommodation in The critics have noted that/Ted variety it might be intrigu-|~ ee: jthe Canadian Government actors and actresses tend to be|ing to visit our local jewellerjis in the gem collection of the;Pavilion Bandshell is 1,200° and made knights or dames, at least/€nd ask to see a green garnet,/American Museum of Natural visitors to Expo will be invited 'BE jcalled the demantoid and pos- History. to attend the Fashion Caper oe --------|sessing a diamond-like brilli-| Garnet is derived from the} without charge. (In case of rain ance, or the hessonite, a cin-|Latin word granatum which|on any Thursday, The Great Flamboyant Hats namon-colored garnet found in! means pomegranate. Evidently|Canadian Fashion Caper will be Ceylon. A cameo in this color, | the gems reminded the Ro-|presented on the Friday at the carved with the head of Christ,|mans of the seed: of this fruit.{same time.) BLACK'S er to} ces plain-| is "al kes From Bare Knees : NEW YORK (AP)--Maxihats SON are the millinery industry's an- Your tidote for miniskirts this spring: heav-) 1 the sight of your knees does | © not necessarily please, you can may/keep eyes head high with huge your hats in strong colors, fine feath- sa) €Fs, fancy flowers, strung beads, | with even floppy paper. | your! The idea was tested Sunday | for more than 200 fashion writ-| ers at the Millinery . Institute's style show. It is a part of the activi- % York f o nnual ties of the New York Couture 67 jak a Group's semi - annual press peee week, linen' The Couture Group's press can Designér Series headed by gar- Eleanor Lambert, which began usual Sunday and continues through from| Friday. ways| Most of the time the maxihat the system was successful. Despite More beautiful than the sights and sound of spring... the Spring Bride! She's begowned in one of our sco vided by the manikins in short riveted to their colossal straw coolie hats, big-brimmed bon-| nets, outsized string snoods, and enormous floral elaborations. { | hi : the HAT IGNORED enchanting creations and| The maxihat theory fell apart that captures all the sweetness and femininity lace-|stage. Did anybody notice that, : this day. belonging to crowned hat with stays in its Along with the maxihat, the keep eyes above waistlines. ring Adolfo added party favor-fla- the; vor to the show by introducing coat| floppy paper hats to match pa- Everything for the bride from headdresses to going-away out- fits, as well as a complete sélec- tion of gowns for the Brides- maides and Mothers of the Bride ond Groom, Thus the fashion industry is everything but paper money. lationships between men and) women, No one is sure who} should do what, and why. | "We are fishing all the time," \She added, "and~there are no sua) Pat answers on the best way to jutilize women's talents and en- ergies. All over, there is~so commission last August and on Nov. 10 they repeated the de-] mand in a brief to Justice Min- ister Cardin, ; "I think the women have! made their point and - they | should wait a few weeks and see what happens," Miss La- af 3 Pee JEWELED WITCHERY - Bernard Studio For Appointment Call 725-1912 much to be done. We can only |Marsh said. hair design JEWELS of India, ornate and elegant, are translated into an outstanding jewelry wardrobe. Bold, brilliantly colored jewels are a per- fect choice for the red theatre suit shown as well as for any stark 'white for- mai or laic day glitter gown, Earrings are of pla- tinum and 18 kt, gold, with 4 cabochon rubies, sap- phires, emeralds and dia- monds. The massive ring has a dark blue Russian lapis mounted with dia- monds and emeralds in 18 kt. gold. The bracelet is of platinum fringed. with 18 kt. gold and set with rubies, sapphires, emeralds.. and diamonds. --By Tracy Adrian shie away. : , | Miss LaMarsh was in Oak- bea ee |ville's $2,000,000 centennial civic "What are your answers to Cultural centre. utilizing your personal talents and energies?" I asked. "You have certainly found many dif- ferent ways to use what you |have to give." about what I must.do that day "T think I can say that at/and putting everything else ou! least one of my answers.is or-|of my mind. |ganizing myself and my activi-| "For me, this is one approach ties and compartmentalizing|that works," my thinking," Kitty answered. "IT manage to do what I want to do by thinking each day 151 KING ST. E. introduces Aare Miss Stefany For Appointment, Phone 723-5201 -- LADIES' WEAR Ltd. Children's Mon SPECIAL and Wed. Only 72 SIMCOE NORTH -- OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Stylcut 1.00

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