10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Janucry 9, 1967 Ann ANN LANDERS Landers Defends Thoughtless Husbands Dear Ann Landers: Is it bet-|don't call any psychiatrists. Is ter to have a husband who isjit all right for a 15-year-old. boy | never home or no husband at) all? Last night it happened again. | Bob telephoned at noon and said/ he'd be home for dinner at) 6:30. At 7:30 I fed the kids. At} 8:30 I ate alone. It was midnight} before I heard Bob's key in the} lock. He said he got involved in a game of billiards at the club, and I happen to know he was telling the truth. I work in an office although we don't need the money. I'm keeper who co to do his homework in the living jroo, wearing only under- shorts with his mother present? Thank you.--Only An Observer Dear Only: I don't have to call up anybody to answer this one. A 15-year-old boy should put on a robe or a shirt and trousers when he does his home- work in the living room with his mother present. Dear Ann Landers: You printed « letter m a store- ined about stuck at home almost every! o4stomers banging on the doors night with the kids and if I had |p erore and after store hours de- to stay home all day too I'd be| onding that they be let in. I out of my mind. jhave another complaint. My husband is a well-known | I'm a checker in a supermar- professional man. He holds of-|ket, Five minutes before closing fices in several organizations|time Mrs. Straggler comes in. Yand says he has a full life. His|she is not a regular customer. life might be full, but mine is)Nobody has ever seen her be- empty, The kid's don't have a/fore, She pokes around, reading father and I don't have a hus-/al] the labels -- can't decide band, Even the maid would be) whether to take the corn flakes happier if he left. She'd have less laundry. What is your ad-| ' yice?--Fed Up To Here H Dear Fed: If your husband died of a heart attack tomorrow you'd cry your head off and berate yourself for not having made home a place where he wanted to spend more time. Marriage is not a 50-50 propo- sition. It's more like 80-20--with the wife doing 80 per cent of the giving, and yes, 80 per cent of the forgiving. She sets the emotional thermosat that warms the house or chills it. I know of very few husbands who have held a marriage to- gether, but I've known many wives who have done so--in spite of absent, thoughtless hus- bands. These women are the real champions in my book. Dear Ann Landers: Please or the raisin bran. Just when the butcher has finished clean- ing the meat grinder, she de- cides she wants a pound of ground beef. Then she says the lettuce looks wilted and she'd like a head from the cooler, Her favorite soft drink cases are empfy so she asks the boy to run downstairs and get two bot- tles of quench-a-cola. Mrs. Straggler has kept the cashier 20 minutes overtime. And then she pays her $4.20 bill in pennies. "I save these things," she says. "You'd be surprised how they mount up." Please print this letter, Ann. and I'll bet it will be pasted up on thousands of cash-registers all over the country. -- Ben Thru It =" Dear Ben: Here's your letter, but-don't expect it to perform miracles. The clods never think answer a sin ie question. And you mean them. CLEAN KITCHEN TILE, TOO Fine Chinaware Before Storing After Holidays With the holidays over and|panful of hot water, add two the children safely back at/tablespoons of sal soda concen- school, it's time to restore your |trated and boil for a few min- home to order. Your good china, |utes. You won't have to lift a for example, that only comes/finger out of the cupboard on extra-|greasy deposits. special occasions should be} given a thorough washing be-| with all the extra cooking, apply fore it goes back on the shelf. The quickest way is to let it soak for a couple of minutes in a sink or dishpan full of hot water to which you've added a tablespoon of sal soda concen- trated. Once the dishes are} rin-d, dried and returned to} their rc ~-ctive shelves, cover them w.h plastic dish covers ... or for lack of these, old dish towels or old sheets ripped to size. Next time you go to use your china, you won't . have to wash it first. The range grates can prob- ably stand a good cleaning no matter how neatly you cook. Put them in a non-aluminum Fake Hair Pieces Amuse Viewers - NEW YORK (AP) --Pretty impostors stood seven feet tall in their fake mops, locks, bristles and braids as they dem- onstrated the beauty of being frauds at a fashion showing Fri- day. Some men laughed at the loops, hair chai ns, horse's manes, or blunt brushes, some- times piled one upon another, as the ladies modelled instant hair- dos that Marie Antoinette would have envied. Needs Cleaning | By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |ters EDGED IN popcorn stitch is -required for this elegant edging. The place mat doubles as a tray cover to please the patient Pineapples make a _ lus- cious edging for your best linen place mats and nap- kins, yet only easy - to - do ELEGANCE or the stay-in-bed of the family. If you wish instruc- tions, please send _ self- addressed stamped envelope and ten cents to cover cost of handling to the Needle- , work department of this newspaper, asking for Leaf- let No. S243. KEEP IN TRIM . Good Eating Pattern Basis For Happy, Healthy Life By IDA JEAN KAIN citing account of how a man|Dinner was a balanced meal took off 40 pounds of high liv-!with a generous serving of lean ample his chubby son joined him on the diet, deserves a ing, and set such a good Cx'! meat, fish or chicken, two vege- COOKING COMMENTS Here are directions from the Ontario Food Council, Depart. ment of Agriculture and Food, for making a hearty and eco. nomical dish. From your favorite cookbook choose a recipe for a full. lean meat, a vegetable, a Salad rsyoreq potato soup. Add to Take a ringside seat. This ex-|and one slice of rye bread. this all or any cooked vege. tables that are at hand ~ beans, carrots, corn, etc. Serve piping hot with bits of crum- pled bacon or fine-diced ham proper setting. The hero of our story weighed | tail. in at Pat sates on a het Our dieter dropped 12 pounds nine medium frame. He was). prodded into reducing action at|'" ® single.month and felt oe a New Year's party a year ago he was winning his heavywelg when he observed that all his/bout. At this stage in his pro- friends were trim and fit. Chal-|gram, the son decided to join lenged, he resolved that before|his dad. The young man who had the year was over he would lick|just turned 14, was a member his weight problem. of a gon When RS - to get uniforms, his was to b Fg hagireig hed ne pre dogo a fatboy size to fit his 175 solid ories in the kitchen and swing pounds for 5' 7". That did it-- the family fare into a weight- the other band members were control pattern. For 20 years|!ean. she. had been through his re-| On-the new food pattern, all ducing bouts, appetite pills, on-|the son had to do to lose was to again - off - again dieting andjcut out the between-meal junk back to overeating. calories. After school, instead of 'At that time dieters were in-|eating, he rode his bike. trigued with counting carbo- When spring arrived the whole hydrate grams, and the head of |family went in for more exer- the house decided this was the|cise. Then in summer they diet for 'him. His wife, after|swam a lot. The difference was talking it over with the family|that they walked to the pool in- doctor, made the needed modi-|stead of jumping in the car. fications. The doctor pointed|The distance was just under a out that a low-carbohydrate is|mile. They walked home. in effect a high-fat diet, and while fat appeases hunger, the/accomplished from January built-in health risks are too|through July. By swinging into great. So fats were trimmed|new food habits and walking and more vegetables and fruit/daily, the whole family now is added. fit instead of fat. j Breakfast was an excellent} "I hope this story will help meal, completely unlike diet/someone else. Assure your die- fare. Tomato juice, one egg, Alters that a good eating pattern serving of lean meat, half alcan be a happy, healthy way slice of toast and coffee. jof life," the wife concluded. At lunch he ordered fish or CHILD GUIDANCE Book Helps Parents Prepare Child Starting To School and words; comparing It is not too early for parents|Shapes and sizes; discovering to be thinking about the child) ™ssing parts, where parts be- who will enter school next fall.|!ong, putting together cut-up A wonderful booklet for this | Bictures. a = roeyet thinking and planning has just) wimbers ese atte yhich: "6 been made available through) ea the help of experts selected by/READING EARLY the National Education Associ-| Exposing a child to books and ation and the National Congress|reading to him is advised. I of Parents and Teachers. It is) wish the booklet had put more called The First Big Step: Ajemphasis on reading to the Handbook for Parents Whose/child long before he enters Child Will Soon Enter School. | school. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW While a.m. aspects will be onj the mild side, that will be a good period in which to make plans for afterneon activities, More vigorous influences, which will prevail after noon, will encourage accomplishment in important interests, stimu- late unusual but feasible ideas. FOR THE BIRTHDAY arter your horoscope indicates that vigorously now -- especially those connected with your job. Do not look for immediate rec- ognition, however, since stars promise not much more than routine accomplishment for the Fill Corners With Gay Cushions To Bring New Life To. A Room By ELEANOR ROSS When rooms begin to look tired, it is easy to give the home a lift without spending much money or effort. How? Well, just add instant color and soften the lines of drab sofas and chairs by filling corners with gay, colorful, new If tomorrow is your birthday, |scatter pillows. Sturdy, inexpensive urethane you should attack major objects /foam pillow cores are available everywhere in popular sizes to fit ready - made covers, or to be slip-covered by the woman who sews. There is such a wide variety of fabrics in so many weaves, in such a rainbow of CAMP HELPS CURE MONTREAL (CP) Epi- leptic children sent to a special summer camp last year showed a marked reduction in seizures, says Bernie Feldman, chairman jof the camp committee of the inches thick and 22 inches|Montreal Epilepsy Society. He square, or in 22-by-36-inch rec-|said the improvement was due iangies--ample: for the average |to proper supervision of medi- chair. cation and a new experience for TRACE OUTLINE the youngsters. The bulk of the reducing was: *° tables and fruit for dessert. He | sprinkled on top. also had one before-dinner cock-| se Ra ARE We ies ' Barrow +e WIFE PRESERVER Finish ordinary plywood walis with a blowtorch, used in the manner of a spray gun -- with, the grain. Darken to taste, var. nish or shellac. The Whole Secre Of Doing The Go Go Dance is to have an itch where you can't scratch, Generosity is giving what you need yourself, Before borrow- ing money from o friend, decide Ba which you fe most. A famous indus- m trialist once ex- plained _ business this way: "When o man with money BS ES meets a man with experience, the man with the ex- rience gets the money and the man with the money gets the ox- perience." The moon used to be the inspir- ation of lovers and poets; now it looks like it's just going to be on- other airport. A pretty good marriage counsel- lor is the tot who tries to hug need If the cushion being replaced is T-shaped, place it on top of|than the hollowed-out spot of the foam, and using a ball point|the upholstered chair. Taper the pen, trace its outline right on|foam edges with a pair of scis- the foam. Then cut along the|sors, so the foam blends into the outside of the outline, making/jarea, then baste it into place. the new cushion slightly larger|Now the chair is ready to be than the old, so it will fit|slip-covered. snugly. The foam is easy to cut,) With a new seat cushion and using a long-bladed, serrated|the most obvious saggy spots bread knife and a sawing mo-|filled in, an old easy chair will tion, look at least neat and present- To fill in saggy spots, lookjable. And it will retain its old y and Daddy at the same time. 3 We never stop doing our best to keep our customers "married" to our service by keeping that service tops. Gillard _ CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING 725-3555 The booklet is written in sim- ple language and covers mat- ters young parents may know in part but rarely thought much about: It is. attractively illus- trated by photographs of young children representing all social and economic levels. It reminds the parent she can help her little child when she answers his questions kindly as well as she can, listens whole- Considerable space is given to the young child's nutrition and enjoyment of good food; his good health habits in the years before school; co-operat- ing with the physician in keep- ing him strong and well. Atten- tion is given to safety and a child's learning to get along welf with other children. To some mothers much o this booklet will seem very ele- next 12 months. However, extra efforts expended now could bring some nice occupational breaks in late April and early May; also in late December and next January. In any event, it colors and such a diversity of patterns that it is just a mat- ter of making a selection. The urethane foam's non-slip surface helps. covers stay put, and, if necessary, foam can be for sheets of foam which are sold by the foot, and come either 18 inches wide and an inch thick, or 25 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Cut a piece a little larger comfort. Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? would be well to remember that no serious endeavor is ever ost, so a progressive program con- scientiously followed, will eventually net good returns. sewn through to assure a snug fit. Durable and washable, the pillow cores come in rounds or squares, with boxed or sealed edges. heartedly to what he has to say,|/mentary but some will be too asks him questions about things|sophisticated to profit from a and stimulates him to think./careful study of The First Big The booklet shows the parent} Step. It may be obtained for 60 how to help a child to talk|cents from the National School clearly, let's him know that he/Public Relations Association, can talk to a parent about any-|1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, thing and that the parent really| Where financial matters are concerned, you will have a fine year ahead, with earning pow- ers stepped up in mid-March, early May, good monetary breaks throughout July, in mid- September, mid-October and next January. Make no loans in Should you not wish to buy an extra chair, get some of the 22x22x4-inch foam cushions and just cover them in sturdy, stain- repellent fabrics for floor- sitting. The young folk will love you for that one. child wonders and the big world and how he fits in; how he grows up and| out--at home and in the out-| doors; jobs of living, learns to listen to grownups--to a parent now,| and soon to the teacher. | cares what he is saying. | SERVES AS REMINDER | It reminds the parent that the about himself learns about the dally] The booklet suggests that the) parent help the child to learn|at home, should one emphasize scrubbing to remove a bit about what school will be/his speed of reading? like, its building, playground, | teacher, from short visits there come as he gains more skill at If your pots have discolored| with him. It helps the parent] some sal soda dry with a moist sponge or cloth. You'll find the sal makes an excellent grit-free scourer, And speaking of discolora- tion, if tile around the range has gone dingy from an accumula- tion of grease or you had a flare-up of grease in the frying pan or skillet which left a sooty deposit, sponge the tile off with a solution of two tablespoons of sal soda concentrated per quart of hot water, The sal soda quickly emulsifies the film of grease. If the linoleum floor in the kitchen looks slightly the worse for extra-heavy wear and you want to remove the old wax before adding a new coat, scrub with a strong solution of sal soda concentrated, a half pound of the sal per gallon of hot water. Don't leave the solu- tion on any longer than neces- sary. The minute you're through scrubbing, rinse with clear water and wipe dry. HOUSEHOLD HINT Never paint a wooden ladder, it hides defects. To preserve the ladder, coat it periodically with boiled linseed oil... Wipe excess from rungs to avoid slipping. see how she can help a child) now at home to use his senses) of sight, hearing, taste, smell! and touch to gain more experi-| ences. D.C. 20036. Mothers wishing to give their children a _headstart before school will find the three cur- rent books--Looking and Listen- ing, Knowing and Naming, and Thinking and Imagining--to be good examples: of excellent ma- terials. They are published by McGraw - Hill, 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036, ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. In helping a poor reader A. As a rule, no. Speed will! Teading for meaning what is easy enough and _ interesting a for him to enjoy reading well. STACK CUSHIONS Cushions are comfortable and resilient and can be stacked when not in use. In a popular vein, get some of the fake fur | fabrics or animal prints for the covers, and attach a big tassel to each corner. Quite the thing, these days. For a really unusual cover, try salvaging the unworn areas from an old carpet or rug-- late May, however, don't spec- ulate in June, and de avoid ex- travagance between mid - No- vember and mid-December. Personal matters will prove stimulating during the next 12 months, with emphasis on ro- mance throughout the year-- notably in late September on travel during the: first three weeks of July. Creative workers Unwanted Hair PERMANENTLY Removed - « « from face, arms and legs by the newest, fastest method (3-4 times more hair removed per treatment than by the old type.) Revealing your TRUE self -- free from worry and embarrassment. BY ELECTROLYSIS MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa et the GENOSHA HOTEL January 9, 10, 11 PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates | Phone | | 723-1163 aid and Stretch FOOD CLUB Your Dollor Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN. ITSELF CHAMBERS FOOD LTD. 933 Ritson Rd. $., Oshawa -- x ain lntererieg in your food plan, Please have your Representative eq at: NAME ADDRESS DATE should have an excellent year, with unusual accomplishments indicated in June. A child born on this day will be endowed with the talents needed to make an excellent writer, physician or actor. corners are often still in good shape, even when threadbare spots elsewhere make the car- pet unusable. You'll probably want to bind the carpet edges, and you'll need a carpet needle, plus patience for this job. To replace a worn-out seat cushion, first take the measure- ments, then buy the new cush- ion accordingly. The urethane foam cushion cores come four CHILDREN NEED HELP One child in every 100 is mentally handicapped to some extent. : WINTER SALAD Some things the child can/ ' learn before going to school:| A suggestion for a refresh- his home address, age: colOrs|the Ontario 'Food Gourell, De and shape of things -- circle,|nartment of Agriculture and square, what it means to go up, down, | behind, around, inside of; count) to 10; hold a pencil or crayon; know who his family members triangle, oval, curve: | Food. Take two of Ontario Canned pear halves, drain well, dip in| lemon juice, and put together! sandwich style with well-flavor-| | without toasting it, hold a hot | steam iron about % inch above, each slice. Turn the slice over! and "'iron" the other side. i are--grandparents, aunt, uncle, 8 . ed cottage cheese filling. Serve| cousin. : e| Before school the child may] slad. P sci aig uctiade acquire skills at drawing, cut-|" Note _ Pinschbboed ginger | ting, pasting, painting and)snq chopped nuts, or orange| drawing his own pictures, let-/jyice and orange rind make al Se flavorful addition to the cot-' tage cheese. | WINNERS OF '_ KINGSIDE PARK CHRISTMAS DRAW Perron 123 The long and short hairpieces with the bounce and gloss of na- ture's own are synthetic fibres, cheap and' drip-dry. This cou- ture collection of David and Da- vid hair deceivers was styled by Mr. Robert of Andre Briand for | the occasion. Do-it-yourself di- rections come with the hair, mops and braids, some of which are three feet long. In the press week program for fashion writers arranged hy the New York couture group, two hours were devoted to pre-| senting other products of illu-, sion . creams, oils, powders, paints and dyes. Comp! e e e FOOD SERVICE CALL 728-7305 _ r AER AIRE? Topped with boiled icing ete Service Fér All 4d Coearut. / SPECIAL RECEPTIONS Gs spectat 87: | THIS WEEK 57: i HOUSE PARTIES ig THIS WEEK _ 2 FOR 1.10 j £22 ETN PL gamed SOCIAL AFFAIRS CATERING MANAGER ame SSE AER ' Large BANANA _ LAYER CAKE WOOLWORTHS : Ke) wirt PEEVE? Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN Pac RS Super . . 9-Inch APPLE PIE and Toast- * FANCY ASSORTED SANDWICH TRAYS *« : $3.95 Serves 10 -- $6.95 Serves 20. lst -- GUY ESTABROOK ............,-..-, Ritson Rd. fl 2nd -- BILL LEWIS ........2.++++++ Westmount Ave, | 3rd -- AL ELLIOTT ......cccceccvevecs. Whiting Ave. 4th -- BERT WAITE ...........---.. Colborne St. E. | 5th -- P. HILL'.......... Corby Cresc., Brampton, Ont. Ot BILE GRANT. a .0505 cs Brock St.,<Whitby | LM aoe Ds PAREN CC ba Ke oe bao Vase ee ys Dean Ave. Sth == P. MASON . os icccccccccevesccens Grierson St. i Sth -- V. AYLING .......... Ssaseeees sas Be cen y 10th We RUE os cae sce cess ce sb eua sss Adelaide || * 2S ANS ARNE § i ' : "ot a : = OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | sBIRKS Annual © Plum Sale STARTS TUESDAY JANUARY 10" BIRKS TEWELL ERS ON § Accor Christm es, grou from he ing as Star of small h ing sac Busy Tal By RC "Since | complishe: fields," I Carlisle | force insr the challe: cial consu on women The occ terlude du to talk to off her m JEWEL and elega into an 0 wardrobe. colored je fect choi theatre si as for an) mai or | gown. Ea tinum and 4