Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1967, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Jenvery 6, 1967 Have Your Own January Clearance Sale With "Action" Classified Ads--Phone Today Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. R 20--I 17--Female Help W. 8--, : anted |1 cal anoins <chapaoox P Male Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted 16 By R. J. SCOTT | RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open In - ' CLERK [Oshawa and Ontari > county. Trade ro y ° | establis xcellerit 'opportunity. Full time. Write Rawlei-ih's, D A- : Interesting (si atic 3's none" : Ajox firm requires cap- ep TWO MEN REQU) RED "by leading food ' mpan' ft eee young woman for Position |week. Must be Ms eed waliles 10 meet G ' 4 p e public. Accountants Building Trades Mortgages TV--Redio Repairs : ' : -- a in oe ce [Roe io cast) Se ee HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- FIRST AND SECOND 'mortgages, sai -) ' ein come: OFNice Seen. ee © . 14 ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld-| REPAIRS agreements purchased end sod. Hennick experience and_ typi We are looking for i ihe: ; Sold, Hennick WE a ' ypin ng a young 19--M this ws i A -- ipo sar epee oe ALTERATIONS are Henne, Barristers, 31 King Street COLOR AEN Wath Gus desired. 9 hcl P aiakind the ages of 19 | aa "and Female bric! Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. ; , aN OR BLACK AND WHI %$ NAME FROM ne ; an who is interested in : tre | YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher- ADDITIONS |Money Wanted All work "e ANE SOBAT RIVER, MOSf SOUTHERLY Permanent position with his future, and what he will |EXPERIENCED hairdresser has the op- entr tered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in| to a work guaranteed, yA OF THE GREAT EASTERN TRIBUTARIES usual company _ benefits. be doing. in five years ey to join the statt of Modell pas Bankruptcy, $22 Simcoe Street North, : WANT TO RENT A BAND? Rock and) wt OF THE NILE. THE WATER 15 WHITE 5d : Z aip-Stulists from Jian. 1 on. Telepnone ae Oshawa. 728-73 HOMES - OFFICES - FACTORIES rally rhythm and blues, country and RAO, TELEVISION DURING FLOOD SEASON. ay week, This young man should hove | 725-4531. with ~ WILLIAM c ae ACL eee 5. Gansias Charter Ree Rooms and Kitchens western, lark's Studio, 10 Richmond VAN WIE : . . (in }my own hoi pon sen fod Sak RIG Street Mean'. a ince St, Booking Agency, 728-3892. 728-5143 Nope i -SCRA, Coll for appointment at least a grade 12 education, , . Fret ich mba rl secc Felepnone Fe a 705459, % wa NTE . = Misie aan ee ae iene: Sar be neat and should enjoy [Phone 728-9746 after pi GORDON R. DAY, Certified i Prefer BMI or ASCAP composer. If In- F Hi meeting and dealing with the x a fing contre, 72559 "osW. "Oshawa. "shop- James Allen & Sons |terestes cat 720-820 atter's p.m. SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 enaNPonn . a 942- 42-1540 public. He will One a (20--Real Esta te for 'Sole hi ping Centre, 53. 725-612 . WAS AN 3 oe - complete trainin See ee BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING. Serylce.| eta ya -- 6 ___|Nursery Schools Fast T.V. Service INVALIP ' 'SW, aS , in all phases 2 'newponer | JOHM F fe ni le " " . : coe Street Worthy 25009 77. Res. ie. 105" WA HOME TODDLERS PARADISE DOMINION on teen .. a CLERK TYPIST Se en : on JOSEPH GUTMANN, N, Chartered "Accoun. IMPROVEMENTS FROBEL a paige dices gia TELEVI peed x How can To the right mon, we can tod an cen: rustee, treet! Cust, i te y Nursery 100! Es . Must be accurat i a i ci. Toupee aba | room' -- ree, rome -- and |, $péting Jonuory, Is hn geadog pana, | BARMERA | | Gres ond good typist Able #0 | with all Usual company bene: S va ee tant. 7 Prince Giaet, site ri Aceoun- oll General Repairs ay r ang eae this a ae : a.m. to 9 p.m. s KATURAL TIMES OF DROUGHT work jee jninimum sire dg eee | i intario, Telephone 723-1221. lerful method of teaching. e 1 Drilfin eae DB uct,) vision. xcellent working con- Parag; P, SPRY ™ . ; Art H. McKOY, Prop. Register now. For appoint. g--Digging Bp, Bo i sorcincor ee ee ee | ee | hon ae roo | 725-8576 ment call 723-0734. WELL DIGGING | by machine spectal- « BkeIB. SMEMSELVES UP4HEY phone Ajax 942-2120, for ed his postion iepem analy | A Frank Street, six A nee i lard, 204 Chest- : CAN LIVE FouR z: appoint t. . ; wuc- ' nee PORTRAITS CARPENTRY -- new oo ren baaPlumbing and Heating __|'un'"™" "et Wnty, tis or Wiss seldencoan Bia oes a ae ee hea str ART SUPPLIES AWigee ss wei rates. 728-7680) -- ST OMBING AND HEATING woo. ¢ ----_-- : ee ee: .. | every opportunity made avail- 6 ed 1G | CUSTOM FRAMES roofing, CHG Seinen he fae Assad lag 725-3521, Harold H. Stark 2--Personal Stark Electronic able to him for advancement. 623-39 '50 olur CLARK STUDIO Bier, oeronce: | AW ONRY) WNIOY oes aurick 49, Heating and Engineering! "Removal of superfluous hair Instruments Apply by. letter only, stating : . re Open from.1 p.m. ROOFING, fol Yar and eravel, shingies, ALL-TYPES OF REPAIRS and-yemoder| Marie Murduff will be in |8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale your o@e, education, working 112 ACRE F.ARM 325 BROCK ST. NORTH PO et nar and, gravel: shingles, iting, new and used materials, Reasonable}. Oshawa, Jan. 9th, 0th, | EXPAN -- 180: STATION ST. AJAX | °xPerience and the time most with 7 roomed WHITBY : Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. H. |rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. 11th. Ph Ge: d " EXPANSION and_ PER CENT OF! . suitable to you fo roomed hor je, barn, 668-4497 : i one Genosha Hotel "RENOVATION SALE __[and'scissors this FP al pinking hears | : [eave ee u for a personal gorage. Stream. Considers Barristers Carpentry Rug x Upholstery Service eae ese dates for appoint- Now 'ont: Teamendous' Sav Centre, 16 Simcoe Street North. eee z : bd are low ooun payment or house " = suena -- . : ; ; | to trade. Asking $88,000 ; ings! Smooth SKATES! A large selection of | nm J 9 000. JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barris- CARPENTRY PROFESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS $28 f Neo Wiad pen used. Also, hzekey "equipment woaraain| - c HOGG, Kec so Und genicitor ena Watery. Pubic. The RUG CLEANING 723- 4641 9 swivel rock- priced. hockey sticks. Cycle Centre, 204| irculation Manoger 150 ACRES ft Commercial Bullding, 286 King West! TRIM WORK---REC ROOMS ers $29. Pole lamps $10.88, | 50nd Stree! East, T5634 ae | with 9 roomed home. Barn, ear Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail: ADD 2 Doy Service RIDE REQUIRED fo North Toront Bunk beds complete $65 65. EVINRUDE 40 hp electric start with The Oshawa Times | ' q able. 725-4716 or 725-471 DDITIONS -- ROOFING Free Pick-Up and Delive riving approx. 8.30 a.m. re Tonia gt WILSON'S FURNITURE controls, complete set bunk beds, Aneel: GIRL Oihea oun y steel stanchions. Sjilo. Pig JOSEPH P. MANGAN BE Solicitor, R. H. COMPANY 'Y '|YOUNG LADY wishes ride to downtown 20 CHURCH ST. rrarbia 'Dae. cores I HAG Laclioe, wes she conaid ad oo joney mn. e, de treet % T ri | r a in re | " cor Is Past,' Oshawa, 728-8230. lie COURTICE Angus-Graydon _ |rssisg. "ne 88 8m. TelePhone| SAVE MONEY -- if your ca __|electric log set. «353775, 69 'pm.- | Must have shorthand and typ- | sont id FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister and Rg if your car |FLOOR TOM-TOM drum. i ' eet brie Salitor, 06 King Street East, Suite 307. 725-3219 728-6254 Dae Chi eee aren tor eam. 't go or Is stuck in the [nen Used Peart grey. Telephone "ns Call Hier si aud a RETAIL New gic gdp kite 78-8137. idence 725-0351. LING, trim work, cupboards, Ww. Z snow or is in an accident -- 45. ail Mr. Burke between 9-12. aie foomed es -- ane JOHN 0, McLAUGHLIN, B,C recreation rooms, and stairs. E e do RECOVER yo oe 4 request the best, OSHA |AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN. Also 1 i 1 MUL ROGEG, Arp, Om i hy barton eater cago. recreation room and, slr. Free estt] CIESTERFIELD at baa ee Column TOWING 24. hour bite {sion for 'S8 Chevrolet, neg, transmis: Conk sas Li SALESMAN Lovely kitchen. Asking $16,- vit ANGE, new and vused,| Call ne ederati . Terms. urs HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN Cartage ' cost. Ban cae acid. Hockey equipment, pc ae as ag) Long dis- | REFRIGERATOR, stove, both apartment on Lite required by local branch of Hor Barristers, olctrs, 0s King Steet CONTRACTS WANTED ~ Oxhawa, aren or i ESTIMATE call, 16" Bena bie a Vaey. Cree}, Oa ite oe cw os die size, Kitchenette 'suite and livin: room 11 Ontario St.- large Canadian Company. Ex- $2,500 DOWN inc! * i . le a ; lr ak ook ri ' le 1 6's. 'Bovehyn, QC, BA, LLB. trailer shunting and unloading, freight 28-3651 sdaaa ---- daily. 728-77 of N ie © |phone 668-6939 after 6 p.m. 7 ee 576-3020 cellent opportunity for a 5 roomed brick home in Bow- phe Gearats "Feeney assis, NA and | 25242 vered. "Tractor rentel.| INTERIORS by WINDOLF otorbikes 2 eu ES, ket se young man between the ages | Mmonville. Very centrof. All re Sther first mortgage funds avaliable. Saniier 39" Simcoe St._N. HARLEY DAVIDION ciepp ra een THERFORD'S _ eer - Mae de 27, pith Grade 12 peg conveniences. /Asking ol OREaR AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- entistry : CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered a nd|"/ng condition. faohiotie i ori run- 3 room groups, Living Room, | 1 ET CABLE TV pileant Fil f Seuvaiat ape 200. Term cltors, Me 14 | King et Best, Dis! CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN m Dental ai ee Blo ya te See our mate- 5--Troilers pe eaee oe $399, 10 Fa eit 996. willing to pin, lilies FAMILY HOME Sol QC, 725-3368; T V. Kelly, @C, q ing Street Bast, Oshawa. |to order. Dalton U; sane asy |10-- S cs $338; Bes Terence ELS e, ras [For @PRointment, 728-5171, Street, 723-7212. Prete e T Hee PAJASL OR terms. iivensditie delivery oF. | 'DEAD armers' Column S A H Bagipriscat not, business- bcd reoth gained shape Vv. ' RE-UPHOLSTERY b ia. Bala: layaway. AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- nance, sales "@x- lences, Recreation Dressmoking _ lished 20 years. Were s Rs a Rutherford' me Ur Promptly. | Mtge) Ar eon | perience an asset but not nec- room. Double garage, deible wit CLASSIFIED RATES DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults, dresses rebul fhirniiure. renniened: fo) oe 156 si vi gt pyre cerns, Collect Hampton 263-) REPRESENTATIVE essary. Successful applicant lot. Price only $13,500, sas coats, di d -built, furniture --_re-finished. imcoe St. th Pic will a ts ¢ cella Bicaaver Seeuriiy. fallored | slip- shaw Upholstering; 287 Dean Avenue, B pen Sundays 2-4 P.M. - ( BALES OF STRAW at S0c. per bale,| Attractive opportunity, part- Bier belt Eee Won 4 ACRES , ele con-| DRESEMAKING, LTERATIONS, Suits, - = UDDY TRAILERS FOR SALE -- USED {7,500 athe oes STRAW for sale Holby Mad mapa et et Box 53030, Oshawa Times 7 roomed home with fumizce fen "| Coats, i . > n i , sudttions) words i geruly, Mee Aone Sales and Service PORT HOPE TV SETS [per bale. Call Brooklin 655- = i} € b be ee ron served giving complete details of ex- and bathroom. Low taxas. val co 668-8756. y Cable TV. Commission ' erties autions. of ot a ehde Py : ¢ APPLIANG Lot at 401 and 28 A-1 condition : . perience, past employment Price $16,900. Terms. - $] additional words 21c. each. Gardening and Supplies 3 M ite fauna iia and Live te os Call Wm. Leask ond qualifications. All replies ' charge -- 10 var cent, additional charge REPAIRS: 6--Marine Equipment _ TRIO TELEVISION estoc Osh are kept confidential. 10 ACRES Vi. pte pon " oe th "Wi ul Expert repairs to all makes vias Hoe ag Traveller boats, 728-5143 [gozy Ranch. | ei data sche aoe meme eee le. peg rie Sica ou ni cod le mot '3 | _ words 'counts as words) each word, inter | eas of washers, dryers, ranges, week, Malina RiSEhEe and 'Sopery "hres 35 Division St. |horse, Pony. Pinto. Western seus: 723-5278 | 000 an Consider $%,- Wh Initial, ae el geereniation counts. as etc. "| Brooklin, 655-3641, 1 Clothes, Ashburn, 655-4662. QUALIFIED bed pei ee bss ae : |ONE Fi OLD word | GLOXINIA BULBS @ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @|7--Swap and Barter CITY TV televisions, radios, [Sed Osmun tntioe ton Mpieteee Tool and Di ge cel an eT Re AMARYLLIS BULBS FLY TRAvaes ' pila and repairs. Service |needles, tatooed. Telephone 723-8214. Pa roll Clerk : ool and Die close to Bowmanville, niceby roo! SOCIAL NOTICES AL Ve-T_pleke » new, '57 Chev sedan lept. open 7 days a week. |BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIE: y: treed. Tile drained, P. $2.25 per Insertion with 25 cents addl- ICE SALT all Rove lity helisstd bt aal bred off] Also T.V. towers, color and | fer training, | talking rain a reaay Makers 000. Terms. sal rice $5, spa tional 'charge if not pald within ® days.! CALCIUM CHLORIDE FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES |Piping, fittings. 'H. Chinn, mesescaabinets.| black and white T.V. Anten- Broad, 114 Elgin. East, Ajax firm requires reliable fo' rit IN MEMORIAMS AS Sines & o~ Cues i nos, rotors installed. Soles |ALL TYPES OF HORSES FOR SALE.| YOUNG woman to calculate r clean modern plant After Hours Please Call: tur £2.35 2 fe the first 38, words, and se, STRAW Telephone 723-0011 CITY-WIDE COVERAGE 'at jow cost is| and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m [= --_ 942-1101, time cards and write payroll fib wages, benefits Don Mountjoy 623-3614 shr pa J Rl dc dhotad La a you get with Classif NARD . Serre 2 gaitionel charge It not paid) WILD BIRD MIXTURE ~ Harris Aluminum Sales |7233492 now for an Fugen Ads. Phone re Quebec St. Call 725- « teollanally seal cath registered, ex- 4 McBee System. Knowledge rmanent employment. wy Donnelly 985-7264 elrr vi SUNFLOWER S ounten Road € -- __0500. All work ; guaranteed. |Wonderful_ guardian for chi . Wi of typing an advantage. Apply hyllis McRobbie 623-7159 CARD OF THANKS EED an 'oad E. 8--Articles for Sale oe : hold for Christmas. Whitby 668-5435, ..| Permanent position with usual Ross Davidson Bethany 30r2 SE rng Gr'S werw et feet WILD BIRD GRAINS | Phone' Oshawa 7/25 BILLIARD. TABLES |cuPrme services tasncpsaia| comery" berets. Say | L&L TOOL CO. LTD. | Ween | wzazeed vn er Gane 0 dens. BIRD FEEDING Ha alg < -6064 for thi bowie erg Md Fg and delivery. Pare for appointment Sinikebn AVR: South: Wesley Anderson 349-2669 this COMING EVENTS STATIONS fis, alone whe set (Genuine Slate Beds) ARE YOU PAYING too much for clip- i a Bowmanville tur $2.24 per Inch (Glaplay)) $}.73, tor the q work, railings. CHAPMAN ping? Call, compare. Guaranteed super- Oe es es pe COURTESY INTEGRITY 3 in| ds and éc each thereatter]) WATER SOFT SALT years experience, ior work, lowest prices. All breeds; also old SERVICE pong Siding Experts, Lowest Prices. BILLIARD SUPPLY » [cat grooming. 728-9609. ioe. PERVISOR P.O. Box 329 Bowmanville by phi AUCTION SALES sea tioy, | PURITY DOG MEAL --_|HEW, USED -- vacoums, polsers, Re SIX SERVICE BAYS 1186 Queen St. W. Sey rates. Vere eee bolt WAITRESS 7 hos io m . 1 14 * es, & ly che ial PURINA DOG FEEDS Guy ro Sl aes New Roses Phone FOR FASTER SERVICE Toronto 3 Be aoe Bee iets Telephone For night shift, C. at Cost Accountant H. MILLEN or RD SMITH APPLIANC 7 4 v2 a EON ais Tey aes . Car essential. f wore DAY PRevoUS MASTER DOG FEEDS or anal GA Sante Ser EAN ae le eT SPECIAL MB NGDRL 2 rectangular Marcon! con-|REGISTERED MALS Brittany Spaniel, Apply 1867 restaurant at With R.I.A. degree or equiva- Real Estate Ltd INT Lost AND pai PET SUPPLIES fime. Free estimates and pick-up. 942- Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |ffer. Telephone 723-8458, ranty. Best |eight months old. Apply 475. Milton 401, and Courtice road. lent, presen, but not es- OVER $3 : / fit . a pee Bae Ree sential, for expandi a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BRITTANNIA MALT GUARANTEED "A aeRMie Sos ae eee pe lye | pM ig Bes peg Rd fr lie Mie ey OT TELEPHONE 725-8231 fobricating Alene hbo $ p04 INCOME a SI ' A |, wel staan abu bs i , BIRTHS AND DEATHS washers ans ranges. Free estimates. Call! Correct castor and camber, |Rotd East, lust east of Ritson Roed. | Garden Hil Raa." vette tiGlesnone| MATURE HOUSEKEEPER | Mast be' Severed to eoslocore, wal from thie Whe tai 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Coo S ith C ReDriNe-- Noma IMPROVEMENTS, Silen tenn one. toe-oL ae lust east of Ritson Road. -- |Garden Hill 4R22. Must be prepared to re-locate. eto rom this Whitee ne IN MEMORIAMS_ ane per- mi 0. ine ei MP ROVEMENTE.| Correct condition os ao SS BARGAINS, All iypes of mai-PUREBRED DALMATION male puppy, REQUIRED When replying, please give triplex. Well main- DS OF THANKS inum and. asbestos siding. Complete TV oie ial tresses, all reduced. | Smooth-top mal-| two and half months old, excellent mark-| To [i full particulars to post e: toned end con be a ARO fe ernie 16 CELINA ST. pila ere PY ple ayo © Parts extra if required besa ight cone fod Raed ings, reasonable. Telephone 668-8629, © live-in and assist mother purlence: chee Mat age a purchased on good per CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 723-2312 733199 (eo @ Torsion bar adjustment wake oe Fur yo Bee SIE. Pups, $3. each. "Ap-| peli inbolog peg ra eh is oe terms. This is @ cor- for T column -- 4 p.m, day previous; 9 col- ji extra. i olht and ob lili : eee ems ner property with com- ny umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous DELIVERY SERVICE ptt atta e pfgh AEE i Teal Te aad 12--Articles "Wanted -- - > mercial possibilities in e cl " M s. | CANCELLATIONS AND Established 1909 calle. Walter Roepe Grommet service BRAKE SPECIAL Alt in aeed Condition. Box 57293, Osh: | |WANTED -- used are 723-6635 ESCO LTD. oe Call 728- pee Eee UNa gia jeaTiOn TREES S TRIMMED end eut down, Limbs | cat downrLinmps | Wes!» Whitby, 668-2569. Most. populer cars. First |suy-AND "SELL = goed used TUGTCCe | esseomers electric start. 'wrte' Box Port Hope, Ont | ( {itdtion wil Be cherged one day's t Be: TREE TO TRIM? Gall Slim, or Il cut Surveyors Quality Royaline. 4 wheels, and appliances. One ication 'ony. Pretty ative WAITRESS Banh o eon Pew VARY inser im, or VN cut | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 72 IANTED haif-ton pick-up truck ion. them. di F DONEVAN . jouth, 723-3271 Pp or older igh Me ee ee Setar Laas Shar coined bor $14.88 BOUGHT AND SOLD eo DAY SHIFT a pian. the aad ee a BOX NUMBER RENTAL 31.00 ee prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. e niture, appliances. cop used -EURNITU Also 11 P.M. to7 AM. Shift Be The asking price roo very endeavor will be i T: Pr ichmond Street E. -7860. ITURE. Wh pu M. ont i forward replies to box numbers to the nstruction Halas Ly Tore: Ontario Land) WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL GUARANTERO UsEO 5 728-7860. | you? Valley Creek \6 Bond we a Appl b fall Wtdeicr§ lot advertisers as. soon as possible, we ac sl da gin Street East. Phone! Including weights per wheel |television, refrigerator wringer washers, | 728-4401 pply MR. CAMPBELL SALES elow replacement sta cept no liability in respect of loss MUSIC. LESSON Mo Sad SP3R. tp Atcan rurnfure ss hepnee ad GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.| GENOSHA HOTEL cost ond you will be sta thee ar aaley 7 arse trouser : S TV--Radio Repairs SHOCKS, MUFF Simcoe South. 723-0011 r $, 452 Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's No Phone Calls Please REPRESENT, plesentiy. sore ate oS elles, Bowes, aan whether by, negli Guitar Lessons -- $1.50 FRONT-END Weae ar TYPEWRITER -- Royal electric. Good cum on FORD 1 obo |WOMAN WANTED -- preferably with a mine By ine lew down Boy: ce or otherwise, i Il Rot 2 : workin + $125 TRA i ' be 'fesponsible for replies Meas 0 T V TOWERS COMPARABLE PRICES tial Fro a Mackie's Van and |CUB. ¢ Bowmenvilie ACTOR and imple- | [pome on 2 farm to take & mentally re, piuoctive peetebinity, part- a "4 Papeete RA ides CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -- Typewriters, _________. | Ontario Hospital, Whitby, e or full-time, calling on : 50c Weekly " UNI new and Geek Cat peur Tyeewriers'13--Articles for Rent ee weekly. Suitable Hoancsal' arronne residents in areas now served : home, well worth your rhe onnawaPESULATIONS sonst] 942-5282 728-3892 AT Ae Gant aa ROYAL --_|frbeerier desir, tat' enim. {RRent, wl be made, Write Box mssiai,| by Coble TV. Commission me eee x ns R OWN PLANT WE BUY, SE fae di wea : . . for errors in advertisements pate , SELL AND EXCHANGE used| Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish R OTT TT EEE errand erwin' than * Music LESSON furniture or anything you have. Th i ' Dit bada ELIABLE WOMAN required 1 Call Wm. Lea ow then one. insertion vy pe ik for all instruments." Alo Mos Suppis, We give you oa better CENTRES Trading Post Store, 446 Sine 'street | es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee rene Fe Pratt " childrens 'own 8 $915 DOWN lor ines akg te tee charge for a sinnle|453 Simcoe St. S. 725 tower for less money. The New Name of Foul ED | ae punch Bowls Rigel © maz 'evenings and weekends." area, 66t-| Oshawa Cable TV Ltd. Brand new 3 bedroom oll rtion in which error occurs. WANT TO PLAY the guitar?" Lessons VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses,| ear, Men's Formals, W! : naj cob EES Se DOMINION TIRE STORES JFL Cha "| ih Mk zal Wate (ERPERIONERD oe DT Pag ee BUEN ic cs classify _ advertisi di 110 |425282_ or 720-2892 T V mm Service, Main Street : eras 1 SOUR OL Oe Just classlty _Severtising sccordlng fo ts ae : me 17 Park Rd. S. Pickering. | SARGEANT'S RENTALS (SHOWCASE cosmetics "offers excellent | =| LOCAL. MAN REQUIRED west of the Oshawa Ho janitor Service TYPEWRITER, $30.) portable, $30. opportunity for making extra money at/ O MOVE UP IN '67! Shopping Cen ed in the cases of display adverti PPLY LTD Phone 725-6511 electric, $75.; ead achi 463 Ritson Rd. $, 725-3338 | YOUr own convenience. Smart aggressive | pping Centre, Fully tn ne cases ot display, advertisements CELLARS CLEANED OUT. Trash taken 7 ' Scie chONMOn cain Vanities She a son Rd. S. 725-3338 Nomen, full or parttime, Telephone 725,, | Need @ representative for decorated. Prices start Th for more space than that which the actvai away. Telephone 723-2997 VU pigcheyrg s ee 723-4434. ENTERTAINING? Fitty to one hundred aac Loy firm in this area. This PT aaa Call 728- in jes. The publishers endeavor | ~~ ----------_~ a ust East of Ritson APARTMENT SPECIALS -- beds, ts, ub: ter pat RESS, steady days, no weekends; Pening may be worth up to 78. rec gD sp ge glk Pil At Money to Loan 723-8131 - 723-8132 HE | NTZ MAN pets an cribs $10, stoves Ree Barking. 723.772 Pakcgileed eke ele Bree MAL gl ogee sad va | $8,000.00 yearly for "the i tisement it any. sinaccaracies in any form/! WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 af a Street East, Valley" Creek. ahaa pom WHEEL | CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, | RELIABLE SanvanTian is ai awe Pobe eg iu oF POTN: ? tee b 'es reasonable rate of int - "t reducing machines, sick wo | ge to 70. C fey 4 ed ee 'or -- , rons we interes! to consolidate! HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED JANUARY TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 #. . rucre, Ai Rentals, 105 Beatrice, Mie in Tee nese oe MT MVE short outo trips? We priilage ie e providi " 9 fo papeere pp | se TIMES ACTION WANT AD pioied ohd tev tee Geah raaat TV TOWERS ' : 2513, | Business Opportun' EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR musi be Y>1) will start soon and stay New furnace. Caraliad Call Classified Direct hate p S Et Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. iar wil shawa and district. Car with us a long time. Contact iving room in grained 723-3 Mortgages ARE BES | land peCla S ea a MAR al wre WR ied Pe gol AA RGR ci pl al lhcb __| -Now! Wesley Walmsley 26 mahogany with notur- -3492 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! G 725-1212. "1 Company. 1aV. Clase to. South Gi. Ma fully rante OF" seal ANOMAN reavired to bebvall| Falrbonks, Oshawa. Phone al © Treploce, «Extra x MORTGA S! FIBREGLASS FENDERS from $19.95 2 anal Wun (56 cars er shift.) For full particu- |school. Live-in preferred. telecon pre-| 723-67 -629 P large kitchen. Good mt INDEX TO WILLIS--upright and bench, |¥P. New and used auto parts. Rebuilt | Realty Ltd. wat Apa a a Al Guide | 252. open re scane sr rear yord. 1 open y mahogany. $198. Fen ne Seemete: TUE RUSS A CANCE HALL with ivi [MATURE LADY to. fake charge of a JANITOR and mortgage for balance re CLASSIFICATIONS L . PURNIVURE Large foome er wa tor, |tuaing stove rereraton, quarters ite Hell ee dao gh al oD dh ibaa CR or might consider a iy Women's Colvin TELEVISION Lae ee upright ond FURNITURE -- {ive coes Gasca pies for_ quick sale. For particulars | Liberal time off, Cylvate tiving quarters. OSSING GUARD cash offer. Please call of Personal pe , mahogany, : value Ber a" Hi jone 3. awa Times. . The Township school f 728-1678. ort 3-Sportsman's Celume Moneys. ovellabia. for He Corner Bond and Division MH 'ons' Home Fur 42 Sh eS ship school area o th an imcoe we RELIABLE WOMAN East Whi i. soMetareycies and second mortgages. Oren |__ 728- 51 5143 pep a ORME -- upright |usep TIRES; most all hes BF 15--Employment Wanted dren while ee works eas | fad Ce ee eee 'i S-Marine Equipment mortgages, No bonus. First TELEVISIO and stool, $250. Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. iSARTAge AND HAULING, also moving . Tele! 576-2436. School: @ caretoker aid cress B @) LAH @) @) D WwW 7-Swap and Barter mortgages, second mortgages af N -- RADIO JOHN RAPER -- spinet syle hes ieSKLDOO snowmobile by _ Bom.| 72: oe reasonable. iouseceeres (FOR HOME with three! ing guard. The two jobs : vi oa eps , world's largest 'od _ iidren, live in, we ith q s : iS earimes 'Cone pcb ails for sale pur- HOUR SERVICE and bench, brown mahogany, | 32! vehicles and McCulloch Srinceue EXPERIENCED TEACHER will 1 'tutor | i387 afters welcome." Telephone 72g, Could be conveniently handled ere eee vi limPets. and. Livestock ! T $465. how on display, United Rent-All Marine, Math., Grades 9 to 13. Telephone 668-5003. ee: | by one person. For further Paria M. F. SWARTZ WORE ALS {census Shae grit be Sule, |WILL"GIVE"KIND conve care RELIABLE MATURE woman ,remued|'inyorration, contac, ee C en "a *. = saammesatite smal unl 14---Business Opportunities 26% King St. East HOLMES Noy wah ae RECREATION, ROOM, a Brae cond my horns ne, Southmeed ai day anon cil qo In, schoo! Fe --- Treas. $15,000.00 tic mployment wanted Oshawa, Ontori: 4 Q ' | and trim. Bottie and glass rack : 30 _P.m., 723-6995. - . to 16--Agents Wanted 'a, Ontario $679, regularly $829, -- |icluded. Also other household articles. | c¢ r | COUNTER GIR eae pt 3 bedroom, semi bungalow 17--Female Help Wanted 723-4697 Sove $150. Telephone 725-3043. oe pecs ten cle rata "in| Suiteaay thi Pate Sta | REAL ESTATE SAUESANN with garage. Spacious living e a ELECTRONICS Wvocetitaar-WawesT--caL-- sree Tepe ri" Wie require experened real | 'om, drng rom, sep sv le Res Estate For Sale * Ist and 2nd Mortgages PHONE $99. Rnifriaeen 'waar, cetera DAY CARE erg in my home. Have RELIABLE WORAN ee Se ee fg Stee a aie nn Jo ZimFerms for Sele PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? HEINTZMAN & COMPAWY;t1#: Ov 0p0intment 'only' Telephone 725: week. "Telephone Whitby. assé7az. © AY |!%@ Oe eee | 2 NIE mean | to shoppe Contre, Auk Le 2--Lots for Sale Wh ' : 668-5679 ae ees : elephone Whitby 668-6782. 626. | mew home sales. For confi- close to Shopping Centre. Ask St 2--Real Estate Wanted y not consolidate all, your 79 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | REPOSSESSED SINGER vacuum ciean- EXERRIGHCRD LADY' denies _houtee dential interview contact Bill | for Roy Yeo. Evenings 725- E 24-Stores, Offices and: Storage payments with a low est | TV Rental . fF, for balance of payments, $6. monthly Saturday. er OE ny, Tenaya MéFeeters, Schofield - Aker 2217. 4 rergoge fee. V. Rentals 728-2921 ne Pe ihe SELL! i ae JONES AVENUE ; or complete details coil pds ie 4 ANTIQUE feam drawn two-seater sleigh TyPIN OVERLOAD. Typing done in __evenings 725-1726. N M DOUG. TERWILLEGAR, Men- ALCAN tnd! hore drawn cater, Aho Ferd ee Ushers altement, envelopes, ston DELL! MACHINE OPERATOR with punch pres, OMS Ro i . ". sel 5 _ 3 BRANCH REALTY FURNITURE _AND Rebuilt Transmissions libata SmCunca wonan ae SELL! ie "Telephone. 9423000 for appointment 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Ev SS--Automobles Wanted INVESTMENTS LIMITED pst See GUARANTEED WORKMANSTIIP. Ca pe eaeneatzycoalabed eal |aran tn her own ome: vietnly use : Fee Weta Geant to wane cbs eed tick teen ry f ive, and Cathol ir in re 'aurant operat Ni , ric 'am 34-Automoblie og ; é Siysig epee East, Oshawa. ' 753 DOT 576-2610 fa Masta W. C. Evans, Orono. Telephone 728-9190., pi gh ok pba er That's the job ence required. Age 18-25. "Phone. 728-229 home, well located $17,200. ' Bus -1157 Res. 725-6210 re ) Osh T Bale gluminom storm window, 2014" LADY WISHES TO CARE FOR children| At Ties TEEN-AGE ORGANIST, age 14-18, re. with $3,600. down, ond easy Ite FIRST AND SECOND, morigages avail |ED'S TV TOWER and Aerial Service. shawa Transmission -- |s20.00 Phone Whitby 668-4007, insttfation. |in_my home while mother works. Close | Went Ad quired for group. Must have own equip-| terms. Call Jack Appleby Ge able. jatzmi Realtor, " ranteed. For i pain S se AADa att htc Mori RO N i, Sires tect Gane Gene, Cf brew |test Pig Bl SBSH ce vas at 1175 Kea Sica ice | Fem FISHING HUT, pull for Cake Sim. |Lose SOMETHING? Place @ lost ad in WAITER, experienced for Sve Evenings 723-3398 Lt ree * » comple: Classified to reach thi 4 a everage room. Must have good ref- fetth ell etove, 65. Telephone Tae ana" 302 for an adconivor oder? Dial 72> 723-3492 erences, sieedy position. Apply Maneger, 101 Simcoe Street North Di Hotel Lancaster, 27 King St. W., Oshawa, 728-5123 Gl Re oe

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