Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1967, p. 14

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* | , THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jenuary 6, 1967 43 Es jE OB ER RE A RD ea Ee Gah A HU I me RSA EES Se .C.A } }t}44 8 i t eUers ; R li a * in Business Labor Restive Safety Rulings Year's | Change Sought << sana | bee ge Soug | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Brit- : 'Under British Austerit Vy ain and Sweden have asked the AY S STOCKS | ESS S OTLIG TT : |U.S. commerce department to | BUSIN P H * oad ah ted tt q Modify some of the 23 safely TORONTO 10:40 ' A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net | | LONDON (AP)--With Britain;the thaw is due to begin in July. {loans that supported the poun standards proposed for 196% . ¢ Dittributee! py CP Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge e halfway through its year of|Business is afraid the economy | during two years of crisis model cars. This followed sim ction Beer tne cre farted «| Soe Pe 20 364 6 OM /) * austerity, changes are begin-|may be permanently squeezed) But will the Mot complete lar action by West Germany's - 108d lot, xd--E x-dividend, xr--Ex-| raat 18 8 ew in S ning to appear in the easy-|out of shape by lack of invest-|the job of shocking the nation | volkswagen firm, largest auto- rights, xw--Ex-warra nts. Net change is} ¢ ing Gas 2105 $11% 11% MWe | ' |money attitude that forced the|ment. The government still has|into a new outlook? First re- haker OUtKICE the: UhiEd auieanenanenemnen Won OFA va senee rie Conny, 00 | Cit 2127 $15\4 15¥4 154 jcountry to pull in its belt last|not worked out its policy of get- sults suggest it will. Industry is) io. MIIWES oc Re a al e summer. ting the economy moving again. reorganizing into large units'"'n8" British contended that he C Petrofin 26 $10% 10% 10% e The new year ended the first) Wilson's austerity program for international competition. the standards as drafted would 10:40 Net Cdn Tire 750 $16 15% 16 1 i f lf 'ages = i "s Management is getting tougher. | ae Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge' Cdn Tire A 735 $15\@ 15 15ve--%* period of total freeze on wages. | ceeded ts short-run ob- cause considerable damage to 1000 '14 14-14 +) CWN Gas 100 $19,199 + a prices and incomes. The next |SUCceedee In iiss Some unions accept the view) 34. relations between Britain aos som 7 7 1 Saye See ae jsix. months .of credit squeeze jective of stabilizing the pound that fatter pay envelopes can and the United States. Sweden Advocate 100 3S MS MS = S| CH Nos a : oe : "sey raint'? me |ster sting the™ gold re-jonly come from higher produc- 4 hoshersoeibee ge Aanico 3460 $109 107,107, + 2 | Ce ta "aeig "av v-|| MONTREAL (CP)--With the] A master list of likely busi- various provincial governments, a a he ce we oa ae ie toade tivity. P jasked for an extension of time rv Rh ito nein in + 4 | Cominco 530 $31% 31% 31% + % Montreal world's fair little ness prospects intending to visit operating in a degree of com- ebi's Lab acate rent H letice git of the Med, AC au: Th : ; haw at the |i" putting some of the propos- ng Ruyn 3 es 3as 350 $s | © Savings 100 $8% 85 BMS vay IE ; fae dalle. Gorm setlted: son's Labor government to en-|balanc As ne government ha he| sts into effect. Ares 300 35: more than three months away,|Expo is growing 'daily. pi i : fore plus of re than $500,000,000 pac res he steel in- ; 1000 18' '184 1814 + Compro 400 310 310 «310 ; m : ete ry . z . orce. plus of more than $500,000, pace. in reshaping the steel in Both di t d foreign Armore - aa a Goh Be 200 105 105 105 y 1 d commercial piled by the fair's business de-| Individual industries and com- ae : yee apneic g balcesna ites Cass et 0 omestic an eig 'Arcadia 710 "me «67% 8 + 3 | «CO Ig 05 | 105. 10: provincial agencies, commercial |p y ; ; Unions, growing restive, talk |is predicted this year, enough to| dustry, aircraft and shipbuild- F ; - ' [on Eaeer 160 500th OM 816 <=. e izati d individual in-/velopment bureau, an offshoot panies are preparing soft - sell A ea ii ec gt Al rehisaebie manufacturers have said it will Aunor 100 1265 (65 265 | Con Pap w 2305 870 850 870 +45 Organizations and individual in-| velop , ' : of refusing to co-operate when|pay off the first instalment on/ing. leven before impending na- , ' gaye ee ib ae | Con peor p 1280 $2424 24 dustries already are well-geared|of the International Trade Cen- reception programs, while the} _ : ies s cid : Had ab yaar a ne wes be impossible for them to com- Priel 1000. 40 40 «4 +% ae eek "-- lag Mg Pigdas " to exploit the external business |tre, it includes- prospects rang- provinces, particularly Ontario couitianien combined to produce | Ply gr og -- stand- ed Ee | Corby vt" 100 322 om \development opportunities the|ing from a Turkish industrialist|and Quebec, are taking a harder steel pipe needed to bring in| vader og ied "thts walichat Belcher Sr aah dae ae Lc IM We pile 'Wet Ye gg ngs tgens he 4 Tae ees "one ed nves men ea ers rge |natural gas discovered in the trattic safety agency must pub Bethim { ¢ ' ae is wi mainly e one | 0! 200,000, n < a 1 "Re North S " be phat is 41 yonus A 730 455 455 455 --S 5 : | LL SEND LETTERS North Sea. ' Bee eye oe eT) | cons BON 8 through direct communication| umbrella-maker. WEL 5) teh ; The machine' tool industry,| ist by Jan. 31 its final set o prt te Th is MS 98S | Debhid Bp zi0: 9 99 with the 20,000 or so foreign! The list is there for all who _ Ontario's campaign already is . : he oF the' early 'eourben A standards for next year's mod- Dist! Seag 215° $35Ve 35¥e 35% + Ve D ' & reanainlele sntor. in full swing. In the next few! ol oO! arly sources Is. Th lready have b . Calmor 18 - 5m) 40 40 40 | siknws ire : ' most inter-|in yess! ne : jels. There already have been in « Com Ming 320014 la a | Beta a $m a ae businessmen known to have are interested and n (the days personally written letters| Britain's industrial power but) ications the proposals will be Camtlo 210 350 345 350 | hom Coal 2105 $9%@ a% 94. Plans fora visit to the fair. jested are the agencies 0 Ie will be dialled by the province's dately living on past gléries, has| odified eech Tech- pop bhi rte ie saith aia 2% Aap Uh seibie it 13% ee ' i ane es ee : Mee department of "economics and TORONTO (CP)--The money site statements for comparative begun combining into ge Si Doe ---- --_______ as fs a My ia os ; } hi CeO ae ae ee 8 Dom sh 20 $184 18% 183 . s * 'development to 100,000 selected market committee of the In- purposes. units. Some companies have esse € Ferdi Ope Soo | Domtar v9 6° 6 -- Ye te co ] es tee rices asineseines in the United vestment Dealers ~ Association The committee also recom- a ae, rigger! and | LEWIS c semen: We 8 MNS MS 4 | Dupont 15 $357 35% 35% States and Europe. of Canada has recommended mended that securities issued,'he United States to buy firms Can Keely 990 Sia Sia Sta + V2) EDT tg Thar ty ethaue tig Tne i yho inti-| that it bers deal only with by subsidiary companies that that will strengthen their sales Cdn Nisto 6390 2 20 20 --%2, prauis ie ee ae Each businessman who inti- that its members deal only with by subsidiary companie: : OPTICAL Candore 1090 27° 26% 26V Fleet Mfg 800 68 68. 6B + 1 2 mates that he intends visiting companies meeting increased principally finance the products 'Nes oh tao Hf +f e +1) Ford Cnda $7 V7 Ny ttawa ans 0 ction the fair will be issued with a disclosure standards. of parent companies be consid- The electrical industry is be- algruet for fie ates Chib M wae ee 8 GMC al io Hg ye a gold VIP. card assuring him of) Jn a statement Thursday, the ered on the adequacy of infor- ing linked under 4 pe Ns ' 728 0444 Conegee eG + 1 Grob ind 10 ta a Om rity hospitality. , -alle - semi-an- mation supplied by the parent. electric power board's decision = C Halll 2600 62 62 62 ci To Sim ee ernment wil] not make a second this basic industrial material ' ey oy Faon teates 'n tor sociates questionnuives and an. considered by tie national @x-| 20. C Marben = 900 240 240 240 Guar Trst 300 $9% 9% 936 demand for a rollback on price|made a useful contribution to rate information ¢ ea bY des lnual | f ' iit statements ecutive committee of the IDA CUT EXECUTIVES : Cc Mogul oe ee Oe TE hrs 200 42 4 42 Mmhsbe hy » Steel Com-\th ducti f inflation. onto. The centre, staffed by de- nual long form audit statements ecutiy : sahiniGKe In the grip of the economic] Martin Real Estate c Gg vis -- 6 8 7 Hard Crp A 75 $304 30% 30%4--% imcreases by the - Com-|the reduc a ne t partment information officers prepared by independent audi- at its meeting in Vancouver in queeze, management in. many Con. ee H Wood b 300 100 100 100 pany of Canada Ltd., Finance ary pressures during recent Pé , , : pAGcuAry squeeze, manage : C Rambler 700 182 180 180 --5]| Hawker § 600 395 395 395 rsa Bi aid 'Thursday,!months." and hostesses, will be geared to tors. ebruary. fields has begun cutting dead- Copreorp 700 55 $5 55 -- 1) yy D 300 $94 9 rere Minister Sharp sai ursday., mo. ! ; esprit OF in: 5 a eps 5 : N oo Hhan'" o's me 'ann --nis, flome A 1S shu" are zat ty He said in a statement that) Another deferment now would "Andie sll IMPOrT, exhort or Ht Robert Morris Associates is a ec ros ly eng ag Cowich ; 7109 a 2 21 +h borne A < $2 ee 204+ "% carey - ions peel ae not be justified, said the state- 6,000,000 Expo visitors expected of eomimiaratat bank dredit of- Money Supply hedding toward 600.000 and| ' sad a : Cstland 500 28% 24 A+ %) Huron Erle 90 cer ravers Thursday on its bars and rods. |ment. to travel through Toronto. --_ficers, Its questionnaires in- more than twice last year's--in | Sart eo a ot "| Husky Oil 105 $127% 127% 177 The "government had decided) Notices went out to Stelco's Quebec, however, Ontario's clude ratio analysis and compo- Hh R d the number of junior execu- | DiEidona 7200 124 194 14 +1 | fUY DW SRS OS as ays +00 inter customers Wednesday listing natural competitor, does not ~ its ecor tives looking for work. The ry Delhi Pac | 500 15 15 15 (ee Ue Be ae Bo A inOk to aateriere: i f than 50 plan to be outdone Times review of management| mp Tob 20813 «130=«13 | 1 sk Stele new prices for more than 5 . ® 2 R § e ; | Denison , 700 $58 58 58 + MA) Ind Accept 170 $20% 20% 20% + Ve Mr. Sharp asked Stelco in ate ities o ee . ARD Pr OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's to-'and technology estimated them | Discovry 4 ~ Bae 35 38 1| In Accept p 25 $75. 75. 75 +1 |September to suspend planned'specifications and qualities on WON'T SEND INVITATIONS fal monAy @UIDIY. HIV a. PeGbiHL at ShODE | e 4 u ' : | Ind Wire = 4970 $5¥e495 Su +-22 |} ses. Stele greed,|bars and rods. The selling price " : i: t y § es at 20,000 | ' ident oe oe a Ingersoll 100 $10va- TO" 10%a-- Ya tke P esepe gee of bars went up two per cent. Mr ya fel cal cml an 'Drainage Aid $21,373,000,000 during the last) On union attitudes, the effect | rhe, 8 an de gee cn | Inglis 99 9 9 +t page A Alscks lanced (ustry and c ' . week of 1966, the Bank of Can- is more difficult to judge. | Frobex aes 10 i ad ion z ; | Intercity 0 a3 1s sh : Gee i en: asp sat snehps si: pe Pick Be tare tohoggheneng hy OTTAWA (CP) -- Municipali- ada reported Thursday. Righty wage agreements sub-| Gnt_ Mos Ls ae zs IBM 29 $400 400 sharp said. : attract industrialists, though the) |.) 0°; 5 " 1 A count on Dec. 28 showed a tted to th inist f labor | Giant 'Yic 25 800 800° 800 | IMC P | : : a - 7 a in. Ues in the 11 eastern counties count on 49 § 4 n mitted to the ministry of labor Glenn jx 7100 10°10 10 lin Nice Wp rw 9° BRIEF pee rheagag will not. extend in-\ or Qi taro will have $6,600,000 increase of $163,000,000 in the|for approval are labelled 'pro- radotw: us Int Util 950 $27 27 27 +i S SS S | vitations. at their disposal aver the next general-public's- deposits-in-the | ducti ts." of Grand 9000 30 2 8630 sg a isposal over the t F ie ui Grendue { 300 385 385 385 -- 5 intoe wie Wako Dae < BU INE The-department is interested four years to assist with agri- Chartered banks during the pre- ficials suspect most are simply Gunnew_/ 2100 "30°90 99. 7 | 4MPr, Steel 350. 70. ais. $y THE CANADIAN PRESS {cited as the reason for the in- in establishing or expanding cultural drainage projects. vious seven days, bringing the |coverups for inflationary settle- 2 poinv=Grp 1209 Eatin Pig atin ria ic 7 2 industries in such! ,, public ey supply to $20,413,-|ments, wi yield- ho ge fa a 8 OR | ITL Ind pr 225 $2) 212 RAISE COPPER PRICE creases. secondary industries AP amet Federal Rural Development -- money suppl) $20,4 ha with management yield- Heath 5000 124 12% | Jefferson 230 $25 25 25 + Spanner S fields as electronics and chemi Minist Save d 4, 000,000. ing higher wages simply to buy Holirgier 480 $22. 21% 21% poe © a we ee A 2-cent-a-pound uel 'a MORE VEHICLES ENTER oaic though . basic industries A aS it ee Phe Mapane ° Government of Canada depos-|industrial peace. Huds Bay 60 $6104 SiMe GAH + ) LOnt com 411s 75, "450, 425. 430 |tNe Price of copper, to 38 cents) Permits for foreign vehicles jcuch as textiles are not ruled/*8cu lure Minister Stewart its in the banks stayed close to| George Woodcock, secretary- Int Bite T $00 91 9 OM +1] 1 ja pound from 36, Was AN-|ontering Canada in November, said Thursday the assistance he billion-doll t $960,- |; f i te: Iron Bay T 1000 255 25 255 +2 | bu Fin 1225 $5%4 sth 54 | New Wouk Thursday |cntenngs er. | out. will be oraeided under the Asti jthe billion-dollar mark a »|general of the Trades Union . aye Oe 2 8 0 41 te eae ee OR jnounced in New York The in_|1966, totalled 479,006, an ins Cuetec theme will bolt bast bd unas © Agtl- 999.000. Congress, says workers can no J. J. WILKINSON Jelex 1000 2318 238 23%4-- 14) Life inv wt 275 215 215 215 by Phelps Dodge wei va n-Jerease of 4.8 per cent over the cased on the province's abun: es ural Rehabilitation and De-| the record level of the total|longer expect full employment are Johiet me ye 2 # 6 Fy,| bee CoA 40 $8 7% 7% -- ve crease becomes effective im-|-ame month a year earlier, the 4 , : 4 velopment Agency and the money supply was $1,426,000,000 | without following some kind of © Lob Co B 100 $814 814 8) ve ni t sas ~ dant fresh water supplies and) p 'i f i tia 750 355 355 ; ~--'\ mediately. The announcem ent/nominion Bureau of Statistics ' : rainage Act of Ontario with more than-the s period delines Kam, Kotla x Lob Co pr x15 $40% 40% 40% ; i helps sheap hydro-electric power sepa ll )'more than-the same per a wage guidelines. Mr. R. Martin of Martin Real rs ae Loeb M 283 $10! y 1 said. , s y - month totals es , : ay 'earlier ¢ 'Jinse *p. i . ; ' Kvthacon 1900 158 145158 FF ms Ltd ar ee be ee a, He ne es te PS reports. Eleven th totals |¢ Meanwhile some 160 Quebec- oe be provincial a municl- year earlier and eclipsed.a pre-| But Jack Jones, executive} Estate takes pleasure in ennouncing Kid Chper 1800 38. 88. apna El 150 "8 aa 8h Me /DodBe ork hb reid Prost showed that 6.7 ate -- mean based companies will be extoll- asthe ee Sharing vious high of $21,344,000,000 on secretary of the nation's largest |] the appointment of Mr. Jack Wil- L. IDystauit 1000 $14 14 14ve + M bf Mills 100 $17. 17. «17 ~ |announce: I permits were issued to travel- Psa cr ;,, equally in the cost. Nov. 30, 1966. union, the Transport and Gen-|] kinson es Manager of the newly tine BP a le bl ell ee aie eae jon some types of copper water |jers in 1966 than 1965. ing their ie aaGetnes The Ontario soil survey and The bank also reported lower jerat Workers, chafes under gov- |] opened office ot 100 King St. ©. Mr. et oD ere Molson "A 'sig sie) 3. * ™ tubing, drainage tubing and aul BUILDING RETARDED Seilise. the Quebec b recent land capability studies intérest yields this. week on{mental attempts to balance pay |] Wilkinson hes had many years ex- ae 22 Moore 165 $8614 88% 88% + % brass pipe, UMPAINSs EOES : pay ts indicate inadequate drainage is both long - t yernment and productio' " |] perience in the General Contracting Loinslert 2700 21-0 --1'| Mm + bes bala tea aaa ae cee ae ite inadeq nag noth long - term government |and_ production. | Men Bar 1000 21 71 21 +31 More be oh ei ry Naan ACID COSTS MORE Building permits -- 2 Pavilion director Maurice te a major limiting factor in crop bonds and government treasury} 'We are being enslaved by} 0nd the Real Estate -industry. Marl tomi 125 $14 144 | Canada during September G lans to send out 30 . % " gm Nt Contain 150 $5'2 54 5\% i : stries Ltd. said 2 |Goumois plans : * | production in Ontario. bills. academic economists," he says. Me, Adam. 0 4 4 1 Nat Hees 100 70 «70 «70 «+8 | Canadian Industries Itd. said) toraijed 13,692, a decline of 4.9/99 personally addressed letters) ceeankopak a RRC : Midirien 1000 97-36 FIM! Nerang" BS Sam ave ss + | Montreal a ee ara per cent from September, 1965, |to potential business prospects | Min Ore 31750 194 18 19 -- Vt) Nor CH @ 750 S19 1m 13H + 9% creased the price of ball a the Dominion Bureau of Statis-|in Europe and the United States. | Ce ee | Sihome A E ee ee eg son trom |tics Teports '4 a 2 * i id to 5 a ton from wea - x Abst 10500 141 135 139 +5 | Pac Pete 1069 $11% lia 11% + | Phuric acl : : . , : ; i : tee, Se ue UY MTS) fe reew oe mo saga 0/825 a ton. The company said! Aealake Eeonrss 2" PRODUCE Ifew Cal 800 30% 30% 3+ i ' other grades were also raised | e net income afte s of | | 1Q) Herri 2700 16% 16 16 Pow ae "™ Pou) ee Pas by varying amounts. CIL has|Canada's six major air carriers} TORONTO (CP) -- Whole- 'pri 15400 262 Price Com 560 $12%@ 12% 12% jalso increased the price of its|}was cut in the first six months | sale to retail carton eggs aver- | My' 400 194 19 (194+ 1! ON Gu: 200 $10% 40% TOV 4 i | i i JN Que Rag! 500 460 101 Renk Ore 300 to a ae + *imost common type - rage of 1966 to lees. than one-third of |age weighted price quoted by| N 5000 22% 22 2 -- a! Revenve 800 $62 6' 6% | dioxide to $35 a ton from $32 a'their income in the same per-|the department of agriculture) : Mick Rim 100 a6 te te Rovel'Bnk "a8 S76" 3 38 _ | ton. Both increases were effect-|iod of 1965, the Dominion Bur-|as of Thursday: A large 54.8; . Norbesie 2000 5555 85, at Salada 400 $10% 10% 10% +4 w%\ive Jan. 1. Higher sulphur | eau of Statistics reports. Higher) 4 medium 51.7; A small 46.6. wok bE deat aaa ola Scot, York 100 $10¥4 10% 104 | prices_from producers were |costs were responsible for the Eggs: Wholesale price to i Nomex = 9000 10.10, 10 = 1 | Shell Inv w 8700 745 730 745 +15 | drop from a first-half profit of | .ountry stations fibre cases : ered rd = or 2 +1 Shell can 570 ah oe 2% | STOCK MARKET $1,903,020 in 1965 to $578,634 in quoted by the Toronto Board of | iopper ' ~ " ' erhoe ed 2 beta Silverwa A 210 $i42 144 1414 | et piace cr ee Trade,from wholesale egg deal- | ' impsons 73 $2B% 28% 28% + Y% % eas é » 4 ' 3. || Bort Can 200 133 133,133 -- 8 | Simpson $ 256 $laia 144 ta | TORONTO (CP) -- New York|vincial Airways, Quebecair, |¢"S* cig _-- on? Opemske 2440. 990 990 +10 Sister ae S00 So 350 300 =)i4|set the pace and Toronto fol-|pransair and. Pacific. Western |4*:, medium ; 4 Osisko 1000 4 6 «© +%| Somville p 75 847 a7 a? lowed as industrials and west-| ,irjines, |B 39; C 34. ; | Pax int tN Aa ST Radio 250 $22%% 22% 22% ern oils scored impressive gains | | Butter prices: Agricultural pick crow se a eas Te ee ae ow Bee al huneday, | PLAN MONETARY TALKS stabilization board tenderable| Pine Point ny sist a a Jor Dm Bk 175 $58 58 "| The advance was a contribu-§ finance Minister Michel De-|carlots: Buying 40 score 59; | / Ms j + les . ; or : a : ; : : Preston 2S $13% 136 13%--e| traders B 09 So one af vation ig shied ay oe of France will discuss inter- | buying score lee Que chib 1000-13 "13 "13 --1| Trader 66 w 500 200 200° 200 |in Wednesday's session and the |national monet ary problems | Quemont 425 $10 10 10 ar caer Ge i ais aan -- vy) industrial index, the Key inca. {with Canadian government DIVIDENDS | Radiore «2500 6665 +1 Te Can Pip 100 $46 46% asia : Peed ads seg Seg 'ao leaders during a three-day visit | : ; | Trans Mt 990 $17¥2 17% 17¥2+ %;ments, clim ; ti) '88. Jto Canada Jan. 12-14, officials} Rio Algom 7800 $237% 23% 23% -- Ve eae \ i Ca : i 1 ; s | oman 368 $i5%¢ 15 15% + %| Un Gage" ma te | Chrysler moved up 2 to 3614, |said in Paris Thursday. On his| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Satellite 350025' 25 25¥a+ Ya| Versatile 25 $26 26 26 ++ %|Moore Corp. and Interprovin-|arrival in Ottawa, he will call} Algoma Central Railway, 8) Si Eureka 500 109 09 top °° | Weinoce 0 100 200 m0 220 +10 | it Dine Line 1% each to 88lon Governor - General Georges|cents, 'March 1, record Feb. 8. Sil Eureka 500 109 109 109 Walk GW 565 $2914 291% 29%--%4{\Cial Pipe Line 1% each to on Governor - G veorge: s, ' | ey aon can ee Well Fin A 200 475 475 475, --25 |and 86%4, respectively,'Massey-|Vanier and then confer with Fi-| International Utilities Corp. | 1 4 xe ; Ppa | 7 ; Sil Stand 2000959595 + 3: | Westest iis teu as 'se + §| Ferguson 1% to 24% \and Laur-|nance Minister Mitchell Sharp Spiers we crate. (Cas); vies Stenrek eae ak ae +35 | Weston a se entide and Distillers 1 each tojand Trade Minister Robert Fyn 7. )y , ( rg leston Va 4 20) 3 i Fi ; Steep 525 595 590 590 + S| Woodwd A 600 $234 23/4 214-1, {94 and 35. ' | Winters. eG ord, Fel gu on ae rea a ae | Zedlors 500 $25 25 25 Volume remained light ann) Texmont 6425-83813 anit ae only 2,838,000 shares were! a : Tex-Sol 5 ee JE | Sales to 11 a.m.: 615,000, traded compared with 2,432,000! ce Tombill 300 106 106 106 ; \ Tribag 1200 110 110 110 +2 FOREIGN TRADING at the same time Wednesday. | pinewoo U Asbestos 500 260 260 Western oils, which remained | Provo Gas 100 560 560 +5 Sah ' U Buffadn 500 43 43 43 F : Agnico 2100 130 130 130 +14 /in the spotlight, jumped 1.93 on 4 atten Un Keno 2100 265 260 260 1 | Upp Can 500 150 150, 150 Be se ae fy 2, * | index to 133.78. t 1 bi, Va -- 6 sans. tog ' Wat Wie oe eb de eed Siscoe 20 530 $80 su oF Increased drilling activity in errace White Star 1000 32% 32% 324+ v2| Un northwestern Alberta as well as wiity W700 125119 195s" | anticipation of the upcoming Windfall 200 32 32 32 BIG RACE PURSES sale of oil and-natural gas L d Wilesn Road Nah Yukon € -- 1100 105 100 105 ee MONTREAL (CP) -- More|leasés in the province are at-| ocated on Wils a " than $900,000 -- the largest|tributed for the action in oil fR ads | ossland Rd. East. ne OILS, GAS 'amount in Montreal thorough-|stocks. | Just south o miner 100 #0 480 480 +5 bred racing history--will be di-| Scurry-Rainbow rose 1%4 to Am Li 1100 28 28 28 +} - ' ; : red eiey 2250 8 4 7 a 1 | stributed in purses during Blue/215;, Dome 1% to 38. Banff Ppalliake ie NE Te | Bonnets Raceway's 56-day meetjeased 14 to 16%4. \ caver 500 24/2 24¥2 2412 + ¥| May 30-Aug. 2. This amount will] Among golds, Dome tumbled | Th CS Pete 825 238 236 237 +2 bring the daily ,average in|1%4 to 4314 while Multi-Minerals | 4 © Sate oe wee oe |purses to more {han $16,000, /gained 10 cents to 1.34 in spec- | : C Homestd 600 273 273 273 --2 with the minimum amount for ulative mines. wildest Fr v. poe tid 180 S13" Ih to, v/a Face set at $1,700, Last year} On index, base metals were, i ao 2 Chieftan D 320 960 960 960 \the total purse value for the 51-|up .60 to 87.10 while golds fell | James MaSON aloN Bares: thing Dynamic 500 234 234 234 +2} i 1.4 151.72. | French Pt 300 470 470 amy 5 (Gay meeting was $811,200. 1 to 151 Gt COllsds 150 $102 10% 10% + | | to Mane to00 * 1 a | | ze Another beautiful new Kassinger development. Every home in Pinewood Terrace is designed Mil ' + " 55 | ' Ne oil" \Bs ie Fa 0 Pe Lal = hit to complement the gentle sloping valley. Homes " o ng' new -- ADSI ~ lumac Ss 223 3 | | ke lif Pera sework less @ Chore .. Wi e ' =A Okalta 200 17 17 7 | DAY WEEK MONTH + +» With new innovations to make aa, ee gna S Pree ry tio 'a 1 195 * ; | the spacious floor plans , . . attractive balconies and sliding gloss patio doors, ace i ee iad Sas 985 5S an ae a | $8 00 PER DAY Pr A ] Bathrooms with more vanity end cupboard space . . . larger mirrors and added powder room, anger 370 299 = ° Scurry Rn 170 $21% 21% 2% + % | | world And kitchens with loads more cupboard space and roomy eoting areas. Spooner 2000 62 62 62 | 725-6553 rf 22 w to be @ Nala ei Fe eae eg ee a The homes in Pinewood Terrace ore priced conveniently for you, from $19,675.00 to $22, inion 140 $3476 347% 34% + , ; dels from U Canso 1500 360.355 355-5 ' since 950.00 and finance terms ond trade in plans can be easily arranged with 634 N.H.A. Walking, Vandco 500 é¥2 bla ba | i a af W Decaita 800 340 340 340 | Financing. INDUSTRIALS | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS the Pinewood Terrace incorporates Kassinger ues d vid pe aad of services which " wood voce THER PLEASANT Pi oa look like Abitibi 2130 $10%4 10% 104+ W/ 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, saeaines mini- make Pinewood Terrsce "ANO Get the Alta Gas T 2130 $31 3131 | Oshawa 2 irse gives 'lla Gas w, 210 600 600 em) 45 | fouls : irse a Gas Ww, ' . Algoma St 608 $244 24 24 + \a/ shirt! * Aloan SM85, $20 30% 30% + 4 ' 400 $3730 37% 3730+ Ve T Y y forming Args' 260 p "25 Suddn Ade asia onable so Argus C pr 210 $105 1058 1058 | The One and Only TIMES OPEN EVERY SA URDA an Asbestos 125 $20¥2 20/2 202 + Va Ashdwo |B 280 440, 440 440 | 1:40 ank M 69 $542 54% 5440 + Va : | i ; Bank NS 30 S642 Gia Gila | TISH GOODE ; .m. (Any other time by appointment) Bathurst 100 $2814 2814 284+ | 3:25 From 1 to 5 p (Any y app Bathwst A 125 $56Va $6 S6la + | hy 5:15 | athrst w 500 850 850 Di t From the ° » Bell Phne 3706 $47 46% 47. + % | irec e H Brazilian 100 $10% 10% 10% + Ye ills Hotel 7:20 RATED BA Constr 250 '5% Su Ba ml Beverly Hills 9:30 MODEL HOMES ARE DECO Y $33% 33% : BC Sugar 32 3232 | Now At The aie Fds 300 $134 13% i a Ma} a | AE Ind 125 $82 82 82 | } : Calgary P 310 $2194 21% 213% + Ve SCROFI = (Exclusive Agents) bel eieee i gin tk 1 Georgian rHoNt Can Iron 255 $167 18% 18% Can Perm 50) $104 Ola 10's | Cdn Brew 1955 $7 74 7% Motor Hote Cc Chem w 400 475 460 460 --30 CGR oe 6 ri 4

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