ig cured of ig a needle rsted over ed a spell, one to be- earth from Oarse salt Intestinal | by eating der dipped e banished la ack k cat kills . sheepskin 'ds off..an of an un- Portuguese »s his pho- unsatisfied ch to court a hand- oman, left ently after ntence for n an act- 10 MUCH id (CP) -- ar belong- Kennanga k on the _ releasing of creepy- s and ani- by-trapped his stage | occasion, THESE SUITS, designed for domestic and export markets, took top awards DISTAFF DIARY Fe in the woolknit section of the 1967 Australian wool fashion show in Melbourne. The Australian textile in- Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitfed by their secretaries. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43 held its first business meeting for .1967 in the new Legion Hall with the president, Mrs. Alyn Elliot, presiding. She gave season's greetings; a warm welcome to the new hall; and welcomed one new member, Many : letters of thanks were read from veterans in hospi- tals and institutions and from auxiliary members, who had received either cheques, plants or gifts at Christmas. Members were remitided of the installation dinner to be held next Tuésday, January 10 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences now, stimulate ambition, aggression | and initiative. This could be a really big day in your Jife--on all counts! Outstanding projects should be successfully com- pleted and you could also launch new enterprises without fear of failure. Evening could bring some surprising -- and heart- warming--news. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a good {| year. Financial earnings should be stepped up in mid-March and early May, and other monetary gains are presaged during the whole month of July, mid-Sep- tember and mid-October and next January. Best periods for job matters: late April and early May. Don't expect too much, however, since you won't see a real upward trend along the aforementioned lines until next December and January of 1968. Creative workers, however, will find this a highly profitable year. y On the personal side, late June, all of July and late Sep- tember will be excellent for ro- mance; the first three weeks of July auspicious for travel. Avoid friction in family and-or social circles for the balance of this month, in late April, early June,, late August, early September and early October. A child born on this day will be endowed with the talents re- quired to make. an_ excellent' artist, singer or writer of in- structive literature. MUSTN'T OVERDO IT "Eating for two" can be taken to excess, says a Russian scientist, warning that too-large babies can harm their mothers as well as themselves. WIFE PRESERVER For more storage in the kit- chen, use enamelled pegboard on walls over cabinets. Hang frequently - used items where | they're handiest, 4 the catering. Mrs. Florence officers and executive. ' Names are now being taken for members wishing to go to the Ice Follies, February 1. A bus will be chartered and will p.m. It was announced that Mrs. Robert Williams, visit February 14, and that the Zone Rally would be held this year in Oshawa May 9. pital were Mrs. A. I. Woolcock, Mrs. Charles Wells and Mrs. Claude Flewelling and Mrs. dent, had the misfortune to fall and break her wrist Year's Eve. FASHIONS DESIGNED TO CATCH CANA dustry plans to step up its efforts to capture bigger |sealskin owl has done some shares of Canadian mar- faba Mega pig Sahin sweatshirts. There have ehh Seas ENO) _lby an Eskimo at the Fort been Ookpik storybooks DIAN MARKET ile sD) Cy : THIS VOLUMINOUS caf- fashion show. The Austra- tan, complete with turban, lian textile industry hopes won an award in Melbourne to lure Canadian buyers for the best use of fabric at the 1967 Australian wool 'Ook with its new. styles (CP Photo) ik The Wandering Owl Boosts Eskimos' Earnings MARILYN ARGUE (CP) -- Ookpik the Other companies pay the Ookpik image on everything | oja} firms. The Eskimos plan to from children's jewelry to stockpile about 25,000 sealskin also birds for Expo where the five- and inch model: will sell for $2. Women Train As Truck Drivers made $17,500 from Ookpik's| TORONTO (CP)--When male'gone home with almost every truck drivers were reluctant to |take jobs in cold weather, re-| at 7.00 p.m. The women of St. |fused to unload five-gallon oil' Ernie Ford. Peter's Church will be doing|drums and took too long to com- Mrs. Pegg from Provincial Com- Derry turned to an alternative | toy Wee. the creation of Annie} mand, Toronto, will install the|source of labor for the trucks|S?0Wball, an Eskimo woman in plete some jobs, |hourly basis. She hired women|Northern Quebec. She's made| \drivers. | So far, the first women hired owl. leave the Legion Hall at 6.30|/by M and C Drivers, Pat Smart, | 23, and Georgina Fox, 26, are,development department say) |doing. all right. They earn $1:65|it's impossible to tell how much | Zone Com-|an hour, the same rate paid to}money has been made from the mander, would pay her official | the 20 men employed by the|sale of genuine Ookpiks made |company and about 80 cents an|from sealskin by 25 Eskimos in, lhour less than members of the the community of 310. |Teamsters Union are paid Reported ill in Oshawa Hos-|Toronto. And they are being profits are made from hunting, | trained to handle even tractor!fishing, sewing and other art} ltrailers eventually. | One of the smaller trucks is ures is made. | Norman McEvers, a past presi-|being painted pink, with a sign) Some commercial royalties | the cab reading '"'one of come from two companies on New/Derry's dolls--beware, on epee driver. ¢ |she rents to companies on an|Chimo, |Chimo co-operative three years | ago. | The Eskimo co-operative has tet has adopted the name. commercial royalties and he's|motion, marketing and legal) ldignitary to hit Ottawa--from $17,500. J Thant and Miss Japan-Can- Friendship to Tennessee partment now handles Ookpik's publicity. and marketing are looked after by Canadian Arctic Producers |Ltd., subsidized by government jada First introduced at a trade Muriel fair in Philadelphia, the Ookpik intact who weigh more to put probably includes renewal of records and a folk singing quar- o, Altogether, royalties add up cess to produce glass figuries to $50,000 but out of that pro-!of the bird. fees reduce the actual profit to official mascot of Frank Ogden The northern development de- helicopter flight next summer. only|The northern development de- Promotion|partment has bought a couple] | Eat-Less-Do-More' Method Reduces Weight Slowly, Surely By JEAN SHARP * Canadian Press Women's Editor If you really want to lose some weight, first check with your doctor, then eat a little less and do a little more. The little less might add up to 450 calories, which is a half a club sandwich and a cup of soup. At that rate, you should lose a pound every eight days. Doing a little more could mean merely walking to the grocery store or to a nfteting instead of taking the car. Iron- ing uses about 70 calories an hour, singing about 56 The Canadian Sugar Insti- tute, in a program designed for presentation by and for women's groups, recommends the eat-less-do-more method for the multitudes of women than they should but have no serious weight problem. First decide what your ideal weight is, perhaps with the help of your doctor or insur- ance firm. Chances are it is what you weighed when you were 25, unless you also had a weight problem then. Now decide what your daily calorie quota should be. It is probably 15 times your ideal weight. Set a weekly loss goal for yourself and cut your daily total calorie intake to meet the goal nna LOSE GRADUALLY ----~. The consensus of expert ad- vice is that you should not try to lose more than a pound and a half a week and under the auspices of the Co-operative Union of Canada. Eskimos in 24 areas market their work through the organ ization and get back 90 per cent of the profits. The-future forthe Ookpik doll contracts with both commer- More books are planned by okpik's publishers and one company is perfecting a pro- A three-foot Ookpik will be the on his centennial cross-Canada of hundred of the little owls for him to. present to local dig- nitaries along his route. |her 60s who still lives at Fort) near Ungava 'Bay in| 'about $4,200 out of the big-eyed Spokesmen for the northern in| This is because co-operative work, and no breakdown. of fig-) 74 CELINA STREET woman mass-producing the little owls FOR THE FINEST "Free Customer Parking while shopping et our store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades tobrice eee, ~M&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 and in plush and opposum fur. i eae 36" WIDE WALE suits. 1 LADIES! SAVE $ $ DOLLARS §$ $ DURING... Colours include Brown, Red, Blacks, Tur- quoise; .Wedgewood, Royal Moss, Ex- cellent for skirts, slacks, ay REG. 2.89 SALE $9}-99 ya, FABRIC VILLAGE' CORDUROY jumpers, and CLEARANCE O ENGLISH W REG. 8.95, 9.95 and 10.95 Coatings, Suitings, Novelty Checks and Weoves. 1/3 OFF Excellent quality woolens for suits, skirts, coats, etc. 5.956 63.°7.30 FABRIC VILLAGE KING ST. WEST at-PARK ROAD PHONE 723-0721 CLEARANCE OF WOOLENS REG. 5.95 to 6.95 A selection of Crepes, aukbeinin, Tweeds Flannel, Novelty weave, Woolens for suits, dresses, jumpers, slacks etc. SALE $4.00 ya, KING PARK PLAZA You don't have to be a rabid calorie - counter to achieve your goal. Figure where your calorie intake is coming from now. Make sure that you ac- count for all of the nutrients you need, including some fat, and trim your normal diet to give you a daily cut in cal- ories, Then remember the other half of the program and walk when you could ride, stand when you could sit, possibly do, some sensible exercises. There are some hints and comments in the program that might help you stick to it Don't check your weight every day. Check it no more often than once a week. Give yourself an occasional , treat. As long as your diet is complete and balanced, there are no foods you are for- bidden. Have your pre-dinner cock- tail if you like. Only remem- ber to count the calories in it. If you are going to a party, forget about your diet for the evening. If you are a guest for any reason, don't keep saying you can't eat this or that. Eat a little and enjoy yourself. MUST CHANGE HABITS If you are serious about dieting, remember it will take patience, but it may help if you also remember you aren't really in any hurry. If your spare weight comes off slowly, steadily and sensibly it's more ! likely to stay off becatise of | your changed habits. When you start a diet, don't also decide to stop smoking or try a spartan exercise rou- tine. Eat less and do more but within reason, self Eat as your family does, only eat less. When you plan your diet consider that tart foods gen- erally sharpen your appetite, sweets dull it. If you eat slowly it helps make you feel satisfied with less. To get the nutrients -vou need you should have meat, fish, poultry or "an equivalent twice a day. You need about four sery- ings of cereal products a day, four of vegetables and fruit That should include citrus fruit or tomnatoes and a green ~\ THE OSHAWA TIMES, pamper your-. Thursday, January 5, 1967 1§ Parrow 12-1 | WIFE PRESERVER Remove the top and bottom jof a tuna fish can, using an 'opener that leaves a smooth edge, and you'll have a egg- Fe ageaiiag ring, cookie cutter, ie a or yellow vegetable four times a week You should have dairy prod- ucts every day--milk, cream, cheese or ice cream. Ono sters YOUNG AGES WINTER CLEARANCE 25% Reductions ll winter clothing for the young- The Best Costs Less at... YOUNG AGES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE With infants to size 14 " GLAZIER'S | SALE CLEARANCE 2 , EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARED TO MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW SPRING STOCK. SHOP GLAZIERS FOR BIG! BIG! SAVINGS ! LADIES' COATS Ladies' Winter Coots in fur trimmed ond un- trimmed styles in e@ host of styles and such lovely shades. Reg. Value to 129.98, SALE Reg. Value to 99.88. SALE a ae Reg. Value to 69.98, SALE Reg. Value to 49.98. BALE Sioko ey LADIES' DRESSES Cleoring every dress in the store -- ell cleon fresh stock In lotest cloths ond styles come for yourself, sizes in Petite, Reg. Values to $49.98 SALE $24,99 SALE $16.99 Reg. Values to $39.98 EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS $5.00 RACK Ladies' Clearing Dresses, Reg. Value to $24.98 Reg. Value to $19.98 SALE $12.99 SALE $9.99 LADIES' CAR COATS Mostly made by "POSLUNS" wdrmly quilted lined, in % length, in attractive shades, sizes 10 to 20. Reg. 29.98. SALE 14,99 SKI JACKETS r.men, women, boys, girls REDUCED UP TO Y. OFF Reg. Value to $16.98 SALE $6.99 MEN'S SUITS Clearing better lines, mostly one of @ pattern or shade most sizes in the lot. Suits only. SALE ; EXTRA PANTS IF AVAILABLE $10.00 Suits, Jumpers, ete. Broken sizes, values to 29.99. CLEARANCE *5.00 Reg. to 79.98. 39 98 8 MEN'S WINTER COATS AND JACKETS all reduced up to '/ OFF GIRLS' AND BOYS' WINTER COATS, JACKETS, COAT SETS, ell REDUCED UP TO Ya OFF MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Long sleeves, cotton, flannel in the lot, sizes S.M.L. and X.L. Values to 4.98. SALE CHILDREN'S PILE JACKETS, COATS AND PEA JACKETS Size 4 to 6X. Reg. Value to 14.98 Size 7 to 14X. Reg. Value to 19.98 SALE 6.99 SALE 9.99 Reg. 1.49. SALE WINDOW SHADES in white, cream, or green, Size 36 x 70". ALL 3 OFF Reg. 1.98. 1.33 SALE~ Reg. 2.98 ~» SALE GIRLS' DRESSES REDUCED UP TO '2 OFF SIZE { TO 14x LADIES' SKIRTS, SLIMS REDUCED UP TO Ye OFF LADIES' APRONS. Half and Bib styles, mostly fancy styled nylon. This you must see to believe, First quality by well known Canadian Maker Reg. 1.00 and 1.49 each ST ASS Sig ge ar 0 Corona arg eo eau eee eevee ren GLAZIER'S DAY Titi 6 P.M., THURS. AND FRI. NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. PLENTY of FREE PARKING USE YOUR CREDIT NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES 2 tr *1.00 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OPPOSITE SOUTH SIMCOE SCHOOL =