} ' i sain Si stalin, WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Whitby United Appeal Total Reaches $23,600 WHITBY (Staff) -- 'the Whitby United Appeal Fund is steadily creeping = j by Shue last 415,000 added' to The goal is $34,900. the ee the fund repiesenien the re reported. Whithy Man Completes RCMP Training Engaged in the RCMP July 14, after completing his oeigh School he was posted to "De- Terry Peter Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Smith, 324 Henry Street, Whitby, has grad- uated from the recruit training course of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ve "Depot" Division, Regina, Sask. WHITBY PERSONALS Residents of Fairview Lodge, Wednesday evening in re tered buses, toured Whitby and Oshawa to view the Christmas decorations and lightings. Ap- tely 80 residents en- the outing and were served light refreshments on thelr return. Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch Me- Kenzie and their son, Ross, spent the holiday weekend in Parkhill as guests of her mother, Mrs. Herbert Perry. Corporal Ronald Killens, Mrs. Killens and children, Robert, David, Donald and Cathy, Ot- tawa, were holiday guests of his mother, Mrs, EH. B. Killens, 600 Maple Street and also her mother, Mrs. E. Tripp, RR 3, Oshawa, Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk, 507 John Street West, is celebrating his 12th birthday today. Holiday visitors at the hame of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Merkas, 918 Walton Street, were his brother and sister-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Merkas, Tena, Sandra and Shir- Jey of Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Stubbert and family spent Christmas holidays in Montreg) visiting Mr, and Mrs. Martin Merlin and family. tion at Henry Street pot" Division at Regina. He graduated from trainin Dec. 21 and has been poste: for duty in Manitoba. Stubbert's residence dren, Scarborough. guests were: Mr. Walter Lovell, Oshawa; Mrs Beatrice Zona, Bobbie Edwards and Gregory Edwards. Mrs. Clark was also entertained Fri- Neil Spencer, North, Columbus hall, Refreshments will be served. Christine, daughter of Mr. and A dinner guest Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, RR 1, Whitby, bo James Avery, of St. Catha- es. Drastic Action Promised her seventh birthday Thursday. Guests attending her party were Sandra Richardson, Coreen Johnston, Johny Rancier and Kathy Miller. Council Chamber Damage PICKERING (Staff) -- "The| to raise rents for the use of the|ffom 10 p.m. onwards Satur- first guy I catch smoking in| building for which the township here I'll grab by the nape of| now receives $25 per court day, the neck and the seat of the) Mrs. McPherson, in maining returns from door-to- door canvassing carried out in the town last 'month. All the groups concerned have now Mr. and Mrs. Merlin. will be guests for New Year at the and will also visit other relatives and friends in Whitby and district. During the festive season Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forbes had as their guests Mrs. Forbes' sister, Mrs. Norman Heath and chil- Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Mifflin, 508 Ash Street, entertained Christ- mas Day at a dinner in honor of Mrs, Mifflin's mother, Mrs. 'Bertha Clark, on the occasion of her 90th birthday, Other and Mrs. ema Sere a ate Ne et int tty * JOSEPH GOULD 1852 WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontario County has all but completed its 114th year of County Coun- cil. A review of the list of county wardens shows five "Goulds" among the ranks of the county's top political office. Beginning in 1852 Joseph Gould of Uxbridge became the county's first provisional war- den when the Upper Canada Council decided to create the counties of Peel, York and On- tario. ISAAC GOULD 1883 Before the turn of the cen- tury three other Goulds were to become warden. They included Isaac in 1883, Charles in 1886 and Harvey Gould in 1895, During the past year another Gould has served the county well. Wilfred H. Gould, Reeve of Uxbridge, was born at Ux- bridge in 1902, the great-grand- son of Provisional ' Warden Joseph Gould and nephew to the three other wardens, After attending Uxbridge High Schee!, Wilfred Gould joined the Standard Bank which later merged with the Cenadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce, He then moved to Western Canada where he served the bank for 22 years as accountant. In 1938 he married the for- mer Marion Catt of Theodford, Ont, and moved back to Ux: bridge in 1947 where he worked for the bank until his retire- ment in 1958. Since that time Pupils Offer | Ajax To Mark 4 HARVEY GOULD 1805 he has been working for the bank in Ontario branches as a relieving manager. In 1959 Mr. Gould entered municipal polities and served on the Uxbridge Town Council as councillor for one year before becoming deputy reeve for two years and reeve in 1962. He was also chairman of the Uxbridge Library Board for 15 years and was elected as Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master of the Toronto Masonic Lodge Dis- trict 3, He is also a member of the official board of Trinity United Church in Uxbridge. During 1966-67 he was elected as president of the Association of Ontario Counties. day at a surprise birthday party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Centre Street Whitby Knights of Columbus, Council 4895, is holding its an- nual New Year's Eve dance at Brock Street Taxi Service WHITBY (Staff) --An adver- tisement on this. page Thursday} may have puzzled some read-| AJAX (Staff) -- The young- ers. It offered transportation |est town in Ontario County will home on New Year's Eve free |declare May 15 to 22 as Cen- of charge. jtennial Week. North, with William Debosky in charge, assisted by members. An orchestra will provide music for dancing, There will be spot dance prizes and door prizes. Mrs. Grant Miller, celebrated This was obviously not the usual taxi service ad, But was there a catch in it? The answer is no. This serv- ice is being provided by a group of enterprising students from Anderson Collegiate and Voca- tional School, Whitby (but it has nothing to do with the school). The five boys are do- ing it simply as a public serv- ice, and something interesting to do, The lad who answered the phone when a Times reporter dialed the number in the ad said that he and his friends, aged 17 to 18, will be on duty at their base - his home -- day. They are willing to supply the com-|ca?, or just the driver if the pants and throw him out," said| pany with a representative of|Person concerned has his own Reeve Mrs. Jean Mc-jthe building's architect and|cat. They will have two or Deputy Pherson in the new Pickering! pyiider, agreed with them that|thTee vehicles available. This is the first time the stu- dents have done this. But the scheme has been carried out in Toronto in the past, said their spokesman, They have al- ready received some enquiries, All of the group are cheerfully giving up their own New Year's Eve celebrations to perform this service. SAIL ABOARD PLASTIC SOUTHAMPTON, England (CP)--The world's first plastic warship is being built in Hamp- shire for the Royal Navy, its hull being made of plastic pan- els as tough as steel. The ship tional craft, reducing fire! « sumption, thirds. | Ajax, which had its origin} early in the Second World War when Defense Industries Limit- ed set up a huge shell filling plant, will be celebrating its 25th birthday in 1967, Recommendations made by the Centennial Committee in- clude a stone cairn containing the nameplate "Ajax"' now on display in the town office. The cairn would be erected at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings. Crescent, A centennial plaque is te be installed in Centennial Park surrounding the new arena- community centre. MURALS SUGGESTED Council was asked to retain the old town hall until after the Victoria Day weekend cele- brations, It was suggested that murals depicting the nistory of the town be painted directly on the walls of the old ménicipal building. Also suggested was that coun-| cil hold an "Honors Night" at! the official opening of the new town hall to honor the past and present citizens of Ajax who have served the town through their dedicated public service. Clark Mason chairs the Centen- nial Committee, PICKERING VILLAGE The Pickering Village Cen- tennial Committee, under the chairmanship of Cyril Morley, is ready to swing into action at the stroke of midnight begin- ning the Canadian Centennial. Church bells will ring in the will weigh less than a corven-|restrained pealing. and time on hull'plans to hold a skating carni-| maintenance will be cut by \wo-|val for all village youngsters. | {In March the village library} year for 15 minutes of un-/| During February the village} Township Council Chamber| runners be placed over the red bp ag a dee carpet to prevent further dam- i. age. second sitting of the Magis:|"'She pointed out more than 2 trate's Court in the new building) dozen = vaatin in the broad: - addressed police and pub | joom to police and court repre- sentatives and made certain Two weeks ago she discovered that one of the officers would or a wee walt-to.|stay on duty until the court- township ratepayers about cleared, $3,000. to install, |LEAKY WINDOWS She said that she would try) Mrs. McPherson also pointed out to the builder and architect '" several windows which had not Gilbert Moves |stood up to the snowstorm on | Wednesday night. = | She said that one of the win- To Third Spot |dows on the second floor walk- \naa to i a per monpag ad opened during the storm, By THE CANADIAN PRESS | 'The architect advised her that Phil Goyette of New York|the windows were only tem- ---- -- up agen porary and would be replaced, a home game ag | Red Wings Thursday night to take second place in the Na- tional Hockey League individual gcoring race with three goals | and 2 8assists. | Still riding the top position is unstoppable Stan Mikita, the Chicago Black Hawks centre | who has 45 points, with 16 goals | and a league-leading 29 assists. Into third place Thursday stepped Rod Gilbert, New York Rangers' right winger, who hammered in two goals and amma up an assist against the ings to boost his goals total to a league-topping 19 and his assists to 11 for 30 points. Sharing third place is Mont- real's Bobby Rousseau with nine goals and 21 assists. One point behind them is Ken | Wharram of Chicago with 16) goals and 13 assists, Sixth is Norm Ullman of De- troit, who scored one goal against the Rangers Thursday to boost his goals. total to nine. Added to his 18 assists, this gives him 27 points, | Then come three players with 26 points ---Bert Marshall of New York, Bernie Geoffrion of New York and Gordie Howe of Detroit. -- . Four players follow with 23 points. They are Dennis Hull of Chicago, Pit Martin of Boston, Red Kelly of Toronto and Pierre Pilote of Chicago. Leaders: Scotiabank Six-year Savings Certificates: 1967 may be a great year -- but 1973 will be born rich. It's up to you. If you buy one Scotiabank Savings Certificate every payday starting now, you can give yourself an automatic raise beginning in just six years, You see, Scotiabank Savings Certificates increase in value every year, 25th Milestone will be officially opened and} will feature a collection of old photos of early village life, A high school drama and music festival has been planned for April by the Pickering High School, A tentative date of May 22 has been set for a fireworks Gisplay by the village firemen followed on May 23 by a vik lage flower show, An ecuminical service has been scheduled for June 18 and July 1 will see a parade in the village, A fall schoo] field day, an October costume ball and a December season decoration contest will round out the vil- lage Centennial year, PICKERING TOWNSHIP No definite Centennial pro- Warden Gould has one son, Russel of Toronto and one grandson. 3 ACCOMPLISHMENTS», / Mr, Gould said he saw~three major accomplishments during his term as warden the Beaverton Home for the Aged, Health Unit and the County County Assessment. The Beaverton Home for the Aged was started during his term of office to serve the elderly citizens in the northend of the county, The Health Unit became county wide under his adminis- tration growing from a half dozen municipalities to cover all 18 county municipalities. Beginning Jan. 1, 1967 Gordon Hepditch will beeome the coun- ty's assessment commissioner and a start will be made to equalize assessment throughout the county, The program is ex- pected to take three of four years. jlage Centennial Committee. gram has jellied in Pickering Township at this date. The date for the next Cen- tennial Committee meeting has not yet been set but it is ex-jiees. He said that the collection pected to be a public meeting|of taxes could now be done on jointly with the Pickering Vil-|@ county-wide basis. | The warden predicted that in ithe foreseeable future people in the county would demand fur- ther county-wide services, He said County-wide welfare could SERVICES GROWTH Warden Gould also sees a The township centennial chairman ig Milton Mowbray hi Noel Marshall as secre- ary. 0 ' Township centennial projects a S csi ha eohinki include a $10,000 enlarging and} The county, said Warden facelifting of the Township|Gould, could eventually provide further growth in County serv-| WILFRED GOULD 1966 W. H. GOULD CITES ACCOMPLISHMENTS services like police, fire --pro- tection and garbage collection, he said that the necessary legislation would permit a num- ber of services to be taken over by the County. , The warden suggested one of the stumbling blocks in the way of county services could be the desire of continued autonomy by the various municipalities, He said the idea would have to be sold to the people. "Education," said the war- den, "is county-wide now in several Ontario counties and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 20, 1966 § District Municipalities lan Centennial Events ane Canada yy into its tennial year, ha Bree, committees in Oshawa distri municinalities will gather im- petus in preparing birthday year activities, Only two have special plans to herald in the New Year but all have centennial projects rd events on the diary for 1967, Whitby will give the year a noisy send-off with a 100-gun salute by Mayor Desmond New- man and Councillor Vernon MacCar! outside the Fire Hall at midnight Dec. 31, and church bells will ring out. WATCHNIGHT SERVICE In East Whitby there will be a watchnight service in which all denominations will take part. This will be held at Columbus United Church New Year's Eve. The main projects in both areas require only the finish- ing touches. Whit has con- verted the former courthouse building into a community cen- tre, and in Columbus the old Township Hall has been reno- vated, and an addition made to it. In Bowmanville the project is in the field of recreation, Play- ground bg ogo and flood- lighting will be installed in two parks, with a picnic shelter be- ing added to one and a wading pool -to the other. TO OPEN PARKS Brooklin's committee is still will come for Ontario County," Mr. Gould also suggested tha' lanning for future development done on a county-wide basis. REGIONAL GOVERNMENT The warden gaid he felt the county should remain as a unit lin the foreseeable future and that the county would be re- garded as the basic area for regional government, He said that with a few modern the county system could continue to work well. Warden Gould also admitted he favored redistribution. He said redistribution had to come and should provide a more equal vote for the heavily popu- lated southern municipalities in the county. He added, however, that no combination of two or three, municipalities should be in a position te have the voting power to get control of county eouncil. changes, working on its plans, but it in- lew denaned l@nuscapes ly decorated for Port' Perry's project is an addition to its arena. No @pe> cial event is planned for New Year's Eve. In Neweastle the Hag | and will he enecial. the occasion. 10 WORLD ae BROCK, Evening Programs at 6:55, 8:25 WHITBY Lost Complete Show ot 8:25 giok' Row, i» Re, * \ Regine 6:55 & 10:00 P.M, The sed of warden has be- come a full time one," said Mr. Gould, who during the past year has. visited the County Building on an average of five times a eek, "T have tried te serve the office to the best of my abil- ity." Ww ATTRACTIVE ROOMS for RENT Moderate Weekly Retes A Le Carte Resteurent sf, ee mises. Apply JAMES MAHER. Whithy Hotel 207 Dundes West Whitby 668-2337 Museum at Brougham; while $12,000 will be spent to obtain) a centennial park in the town- ship. The site of the park will be an | eight-and-a-half acre parcel of land on the Brock Road, north of Highway 2. FREE... Transportation Home New Year's Eve For Particulars Call 668-4502 If You Drink Don't Drive CALL US Holiday period. JOHN R. Clerk Administrator NOTICE HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION AND CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP NEW YEAR'S: There will be no garbage collection on Monday, January 2nd. Garbage normally collected on this dey will be picked up on Tuesday, January 3rd, CHRISTMAS TREES will be picked up during the week of January 9th - 14th on your regular garbage collection doy. Please have all garbage aut by 8:00 o.m, the doy of eellection to ensure pick up as extra trucks will be assigned during the FROST An Invitation to the Citizens of Whitby PROGRAMME ionengt CENTENNIAL SERVICE NEW YEAR'S EVE -- 1966 ot 11:30 P.M, In The Municipal Building 405 Dundas St, West, WHITBY 11:30------God Save the Queen 11:35---Call to Worship with Rabbi M. Kutziner 11;40--Hymn of Thanksgiving tem COLUNBIACOLOR wes Revie oe SATURDAY MATINE® AT 1:30 -- Show Out 4:30 Arrow Leasing LTD. BROCK and GILBERT STS, -- WHITBY Announce the Opening of a New Agency at... Fleming Auto Service Ltd. PH: 668-6866 Pick-Up -- Stakes and Vans Available at Low Rates be TALKS GARS NEW YEAR This is the time ef year when we should all add up eur assets and count our blessings, Some of these are spelled 'a$$et$' and some are spelled 'assets'. The 'e$$et$' of course keep a roof over our heads but the other 'ossets' of living in @ frag society and being able to seek happiness in our ewn wey make life under that reof worthwhile. This is the time for pledges, We're going to play safe by sticking te the ones we've made throughout the year, Thet le, we promise te sell used cars as good as honest recendi can make them at the lowest possible price ond to spare ne effort te help you get the maximum satisfaction out ef your new car, It will continue te be our aim to attract greoter numbers of customers who are seeking honest treatment, good serviee GA Pts. Pen. 16 29 45 3 19 9 16 At term, they're worth a full third more than you paid for them. That's $10 for every $7,50 you put in now. So, six years after you've bought your first one, you can start cashing them each payday, at their increased value. Many happy returns. Mikita, Chi. Goyette, N.Y. Gilbert, N.Y. Rousseau, Mtl Wharram, Chi. Ullman, Det. Marshall, N.Y. Geof'on, N.Y. Howe, Detroit D. Hull, Chi. Martin, Bos. Kelly, Toronto 8 Pilote, Chieago 4 and fair dealings with an absence of "gimmick" promotions and hard sell double talk, We'd like to thank our many for the ce they heve shown in us by buying their cor from us and letting us service It, We'll continue te wf and deserve that confidence, oe Ss Eeedy state, "To Be On The Sofeside, Deal With jorthaide". We wish a Happy New Year to you and yours. : Ayself and My Stoff 11:45--Scripture Reading and Address with Rev, $. Armstrong 11:50---Hymn of Adoration 11;55---Reading of Messages to: --His Excellency the Governor General of Canada --The Honorable The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Ih --His Worship Mayor D. G. Newman 12:00----Benediction with Rev. B, Varcoe The Citizens of Whitby ere cordially invited te come end teke pert in @ Service to usher in Canada's Centennial Year. £4, mae bo mee ~ 8 12 9 DODEE Svs oo oo Ns OAs Bent oy The Bank of Nova Scotia Scotiabank Savings Certificates = One of Scotiabank's Seventy Services. BOLSHOI MAKES DEBUT The Bolshoi Opera of Russia will make its American debut at Expo 67, presenting four all THSIDE CHRYSLER