HERE COMES THE TRUCK! LOAD THE PRISONERS ABOARD... HOOK IT UP TO, THE.SAM CONTROL VAN, left - hand opponent "H Three Ni . card. would you lead with b of the .... following 'five hands? " sy epee COME ON, GANG::- "VE GOT EVERYTHING SET UP TO PLAY BLOBBO ddd dd i828 | chief reason for this need less from Spades to develop your suit you do in diamonds. . m If partner has either the ace or queen of spades, your suit is almost sure to run as,s00n as | you ' of establishing your diamonds at once is not nearly so good. In lost cases, your os! would need two diamond honors - ees in order to quickly establish, ie. your suit, and this is not nearly | pag he as likely as finding your partner . were 2. with one high spade honor, 2. Jack of hearts, You have a. poor hand, but don't give up just because the outlook is un- . promising. Partner probably has five or six hearts, since . the opponents failed to investi gate a major suit game, and the best chance of hitting pay dirt is by shooting for partner's >- long suit with your opening lead. 3. Queen of clubs. You can't expect to beat the contract un-" less partner has at least one trick. You hope to win two clubs, two diamonds and your partner's trick in either spades or hearts, or, if your partner has the ace or king of-clubs, three club tricks and two dia- monds. ' The club lead can scarcely. lose a trick, whereas a diamon lead might. At the same time,. it also serves as an attacking lead. : : 4: Queen of hearts. Here you, should be willing to give de. clarer a heart trick (he prob- ably has the king) which he. would not otherwise get, be-. cause you hope that partner. will take the lead in time to return a heart and defeat the. contract. The ten of diamonds. lead, while ordinarily attrac-. tive with this combination, is . {not aggressive enough. It is a "safe" lead, but this is not the. hand for it, j ; 5. Five of clubs. Here, also, ' you should be willing to give. away the first trick in the ex- pectation of getting it back with interest later on. To start out: with the king instead of a low club will often prove fatal if: partner has only two clubs. : You have to assume that part- E BY THAT TIME, HE'LL EAT HIS WAY oo a OUR YEAR'S F mr EX 2 SECRET AGENT X9 *PERFECT RECEPTION ° NO ANTENNA ENJOY THE BEST IN TV INSTALL =@-C¥CX3-3==(0( FOR '67 06000G--i Limited 10 CHANNELS 600 KING ST.E. (EAST MALL),. 723-5278 There's More To See With Cable TV TELEVISION LOG 9:00 P.M. 12--Movie 7--Milton Berle 6--Movie Oshawa HUBERT 10:38 A.M, |--Hobby Time | 9-4--Space Ghost it | 8-2--Space Kidettes 4--Movie | 3--Popeye and Gumby 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. | 7--Beaties 9:30 P.M, | 11:08 A.M, 1i--Pat Patrol | 9--Lone Ranger 9--It"s Your Move 8-2--Cool McCool 2-8--T.H.E. Cat 7--Casper 4--Superman 10:00 P.M. | B On Safari \1--Merv Griffin 2-8--Larado | 1:30 A.M, 9--Run for Your Life Vi--Your Home and | 712 tie High Garden | 3--Tim nnel 5:00 PLM. e Tunne Pag er Sam 12--Rocky end Friends | 11:00 P.M. 9--Beatles Channel 12--Peterborough Channel 11--Hamiltee Channel %-Toronte Channe! 6--Rochester Channe! 7--Buftate Channel 6--Toronte Channet 4--Buttale 3--Barrte Cnanne: 2--Buftale GO HOME,' SHOO!? YOUR MAIL, SIR! FRIDAY 11--Family Theatre 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News 6--Super 6 8-Superman Weather, Sports +-Jersons 7---Highway Patrol | | 4--Lone Ranger 6--Fiipper | 11:20 P.M, | 3~-Hawkeye Movie | 6~Viewpoint | | 12 NOON |11--Dennis the Menace 9--Movie 7--Gator Bowl 6--Pinzcehio 5:30 P.M. ve = ists P.M. 12--F Troop Pierre Berton &--ieave it to Beaver 6--News, Weather, Sports 7--Brand New Year 4--Skiing with Stein Dob 6--Let's Sing Out 2--Passport Two 2-8--Johnny Carson | 6:08 P.M. 7---Movie | bigeye coerts with | 4--Movie jealy le 11.35. PiM. 4--Movie PY ey v 6--Run, Buddy, Run easpray sf Movie 9--Si 6:38 PLM, 12--Jron Horse Ni--Plerre Berton 11:40 PLM, | 12--Bourbon St. Beat 9--Movie 9-6-3--News, Weather STARTED ME. CRIMINAL, PHILISTINE, I COULDN'T CONTROL AN IDIOT, ETC, MYSELF! 11.45 P.M, é--Movie 11:55 P.M, Ni--Movie is 2-6--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News +0 I'M SPENDING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS--FULL TIME-- REHEARSING WITH MR. STANISLAVSKY. AND I CERTAINLY WON'T HAVE ANY TIME-- ANY -- FoR You !/ 7:00 P.M. 1--It's About Time 1:00 P.M. 9--Pruitts of Southampton! 2--Movie 8--Wonderful World | 6--TBA SATURDAY 2--News, Weather | 8:00 A.M. 11--Hawkeye 8--Davey and Gollath 4--Captain Kangeroo | 2--Clutch Cargo 8:30 A.M. N--ScMnitze! House 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8--Three Stooges } 7--Rocketship 7 2--Hercules | 9:00 AM. | 4--Fun to Learn 2--Mr. Magoo ports 4--People Are Funny 3--Hong Kong 7:20 P.M. ¥--News, Weather, Sport: 7:3 PM. 12--Rat Patrol Time Turmel 9--Iron Horse 11--Mark 32\-Tarzan 7--Creen Hornet 6--Rat Patrol 4--Wild, Wiid West 9:30 A.M. pose ald J. Steed 3T.B.A. 2-Stingray 10: 9--Stingray &--Secret Squirrel 7--Popeye, bag " r. 2--Sinbad Jr. 4--Hogan's Heroes 4--Road Runner 11:38 PM, | 2-8--Top Cat 3--News gles 3--Ernie Lindell | 2-8--Smithsonian 1:00 P.M. '1--Teach-in 4--Cott 2-8--Animal Secrets | 1:30 P.M. | B--Movie 2--Movie 2:00 P.M. | 36-12--CBC Sports Presents 2.15 P.M, | 4--Cotton Bow! | 3.00 P.M, 3:38 P.M. 11---Outdoors Unlimited 7--Milteon the Monster | 4:0 |11--Sir Lancelot 9--After Four 8--Harness Racing P.M, 4.30 P. 2-8--East-West Game Wide World of Sports) pery, Does one kind travel YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I under- stand there are two types of x-rays, and the other with sur- CROSSWORD 2. Orienta? nurse 3. Caution 4. Before 24. 5. Proportion 6. Breach 7. Monkey. like 26. 8. White 23. Revolu- T GOT "EM CONFUSED WITH THE ONES OVER THESE PLANTS THERE, BUTCH,/ GRANDMA ? = + AND WATERING MY BY MISTAKE I'VE BEEN } PLASTIC PLANTS / DUSTING THESE REAL |} PLANTS... House dog 28. 9. Shread 10. Battle plan 29. Thin 17. Farm vehicle 19. Skin tumor 20. Pair 22. Valise thin layers 35. Sloping IGIRIATV BS /O/Mie.| EBOlVio}! [o) RIE itis fat LTR IUIMIAIN MB AIR IT |S) IRIE IGIE NIC] a Bo Sw Ll RIT IVIAIL [SMM AGIUIE Frist cle mms SIrISi Emme /RIEIcIr] COMME Ham faster than the other?--D. Y. No, that's not quite the way it is. Actually there are many types of cancer, but that isn't what dictates the type of treat- ment. If a cancer is found early and Ici] |can be removed totally by sur- gery, that's that. Sometimes a cancer is so located that surgical removal is impossible, or is highly dan- gerous because of risk of dam- aging other organs. In such cases, powerful, con- centrated x-ray beams can de- stroy the cancer cells while doing much less damage to normal cells. (Heavy x-ray bombardment is bound to do ISICIOINTE | j 2 [3 s ZA" some harm, but cancer cells are far more sensitive to the rays than healthy flesh.) i iz Again, x-ray may obliterate a cancer with less scarring. Or, % in still other cases, surgery to remove the cancer may be fol- lowed by x-ray as a precaution TO LOCK UP THE if there is any suspicion that some malignant cells may re- DESK WHERE I KEEP MY main near the site of the oper- ation. STATIONERY For still another possibility, often very useful, the s thay be reversed. X-ray is used to shrink the tumor, after which it can more safely and easily be removed by surgery. In some instances a tumor may be inco-operable, and may have begun to spread to other 48. Girl's name 49. Large tissues. (Metastasized is the term.) In that case we know that it is bound to spread fur- ther and we cannot prevent it. But we can slow it down. In X-Ray Treatment Kills Cancer Cells By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Trpnamplonship BowlnS By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD AM. &--Roller Derby 3--Wrestling a-Let's Go to the Races! cancer, one that is treated with some instances, advanced 'breast cancer for one, a combi- nation of x-ray and hormone or other medical reatment can be far superior to eiher method used alone. In the last 10 or 15 years there have been cases of women apparently hopelessly ill. and bedridden and ex- hausted, who with this treat- ment were able to get up, put on weight, feel fine and be able to take care of their families. This is important to a woman who wants to live long enough to see her children grow up, and they especially welcome these extra years of active, comfortable life. Thus there are many consid- erations, and the choice of x-ray or surgery does not indi- cate either the type of cancer or is seriousness. Dear Dr. Molner: This has been troubling me. If I had my tubes clipped and ied, could I become pregnant again?-- Mrs. M. 8. There seems to be a misun- derstanding of the term "tied." An ovum must pass through the Fallopian tubes in order for pregnancy to occur. When the tubes are cut and tied, the tying quishing the lead. Only if you had a side entry would you con- . yond starting with the king of Ss. ; Dutch Conflict End In Sight ¢ THE HAGUE (CP) -- Dutch * authorities were able to speak today with the eight Chinese t technicians blocked inside the a legation here since July $ The development was believed -- to herald the end of the diplo- t matic row which began betweén China and The Netherlands when legation personnel . kid- napped a technician from a hos- £ pital here, where police had taken him after finding him" critically injured in the 'street. He died inside the legation. Since then Dutch authorities have refused to let the eight re- maining technicians leave with- out questioning them first. f have recently been. told that this drink is harmful because of the sun's rays affecting the tannic acid in the tea--E. B. I cannot conceive how the sun's rays could be harmful, in such circumstances, so I'd: ig- nore this "warning" as just fiction. SALLY'S SALLIES a ak ee. oa! ee ed ae: ios "Well, this is another. thing to complain about." consists of tying a _ suture around the ends of each cut tube. The tubes themselves are not knotted. The severed tubes cannot reunite spontaneously. Sometimes. they can be put back together. surgically, but very often they can't. Dear Dr. Molner: Here in Phoenix we make "'sun tea" or "squaw brew" just about evéry day. It is made by putting a large tea bag in a half-gallon jar of water arid letting it stand in the sun for several hours. We , EARN. UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hoirdressing Schools in. principal cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free " brechure, write or visit. : MARVEL BEAUTY é SCHOOLS 4 Estoblished over 40 years " Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W. TORONTO a.